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Most embarassing moments on your cruise. What are they? :-)


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We just got off the Explorer. While this wasn't embarrassing for me I was embarrassed for the people involved - and sad/irritated by it too.


There was couple who clearly were not getting along. For whatever reason it seems we bumped into them a lot. Upon reboarding in Bermuda the wife was brow beating hubby. ("You are an a**hole, go home to your mother, I want a divorce, you are a useless piece of sh**). You get the picture. She as just NOT letting up. I was embarrassed to be over hearing it and was embarrassed for the man who was just standing there and trying to appear friendly/happy and she was just getting more and more obnoxious and pissed with him. When the RCI attendant asked for her ID upon boarding she said "My husband has it but he won't be my husband much longer." The rep laughed and then she snapped, "Don't laugh a**hole I'm serious!"


I mean REALLY this is VACATION lady! We saw hubby and teenage son several more times but never her. Maybe he tossed her overboard. Or maybe she flew home from Bermuda.

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Mine isn’t as funny as some of the others here, but plenty embarrassing for us. Let me preface by saying that my DH is one of the nicest, most charming people you would ever meet. Everywhere he goes, people are just naturally attracted to him, and our cruise was no different.

We were about midway through our cruise when I was completely fed up with the fact that neither of us had a watch and our cell phones were totally useless, so we decided to buy a cheapie onboard. After he found one that wasn’t too offensive, he ran into someone he’d met in the casino. The guy asked if we’d bought anything, and DH proudly held up his wrist and said, “Ten- dollar watch!”

His friend then held up his own wrist and said, “Well, look what I found for twenty-three! Tag Heuer.” My husband asked him where he’d bought it and the guy pointed to the shop and then walked away.

Now, if pressed, I wouldn’t know the difference between a Rolex and a Timex, and DH knows even less, but obviously it was a name brand, maybe good for X-mas gifts? So, as we started walking toward this particular shop, we kept running into people he’d befriended. And, he would tell the story of cheap designer watches, they started to follow us. In just a few seconds, there were about 7 or 8 of walking into this jewelry store asking to see the $23 Tag Heuer watches. While the poor salesman was stammering and trying to be polite, the first guy tapped DH on the shoulder and said, “I think you misunderstood. I meant they were twenty-three hundred dollars.” :o

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I really debated whether to post this or not, but I have had so much fun reading these over the last year, that I figured what the heck--I have to laugh at myself! SO, on an Eastern Caribbean cruise a few weeks ago, this is what happened to me...

When I am cruising, I usually just put a swimsuit on and then my shorts or whatever over it. That way I am ready for the pool at some point in the day. I did that this time, too. But the first several days of our cruise were not very good weather, cloudy, rainy, etc. So, on the day we were in St. Maarten, I just decided to get dressed in normal attire, since I wanted to go on shore to take some pics of our ship from there. We had breakfast and were walking around when my husband went over to one of the bars to get a soda and brings me back a Harp's lager. (That really has nothing to do with it, but I wish I could claim that was the reason for what I did!!) Then we see that it is partially sunny so we go to the pool deck and we decide to stay there for awhile since the weather seemed to be breaking. My 16 yr old son went in the whirlpool and I went over to a lounge chair, put my towel down and proceeded to take off my shorts and t shirt. About the time I realized that something didn't feel right was the time I saw the look on my husband's face. I was standing there in my undies!! My son was nearly going underwater he was laughing so hard! I grabbed my towel and sat down, tried to grab my clothes. I looked at my husband and said "Help me!" He shook his head and walked over to the whirlpool and got in! I was laughing so hard I was crying while trying to get dressed! I don't think my family will ever let me live that one down!!


That is really funny. Thanks for deciding to share. I can see myself doing the exact same thing.

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A few years back we were on the Miracle I was a few drinks into the evening and went to the bathroom now I had on a nice comfy skirt and when I was walking across the deck feeling pretty good a very nice lady stopped me and pulled by skirt out of my undies. I have not worn that skirt since. :D

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2008 carnival miracle cruise. I attempted to do the galley tour with my husband. As soon as we entered the galley My stomach started feeling funny. I tried to make it to the bathroom but ended up throwing up in the middle if deck 3 by the elevators. Feeling shame I told the room steward that ws near by. That someone had an accident in the hall. 

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Like another poster, I had just come out of the buffet with a plate of nachos and once I hit outside, a big gust of wind carried then away and a massive glob of cheese and nachos landed squarely on the face of this older woman. Meanwhile, the wind is continuing to blow and the nachos are continuing to fly and she was batting them away like Wonder Woman bats away bullets. It only lasted about 2-3 seconds but it was like slow motion. She had all of these nacho chips stuck to her with globs of cheese. Thankfully, she was laughing about it.


Another time, I was riding the elevator with this gentleman - just him and me - and you could see him shift from left foot to right. I then heard the beginnings of a fart and, not to be gross, but you could hear the fact that he was trying to contain it by the difference in 'pitch'. Again, not to be gross but it must have lasted 30 seconds. Meanwhile, I'm facing the door, praying the elevator goes faster and trying not to blow my ear drums out by not laughing. Finally, we got to his floor and he dashes out. I followed and took the stairs the remaining two flights.



Great stories. You painted a great word picture of the woman swatting away nachos. Too funny.

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  • 1 month later...
Like another poster, I had just come out of the buffet with a plate of nachos and once I hit outside, a big gust of wind carried then away and a massive glob of cheese and nachos landed squarely on the face of this older woman. Meanwhile, the wind is continuing to blow and the nachos are continuing to fly and she was batting them away like Wonder Woman bats away bullets. It only lasted about 2-3 seconds but it was like slow motion. She had all of these nacho chips stuck to her with globs of cheese. Thankfully, she was laughing about it.


Another time, I was riding the elevator with this gentleman - just him and me - and you could see him shift from left foot to right. I then heard the beginnings of a fart and, not to be gross, but you could hear the fact that he was trying to contain it by the difference in 'pitch'. Again, not to be gross but it must have lasted 30 seconds. Meanwhile, I'm facing the door, praying the elevator goes faster and trying not to blow my ear drums out by not laughing. Finally, we got to his floor and he dashes out. I followed and took the stairs the remaining two flights.


all of the stories on this thread are funny, but yours actually made me laugh out loud! thats right, i LOL'd! funnyyyyyy!:D

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After a wonderful lunch with a glass or two of wine I decided to do a little topless sunbathing on the secuded balcony of our suite. Fell fast asleep in the warmth of the afternoon sun and awoke to find an Italian cruiseship had anchored alongside. I was on the level of the buffet restaurant !!! Much hilarity at dinner that evening.

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I was on the Song of Norway in 1974 and we were rockin and a rolling. I was getting sicker by the moment. But I was stubburn and refused to go back to my cabin It was Formal night and new to cruising then and didn't want to miss meeting the captain. Just as I was being introduced the dam broke and his uniform wasnt so nice and clean any more. The humiliation was total!:eek:


you tossed your cookies on the Captain?


That is priceless

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  • 1 year later...

It was the last port day in Hawaii, our excursions and excursion money was depleted, so we decided to hang out by the pool. Plenty of lounge chairs available, but for the most part the area was nonetheless fairly well populated. The entire family is sitting together and the kids are having their own conversation (probably World of Warcraft), and hubby and I are just laying there. I feel a tickle on my leg, look down and there's a wasp, yes, a wasp, walking around on my thigh. ::Now, please bear in mind that I'm bug phobic:: I simultaneously jump up, scream a screech that would make the ships horn envious, break a fingernail on the chair down to the nub and ... wait for it ... spontaneously pass gas.




Needless to say, nobody else near me saw the wasp, including my husband and kids.

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Been reading this thread and I am shocked. Seems all these stories of couples getting amorous on board and doing all these love making things. Didn't have any idea this was going on while on board. Going to have to let my wife in on this little secret for our upcoming cruise. Might have to cancel a couple reservations we have. Ha Ha (this is all very tongue in cheek of course)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, first cruise, back in 1988, on the Carnivale. Got it as a HS grad present from the parents. Booked as a 'singles' cruise, though there weren't that many onboard. Was in a 4-person cabin with 4 buddies.


About the fourth night of the cruise, one friend, a small guy, gets fried on his first Carnivale special drink. Turns into a ferret on caffeine... for about 20 min. Then zonks out. Cold. So we have to haul him back to the cabin to sleep it off. As we're coming out of the cabin, having tucked him in, the girls in the cabin next door come out. We start talking, and talking, and tell them about our passed out friend. We all decide we should take pictures. Of him. With the girls. And his camera. (I'll leave the poses to your imagination)


So after that deed was done, and we're out in the hall chatting up the girls, who should come out of our cabin but our (formerly) comatose friend. Only now he's in his boxers and... his life vest. And 'wielding' his plastic sword from his drink. And he's running down the hallway, stabbing the fish murals and screaming at the top of his lungs.


We didn't let him drink again for the rest of the cruise.


And made sure his girlfriend saw the pictures after they were developed.

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A few cruises back, my wife got sunburned really bad on her shoulders and back and arms, so I took a picture.


When I got back and posted it on Facebook, a relative called shortly after and let us know that my wife's boob was fully visible in the mirror behind her :(


I am much more careful when taking (and posting) pictures now!


~Bill S.

Dallas, TX

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On the final morning of my first cruise, I was getting dressed to go to breakfast when I realized that I had no bra to wear! I had packed it away the evening before when we put the luggage outside the cabin for pickup. I had to go to breakfast and experience my first disembarkation, bra-less!! I'm sure I was more acutely aware than anyone else, so I always make sure to tell my clients to leave their bra out when packing on that last night! LOL!!!

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I was out way too late one night on the ship and came back to the room throwing my clothes off as I made my way to the bed. I jumped in bed and fell asleep in about a minute. The next morning I woke up and stretched and ran my fingers through my hair only to discover what looked like blood all over my hands. I got up and ran to the bathroom only to figure out that I evidently had failed to remove the chocolate from my pillow the night before and the heat from my head had melted it right out of the package and on to my head. I ALWAYS CHECK NOW!

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My moment was on our honeymoon cruise in 2005, our first together. Wife says I should dress and go up to a specific bar and wait for her, don't get picked up she stated. It was formal night so I was wearing my dress blues (US Army Ret.) with many stripes and medals. Sat at bar, only patron, ordered drink and suddenly a hand is on my sleeve belonging to a nice looking lady. "Aren't you dashing in your uniform. (strong British accent). May I have my picture taken with you?" I said yes and as we walked to the photo area she asked if I was enjoying the cruise. Naturally I said yes, I'm here on my honeymoon (displayed new ring proudly). "That's very nice, how lucky" We turn the corner and there is her friend with a camera. Her friend blurts out in a loud voice, "BLIMEY, CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S GOT A WEDDING RING ON?!" Took picture, she thanked me and I thanked her. When she saw me during the cruise she turned and walked quickly away. Explained it all to my wife when she arrived, thankfully the bar tendar confirmed my story and innocence. After that it was "Oh, there's the Captain!" (happens on every cruise).

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On my very first cruise, I was getting some lunch in Windjammer, and I head over to get a drink. The floor was wet and my sandals had very smooth soles. I slipped, and landed on my butt. My plate of food goes everywhere. Tons of people are staring at me, and I did the only thing you can do in that situation - laugh and get myself up. :o

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It was the last port day in Hawaii, our excursions and excursion money was depleted, so we decided to hang out by the pool. Plenty of lounge chairs available, but for the most part the area was nonetheless fairly well populated. The entire family is sitting together and the kids are having their own conversation (probably World of Warcraft), and hubby and I are just laying there. I feel a tickle on my leg, look down and there's a wasp, yes, a wasp, walking around on my thigh. ::Now, please bear in mind that I'm bug phobic:: I simultaneously jump up, scream a screech that would make the ships horn envious, break a fingernail on the chair down to the nub and ... wait for it ... spontaneously pass gas.




Needless to say, nobody else near me saw the wasp, including my husband and kids.


THAT was funny!! My story is ugh..you all decide :confused: Ok, on my 2nd cruise went to a meet n greet with Cruise critics....had a wonderful time! Met alllllll kinds of people. Finally able to put faces to the "posts." UNTIL:


Everyone decides to take a group picture. I said no no no I'll just sit this one out (I have a neuro muscular disease and decided to not use my wheelchair:rolleyes: dumb me!) I was talked into it and as luck would have it, I was to sit on the floor in the front (yep, I'm a shorty!) N e way....ok, I have to add that I have a catheter in place and a bag strapped to my leg.


I slid down...landed on the floor, bag unhooked...urine all over my pants. Of course I did the most graceful thing.....I hauled BUTT out of there.

Unfortunately had to go back because I left my SNS card on a table :mad:


Fortunately, the photo (with me in it) was never posted (thank you to whomever you are that took that picture!)


Yes, that was embarrassing....everytime I heard "Hey aren't you Gammiedoux?" I cringed!!!:rolleyes:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Place: St. Thomas last year on honeymoon cruise:


Subject: Turtle Cove Power Snorkel Temper Tantrum.


Mind you that this was last summer and I was 33, far beyond the age of throwing a tantrum, but I did. I got in the water and my goggles fogged up. I went through the routines that we were told to go through if our goggles fogged up, but my goggles fogged up 4 more times. Because of that I could not focus properly on operating the power snorkel equipment. So I freaked out threw my goggles across the water...a few times...my wife laughed at me and continued snorkeling successfully...swam back to the boat, gave the crew back my stuff and sat down annoyed.


...Yeah, grow the hell up Bart!!! :o


I'm just glad that I calmly gave the equipment back to the crew and didn't complain, because it wasn't their fault and I could have easily gotten another pair of goggles or given back the power steering, so that I could just worry about snorkeling and not operating it while defogging my goggles.


Once again...yeah, grow the hell up Bart!!! :o :D

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not really a cruise story, but a travel story -


Just recently lost 65 pounds. We were headed to Florida for a trip a couple of weeks ago. Took our 14 yr old grand niece along. Even though I've purchased smaller pants, they were a bit loose as I'm continuing to lose. Fine when cinched w/ a belt, but of course the TSA folks make you take that off. With the new full body scanners they have you put your hands up above your head and as I did that, the pants dropped to my knees.


Apparently the only ones who saw that (or at least would admit to it *L*) were my grand niece and the TSA lady. Once more case where Mom's admonitions to go out in public in clean undies paid off.


Needless to say, on the return trip. I pulled the pants almost up to my armpits before entering the scanner and avoided a playback.

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I had a hamburger and at the condiment table I was openeing a packet of ketchup. It decided to jet propel a stream right across the face and hair of the person next to me. I could have died on the spot, but all I could do was say I'm so sorry!

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Last month on an Arctic cruise we were invited to dine at the Captain's table. We still have no idea how or why we were chosen :confused: At any rate we were sitting when the senior officers came by to be introduced. As I stand up to shake hands, somehow I managed to hit and knock over my full glass of red wine :eek: Luckily for everyone, no one got splashed - just the table and the carpet - just a wee bit embarrassing :o

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