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Sickness on Carnival Miracle


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[quote name='SaltyBunni']The Noro Virus is an extremely aggressive virus that can affect everyone you come in contact with - and it can spread through [B]indirect[/B] contact.

For the elderly, it can be potentially life threatening.

You and your girl went out into port. Where other ships go too.

Can you imagine how wide spread this could be in a short amount of time? That is the reason for the quarrantine.

The fact that you could have infected the entire ship, the port, and other cruise lines by violating the quarrantine..?

Call Carnival and tell them how they ruined your vacation and demand compensation. It's soooo not fair to ask you to stay in your room.

And yes, your girl would've been quarrantined too. I guess that's why you didnt bother to have her report to the infirmary.

But hey - let's go to the show! Let's go eat at the buffet! Who cares about anyone else? I should obviously be allowed to do anything I want because I paid for it - right?

It's sucks to get sick - and for that you have my compassion - but the rest? I'm simply grateful I wasnt on your sailing.

Reminds me of the guy that got mad at Carnival because he was bleeding internally and Carnival put him off the ship so he could seek proper medical attention.[/QUOTE]

You obviously did not read my entire posting. I never went to the "buffet, show" or thought to myself "I don't care about others!" I was feeling better, I had no clue that it was so contagious, so I got off in Panama. I really wanted to see the port. I now understand how it was a mistake but what you guys are saying is ridiculous. And once again, I DID NOT SAY I NEED COMPENSATION. I was wondering who has been in the sitation in the past.

There was absolutely no need for this thread to be brought back up, I wish it would just die. And once again, do not judge me or compare me to anybody. You have never met me and you have no idea what my attitude is toward other people.
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[quote name='teddygurl28']i think part of the problem with people on this board is how they are reading the original op's message. I met shane on the cruise and both he and his girlfriend are kind people, and were not selfish in any way getting off of the ship. he was asking if they did any type of compensation because other people got it in the past, he does not come off as a person who feels entitled to it and demanding it. I feel like some of you are reading his post as he is demanding so much from carnival. all he was doing was asking for more experienced cruisers opinions. Yes he got valuable advice that he shouldnt have gotten off the ship-to late he did-and you know what im sure there were tons of other people who were sick who didnt go to the ship doctor who got off the boat too and who wandered around the boat all day and possibly spread some disease, so you shouldnt harp on him so badly. for those of you who complain about him i feel bad for you that you have to degrade someone on a message board that you have never met, if that makes you feel better about yourself then thats too bad, but he asked a question, he got an answer, hes sorry for risking anyones health, let it go already[/QUOTE]

Hey there! Thank you very much for trying to make them understand where I was coming from. I never felt I was owed something I was just curious what has happened in the past. Either way, I am over these guys and I genuinely regret risking the health of others on our boat. I wish I could have got to know you guys better, who knows, maybe one day all of us will be on the same boat again!

Thanks again,
Shane Arsenault
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[quote name='Sundagger']Dave,

If you're not completely sick of the topic, what you might do is to write to Carnival and tell them that you contracted the disease, but felt that the ship/doctor provided insufficient information to you. If there isn't already, there should be an information sheet handed out to all passengers who may have Norovirus giving the various aspects of the disease that you felt weren't presented clearly. It would benefit untold numbers of subsequent passengers.[/QUOTE]

Hello! That is a good idea. You are right, I am sick of the whole situation for now and I just want to forget about it, but maybe Carnival should be more descriptive with how the virus is spread. Hell, they never even gave me a name of it, or symptoms, causes, anything. I got three small yellow envelopes of medication and a paper explaining how to stop myself from vomiting in the case of "Gastro-Intestinal Diseases."

Either way, I have long since decided not to contact them about compensation, and I actually booked another cruise for next month. I will get to make up for all of the stuff I missed on Miracle!

Thanks again for the suggestion,
Shane A.
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Sorry ya'll got sick. The harsh replies are the reason I think very carefully before posting anything on this board. I have learned so much from so many on here but too many people say things I hope they don't actually say in their day to day life. To write things about a person's character based on one post is just so uncalled for. I am so disheartened at times that people treat each other this way and then try to justify it. You may have been wrong in some of your actions, Shane, but I have a feeling you didn't need to be knocked over the head to be shown that. Too bad we couldn't have been more caring in providing information and a whole lot less judgemental. Have fun on your next cruise!
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[quote name='Sundagger']Dave,

If you're not completely sick of the topic, what you might do is to write to Carnival and tell them that you contracted the disease, but felt that the ship/doctor provided insufficient information to you. If there isn't already, there should be an information sheet handed out to all passengers who may have Norovirus giving the various aspects of the disease that you felt weren't presented clearly. It would benefit untold numbers of subsequent passengers.[/quote]
I was on this cruise too. On one of the Carnival TV channels they had a continuous loop running about the virus, how contageous it was, how not to get it and what to do if you, so you can't really argue it wasn't presentd clearly.
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I, for one, would like to apologize for jumping to any false conclusions regarding Shane's original post. I read into it wrong as well (as can happen sometimes on internet boards). I think that the way that Shane has carried himself in the last week or so has spoken larger volumes to his character than anything I could have inferred from his original posting.
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[quote name='CSIMelissa']I was on this cruise too. On one of the Carnival TV channels they had a continuous loop running about the virus, how contageous it was, how not to get it and what to do if you, so you can't really argue it wasn't presentd clearly.[/quote]

Come on! Who on a cruise actually watches that channel? I was on that cruise also and I never saw that channel. Plus, [B]would anyone even consider, [/B]if they were sick, that they might be able to surf through the tv stations and find information on the virus? I wouldn't unless I was told by the ship's doctor, "check out channel such and such, it'll tell you all about this nasty virus!" He said he was given very little information. Shane sounds like a caring, intelligent young man. He surprised his girlfriend with a cruise. He's a good kid--we need more like him. Cut him a break! Have none of us ever made a mistake? Please, get over your big bad selves!

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[quote name='DoeCO']Come on! Who on a cruise actually watches that channel? I was on that cruise also and I never saw that channel. Plus, [B]would anyone even consider, [/B]if they were sick, that they might be able to surf through the tv stations and find information on the virus? I wouldn't unless I was told by the ship's doctor, "check out channel such and such, it'll tell you all about this nasty virus!" He said he was given very little information. Shane sounds like a caring, intelligent young man. He surprised his girlfriend with a cruise. He's a good kid--we need more like him. Cut him a break! Have none of us ever made a mistake? Please, get over your big bad selves!


Thanks for your kind reply. I brought a DVD player along so the only time I ever watched the TV was the Discovery channel loops they had. Didn't know there was a health channel or I probably should have watched that when I was in my room those days. :D

And Melissa, I am not trying to "argue" anything. I am not contacting them and the whole situation is in the past. I have booked the Sensation for next month and am about to book the Miracle again in December for the Southern Caribbean trip! Thanks for the reply I though, I guess.

I really don't think there's any point in keeping this discussion going. People are just judging each other now and nobody is learning anything new. So hopefully this post marks the end of the thread and whomever reads the initial post for the first time, please keep your thoughts about me to yourself. I have learned what to do next time and I simply want to forget I ever got sick! Let's all look forward to going on our next cruise! :)
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[quote name='DoeCO']Come on! Who on a cruise actually watches that channel? I was on that cruise also and I never saw that channel. Plus, [B]would anyone even consider, [/B]if they were sick, that they might be able to surf through the tv stations and find information on the virus? I wouldn't unless I was told by the ship's doctor, "check out channel such and such, it'll tell you all about this nasty virus!" He said he was given very little information. Shane sounds like a caring, intelligent young man. He surprised his girlfriend with a cruise. He's a good kid--we need more like him. Cut him a break! Have none of us ever made a mistake? Please, get over your big bad selves!


One of the things I like about going on a cruise is getting away from the television and the telephone. :)
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[quote name='davethomasowns']Thanks for your kind reply. I brought a DVD player along so the only time I ever watched the TV was the Discovery channel loops they had. Didn't know there was a health channel or I probably should have watched that when I was in my room those days. :D

And Melissa, I am not trying to "argue" anything. I am not contacting them and the whole situation is in the past. I have booked the Sensation for next month and am about to book the Miracle again in December for the Southern Caribbean trip! Thanks for the reply I though, I guess.

I really don't think there's any point in keeping this discussion going. People are just judging each other now and nobody is learning anything new. So hopefully this post marks the end of the thread and whomever reads the initial post for the first time, please keep your thoughts about me to yourself. I have learned what to do next time and I simply want to forget I ever got sick! Let's all look forward to going on our next cruise! :)[/quote]

Hi Shane,

I hope you can tolerate one more comment. I only read the first page and then skipped to the last page, so I don't know if you ever got an answer to your original question regarding whether or not anyone else had ever had your experience. If you already got an answer, please forgive me for my repition. If not, we had a similar situation on our fall, 2006 cruise on the Victory. Like you, my DH got the same symptoms on our first day after boarding, I got them 2 days later. We did not go to the infirmary and DH missed our next port. After I contracted the symptoms, friends we were traveling with, went to the infirmary on our behalf. They brought us paperwork and thermometers back and after those results were brought back to the infirmary, the infirmary gave us pills, an information sheet on Noro-virus and quarantined us both for 24 hours. WE did have insurance adn it did reimburse us under "trip interruption" for 2 days of our 7 day cruise. Sorry if this isn't too helpful but I hope it's at least an answer.
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Shane, you mentioned that you are thinking of taking the Miracle again. Please consider the Valor, instead. It is a wonderful ship! We cruised on it 2 years ago and it was the nicest ship I've been on. The stage is incredible--even if you're not a big "show" person, it will WOW you!
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[quote name='MonaCK']Just a note in slight defense of the OP -- he is only 21... the rashness of it makes me want to say "stupid kid". It was an immature thing for him to do, but I would argue that at 21, he is not 100% mature in other aspects of his life.[/quote]

I would tend to agree with you. I would also like to know if they were informed about not leaving the ship. I may have miss read, but I think the quarantine time had expired by the time they reached Panama. If the time had expired, and no one told them they were not allowed off the ship than I think some here are being a little harsh.

If not, then they are right on!
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[B][COLOR="Navy"]Protecting ones self is vital. The best method is to Wash your Hands with Soap and HOT WATER often.

If you as well see crew members using the W.C. and they do not wash. Simply say ..pardon me you must have forgotton something.. YES Washing your hands... We have seen this misstep on many ships .

Soap and HOT Water KILL about 99.99996 % of germs and virals.

Alcohol is really as accurate as a PAP Smear is.. thats only 65 %...

So yes keep your hands washed a lot. Don't touch items with your fingers.

Yes use your knuckles on elevator buttons even. Shaking elbows instead of hands helps...

If you see ....at sea ....unsafe health practices ..such as the W.C. and staff refilling bottles without gloves and/or sterilization bring it to the HotMan's (Hotel Manager) attention ASAP. As well Health Officer..

Have youall ever noticed one reason why a BUFFET is Rated AAA well and not the other way?

A: + Simply...+ when they replace the Trays of Food..instead of shoveling the ingredients back upon a Bacteria laden Tray and Pan they SIMPLY REPLACE the TRAY/PAN with a NEW CLEAN One with New Prepared Clean Food Products....:cool:

They want the Virus a lot less than you do..they get paid to do this.. we pay ..:cool:

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[quote name='Skeeter1602'] I would also like to know if they were informed about not leaving the ship. I may have miss read, but I think the quarantine time had expired by the time they reached Panama. If the time had expired, and no one told them they were not allowed off the ship than I think some here are being a little harsh.
If not, then they are right on![/QUOTE]

[quote name='DaveThomasOwns']The doctor gave me a few medications and told me that I would be put on "Isolation" for 24 hours. I didn't think twice and went back to my room. That evening my girlfriend started complaining about stomach pains. Next thing you know she had the same violent vomiting and other symptoms. Hers only lasted maybe 2 hours, but everything was the same so I knew she had contracted my "disease." I gave her some of the medication they gave me and we went to sleep. One of the main reasons why I chose this sailing was the stop at Panama so we definitly were not going to miss out on this port. Forgetting that they had put me on Isolation (which I still feel that the should not be allowed to do,) we went to leave the gangway...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DaveThomasOwns']JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR AGAIN, I did not "roam" the ship; I was physically uncapable of doing so. The next day, when I felt better, I got off in Panama because that's the reason I chose this itinerary.[/QUOTE]

I feel sorry for this couple, too, and can understand him being upset. Mixed feelings on how he handled it and won't comment further. I'm glad to see he's giving cruising another try. :)
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Here is some information on the norovirus. It may explain the cruiseline's actions and help you understand the attitude of some of the posters. You will see that there is no way to know for sure if you were already carrying the virus when you boarded or if you were exposed shortly after you got on the ship. I am glad you are feeling better.

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Saw this thread and wanted to say, that this past weekend has been a nightmare in this house. My youngest grandson sick, next night second grandson, next me and finally my husband and daughter. We have been no where near a cruise ship. It a land virus as well.... It is everywhere.....:eek:
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[quote name='mammie']Saw this thread and wanted to say, that this past weekend has been a nightmare in this house. My youngest grandson sick, next night second grandson, next me and finally my husband and daughter. We have been no where near a cruise ship. It a land virus as well.... [COLOR=red][B]It is everywhere[/B][/COLOR].....:eek:[/quote]

Yes, it is.

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Hi Shane,
I just want to say I really enjoyed your pictures! You two look like really nice fun-loving young people. I am sorry about both "beatings" you took, the beating your belly took on the ship and the beating your character took on this board. Hope your next cruise turns out great and a good time and good health are had by all. Hang in there kid, I think you will be fine and I would have no problems sailing with you anytime. (now that you have learned the error of your ways ;) )
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[quote name='picklebongo']Shane kudos to you for coming back and constantly explaining yourself. You have sure taken a beating here. Sorry to hear you became ill, but didn't read the whole thread. How was Panama?[/QUOTE]

Hello! :) I really loved Panama. My manager at work grew up there so she was telling me a lot about it. The tour we went on focused on the Canal but I still learned a lot and got to see some amazing things as you can tell.

Thanks for asking,
Shane Arsenault
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