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I'm leading a group cruise-any tips I MUST know?

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Although I've cruised many times, this is the first time I'm a group leader. It's a small group of 22, but I'm concerned that there may be helpful hints, that work well with a group, that I don't know about. We are only doing a short cruise on the Majesty, but I'd like to make it at smooth as possible since there will be many first time cruisers along. The board is full of great info, so I'm hoping some of you could pass along some group cruising wisdom. Thanks!!

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I did a group cruise in February, and my TA came along as "tour guide", it was really great having him along, to answer all the questions, and do all the running around for people. Making sure everyone got their gifts and on board credits etc.... He also did a packet for each cabin, with a roster of the whole group with cabin numbers and other information about the ship and the ports. I also did place cards and magnets for everyone as a gift. It was alot of fun!

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I have taken on the priviledge of group leader for our family cruise this October. What started out as 2 couples (BIL/wife and us) taking a vacation cruise has now expanded to include a total of 15 family members crusing together. We are all quite excited about going together.


One thing I have learned is to have the TA copy me (or notify me) on any changes, updates, invoice copies, etc. for our cruisers. Since like you, I have cruised more times (and am a Cruise Critic member who's reading the boards including our roll call almost daily) and we have first time cruises, I am more aware of things that might not be right and know to question them. I also have a list of everyone's reservation price so I can watch for price drops and notify our TA to request price adjustments.


I like JJ2sail's information about sharing cabin numbers and ship information. I have done this by email to our group when sharing updates but I like the idea of having a packet for each cruiser to have on board.


Thanks for sharing and I look forward to learning more here on Cruise Critic.

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I've organized family and friends groups (not huge - but up to 4 or 5 families). I research the ports and tell everyone what my family's plan is in each port, inviting them to join us if they want and instruct them if I will make the reservation or if they have to.


Remember, you don't have to be together all of the time! And you are not responsible for everyone having a good time! I love the research and organizing -- it's up to them to decide if they want to be with the group or do their own thing.


On my Navigator cruise, everyone had pretty much decided to do things together in every port. So I made a "newsletter" in Publisher -- one article per port, what time we were meeting, where, what to bring, etc. Also included a rundown of who everyone was, since they didn't all know each other, and cabin numbers. There was a column with fun ship facts and the recipe for the labadoozie (which we missed bc it was too rough to tender at Labadee!).


Have fun planning. To me, that's half the fun!

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Although I've cruised many times, this is the first time I'm a group leader. It's a small group of 22, but I'm concerned that there may be helpful hints, that work well with a group, that I don't know about. We are only doing a short cruise on the Majesty, but I'd like to make it at smooth as possible since there will be many first time cruisers along. The board is full of great info, so I'm hoping some of you could pass along some group cruising wisdom. Thanks!!


Thanks for starting this thread. I'm taking a group of 11 on the Freedom in June and I'm already getting lots of good ideas here. I too think the planning and organizing is part of the fun of cruising! And let me tell you, my other half really appreciates it.

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This is a great thread. I am also organizing a group cruise - Girls' Getaway on the Majesty in January 2009. I'm sure we will get a lot of great ideas on this thread. Thank you so much for starting it!

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Don't try to please everyone all the time. You need to enjoy your vacation too. I would give everyone the URL to your cruise itinerary so they can do some some research on the ship, ports of call and shore excursions. Or you can pick up a handful of RCI brochures either from your TA or RCI directly. Show everyone what shore excursions are available for the different ports of call. Tell them to think about which ones they may want to do. Don't expect everyone to want to do the same things.

Another thing to do is to have a party sometime before the cruise to get everyone together to discuss plans. Are you all driving or flying together? Are you going a day early and staying in hotel? These are places that everyone can be together. Once you are on the ship, encourage people to do their own thing.

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I organized a group cruise for 15 family/friends a couple of years ago to Alaska.


Since we booked a year in advance, I did a quarterly "newsletter" including many tips for first time cruisers. I explained many things in order of when they should be taken care of, trying not to give too much info each time, as it can be a lot to deal with at once.


One thing I stressed was not trying to stay together on port stops. From experience, unless it is a bused tour with a leader, it's impossible to enjoy a full day of sightseeing with more than a group of 4 people. Everyone wants to eat/pee/stop and rest/shop for one thing/talk to someone/dawdle...all at different times. The group as a whole has to wait for others constantly. So leave the together time for dinner.


We had a great time because everyone understood and agreed to the one rule we made, which was no rules, everyone was on their own and no questions asked. Even our together time, dinner, if someone didn't want to attend, no problem and no questions asked.


I have a group photo right over my desk of that cruise, we had such a wonderful time together and several of us are doing it again. This time Italy/Croatia in October. The only ones not going are our kids, college and high school is too important to miss and a person who didn't want to take that much time off. I think he's now having deep regrets :)

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I always search for a cruise, contact groups of people and find out how many want to join us. Then I contact our TA and give her the information. She gets back with me with pricing and I then contact the group and let them know the prices. I give them HER phone number and let them do the booking with her. They also get their own air transportation. I kept checking with the airlines and when I found a reasonable price, I contacted the group and let them know. Then they contacted the airline and booked their own flights.


She gets back with me and gives me her booking number plus the individual booking number of each couple. I make a file on my computer with all information of this cruise. Our last one was labeled "2008 Winter Conference". I named it that because I was e-mailing some of the group at their office and didn't want their company to know it was personal. All correspondence was labeled that. Nobody caught on either.


I went on-line to the RCI site and copied all the information I could find about the ship and the itineraries. Then I made a booklet for each couple that included all that information. Each booklet started out with a page that said:


This Booklet Especially Prepared for

John & Jane

Cabin 8282

Deck Eight

Booking Number1234567


The next page had the letter I received from our TA with all the cabin assignments and the final payment due date.


Next page had the layout of our cabins and where they were located on the ship.


Next page was a picture of the ship with Royal Caribbean International's

"Adventure of the Seas" under it.


Next page: Ship Facts


Next page: Online Check-In Q&A's


Next page: What to do at the Pier


Next page: Sailing Itinerary


Next pages: Shore and Land Excursions from each port


Next page: Shops (Onboard and In Port)


Next Pages: Bars, Lounges & Nightclubs


Next Pages: Dining options


Our TA gets the travel documents, then we set up a meeting at a restaurant and she meets us there for dinner and gives us the documents and answers any additional questions.


We make it a rule that each couple is on their own. If two or more couples want to do something together, more power to them. At dinner, we discuss what we did during the day and what we have planned for the next day.


Our TA has always sent a bottle of wine to each cabin. Each night one or more of the couples will bring it to dinner to share with the others.


After the cruise is over and we have our pictures developed, we all meet again to share doubles or pass on negatives. With the digital cameras, we just make extra copies for the people that want them.


I kept every piece of correspondence and I'm glad I did on this last cruise. I was constantly getting calls from the office workers wanting to know booking numbers, cabins numbers, flight numbers, etc. They left their booklets at home and didn't have them at work.


On one of our cruises, I also did T-shirt transfers with the ship's picture, sailing date and each couple's names under it in black print. For each individual, I changed the color of their name to red print. I gave them out to each couple when we met at the restaurant. They all bought white t-shirts and ironed them on themselves. We all wore them on boarding day.


On one cruise, we hit the magic number for one free ticket. I divided the savings among the group for an additional savings.


If you're into organization, it can be a lot of fun. I always say I'll never do it again but every two years, I do it again.

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You sound so much like my planning process. Very organized and able. Every other year I have a core group of friends that travel together...03- AOS from San Juan, 05- Vision to Alaska and 07 Empress to Bermuda.

One neat idea, I started was taking bottles of bubbles ( from $ store) that they could use at sailaway- and other send offs. They were a hit.

We have at least 2 dinner meetings before the trip to answer questions, and solve problems and one after the trip to exchange photos and show videos. What fun! When they go knowing that they are free to do whatever they want during the day, and then we all meet for dinner ( at 2 or 3 tables nearby) , go to shows in the evenings and enjoy new experiences.

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Thanks, everyone! Some really helpful ideas! Dick, I love the idea of the booklet. I was going to make up an info. sheet, but I think since there are so many 1st timers, the more information the better. How soon before the cruise did you send it out? We are a bunch of elementary teachers and we are leaving the beginning of June (2 days after school gets out...yeah!!) so I was thinking of putting it together this week, during spring break, and giving it out when we go back in a week. Too soon?

I also think getting everyone together before the cruise is a good idea, I'm not sure a restaurant would work, but I could hold an after school meeting. My TA is going to give me all the docs, so I could go over them with everyone.

OK, here's a touchy subject....when you get the money back from Royal Caribbean (I know you need a minimum of 8 cabins). Do you keep it, or do you refund some to the people in the group. My husband said I should keep it since I'm spending so much time working on this, but I feel like I should split it with everyone. I'd like to have it prior to the cruise because I would use it for tee shirts or magnets, or wine, etc. What did everyone do? Just curious?

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As the "tour conductor" I see no reason why you shouldn't benefit more from the TC credit, but if you want to share some of the wealth, why not "host" an evening in a bar or specialty restaurant? You could buy a flat-rate cocktail party package from RCCL but unless your group drinks a lot of well cocktails you're probably better off just buying them - I'm sure you could work something out with a bartender (be sure to take care of them!). In my experience, BTW, you don't get the TC credit until after the sailing.

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Thanks, everyone! Some really helpful ideas! Dick, I love the idea of the booklet. I was going to make up an info. sheet, but I think since there are so many 1st timers, the more information the better. How soon before the cruise did you send it out? We are a bunch of elementary teachers and we are leaving the beginning of June (2 days after school gets out...yeah!!) so I was thinking of putting it together this week, during spring break, and giving it out when we go back in a week. Too soon?


I usually make up the booklets as soon as we make our down payments and hand them out as I come in contact with the people in the group. I don't think it would be too soon to give them out after spring break. It gives them more time to go through all of it and decide on what excursions they want to do and familiarize themselves with what's available on the ship.


OK, here's a touchy subject....when you get the money back from Royal Caribbean (I know you need a minimum of 8 cabins). Do you keep it, or do you refund some to the people in the group. My husband said I should keep it since I'm spending so much time working on this, but I feel like I should split it with everyone. I'd like to have it prior to the cruise because I would use it for tee shirts or magnets, or wine, etc. What did everyone do? Just curious?


I only reached the magic number on a Carnival cruise. The TA sent me a check for the amount as we had already paid for all of the cabins. I just divided it up among the group and wrote each a check for that amount. I might add that I had told everybody in the group of my intentions before we got the free ticket. It was an incentive for them to get more people to join us.

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I like the idea of doing something for the group as a whole since there will be 22-24 going, dividing up the average amount of an inside cabin, minus fees, wouldn't work out to very much per person. I guess I could do it out of pocket and wait to get reimbursed with the check from RC. Since we all work at the same school, I could always donate it to our social fund. People are already talking about a bigger and better cruise for next year, so I'd like to do something that would impress them!

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If these people are your friends, you should share the rebate with them. They WILL find out about it eventually and then how will you look and feel? If all the reservations are through the same TA you can have him/her deduct a share from each cabin. That's the easiest way. Or, as someone else suggested, you could host a little party on board or at the pre-cruise hotel you all are staying at.

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If these people are your friends, you should share the rebate with them. They WILL find out about it eventually and then how will you look and feel? If all the reservations are through the same TA you can have him/her deduct a share from each cabin. That's the easiest way. Or, as someone else suggested, you could host a little party on board or at the pre-cruise hotel you all are staying at.


I've planned about 15 or so cruises, I might have gotten 2 free out of all of those. I think it also depends on how hard you work, i.e., making phone calls to get deposits, answering questions, getting people together, etc....


But you are correct, people WILL eventually find out! You need to keep that in mind....

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I have been a tour conductor on many group cruises. I always held a meeting prior to the cruise, and explained what you need, what was available at ports, etc. I have had groups as small as 30 and as big as 150. If we take a bus to the port, I will take the mic on each bus before we depart and explain where we will meet when we get off the bus at the pier and if someone gets lost , what they should do to embark. If we cruise by air, I will also give a speech prior to boarding the plane.


As far as the list for cabins..I have done that in the begginning when I 1st started running groups, until it got to the point, my cabin was being called for dining table arrangement problems, facets leaking problems, etc. I am on a vacation also and would like to enjoy it too! Whether you take the free berth or share the wealth, I am not a maintanance person, or the Matri De, I just organized a vacation and others that want to share the trip can sign up. I had no problems explaining anything to the people that booked on my group sailing, but I did have problems when they thought I was going to be their babysitter the whole entire cruise and also their complaint department!:D


You will find complaints usually on every cruise, may be from airfare time changes and delays( which is out of your control) to ones that don't like their cabin locations (which is out of your control). You may leave on your group cruise as good friends and come back as not so good friends, this happens!


Just giving you a fore warning on what happened when I shared MY cabin number with the group!

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Find a good hiding spot and bring a good book!! :p


I have had alot of experience with escorting groups and unless they are close friends or family - I am very careful about giving out my cabin number. If they are having a problem - I tell them in advance to CALL THE FRONT DESK. This is just like a hotel - I can't fix your toilet or bring you a new mattress. I always go to the dining room and check in with the group, everyone having fun, did you see the show last night........etc but do not dine with them.



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I asked the TA about deducting it equally from each cabin, she said she couldn't.


Couldn't do it or won't? I have done it in the past so I know it can be done. Here's an example. 20 people are going at $1000 per person or $2000 per cabin. The TA owes RCI $20,000 (I know that with commissions the TA doesn't really owe that much but let's just use the number for easy math). You get one free berth which is $1000. Now the TA owes RCI $19,000. The free berth of $1000 divided by 20 people is $50 per person or $100 per room. Just deduct $50 from each person's fare. $950 X 20 is $19,000. It can be done if the TA wants to do it.


Another way it could be done is to give that $100 per cabin as an OBC.

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