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Review - W809


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Thanks dea71 and Megagirl for your info about parking at the terminal. Free parking in Sydney!!! Who would have thought.


Slasher64 and cruiseaway08 we're on the same cruise too. This will be our first cruise and we've got 2 boys 11 and 9.


We got our tickets about 3 weeks ago slasher64 so a call to your TA may be a good idea just to make sure they haven't gone astray.


12 more sleeps :D

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Thanks for a great review dea71. Reading about your little ones makes me wonder if my parents went through the same joys when my 2 older brothers and I cruised as youngsters!! If bawn2cruz reads this, I'm sure he might add his bit ;). From memory, I used to love the Junior Cruisers Centre on the Fairstar - what a blast that was!!



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Great review Dea,

Cruising is just the best way to holiday, just no going back once you've done it:D . Well thats our excuse!




Michele, you are so right - we hadn't been on a cruise for a few years (too busy having children...:rolleyes: ) and had forgotten just how much fun it is. We were a little concerned travelling with such young kids - but they had an absolute ball even my little boy who got 'stuck' with mum and dad all day.


We would usually just head up the coast or to Queensland for holidays but found this so much more relaxing - one time unpacking, you HAVE to go out for dinner (oh and breakfast and lunch...and a drink!) :p :p and there is somewhere new and exciting out the window when you wake up each morning!!


NOw....just waiting for our next chance to cruise - cannot wait!!!




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Dear Dea,

Thanks for that info. I am sure CRUISYGUY (Wayne & Kirra) will be happy to read what you wrote also!. Am happy to hear that we are not far away from the laundry as hubby says he is going to be very strict with me with my packing as I always pack way too much, so I will prob have to use the laundry a few times. One thing that everyone seems to be disappointed about is the so called ANYTIME DINING. I was looking forward to being able to rock up to the restaurant (not the buffet 1) when I want and not have to make a booking. So it looks like this is ANYTIME DINING advertising is actually not true. How do P & O get away with it?????. Maybe they havn't had any formal complaints. False advertising is a real pet hate of mine!.





I guess the difference is that you CAN dine with different people and if you were planning a later dinner you probably had more flexibility than having to be there at 8 sharp.. There was definitely not any degree of flexibility though earlier in the evening - see you at 6pm guys!!


The laundry is very handy (does get busier as the days go along...) - and very reasonable ($1 for the washer and the same for the dryer)...but don't spend too much time there..;)



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One thing that everyone seems to be disappointed about is the so called ANYTIME DINING. I was looking forward to being able to rock up to the restaurant (not the buffet 1) when I want and not have to make a booking. So it looks like this is ANYTIME DINING advertising is actually not true. How do P & O get away with it?????. Maybe they havn't had any formal complaints. False advertising is a real pet hate of mine!.





Well I have made a formal complaint about no Anytime Dining on Sun Princess ! (to Carnival)


I received a telephone call from them just yesterday (about 4 weeks after I emailed them). The PR lady claims that they believe that Aussies don't want Anytime Dining.

I suggested that this was nonsense and that the real issue was that the Sun Princess was built before they introduced AD and because it only had two formal dining rooms, (and they pack the ship in OZ waters) it doesn't work as well.

The PR lady said that they will continue to monitor reaction...so I for one urge all who prefer AD to write or email Carnival.


Perhaps by the time I am next cruising (April 09) there may be a change of policy


Lets hope so


cheers all

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Dear Flipper133,

Good on you for making a complaint!. I guess my whole gripe is not really whether or not they have the "anytime dining" but the fact that they ADVERTISE that they do so it should be this way.

I notice you went on the Murray Princess in Nov 07, we went on the same cruise in Oct 07. We did the 7 day trip and thoroughly enjoyed it. This cruise on the PD 2nd May will be our first Ocean Cruise. It sure will be a contrast to the little Murray Princess!.


Trish (NEWYORK40)

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Hi Dea


What a fantastic review - took me back to re-live it all over again (yes, was on that cruise too Caribe 105) no kids, 7 girlfriends instead.

I have to say you were very brave taking such young children - my kids are 8 & 14 and I don't think I would have enjoyed myself as much with them there, though I missed them a lot, and we are considering a family cruise next year, but 1st, hubby and I are cruising this November to celebrate our 15th anniversary.




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Dear Flipper133,


Good on you for making a complaint!. I guess my whole gripe is not really whether or not they have the "anytime dining" but the fact that they ADVERTISE that they do so it should be this way.


Trish (NEWYORK40)



Trish, I think you're a little confused here (either that or I am:rolleyes: and please forgive me if it's me). Flipper was talking about Sun Princess who (as far as I'm aware) doesn't advertise anytime dining. I think Pacific Dawn is the only cruise ship in Australia to advertise anytime dining and it does (or at least it did when I was on her).

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Hi Dea


What a fantastic review - took me back to re-live it all over again (yes, was on that cruise too Caribe 105) no kids, 7 girlfriends instead.

I have to say you were very brave taking such young children - my kids are 8 & 14 and I don't think I would have enjoyed myself as much with them there, though I missed them a lot, and we are considering a family cruise next year, but 1st, hubby and I are cruising this November to celebrate our 15th anniversary.





"Brave' - no just crazy I think!! Seriously though - we were a little worried but thought....what's the worst that can happen????:o OK so toddler overboard did cross my mind...but they both had a great time and so did we - I guess we didn't have all the mundane 'home' stuff to worry about so just enjoyed time with the kids and relaxing a bit!!


We will wait until our little one has turned 3 (July 2010) before we try it again - only because I know that he will love the 'Turtle Cove' activities (and it will take me that long to save the $$).


Have a wonderful anniversary cruise!!



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hi dea71,

What a great review! How lucky were you missing Luganville and having to go to Champagne Bay instead.





Yes - we thought so too!! Although there were a couple of people that had planned to scuba dive off Luganville (apparently fantastic) so they were disappointed.


Champagne Bay - what a cruise destination should be - clear water, beautiful beach, sitting under the trees looking out at the sea, snorkelling and for DH and friends of course - the lobster!!


Glad you enjoyed the review - we certainly enjoyed the trip!



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"Brave' - no just crazy I think!! Seriously though - we were a little worried but thought....what's the worst that can happen????:o OK so toddler overboard did cross my mind...but they both had a great time and so did we - I guess we didn't have all the mundane 'home' stuff to worry about so just enjoyed time with the kids and relaxing a bit!!


We will wait until our little one has turned 3 (July 2010) before we try it again - only because I know that he will love the 'Turtle Cove' activities (and it will take me that long to save the $$).


Have a wonderful anniversary cruise!!




Loved every second of your review, thanks Dea!


The kids overboard is the only thing freaking me out, not the same fall as kid overboard on a yacht and the yacht is not going as fast. I suppose its good to have it burning in the back of my mind to stay alert:D

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Dear Karmac (Karen),

Yeh I realise flipper was talking about the SP ship, heck maybe my eyesight is going but am sure I have read threads where people comment that PD really doesn,t operate the ANYTIME DINING as it is advertised.

I don't want to be banging on if I am wrong so maybe I can get some clarification from those who have been on the PD recently.


Trish (NEWYORK40)

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Dear Karmac (Karen),


Yeh I realise flipper was talking about the SP ship, heck maybe my eyesight is going but am sure I have read threads where people comment that PD really doesn,t operate the ANYTIME DINING as it is advertised.


I don't want to be banging on if I am wrong so maybe I can get some clarification from those who have been on the PD recently.



Trish (NEWYORK40)


hi trish, we have sailed on the PD but we did not go to dining room for tea, we ate at cafe de sol, its so casual as you can go there in shorts & thongs from 5.30pm till 10 pm


i heard people say that you had to ring during the day to book a table in the dining room for 6pm or 8pm ( they class that as anytime dining) i dont think you could walk up & take a table but our cruise was full

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Dear Karmac (Karen),


Yeh I realise flipper was talking about the SP ship, heck maybe my eyesight is going but am sure I have read threads where people comment that PD really doesn,t operate the ANYTIME DINING as it is advertised.


I don't want to be banging on if I am wrong so maybe I can get some clarification from those who have been on the PD recently.



Trish (NEWYORK40)


Hi Trish


You are right, yes there has been talk on here re the PD not really having anytme dining. The Sun Princess has Traditional dining (2 sittings) the Pacific Dawn has anytime dining, which you would think would mean you can go anytime:rolleyes: but..............the last few cruises CCers have mentioned that its really 6pm or 8pm if you ring and book....which they suggest you do..............our friend welshfargo is back from the PD tomorrow and was sussing it out, he was on the Maiden Voyage and is going to let us know what has changed since then, then he is coming to Tahiti with us, lucky bugger, think he has shares in P&O:p




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Dear Chez,

Thanks for your reply. Everything you say is what I was trying to get across so its a relief that you understand my point.

I don't want to come across as a whinger (especially before I set foot on the ship!!!).

Trish (NEWYORK40)

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Dear Chez,


Thanks for your reply. Everything you say is what I was trying to get across so its a relief that you understand my point.


I don't want to come across as a whinger (especially before I set foot on the ship!!!).


Trish (NEWYORK40)


No worries Trish, we are all as confused as each other with Sun Princess Pacific Sun, Dawn Princess Pacific Dawn, anytime dining that really isnt and traditional dining that no one wants:p ........not to mention no alcohol on P&O but bottle of wine are allowed on Princess.......Sun Princess has Oz power outlets, but dont think the Dawn Princess will unless they do a refit like they did with Sun Princess:rolleyes: it's all gonna get confusiing:)




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I will say again though that when we came back from our PD cruise some people on here said that they HAD to book for 6pm or 8pm but we never did. We ate in the dining room all 14 nights and only rang & booked on the two formal nights. Every other night we just showed up (sometimes with as many as 14 of us) and never had a problem. One of my customers at work was on PD in Feb and she said that it was the same then:confused: . We'll have to see what Welshfargo says. Or better still, just wait til we get on there again & see what happens then.

At least if you have to book 6pm or 8pm as opposed to traditional dining when you eat the same time every night you can eat at 6pm on sea days & 8pm on port days so you don't miss sailaway. I personally don't care how they do it as long as I get to eat:D

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I will say again though that when we came back from our PD cruise some people on here said that they HAD to book for 6pm or 8pm but we never did. We ate in the dining room all 14 nights and only rang & booked on the two formal nights. Every other night we just showed up (sometimes with as many as 14 of us) and never had a problem. One of my customers at work was on PD in Feb and she said that it was the same then:confused: . We'll have to see what Welshfargo says. Or better still, just wait til we get on there again & see what happens then.

At least if you have to book 6pm or 8pm as opposed to traditional dining when you eat the same time every night you can eat at 6pm on sea days & 8pm on port days so you don't miss sailaway. I personally don't care how they do it as long as I get to eat:D


Karen, everyone seems to have a different story to tell:)


I have heard from Welshie, and he says its 6 or 8pm, when you book they ask which?? I guess if you just roll up that would be a different matter.......will not make any opinions till i try it for myself.




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Karen, everyone seems to have a different story to tell:)


I have heard from Welshie, and he says its 6 or 8pm, when you book they ask which?? I guess if you just roll up that would be a different matter.......will not make any opinions till i try it for myself.





Did he say that you HAD to book? Did he ever try just showing up? It certainly is all very confusing:confused:

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We booked the same table, at the same time every night of the cruise.


When you walk into the Palm Court restaurant, there are two waiters manning the two entrances. They will ask you for your deck and cabin number. They will shout this information to the lady behind the desk. Who inturn will allocate you a table. Another waiter will then escort you to your table.


Now if you are like me, and like your table, like your fellow diners, and like your waiters, I suggest when you come in to the Dining Room for your second night aboard, you just ask the same young lady behind the desk to book you in again for the following evening. This saves ringing up to book, plus if you turn up without booking ahead, you stand a chance of seeing signs Fully Booked for early sittings. It happened.


Now this is from the ship's Pacific Daily:


Food & Beverage News.


Welcome to our "Your Choice Dining Concept" onboard Pacific Dawn where you can enjoy the flexibility of Dining where you like with whom you choose in any of of our various outlets. Please see some helpful guidelines from your Maitre D'Fabio, in order to give you the finest dining experience.


"May I recommend that for early dinner you kindly book a table between 5.30pm & 6.30pm OR for those that prefer a later dining experience I recommend booking from 8.00pm onwards/ Kindly note that, in the best interests, bookings cannot be reserved between 6.30pm and 8.00pm due to early dinner sessions in operation. Of course our dinner buffet is open every evening from 5.30pm until 10.00pm in the Cafe Del Sol which is located on deck 12 and we will always endeavor to do our very best to please you. :confused:


Buon Appetito!

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Yes Karen, we had a group of five on the maiden voyage, and we did the same thing. We had a great table with ocean views, nice and polite waiters, so we decided there and then to book the table for the duration of the cruise.


But as you know, Pacific Dawn dont allow you now to book for that amount of nights, so as I said "When we arrived in the Dining Room, I asked the lady to book my group in for the following evening, the two ladies who sat with us the first evening, did the same.


With a 6.00pm booking,we had enough time then, to catch the first 7.30pm show in the International Showlounge.


The only time we had to rush our dinner was on Captain's Cocktail Party evening for past passengers in the Dome. There were two sessions, one at 5.00pm and the other at 7.00pm.


Did I tell you that Josh, and Wally & Molly is back!:(

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