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Luggage dropped into water


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I sure don't need to deal with crap like this at the beginning or end of a cruise. I wouldn't want idiots like this touching my stuff.


So if we have a rollerboard and one other bag that attaches to the bigger suitcase, can we just take our luggage on board?


Lets see, a couple of THOUSAND people with at a minimum of one, but most likely two or more suitcases each. So I'll do the simple math and call it 5 Thousand pieces of luggage. Every once-in-a-while in the process of getting all that luggage onboard, using forklifts and baggage pallets, a piece or two of luggage somehow miss the nets strung under the loading area between the ship and the dock and hit the water and the people doing the work are IDITOTS in your point of view. Hmmm, so you are going to be one of the “smart” folk who drag your baggage all around the ship, holding up the line at check in, and while boarding the ship. I see, and it’s the people loading the baggage on the ship that are the idiots in your perspective.. Imagine that.

I find much amusement watching the handfull of “smart” folk who are on the ship, often on the Lido deck or in the Buffet, dragging their entire collection of luggage around and are whining they can’t get to their cabin yet. Yep, myself, GF, and others we cruise with, are busy lugging around a DOD and perhaps a very small carry on with at most, sunglasses, a swimsuit, sun screen, camera and stuff like that. Great plan on your part, please stick with it, we love being amused.

Too bad not every one does not choose to drag on their own luggage… Can’t you imagine how much fun that would be. Heck to bad folks can’t do the same on airplanes as well. (Although some really “smart” folks still try to do that too.)

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As my son's luggage was being taken from Miracle to the pier Sunday, it fell into the water! When we could not locate his bag in the numbered areas, we discovered it off to a side wall inside a black garbage bag. One of the porters asked if something inside was leaking. When we opened the bag, his luggage and its contents were soaked and dripping with salt water. Nasty!


Has anyone else had this happen, or are we just incredibly unlucky?


Only in my nightmares so far!! :eek: This must have been horrible. Were you able to salvage many items or was it a complete loss? So sorry.

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Especially if you are doing a sloppy job to begin with in the first place as described by the other posters. Now I also agree that if we bring our luggage on board, we need to do so in a manner that is not incovenient to the other passengers. Thus we need to pack accordingly for our 5 day cruise and not bring everything but the kitchen sink.


These guys are getting paid to get the luggage on the ship. I am not complaining about luggage being misplaced because tags were ripped off or because it got delivered to the wrong cabin. I am talking about the most basic ass thing, get the stuff on the ship DRY. Now if these guys can't do that, they are lazy, stupid and ignorant. Pay attention, take your time, and load the stuff correctly so it does not fall in the water. If they cant do that, they shouldn't be there.

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Lets see, a couple of THOUSAND people with at a minimum of one, but most likely two or more suitcases each. So I'll do the simple math and call it 5 Thousand pieces of luggage. Every once-in-a-while in the process of getting all that luggage onboard, using forklifts and baggage pallets, a piece or two of luggage somehow miss the nets strung under the loading area between the ship and the dock and hit the water and the people doing the work are IDITOTS in your point of view. Hmmm, so you are going to be one of the “smart” folk who drag your baggage all around the ship, holding up the line at check in, and while boarding the ship. I see, and it’s the people loading the baggage on the ship that are the idiots in your perspective.. Imagine that.


I find much amusement watching the handfull of “smart” folk who are on the ship, often on the Lido deck or in the Buffet, dragging their entire collection of luggage around and are whining they can’t get to their cabin yet. Yep, myself, GF, and others we cruise with, are busy lugging around a DOD and perhaps a very small carry on with at most, sunglasses, a swimsuit, sun screen, camera and stuff like that. Great plan on your part, please stick with it, we love being amused.


Too bad not every one does not choose to drag on their own luggage… Can’t you imagine how much fun that would be. Heck to bad folks can’t do the same on airplanes as well. (Although some really “smart” folks still try to do that too.)


I take it you have never had your luggage damaged beyond repair by these luggage handlers. I have TWICE and I did not appreciate it one bit. I have had to purchase luggage twice due to the luggage handlers neglect. Yes I say it is a horrible that they are allowed to keep their job. If they cannot do the job correct (no matter who they work for) they should be fired. Why should I pay for their continued laziness? Is it wrong for me to expect my luggage to come to me in the same shape I left it? Why should I have to tip to ensure my luggage is handled in the right way? Maybe you would have a little different outlook if it happened to you...

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Especially if you are doing a sloppy job to begin with in the first place as described by the other posters. Now I also agree that if we bring our luggage on board, we need to do so in a manner that is not incovenient to the other passengers. Thus we need to pack accordingly for our 5 day cruise and not bring everything but the kitchen sink.


These guys are getting paid to get the luggage on the ship. I am not complaining about luggage being misplaced because tags were ripped off or because it got delivered to the wrong cabin. I am talking about the most basic ass thing, get the stuff on the ship DRY. Now if these guys can't do that, they are lazy, stupid and ignorant. Pay attention, take your time, and load the stuff correctly so it does not fall in the water. If they cant do that, they shouldn't be there.


Must be nice to be perfect.... Hmm, ever make a dumb mistake in life, your job etc because you were hurried, had a boss yelling at you, were under time constraints, short handed, had a fight with the wife, husband, GF, BF etc or where you just were not thinking? No? Well I have and most people I know have.

Couple of things, just because you do not think you are being a pain dragging around all your luggage, does not mean you are not being a pain. Most people are oblivious to the inconvenience they cause others. Pain or not, what I am sure of, people who do such are always amusing.

Finally, as a person who had been a ramp rat for a Airline in a past life, it is AMAZING the way people will pack luggage, fill cheap bags with only God knows what, often very heavy, and then cry because the handle or zipper bust on their cheap luggage. The ONLY thing that stops some people from trying to pack 75lbs of crap in luggage designed to hold 30lbs is the weight restrictions airlines now have in place and the basic laws of physics.

I have watched many times the process of how luggage is loaded onto the ship, I find it over all very impressive. Sure from time to time accidents do happen, people (well most people anyway) do dumb stupid thoughtless things at work from time to time for assorted reasons, thus mistakes do occur. For the people who want perfection all the time, … Hows that working out for you?

In any case, with the many cruise ships and the tens of thousands of pieces of luggage that are loaded, off loaded each day, that only a few end up hitting the water is not only amazing but is astounding really.

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Are you all freaking crazy - there is no space for luggage to fall between the ship and dock. It was probably the water-soda-booze-beer that broke and wet your luggage


There's plenty of space. Here is a picture from the Conquest last month (I know the picture is small, but you should be able to see the open water if you look between the lifeboats):


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I take it you have never had your luggage damaged beyond repair by these luggage handlers. I have TWICE and I did not appreciate it one bit. I have had to purchase luggage twice due to the luggage handlers neglect. Yes I say it is a horrible that they are allowed to keep their job. If they cannot do the job correct (no matter who they work for) they should be fired. Why should I pay for their continued laziness? Is it wrong for me to expect my luggage to come to me in the same shape I left it? Why should I have to tip to ensure my luggage is handled in the right way? Maybe you would have a little different outlook if it happened to you...


Let’s see if I get this correct, you have 3 cruises under your belt and have had luggage hit the water twice, and I have several dozen cruises and it has never happened to me even once. Hmm, are you sure getting on a ship and going into deep water is the best choice for you?

I have not only never had any of my luggage hit the water, I have never had it damaged from loading/unloading on/from a cruise ship. However, onto/from an airplane, heck yes, many times, but a cruise, nope.

Regarding my outlook, no, it would not change a thing. I always split my clothing between suitcases; always pack light, never over pack the suitcase, and most importantly, I understand people are not perfect, stuff does happen. I never worry about baby poop and 99.9993682% of life is baby poop. If my luggage does ever hit the water and "everything is ruined" I will take it in stride, make do, and know I have a good story to tell.

Regarding luggage beyond repair, I can't imagine ever buying luggage that would be "beyond repair" from getting wet. What are you buying, luggage made out of paper?

Most modern luggage is made out of nylon/synthetic material and plastic, I am not sure how such could be ruined by getting wet. I even at one point in life had luggage that was made of leather and custom fit to the Boot (trunk) of a Jaguar SIII XJ6, and even getting wet did not hurt that luggage. I am not sure what kind of delicate luggage you buy, but you may want to change brands.

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Just because you have a bad day does not give you the right to do harm to someone else possessions. I guess I have been sooooo lucky to twice find luggage handlers having a bad day and tearing up my no so cheap, not over packed, luggage twice. I guess I should just say oh well I will just buy some new luggage to replace the luggage the baggage handler ruined because he had a bad day or someone did not tip him enough. Sorry, that does not work for me. I have to do my best at my job so I expect nothing less from people I am paying extra cash to handle my possessions correctly. I think you will feel differently if they totally ruined your not so cheap luggage and you had to replace it twice.

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At the risk of putting a pox on my good fortune.:eek: I have 50 cruises and over 1000 flights [maybe over 2000] and have never had a bag lost or damaged. I have had bags wear out, corners worn through, things like that. But no out and out damage. And I NEVER carried anything on a plane if I could check it, ever! Hop out of the car or taxi and look for the Red Cap in the old days. Like the cruise porters of today. Couple of bucks and I'm done with that stuff until I'm at my destination. Never even considered carrying anything thru a terminal, air, ship, or train.

And I'd guess my experience is way closer to typical than someone having 2 bags ruined in 3 cruises. Worrying that much about bags strikes me as paranoid. But that doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.:rolleyes:


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Wow, after reading though the posts now I realize I have another thing to worry about. I never thought there would be a small chance that our luggage could land in the water. So now I will have to rethink on how to pack our clothes and what type of suitcases to bring. Do you honestly think that a hard sided suitcase would provide better protection from the water if it fell in?

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Wow, after reading though the posts now I realize I have another thing to worry about. I never thought there would be a small chance that our luggage could land in the water. So now I will have to rethink on how to pack our clothes and what type of suitcases to bring. Do you honestly think that a hard sided suitcase would provide better protection from the water if it fell in?


Hard side, soft side, doesn't matter. Those luggage eating

Piranha that hang around port waters, DEVOUR them all!!!!!!!!!!:eek:



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:D Just called my parents who are boarding a Carnival Ship in New Orleans right now. He just walked into his stateroom....I said, "Dad, one more thing to think about, your luggage falling into the water!:p Oh by the way, have a great trip!"

I am just jealous I am not on the ship now also. I am going to go check out trip insurance for our upcoming trip!!!

I always wondered if luggage fell into the water. While on NCL to Alaska, we saw them loading from our balcony, it looked like things could fall. But, nothing did!

Happy sailing everyone!

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Its very common for passenger luggage to fall into the water, at least 2 bags per cruise.


The luggage is packed as tight as possible into the crates but unfortunately the differences in size & shape of all the luggage makes it difficult to stop items moving. If it cant be retrieved by boat hooks then a diver is sent in.


The crew will always help out passengers who's luggage is lost or damaged, Ive lent shoes & dresses to passengers when I worked onboard.

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I don't plan on carting all our luggage on board with us , but had planned on bringing our airport carry on luggage on with us , like we usually do with other cruise lines, you know the small (21 inch tall) rolling case . Are people going to be upset with us for doing that ? They are the regulation carry on size, and we don't want to inconvience anyone else, is this a problem ?? It is just that on the other cruises we were always able to go directly to the cabin and drop the luggage off, now I understand that on Carnival we can not do that, and can not get into the cabins till about 1:30, so do I need to rethink bringing the carry ons with us. ?? I have to bring one case at least with my DH medications, test monitor , etc. Thanks for any info.


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I don't plan on carting all our luggage on board with us , but had planned on bringing our airport carry on luggage on with us , like we usually do with other cruise lines, you know the small (21 inch tall) rolling case . Are people going to be upset with us for doing that ? They are the regulation carry on size, and we don't want to inconvience anyone else, is this a problem ?? It is just that on the other cruises we were always able to go directly to the cabin and drop the luggage off, now I understand that on Carnival we can not do that, and can not get into the cabins till about 1:30, so do I need to rethink bringing the carry ons with us. ?? I have to bring one case at least with my DH medications, test monitor , etc. Thanks for any info.


First of all there has to be a little give and take on both sides. Carnival allows you to carry on carry-on sized luggage. If that inconveniences anyone, well, they have to respect your rights also.


Next, if you know what you are doing, you can get to your cabin before 1:30pm to drop off your luggage. Just make sure the room steward knows it belongs to you (and not the prior passenger).

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