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Carnival Inspiration; 3 thru 7 April... a review


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I can't wait to hear the rest.


Do they have a gala buffet or chocolate buffet??


I remember the Imagination did late at night (after formal night maybe) and the short RCC cruise had one during the afternoon.


Bummer on the past guest party/pins. This would have been our first experience with that. Oh well, no biggie.

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Excuse me for a moment as I check my ID and pinch myself... Yep, real to the best of my knowledge...


Nope... no companion. I sail solo most of the time and enjoy it tremendously.


Chopin is a WONDERFUL spot! I was thrilled with it. It could have been a bit darker but fronting the Candlelight Lounge as it does it wouldn't make sense.


I've been trying to get to my review but have had no luck. It looks like I'll be spending another evening in front of the computer typing away. My poor little fingers are turning into nubs. At about 6500 words I'm nearly done in!! ;)


I have few stories that would be of interest here so, with your kind permission, I'll stick to 'reviews'...





It looks as though you will be spending alot more time replying to all your fans then working on your review!:) And you do have my permission to stick to the reviews, but if you are an author and have a book or going to get one published...I'm first in line! Hope, with the way you are sooo discriptive that it's some kind of romance novel;) ! Can't wait to read on!

Oh, by the way, I'm going on the Glory on the 26th and when I get back can you write my review?


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Mach - loved your Conquest review and each of your visits to Jimmy's place!! You keep me gigglin! Thanks for directing me to that review!


Ya know - I love to write/journal and I am thinkin of taking my laptop and journal each day and then post when I return!!


OK - enough talk - I'm waitin for more!!

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Mach - loved your Conquest review and each of your visits to Jimmy's place!! You keep me gigglin! Thanks for directing me to that review!


Ya know - I love to write/journal and I am thinkin of taking my laptop and journal each day and then post when I return!!


OK - enough talk - I'm waitin for more!!


Please do!!! That's all this is... a compilation of my notes and jottings about my days on the Inspiration!!!

Sadly, I don't think I have the capability to write a 'review'... this was lovely... that was terrible... it looked like a ship... Every time I start one of these it turns into travel video.

I'm a terrible writer. If I had any skill I could control my topic but as it is my topic controls me...


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Hey folks, I met Host Mach on this cruise. CaribbeanTina identified him by his t-shirt. It was fun matching the face up to the name!!


Mach, I was having just a bit too much fun that night, could you tell? LOL


Anyhoo...nice meeting you and thanks for the wonderful review. It's bringing back some great memories. :)

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My daughter would be thrilled to see the Camp Carnival Capers!!

I am loving every minute of your review. You are such a wonderful writer. I feel like I'm cruising with you. :D Cheapest cruise yet.


My brother-in-law would like to know if you remember Mexican food on the buffet. Either the taste of nations or a late night offering.


Thanks again for all your time and effort.



That being the case I'll try my best to get them up by mid week... Us adults can wait but the younger set tend to get a bit impatient.... She's a really cutie!!!

Yes, there was a Mexican evening and it was darn good!! Now, consider that I'm from South Texas and that should tell you something about the quality!

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Mach love the reviews. We sail on the Inspiration in a week and a half and can't wait. This will be our second time on the Inspiration. I can't wait to sit all the way at the back of the ship and watch the sun go down on the caribbean sea with an umbrella drink in hand. Can't wait to see all the upgrades.



You, my friend, will LOVE the ship!

Please park your self at the aft end, Promenade Deck, proper cocktail in hand and salute the horizon for me. It's the best place in the world to be.

Also, please tell Risa that I said hi. She's wonderful!!!


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Have no fear! They're almost identical. Here they are at Punta Langosta, Cozumel: (pic cut)


Yep.. and I have sailed both of them.. with a 3rd Fantasy class ship coming up in October.. will I ever sail on a bigger ship? Maybe next year ;)


I did enjoy the Inspiration more than the Imagination.. maybe because I was solo-cruisin and not with a group.

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Yep.. and I have sailed both of them.. with a 3rd Fantasy class ship coming up in October.. will I ever sail on a bigger ship? Maybe next year ;)


I did enjoy the Inspiration more than the Imagination.. maybe because I was solo-cruisin and not with a group.



I see that you're having a problem with a count down clock. If you'd like to email me the code I can probably fix that for you...

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AHHHH - I've got to the end of the posts and anxiously waiting to read the next chapter of the review! lol


I just read your Margaritaville trip to my husband and he laughed! We plan on checking out Jimmy's place in each of our ports on our upcoming cruise



It's fun to do.. for my last cruise.. I visited 4 Margaritavilles in 30 days.. 3 of them in the same week:

Cayman, Cozumel & Orlando.. the 4th was Vegas and not included in the week.

The only other Margaritaville I have visited was Ocho Rios.


I am currently collecting the hurricane glasses from each of the Margaritavilles I have gone to. Unfortunately, Cozumel did not have any Cozumel branded merchandise. :( and I was not collecting at the time I went to Ocho Rios.


In Cozumel, I took the Tulum tour... which took most of my time. After almost getting heatstroke, I got back to the ferry and back to Cozumel, where I booked it to Margaritaville.. got a margarita.. which during the consumption I coughed some of it back up.. not fun ;) Still.. good times.


good luck in your quest!

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Day Four… Sea Day



Ya’ know, there’s a saying… be careful of what you wish for ‘cause you just might get it. Please, keep that in mind.


My last day at sea… my last day of the cruise dawned beautifully. It was apparent that we had been through some fair seas overnight as my balcony floor was still awash with water from spray. A finger slid across the varnished and gleaming rail and touched to the tip of my tongue produced the unmistakable and perfectly delicious taste of salt… pure sea salt. The sky was that consistent Caribbean blue and the air was cool and tinged with excitement.


After a somewhat rocky start to my voyage I was determined that this last day would be the best. Gathering up my traveling companions I headed out, camera strapped about my wrist, determined to fill every minute with memories. It didn’t take long before folks began stopping me asking if they could get their picture taken with the ‘dolls.’ Each and every time I corrected them and relayed the story of the Carnival Conquest Crazies. Most folks didn’t realize that group cruises, let alone Cruise Critic, existed!


The mascots and I gathered up another hearty breakfast and wandered aft to my sanctuary that juts out from the starboard end of the Promenade Deck. Quietly poking at my meal, watching the sea flee to the south I discovered that I wasn’t that interested in food. Calm overtook me and all I could do was sit and gaze. Wrapped by a continually warming Caribbean wind I needed nothing else. Occasionally, someone would drop by and say hello, ask a question or two and then leave me to my own devices. This was good. This was nearly perfect. I believe I could have spent my entire day in that spot and not have wanted for another experience.


Happily, I still had tasks to perform. I need pictures, I need to gather up my companions and find Risa, the cruise director. Bingo was in full swing in the Paris Lounge so I headed toward the bow. Now, I’m not a real bingo fan, in fact I haven’t played it in at least ten years, but it did tickle me to see how competitive folks become waiting for that laaaaaaast number to be called. Groans, cheers and laughter bounced rhythmically about the theater.


The debark talk was the next item on the agenda to play out in the Paris. I knew that Risa would be giving the talk so I sat quietly flanked by Cap’n Crazy on my left and Machscot on my right. She bounced out on stage will the energy that instantly identifies her as a Cruise Director. Risa is a people person… even more than that, she’s a PERSON’S person. She has more energy than two or three locomotives and a smile that would infect the Grinch. Strutting back and forth across the stage, offering words that she’s said dozens if not hundreds of times previously, she made the end of the cruise factual and palatable. Aimed primarily at the first time cruisers, of which there were MANY, the information was concise and spot on accurate.


As her briefing wound down she invited any one with questions to come to the stage after she had completed. My friends and I ambled over and joined the end of the longest line. She bubbled with enthusiasm and spent as much time necessary to make sure that questions were answered, I's dotted and every T crossed.


In a now empty theater, devoid of passengers save one other and myself, I approached Risa, extended my hand and said ‘John Heald asked me to say hi.’ Her eyes flew wide open, her jaw dropped and she said ‘YOUR Mach!!!!’ I nodded and answered ‘Yep’. As it turned out we had missed each other several times over the preceding days. Her going this way and me that… She gave me a huge hug and immediately knew who my charges were and what we were there for.


Have you ever seen someone move so fast they’re almost a blur? That was Risa. A vibrant mass of kinetic energy suddenly released with a purpose. Arms waving about as if conducting an orchestra she grabbed folks from the entertainment staff and gathered them together. Pictures. It was time for pictures. As she wildly mashed buttons on her cell phone calling seemingly every officer on the ship I huddled with the others and put together shots of them and the ‘scots. These folks were WONDERFUL!! They posed, they preened the ‘scots and they had a great time. Several offered to meet me later in the evening at the piano bar.


With the organizational skills of an Army General, Risa, in short order, had lined up meetings with engineers, officers, the Captain and even the CHEF (!!!!!) who she referred to as ‘chefie.’ The best was yet to come as she even arranged for a visit to the bridge and pictures with our mascots perched on the ships wheel!! As the crowning glory, we got pictures in the Captain’s cabin as he allowed the ‘scots to review his plans for the remainder of the voyage.


Allow me to toss a few pictures in here as my poor writing skills can’t express how much fun this all was:









Worth a thousand words? To me, worth MILLIONS!!!


As luck would have it Risa’s mom happened to be on board the ship for a birthday cruise. She is a lovely woman, easy to talk to, quick of wit and could easily have been a cruise director herself. She, much like Risa, seemed to be everywhere for the rest of the day, smiling and waving as we passed in public rooms of the Inspiration.


Although I’ve never had children I certainly was a proud papa that day. My little ones had become the darlings of the crew and I couldn’t go anywhere without them. I let them rest in my cabin for a bit as I went aft for a drink and one of the social directors asked where the ‘creatures’ were, requesting that I bring them back for a photo op. If only I could generate that level of interest and excitement!!!

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wow!! sounds great sailing out os same ship 01/09 also in Cat 12. Any pictures of cabin??



You bet!! Let me toss a few out there for you:








The last photo is the Brasserie... the restaurant at the aft end of the Lido Deck.

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The 'Scots really are special!!! You should feel like a proud Papa!!! You introduced them to this vessel and they conquered it along with you conquering the Inspiration!!!

Your photos illustrate just how wonderful the crew of a Carnival ship can be! How friendly, outgoing, and generous any one of the crew can be! You've captured the spirit and the joy of cruising with your words... and now we're seeing the same in your photos...

Thank you!!!

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The 'Scots really are special!!! You should feel like a proud Papa!!! You introduced them to this vessel and they conquered it along with you conquering the Inspiration!!!


Your photos illustrate just how wonderful the crew of a Carnival ship can be! How friendly, outgoing, and generous any one of the crew can be! You've captured the spirit and the joy of cruising with your words... and now we're seeing the same in your photos...


Thank you!!!



It's always a great pleasure to be able to convey even the tiniest bit of the fun and excitement of a cruise. If I can make one person smile or help dredge up one memory of a past sailing I'm thrilled and happy with what I've accomplished.


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Thanks for your great writings! DH and I, along with our children and several other family members, sail on the Inspriation April 21 to celebrate my 60th birthday and my DSIL's 60th as well. Some of us are experienced cruisers and others are first timers. I'm sending each of them a link to your thread. It will be a great "warm up act" for them.

Thanks for the Cat 12 pix. DH and I have one and plan on it being HQ for our group. Looks like it will work just fine.


Mary Lou

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Love your review. I also love the Inspiration. Did you happen to meet George the Greek? He is the best Maitre D' around.



Yeah, I did, but oddly enough I met him in the Chopin Lounge... Very nice guy, VERY Greek and lots of fun!!! He should be a cruise director as opposed to a Maitre d'!!

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Yeah, I did, but oddly enough I met him in the Chopin Lounge... Very nice guy, VERY Greek and lots of fun!!! He should be a cruise director as opposed to a Maitre d'!!


He has a lot of fun. I have watched him bring a table of young guys over to meet a table of young girls. He was having a blast setting them up. He is all over the ship and would make a wonderful cruise director. He is the only Maitre d' that I have ever had that takes the extra step in making dinner a blast.

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:eek: :eek: Oh noooo...that means probably more pin trauma for me on Ecstasy..:(


No pins or past guest party on a 4-day sailing. You do want to get to know your cabin steward as they are the ones who would be placing the pins in your cabin on the 5-day sailing. Sometimes if you ask sweetly, they will fetch you one.


If that fails, you can sometimes go to the Purser's desk and ask for one. For us, this has been the second 4-day sailing we have gone on out of 14 Carnival cruises. Usually it is only about $10-30pp difference between the 4 and 5 day sailings so we typically go with the 5-day ones.


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Thanks for taking the time to recount your adventures. They are very enjoyable and humourous. We head out on the Inspiration to Cozumel on the 17th.(2 more days) Can't wait. We ae excited to see the new upgrades. Presently we are chilling in Port Canerval. We have sailed the Fantasy and Glory two times each in the past, but decided to try something different for a change. Thanks again and I am glad I came across your posts before our cruise.

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Thank you so much for all of this information...I sail on the Carnival Inspiration on 4/17...not much time left now.

I certainly hope that I get to meet George the Greek (actually I need to spend more time reading every detail to see which dining room you stated he was in) We I sailed on the Carnival Freedom to Italy, Turkey and the Greek Isles for it's inaugural 12 sailing in March '07 I had the fabulous John Heald as CD (just love his blog!!!) and had Ken the singing Maite d' in the dining room...what a voice!!! He was always coming around to all of the tables to check on everything. We had early dinner and when we got back late from one of our exhausting excursions he found a place for us at second seating with no questions asked.

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Thanks ever so much for your descriptions and adventures. It has been a lot of vicarious fun for me. The pictures were great too. I also went and read the review of your Conquest trip...simply sublime wording. I guess being sick this week has been a blessing...and a curse. The blessing is that I got to peek into three magnificent lives and their cruising journeys. The curse.... now I want another cruise so badly I can hardly stand it! Much appreciated!

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