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Anyone been cut off from alcohol sales on a cruise ship?


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Of course this whole thing is about all those people who mysteriously fall overboard, so be warned. A crew member has the power to deceide you are drunk and that is that.


Anyone else had a similar experience?

I can't imagine how the OP felt after being told she and her husband had been cut off. They are fully grown adults for petes sake. This seems to be another way the cruise line is dictating the way someone enjoys their vacation. I mostly sail on Seabourn, and it being all-inclusive, you simply look away from your cocktail, and its being re-filled! Go figure..


Host Dan

Legally in the State of California, a bartender has the right to cut off any customer from alcohol sales if they feel they have had enough, whether or not the customer is “legally” intoxicated - and that includes taking away alcohol which had been previously purchased. In this case, an officer had not witnessed the passenger's behavior, so it becomes a bartender responsibility. Those who feel the passenger should not have been cut off don't quite realize that people who are intoxicated often times don't realize they've had enough. And for their safety and the safety of other passengers, the sale of their "drug of choice" (because alcohol is a drug) should be controlled.


And right – given the number of passengers who have gone overboard, most due to intoxication – Princess is probably being cautious. Think of how the bartender who DIDN'T cut them off would feel - and the trouble he or she might be in - if something had happened to the passengers. How many passengers would initiate a lawsuit because such and such bartender didn't cut off Mr. Intoxicated and he went over the rail? When something like that happens, suddenly the cruise line is supposed to be responsible for these fully grown adults.


Because alcohol sales are lucrative for cruise lines, I would venture to guess that cutting off a passenger isn't done without proper consideration. The original poster should be thanking Princess for looking after them.

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We did get the ultimate revenge by never going back to that bar for the rest of the cruise. Those poor bar waiters, who were going to be rewarded handsomely with additional tips missed out. So who won in that situation.


This statement alone shows me that you are not adult enough to be responsible for your actions! I'm with the cruise line on this one.

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This statement alone shows me that you are not adult enough to be responsible for your actions! I'm with the cruise line on this one.


I think your statement was a bit harsh.


My husband and I have been on 34 cruises, we are not newbies nor are we irresponsible people. In our real lives, we are both business owners providing employment opportunities to many. That is why I was so offended by the treatment I received. He admits he got what he deserved, but I was guilty by association and I am not sure that was deserved.

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My husband and I have been on 34 cruises, we are not newbies nor are we irresponsible people. In our real lives, we are both business owners providing employment opportunities to many. That is why I was so offended by the treatment I received. He admits he got what he deserved, but I was guilty by association and I am not sure that was deserved.
I think your statement that you tried to buy him a drink - when he had already been cut off - makes you more than guilty by association...you were aiding and abetting. Again, harking back to my bartender days, if we cut off someone and someone else tried to buy them a drink, we would ask both people to leave.
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When I worked at NCL we encountered a huge problem. At one point the company was facing over $500 MILLION dollars in frivolous lawsuits, mostly brought against them by passengers who had brought on huge quantities of alcohol, got drunk, fell down staircases, fell off the ships, broke bones, got into fights, etc.

They all blamed NCL for letting them get drunk - and injured.


Most of these ridiculous lawsuits were thrown out of court, but NCL was spending millions in defending all these cases. Guess how those millions in costs eventully were paid? Higher cruise fares of course.


The courts gave NCL some great advice. If the cruise line could prove that they were making a dedicated effort to control alcohol consumption on their ships, the courts would be more cooperative in voiding the crazier lawsuits, thereby saving many millions in costs for the company.


So NCL started limiting the amount of alcohol brought on board by passengers, they taught a Responsible Alcohol Service Class to all bar staff, and started monitoring all alcohol sales to passengers on a daily basis. The courts were impressed enough to go along and it saved the company (and their passengers) millions.


Irresponsible behaviour by your fellow cruisers is what got all of this nonsense started. You and I have to suffer for it.

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I can't imagine how the OP felt after being told she and her husband had been cut off. They are fully grown adults for petes sake. This seems to be another way the cruise line is dictating the way someone enjoys their vacation. I mostly sail on Seabourn, and it being all-inclusive, you simply look away from your cocktail, and its being re-filled! Go figure..


Host Dan


Yes - but they are fully grown adults who in their drunkeness may fall on teh ship injuring themselves, or even falling overboard. There are many instances of overboard pax who were drinking before the incident.



I have been at land based restaurants where I have seen people who were cut off because they were visibly intoxicated. Not acting bad, just acting intoxicated. Some of them even have signs up saying we have the right to refuse service to you if you appear intoxicated, wheter you are driving or not.


In today's litigious society, they are going to protect their a$$. They don't want their butt sued when you fall on the ship because you drank too much, and you think that you fell because the ship was moving or the floor wet, when in reality you were drunk off of your butt and not able to walk straight and that is why you fell.

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I don't see a point in trying to supervise responsible adults because of a few bad apples. Is it going to come to signing 'release of liability waivers' when we want to order a few drinks? And I'm not talking about situations on land where bartenders should and do moniter so people don't drink and drive. :D


They don't have to be worried about driving obviously, but they will have to be worried when they need to call your next of kin and tell them you are missing as you went overboard when you drank too much and had a temporary lapse of reality. Many overboard pax are a result of alcohol intoxication.


The cruise lines are covering their a$$.

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Bruce Muzz you answer makes the most sense of all. I can understand the cruise line position and it is a shame that the irresponsible behavior of others causes us all to suffer. I have been on an NCL ship recently and they have a zero tolerance policy on bringing anything on board, including wine. RCI has that same policy and I hear rumor from a friend that sits on their board it is for the same reason. However. we were not drinking alcohol we brought on board so I am not sure how that affected our situation.


I see numerous older passengers that can barely walk slipping and bumping into things all the time. Does this mean the cruise lines will start doing mobility tests before you are allowed on board. I am aware of numerous lawsuits because a passenger slips and falls for various reasons, not all related to the ship.


As for aiding and abetting, he's my husband. I am sure you would do the same.

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As for aiding and abetting, he's my husband. I am sure you would do the same.

Um – no, if my husband was cut off by a bartender I would not do the same. When I was a bartender and my husband would come to the club I cut him off myself a couple of times. You have stated that he deserved to be cut off – so you must believe that he was intoxicated. So rather than look out for his best interest you tried to get more alcohol for him?

If he was my husband, I would have said “honey, we’ve had enough to drink for tonight and cutting you off is in your best interest…let’s the two of us go get some coffee.”


My viewpoint might be tainted because I've been on both sides of the bar - but it's scary what can happen when someone is highly intoxicated - because alcohol use doesn't allow you to realize how intoxicated you really are.

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As for aiding and abetting, he's my husband. I am sure you would do the same.
Uh, no. I just asked DH if he would buy a drink for me if I were 'cut off'. Without hesitation his reply was - NO, just as I wouldn't buy a drink for him.
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As for aiding and abetting, he's my husband. I am sure you would do the same.



No. There are countless wives/lovers/SOs out there who cut off their partner before any bartender has the chance.


Why does the word "Codependent" come to mind???

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Wow...never heard of that but since you asked, I can't help but wonder if there was a "trigger"...the two of you were not arguing at some point, were you??? I have watched them keep an eye on couples that seem to be "seriously disagreeing" on something...

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As for aiding and abetting, he's my husband. I am sure you would do the same.


No.. .no I wouldn't. My guess is, upon reading this, that is why you were cut off as well. If your husband was flagged, they wanted to stop you from still buying him alcohol.

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No human being has the power to "judge" another. We all have the power of discernment and we are simply expressing an opinion. If you and the OP want to perceive comments as a "judgement" then so be it. If the OP were simply asking for "yes" or "no" responses, then she should have stopped at the question and not gone into the details. It seems to me like the OP is looking for validation of her opinion.


See if it was just opinions then the OP would not be put down. It is judgement when the line is crossed to demean or lower someone because of ones opinon. Discernment is a Synonym for judgement.


Just a note about Ruby Tuesdays: No it was not posted, and my husband who I said is the quiest guy you ever met did not question a thing. We just walked out the door 15 years ago and have never ate their again. I certainlty would have bought a drink and given it to him! Sometime, it is just better to handle things his way. In this instance.......it was best not to argue beacuse it would have just made them look as if they were right.


I stand by what I said.... We each have our opinion of what is too much. To some it's one drink to others it's not till you worship the porcelin god. Establishing a clear line, a clear policy as to how many or actions that were to bring cause is better than just leaving it to someone. I don't have a problem with someone being cut off......I have a problem with how it is decided.

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Ok, here's a question for those that dont belive that the employee should have cut them off.


If you were to " fall " overboard and delay the ship to either the next port or returning home. Should we be able to sue you or your estate for the damages? Cause I'm bettin the cruiseline would not do anything for the rest of us.


Now before you drinkers jump on me. I do like to have a few drinks while on my vacation. I do not drink to get drunk, and just because you are on vacation doesnt mean you should either. I dont know about you, but I want to remember my trip.


If you really needed that drink, or are that upset about being cut-off, then you may want to meet some of Bill W.'s friends.




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It's nice that the cruise lines are looking out for their passengers....even if it means losing some revenue on liquor sales.


It sounds like your husband has a problem, and might want to talk to a professional, or join a support group.

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I think the OP just wanted to know if this is something that we see happening or it happened to you. This kind of thing can happen to people who do not deserve it. Think about if the people who scolded them on this thread were the server. They would cut many off way before maybe I would because I have a different thought of what is too much.


This happened to my husband on land at Ruby Tuesday's. He and I were sitting at the bar having appetizers before we met friends for a Movie. He had two beers, it was happy hour. He ordered a third and they refused to bring him the 4th free because this was too much for one person to drink. Now this was happy hour where they advertise 2 for one. We were very offended as my husband is the quietest man I have ever met. He was NOT drunk, NOT loud, NOT stumbling, nothing! I was not drinking as I only have a drink once in a while.


My point is don't jugde the OP. What is excess to one is not to another. I am sure they were mortified on the ship when this happens. They just wanted to know if this was something new, they got a rogue server, or if it happens after 10pm.;)


Becareful of juding others as you certainlty don't want to be judged by someone who has different morals or standards than you.


Very Well Said!!;)

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If you were to " fall " overboard and delay the ship to either the next port or returning home. Should we be able to sue you or your estate for the damages? Cause I'm bettin the cruiseline would not do anything for the rest of us.

Not everyone who drinks becomes 'STUPID'. Just because a person enjoys a drink while on vacation shouldn't automatically indicate they're going to 'fall' overboard! You yourself said you enjoyed a drink every now and then, does that mean you are at risk of falling overboard?:confused: Why should responsible adults automatically be considered risks because of stupid drunks. There's a difference.


If you really needed that drink, or are that upset about being cut-off, then you may want to meet some of Bill W.'s friends.


It sounds like your husband has a problem, and might want to talk to a professional, or join a support group.


Don't you think you two might be judging a little too harshly? Did the OP say they were cut off every night? To insinuate that one has a drinking problem because they might have over indulged one night of a cruise vacation is going a little too far.:rolleyes:

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I was a bartender for a dozen plus years. Yes in this world of stupid law cases there are many laws a business has regarding alcohol. Plus many required classes a bartender, waitress, busser, door security has to take. We call it the money trail in the south. If you are at the bar down the street and have 3 beers in under two hours and then come into my bar and we serve you, we are responsible for your behavior. That means even though you had 3 out of 4 drinks elsewere and we served you the forth, we become the defenders of any court case. So after we serve you that 4th drink (one in our house) and you leave and have a car accident, your family (seems no one ever sees their responsibility in their own actions when alcohol is concerned) and whoever or how many others you hit all sue us. First the door man (security) for letting you in and not being psychic to just know you were blasted (not all drunks wear a neon sign, some are very quiet and sedate.) then the waitress that brought you the drink, the bartender that poured the drink, the barback (busser) and any lower mgmt to upper mgmt. that was on the property. Then they get to go after the corporation. Not only will everyone of those people have to pay for a defense at their own expense, even if it gets thrown out, but they will be heavily fined separately. A good bartender, waitress, etc. Will watch how many drinks in how much time and what is in them and either try and slow a pace down, feed the patron, or as a last resort cut you off. No one wants to cut off any patron , it usually requires more than just one staff's opinion. The patron usually complains and causes problems. Not your standard upset but scene causing. ( The worse they react, usually means you were on target.)

Have I cut off patrons? You bet. Have I cut off the person they were with? You bet. Interestingly enough, rarely does the person originally cut off complain as much as the person next to them. I think that is mostly due to the fact that their spouse, buddy, whoever just killed their evening out. They are mad/embarrased at their companion and we are the easy target. Most of the time if one is tipsy the other is not too far behind and would have to be cut off soon anyway. Sometimes it is just flat policy as there are tons of people that would just buy the buddy a drink for them. Makes a bigger problem later to remove a group. Sorry for the length of this post, but when a person is drinking they do most often need a baby sitter even on a cruise. Most people drink with a buddy or designated driver just so they have a safety net, bar staff is also that net. Please do not hold it against an employee because they cut you off, it is not an easy process in any bar on land or sea. Be glad someone has your back and take a breather, there is always tomorrow. I have had more than half of people I cut off come back the next day and thank me for cutting them off, putting them in a cab, with a sandwich for the road. I have never had someone come back mad because of it. (and yes the still patronized the establishment). I have also never had to look into a loved ones eyes and appologize because I served their buddy one too many and he got hurt, hurt someone else or worse died.

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kat89447 I appreciate your post and understand where you are coming from.


To some that are questioning our behavior, no we were not arguing. We were not even talking with other passengers. We were either dancing or in one case, listening to the piano guy. That is the reason we were so surprized by what happened. I know that my judgement could have been impaired, but not according to the purser whom I had a lengthy conversation with. We were obviously non-threating because security was never involved. And please remember that I noted in my initial post that this was the only night of the cruise that we even were out. As to my decisions that night, it is very easy to see things differently sitting here at one's keyboard than in the moment of time that the situation occurred. My real beef was the confiscation of my wine that was already bought and paid for and that my husband was not even drinking. By the way, there was only one glass missing from that bottle that I had purchased 2 hours earlier. The purser did tell me that they have had numerous older people over-indulge and then fall and hurt themselves. Guess 50 qualifies as an older person.


Thank You especially Carribeansol for attempting to set this post into a discussion instead of a jury trial. I was just seeking opinions and boy did I get them!

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CWcruisers I know I got a little (alot) wordy lol and I wasn't implying so much about you and your husband in particular but just in general. The bottle of wine in a perfect world should have been resealed and delivered to you the next morning. Really, more than likely a mistake was made and some new or rookie crew member either tossed it out thinking he was supposed to or it disappeared. Not knowing the cruiselines policy it is possible that it is standard to remove and toss any alcohol in the case of "cutting someone off". As I said it is a BIG deal to cut anyone off and sometimes mistakes are made and then to top it off, handled badly. It is very stressful to have a cut off situation and can be very uncomfortable for both sides. I used to get called in to bar areas to cut people off for other bartenders, sadly I had a knack for doing this and rarely had a scene. It was the local bar joke with the regulars that when I showed up party time was over. lol Don't let this one time give you a bad taste, because truly it was for the safety of you and your husband etc. We have all been there when even one drink hit us harder than normal or 4 drinks barely did anything and very few people in the bar business handle cutting people off well, unfortunately you almost brace for the fight instinctively. Hope the cruise was great outside of that one issue.

Point to ponder: The same people that cause a fight or scene when they get cut off are usually the ones that sue the bar when they don't get cut off and have an accident on the way home. Once again not aimed at you or anyone in particular, but the overserved excuse comes up alot in court.

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They had confiscated my bottle and would not give it back to me until the next day!


Kat89447 - Just to clear the confusion the OP stated she did receive the bottle the next day.




We're getting to a point where we're being 'policed' so much by businesses and government. All for our own protection :rolleyes: . For the most part we're all responsible adults and shouldn't be told how much or how little we should drink. Shouldn't that be our own decision? I graduated kindergarten a long time ago and have moved on.



I was going to attempt and not touch this subject at all, but my profession judgment has gotten the best of me. Forgive me for botching the quote function...To BeachBumMama I am sure you specifically meant all those patrons on a cruise ship. But, it is interesting to see how many people take this same approach behind the wheels of a car. I have seen far to many life destroyed by those people who felt they were responsible enough to make their own decision. Sorry to through my two cents in, but it would be eat at me all night.


Be Well

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I got cut off in a bar about 35 years ago. I had been drinking quite heavily and was dancing. I didn't like dancing with my shoes on so I took them off. the bar insisted I put my shoes on and I refused. Even back then they were looking at their liability.

My other comment is this, the ship is a business with its own rules. Again, they can make, enforce or change their rules as they see fit. As their customers we need to understand and accept that we can not control them. If we are not happy with what they do, we should spend our cruise dollars some where else.

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The crusieline wants you to drink....a lot. Saying anything other than that is just insane. They want you to get loaded on their high priced booze and then visit their casino. Simple fact. Now if both the OP and husband were cut off I would have to think there is more to the story then what was posted.


Comments about them falling overboard are pretty lame as are the comments that the OP needs to join a self help program. Trust me, I am going to drink all night long the first two nights at sea from Galveston headed to Jamaica. I am going to rock and roll. If I am drinking and having a good time the crew will line up with fresh drinks for me. One after another...All night long if I can handle it. Hence the point...the booze will flow until they feel i can't manage myself. At that point I will be cut off. Of course I won't get to that point as I want to remember my cruise but some people like to party hard. So be it.


At some point the crew just said enough of this and cut them off. Party on as far as I am concerned but at some point somebody figured enough was enough...for both of them. I don't blame the OP for living it up and at the same time I don't blame the crew for shutting it down. If you are cut off and went back to the bar for the remaining bottle of wine, all I can say is...."I want to party with you guys!". :)


Seriously, not enough facts given and the crew want you to get loaded as much as you can. They don't think you are going to fall off the boat(please) but they are covering the hundreds of problems that might arise.


With the information given I will not take any side on this one. I guess a lesson learned, at least on that cruiseline. Party on! the best you can.

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I've never actually been cut off, I usually cut myself off before I get too off my face. However, in some places, Toronto, Ontario comes to mind, wait staff are very reluctant to put a full bottle of wine on the table of a solo diner, in case an LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) officer comes in. They'll sell you the wine, and keep the bottle behind the bar, so that the server has to pour each glass. One waitress explained that the servers can get fined and lose the ability to work in licensed premises if they are deemed to be "over serving" a customer. I travel a lot on business and end up dining alone in restaurants reasonably often, so I will sometimes have a whole bottle of wine with my dinner, over the course of a couple of hours.


There was one time when I was waiting for a flight at Toronto airport when I'd had a few glasses of red wine (which always makes me dopier than a gin and tonic for some reason) and the bar lady asked me what time my flight was, that was the hint that she thought I was bending the elbow a bit too much. I took the hint and cut myself off. Some servers are a bit more tactful than others. I didn't take it as an insult because I thought she was looking after my best interests, after all I didn't want to get denied boarding.

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