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Worst case scenario for sneaking on alcohol.


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Talk about generalization! So you think everyone that "smuggles" booze onboard does not BUY any drinks on the ship???

did i ever say this? no....but, why bring your own? what's the rationale if not to "save money" - which is the general consensus on this board and others. as everyone has been complaining of "jacked up prices" and so forth. if this is true, why would you buy the drinks? (insert logic) i know that many people that brink their own booze don't buy any of the ships drinks. some may. i never accused you personally of anything, now did i?

Whatever made you think that? Most people I know that do in fact bring a couple bottles onboard also buy drinks in addition and their bar tab is enough to help out the poor cruise line-lol! You don't even know if they would make up for the drinks that they would have had with their own liquor buy purchasing them, do you?Perhaps they just wouldn't be drinking as much. Generalization you say?

Do you people really think that they would raise their rates strictly because some people bring their own booze onboard??


Then I guess they would have to do the same because of all the excursions that cruisers are purchasing OFF THE SHIP too right? Or is that different because that's what you do? Geez, let's not be so naiive and narrow-minded folks.

it's NOT an issue of being narrow minded. :-) i do buy all my excursions through the ship and i follow the rules. :-) i don't consider myself naiive. it's not an use of a "poor cruise line"....they will get their money one way or another. I book my excursions via the line because I won't get left behind on the island when the ship pulls away...maybe some of the others will, but i won't. The alcohol sales are part of their revenue. Pure and simple. If a majority of the passengers are bringing their own alcohol and not buying the ship's drinks, they will not get that revenue. Hence, they will have to raise prices elsewhere to pay their employees. sure, you say you still buy ship's drinks.....why then complain about the prices, etc....?


The bottom line is: If you like paying for all of the overpriced drinks on board, be my guest, but DON'T get on our cases for choosing to only purchse some of them...period. (I'm also referring to all of the others out there who have put their 2 cents in.) :rolleyes: Boy, maybe Carnival will change their policy one day to allow bringing booze onboard like some other cruiselines do and then what would everyone be saying? I can only imagine :eek: .

umm.....with my previous post, I NEVER got on anyone's case. Just stating an opinion.........point of the boards...........anyway......

There's really no point in getting angry about this.....it's just like getting mad over the soda card thing........

should we talk about that? :-)


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so get off your high horse. there's not enough oxygen up there.



geesh...someone needs a really stiff drink.


Loosen up...we're all allowed to have opionions here..some just matter more than others!!:p

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...but, why bring your own? what's the rationale if not to "save money" - which is the general consensus on this board and others. as everyone has been complaining of "jacked up prices" and so forth. if this is true, why would you buy the drinks? (insert logic) i know that many people that brink their own booze don't buy any of the ships drinks. some may...

Many people like to enjoy a cocktail while getting ready for dinner or to enjoy on the balcony before bedtime. The problem with room service is timing - fresh drinks are best, once the ice melts they are just plain icky. The other option is to traipse on over to the lounge and get one to bring back. Not convenient, especially ... well, let's just say there are times when one is not willing to go out in public due to their attire or lack of it.


It's not just $. Convenience is a huge part of it. Some are also brand-loyal and find the ships don't generally stock their brand.

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Riiiighhhhtt - that's why they put them in leakproof containers, wrap them in bubble wrap, and in ziplock bags - because they want to ruin your trip. There are thousands of evil spirited people who also just happen to be addicted to YOUR favorite vacation mode - and who live to try to ruin your trip - even though it would have the same/worse effect on their own clothing and trip. Yep, I can see thousands of people paying thousands of their hard earned dollars just to do that. /sarcasm off/


The reality - that you so don't want to admit - is that if it were actually happening - leaking booze ruining other's property - you'd see thousands of posts about it on here.


Given that your 'argument' has no logic in it - I think you need to look in the mirror when uttering 'bottom feeder'




These people want to always be the exception to the rules and not follow them. They could care less about runining your trip. That is why you avoid these bottom feeders at all cost.
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they will get their money one way or another.



If you think that, why continue to post? Let those who want to bring a bottle or two in their luggage, do so and don't complain about it.


I am sure those that are opposed to 'smuggling' booze on board never order a plate of food and not finnish it and then order another plate and only eat a little bit. Is that not costing the cruise line money? Let me guess, you eat every bite and never throw any food away. Are you all aware that cruise lines lose millions of dollars a year due to people wasting food? Search it here at CC and read about it. If everyone ate everything they ordered the price for a cruise would be a lot lower. I eat everything that is brought to me and I never order something that I know I won't finnish. Royal Caribbean is making 18,000 meals a day (http://www.national-anthems.net/forum/article/rec.travel.cruises/735768). Now of those meals how much do you think is wasted? How much of that wasted food directly reflects the cost of a cruise? RC has gone as far as hiring companies to reseach how they can save money on food waste. I couldn't find any info on how cruise lines are fighting the 'war on booze' however. If you all really want to help drive the cruise price down then open your eyes to what really makes the prices the way they are. I found many other articles on food waste costing millions in the cruise industry, and you can to. I triple dog dare anyone to find an article that states 'smuggled' booze is a problem or even a concern in reference to lost revenue. Happy hunting.


I won't waste any more of my time going on to the other things that cost a cruise line money. Google it and find out for yourself.



Now to more important news. I ordered my Rum Runners on Friday and they arrived today. Talk about FAST service! Also, you can't beat the price.


It was also mentioned that people that bring a bottle or two with them are also going to be spending a LOT of cash for booze on board. I know I will be. At the same time, I don't want to walk to the bar in my boxers to grab the wife and I a couple of drinks before we head out on the balcony. Now if those that don't want me to 'smuggle' a bottle on board sign a waiver that they don't mind me walking about in my boxers then I promise not to bring a bottle with us.



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I smuggle some booze - and no it doesn't leak - I use Rumrunners - you'd need a really sharp knife to pierce them, and I wrap them up in T-shirts with rubberbands, so that won't happen anyway.


What I object to is ridiculously high prices for mixed drinks. I'm not required to buy them.


if you want to pay those prices -- be my guest. I choose not too. So what if I bring my own on? I wouldn't be buying their drinks if I didn't. I would merely go without. Thus, I'm not depriving the cruiseline of a dime by doing it.


so get off your high horse. there's not enough oxygen up there.


You make some very good points. But of course, you know they're STILL gonna continue to complain about it because people like that don't want to know the real facts, they just want to complain because others are getting something that they're not....I think it's a jealousy thing. It has to be, otherwise WHY would they care about it so much? After all, if it was such a profit loser for the cruiselines, I'm sure they could implement some more extreme security checks to stop these "smugglers" from bringing booze onboard and it would cost less than the money their "losing" on bar revenues. I really think the cruise lines are smart enough to know all this and they seem much less worried about it than these posters who obviously lack some much needed common sense. This booze "smuggling" has been going on for decades and it sure hasn't seemed to hurt the industry any and as a matter of fact, hasn't affected the prices in all those years so obviously, noone's suffering here (except for maybe the extremist rule-abiding, self-righteous cruisers who seem to have trouble accepting that this is something that has always been done and will continue to always be done). I wonder if someone offered them to join them for a drink in their cabin with their private "stash", if they would decline it?????? ;) LOL

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If you think that, why continue to post? Let those who want to bring a bottle or two in their luggage, do so and don't complain about it.


I am sure those that are opposed to 'smuggling' booze on board never order a plate of food and not finnish it and then order another plate and only eat a little bit. Is that not costing the cruise line money? Let me guess, you eat every bite and never throw any food away. Are you all aware that cruise lines lose millions of dollars a year due to people wasting food? Search it here at CC and read about it. If everyone ate everything they ordered the price for a cruise would be a lot lower. I eat everything that is brought to me and I never order something that I know I won't finnish. Royal Caribbean is making 18,000 meals a day (http://www.national-anthems.net/forum/article/rec.travel.cruises/735768). Now of those meals how much do you think is wasted? How much of that wasted food directly reflects the cost of a cruise? RC has gone as far as hiring companies to reseach how they can save money on food waste. I couldn't find any info on how cruise lines are fighting the 'war on booze' however. If you all really want to help drive the cruise price down then open your eyes to what really makes the prices the way they are. I found many other articles on food waste costing millions in the cruise industry, and you can to. I triple dog dare anyone to find an article that states 'smuggled' booze is a problem or even a concern in reference to lost revenue. Happy hunting.


I won't waste any more of my time going on to the other things that cost a cruise line money. Google it and find out for yourself.



Now to more important news. I ordered my Rum Runners on Friday and they arrived today. Talk about FAST service! Also, you can't beat the price.


It was also mentioned that people that bring a bottle or two with them are also going to be spending a LOT of cash for booze on board. I know I will be. At the same time, I don't want to walk to the bar in my boxers to grab the wife and I a couple of drinks before we head out on the balcony. Now if those that don't want me to 'smuggle' a bottle on board sign a waiver that they don't mind me walking about in my boxers then I promise not to bring a bottle with us.




LOL! :eek:

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Riiiighhhhtt - that's why they put them in leakproof containers, wrap them in bubble wrap, and in ziplock bags - because they want to ruin your trip. There are thousands of evil spirited people who also just happen to be addicted to YOUR favorite vacation mode - and who live to try to ruin your trip - even though it would have the same/worse effect on their own clothing and trip. Yep, I can see thousands of people paying thousands of their hard earned dollars just to do that. /sarcasm off/


The reality - that you so don't want to admit - is that if it were actually happening - leaking booze ruining other's property - you'd see thousands of posts about it on here.


Given that your 'argument' has no logic in it - I think you need to look in the mirror when uttering 'bottom feeder'


I'm afraid that's going to be too hard to accept because it's just too logical :rolleyes:

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I agree that the fundamental premise of the cruise lines - their profit paradigm - has changed over the last couple decades. Their premise is now this -- discount rooms as much as possible to get people on board. then once you have them, bombard them with opportunities to part with their money. Pester and badger them. Nickel and Dime them wherever you can. This is why you now have a general dumbing-down of cruises. You don't get people that apparently can even wear a pair of slacks to formal night. You have people on cruises that 10 years ago could never have afforded to go. And not always the sort of people you want around. The super-young, the super rednecks, whatever.


This is the problem with letting people on board for $300 for a tiny room at the bottom of the ship. Someone has to pay for it. So one of the ways to do it is to really jack up drink and wine prices.


Thus, the cruise lines have essentially DONE IT TO THEMSELVES. The free market crossed with human nature if both breathtaking to behold and predictable. You try and squeeze people on certain items -- they won't buy them or they will find ways around them. If the cruise lines were mass-marketing and giving away rooms, forcing them to try and get their money in other ways, we wouldn't have to worry about their Gestapo-like anti-liquor tactics -- not designed for your safety, but only to line their pockets.


Similar to what's going on in airlines - you raise the prices, people won't take the planes. If you try and charge them for bags (they are all doing this now in one way or another), people will stuff more into carry-ons and now you'll have to deal with that. Try and force people to pay for "meals" on planes, they will bring their own food (I sure do!). Prices too high for liquor? no problem! Bring along your own in plastic bottle small enough to get through security! It's human nature!!!


There was a time when cruising was a bit quieter, a bit more luxurious, and less like a rolling theme park run by people who I swear got their training at time-share seminars.


I agree with the above. The "holier than thou" types are some of the same people who waste food, or who stiff their wait staff on tips because they conveniently ONLY show up the first night and "lobster night" and not the last night (can't tell you how many times I've seen this!). To me, far worse things than mixing my own drinks in my room.


Anyway, the cruise lines can't complain. what is occurring is so logical and predictable.


for those of you that buy their drinks, I say THANK YOU!! What's it to you whether I personally do or not? Those of you buying the drinks aren't doing ANYONE a favor except the cruise lines and Jed, Ellie Mae and the family whose deck 3 interior closet you've helped subsidize -- they will thank you as they are smoking like paper factories by the hot tub and sharing your "dining experience" at your table -- while sitting in muscle shirts and flip-flops!


If the lack of purchasing means that cruise lines stop heavily discounting the "bottom feeder" rooms to compensate for their lack of booze/casino/art auction/excursion/soda/etc/etc revenue, I think that would be great and would enhance my cruise experience.

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You make some very good points. But of course, you know they're STILL gonna continue to complain about it because people like that don't want to know the real facts, they just want to complain because others are getting something that they're not....I think it's a jealousy thing.


bingo!! they're not clever enough, creative enough or gutsy enough to do it -- so they pretend they are "better" than those that are.


also human nature and predictable.

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I agree that the fundamental premise of the cruise lines - their profit paradigm - has changed over the last couple decades. Their premise is now this -- discount rooms as much as possible to get people on board. then once you have them, bombard them with opportunities to part with their money. Pester and badger them. Nickel and Dime them wherever you can......


Very well said-I do believe you hit the nail on the head! (I'm applauding you right now :D ) It's so refreshing to see that someone has some good ol' common sense! Just wish it was contagious :p


(don't know why your little pic/avatar thingy didn't show up??)

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these arguments are all good fun here....but the real bottom line the the original posters question.....will you be able to bring or won't you? the cruise line makes the rule for a reason, and they don't want people bringing their own booze on board - for what reason that is, we can argue all day. like i said, it's fun to debate and we could do that forever...........


But, one thing we know for sure - each cruise line's contract that we sign. so, congrats if you can sneak and are successful, but it seems as of recently there has been a more strict policy that i've observed myself. I've seen the port authorities confiscate before boarding, and like i said, this wasn't spring break. so, you can bring your bottles but you may loose money in the end. i can only speak for royal, i don't cruise with anyone else. so have fun.

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I agree that the fundamental premise of the cruise lines - their profit paradigm - has changed over the last couple decades. Their premise is now this -- discount rooms as much as possible to get people on board. then once you have them, bombard them with opportunities to part with their money. Pester and badger them. Nickel and Dime them wherever you can......


Very well said-I do believe you hit the nail on the head! (I'm applauding you right now :D ) It's so refreshing to see that someone has some good ol' common sense! Just wish it was contagious :p


(don't know why your little pic/avatar thingy didn't show up??)


i have to disagree. i think cruising is a deal. compare it to a week at disney world. i cruise so much because you can't beat the overall price of the vacation compared to other destinations - nickel and dime included.

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I read or at least scanned most of the posts to this thread as well as other discussions about bringing alcohol on board a ship. I can only speak of personal experience onboard RCCL, Carnival and Princess. Princess allowed me to bring my own wine aboard and I did. I have read the warnings from all three about alcohol. On our first cruise I believed them but at the last port of call in Coz, I brought back a small bottle of rum in my backpack. It went through the xray machine and they did not say a word. After that I started bringing my own bottle aboard in checked luggage. I wrap it in plastic and bubble wrap and have never had a problem. It has always arrived in my room in perfect condition.


I did not know there was a "naughty room" as has been mentioned on this post. If I were called down there, you can be assured that I would not be embarrassed. I cannot imagine why anyone would since it is just you and the ship crew member. They will take the bottle and hold it for you until the last day. Nothing more. It would be hard to deny boarding since I had already boarded. It would make for an ugly scene anyway.


If you look at the practical side, the chance of them finding your bottle is small. Most large ships arrive in port in the morning and leave in the evening. They have to get 3000+ passengers and their luggage off the ship and then load 3000+ passengers and their luggage on the ship as well as their other supplies. Assuming 1.5 bags per person (low I know), that means they have to move 9000+ bags in a few hours. They really cannot check them all. Your chances of getting "caught" is small.


One item not discussed on this thread is buying liquor in the duty free store onboard. They deliver it to your stateroom the night before. It has been my experience that they deliver it in the late afternoon/early evening. It has made for a really nice last night on the boat if you get my meaning!

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We are one cruise away from RCI Diamond status...I dare them to try and bring me to the naughty room and dress me down for booze smuggling.


It would be the last they would see of me and the 2 high-deck, balcony rooms we book on RCI twice a year.


I would laugh in their face.

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I agree that the fundamental premise of the cruise lines - their profit paradigm - has changed over the last couple decades. Their premise is now this -- discount rooms as much as possible to get people on board. then once you have them, bombard them with opportunities to part with their money. Pester and badger them. Nickel and Dime them wherever you can......


Very well said-I do believe you hit the nail on the head! (I'm applauding you right now :D ) It's so refreshing to see that someone has some good ol' common sense! Just wish it was contagious :p


(don't know why your little pic/avatar thingy didn't show up??)


why thank you. When you recognize what the cruise lines are trying to do, it becomes easier to explain very predictable human behavior.


There's a game going on -- They want you on board to soak you for every dollar they can. The passengers are there to have the best possible time they can while spending the least money.




We buy good rooms. High deck rooms. Balcony rooms. Jr. Suites. We spend a lot with the line. But we spend extremely little on board. We tip at least the full amount to all appropriate people. We don't stiff anyone. I think they are making money off us.


We just refuse to spend a fortune on overpriced drinks.

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these arguments are all good fun here....but the real bottom line the the original posters question.....will you be able to bring or won't you? the cruise line makes the rule for a reason, and they don't want people bringing their own booze on board - for what reason that is, we can argue all day. like i said, it's fun to debate and we could do that forever...........



There's an argument over the reason why cruise lines try to keep booze off the ship?? really? Does anyone here think that it's "FOR YOUR SAFETY"? Really?


Come on. It's so they can make big money. Period. If that's the question, the thread should have been closed 2 weeks ago.

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There's an argument over the reason why cruise lines try to keep booze off the ship?? really? Does anyone here think that it's "FOR YOUR SAFETY"? Really?


Come on. It's so they can make big money. Period. If that's the question, the thread should have been closed 2 weeks ago.

Oh sure, for safety ;) . If I brought a glass bottle and neglected to protect it appropriately in my suitcase it could break and I could cut myself reaching for my swimsuit. :rolleyes:

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We are one cruise away from RCI Diamond status...I dare them to try and bring me to the naughty room and dress me down for booze smuggling.


It would be the last they would see of me and the 2 high-deck, balcony rooms we book on RCI twice a year.


I would laugh in their face.


they have taken booze away from other established diamond members......spoken with them on the boards.

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There's an argument over the reason why cruise lines try to keep booze off the ship?? really? Does anyone here think that it's "FOR YOUR SAFETY"? Really?


Come on. It's so they can make big money. Period. If that's the question, the thread should have been closed 2 weeks ago.


i never said it's for your safety..........

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Well, I feel the need to remind some posters on here, that the original poster of this thread was asking what is the "worse case scenario for sneaking on alcohol?" She already knew it is against the rules, so she is not asking for moral resolution or if it's ethical, or if anyone cares that she does it, merely what the worst thing is that could happen if they bring it onboard because she had read so many different posts with many different outcomes. The last part of her post asks: "Has anybody had to do anything worse than maybe give up the booze or dump it?"


She's probably wishing she had never asked....:rolleyes:


Oh, and BTW, of course the reason the rule is in place is so that you have to buy it from them so they can make more profit! Who in their right mind would think it would be anything different???

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they have taken booze away from other established diamond members......spoken with them on the boards.


Oh I'm sure they would CONFISCATE it. but if they gave me a hassle, it would be the last they see of the 8, high deck balcony rooms we buy every year. And I would let their corporate people know it.


We'd go to Celebrity. A bit more expensive, but we thought it was a great line. *shrugs*


I'm doubting they would give me a hard time, is all I'm saying. I get their "rules" however, as silly as they are. I know they'd take them from me if I was "caught"

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Oh, and BTW, of course the reason the rule is in place is so that you have to buy it from them so they can make more profit! Who in their right mind would think it would be anything different???


Apparently some here think that there's some other reason they confiscate it, though I can't imagine what that reason is. see below


these arguments are all good fun here....but the real bottom line the the original posters question.....will you be able to bring or won't you? the cruise line makes the rule for a reason, and they don't want people bringing their own booze on board - for what reason that is, we can argue all day. like i said, it's fun to debate and we could do that forever...........



Apparently this person doesn't know why the cruise lines prohibit booze. I was merely asking whether this was really being debated? EXCEPT TO MAKE MONEY, WHAT IS ANY OTHER POSSIBLE REASON?? Because they LIKE to??? Because the line is owned by tee-totalers? Because they're worried about my safety??? if there is another reason, I wish this person would enlighten all of us. Seems pretty obvious to me - TO MAKE YOU BUY THEIR DRINKS TO INCREASE THEIR PROFITS.




*rolls eyes*

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We tried to sneak ours on, we were with a party of 20. Some how we were elected to carry all the alcohol. Well, they x-rayed our bag and saw it all in there. They gave us a form to get it back at the end.


At our first port, we bought a bottle of vodka and a HUGE bottle of Water and transfered the vodka in the H20 bottle.

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