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Sick Child-Familythrown off ship (merged)

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Awesome post glgolfer!!! I just read the story about an hour ago and then saw this thread. Its nice to see the other side for a change.


The information from RCI was posted elsewhere on the internet, I didn't get it directly from them. It was an update to one that said they would not pay for the flight, etc. because the family didn't have insurance.

I'm sorry RCI caved in, I wish they had held firm on not paying the family anything.

I can see family's bringing a baby on, inducing vomiting, etc., screaming how they were mistreated and trying to sue everybody they can.

Hey, at 66 I'm entitled to be cynical.


As for this comment I totally agree...new born babies do not belong on cruise ships. Wait until they can enjoy it and they will not bother or be a hassle to other cruisers.

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Since there are always two sides to every story, why does everyone assume that RCCL's story is accurate? It looks like an expensive P.R. firm came up with it. Who knows if it's true? It certainly has the "air" of truth, what with timelines and all. But, that could be a cheap P.R. device. Who really knows what happened? And, no one is testifying under oath and under penalty of perjury. So, I give equal credence (or lack of credence) to both sides. And, if RCCL's version is correct, why are they bending over backwards to appease this family? Perhaps because things aren't quite as black and white as RCCL's version suggests?


The story Moeve tells of Celebrity (sister company to RCCL and under the same ultimate management) insisting that Moeve's client remain in a third-world unsanitary hospital on shore when the client's condition could easily have been (and in fact was) addressed in the ship's infirmary is horrifying. Perhaps the hospital at Nassau is decent -- but there are no doubt plenty of hospitals on plenty of Caribbean Islands where neither I nor anyone else posting here would want to be a patient. And, I'm not an ugly American saying that. It's just the facts, ma'am.


I'm so glad I'm keeping my parents on shore for our family vacation. We actually did it because my niece is four and my sister lives in dread of my niece accidentally going overboard. Looks like a land vaction is a good decision all the way around. As for getting on a ship and stopping at impoverished islands all over the Caribbean with nothing but our own resources if my elderly parents fall ill, this has no appeal for me. A cruise has always seemed like a better option than simply going to a foreign place on our own since, in some respects, it seemed like we were taking decent medical care along with us. That's been one of the positives of cruising, IMO.


Apparently, I was misguided. We're Diamond cruisers but I'll think long and hard before we cruise again, given what I've read in this thread.


RCI stockholders take note!

So that means you will also never travel out of the US because the medical services are not up to your specs. How sad is that, sorry but in life we all take chances. Take a hike in the woods where ther is no phone service, you are risking death. The list can go on. And where does it state ships have fully equipped hospitals on them?



And NOT all areas of the US are equal in their level of medical services available also.... and as for you neice, better not take her to a hotel with balconys.

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OK...I know my braincell is a bit old and frazzled...but if the baby is 7 months old and the cruise was booked in October 2007....the mother was either about to drop or had only just dropped when the cruise was booked.


Now to me...<old fart mode>....that sounds extremely irresponsible for the family to book a cruise with a baby they know would be very young, therefore more vulnerable to bugs and illnesses.


It also makes it even more unbelievable that they would elect not to buy insurance at the time of booking knowing that by the time they boarded the ship, the baby would be extremely young and at higher risk than the other 2 children in the family.


I thought it would be a good idea to have the baby removed, perhaps all 3 children should be...the parents beggar belief in the actions completely.

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We've all commented many times on the Entitlement Factor on cases like this or similar. While I have my own thoughts on bringing a child under 2 years old on a cruise (such as DON'T), it amazes me how people who don't have travel insurance or a passport are the first ones to scream mistreatment. The doctor onboard and the cruise line acted quickly to protect an infant that quite frankly had no business being at sea and away from adequate medical care since anyone with a brain knows that babies can dehydrate frighteningly fast. And shame on the media for not doing what they should do - get the facts from all parties before running a story. Thanks for calling them out on it, golfer. As the daughter of a journalist, it is appreciated.

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Yes, with 80-year-old parents, I will not travel outside the U.S. (and major metropolitan areas) because, indeed, medical facilities elsewhere are not, and would not, be up to my standards. And, I will no longer cruise with them either. I see nothing sad about that at all. Far more sad would be to see them suffer and die in a third-rate hospital because I didn't have the good judgment to realize their limitations (and the limitations of the places I might otherwise take them to). I care far more about their safety, health and well being than I do about traipsing them to foreign countries. As for my niece, yes, we're on the first floor of the hotel.


So, all is well! Thanks for checking!

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Yes, with 80-year-old parents, I will not travel outside the U.S. (and major metropolitan areas) because, indeed, medical facilities elsewhere are not, and would not, be up to my standards. And, I will no longer cruise with them either. I see nothing sad about that at all. Far more sad would be to see them suffer and die in a third-rate hospital because I didn't have the good judgment to realize their limitations (and the limitations of the places I might otherwise take them to). I care far more about their safety, health and well being than I do about traipsing them to foreign countries. As for my niece, yes, we're on the first floor of the hotel.


So, all is well! Thanks for checking!

That is your call, but my 80 year old mother would slap me upside my head if I did that to her. She not only travels without me, she organizes trips with her friends all over the place. So there is OLD and there is old. My family does not sit at home and worry about every little thing, and yes it is sad. You do know you in more danger in your own home than anywhere else don't you?
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My very wise DW called att'n to the fact that a baby with a respiratory issue (cold) doesn't normally get the runs or vomits unless they have been given too much meds to bring down the fever from the cold.


btw, good job on contacting the station!

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No, I don't think my parents are in more danger in their own home than anywhere else. They have a full security system with which they can easily signal for police, fire and ambulance. I don't know where you get your statistics, but the fact that they have almost immediate access to high quality health care at a major teaching university puts them miles ahead in terms of safety at home than, say, on a ship anchored off Jamaica.


And, they are not in the same condition as your mother, sad to say. I have to use my judgment in light of their actual physical conditions -- not in light of some other and more healthy 80-year-old. My father has the very beginnings of Alzheimer's, so he would be hard-pressed to organize a trip to the living room -- let alone a vacation trip with friends. He and my mother are still capable of travel, but only if good medical care is available in the event of an emergency.


I hope you know how fortunate you are to have an elderly mother in such good health. You know the saying . . . there but for the grace of G*d . . .

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Like I said in the other thread, the fact the media couldn't even get the number of nights right, should have raised some flags that the original story was a little off.


The Majesty does 3 and 4 nighters. According the article, it was on a 5 night cruise.

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Kudos to you Paul...........dont you just love when the stories the reporters arent checked out?? Same thing happened here in Ocala a few weeks ago(nothing as major as this story),but the anchor talked about an event that took place and it was the first time it was ever held there.......I emailed her and told her no,it was held there last year too.........she wrote back and admitted she didnt go right to the source and check it out.....she just took at face value what another reporter told her...:rolleyes:

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Like I said in the other thread, the fact the media couldn't even get the number of nights right, should have raised some flags that the original story was a little off.


The Majesty does 3 and 4 nighters. According the article, it was on a 5 night cruise.

Im trying to remember another incident on a ship that was in the news not too long ago...........the woman was very upset about something and the news reporting was all wrong.....something about her credit card bill and they showed pics of cruise docs that really werent what we know....


Maybe someone else remembers??:confused: :confused:

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To those that say they don't believe RCI and that they too might have lied about the circunstances. Many of the posters here have been cruising for many years and for many cruises. They have seen how cruise lines react in a crisis when possible life threatening sickness occurs. They have turned ships around and cost many hours getting someone to safety. They have called helicopters and the Coast Guard in response to those problems.

I was on a ship that rescued cuban refugees from a coming squall that would have swamped their small boat and killed them and gave them medical care and food until the Coast Guard could get them.

I'm sure posters here can verify that the way RCI stated they reacted to the babies problems is how they have reacted before under similar circumstances.

I'm not saying the cruise lines are always right in how they handle a situation, but in this case I believe the cruise line based on how other incidents have been handled.

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The family probably now thinks that RCI and the ship doctor were wrong, after their 7-month old baby was diagnosed with a cold which obviously is not usually life-threatening. However, an infant with vomiting and diarrhea, as described, is at risk of dehydration which can end in death of the child.


It would have not been safe to keep this infant on board with such symptoms. The ship doctor was right on his recommendations.


As to RCI and their offers, they are generous and the family should not be so concerned with "money lost" at this point, but very grateful that their infant child is alive and well!!!


Good job RCI and the medical staff on board!!!!!!!


AlinaMaria (RN)

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As I said on the other thread, RCI will think twice before they help anyone out financially in future. They sorted this family out as a goodwill gesture and the family threw it back in their faces by running RCI down.


The family should look very closely at their conduct and although harsh, I think that they should be banned from all cruiselines unless they can prove they have sufficient insurance and passports.


I think the cruise lines do more for pAX than we know.......especially with some ships hauling 3,000+

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I'm sure this may be repeating what some have said, but WOW, am I ever glad I cruise with RCCL. Not only do they take care of the passengers APPROPRIATELY when their is an illness, they make sure the rest of us are spared the exposure. No one would be happy with this situation - but this wasn't all about them .......... it was also what was best for the entire ship.

They are lucky that RCCL treated them so well with the compensation - it's too bad they weren't more gracious in how they told their side of he story to the press.

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I am thrilled that CC investigated this case, talked to RCCL and got the other side of the story. RCCL apparently did more than just bend over backward to help these parents and their sick child, even going so far as to get them complimentary hotel accomodations (which they chose not to use for reasons known only to them)

The parents called Medical, told them about the sick child and were told to bring him down to Medical immediately at approx 7pm. Instead, they chose to arrive at some time after 11pm - that sounds irresponsible and almost negligent. Perhaps they delayed because it interfered with their cocktails and dinner hour!! Again, cheers to CC for telling the other side of the story; too bad you won't read that in the news or see it on TV- not sensational enougjh :(

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Having raised two daughters and having traveled internationally with them when they were young children, I agree with the actions taken by RCCL. You should always be prepared for difficulties and illness when you travel with children. I was fortunate and never had a real problem when travelling with my daughters. However my younger daughter gave us all a scare when she was 6. She was feeling ill and run down over a weekend. On Monday I took her to our family doctor. He told us is was just a stomach virus and would clear up on its own with in a few days. He checked her lungs and ears and said they were clear. The next morning my daugter woke up with severe breathing difficulties. I rushed her back to the doctor. He told us that she had developed pneumonia overnight. Luckily, we were at home and were able to get her the proper treatment immediately. I hate to think of what would have happened to her if we had been where we could not get immediate care for her.


The doctor on board was correct to be worried about continuing to a port where there was no medical care available. Children, especially infants can deteriorate quickly. The family was adviced to seek care for their child with plenty of time to be back on board before the ship sailed. They were also adviced to get passports and travel insurance before they took the cruise. If you choose to ignore the advice of the experts for whatever reason, you choose to live with results of your actions. The family was offered assistance by RRCL on shore, but again chose not to accept the assistance. I am sorry the family missed out on a great vacation, but it was their decisions that led to interupted trip.

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Im trying to remember another incident on a ship that was in the news not too long ago...........the woman was very upset about something and the news reporting was all wrong.....something about her credit card bill and they showed pics of cruise docs that really werent what we know....


Maybe someone else remembers??:confused: :confused:


The womans husband died at the hotel the morning they were to depart. Another case of no insurance and expecting someone else to save them for being irresponsible.

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The womans husband died at the hotel the morning they were to depart. Another case of no insurance and expecting someone else to save them for being irresponsible.

Thanks!! Now i remember!!!! It was the case, where she claimed her CC got charged after the cruise even though they didnt go......(and whose CC gets charged AFTER a cruise??:confused: )........that was another case of false reporting...

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it's not that they can't take proper care of an infant. this can happen to anyone regardless of their age. it all has to do with the fact that all we have onboard is an infirmary. if something is seriosuly wrong with you, you need to seek medical help in a medical facility and that aboard the cruise ship.

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