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"I hope I don't regret it. If DH ask me to help him with yard work to work off some of the weight. Need I say "Joke Over" :("


I've actually learned to like the yard work! Extra activity points! think about it.......not to mention the raking and bending I think have helped my waisteline and upper arms.:)

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"I hope I don't regret it. If DH ask me to help him with yard work to work off some of the weight. Need I say "Joke Over" :("


I've actually learned to like the yard work! Extra activity points! think about it.......no to mention the raking and bending I think have helped my waisteline and upper arms.:)


DH have a yard helper now;)

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Good Morning, Everyone!

I got a chuckle out of the last few posts. I needed that after hearing that I am stranded home today due to our truck breaking down this morning! Anyway, today is the first day of my second week! Yeah!!! I have done really well so far. I just haven't exercised the past two days because I was so sore! I will try to exercise tonight.

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The last time I wrote, I thought I weighed 185, but hopped on the scale and saw 188!!:eek: Cut back a little last week but not a serious plan yet....so for my Starting Weight, I'll go by last week's number cause it's going to boost me psychologically;) .


Week #1

SW: 188

Age: 50

GW: 135 (50 lbs.)


Should I put anything else down? I'll do my weigh-ins on Mondays after this.


Okay....was watching Dr. Phil while babysitting my MIL. Topic: Obese kids. His Advice: Get the junk out of the house. How obvious is that?


It hit me this morning that I'm addicted to Ghiradelli chocolate chips...the big bag from Sam's Club. :D I open the cabinet and there is that bag staring at me from the shelf...right at eye-level. Why do I do that to myself, I asked? So I folded up the top of the bag and packed them into the back of the bottom shelf. Pretty simple. Yes, I could open the bag and take some, but not nearly so tempting from that spot.


It's all in the head, isn't it?


P.S. I'm going ballroom dancing after about 6 weeks of waiting for my knee to heal. Tonight... And I'm gonna burn some calories!

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By the way DH said he likes the way I am eating now. He is now giving me support. Hmmmmmmm, I wonder is it because he actually get home cook meals with plenty for him to eat or the fact that he was:eek: when I told him that I weigh 175lbs. This in my first week on WW, I wonder how much weight I will loose this week, so far just 1lb and I am exercising and not going over my points.:confused:



I can say this at the front end of this weight loss "campaign"...I am the Queen of Weight Loss Fluctuations and Water Weight Gain (wish they had a smiley wearing a crown).


If I graph my progress, you would see down, down, up, up, level, down, down, down, up, level, level, level, etc., or any variation of that craziness. I have to say this to myself even now, ignore it. My weight loss progress is going to look more like a stock market graph than a steady drop of any kind. What does help is WATER. Lots of water. My hubby just told me about the Weight Wars at work and about how drinking water is really helping the guys lose weight more steadily. If they weren't dropping anything, they started drinking water and began to lose right away.


I read an article years back and it said that each fat cell contains fat and water. Fat cells don't leave, they just shrink with weight loss. When it shrinks with fat loss, it still is there just hanging out feeling all "shrinky" and empty. Your body feels sorry for that empty little cell and, at first, go into a protective mode and the cells will absorb extra water to protect the fat cell. The cells plump up a bit and feel very happy...but only for a little while. The body is designed to shed excess water so it's just a temporary problem, until you lose more fat and the body does the same thing again. Your body knows what is coming each time you lose and is geared up to soak up some fluid, short-term. That is why when you first begin a diet, you lose a LOT of weight, usually, right up front...but it is mostly water, with some fat and some muscle if you aren't eating enough protein or exercising. Your body isn't prepared and is taken by surprise and you just lose a lot. What I've noticed is that IF I lose a lot over the first two weeks of a diet, I pay dearly for all of that excitement later. As in, YAY!! Whoooo-hoooo! I droopped 8 lbs. in 2 weeks!!! This is gonna be great!! Dieting is so easy!!! Then after that two weeks, I can lose NOTHING for the next two or three. It all ends up, in the long haul, being a 2 lb. per week average, over that first month, no matter how great it was up front. It's a mistake to get fooled by water weight loss or gain.


I am sure that I oversimplified the article, because I'm not an expert in the field of physiology, but it made a lot of sense to me. I'm going to make myself drink more water, on a daily basis and hope to see more consistent weight loss this time. I'd rather have slow but steady this time...it's more encouraging!

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I am going to try doing a quote every Monday morning. Here is the one I found for today. Enjoy. It does make sense!


Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip

Arnold H. Glasgow



Hi Cindy...I'm trying to catch up with reading all of the posts in this thread and noticed this one.


My "baggage" has gotten to be too heavy for my bone structure and boy can I feel it. My daughter once said, "Watch out for that point-of-no-return, Mom." What she meant was that there is a point where people can gain so much weight, over the years, and their body just can't take the stress any more. Everything starts to hurt, creak, make sounds, swell, ache, etc. Then you slow down in response and don't work quite as hard or quite as fast, then you start to gain more weight. I've seen the morbidly obese on TV and have wondered how they could get that way. I think what she said is right....the point-of-no-return. I've been going through that lately.....joints hurt and I'm slowing down, then noticing even more weight creeping onto my bones. Not good.

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Hi Cindy...I'm trying to catch up with reading all of the posts in this thread and noticed this one.


My "baggage" has gotten to be too heavy for my bone structure and boy can I feel it. My daughter once said, "Watch out for that point-of-no-return, Mom." What she meant was that there is a point where people can gain so much weight, over the years, and their body just can't take the stress any more. Everything starts to hurt, creak, make sounds, swell, ache, etc. Then you slow down in response and don't work quite as hard or quite as fast, then you start to gain more weight. I've seen the morbidly obese on TV and have wondered how they could get that way. I think what she said is right....the point-of-no-return. I've been going through that lately.....joints hurt and I'm slowing down, then noticing even more weight creeping onto my bones. Not good.

It is so true, isn't it.

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Hi Sabrina...I just wanted to comment about those fried dumplings. I love Chinese, too, and will eat it with my family while dieting. My husband always told me that when he was on a strict regimen, he'd still splurge and have a big Chinese lunch and he said that it actually caused him to LOSE weight every single week, right after he had the Chinese...even after plateaus of a few days. Anyway, I will have Chinese during this weight loss phase, but I will order the STEAMED dumplings...same sauce for dipping but without the fat from frying. Have you ever tried them? I'll have some hot & sour soup, some steamed dumplings and one dish that doesn't have fried meat in it...just stir fried veggies with chicken or sea food. :)

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I am sure that I oversimplified the article, because I'm not an expert in the field of physiology, but it made a lot of sense to me. I'm going to make myself drink more water, on a daily basis and hope to see more consistent weight loss this time. I'd rather have slow but steady this time...it's more encouraging!


I agree, slow and steady. I have heard that water is one of the key ingredients to weight loss. I am on board with the water. I have increased my water and my fiber intake.

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Congratulations on the 3 lbs. ! I wish that I wasn't so intimidated to hop on the scale. I'm just not ready yet. I haven't gone off track though, so something's got to give! It's been so long since I've been on a diet, I forget how long it takes before people actually notice a weight loss!



My sister was always like that...she'd avoid the scale at the start of a diet, but I'm the opposite. I always said to her, "Will that number make you fatter? or larger, etc.?" I want to know what I weigh so that I can get all excited when I can see the weight drop! I'm guessing that you think you might feel really discouraged or "icky" about yourself if you get on the scale....is that it?

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That last time I was thinner and had cool clothes..hmmmm...i think they are WAY OUT OF STYLE now! LOL


Guys weirdest thing...my feet are getting narrower. I already have pretty slim feet but some of my shoes are starting to slip off. Geee...I don't need it to come off my feet...the waist baby, the waist!!!



Hi Cindy...That happened to me once before...years ago. I went from about 138 to 123. It was so cool....I went down in shoe size from a 8 1/2 to a 7 1/2!!!! My feet got narrower, too! :D

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Cindy....Do you know how many people have joined this thread? I'm just curious.


Sorry for so many posts today, but I've caught up and had read every one, then, as my usual self, had plenty to say. :p .


I think this is so cool and encouraging so I wanted to thank Cindy for starting it up.


I changed my Avatar to say "Hi" to everyone. I like shooting photos and change mine often. I weighed about 165 in that photo, during our first cruise in 2007 (now down from 188 to 185). Not thin by any means but felt a little better. I'm going to shoot a nasty "before" photo and save it for when I reach my goal. How many of you have a pile of "fat" pictures hidden somewhere? I always snag them right off and make a fast run for my underwear drawer.


Funny of the Week:

My 7 year old granddaughter was laughing her head off when her older sister packed a micro-fleece blanket into the back of her stretchy pants and walked around making this "boingy-boingy" sound. The 7 yr. old said, "Hey, you look like Grandma!" Ugh!!!!!


P.S. Tim...you can call me "girl"....had my 50th birthday this year and "girl" sounds great to me...much better than grandma!:D

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Hey ...I think the numbers have dropped since the start of the thread. It is kind of sad, I miss the ones who have left. But I love the ones who are here, old and new!!!!


With school out I think some have other priorities now!!!


As for your picture question. There are hardly any pictures of me. On our last cruise I had about 4 pictures taken. I HATE having my picture taken, it makes me so sad. I guess because of my weight and some other things I just look sad in the pictures and I just don't want to see it.


Even though I have now lost 13 pounds, it doesn't look like it. I mean, come on. I saw on the MF boards a lady who weighs what I do now and she is in a size 4. How is that possible? Is something wrong with me? I just don't get it. Ooops,sorry..digressing!


Jerry and I found a really good deal on an Alaskan cruise. I hope we can arrange for the boys (the dogs) to have somewhere to stay so we can go. Well if I can also found decent airfare. That is the kicker. Right now cruise line fare is cheaper!


Your story is cute. Isn't that just like a kid, saying it like it is! And hmmmmm I wonder if Tim is coming back?

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Hi Cindy,


I was actually excited to get up this morning and come back to this thread. I've needed a kick-in-the-pants for a long time and this is REALLY helping me to have a anonymous place that I can come and read and write and soak up some good ideas. I feel my thoughts beginning to change, and that is everything, I think. I've had a close friend, (also a Cindy) for many years but I don't even tell her the stuff that I would "confess" on these boards!!


I only have 2 photos that I dare show in public...that one as my Avatar is one of the two. Both were taken on the cruise. Hair is done, makeup just right, formal night, under-gadgets real tight (body smoothers, slimmers, etc.)...and I weighed 20 lbs. less than I do now. The rest, if anyone even DARES to take my photo, are horrible. Why do overweight people hide from the cameras? It's not like everyone else doesn't see what we really look like. I think its because sometimes we don't want to see what we really look like. We cringe at mirrors, reflective windows, video-footage, etc. I always say, "Am I really that fat?" Its a reality check and we don't like reality checks.


One of my goals, when the weight is off, is to get my picture taken with my husband (something we've never done).


Went dancing last night, burned some calories big-time. Every time I do the two line dances that are traditional at this place (in the middle of the evening), I get so out-of-breath!! It has to be good.


Not typical menu yesterday but I ate (I promise I won't post this daily).....and mind you, it was a weird day.....


egg fried in "spray", wheat toast w/o butter, lowfat yogurt

Asian chicken salad from McDonalds + Diet Coke

2 Special K bars (90 calories, chocolate drizzled on top)...at dinner time cause I had to rush out

Late night: had a regular McDonald's burger (kid-size), a vanilla cone (small...could that count as a dairy?), and a diet Coke again.

4 glasses of water today


I don't typically drink a lot of pop/soda, but that day I did. Best day that I've had in a long time, although the two fast-food meals wasn't my norm at all. The victory was that I didn't eat chips of any kind, or other salty munchies and didn't eat chocolate!


Based on past experience, at about the 15-17 pound point is when OTHER people start to take note of weight loss on me...always happens. I can feel it after even 5, just a little, then 10 is big, but that other range is for people who can't feel the change...they can only see the change.


I don't get it on the size 4 thing either unless someone is really, really tall. I forgot your starting weight...I know it was less than mine and I recall your BMI.....so I can't imagine anyone in a size that small at this point. I would have to weigh around 105 to wear a 4, at 5'2"...in fact, at my thinnest in high school, 108 lbs., I never wore a 4....a junior 7 which maybe was a women's 4 or something like that????


Airfare...just bought ours for the southern cruise in March....$477 each (3 of us going)....I had hoped for a great deal, but decided not to risk it as the plane was fuller than I thought it would be so early and gas prices are crazy. Our cruise rate is $1300 each for husband and me, then $700 for our daughter to share a room (7 day cruise). So under $1500 in airfare didn't seem so bad. When is your Alaskan cruise?


I really want to stay with you here on these boards and keep focused...that cruise is only 9 months away! I can't imagine being small and fit again, but I'm working on that mental image. I wrote a list about the things that I'm looking forward to doing...like going to the beach in a swimsuit without paranoia, tying my shoes gracefully, riding my bike, having a photo shot without hiding behind someone, etc.

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Yeah, I'll be back - bracing myself for a weigh-in on Monday:(, but still trying to be cautious over this weekend. Spent the last couple of days researching recipes (and clearing out the junk food from the fridge and freezer to avoid temptation once I start), and trying out non-alcoholic drinks to try and find something I can get on with......not easy I can tell you. Still - the first glass of chilled Chablis in September will taste all the better I'm sure!


I'm fairly certain that a simple regime of no (or *very* limited - for me) alcohol consumption, coupled with lots of fresh fruit/veg and no bread/wheat/dairy products will do the trick. The dogs aren't gonna know what's hit 'em, because instead of their usual twice daily half mile or so, one of those walks is going to get up to around 3 miles or more in time. I don't have easy access to a gym, so the exercise bike and the dog walking willl have to do.


Fortunately, we grow a lot of our own fruit and veg, and it's just about coming into season, so that'll help too. Maybe I'll even steal DW's gardening gear and get down to some serious weeding! (she's the strimmer/weeding whizz, I look after the plant propagation and the greenhouse)


Anyway - just thought i'd pop my head in and let you know i was still here - Weigh-In is at 7am Monday UK Time - and I promise to let you all know the gory details!

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ooohhhh that isnt' me Salsa....


Nope...sw was 184...cw 171. and I am 5' 7".


I just got on the scale this morning...I have been really good..and guess what? NOTHING...NADA! How is this possible? With my eating and exercising..I am in a calorie deficit of 1700 min a day. I should at least have lost 3 pounds...minimum. I am so frustrated. I was stuck 2 weeks ago as well. I hate menopause. :( :(

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Personally I have decided sizes don't mean a thing. I have a black A line dress I bought years ago that is a size 10 I was about 125 then. Well a lasted year March 07 I had to buy another dress for a wedding it also was a size 10 and guess what I was about 10 pounds heavier.. :eek: So I have given up trying to figure out sizes.


The only thing I'm trying to go by is the way I look and how my clothes fit me. Of course I don't know how my weight is going to be this Monday. Since yesterday and today I have been a bit off my diet. But I'm still getting my exercise in.

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My sister was always like that...she'd avoid the scale at the start of a diet, but I'm the opposite. I always said to her, "Will that number make you fatter? or larger, etc.?" I want to know what I weigh so that I can get all excited when I can see the weight drop! I'm guessing that you think you might feel really discouraged or "icky" about yourself if you get on the scale....is that it?
I would be discouraged if I got on the scale because I know I have gained a lot. I am 5'8" and weighed 150 lbs. 3 years ago and wore a size 6/8. Now I am wearing a size 12 and can hardly imagine what I weigh. :o Today is day 10 for me. I am doing great on this diet. I probably won't weigh myself until the cruise.
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ooohhhh that isnt' me Salsa....


Nope...sw was 184...cw 171. and I am 5' 7".


I just got on the scale this morning...I have been really good..and guess what? NOTHING...NADA! How is this possible? With my eating and exercising..I am in a calorie deficit of 1700 min a day. I should at least have lost 3 pounds...minimum. I am so frustrated. I was stuck 2 weeks ago as well. I hate menopause. :( :(

"Change your exercise. Your body gets used to the same exercise and you won't drop. Also, add more water to your diet.
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ooohhhh that isnt' me Salsa....


Nope...sw was 184...cw 171. and I am 5' 7".


I just got on the scale this morning...I have been really good..and guess what? NOTHING...NADA! How is this possible? With my eating and exercising..I am in a calorie deficit of 1700 min a day. I should at least have lost 3 pounds...minimum. I am so frustrated. I was stuck 2 weeks ago as well. I hate menopause. :( :(


Hi Cindy,


Sorry....I must have looked at someone else's numbers by mistake. You lucky! 5'7".....I'm 5'2", so my current 185 is not looking too good on my short frame. :)


I can go by past experience...trust me on that....I recall being on my treadmill once and crying because I was "stuck". I had lost 20 lbs. then froze for TWELVE WEEKS. At the end of the 12 weeks, I made a little change and lost 7 lbs. in about 2 weeks. I don't mean to sound discouraging by saying that I froze for so long, but I knew another woman who had experienced something similar and saw her hang in there and get to a very small size and also get VERY fit after riding it out...she didn't quit and it was so worth it. Everyone RAVED about how great she looked in this stunning blue dress at her daughter's wedding. She was menopausal, too. She hung in there and lost after a while....also her clothing sizes did decrease a bit even during that "stuck" phase. If you retain water, but continue to lose fat, there is a trade-off going on. So let's say your weight stays the same. (You're right...with 1700 calorie deficit, you have to be losing fat, right?) But let's say you gain the same weight in water (temporarily)....2 lbs. of fat takes up more space than 2 lbs. of water, so your size is actually shrinking even if your scale shows no progress. Really, what matters most? Size. Because that is what you and I really want right? To be smaller in size. I don't know any other people who had a plateau for as long as I did that summer, but it was not cool. I'm now mentally geared up for it and accepting that it will likely happen to me this time, too. It's sort of like a road trip....you'll drive through hills with great views, and some valleys, and some deserts, but you won't get to the destination without experiencing it all.


I was on my way to church this morning, after digging through my closet trying to find SOMETHING that fit and covered the poundage. It was SO depressing. (I'm going through menopause too....lots of emotion.) I sat in the car and felt awful after the whole getting dressed thing and thought, "I can be disgusted with myself, and accomplish nothing, or I can turn that disgust into something useful and use it to fuel determination." I have no idea what the scale will say in the morning, but I have got to keep going.


You're posting your official weigh in tomorrow, right?

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Hi Growler....Your mention of recipes made me wonder if anyone out there has any good recipes that are still low in calories, fat, etc. or just some simple ideas for anything from the kitchen. Like a quickie dessert for me last week was chocolate sugar-free pudding, with fresh strawberries. It was nice to have some form of dessert one day last week.

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Hey Salsa...


Yep I am posting tomorrow. I am hoping..but if not, I will think of what you said.


It is just so frustrating. On the MF boards..there are people on there who are losing like crazy and it makes me so upset to see that. I am trying to remain positive.


So right now, all I am doing is cardio..per MF. What I have been doing is this....oh..and we are only allowed 45 minutes a day because of our lower calorie intake. Ok..Day 1..treadmill, day 2 stairmaster, day 3 my health walker at home(kind of like a gazelle only better), day 4 either treadmill/stairmast, day 5 vigorous walk with the dogs..no lolygagging around! What should I do to change it up? The stairmaster burns the most calories. man that is a workout. My healthwalker burns the fewest.

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As promised, here's the BAD news ;)


Weight at start (7am this morning) : 284 lbs

Chest : 55 ins

Waist : 48 ins.


First Target (by 7am September 17th) : 238 lbs (decided to make things more difficult for myself :eek: )

Chest : 50 ins

Waist : 42 ins


Don't know whether the Chest/Waist measurements are achievable, only because I don't know enough about physiology to know how quickly body dimensions lag behind the actual weight loss.


Still - the spreadsheet is prepared, and I'm off to the supermarket to stock up on healthy stuff later this morning, after a breakfast of high fibre cereal and dried fruit. The bacon and egg muffins are just going to have to wait until cruise time!


What's a sensible time to wait before weighing again? Twice a week should be enough don't you think?

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