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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hi Cindy,


Sorry....I must have looked at someone else's numbers by mistake. You lucky! 5'7".....I'm 5'2", so my current 185 is not looking too good on my short frame.


If you retain water, but continue to lose fat, there is a trade-off going on. So let's say your weight stays the same. (You're right...with 1700 calorie deficit, you have to be losing fat, right?) But let's say you gain the same weight in water (temporarily)....2 lbs. of fat takes up more space than 2 lbs. of water, so your size is actually shrinking even if your scale shows no progress. Really, what matters most? Size. Because that is what you and I really want right? To be smaller in size.


Salsa - I agree.;)

Cindy - I bet you look great. Sometimes we look at the scale instead of how great we look.:)

So right now, all I am doing is cardio..per MF. What I have been doing is this....oh..and we are only allowed 45 minutes a day because of our lower calorie intake. Ok..Day 1..treadmill, day 2 stairmaster, day 3 my health walker at home(kind of like a gazelle only better), day 4 either treadmill/stairmast, day 5 vigorous walk with the dogs..no lolygagging around! What should I do to change it up? The stairmaster burns the most calories. man that is a workout. My healthwalker burns the fewest.


With those types of exercises you gotta look great. Step back and take another look at your self. What do you see? Progress:cool:


As promised, here's the BAD news


Weight at start (7am this morning) : 284 lbs

Chest : 55 ins

Waist : 48 ins.


First Target (by 7am September 17th) : 238 lbs (decided to make things more difficult for myself :eek: )

Chest : 50 ins

Waist : 42 ins


Don't know whether the Chest/Waist measurements are achievable, only because I don't know enough about physiology to know how quickly body dimensions lag behind the actual weight loss.


Still - the spreadsheet is prepared, and I'm off to the supermarket to stock up on healthy stuff later this morning, after a breakfast of high fibre cereal and dried fruit. The bacon and egg muffins are just going to have to wait until cruise time!


What's a sensible time to wait before weighing again? Twice a week should be enough don't you think?


You are geared up and ready. Determination is going to cause you to reach your goal. Good Luck and we are cheering for you.;)


Today is weigh in time and I have now officially been on WW for 1 week. Weigh In Time; Drum roll please;)


SW: 175


GW: 145


YEEEEE!!!!!! down 4lbs.

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Do any of you actually believe the 'if your height = x then you should weigh Y' statements that are put out by various health services etc?


The reason I ask is that I've just been on one site where they say my target weight should be 156 lbs. Now, when I was 21 (more years ago than I care to remember) I was exceedingly fit. I was training to be an airline pilot, and the PT instructors at our college made sure that we ate properly etc. At that time, I could play a double session of squash (80 mins), then swim 1 mile to cool down, (another 45 mins or so), and I weighed at that time, around 200lbs.


I'm fairly confident that I can get down to my current target of 238 in time for my cruise, and that over time I *might* be able to drop another 20-25 lbs after that, but my concern is that at 156 lbs I'd look like a stick insect - lol - NOT where I want to be at all!

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Hey Everyone!


I haven't been on the boards for a little while and it looks like we have picked up a lot of traffic! The more the merrier! :D


It's so encouraging to read everyone's posts. The key is just hanging in there. When the going gets tough the tough get going. ;)


My cruise is 3 weeks away and I am getting closer and closer to my goal. Getting very excited. :D I just can't wait to put on my new bikinis! :eek: Now if I can just hang in there for 3 weeks and not blow it!! There are a lot of parties coming up at work and birthday's on the weekends, so I am just going to have to be faithful and keep saying to myself "I've come this far and don't want to mess it up now!"


Happy Monday Everyone!



Start Weight 255

Current Weight 139

Goal Weight 135

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Monday Numbers....(wish there was music to add....mine would be one of those mournful tunes like that one bad Happy Birthday tune...:D )


SW: 188

CW: 185

GW: 135 (or less)

Height: 5'2"

Age: 50

Cruise: March '09


On the upside, I expect this week to be better....more "normal" food and lest restaurant, although I'm proud of myself for controlling my food choices when we ate out. I have about 10 months ahead of me before my cruise---YAY!


Love-lee....You're on the homestretch, I see. How exciting!! Only 4 lbs. to go....woooo-hooooo. I mentioned that book "Why French Women Don't Get Fat" and it was very interesting reading...not so much a plan book as a way of living and noting the differences between Americans and the French. I like her "three-bite rule" or maybe it was two bites:D . I practiced that a couple of years ago and the weight came off without me feeling deprived at al. It was like I felt calmer knowing that nothing was forbidden entirely, but just very limited. So if friends were having a dessert and I didn't want to turn it down entirely, I just had three bites. It worked for me. Maybe you could use that principle while cruising, for maintenance.


Growler---wer'e all going to cheer you on! I am excited to see what happens with those numbers by next week. About those charts....I don't believe that they are good because they ONLY consider weight and not body fat content versus muscle mass. They were fine for back in my mother's era when women rarely exercised. I've seen thin women who were flabby and thin women who were fit and I know that the fit women weighed more even if both wore a size 6 (or 8 or 10 or 12). Muscle weighs more. In that case, it was the heavier women who looked WAY better. It's silly to have charts that don't take muscle weight into consideration. I have built up so much muscle in my arms and legs, over the years and know that I could not weight what those charts will say and look healthy. I'd have to weigh 10 to 15 lbs. more than what they recommend, to be satisfied with my appearance.


Cindy....I don't know what others think (I'm not an exerciser but hope to be), but you are working out a lot and with a lot of variety. With that much exercising, you have to be gaining muscle and firming up a lot. Working out like that does sort of blur the results on the scale but its the best kind of blur. Later it will work in your favor since muscle burns more calories per hour than fat does. So your scale numbers may be a bit fuzzy just based on the muscle gains and not even water-weight fluctuations. What I was thinking might be fun and cool...take your tightest jeans, ones you can't zip or can barely zip, and use them WITH your scale, as a measurement of VOLUME. Would you be our guinea pig with this experiment? Even if you did this every two weeks. You're the perfect candidate because you are working out. Anyone else interested? I'd be curious....even if the scale isn't singing your tune, those jeans might!!:D How fun would that be....Calvin Klein just singing away every Monday morning...."You're Beautiful, You're Beautiful, You're Beautiful, it's true!"


Mommy4Life......YAY!!! Wooooo-hoooo. 4lbs. I bet you can't wait for the next 2 lb. goal, huh? Before my last cruise in 07, I weighed 174 and dropped down to about 165....There was such a difference in how my clothes fit. All of my too-tight capris fit and I felt a lot better. I notice that every 10-15 lb. loss will put me in a smaller clothing size. I wonder if it is the same for most people or if my height has something to do with those numbers? I'd be so thrilled to even wear a size 10!!! Gulp...I'm in a sixteen, right now....a tight sixteen. Yucky!

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Hello everyone, I hope that you had a wonderful week.

My stats did not change, so my today's weight is:

254 the same as last week, so I will keep the same plan

1. YMCA 3 xs a week

2. No fast food for a week

3. Walk the Dog 3 xs a week

4. Swim lesson 1x a week

5. Work in the yard daily.

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That would be me salsadancer.....

sw: 162

cw: 157

gw: 145


12 more pounds to go!!!!! I am beginning to really notice the inch loss. I can see it in my face as well.... I don't have a double chin anymore!!

I have been doing the walking and now that our pool is open I get in a few laps each day as well..


My motivation in to fit into a sexy strapless dress, and not have any hang-over on the sides.


I can't wait to get my after pic done.

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That would be me salsadancer.....

sw: 162

cw: 157

gw: 145


12 more pounds to go!!!!! I am beginning to really notice the inch loss. I can see it in my face as well.... I don't have a double chin anymore!!

I have been doing the walking and now that our pool is open I get in a few laps each day as well..


My motivation in to fit into a sexy strapless dress, and not have any hang-over on the sides.


I can't wait to get my after pic done.


I can't wait to lose those ripples!! That must be exciting to notice the difference in your own face like that. It really takes the years off, too, which is like a FREE FACELIFT!!! :D That's the thing that I notice with so many women who lose the excess fat--they look younger. It applies to men, too, of course. The only exceptions that I've noticed were a couple of friends who lost weight TOO fast, on an extreme plan. Both looked older! It took their skin a while to catch up with the weight loss, so the wrinkles were noticable. That's one of the reasons that we can be okay with a slower, but steady loss.

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Hey everyone...


Well no change. NOTHING!!! But it is cool.


I took my measurements and my waist (wait there might be one there after all) went down 3". Can you believe that? I mean this is week 5 but 3". And my bust went down 1.5. Hips went down 2. So ok..I am still rectangle shaped but not quite as bad!!!!



Thanks for all the encouragement. It has helped me. Really it has.


Tim...I only weigh 1 day a week. Otherwise i would go crazy. And do I mean crazy. By the way..where in England are you Tim?


Salsa...MF is Medifast..which is what I am chosing to do to lose weight. I started because my daughter is doing it. It is soy based and she has so many food allergies that we thought this might help her. So, in spirit I said I would try it as well. So here I am. It is very restrictive but it is dr supervised(when I want it to be). My daughter doesn't live with us but we keep track of each other in this very long journey.


Mommy...way to go on those 4 pounds!!!! (((((hugs)))))) ((((clapping)))) ((((doing a happy dance)))


Talk to you guys later!

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Hey Everyone!


I haven't been on the boards for a little while and it looks like we have picked up a lot of traffic! The more the merrier! :D


It's so encouraging to read everyone's posts. The key is just hanging in there. When the going gets tough the tough get going. ;)


My cruise is 3 weeks away and I am getting closer and closer to my goal. Getting very excited. :D I just can't wait to put on my new bikinis! :eek: Now if I can just hang in there for 3 weeks and not blow it!! There are a lot of parties coming up at work and birthday's on the weekends, so I am just going to have to be faithful and keep saying to myself "I've come this far and don't want to mess it up now!"


Happy Monday Everyone!



Start Weight 255

Current Weight 139

Goal Weight 135

When you get back you need to come on here and post before/after pictures. you have transformed yourself. Congrats...and you can do it, you can make it through the parties. Think of that bikini before you take any bites. :D GOOD JOB!!!!

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I was training to be an airline pilot, and the PT instructors at our college made sure that we ate properly etc.


Just off topic for a sec. Are you an airline pilot now? Just wondering.


I decided I'm not going to weight my self as much. Its driving my crazy going up and down. I think I'm going to try someones ideal on here. Someone on said get on your tightest blue jeans and see how they fit. I think I'll do that with an A-line dress I have.. If I can zip that dress all the way up with out straining to put it up all the way.. Then I'm down to the weight I want to be.. I think I was at 125 when I bought that dress, but a bit flabby. So I think if I get toned I may weight more.. So the weight can be everything. And I'll check my weight once a week.


I did do a sinful thing this weekend.. We flew down to see my husbands son and his wife.. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. :eek: And we didn't split the meals Another thing we should have done.. We did split the Cheesecake though.. Of course I don't think that helps.. So I'm paying the price now.. Although I did get my exercise in..

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Just off topic for a sec. Are you an airline pilot now? Just wondering.


No, not now - not ever in fact - I had a rather nasty accident in training which took care of that (but I'm still here, so it could have been worse). I've often thought about taking it up again (flying that is), but right now funds won't permit me to attend flight school AND to take the kind of holidays we so enjoy :D


A friend here in the village has a Robinson R22 helicopter though, and he's nudging me to take a rotary wing course, so that might happen in the not too distant future.

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Just off topic for a sec. Are you an airline pilot now? Just wondering.


I decided I'm not going to weight my self as much. Its driving my crazy going up and down. I think I'm going to try someones ideal on here. Someone on said get on your tightest blue jeans and see how they fit. I think I'll do that with an A-line dress I have.. If I can zip that dress all the way up with out straining to put it up all the way.. Then I'm down to the weight I want to be.. I think I was at 125 when I bought that dress, but a bit flabby. So I think if I get toned I may weight more.. So the weight can be everything. And I'll check my weight once a week.


I did do a sinful thing this weekend.. We flew down to see my husbands son and his wife.. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. :eek: And we didn't split the meals Another thing we should have done.. We did split the Cheesecake though.. Of course I don't think that helps.. So I'm paying the price now.. Although I did get my exercise in..


I have a friend who does this hilariously funny fake British accent while saying, "You Naughty Naughty girl!" :D I just thought of her funny line when I read about the Cheesecake Factory. And here I sit at 3 am with a bad case of insomnia and am now having visions of cheesecake. :eek:

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No, not now - not ever in fact - I had a rather nasty accident in training which took care of that (but I'm still here, so it could have been worse). I've often thought about taking it up again (flying that is), but right now funds won't permit me to attend flight school AND to take the kind of holidays we so enjoy :D


A friend here in the village has a Robinson R22 helicopter though, and he's nudging me to take a rotary wing course, so that might happen in the not too distant future.


Sorry to hear that. I know here in the US, we now have the sports pilot's license, which is a cheaper way of getting your license. For people how couldn't get it before because of medical problems. But to buy one of those "sports" planes aren't cheap.. Some can cost $80,000. :eek: So I think I'll keep our Cherokee a bit longer. Much cheaper.


Salsa Dancer

I have a friend who does this hilariously funny fake British accent while saying, "You Naughty Naughty girl!" :D I just thought of her funny line when I read about the Cheesecake Factory. And here I sit at 3 am with a bad case of insomnia and am now having visions of cheesecake. :eek:


I know, I know. The only thing I have to say. Its wasn't my ideal...But now I'm good again..

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I just had to sneak a peak at the scale today and noticed it went down a pound from our Monday weigh in, so that will give me something to look forward to next Monday, if I keep it off! (I will unless some water sneaks up on me.)


I was thinking about incentives.....Do any of you give yourself any kind of reward if you reach mini goals?


My first mini-goal is going to be 179....just haven't been there in a while. The next one will be 169, and so on. I started at 188, so 179 is but only 5 lbs. from where I am now. I thought about something small like a bottle of OPI nail polish for the summer, or a toe ring or some little thing. (I love toe rings that sparkle.) I can't handle a movie at the theatre because the popcorn smells sooooo good. I know I can't handle that yet.


Any of you do this kind of thing for yourself?



Snack idea: Actually, I did this for lunch today. I like cottage cheese (low-fat)but when I need a sweet snack, I sprinkle it with plain cinnamon and a drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of Splenda and also a squirt of vanilla. It really is decent, high-protein, low-fat calories. I only tried Splenda upon advice from a friend, but my own personal preference is to use real sugar or honey...just a little, though. Just me.

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I am new to this board but not to weight problems. I would love to join your group as I too am attempting to wittle my waist. I started the Alli program about 2 months ago and have lost 10lbs. When it comes to nutritional advice for others , I am the queen, but tend to ignore my own words as every tooth in my head is a sweet one. I've never had a support group and think this may be whats missing. Tracy

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I am new to this board but not to weight problems. I would love to join your group as I too am attempting to wittle my waist. I started the Alli program about 2 months ago and have lost 10lbs. When it comes to nutritional advice for others , I am the queen, but tend to ignore my own words as every tooth in my head is a sweet one. I've never had a support group and think this may be whats missing. Tracy

Welcome Tracy. It is never to late to join us.


Apparently you like using Alli and it is working for you. That is so cool. Have you had enough of the side effects I keep hearing about? (you know...the uuummmm...accidents)

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Welcome Tracy. It is never to late to join us.


Apparently you like using Alli and it is working for you. That is so cool. Have you had enough of the side effects I keep hearing about? (you know...the uuummmm...accidents)

It's been working great for me. It keeps me honest. And no, I haven't had any accidental side effects. I just feel like I need to bump up my game a bit though.

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Snack idea: Actually, I did this for lunch today. I like cottage cheese (low-fat)but when I need a sweet snack, I sprinkle it with plain cinnamon and a drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of Splenda and also a squirt of vanilla. It really is decent, high-protein, low-fat calories. I only tried Splenda upon advice from a friend, but my own personal preference is to use real sugar or honey...just a little, though. Just me.

Sounds like a great snack idea. I usually just throw some fruit on top of low fat cottage cheese. I like your idea a lot! I will give it a try. :) Today is day 12 for me. Almost two weeks!!!!

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I am new to this board but not to weight problems. I would love to join your group as I too am attempting to wittle my waist. I started the Alli program about 2 months ago and have lost 10lbs. When it comes to nutritional advice for others , I am the queen, but tend to ignore my own words as every tooth in my head is a sweet one. I've never had a support group and think this may be whats missing. Tracy



Hi there....I joined after this thread was going for a bit, too. I am like you...knowing all of the "right" things to do and not doing them. It is disgusting to admit but I've been carrying around excess pounds since the birth of my last child....20 years ago! The extra pounds have snuck up ever so slowly on top of that. Just a pound or two per year.


My biggest problem area has been snacking. My regular meals aren't that much of a problem area but I have the sweet AND the salty tooth thing going. :eek:


My mom is fit at almost 70 years old and was out mowing her own lawn with a push mower. She doesn't have a little yard; it's at least an acre of land. Cracks me up. I'm hobbling around, still, with a bum knee thanks to carrying around this excess baggage. I walk like I'm 70 and she walks like a 20 year old!


I can see the difference that these extra pounds are making and I'm ready to put my head into the game and endure. We're all going to have rough days/stretches and will help each other through them....so welcome from me, too.

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Thanks for the welcome Salsa Dancer,Isn't it funny how we are the last people we take care of. My last one was 14 years ago and I've been fighting the battle ever since. Seems like one thing or another has kept me from being successful. I have however managed to stay pretty healthy despite Graves disease and Von Wille Brans. Sometimes when I don't have time to excersise, I at least stretch. To me its important to stay limber. And when I've had set backs like an injury there are still parts of my body I can stretch.

I too have a snacking issue but with the Alli I try not to have fatty ones. Orville Redenbachers smart pop(94% fat free and it also comes in kettle corn) is a good one and a serving of dry cereal.Sugar puffs works for me,or golden grahams, I pretend they are little cookies. I know , I have a really good imagination!

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Welcome Raystoy!


Ok, so I am back and weighed in today on my own scale and happy to report I didn't gain, nor lose one lb.


So I am fine with that except I'm now a week behind schedule:eek: .


Making final payment tomorrow so our cruise is now just over 2 months aways and I would like to lose another 20 lbs by then, it's going to be tough though. It has gotten so hot outside it's hard to get out and do much. I will do the best I can and I'm not giving up.



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My son (31) is a body-builder...not one of those huge ones but very muscled. He was the moderator of a body-building web forum and very knowledgable about how to whittle the body fat away and get to all of the lean muscle. He gave me some thoughts tonight, after dinner....


Andy's thoughts....

1. Best Fat Loss Plan....Twigs, Nuts, Berries (he calls it)....Basically, he meant low-fat protein, high-fiber sources of carbs (fruits and veggie sources)....he swears by this. Not a new concept, I know. He's shown me some great before & after photos.

2. Another approach...eating your grains with some fruit in the a.m. (oatmeal with strawberries, etc.). The sugar from the fruit give fast energy and before the energy plummets, the fibery carbs of grains kick in and carry you through to the next meal. After that, cut the carbs using fruits and veggies as the carb source for lunch, then no fruit for P.M. (or grainy carbs) because of the sugar content being unnecessary for that time of day--no bursts of energy needed.

3. As far as appearance, he said that you might feel like you look worse before you look your best....it has to do with the places that you put the weight on...the last place that you gain the fat is the first place where you will lose it. So if you always had a fairly small waist and large hips, your waist will slim down first, and your hips might not change much for a while, leaving the difference between the two areas a bit exaggerated until you lose more fat over a longer period.


I love carbs (cereal, bread, rice, pasta, etc.), so a carb-eliminating plan just isn't for me. I'd prefer to lose slowly, but for anyone who wants a faster loss, this might work for you--especially those of you who have cruises coming up in a short time. I've got 10 months until my cruise date.


Thoughts of my own....I need a new figure of speech to replace "diet." I don't want to say that I'm on a diet. I was driving today and thought, "slender adventure" might work. :D Any ideas out there? People sometimes ask and I have to have something interesting to say. :rolleyes:

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I forgot to mention this...I'm really into cooking and just wondered why I have never put a lot of effort into slimming down my recipes or creating new ones....If I come up with any, though, I'll pass them on.


I bought the stuff to make Cottage Cheese Salad and will make it tomorrow and have it for lunch...with enough left for the family to share at dinner.


Low-fat Cottage cheese (about 16 oz.)

a box of pistachio sugar-free pudding (you can sub. sf orange jell-o)

2 small cans of mandarin oranges

small container of lite whipped topping


I used to eat this a long time ago while shrinking. It's really good. I had the calories figured out at one time but would have to look the recipe up. This recipe is nice because it kills the sweet tooth while supplying some good protein.

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that sounds good! I love taking recipes and making them figure friendly. My hubby is a diabetic so we have to watch carbs and mainly sugar. I have a fave that helps me get through sometimes.

shredded carrot

crushed pineapple


FF, low sugar vanilla yogurt

orange zest

splenda,or what ever sweetener you choose.

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