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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Kudos, did you mean to say you are going to Epcot at Disney World? I have to disagree with you, there are a lot of healthy options plus all the walking you do, you really get a workout....Let me know if you want some suggestions for healthy food options at Epcot. As for fast food, I try to stay away from the Mickey D's and such. I have learned that at Panda Cafe I can have a pretty decent meal and stay within my eating plans.


Anyone know when Sabrina is due back from her cruise? I thought she would have checked in by now. Looking forward to hearing all about her cruise.

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Kudos, did you mean to say you are going to Epcot at Disney World? I have to disagree with you, there are a lot of healthy options plus all the walking you do, you really get a workout....Let me know if you want some suggestions for healthy food options at Epcot.


Yes I meant Epcot. I'm not a good speller...:o Well the last time we were at any Disney park we weren't as much in to watching what we eat. So at the time it wasn't much of a concern. If you have any ideals of places to eat at that would be nice.

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Disney has really done a better job in offering healthier options even at their quick service locations. My favorite quick service at Epcot is in the Land Pavillion at Season's. There are so many fresh options, great salads, soups and sandwiches. I also would recommend The Japanese Restaurant, I ate there recently and stayed within my points.


Now the crepes, glaces in France or the funnel cakes in America, or the pretzles in Germany those are a little tough!

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Disney has really done a better job in offering healthier options even at their quick service locations. My favorite quick service at Epcot is in the Land Pavillion at Season's. There are so many fresh options, great salads, soups and sandwiches. I also would recommend The Japanese Restaurant, I ate there recently and stayed within my points.


Now the crepes, glaces in France or the funnel cakes in America, or the pretzles in Germany those are a little tough!


Thanks for the tip. I know the Land Pavillion. Ya the lasted time I went to Epcot was in 1999 and I think we went again to Universal in 2002.. But haven't been since then.. I have been going to Disney I guess since 1976 off and on threw the years..

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Hello Everyone


I have not been on this board since last Monday when I did my first weigh in. I have been a little :(. I put down my weight SW at 175lb than last Monday I weighed 171 lb and thought I lost 4lbs. I went to the doctors on Tuesday and my weight was 174lb. Ok what happen:confused:. I get home from the doctors and get on the scale and my weight is 171lbs, so I realize that one of the scales is wrong. Is it mine or the doctors office. If it is the doctors office than I was fatter than I thought. Then I got on the scale this morning and it shows 170lb, only 1lb. Mix feelings right now and I don't know if it is worth it. I am 51 years old, happily married , why should I go on a diet. Why should I work so hard at weight loss. A size 12 is that so bad:confused:. I am not sure what to do. Today is father's day and we went out to breakfast and I ate and ate, than when I got home it came all up. I am not even counting points today because I don't know how with all the food I ate although it all came back up.

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Mommy4lyfe go by your scale. Each scale out there is different. I wouldn't take that as a loss. If you have a WW scale those are good scales. Stick to what you scale says. Also when you weigh during the day your weight will be higher anyways. Each scale is calibrated differently. Besides those scale at the dr.'s office are much better at giving accurate weights. If it was the one's with the weights you have to balance.. Thats the reason they also cost $200-$300 dollars..


So who knows you could have "really" weight a little more then 174 when you started the diet.. But I would just go by you scale and not worry about the Dr's scale.


As for giving up the diet that is up to you. But just keep in mind the less weight on you the healthier you are.

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Mommy4, I've been wondering where you've been. Kudo's right about the scales, I know I always weigh differently at the Dr. than at home. I just go by my scale at home since that's the one I weigh in on regularly. I also know that I weight differently on my scale even within an hour of waking up.


I hope you stick with WW, you were so motivated and you did a great job your first week. If you've kind of gotten side tracked, that's ok, you can always begin again. But, if you really aren't ready or feeling you don't need the change, that's only a decision you can make.

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Hello Everyone


I have not been on this board since last Monday when I did my first weigh in. I have been a little :(. I put down my weight SW at 175lb than last Monday I weighed 171 lb and thought I lost 4lbs. I went to the doctors on Tuesday and my weight was 174lb. Ok what happen:confused:. I get home from the doctors and get on the scale and my weight is 171lbs, so I realize that one of the scales is wrong. Is it mine or the doctors office. If it is the doctors office than I was fatter than I thought. Then I got on the scale this morning and it shows 170lb, only 1lb. Mix feelings right now and I don't know if it is worth it. I am 51 years old, happily married , why should I go on a diet. Why should I work so hard at weight loss. A size 12 is that so bad:confused:. I am not sure what to do. Today is father's day and we went out to breakfast and I ate and ate, than when I got home it came all up. I am not even counting points today because I don't know how with all the food I ate although it all came back up.


Hi Mommy....A size 12 is not so bad so it's all a matter of how you feel about yourself. I can't wait to be a size 12, then a 10 and MAYBE an 8.


Does your current weight interfere with your life in a negative way? Does it make you feel bad about yourself or embarrassed or ashamed? Let me ask that in a different way....Does your current SIZE make you feel plain old unhappy or unhealthy? That's the true deciding factor, don't you think? Mine does and I am desperate to make changes and drop weight. I'm close to your age (50) and short. I looked up my body mass index and it was bad. On top of that, I know that I have experienced some very unpleasant changes since I put on 20 lbs. last year....Feeling blue is one of them. I just noticed today that my mood felt more lifted for the first time in a long time. I feel a bit like my old self, again. I think it is an unrecognized bonus for sticking to a plan for the first time in a LONG time and I can thank all of you for the thread and the stuff that you write.


Feeling miserable every time I have to go somewhere and trying to find something that looks decent to wear and stressing my family out over my feelings when this happens....which always makes me late to go anywhere.

Having a ton of cute clothes that I cannot fit into.

Looking older than I should.

Being unable to enjoy the beach or a bike ride.

Being embarrased by being so out-of-breath when I do thinks like just walking up a hill.

Having a safety strap being too tight (almost unable to buckle) on an amusement park ride.

Having major joint pain. I limp all of the time now...hip, knee, big toe joint, ankle, too. This will end up being a long-term issue for me if I don't make changes now.

Having a higher-than-normal blood pressure reading.


The higher reading didn't make you fatter, Mommy. Every time I have weighed myself on a medical grade scale, I have learned that I weighed more than I realized--and that IS depressing to know--but it did not change my size from what it was when I walked into the Dr.'s office.


I feel like I ate a lot today, but I "ate with my head" changed some things and still got to eat with the family and enjoy myself. I can honestly say, that even now, I feel better about myself for having done that and having had a good day with my plan, regardless of what the scale says tomorrow. I AM kinda nervous about weighing in tomorrow, but my heart knows the good changes that I've made, regardless of the numbers. I have to shrink as I continue this journey...if not by tomorrow, then by the next week, or the next.


The decision about continuing is all up to you, but remember that the scale is really not your friend. It only measures weight and suggests nothing about muscle to fat ratio, water-weight fluctuations, etc. It is only a ...what's a good word for "limited"? measure of size. I mean that a scale is sort of an incompetent tool, ya know? It still can make us feel good, sorta rewarded, when the numbers go down, but it's an unreliable friend. Don't trust it to reward you every time you really deserve the reward for a good week of discipline and re-training your eating habits. I'm almost ready to shoot my scale this week. :) If you want to continue, go by your starting weight on your own scale and don't worry about anyone else's....go by what you have lost regardless of what you actually might weigh on your doctor's scale.


Sorry everyone....I just love to "write" and tend to post often and long posts...that's just my nature. I'm always like this. Feel free to give me an e-swat if I get annoying! ;) Ya know, with all of this advice (I'm advising myself, usually), I could be Dear Abby's counterpart....Dear Flabby.:D


New tip....Father's Day...

I grilled cheese Brats for the family and I bought Oscar Mayer turkey dogs for me....98% fat free, 40 calories each!! I had 3, without buns, grilled and they were really good. Just dunked them in catsup and mustard. I was ready to have them taste weird. I haven't eaten turkey dogs in years because I thought they were gross, when I tried them years back. These were great...so good that I told my daughter, "They must have just decided to name some cow 'Turkey' then butchered it and now call 'em 'turkey dogs.'"

Had an ear of fresh corn with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray,

some watermelon

a piece of licorice

then half a banana, about 1/2 cup of light churned chocolate ice cream (100 calories per serving and it was awesome), and a little drizzle of chocolate syrup

I bought some almost fat-free popcorn to have during the movie that I rented but was too full to eat popcorn....IMAGINE THAT.


I feel great tonight! Getting smarter about labels and making the effort to read them is a good thing.

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Well - here we are on another Monday morning. My week went pretty much as expected - I was really good until Friday, then the combination of good friends, good music, and a party atmosphere got the better of me, and I fell off my 'diet wagon' big time. Still, back to the grind today, and back at home again, so I can take charge of what's available to eat again!


Mommy4lyfe, I can't add much to what others have said, but with reference to your problem with the scales - you shouldn't look on the figure as an absolute, but as a figure relative to last week. One thing's for sure - at the start your doc's scales would still have read higher than yours at home, so whatever has happened you've still reduced your weight by 3 lbs! Good work!


Something else to ponder too, I knew a psychiatrist once who did a lot of work with people trying to diet/ stop smoking etc, and he would never use the term 'lose weight' as he thought it referenced something we would rather have with us. You 'lose' a $20 note, you 'lose' a pet, you 'lose' your car keys etc. He said that your plan should always be to 'reduce' your weight, which implies that at the end you don't want the excess back. I don't know whether it will help anyone at all, but I thought I'd throw the concept out there all the same...


Well - that's enough from me, I'm off to chop up some fruit for breakfast.


Oh, you want to know the weigh-in details?


Start 284

Today 277


I lost 7lbs!! :eek::):):D


(That should have been a string of grins, except for the weekend, I'd lost 6 of the 7 lbs by friday morning:o, but I did have a great weekend!)


Cheers for now



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Good Morning Everyone


Thanks for the words of encouragement. Your words of encouragement started me to think. I thought about who I really am and I am not a quitter. I am a person to that finds resolutions to problems. I went out an brought a new scale and this scale said I weighed 173lbs. My old scale says I weigh 170llbs. I lost 5lbs in 2 weeks. Yeeh. I just have to continue to work to get to my 145 and I can do it with all of your help. Thanks for helping me not to quite. I want to be healthier.


SW: 178



I have 28lbs to go according to my new scale and the dr's scale. I am back on track and I am ready to do my exercise now and count my points. I have a lunch date today and I will choose healthy.


Good Luck to all.


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Glad to see you are back on track Mommy4 and Tim, WOW great job with your loss this week. Congrats to all that stuck with it this week and lost, and to those that didn't, here's to a new week for you to be successful!


Today is also my Online Weigh In (OWI) with WW so here's my stats:


SW - 232

CW - 197

Goal - 145


I had a NSV (non scale victory), was able to put on another pair of pants that were to tight yesterday! yea!!!!


Have a great, happy, healthy and exercise filled week! Mary

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Since I decided to go by inches.. Since I started the new ideal. I'm down .5 inches.. Not much but its a start. I plan on being "good" this week and get my exercise in and watch what I eat.


Just another thought you guys may want to keep track of your inches.. Beside you could be losing in inches and not always weight.. So even though you may have a few days of no weight lose you may be losing in inches...

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Since I decided to go by inches.. Since I started the new ideal. I'm down .5 inches.. Not much but its a start.


Yeah, I'm trying to lose inches too, off the chest and the waist. I've decided, however, to only measure myself once a month, as I didn't think the changes would be as easy to see on a weekly basis.


Trying on 'old' clothes that 'shrunk in the wash' :) will be a new pastime too!



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Good afternoon everyone, I'm happy to read so many postive stories, it helps me to keep focused. I liked the one about the body collage and Marge Simpsom lol! Well I am down 2 lbs for the past week bringing my total to 8lbs gone. The only regret I have is not doing the "Y" sooner, but that is water under the bridge and I am moving on. So I think I will do the collage and put up a picture of a dolphin to keep reminding me why I am enduring this torture :D

A good and prosperus week to all :cool:

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First off....


SW: 188

LW: 185

CW: 185

GW: 135 (or less)


I told you...the scale is not my friend. :( Water weight fluctuations are always crazy for me. My feet felt swollen all day yesterday, so I got on the scale late last night and saw it read 188 or so....I was prepared for a

"lying" reading this morning....got on early and weighed 187!!....I decided to have my breakfast and knew I was losing water (sorry, gross), so I weighed myself again--late morning--and had lost 2 lbs. That is how it is with me. I had a great week last week, feel much better about my chances of succeeding and am ready to tackle another week. :D


I did a calorie check for yesterday, considering I ate kinda weird (hot dogs, corn-on-the-cob), ice cream sundae....I was between 1200 and 1300 for the day. Also, I have to confess....I ate about 10 M&Ms yesterday but get this...in each M&M there are FOUR calories. I've had 4 today for a total of 16 calories....I promise I won't eat handfuls!:)


Congrats to everyone! YAY TEAM! Tim...7 lbs. WOW. In spite of the "fun" weekend!:p You know, kudos2fly....you can be proud of that .5 inch! The lower we get in weight, the slower the losses...that's just because the smaller people aren't carrying around such a heavy weight load; so they are burning a bit less fuel that way. The smaller we get, the lower our daily consumption of calories except for added workouts. Sometimes it's easy to get discouraged with tiny drops like with my mom back in the 70's on WW...she'd lose a 1/4 lb. some weeks, or nothing. But you have to think about what even a 1/4 lb. GAIN per week would add up to in a year. 52 weeks x 1/4 lb. is a 13 lb. gain annually--not cool over a 2, 3 or 4 year period. So small losses are great and will make life so much better in the long haul.


Where's Cindy???? The "mother" of the thread. Hurry, Cindy, hurry. We want to know how you are doing this week?


I like what Tim said about "reducing"....so much of this is overcoming our own negative thoughts, don't you think? If I really believe that I can do this, then I will. I thought of something that might work for me...I'm not going to "lose weight," I'm going to "get rid of weight." As in, "I worked hard and used up some stored fat and it is gone," (and I'm dusting my hands off in the process.) GONE. And I'm not going to go rooting around in the dumpster to find that three pounds that I got rid of.


Something cool....I was watching the Today show this a.m. and there was a guest named Viola Gibson...she went from 400 lbs. to 145!!! The woman is a size 2 and looks FANTASTIC. A lot wasn't said about her plan although portion control was mentioned and she began walking to lose. Did anyone else catch that story? It was inspiring.


I also saw a cute yo*t*be video...the title was: I did IT! + before/after Photos and the girl who made it was called "faint starlite". It is a great and inspiring little video...very cute....about a girl reaching her Weight Watcher's goal. Awesome and inspiring transformation.


Does anyone else have problems trying to picture themselves THIN?


I decided on my first 5 lb. reward....I'm going to try that new makeup that comes in powder form....just a little treat to look forward to. At 10 lbs. I'm going to order a movie that I really liked...Prizewinner of Defiance Ohio. Not sure about 15 lbs. but it should be something good!

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Since I decided to go by inches.. Since I started the new ideal. I'm down .5 inches.. Not much but its a start. I plan on being "good" this week and get my exercise in and watch what I eat.


Just another thought you guys may want to keep track of your inches.. Beside you could be losing in inches and not always weight.. So even though you may have a few days of no weight lose you may be losing in inches...



You've got me thinking about the measuring tape...I almost fear that more than the scale! But what Tim said is good too, about using the tape less frequently... like once-a-month. I think I'll try the tape for every 2 weeks and see what happens....starting today for my first measurement....I'll do waist and hips since I'm a pear.:)

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I was watching the Today show this a.m. and there was a guest named Viola Gibson...she went from 400 lbs. to 145!!! The woman is a size 2 and looks FANTASTIC.


How can she be a size 2 at 145 pounds? :confused: She must be VERY toned.. Because I'm around 130 and no were near a size two.. I'm more like a size 8-10. Some of my clothes are size 6..


So I guess I don't like to put to much in to the size of the clothes. But in what I look like.. I still have some flab on me.. And thats what I'm working on getting off..

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I put my head on Julia's body and this is my temporary avatar. My daughter and I were laughing. She said that I look like a guy on Men in Black. His head was laser-ed, then it re-grew to full size. My head is how his looked at that in-between state. :D

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i am new to this board also. i would like to lose 15 lbs...not necessarily before my cruise in nov but that would be great!


Welcome Sassy:)


Congradulations to all who lost this week. To those who did not :) there is always tomorrow.


Inches is more important than weight also Dr said muscles weigh more than fat.


Just wanted to say that I am glad to be back on track and I could not have done it without the encouraging words. This board plays an important part in my weight loss plan. Today I had a lunch date and when I ordered I was very careful because I knew I had to be accountable to all of you. So I ordered a Reuben sandwich and fries along with a diet coke. I ate 5 french fries and 1/2 sandwich. I saved the rest of my lunch for my daughter. I did not want to have to explain to all of you that I over ate. I like this thing called accountability.


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Okay, here my weigh in for today. Looks like I am at the losing inches stage because the weight is the same. I didn't gain so that's great.

I am very proud of myself.. went to Six Flags over the weekend and did not eat junk food. We packed our lunch and took water, so the temptation was less.


This week's weigh in


SW: 162

CW: 157

GW: 145



Hope everyone else had a good weekend.


Welcome aboard Sassy


Mommy4lyfe; hang in there.

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Salsa dancer...thanks for asking about me. I have been having a "feeling sorry for myself" couple of weeks. I am trying to get back to my ole self. :rolleyes:


Anyway...here are my stats..


SW 184

CW 169

GW 138.


So I have lost 2 pounds this week. :)


Oh, and the measurement thing is right. I have lost about 15 inches total. The week when I didn't lose anything I lost about 6 inches in that week alone.


Also, in case you guys don't have one...you need to get a Wii Fit! OMG, it is the most fun I have ever had exercising. This thing rocks, and here I am 47 and saying that! My daughter hooked it up for us this weekend and I am having the time of my life. I stop and then start thinking about my score and start thinking I bet I could beat it..and I turn the darn thing back on!!! It is so much fun and I am not one for games of this type. I searched everywhere for a wii and the fit and so, so glad I found them. They are highly recommended. And talk about being sore! YIKES!!!!

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Salsa dancer...thanks for asking about me. I have been having a "feeling sorry for myself" couple of weeks. I am trying to get back to my ole self. :rolleyes:


Anyway...here are my stats..


SW 184

CW 169

GW 138.


So I have lost 2 pounds this week. :)


Oh, and the measurement thing is right. I have lost about 15 inches total. The week when I didn't lose anything I lost about 6 inches in that week alone."


Hey Cindy!! That is great! :D You broke the 170 barrier! And the crowd of fans roars!!! Raaaaaar! I can't wait to go below the 180 barrier and beyond.


I did some calculating today and with the bum knee and big toe joint problem that I'm having, can't do a lot with exercise just yet, so that leaves my daily calorie consumption around 2,000. If I eat about 1300, it will take 6 days to drop a pound (assuming no water retention issues..."fat" chance for that.):D 700 calorie deficit will amount in maybe a 6lb. loss this month (700x30 days=21,000 calories divided by 3500 per lb.)...that's how the numbers work out so we'll see if that is how it goes by the end of June. If I get below 182...bonus!


I'm encouraged about the measurement thing.....That puts the talk that "seems to make sense but still feels theoretical", into the reality zone to hear one of us confirm the belief that you can lose inches, even though the pounds lost might not be confirmed by the scale. I'm going to measure in the a.m. before breakfast.


Not sure what a wii fit is, but we bought a dance mat called ddr and hook it up to the tv...it's a lot of fun, you work out, sweat, and beg for more. I should get that "toy" out and put it back to use. I had forgotten all about it, until you mentioned the wii.

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I did not want to have to explain to all of you that I over ate. I like this thing called accountability.



I haven't quite wrapped my mind around this but what you said about accountability is working for me too. There is something about this "living journal" that is different. I can't quite put my finger on why.


Did you ever tell friends or family that you are on a "diet" and almost instantly feel deflated or defeated?

Did you ever have someone say, "Hey, what are you doing? You look like you've lost some weight," then instantly feel so good that you fell off the wagon with your plan the next day?


I've done that multiple times and I don't know what the psychology is behind that. Maybe I "feel" that they are thinking, "Yeah, we've heard that before." It feels different here, though. Like you can say stuff and know the support is there because we are all in the same battle. If people in my circle say, "So how much did you lose THIS week?" and I have to reply "nothing" or "well, I went up a little bit," I feel like I can't explain about water retention stuff because they'll think "UH-HUH." And there is something about that look that you might get and it sort of shoots me down. Sometimes my mom, meaning well, leaves me knowing that she wants me to lose weight, and I've struggled with that in a negative way.


I keep saying this but so much of this is really inside of us...."As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." A lot of truth in that statement. Maybe I am first working on the hurdle of believing in myself regardless of what anyone else thinks? Hmmmm. I'll be pondering that one all night.

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