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Need a buddy for weight loss

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How can she be a size 2 at 145 pounds? :confused: She must be VERY toned.. Because I'm around 130 and no were near a size two.. I'm more like a size 8-10. Some of my clothes are size 6..


So I guess I don't like to put to much in to the size of the clothes. But in what I look like.. I still have some flab on me.. And thats what I'm working on getting off..



That would ordinarily raise a big question in my mind, too, but I saw her and she was TINY. Maybe she is tall, and really toned? She looked more like a 110 than a 145. You should have seen her...she made Kathy Lee look big.


I find that my clothing size changes about every 12-15 lbs. so at my current weight, I'm in a REALLY tight, size 16. Maybe in some 18s, but I refuse to buy them. At 165, I can wear a 14. At around 150, I can wear a 12, and I would have to be 140 or 138 to wear a 10...mind you not by every clothing manufacturer, but some tens. I wouldn't likely wear an 8 until I was in the upper to mid 120's, I think. Does that seem right? I'm 5'2" tall. I haven't seen even a size 10 in MANY years; so I have to guess on anything below a 12.


Reminds me of a funny story....my dad (now gone) had this paunch when my hubby was young. I told my mom once that my hubby wore a size 32 inch waist on his pants. Mom said, "Wow, that's funny. So does your dad." I wanted to bust out laughing because my dad always wore his pants way down on his hips BELOW the belly.:D Dad was about 5'4" or 5'5" and my hubby was about 6 ft.


I'll take a shot and guess that you are at least 5'4" or 5'5" to wear those sizes at 130...am I right? Your question makes me want to google the lady.....

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I have some great clothes in the size 14...plenty for my next cruise in March. The only "downside" which isn't really a problem, is that I will need a lot of new clothes for the cruise and want to hold off for a while before buying them....like maybe February. I don't even know if I will be able to buy summer clothes that soon; so it might have to wait until early to mid-March. That thought made me want to ask you two....


What did you do for clothing while reducing? Did you limp along until you got to your goal weight? What did you wear to get you through?


The distance between one size and another could literally be a matter of six weeks for some people and it woulnd't seem worth it to spend much money on temporary wardrobes. I myself like consigment and thrift stores....I really do! It's like a treasure hunt to me.


For my last cruise, I found this GORGEOUS full-length black sparkly dress....I'll put it on my avatar to show you...paid $15 and saw the same dress in Marshall Field's a week later for $186! I wore it for formal night on the cruise. I also have TWO brown satin sleevless shifts...absolutely gorgeous...both with tags still on them and they were around $150 each new. I paid $5 for one and $12 for the other. I find stuff like that regularly. I look forward to wearing the brown satin dresses because I never was able to wear either of them (size 12?) for the last cruise, despite my intentions. I love dresses! Not right now, though, but I love pretty dresses. I found this awesome dress this week and it is a white halter in chiffon layers with aqua blue "bubbles" on it--not polka-dots but circles. It is my dream dress. I'm starting to hang some dresses around as a little bit of motivation.


Anyway, would you two winners or anyone else who has been at goal weight share about the clothing issue...I'm really curious.

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I'll take a shot and guess that you are at least 5'4" or 5'5" to wear those sizes at 130...am I right? Your question makes me want to google the lady.....


Nope I'm 5'2". And I were between a 8-10. But I also think sizes have changed over the years. About 8 years ago I bought a A-line dress that was a size 10 and I was around 125 then. But a year ago I bought another dress for a wedding and it was a size 10. But I was around 135 then. :rolleyes: Go figure..

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Kudos, I know what you mean, I think sizes have changed too! I've also found depending on the line of clothing can mean a size or two even difference.


I'm excited this morning I weighed and I'm .3 pounds from my 10% goal! Yahoo!!!!! I've just got to keep this up, I am so excited about the rate of loss that I'm experiencing right now. Technically I have lost 10% because I lost 2 lbs before signing up for WW, but according to my starting weight with them, my goals a little different. That's OK though, keeps me motivated.


Here's to a great day for everyone on your weight reduction journey! Did you notice Tim that I used the wording of your psych friend? I am a huge believer in the power of words!

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Okay, here my weigh in for today. Looks like I am at the losing inches stage because the weight is the same. I didn't gain so that's great.

I am very proud of myself.. went to Six Flags over the weekend and did not eat junk food. We packed our lunch and took water, so the temptation was less.


This week's weigh in


SW: 162

CW: 157

GW: 145



Hope everyone else had a good weekend."


Hey Moonpie....good job.....you held the loss. That's always good. Me too for last week. I should drop some more by next weigh in. I had to get very brave and take my measurements and it wasn't pretty!!!

Waist: 39"

Hips: 45"

I am horrified!!! But that will probably be my most reliable tool of measurment...the tape measure.

On the bright side, I thought and thought about one thing that I really, really want as a PRIZE for reaching my goal (besides just the beauty of being lightweight again). I want to be able to put my wedding band set back on a size 7 finger and for my husband to give me a piggy back ride around the back yard. That's it! No wait....a Piggy Back ride on our anniversary in St. Lucia!!!:D :D :) :D :D

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http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/12065856/ If you scroll down you will see the story under "Monday's Video"..."She Lost Over 250 lbs."


This is the link to the story that I saw about the lady who dropped 262 lbs. I misspelled the guests name on my last post; but her name is Veolia Gibson...very inspiring video on the today show site. It is listed on the "Joy Fit Club"


Here's the basic info:


Age 54

SW: 400lbs. Size: 32

GW: 138 lbs. Size: 2 (I thought they said 145 at first.)


Her plan: eating less and walking

Her Motto: "Nothing is the last meal of your life."


You will not believe the before & after photos.

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http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/12065856/ If you scroll down you will see the story under "Monday's Video"..."She Lost Over 250 lbs."


You will not believe the before & after photos.


Thank you for posting this. What an eye opener. I wonder how long it took her to do this? She looks amazing! OMG. Did she not have loose, saggy, icky left over skin? She is an inspiration, isn't she. I want a figure like hers!!!!

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Thank you for posting this. What an eye opener. I wonder how long it took her to do this? She looks amazing! OMG. Did she not have loose, saggy, icky left over skin? She is an inspiration, isn't she. I want a figure like hers!!!!


I was wondering the very same thing as I watched the story. She appeared to have a little teeny-tiny mini-roll. I kept wondering if she had surgery to remove excess skin after the whole weight-reduction process. I think genetics has a lot to do with the way the skin bounces back. Mine would not bounce back like that after losing so much.


Did you notice that there were several other stories along the left side of the screen? I didn't have time to view them all but watched 3 or 4 and they were all equally impressive and encouraging. There was a blonde girl and she was also really amazing.


They say that TV makes you appear 10 lbs. heavier so you can imagine that she looks even fitter in person? I didn't know that the Today show has something regarding weight-loss every Monday morning, until I viewed a couple of those clips.


YESSSSSS!!! I want a figure like that, too. She actually looked younger (in figure) than her daughters who were a bit overweight. She's setting a good example for her own family, I am sure.


We can do this!


Do you notice your appetite changing? Mine really is. I thought about having some "light churned" ice cream tonight...100 calories per serving. What I realized was that I was just thirsty, so I had a glass of water instead. Now THAT is not like me. :D

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Do you notice your appetite changing? Mine really is. I thought about having some "light churned" ice cream tonight...100 calories per serving. What I realized was that I was just thirsty, so I had a glass of water instead. Now THAT is not like me. :D


Yes...actually what I am realizing is...my head is saying I want something when in reality I am NOT hungry or thirsty. Just my emotions trying to get the best of me. I am doing my best to avoid the pitfall that got me here. Dang, it is so hard sometimes.


Oh, and I didn't look at any of the other stories but now that you mention it I am gonna go check it out. I still can't get over that lady though. I just want to know how long!!!!

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She said she didn't have any surgeries so she exercised and toned her skin, that's amazing. I've noticed that I've got some sagging already on my arms, if I can't tone it up after I finished reducing I'm going to look into the surgery. At my age, I don't think I have the elasticity in my skin any longer for it to go back. I am really serious about the tummy tuck thing as well. I feel it will be even more incentive to keep the weight off if I have to pay to have the skin removed.


This is a great motivational video, I'm going to save it to my favorites and watch from time to time.

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Good Morning, Everyone!!

I'm just now catching up on all of the posts. I'm still sticking to eating healthy and exercise. Everyone sounds like they are doing an awesome job! I'm becoming more and more motivated. I think during the Summer months it is most difficult to eat healthy. There are a lot of activities going on in the Summer. Hope everyone has a great day! I tried a new salad dressing that I love. Kraft's Asian Toasted Sesame Light. I love it!

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Jen we love that dressing too! even my 9 yr old grandaughter loves it. Have you ever tried broccoli slaw? I add some cherry tomatoes and the Asian dressing to the slaw and Voila', a great fast salad.


I find it easier in the summer because of all the fresh fruits and veggies. My only problem with the summer is it's so dang hot out. I have to get up early to get anything done outside.

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Good Morning Everyone


I see by reading the post everyone is doing well and being inspired:). Just dropped in to say hello. I had a bit of a rough day yesterday, it seems like I was not satisfied no matter what I eat. I got thru it and I am believing today will be a better day.


Mycruz- Congratulations


Salsa - I have a very good seamstress that I use for alterations of my clothes. Sometimes I find an outfit that I really like and they don't have my size, I buy it and give it to her and she makes every thing look like it was tailor made for me. For casual clothes I make sure they have some type of stretch material in them to give and take where needed. Other clothes I buy mix and match in a size and turn 6 outfits into 12, than when my size decrease I give clothes to charity and start again. I would just make sure the clothes I will be wearing for a short period is not expensive.





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As I was loosing, Every so often I would splurge and buy a new outfit, but for the most part I relied on thrift stores and hand-me-downs. I just hated spending money on something I promised myself I would not be in long. After I was done loosing, I passed all my BIG clothes on. That way I can't go back without buying bigger clothes. That seems to really help keep me going. If my pants start getting tight I know its time to kick it up a notch! I haven't been doing the Monday weigh ins because I just really haven't had anything to report. Just staying the same. I have 11 days until my cruise and 2 pounds to go! I am doing everything right and the scale is just not budging! I am ok with that though because I know that I have accomplished alot and I'm not going to let 2 pounds get me down! I will just keep trecking and eventually they will come off.

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I just wanted to share with everyone a meal I made today that was very satisfying, filling and delicious and it is only 3 points. However I made 4 servings, some for later. I slice up some white potatoes, squash, zucchini and onion seasoned them with salt and pepper, put them in a skillet with a little water and steamed them. When everything was soft, I poured of the extra water and added 3 tblsp of low fat butter. Yum, Yum, Yum. It was so gooood!!!!!!!:D Also I had a slice of pound cake today for dessert and I still have 5 points left and my 3 activity points:D:D


OK, I am in the office tomorrow, hope everything goes well. No lunch date so far:confused:

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Mommy that does sound yummy! I do something similar, potatoes, corn on the cob, each ear cut in thirds and purple onion. Drizzle a little EVOO and some fresh rosemary and roast in the oven.


I've had a high carb day and have gone over my points today by 3. I'm ok, though, they just came off my weekly points and I have plenty even though I don't like to use them. I had a veggie wrap at Publix today that the best I could figure was 7 points. For dinner I had a veggie burger w/cheese. I really like the Morningstar brand, once you put a slice of cheese on them and dress them like you would a burger, they taste really good.


Today was a very lazy day for me, it's my Saturday and I went shopping this morning. I found a pair of Ralph Lauren jeans on sale for really cheap! and they were a size 14:) . They are a little snug, but the 16's were just going to be too big come time for my cruise at the rate I've been going the last few weeks. After lunch took a 2 hr nap, I couldn't believe it. Oh, and I stopped in to a Curves nearby to check it out. I have an appointment in 2 weeks for a personal consultation. Does anyone have any experience with Curves? From what I saw, I think I'll like it.


Now it's spend some time watching the telly and off to bed. Have to clean out the garage tomorrow.

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Good Morning, Everyone!!

I'm just now catching up on all of the posts. I'm still sticking to eating healthy and exercise. Everyone sounds like they are doing an awesome job! I'm becoming more and more motivated. I think during the Summer months it is most difficult to eat healthy. There are a lot of activities going on in the Summer. Hope everyone has a great day! I tried a new salad dressing that I love. Kraft's Asian Toasted Sesame Light. I love it!



I tried that dressing last winter and LOVE it. Great on a tossed salad that has a little fresh fruit added. I didn't realize that it came in Light....probably because I didn't buy think of buying light last winter. Mmmmm. That was the best dressing.

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Only because I always am sharing tidbits of information. I read a lot.. mostly magazines and the newspaper; but I pass on the bits of info on any topic that pertains.:)


I thought I'd mention this as it's kind of helped me in my thought processes....it's encouraged me. I am not 100% sure of the statement only because I don't know the source of the info...it might have been my husband or a magazine article, etc.


Anyway, I was told that if you have a "great" day with food choices and exercise, don't be discouraged if you don't see a weight change the very next day. I was told that it takes 3 days for our bodies to react and to reflect the "good" behavior.


Now if that is true, then I've been doing a couple of things wrong (in the past). If I've been "good" and didn't see an immediate change on the scale the next day, I would then binge on something while thinking, "Who cares? I try and try and nothing happens."


On the other hand, I sometimes would be dieting, then would go out for a meal and overindulge, only to check the scales the next day and find that I weighed the same or even lost a little....that would go straight to my head and I'd think, "Hey, that wasn't so bad. I didn't even gain a pound." Then I'd continue on with the overeating and wind up off the plan, completely. That's what I did after the cruise. I had only gained a pound or two while on the cruise...with a LOT of excess...so I just kept up that level of eating after the cruise and put on 20 more bone-busting pounds.


Thinking on the "3 day Rule" has helped me to realize that I have to see things long-term. I worked myself into a sweat all day long yesterday....it was one of the most exhausting days that I've had in a while (prepping dinner for 3 families in the a.m., stopping at stores for "props", lugging lots of gear to shoot photos/setting up, "dolling up" my MIL for her pics, posing her, etc.) I stepped on the scale this morning, and nothing. So if what I heard is true, I should see some reward by Sunday morning IF I continue with my plan and don't waiver. I'm already down 1 pound this week so I hope to be down more by Sunday or Monday. We'll see!:rolleyes:

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As I was loosing, Every so often I would splurge and buy a new outfit, but for the most part I relied on thrift stores and hand-me-downs. I just hated spending money on something I promised myself I would not be in long. After I was done loosing, I passed all my BIG clothes on. That way I can't go back without buying bigger clothes. That seems to really help keep me going. If my pants start getting tight I know its time to kick it up a notch! I haven't been doing the Monday weigh ins because I just really haven't had anything to report. Just staying the same. I have 11 days until my cruise and 2 pounds to go! I am doing everything right and the scale is just not budging! I am ok with that though because I know that I have accomplished alot and I'm not going to let 2 pounds get me down! I will just keep trecking and eventually they will come off.




You are so lucky to be leaving in 11 days!!!! And only 2 lbs. from your goal. I'm praying that it comes off for you soon! :) Please share as soon as it comes off...I'm thinking positively but something's gotta give within 11 days. Where are you cruising?


Since I do the thrift/consigments too, then I'll likely shop for the stretch knits on some things, but I like what you said about the tailor. I think some of my clothes are too nice to get rid of. I wasn't thinking about a tailor, but I have a couple that I use on occasion. I could have some dresses refitted and taken in and still have them for the cruise next spring. Good thought.


Whenever I've lost weight before, I was afraid to get rid of my "big" clothes. I have to change that this time. So off they will go to charity! Except for a pair of "fat" pants that I want to save.:D

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I just opened and viewed a clip that a friend sent me. It was viewed on a religious site, with a hymn playing in the background....I don't know if I am violating any posting rules in putting the link up but it was an incredible video showing a very fit father who participated in a triathalon while carrying, biking with, and towing an inflatable raft with, his very handicapped adult son. I've never seen anything quite like it. It made me think, "And I think I have a lot to deal with here in my 'race'? All I have to deal with is 50 lbs. or so." If you have an interest in viewing the clip, here it is...




It was very inspiring.

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All I can say is Wow! and I can barely see my screen as I type because of the tears running down my face....



Yup.....it got me too! I watched it a second time with my daughter....I was worse the second time through. Sorry to all of you menopausal ladies!

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I just opened and viewed a clip that a friend sent me. It was viewed on a religious site, with a hymn playing in the background....I don't know if I am violating any posting rules in putting the link up but it was an incredible video showing a very fit father who participated in a triathalon while carrying, biking with, and towing an inflatable raft with, his very handicapped adult son. I've never seen anything quite like it. It made me think, "And I think I have a lot to deal with here in my 'race'? All I have to deal with is 50 lbs. or so." If you have an interest in viewing the clip, here it is...




It was very inspiring.


Heart felt, heart warming, tear bringer. It is all that and some. The song My Redeemer Lives is perfect for that video. It reminds me of how much Jesus loves us.

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