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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Hi Kelly...I like what you said about freezing the cookie dough. That's a great idea. Of course, around here everyone prefers the raw dough to the baked cookies so for now, I have to keep the flour, the sugar, the butter and the chocolate chips far away from each other until I think I can handle that. ;) Oh...when I am DONE with this DIET and can eat NORMAL again, I'm going to want your espresso, mascarpone cream recipe! (I love angel food cake, too.) I'll trade you for my tiramisu recipe--it is divine.


Kudos....I'm doing the same thing....listening to my stomach and getting familiar with the feeling of hunger. We are always eating when we think we should...even when full, which is a bad habit. Children don't do that, generally. In my youth, I didn't eat until I was hungry and I was never in the habit of taking seconds. All that has changed for the worse, over the years. I want to be back to those old habits again. :)

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My chips and guacamole feast on the weekend was nothing compared to all of the stuff that you got away with.


Consider yourself very fortunate. Do you think the walking helped you out? Or are you dehydrated?
I love the idea that you think I 'got away with it'.......the figure I didn't give you was the one on the monday when I returned - I'd gained 5 lbs over the five days.....


The fact that in the intervening two weeks I've lost 9lbs I've put down to two things. For either five or six days a week I'm now in complete control of my appetite. I've changed my habits so that I now eat breakfast religiously every day - just one bowl of cereal with dried fruit and a cup of tea with semi-skimmed milk - then only eat anything when I'm feeling really, really hungry until dinnertime (usually around 7:30 - 8pm because of the family's work schedules.) When I do need a snack, I usually have a supply of fresh fruit to hand. Yesterday, for example, I managed to get through until around 5pm after a breakfast at 9am, with only water or tea in between, then I ate a nectarine, which got me through until friends arrived for dinner. On other days I've maybe had a cup of soup or a sandwich at 1pm, or a bowl of fruit salad during the afternoon. In the evenings, for the five or six days I spoke of earlier, I eat almost whatever I like, but no alcohol. On the other two days I maybe have a glass of wine, unless we have guests staying, in which case I probably have two or three. Ok, maybe more than that even, but I really hope my GP isn't reading this or I'm dead meat!


The second reason is that I'm trying to be much more active in my daily meanderings. As yet I've not subjected myself to the ignominy of trying to enter a 'fitness club', although that is on the horizon, I'd rather get a few more pounds off first by 'living normally', ie gardening, walking the dogs etc. I want to be certain that I can maintain a 'healthy lifestyle' (ie keep the weight off) after the cruise, simply by 'being me'. I don't like gymnasiums, and as I've said before, I've done the 'super fit' thing earlier in life, and didn't really enjoy it then, and have no wish to put myself through that kind of pain ever again. If anyone tells you that decent fitness exercise doesn't hurt, then IMO they're not doing it right. I'm sure that (as most medical experts seem to enjoy telling me at every turn) it should be possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle simply by being more active, and eating more sensibly. Certainly my initial view is that they're probably correct, because whilst I still have a way to go to achieve my goal, there's little evidence to suggest that I need to punish myself physically to get there.


One last thought. My weekend of complete debauchery taught me something else too. Whatever weight reduction I achieve pre-cruise, I'm not going to worry about putting on half a stone or so during the cruise, because I know it'll be gone by christmas. What I am worried about though, is a complete willpower meltdown that returns me to the lifestyle of the 'old' me. I don't think I want to go back there at all.


Thanks for the kind thoughts btw - and it's good to be back.



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Good Morning! I have been a lurker on this board and others. It is encouraging to read about people getting healthy and helps me to stay motivated.


Salsa dancer, are you going to post the yellow rice salad recipe here? I am always looking for something new to try, especially for potlucks. The ladies in our Sunday night small group are all trying to eat healthier. But eating is one thing we all do really well!


Hope you all have a nice 4th and weekend



Hi Kelly....I have another recipe that I think you would like but I looked and couldn't find it at the moment. When I do, I'll post the exact recipe. I especially like to make this one for get-togethers with girlfriends. It is light and for anyone watching their weight, they can enjoy this dessert guilt-free.....it looks really decadent and pretty so it has that "Wow" factor going for it.


The dessert is a layered parfait, so you need some tall glasses...wine glasses would work or any other flute or parfait glass.


There is layered fruit...mango and kiwi cut up kinda small in about 1/2 inch chunks (I'd add something red like strawberries or raspberries for the color), or you can cheat a little and use the Dole Tropical fruit (drained) then add some kiwi.....then a little sugar or Splenda or no sweetener (I think) and some chopped mint--chill the fruit mixture to get it really cold. A little rum was in the original recipe but that is optional. I layer the fruit with raspberry sherbet, then a white sherbet like pineapple. Just keep layering. The dessert is topped with a little toasted coconut, then you can stick one of those Pirouline cookies into it to look like a straw. I also add a paper umbrella. It is the cutest dessert. A chocolate stick of some sort or any sort of stick candy would work for the "straw". If I can't find the recipe, you can figure it out from these instructions--really easy. I always just bring the sherbet to someone's house and the cold fruit and assemble it right before serving.

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I love the idea that you think I 'got away with it'.......the figure I didn't give you was the one on the monday when I returned - I'd gained 5 lbs over the five days.....


The fact that in the intervening two weeks I've lost 9lbs I've put down to two things. For either five or six days a week I'm now in complete control of my appetite. I've changed my habits so that I now eat breakfast religiously every day - just one bowl of cereal with dried fruit and a cup of tea with semi-skimmed milk - then only eat anything when I'm feeling really, really hungry until dinnertime (usually around 7:30 - 8pm because of the family's work schedules.) When I do need a snack, I usually have a supply of fresh fruit to hand. Yesterday, for example, I managed to get through until around 5pm after a breakfast at 9am, with only water or tea in between, then I ate a nectarine, which got me through until friends arrived for dinner. On other days I've maybe had a cup of soup or a sandwich at 1pm, or a bowl of fruit salad during the afternoon. In the evenings, for the five or six days I spoke of earlier, I eat almost whatever I like, but no alcohol. On the other two days I maybe have a glass of wine, unless we have guests staying, in which case I probably have two or three. Ok, maybe more than that even, but I really hope my GP isn't reading this or I'm dead meat!


The second reason is that I'm trying to be much more active in my daily meanderings. As yet I've not subjected myself to the ignominy of trying to enter a 'fitness club', although that is on the horizon, I'd rather get a few more pounds off first by 'living normally', ie gardening, walking the dogs etc. I want to be certain that I can maintain a 'healthy lifestyle' (ie keep the weight off) after the cruise, simply by 'being me'. I don't like gymnasiums, and as I've said before, I've done the 'super fit' thing earlier in life, and didn't really enjoy it then, and have no wish to put myself through that kind of pain ever again. If anyone tells you that decent fitness exercise doesn't hurt, then IMO they're not doing it right. I'm sure that (as most medical experts seem to enjoy telling me at every turn) it should be possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle simply by being more active, and eating more sensibly. Certainly my initial view is that they're probably correct, because whilst I still have a way to go to achieve my goal, there's little evidence to suggest that I need to punish myself physically to get there.


One last thought. My weekend of complete debauchery taught me something else too. Whatever weight reduction I achieve pre-cruise, I'm not going to worry about putting on half a stone or so during the cruise, because I know it'll be gone by christmas. What I am worried about though, is a complete willpower meltdown that returns me to the lifestyle of the 'old' me. I don't think I want to go back there at all.


Thanks for the kind thoughts btw - and it's good to be back.





Hey Tim....Your'e doing what my hubby does....enjoying yourself on occasion but being "good" the rest of the time. That's what I am aiming for, too. That would be living normally, right? Versus deprivation, then bingeing, binging, binge-ing...how the heck do you spell it? :D I really do believe that some men can indulge more than short women....like me! Rats.


I realized that you hit the 15 lbs. off mark! Hallelujah!;) My hubby just hit his weight loss goal. Me...I've got a long row to hoe. :o


I wanted to add something here, in advance of making a mistake (hopefully)...so this is for everyone....I say this to my kids all the time...


With emails, posts, blogs, etc., it's easy for a sense-of-humor or comment to be taken as sarcasm or rudeness, etc., when it was not intended that way. Sometimes I re-read my own posts and realize that I can come off that way. Trust me when I say that I am not mean-spirited...I'm actually pretty mellow, unless you get me on a few topics here and there. So I realized that I might have come off as sounding like I was being a "mommy" with advising Tim. I really hope I don't offend anyone and if you knew me, personally, you would know that I love to pass along good info cause I'm always reading and love learning. I want us all to make it in this battle of the bulge. If I ever write anything that sounds "iffy" take it with a grain of salt (whatever the heck that means). Anyway, I love to tease people but it doesn't work as well with internet posts. :D :eek: Thanks in advance for being good sports and letting me indulge. Hey, if I can't eat cookies, I am going to probably just get sassier. :eek: Add the "age" factor (i.e. "MP") and as my hubby will say, "Reaaaare!" (insert cat snarl).

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Talked to my son, the body builder. He comes to our house with wife and son once-a-week for dinner. We talked about those last stubborn bulges that people struggle with. (Wish that were MY problem:D. Oh what I wouldn't give for some last stubborn bulges.) He told me that for people who are really stuck with that last belly fat issue, they should focus on building 10 lbs. of muscle mass by weight lifting, etc. For each 1 lbs. of added muscle, you burn an extra 30 calories per day. 10 will get you 300 per day. I've seen him do this and have what appears to be zero belly fat. I thought I'd pass that on for anyone interested. As for myself...


I have seen the needle on the scale just going up, then down (repeat) for the past week and a half and that made me check my computer calender, then use a calculator to crunch some numbers. I already knew that by getting no added exercise (remember the knee issue), I am only likely to lose about 1.25 pounds of fat per week--sendentary level of activity, with age, height, weight and current calorie intake factored in. Any more than that is likely water weight along with fat loss and we all know that water weight goes up and down. For me, I have been "ahead of schedule" to have lost 8.5 by now. I should be weighing about 182.75 by now. What I always experience is an averaging that ends up happening and it shows up in the form of a plateau. I am not scheduled to have more than 8 lbs. off until July 22nd or therabouts. Hmmmm. So if I plateau here for another week and a half, that would make sense.


I continued with the math and counted the weeks until the cruise...there were 42 weeks form my start date (June 3rd), until 3 days before we leave so my total loss, at 1.25 per week should be 52.75 (my goal was 53). That is assuming that all goes as planned, which doesn't usually happen. There will be holidays to consider, etc.


On the other hand, if I want to start exercising at some point, I could count on getting to my goal weight sooner than that. Makes me want to start walking, really. (I bought a knee support band to wear.) I guess I thought, "Big deal. What's an added 3/4 lb. for all of that effort to walk 2-3 miles a day on my treadmill," but that extra boost can really add up over the coarse of several weeks.


To make a comparison: If I continue as is, by September 2nd, I would have 13 lbs. off. If I started exercising by August 1st, I'd have 5 weeks of excercise with 3/4 lbs. extra per week off, totalling 16.75 total fat loss by the same date. Makes a significant difference in just a month's time. With daily exercise, I could conceivably make my goal weight by mid-January rather than late March.


If anyone sees any major flaws in my thought process here, please let me know. Would I be expected too much by a 2lb per week average, if I am walking daily or is that too high--especially later into the process? I know that the human body really never performs quite like the machine that we think it is, so these numbers are more about getting an IDEA of what I can accomplish, ideally.


I didn't do my cruise countdown clock yet...had trouble getting it to apply to my signature...but I thought about how I could use it to gauge my weight loss.


1.25 lbs. per week divided by 7 days = .1785 lbs. per day

2 lbs. per week divided by 7 days = .2857 lbs. per day



Aside from all of this fact and figure stuff which looks great on paper, I HATE exercise. I love dancing but I really HATE exercise. Ugh! I like to do things that feel like I'm accomplishing something. On my treadmill, I feel more like a hamster.:D And none of our hamsters were skinny.

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That is funny about the hamsters not being skinny! During the winter I use a treadmill. Sick me, I actually learned to like it. Not so much the being on it but the feeling of "hey I got 3 mi. in today!"


Not sure about the math but it sounds good. 2lbs/week is a very realistic and healthy goal. Just don't get discouraged on the weeks it might not happen.


The adding muscle makes sense. If you are heavier you start losing quicker. After you start losing you are lighter so you lose slower. Plus for women the added muscle helps protect our bones. Does your son have any dvds or websites to recommend for a beginner? I prefer to exercise at home so free weights are best for me.


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Hello Everyone


It is vacation time. This is going to be a big test. How do you go on vacation and not gain weight?:eek: I don't know, but I am going to try.;) My last weigh in was 168.4 1bs. What will it be when I return on the 18th:confused:. The good thing about this vacation is, it is not a cruise (unlimited food 24 hrs a day). We will be staying at a resort in FL. The good thing about the resorts in the US is they are not all inclusive; therefore I do not have unlimited food everywhere.:D Ok now I must finishing packing and will weigh myself next Saturday morning and post my weight.:o


SW: 178

CW: 168.4

GW: 145

WAV: ???

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Mommy, you can have a good time and not feel deprived. Just remember what you've accomplished and remind yourself you don't want to undo it. Make sure you exercise and make smart choices. You'll be fine.

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Hey...have fun Mommy. We're in this for the long haul; so even if you go up a little, it will be right back off in a short while.


I wondered about what others do while on vacations :confused: ....I used to gain weight during a vacation:eek: , then as we got older we shifted our eating habits a bit to keep within our food expense budget when travelling with our kids, primarily. Turned out that it helped with our weight, too. We'd do a big breakfast or a hotel buffet breakfast or brunch sort of thing, then have a snack midday, if we needed one. Both of us were usually so full from breakfast that the fullness stayed with us all day until dinner. There'd be ice cream or something maybe during the day, then we'd have dinner. Most of our last vacations involved quite a bit of walking; so we were burning up the fuel. I'd end up only up a pound or two at most after a vacation. :) The same thing happened on our cruise.


First and only cruise, we did the Windjammer buffet in the a.m., a snack at the ports (except for a lunch that I ordered in Belize)...usually the "snack" was some cool icey drink and fresh chips and salsa, then the shipboard dinner. I ordered room service once, before dinner. Thought I was getting a baguette and fruit & cheese plate (mini). What I got was this awesome smoked salmon baguette with fruits and walnuts and assorted cheeses. Mmmmm. Only did that once, though because it was too much to eat before dinner.


Then there was that midnight buffet thing....:eek:


I was wondering how the rest of you have done on past cruises....Did you find that you gained a lot of weight, a little weight, or none?

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Okay...no one has said it...so I'm going to take the risk here.


Where is Cindy...the OP?


I went back to her original post on the first day of this thread and saw how she was feeling (something that I identified with)....she had tried everything and needed encouragement from others. I was feeling VERY desperate myself and that honesty led me to sign up with you all.


I thought about this....I could say nothing or take the risk and say what I really want to say...


Friend, if you are feeling discouraged, we're here to back each other up and encourage. Depending on weigh-in day, I could have been forced to post that I was up as much as 4 1/2 lbs. I just was lucky and on Monday, had gone down 4--all water weight problems. I'm sure I can speak for everyone...we want you here with us. There is strength in numbers. If your program isn't working for you or you just don't like it, do whatever you need to do to make a switch.


There are two ways to handle the fluctuations....you can either not post the numbers that week, or you can post the changes that shift you up in pounds and count on everyone's support to talk you through the discouraging numbers. My husband's weight-loss group strategizes and if one of the guys on the team gained weight that week, they simply don't weigh in and work harder during the next week--it's a competition, so they are into strategy. For me, when the others here admit the gains or plateaus, it comforts me. I go through it, knowing that I behaved like an "angel" all week long with no days to regret, yet can find myself at a discouraging standstill. Even when I "overate" those chips and guacamole, truthfully I didn't eat like a pig (as in the past), but the water-weight gains were discouraging and made me feel bloated and yucky.--certainly an afternoon of snacking couldn't have undone a whole week of being "good."


We're counting on you! If it weren't for you starting this thread and posting what you did, I'd be 8 lbs. fatter than I am and depressed about it.:eek:

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I was wondering how the rest of you have done on past cruises....Did you find that you gained a lot of weight, a little weight, or none?


Well what I have done.. Of course not on very cruise or trip. :o Is watch what I eat. Also my husband and I split meals a lot when eating out. We are so proud of our selves when we do that. On one cruise I would only take one spoon full on what ever I was getting. Also I would only eat half the meal at dinner time. Like when the salad would come out. I would only eat half of it.. Then wait for the rest of the meal and do the same for the main dinner. Only eat half of it.. That way I get to eat what I wanted, but not go over board..


When I don't do that it when I start to increase my weight :mad:


On that cruise I only gained about a pound.. Plus I normally just took the stairs. I did take the elevator, but I didn't go out of my way for it.


Like I said there have been times I didn't do that and paid the price when I got back home...:eek:

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Hello Thin Friends

We are here in Ft Lauderdale. :) So far so good. Went to dinner and had BBQ chicken breast instead of fried catfish. I only at 1/4 of the chicken breast because I ate 2 corn muffins and 1 biscuit. Passed on donuts and ice cream for breakfast and had a ff yogart and 100 cal snacker. Went to the grocery store and purchased lots of fruit, WW cookies and FF popcorn. I can do this because I have all of you for my support. :) Plan on doing water aerobics and the treadmill.

THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!!!:D :D DD wanted me to eat the ice cream. Boo to her.

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Hello Thin Friends


We are here in Ft Lauderdale. :) So far so good. Went to dinner and had BBQ chicken breast instead of fried catfish. I only at 1/4 of the chicken breast because I ate 2 corn muffins and 1 biscuit. Passed on donuts and ice cream for breakfast and had a ff yogart and 100 cal snacker. Went to the grocery store and purchased lots of fruit, WW cookies and FF popcorn. I can do this because I have all of you for my support. :) Plan on doing water aerobics and the treadmill.

THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!!!:D :D DD wanted me to eat the ice cream. Boo to her.



I felt so "proud" of you after reading this post, I almost got teary!! If you

can do this good on a vacation, we all can manage to behave ourselves this week. :)


A Simple and Yummy Summer Salad...


Tomatoes (1-2 tomatoes)

Fresh Basil (3-4 leaves)

Chevre (goat cheese) or Feta (use about 1/4 cup)

Shaved Parmesan (about 2 T. per serving)

Balsamic Vinegar dressing

Cracked pepper

Coarse Salt or Sea Salt


Slice vine-ripened tomatoes and spread them out, overlapping the edges, on a plate. Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and crack some pepper over the top. Sprinkle with the crumbles of Chevre, then; stack the Basil leaves, roll up and slice across to make strips and sprinkle the strips on top of the cheese. Add some of the Parmesan shavings...(buy the pre-shaved or shave your own with a vegetable peeler). Drizzle all with some Balsamic Vinegar dressing.


I made this for my daughter and I for lunch on Friday. We also had a slice of Ciabatta bread and a glass of iced tea. The little lunch was so good and refreshing on a hot day. I had Dannon low-fat yogurt with wheat germ for breakfast and the light lunch, which allowed me to indulge a little at a wedding reception that night (my "cheat" meal of the week).


Okay....I need to bust out of the 180s on weigh-in day!!! Will this be my week? My son came over and said, "Mom, your legs look thinner!" YAY!


Also, I was able to fit into a gorgeous halter dress for the wedding that we attended. I had torn through my closet, then my basement clothes rack and not ONE THING looked good. Time to leave was approaching and I was a mess. I was SO STRESSED and frantic to find something to wear. I had avoided my pretty chiffon aqua blue and white dress that I've had hanging in my dining room (as a motivator), believing that I'd never be able to wear it for this wedding after the no loss for the past couple of weeks. Out of DESPERATION, I put it on as my last attempt to find something cute to wear to the wedding AND IT FIT!!!!!!! My stomach has gotten smaller!!!


Does anyone else share my pain when it comes to dressing up for something special??? Ugh. I don't want to do this closet dig thing anymore! More motivation.:D

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On that cruise I only gained about a pound.. Plus I normally just took the stairs. I did take the elevator, but I didn't go out of my way for it.



Hi Kudos...


A friend had told me about using the stairs on a cruise. She said that she and her husband did that on their cruise and never gained weight, even though they ate everything that they wanted. My hubby and I did that. Our cabin was on Deck 7 and we used the stairs to get to the Windjammer which I believe was on Deck 11, then the main dining room (forgot the deck #). We only used the elevators on formal nights. We also went dancing every night....at least an hour doing the salsa and other dances depending on which band we were listening to. That burned a lot of calories.


Now for the upcoming cruise, I'm in trouble because our room is on Deck 10! One level below the Windjammer!! I guess I'll have to do more touring of the ship.


I never used the ship fitness center, but my husband did. He loved it. He said that the view was great from the treadmills. Maybe this time, I'll be in good enough shape to work out while cruising.

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Hello Everyone!!! Hey mommy4lyfe I hope that you are having a fantastic time. I leave for my Family Reunion in Redding, Calif in the morning and I am anxious for my family to see me because I have always been the Big Girl in the family.Yet I am so glad that I have been going to the gym because I really believe if I had not, I would be beating myself up at this point because I would not have lost any weight.So on this vacation I will continue to exercise so I can really love my-less-self when I return hame.

SW: 260

CW: 247 :D

GW: 236 11 pounds to go woohoo.

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I'm dying to get below 180 and stay there! Plateuas suck.


SW: 188 (June 3)

At end of Week Six:

CW: 180

LW: 180

GW: 135


At 1.25 per week, I am just over my expected weight loss of 7.5 with 8 lbs. off, after six weeks; BUT it's really not fun to look at 180 for so many days in a row. I either see 180 or I'm up 4 lbs. in a day. The seventh week, I should have about 8.75 off; so I'm really hoping for a breakthrough this coming week and the next. I'm not giving up.

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Wanted to tell you all about my observations of fast weight loss in some close friends and recently with my hubby. I'm really interested in the physiology of weight loss partly because it will help me to understand the process, cope with the plateaus, outsmart my body when it gets stubborn, etc. I also want to target the right WEIGHT to lose (fat versus muscle) and look fit when I reach my goal weight.


I know 3 women who work out like crazy and went on "diets" similar to Atkins. This is not intended as a slam on anyone's chosen method, but I really wanted to share what I've seen. All 3 of them lost a lot of weight and felt great, but there was a negative with all 3 and I think it was due to shedding the pounds so fast. All 3 reached their goals within a few short months, and had really saggy skin--particularly on their faces and neck. It seems to take the body a while to catch up with the faster loss and the skin, over age 30 isn't quite as resilient in most people. There is almost an appearance of dehydration and muscle loss along with the fat loss.


I do know this...if you eat carbohydrates, the body absorbs a certain amount of water for every gram of carbohydrate that you consume. I don't recall the exact ratio right now. The body uses the water to carry the carbs to the cells for fuel. When you think of grain foods, they all absorb water--rice, oatmeal, flour, etc. So this makes sense to me that the water and grain carbs join up and run through the system together. With my friends, I wondered if the low-grain carb diets may have caused a bit of dehydration.


My husband has been participating in this weight-loss competition with co-workers, as teams, weighing in once-a-week. I've never seen him work out so hard and he is eating too little. Not enough protein, etc. He admits this, but is competitive and wants to win a prize with his team--likely something nice. Last year, the company awarded the winning team members with something like treadmills. He has lost a lot of weight FAST, by eating a lot less and by working out 3 times per day (a.m., noon, p.m.). I"ve seen him drink a 190 cal. slim fast for dinner, or eat a lean cuisine or something similar--very low cal for a man who is working out that hard. Last week, I stared at him and realized that it is not all good weight that he is losing and almost felt worried. He normally does some weight lifting as part of his routine, but now is doing mostly aerobic exercise. He has visibly lost a lot of muscle mass. We talked about this on the weekend, and I brought up what I've observed. He told me that he knows that he's working out too hard and is eating too little, but said that he wants to win the competition. I think this weekend was his last weekend before the final weigh-ins and he is going to cut back to maybe one workout per day. What he told me was interesting, about fat weight, muscle weight, etc.


Last year, for our first cruise, he had really gotten into a routine and lost the fat around his middle by exercising at a normal pace and eating healthy. It was cool because he went out and bought a tux for the cruise and looked great in it! (Love tuxes!) This weekend, he told me that right now he weighs 5 lbs. LESS than he did for the cruise last year, but he has a lot of belly fat left and his pants (tux, etc.) don't fit the way that they did for the cruise. He is FATTER, though he weighs 5 lbs. less than he did.


Observing this really makes me want to find a reliable way to measure fat loss/muscle gain, etc. My hubby bought a scale that supposedly measures this....It might be a health-o-meter (not sure on the brand). Does anyone know if these scales actually work? It supposedly sends a current through the body and the current detects fat ratio. Is this right?

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Here are my stats for this week.... Getting closer and closer!!!!




SW: 162

CW: 150

GW: 145


Lost 2 lbs this week! I am so proud of myself and the fact that I have really stuck with this! I just want to thank all my new friends on this board. It has really helped me to stick to my goal. You are all just what I needed to keep me on track...

I only have 5 mor lbs to my goal weight.

Update on my daily walks.... I am now up to 3 miles per day. I have started walking in the mornings because it gets so hot here in the afternoons and we have a tendency to have those summer afternoon thunderstorms.

One of my brothers,his family and I went camping this weekend. It was so much fun and so relaxing as well. I really needed it too.

Not long until my cruise on Sovereign!! I am psyched and ready...

Hope everyone has a good week....

Talk to you soon



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Well here is my weight


SW 131.5

CW 128.8

GW 120.0


I went up a bit in weight. Which I'm not surprised. We had company over. So I had more food then what I would normally have.. But I didn't go up as much as I thought I would.. This week I plan on being good. But I'm getting better at my portion control. But I'm not great yet.. So times I over did it a few times when our company was over.


But I had fun. It was my husband's son and his wife and their little baby girl. There visit is posted on my website ---> http://www.Kudos2Fly.com

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I'm weighing myself daily and notice that the scale is now steady at 180. The past couple of weeks, it would go up and down all week. Now it appears frozen--as if someone superglued the needle. I'm glad it's not going up but anxiously waiting for a drop.


On the bright side, I decided that something MUST be going on because of how my clothes are feeling. Sunday I wore a tunic top, pants, and a skinny belt--an outfit that I tried on about a month ago and nixed. This time it fit and the top was noticably looser around the middle.


Well, I took out the tape measure and noted a 1/2 inch drop in my waist size.


All I can do right now is wait....I started making myself drink more water.


Does anyone else have a hard time "downing" 8 glasses of water in a day? I drink 4 oz. of oj in the a.m. with breakfast, and a couple of glasses of iced tea during the day, too and can never seem to get in the 8 glasses of water.


I also am noticing a big decrease in my appetite. I assume it is from the shrinking portions and just getting used to them. I just don't want to get to the place where I eat too little (hasn't happened so far). Today I had to MAKE myself eat my lunch at 1 which was 1/3 sliced cucumber, about 1/2 cup blueberries, and half of a ham sandwich on a wheat bun (LF Mayo). I literally did not want lunch. I just don't want to develop a habit of skipping meals.


For those women who are going by hunger/fullness, what do you do if you don't feel hungry at mealtime? Do you skip?

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:eek: Pool party tomorrow night and I am DREADING it. It's at my closest friend's house and I normally can handle swimming with her and her family but there are other guests invited. The deck is in the hot sun, no trees, and everyone will be swimming. Usually I can get out of it and just avoid the pool, stay in my capris all day and not deal with it, but this is not the same. UGH!


I wonder if anyone ever wore a girdle while swimming?:eek: :mad: :o :D (note mixed menopausal emotions)


The dread is one more motivation to not give up. I do not want to feel like this for one more year.

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Hey Salsa! you could pray for rain! Honestly though, since it is your friends party put on your suit and go. Bring a cute wrap or pair of shorts for lounging by the pool. And remember almost all women have body issues. We all have some area that we are not happy with, especially when we put on the dreaded swimsuit. So go enjoy the party! Keep working towards your goal of being healthy. And enjoy the journey while you are getting there.


And while I'm posting on this thread I will answer your question from the other one about skipping meals. I don't skip but I don't worry about eating at say "lunch time" depending on what I am doing or when/what I had for breakfast lunch might be at 11am or 1pm. If I am eating a later lunch I make it lighter since I like eating dinner with DH. I was hungry at 3 today (lunch was at 11) so I had some baby romaine with cantalope and balsamic vinegrette. That will hold me till dinner.


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Great idea about the wrap! I actually have one somewhere in my basement and I never wear it; so I'm going to find it and put it to use. It's just that when you have that "cottage cheese" on the thighs look, you can feel the eyes, ya know? I was hoping to surprise friends by next year and manage a suit without stress, but I guess I'm going to have to roll with this. Or, as you said, pray for rain! :rolleyes:


Regarding the meal skipping, it was weird today. I was NOT hungry at noon but made my granddaughter lunch at 1 and ate with her and it was a light lunch. By afternoon, I felt REALLY hungry (by 4-ish), then by dinner, not hungry at all. I just drank iced tea in the afternoon. Weird day. Dinner ended up being very light--yogurt with wheat germ, a handful of pretzel sticks, and I know this is bad but I ate 3 strips of leftover cooked bacon because I was craving it and knew that I wasn't going to eat meat for dinner. My hubby gets home fairly late, often eats a light microwavable meal and I am able to eat whatever I want on those nights.


My hubby suggested that I keep eating meals to keep the metabolism going.

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Hi, I started dieting last monday. I've been a yo-yo dieter all my life. I've tried most everything out there. I have about 140lbs to lose. We are cruising over the Christmas holiday this yr and would love to get dressed up on formal night. I find the bigger I get-the less I go out. On cruises I wouldn't dream of going near the pool. I am looking forward to joining life again!!!! It is a stuggle but one worth trying again. I am 50 yrs old, 5'2 and I am trying Weight Watchers again. I'm not going to the meetings this time, just know the routine very well and giving it my best shot. My work offers free gym membership and I got someone at work to sign up with me (God knows I couldn't walk in there myself..lol) I am looking forward to getting off my blood pressure and cholesterol meds!!

So I'm gonna be checking in for support often and a friendly understanding ear often..lol.

So far 4lbs but of course its the first week and I know its mostly water but it still feels good to see the scale move in the down direction non the less!!


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Hi, I started dieting last monday. I've been a yo-yo dieter all my life. I've tried most everything out there. I have about 140lbs to lose. We are cruising over the Christmas holiday this yr and would love to get dressed up on formal night. I find the bigger I get-the less I go out. On cruises I wouldn't dream of going near the pool. I am looking forward to joining life again!!!! It is a stuggle but one worth trying again. I am 50 yrs old, 5'2 and I am trying Weight Watchers again. I'm not going to the meetings this time, just know the routine very well and giving it my best shot. My work offers free gym membership and I got someone at work to sign up with me (God knows I couldn't walk in there myself..lol) I am looking forward to getting off my blood pressure and cholesterol meds!!

So I'm gonna be checking in for support often and a friendly understanding ear often..lol.

So far 4lbs but of course its the first week and I know its mostly water but it still feels good to see the scale move in the down direction non the less!!



Hi Tam....So nice to "meet" you! Everyone here is so nice and I get excited when another person joins in--it's so encouraging and sort of like getting another helper on your side of a tug-of-war:D ....everyone has something good to offer--encouraging words, good advice, etc. I've never found anything like this anywhere and it is just what I've needed to help me over these hurdles that once seemed too large for me to get over.


And hey, we're "twinners" cause I'm age 50 and 5'2" also!:D We all share a common bond regarding this journey to undo our old ways of doing things and watch ourselves turn into slim and sleek people.


I just put on some sort of spandexy sweats to do some chores (which I won't wear in public ((((((:())))))) and did a spin for my daughter to ask her what she sees. She said that I am smaller and my stomach is flatter (stomach is the worst area on me, I feel), and she said, "You should have taken a good 'before' photo. I REGRET not taking a 'before' picture now, wearing the same outfit to make comparisons along the way would have been fun to look at.


I have been "hiding out" for too long--totally unexcited about social events and always going year-after-year feeling like the same fat girl. I'm totally sick of that and am also totally into this adventure. Incidentally, that is my newfound word to call the "diet"....it's my fitness "ADVENTURE"...doesn't that sound better?


Last night (meno-insomnia) I left a long post on another thread about WW and the success that people can have with it. I'm doing as you are, I know the basic plan but don't count points or weigh food because I know what a portion size looks like. WW is sort of my foundational plan, along with careful attention to portion sizes, frequent snacking on good stuff, etc. Everything I do, I ask myself, "Can you do this for the rest of your life?" The answer has to be "Yes" or else I chuck the idea. I am going to re-post that note on this thread. As I said before, when I type, I'm re-stating things that I know, things that I should practice and am willing to practice, and reminding myself of what I want to do. It's a daily routine. For the first time, I'm not talking about this to all my friends and family and getting the "we've heard THAT before, looks." Now I can unload all of this here and then move ahead and practice what I'm "preaching" while getting excited about each week's weigh-in.


Anyway, as you can tell, I like to type on this thread and get wordy, which is helping me to keep my mouth shut in my social circle. ;)


Keep your eyes peeled for the post I mentioned...I'll stick it here.

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