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Need a buddy for weight loss

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No, no! Not health food! Just good foods! I do not buy any packaged health foods either! I bake my own bread (bread machine) and I use good stuff like pure fruit spreads, natural peanut butter (I LOVE peanut butter & jelly, I eat it everyday!). I have a rule of thumb, if it is home made, I will eat it! That is why hungry-girl = great! Lots of great treats and snacks. I am also a social eater, so if I cheat, I do so at parties. If you can diet, than I think you can change your style of eating for 6 days out of the week. Salsa, I would never insult my hosts by not eating, I am not like that! That would be my cheat day, I have one a week. I do like sugar, but it's amazing how little I crave it anymore. I also had a bad pepsi habit that I gave up cold turkey :D ! By the way, u can find the Kirstie bikini photo, she looked really good.

Nuts, dried fruits, popcorn, fruit smoothies etc are really good snacks!:)


Hi Julieanne....Isn't it amazing how when you cut back on sugar or salt, your sense of taste adjusts? I notice that some things that I loved don't taste all that great anymore. Also, by not cutting out sugar entirely, I didn't suffer with bad headaches from going cold turkey when I started this weight loss adventure. So a spoonful of sugar in my tea or cereal, a little in my daily chocolate "dosage", and the rest in my 3-bite indulgences that occur a couple of times a week. I would like to live like this for good....when I'm at my weight loss goal, I'll likely eat small portions of desserts on special occasions, social gatherings, and not on a daily basis like before. :eek:

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Since you are talking about diets and giving up things I want to ask if anyone's heard about food combining. A friend was talking about it and it was so wierd for me. You can only eat certain things with other certain things. Sorry I can't give better examples. I did google it and the more I read the more I thought I could never eat this way. They claim it is healthier because of how foods are digested. You would really have to change your way of eating to follow this and I don't know how you would ever eat out socially. We do alot of potluck type things and I just don't see that this would work. The main thing that she told me (because she knows I love putting melons in my lettuce salads) is that you are never supposed to eat melon of any kind with any other food. It is bad for digestion. I just ate a salad with watermelon and pineapple. I don't understand how eating foods that are healthy can become unhealthy if eaten together. I believe God created our bodies and I don't think He would have made eating, which we need, so complicated. And if he had I think he would have given us instruction in the bible.

Ok that was my soapbox moment for today!

I am with you all about not cutting out something, especially if it is something you like. For me if I say I am never going to eat cake then cake is the only thing I think about. What I do is only eat it if it is homemade and really yummy. No sense in wasting calories on a store cake that has probably been frozen and has no real flavor except sugar.



Hi Kelly....You couldn't have said it better. Yes, I am familiar with food-combining...a friend (from way-back-when) was into that. She tended to follow trends like that one and she was actually one of the people that I was referring to. Only fruit for breakfast, no this with that, etc. I forgot all of the food rules but I remember thinking, "I could never live like that." I recall that she had a big problem with drinking water at meals, etc. The social life was impossible. She wanted to tell me a list of "bad" foods one day and I said, "Nope. Don't want to hear it," with a grin on my face. Dairy was one. I kept thinking of God and that land flowing with "milk & honey"...and young David carrying the cheese out to the battlefield before he nailed Goliath! :D Nobody better mess with my cheese.:D Blue cheese, feta cheese, provolone, Parmesan, cottage, huntsman, chevre....MMMMMM. Where would life be without cheese? She told me that nothing that comes from cows was designed for human consumption. Don't tell my tastebuds that. ;)


Then there is the matter of bread..."man doesn't live on bread alone," but he definitely lives on bread. ;)

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I just found this post about weight loss so I am late joining the game. I have lost about 45 pounds since October by portion control (logging ALL my food and getting tons of support from www.thedailyplate.com) and exercising. But I would love to join you as I still have about 30 pounds to go. I've been on a plateau for a few weeks now so I hope to bust through soon.


I too don't buy "diet" foods. I eat healthy and try to cook everything. I dont use salt unless I am baking. I drink at least 60 oz water a day. I made a lifestyle change, NOT went on a diet. Because I dont want to be "on a diet" forever, I just incorporated everything into my lifestyle. It's the only way to go.



Hey...Welcome! Don't feel like you are joining late....I believe this thread began in early May, I didn't find it until late May and didn't start until June 3rd....even with that, I've been on a plateau for a bit here. I can feel myself busting out of it, though, any second here...yup, yup, yup, yup, yup!


You're inspiring me! 45 lbs.!!! Wow!! So you are more than half way to your goal. I'll probably be picking your brain at some point. The more people here the better because we can all learn from each other. I plan on staying until my cruise date in late March so we've all got plenty of bonding time ahead of us! :)



Brain picking has begun: Is it hard for you to drink 60 oz. of water? I'm having a hard time with water drinking. I drink glasses that are probably about 12 oz. size and really am only drinking about 3 a day--maybe 4 if I push it. I know that more would be better--I just find it hard to pay attention and focus on that much water. Maybe I need a scheduled routine? I'm at home all day so I really have no excuses.


Tonight we did our Wednesday night family dinner with our son, his wife, and grandson, plus my hubby, myself, and our daughter. We ordered Chinese take-out. I practiced portion control and only had one small bite of fried chicken (General Tso's). I had about a cup of hot & sour soup, 2 steamed dumplings, 1/2 cup of beef lo mein and 2 spears of broccolli--oh, and some fresh fruit (cantaloupe, blueberries, and bananas mixed). And of course 3 fortune cookies because I'm curious! :)



I made the girls laugh because I faked them out good. I slowly opened one while saying, "I just love these. They're almost like a message from a secret admirer." So I had their attention, then I slowly opened mine and read, "Stop eating so many fortune cookies. They are making you fat." They both dropped their jaws and thought I was serious, then cracked up when I laughed.


But I opened one that made sense..."If you can shape it in your mind, you will find it in your life." I'm not superstitious, mind you, but I thought that was a lot like what I believe about this adventure and really getting my brain into it and believing that I can be successful in getting to 135, no matter what obstacles I face this year. This is MY year and I'm not going to blow it. So I walked away from the table a bit hungry, but feeling pretty good about myself. :) Normally, I would have eaten about triple of what I had, plus the fried stuff.

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Since you are talking about diets and giving up things I want to ask if anyone's heard about food combining. A friend was talking about it and it was so wierd for me. You can only eat certain things with other certain things. Sorry I can't give better examples. I did google it and the more I read the more I thought I could never eat this way. They claim it is healthier because of how foods are digested. You would really have to change your way of eating to follow this and I don't know how you would ever eat out socially. We do alot of potluck type things and I just don't see that this would work. The main thing that she told me (because she knows I love putting melons in my lettuce salads) is that you are never supposed to eat melon of any kind with any other food. It is bad for digestion. I just ate a salad with watermelon and pineapple. I don't understand how eating foods that are healthy can become unhealthy if eaten together. I believe God created our bodies and I don't think He would have made eating, which we need, so complicated. And if he had I think he would have given us instruction in the bible.

Ok that was my soapbox moment for today!

I am with you all about not cutting out something, especially if it is something you like. For me if I say I am never going to eat cake then cake is the only thing I think about. What I do is only eat it if it is homemade and really yummy. No sense in wasting calories on a store cake that has probably been frozen and has no real flavor except sugar.




Hey Kelly...I forgot to say that I put melon into one of my salads or starfruit, or both...and it has ham cubes--very delicious salad. I had forgotten about it for this summer, and will have to get the recipe out and make it soon.


Also, I remember the couple that wrote a book about food-combining. I think the book was called "Fit for Life".....I honestly would look at them on talk shows and thought they both were VERY thin...too thin. Sort of looked emaciated to me...not kidding.

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I have herd of food combining. But I thought it was called Metabolic Typing. Or at least thats what we did and it is interesting, but it is restricting also. We did it for a while. Personally I'm learning not to discount anyones ideals. But just fine what is right for me.


Salsa Dancer the only thing I have to say on the diary. Is about milk. I do know that milk (cow Milk) is not good for an adult at least not a lot of it. My mother is on dialysis now. She also is on a kidney transplant list. Her Kidney Dr. told her to stop drinking milk or at least cut back on it a LOT. She was having 16-20 oz of milk a day. He has now limit her to only 6 oz. He said milk is not good for the kidneys.. She at first complain that milk was suppose to be good for you.. He said no, that is not true at least for you kidney's and that adults should not be drinking milk or limit your self to a small amount..


As for the cheese, we eat cheese daily also. So I hope thats not the same for the cheese or I'm in trouble...:rolleyes:

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Also, I remember the couple that wrote a book about food-combining. I think the book was called "Fit for Life".....I honestly would look at them on talk shows and thought they both were VERY thin...too thin. Sort of looked emaciated to me...not kidding.


My husband has that book. I have looked at it and read it a bit. I think if you are thin that shouldn't be a problem if you are not starving your self. I know a few people I have met of the years that are thin, but they don't starve them self either.. And I don't think its all gens..


But like I said in my lasted post when I did that type of diet. I wasn't at all starved and I did lose weight off it, but it was restricting..

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I have herd of food combining. But I thought it was called Metabolic Typing. Or at least thats what we did and it is interesting, but it is restricting also. We did it for a while. Personally I'm learning not to discount anyones ideals. But just fine what is right for me.


Salsa Dancer the only thing I have to say on the diary. Is about milk. I do know that milk (cow Milk) is not good for an adult at least not a lot of it. My mother is on dialysis now. She also is on a kidney transplant list. Her Kidney Dr. told her to stop drinking milk or at least cut back on it a LOT. She was having 16-20 oz of milk a day. He has now limit her to only 6 oz. He said milk is not good for the kidneys.. She at first complain that milk was suppose to be good for you.. He said no, that is not true at least for you kidney's and that adults should not be drinking milk or limit your self to a small amount..


As for the cheese, we eat cheese daily also. So I hope thats not the same for the cheese or I'm in trouble...:rolleyes:


I believe that milk has a really high, natural sodium content....I recall that from my prenatal days. I was seeing a DO and he had a chart on the wall and I was really surprised at how much sodium was in a glass of milk, according to that chart. I imagine that is part of the problem with the kidneys? For most people, the sodium wouldn't be an issue, I imagine, unless they had problems with blood pressure, kidney function. I'm not a medical professional, but that's my guess.

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I believe that milk has a really high, natural sodium content....I recall that from my prenatal days. I was seeing a DO and he had a chart on the wall and I was really surprised at how much sodium was in a glass of milk, according to that chart. I imagine that is part of the problem with the kidneys? For most people, the sodium wouldn't be an issue, I imagine, unless they had problems with blood pressure, kidney function. I'm not a medical professional, but that's my guess.


Neither am I :o. But my Dr. who is a Holistic Dr. say regular milk is not good either. He says rice milk is better for you if you are going to drink. But then again he doesn't think we should be eating meat either.... I don't go along with that one. :D. But we think he is a good Dr. and like him.


I guess its just what ever you believe to be true for you.

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OK, tried Nutri system, just called and am returning it for a refund. OMG the food is HORRIBLE. :eek: Way to tomatoey, corn starch in everything, lots of noodles and just gross. Eggs are powdered!!! almost felt like an astronaut

So, yesterday I ingnored ALL the advice I have taken the last couple of years on eating small meals, need some carbs, always eat breakfast etc...... And chucked it all out the window. I have done nothing but gain weight and lost so much energy doing this.

Many years ago, I did Atkins, no to VERY little carbs. Lost over 50 lbs. Also, never eat breakfast, rarely lunch, only eat a good dinner. Well, I finally have done this for the last two days, lost 3 lbs and have tons of energy this morning!!!

Lesson to all: Read your own body, do what makes you feel good, and what works for you!!! I am going for a walk :D

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OK, tried Nutri system, just called and am returning it for a refund. OMG the food is HORRIBLE. :eek: Way to tomatoey, corn starch in everything, lots of noodles and just gross. Eggs are powdered!!! almost felt like an astronaut


So, yesterday I ingnored ALL the advice I have taken the last couple of years on eating small meals, need some carbs, always eat breakfast etc...... And chucked it all out the window. I have done nothing but gain weight and lost so much energy doing this.


Many years ago, I did Atkins, no to VERY little carbs. Lost over 50 lbs. Also, never eat breakfast, rarely lunch, only eat a good dinner. Well, I finally have done this for the last two days, lost 3 lbs and have tons of energy this morning!!!


Lesson to all: Read your own body, do what makes you feel good, and what works for you!!! I am going for a walk :D



Good for you Tess, Not every diet or way of eating fits "EVERYONE". Everyone is different.. I do tend to do better with much less carbs, but still have a little bit of good carbs. Mainly really grainy bread.. Thats when I'm being VERY good... I do eat 3 times a day though. I know people that have done well on a Atkins type diet.. Some don't but not everyone is the same.


Nutri Systems does sound nasty and not very healthy... I don't eat frozen foods and don't microwave any thing we eat at home. We haven't microwaved anything in 2 full years...


Although I'm still working on the portion control thing.. Thats a work in progress...

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I feel better now that there are quite a few like me out there! Yes, it is amazing how different food tastes. One thin I can say, I never had a reall passion for fruit before. We grew up with oreos, donuts, candy, etc! LOL Now, I really look forward to my grapes, melon slices, pineapple, etc. I haven't had any candy in close to two months and I don't even miss it. One thing I would like to say, we're all on the same page, doesn't matter HOW we do it. Portion control, unprocessed foods, Nutri-System, we are all making changes to the way we eat. It's not a diet for me. I eat 5-6 times a day! My old jeans were actually confortable this morning :p .

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I just found this post about weight loss so I am late joining the game. I have lost about 45 pounds since October by portion control (logging ALL my food and getting tons of support from www.thedailyplate.com) and exercising. But I would love to join you as I still have about 30 pounds to go. I've been on a plateau for a few weeks now so I hope to bust through soon.


I too don't buy "diet" foods. I eat healthy and try to cook everything. I dont use salt unless I am baking. I drink at least 60 oz water a day. I made a lifestyle change, NOT went on a diet. Because I dont want to be "on a diet" forever, I just incorporated everything into my lifestyle. It's the only way to go.

Have you tried compound weight exercises? I am not losing wieght, but I have been losing inches and gaining muscle. I use a different set of workouts each month. For the cardio, I use Turbo Jam. It is a lot of fun and I just get a really good workout. For the resistance, the "Ripped" series by Jari Love (if you don't know who Jari is, you should look her up! She could stop a truck eith her abs! LOL). If you are not doing resistance, you should be. This will knock you right off your plateau :D .

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Posting this today, because I may not have time before or on Monday. Today is my 23rd wedding anniversary, and we have a lot planned for the weekend. I need to get off to the shops shortly, to get my hands on some fine ingredients for a special dinner this evening. DD and her current beau have arrived for the weekend too which is nice. Tomorrow I'm probably (weather permitting) going to host a BBQ for friends from our village, so that'll be frantic too I expect. One local smallholder has just called to ask if I'd like to drop by his place to help butcher some lambs he had killed earlier in the week, so some gorgeous chops would seem to be coming my way! At least if I help butcher them I'll be able to trim ALL the excess fat from the ones I take!


Anyway - here's the news


SW 284

LW 267

CW 265 :D

GW 238


But I bet I can't make it stick until Monday :mad:


Still, I'll give it my best shot.....



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I feel better now that there are quite a few like me out there! Yes, it is amazing how different food tastes. One thin I can say, I never had a reall passion for fruit before. We grew up with oreos, donuts, candy, etc! LOL Now, I really look forward to my grapes, melon slices, pineapple, etc. I haven't had any candy in close to two months and I don't even miss it. One thing I would like to say, we're all on the same page, doesn't matter HOW we do it. Portion control, unprocessed foods, Nutri-System, we are all making changes to the way we eat. It's not a diet for me. I eat 5-6 times a day! My old jeans were actually confortable this morning :p .



I love to go to the store and pick out a new fruit that I've never tried before. The first time I tried a mango, I thought it was a strange taste....a little like sweetened pine needles. I love mangos, now, though.


I know a lot of people say that eating 5-6 mini meals really conquers the metabolism issues. In our culture, we're used to our big meal being at dinner time, too; so I believe in the concept but found it hard to do. Good if you can do it, though, from everything that I've read.

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I wanted to tell you all about my tape measure friend. You know about the plateau and I've been measuring with the tape measure throughout it. My waist started out at 39 when I first measured (horrible, I know)....then a while later, I was at 37....way cool. This week I measured and it was at 36!! Dang....can't wait until I'm smaller than my HUSBAND's waist measurement! My waist used to be the skinniest part on me, next to my wrists.


Anyway, I wanted to tell you about the 1 inch drop. I'm getting smaller in spite of the scale. I now like to wrap the tape measure around my waist and hold it at 39 inches and slide my hand between the tape and my skin and see all of the extra room. :D I was doing my make-up, too, brushing on the blush, and noticed these shadows on my face....cheekbones!!! I don't have the apple cheekbones but these angled curves from the corner of my eye downward and I haven't seen them in ages---"Hello Cheekbones! Nice to see you again!!! It's been awhile!"


Had a huge cookout yesterday and the food was great. That was my one meal splurge-y thing for the week...but when I say "splurge" it just means a small serving of a couple of things that I might not ordinarily indulge in on the other six days. About 8 oz. of wine, tops, a little scoop of cheezy-potatoes with my little steak and a couple bites of dessert, plus some nice salad like tabouleh, watermelon, homemade shrimp gazpacho, etc. I hadn't eaten lunch so that compensated for some of it. Weighed 179 when I got up, in spite of the food. I want that to STAY off! I'm going to be "good" the rest of the weekend. I just read another thread about the WENDIE plan...is that a WW thing? I never heard that term, this extra calorie day thing was my decision after advice from hubby for years. Can anyone tell me what the WENDIE thing is, exactly. I didnt' get a lot of info on it from the other thread.

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Monday, July 28....marks the end of week 8.


SW: 188

LW: 180

CW: 179

GW: 135


Okay....I've finally dropped a pound and I should be ecstatic but I've been wavering all week long, between 179 and back to 180. What's weird is I ALWAYS weigh 2-4 lbs. more at night, than the morning, but not this week. I could go to bed at 180 and wake up at 180! Weird!! And with the advice about the once-a-week calorie boost and extra water drinking (I still don't drink enough), I don't see any real difference. Five weeks is a long time to be on a plateau. I'm going to start a thread on plateaus.


I tried on a favorite dress that I love, last night, and can see a difference in how it fits...it is roomier....my stomach is flatter, etc. I love this dress because it is a knit, cool, comfy, and doesn't wrinkle.


I was thinking about "mini-goals" and I have several. Anyone else have those?


This is my list:


1. 178 (10 lbs. off and also safely out of the 180's)

2. 172-176 (my old weight range from 2 years ago...was there for a long time)

3. 164-166 (my weight at cruise time last year in March)

4. 158 (30 lbs. off and will be ecstatic to be in the 150's)

5. 152 (my weight when my dauhter was born 20 years ago)

6. 148 (Yay!....I consider the 140's "normal" for my height...overweight but I feel normal)

7. 138 (50 lbs. off and in the 130's)

8. 135 (GOAL)


So I have 7 mini-goals and one grand finale! I want to celebrate them along the way but not sure how just yet.

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:D :D :D

Okay here are my stats


SW: 162

LW: 148

CW: 146!!!!

GW: 145


One more pound!!! I have gone from a size 14 to a size 10!!!!

I will probably try to lose a few more pounds as well!!


41 days til 1st cruise for this year.... and I am so near goal....

I know I will hit it by next week.

Probably would have lost another pound but we went to Ryan's this weekend and the weakness for me there are the yeast rolls and dessert.


I am drinking more water this week. I have found that I cannot eat real greasy foods anymore....


I will take my after pic when I hit 145... I tried on the new formal I got and it is looser than before.. I may have to have it taken in again!!!!


Treated myself to the beauty parlor today for my weight loss. It felt so good to be pampered.


I have had a couple of neighbors comment on how good I look since starting this.... I have also noticed that the abs are staring to firm up as well. Besides walking, I have been doing some cardio workouts too.

I also found that my time on walking is faster.... It use to take me an hour, I have been doing it in 45 min the past two days...


YIPPPEEEEE!!!!!! ( okay, imagine it with sound :) )


Talk to y'all soon



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Hello Everyone


Have not posted in a while because I have been acting childish and silly. DH decided to start loosing weight, he does not watch what he eats but he walk about 3 miles a day. In 2 weeks he has lost 10 lbs. I have been on WW for 8 weeks and have only lost 12 lbs.:( I know I should be happy for him:rolleyes:. Why do men loose so much faster than men? I can not do all that walking but I do get in some exercise. Maybe I will walk with him tomorrow morning:confused:. Any way her is my WL:





GW:145? (I want to take of 11lbs 1st and see how I feel and look)


I have old pictures of me when I was several different sizes and people say I look sick in some of them because of my weight. In my young years I lived off of Pepsi and cigarettes.

Stopped smoking about 20 years ago and the weight creped up.

Congratulation to all who lost weight and inches.


Tim-Never doubted you would not reach your weight loss goal. Good job and keep up the work:) Why can't I feel that for DH,


Pam - You make us proud. You go :)


Salsa - :cool: You made it out of the 180s, nowing you are heading to the 70s. Way to GOOOOOOOOO


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Wow! There are some great success stories on this thread. Moonpie! you go girl, you are so close to your goal, who cares if you have to have your dress altered again....


Mommy, there is an article on the WW website that explains why men lose faster, I know it's really is hard to handle. What I find interesting is that your husband that didn't really want you to lose any to begin with is now on the wagon! Just like at my house, they are seeing the results and really don't have the option to eat unhealthy, at least not at home! You should feel really good of the positive impact it's had on your husband.


Tim - congrats on reaching your goal!


Everyone here has really worked hard and it's showing...I know that having support, whether it be family, friends or cyber friends, studies show that it's so important.


SW - 236

CW - 189.5

GW - 145

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mycruz- you are so right,but it does not stop that little bit of jealousy from popping in. However on the overall I am pleased that we are eating healthier at home.


I am now on a crusade to loose 3lbs this week. I found that I loose weight when I drink plenty of water, don't go over my points, avoid using my exercise points and don't use the extra 35 points. So this week I will have no cheat days. Looking back on my progress there are 2 weeks when I lost 4lbs. The 1st was my 1st week on WW. The other is when I only used my allowed daily points, exercised and ate very healthy and included snacks.


I love potato chips and had to have them, so I purchased some FF with only 1pt for 1oz. The bag was a 6oz bag; however I dipped them in hot salsa with 0 pts for 1/2 cup. Very, very satisfying and believe it or not I only ate 2oz. I heard and read that spicy condiments speed up your metabolism. So that salsa is not only healthy but it speeds up my metabolism and it takes away my hunger with just a small amount. Hmmmmmm, I think I found something to help me out this week.


Here is a tit bet - go to the bathroom before weigh in. This morning I weighed in at 166. I went to the bathroom and than weighed in and I was 165.8. So I got on the scale again and it said 165.8. Had my morning coffee, got on the scale again and it read 165.8. That means I lost 1lb instead of the 8oz. Yeeehh!! Sounds like a little but it means a lot to me. I am going for 162.8 for next week. I can not weight to get into the 150s.

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Pam...I got so excited for you when I read your posts. Could just feel the "sunshine" all the way up here in Michigan! Only one lb. to go. Gosh, I haven't seen a size 10 in many, many years. I can imagine that you must be thrilled! We'll all have a "Moonpie" party when you hit your goal.


Tim....I'm rooting for you to keep that two off this weekend. It takes 3500 extra calories to gain a pound....you're not going to eat 7,000 above and beyond your daily needs and gain 2.....just drink lots of water to help get rid of the extra salt that you'll likely take in with the gourmet cooking. Congratulations on your anniversary!


Mommy....I really admire you for getting up in the saddle and making a plan and for being honest and telling us how you are feeling this week. Even admitting that you are eating like a child....that sounds like something I said recently about my past eating--just like an immature kid with no mommy around to say, "Don't eat that. It's not good for you." It's interesting how you observed your best weeks and are going to try to copy the pattern...even if not 4 lbs. off again, likely something more than the last little while. The hubby/loss thing...it's always been like that with my husband, too, unless he was exercising and NOT watching what he ate. I'd be working so hard at dropping my next pound and his would come off so easily. But he would say this...as he's gotten older, he's had to work MUCH harder at losing. Also, it seems like men lose a lot more at the front end, than women, then it tapers off. They still are likely to keep a steady 2 or 3 lbs. off a week, though, where I struggle to get 1. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever heard of a man going through a plateau...hmmmm. Do they? We struggle with extra water weight gain, monthly, higher body fat percentages (designed by our Maker for child-bearing), etc. They do have more muscle mass than women, naturally--maybe that is why they lose faster--they are muscle machines:D . Spice: Had Tabasco on my scrambled eggs this morning....mmmmmm. ;)


To everyone....even if you don't lose on particular weeks, please don't shy away from posting that too. Don't leave me all alone and lonely here on those rough weeks. Sniff, sniff, sniff. :( I'm still posting on those weeks because I know that the lack of loss on the scale isn't due to me pigging out.


My scale is acting up.....I noticed in the last 3 days that when I step on it, I hear a sound like a spring that is not happy....a really squeaky door hinge kind of sound. Like the scale is whining, "Get offa me, chubby!" Wouldn't that be funny if I'm actually 5 lb.s lighter than I think I am due to a dead scale? Not likely.:rolleyes: I need to buy a new one and am likely to start a thread on good scales to shop for. I hate switching....because one might weigh differently for the first week, you know? The only thing I can think of doing is step on them both simultaneously, note the difference in the two on the first day, then record my losses from that point downward. Does that make sense? If I weight 183 on a new scale, let's say, on day one, and 179 on my current scale on the same day, should I post my new weight at 183 or just note my losses and use my original base???? I'm not too thrilled about the prospect of weighing more on a new scale...it just would seem disheartening.

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Hi all,

Doing well with the diet and also haven't had a smoke in 2 days. I don't even have the urge. These Chantix pills are magic. My husband is dieting also and has quit smoking and having great luck on both things. His first week he lost 13.6lbs....men....it just seems to melt off them.

As for me, still doing the gym- although this heat is killing me! I've lost 9lbs so far. Last Saturday I wanted to cheat so bad and gorge myself with chinese food, but my hubby brought me back to reality with some "cheerleader talk" and I worked through the urge..lol. Hope everyone is doing well.


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Tam- Good Job. Quitting smoking and dieting at the same time is courageous. Men and weight loss is a sore subject:(. However I just have to remember that God created women because someone had to help the man. Behind every good man is a good women and he is good because he have a good women.


Salsa - After being on this board for a few weeks, I went to the doctor and their scale showed that I was 3lbs, heavier than my scale. I was devastated. I went to the store and purchased a digital scale the next day and weighed myself the next morning and my weight on the new scale matched that of the doctor. I went back and adjusted my weight my 3lbs and went from their. My SW was recorded at 175 at the beginning and I went back an adjusted my start weight to 178 to reflect the doctors and my new scale. My weight loss success was still the same, it just reflected that I needed to loose 3 additional to reach my GW. I like my new scale, it shows lbs and oz, it also keep track of your weight and show whether you are up or down in weight. I say go for the new scale, who knows you may be lighter than you think:). If not just adjust your beginning weight.;) What ever it may be you have lost 9lbs and that you should be :D about.

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Good Morning Everyone


Today is a great day. This morning I got up an walked 3miles in 50min with DH:D. It was great, he walked at his pace and I at mine. I will try to do this every day that I am working at home. I am sooooo excited, I think this may boost my weight loss and I think it is better than the power walker I use.


Have a great day and be Blessed!!!!!!!!!!!

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