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Need a buddy for weight loss

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hey all...sorry I haven't posted. I have been frustrated. Nothing to show this week..NOTHING! Still the same..so that is good, at least i didn't gain.


my weight monday was 174.


congrats to everyone that did well. Keep up the good work. Welcome to all the new ones.


I am suppose to be keeping track each week,but we have "lost" so many I don't know if I should keep on doing this. I guess we can all see if we go back and read...


What do you guys think?


Hi Cindy...I wanted a couple of ideas on how to post....Does everyone post their progress each Monday? I thought I'd post in this order as I've seen others, but with a little more info....Age, Height, SW, Current Weight, Loss for the week....(although with my past experiences, I fluctuate A LOT and can go up with water retention, then back down again.)


I wanted to say this to encourage you, though. My cousin is shorter than me at 5' and is 5 years older at 55. She has been through a lot in the last couple of years (breast cancer survivor). She told me that she is frustrated as she hasn't dropped any weight lately, but walks daily. I asked her how much she weighs and she weights 30 lbs. less than I do at 156. I told her that if she hadn't been walking, she would likely have gained weight back, so even maintaining is great. I cut back on dancing last year and saw a 20 lb. increase over the whole year!!! I weight 165 for our last cruise in 2007 and although I wasn't thin by any means, I felt so much better than I do now at about 185. I had gotten sick, actually, a week before the cruise and got down to 165...which meant, joyfully, that most of my clothes had fit great for the cruise!!


This is the only place where I dare to say this...but for all of you ladies....What is the most humiliating thing that a stranger can ask you? tick...tock...tick....tock....Answer: So you're pregnant, right?

That happened to me about a month ago and I wanted to crawl under a table. I was wearing a "flattering" empire waist chiffon top with pants.....A women my age asked me that question in front of a group of people, male and female....oh the agony. :( Okay, so don't all women know better by now. NEVER ask anyone if they are pregnant. ALWAYS let them announce it to you, right?


Okay...for anyone reading, this was one of my favorite humorous quotes from the movie The Devil Wears Prada...."I'm just one good stomach flu away from my goal weight." :D


Also, I'm re-reading the French woman's book and will post some of her thoughts as encouragment...she has some plain, solid, practical advice and thoughts in her book.

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Hi Smoothdancer!

I'll have to jump on the scale on Monday and get on the bandwagon. :)




Yep. jump on in.


Medifast is going good. I am doing it to jumpstart myself too. I hit a lull in week 3..but the first 2 weeks I did lose 10 pounds. So that is awesome. Medifast USE to be a liquid diet but they aren't anymore. And now with them, you eat what is called a lean and green meal at night. Protein and green. Depending on which protein you choose depends on how much you can have. Seriously, it is working.. even though no weight came off in week 3 I took my measurements and i have lost 8.5 inches total. That doesn't sound like much but for 3 weeks I will take it.


If you want more information I will be more than happy to send it your way.

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We are all diet buddies here! You are more than welcome to join us. The more the merrier!!!
Sounds great to me! I need all the help I can get! I am going to try to start my diet tomorrow. I'm not sure which diet will be best to try. What are most of you doing?
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Sounds great to me! I need all the help I can get! I am going to try to start my diet tomorrow. I'm not sure which diet will be best to try. What are most of you doing?

I think it is a little of this and a little of that. A lot of us seem to be doing Weight Watchers, I'm doing Medifast, and some are doing low carb. Do what YOU think YOUR body will do best at. Good luck and welcome aboard!!!

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Welcome to all the newest buddies!



1) Are they still on the point system? There are actually two plans now, Flex and Core.

2) If you join them on line, do they send you hard copy of materials to help you count/determine your points while you are out? All the tools you need are found on line. Whether you do the meetings or the online version you can still use the tools. I love them, I journal, keep record of activity points and there is a recepie builder which helps you track things that you cook, it's really great!

3) Can anyone send me a sample of how it works? For example I am 5'3", 175lbs, how many points am I entitled to a day. The computation of points. The online version actully has you go through a series of questions to determineyour points, It uses your age and daily activity level to determine this. Is your job sedentary or are you on your feet all day, those are taken into account.

4) Do they still have a book with the different Restaurants to determine the points in the foods on the menu.? Yes, these are all in the tools online. There's another website that I use for dining out at dottiesweightlosszone.com


Check out the WW website, I'm sure it will help you decide if this is for you. It really stresses exercise and healthy eating. 5 fruits or veggies a day, plenty of water, healty oils, multi vitiamins, milk and so on. I like the online version because I can do it from home and don't have to schedule another meeting into my hectic schedule, plus it's less expensive than attending meetings.






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I think it is a little of this and a little of that. A lot of us seem to be doing Weight Watchers, I'm doing Medifast, and some are doing low carb. Do what YOU think YOUR body will do best at. Good luck and welcome aboard!!!
I think low fat, high protein, low carbs and low calories works best for me. I think the first week of a diet is the hardest. Getting motivated and just saying stop eating the wrong foods. It's so hard for me to get started!
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I think low fat, high protein, low carbs and low calories works best for me. I think the first week of a diet is the hardest. Getting motivated and just saying stop eating the wrong foods. It's so hard for me to get started!


Well just do one day and then day then another. Then soon you will be at a week. I'm doing low carb and I just try to watch my portions. But I don't let my self get hungry either. Also I have been exercising for about 40 minutes everyday on a ellipitcal. So maybe throwing in some exercise that is fun for you to do will help you..


I do eat all organic at home so the stuff I eat does not have hormones or any chemicals in the meat. So I think that helps. But even organic Carbs puts weight on me. :( My body just doesn't like carbs..

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Hi everyone!

Weighed in yesterday and was down 2 pounds for the week!!! YAY!!

Hopefully this weekend won't do me in. Currently we are in Savannah and we are hoping to eat at Paula Deen's rest. tomorrow. I hope I can control my eating..


Salsa Dancer: that quote cracked me up too... Although I am sure there are some who really feel that way..


Anyway, everyone is doing so great.. Keep it up.. Will try and post tomorrow and let ya'll know how it went..

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mommiejaxx-2lbs-that's great!

Cindy-I lost 5 lbs last week, but so far this week, I'm up 2lbs. It's sooo frustrating to stick 100% to your eating plan and see the scale stay the same or even go up! You've lost a lot of inches-just remind yourself of that. I need to take my measurements...maybe it will help.

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Hi, I am from Australia, and I would love to join in on your group as well. We are going on our first cruise in December and I have a lot of weight to lose. My sister and I are going together and we have been exercising and weighing in together each week but have come to a standstill as far as weight loss goes. We would love to join in the discussions and to hear how you are all going. A little bit of support goes a long way.....

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Well just do one day and then day then another. Then soon you will be at a week. I'm doing low carb and I just try to watch my portions. But I don't let my self get hungry either. Also I have been exercising for about 40 minutes everyday on a ellipitcal. So maybe throwing in some exercise that is fun for you to do will help you..


I do eat all organic at home so the stuff I eat does not have hormones or any chemicals in the meat. So I think that helps. But even organic Carbs puts weight on me. :( My body just doesn't like carbs..

Well today is day 1 for me. I will start out with one meal at a time. It would be so much easier if I were a dietician. I actually wish that I could just go on nutri-system. It is just too expensive! I have never been on an elliptical but have heard a lot about them. I have a treadmill and stair master. I like the treadmill the best. The stair master is so boring to me. I thought organic meant that all chemicals were out of the product. Are there other benefits to organic foods?
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Welcome Radovin! How nice that you have your sister with you on your weight loss journey! I'm sure it helps to have someone to help you and to encourage you along the way.


My sisters just think up ways to cheat! Things like, this one little thing isn't going to hurt, then there's another and another, you know the drill. I really have to stay away when it comes to eating. We live away from each other and when we are all together they actually start talking about our next meal while we are eating, drives me crazy.... anyways, sorry to ramble on.


Hope everyone has a great day and stays on their plan today. Don't forget to drink your water and get some exercise in.



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My sisters just think up ways to cheat! Things like, this one little thing isn't going to hurt, then there's another and another, you know the drill. I really have to stay away when it comes to eating. We live away from each other and when we are all together they actually start talking about our next meal while we are eating, drives me crazy.... anyways, sorry to ramble on.



Ha ha ha...Mary...totally how DH and I use to be. Especially when we cruise. That seems to be the only other thing we talk about besides the shore excursions!!!! I'm trying to break that mindset!

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Hi, I am from Australia, and I would love to join in on your group as well. We are going on our first cruise in December and I have a lot of weight to lose. My sister and I are going together and we have been exercising and weighing in together each week but have come to a standstill as far as weight loss goes. We would love to join in the discussions and to hear how you are all going. A little bit of support goes a long way.....


Welcome aboard! Australia is one of my dream places to visit. Where are you cruising to?

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Hi everyone!

Weighed in yesterday and was down 2 pounds for the week!!! YAY!!

Hopefully this weekend won't do me in. Currently we are in Savannah and we are hoping to eat at Paula Deen's rest. tomorrow. I hope I can control my eating..


Good Luck in eating there.... We went to Savannah last year.. We didn't know anything about Paula Deen's resturant.. We came across it while it was raining.. There must to have been 100 people waiting in line for hours in the rain :eek:. There are many good resturants there in Savannah where you don't have to wait at all in line..


Let me know how it goes for you.

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I thought organic meant that all chemicals were out of the product. Are there other benefits to organic foods?


Yes its "clean" meat. What are the benefits, just healthier food. I know when we switched to organic it did improve our health. We are not as blotted or red in the face. Plus my husband use to have a little arthritis. Now he doesn't have it now.. But we also take some really good vits. (in a powered form)


It is more expensive though, but we think its worth the price.. Either pay now or pay later in way of bad health... Well thats just our opinion. But I have to say we aren't the only ones that feel that way..


Organic is becoming more popular. Publix even has a nice size section in their stores just for organic foods.

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mommiejaxx-2lbs-that's great!

Cindy-I lost 5 lbs last week, but so far this week, I'm up 2lbs. It's sooo frustrating to stick 100% to your eating plan and see the scale stay the same or even go up! You've lost a lot of inches-just remind yourself of that. I need to take my measurements...maybe it will help.

Maybe the 2 of the 5 lbs you lost last week was just water weight. Maybe you didn't actually gain 2lbs this week! I do that all of the time...go up and down in weight during the week. Are you weighing yourself the same time every day? I always weigh less first thing in the morning. (Obviously because there is no food in my stomache in the morning).

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Hello Healthy People


It is good to hear the success stories and the not so successful ones. The success ones gives me hope that if they can do it so can I. The not so successful one help me realize I am not the only one who hits a stumbling block.


My DH is not to pleased with me trying to loose weight. He says he likes me they way I am, a perfect size 12. On the other hand I think he is saying that because he is afraid I may put him and DD on a diet by cooking only things I can eat.


mycruz - thank you for the information on WW. I think this is the one I might try. My only concern is when we travel or eat out; I need to know how the points of the food I am ordering. :confused:


The summer is approaching, which means vacation time, cook outs and other social functions. Why is it that when we socialize we have to have food? For every event I believe it involves some type of food. Weddings, funerals, graduations, baby showers, bridal showers, birthdays, anniversaries, job promotions, retirements and so on........... No wonder half of the population is over weight. Why can't I have some friends over to socialize without serving food.:confused: Their first question is "what are you serving" or "what do you want me to bring"?


Thanks for letting me vent. Hope everyone have great success this weekend on loosing weight.;)

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My DH is not to pleased with me trying to loose weight. He says he likes me they way I am, a perfect size 12. On the other hand I think he is saying that because he is afraid I may put him and DD on a diet by cooking only things I can eat.


LOL, but maybe it wouldn't be bad for your hubby to do the same thing... It does help to have some support at home. My mother is 5 3 and was around 200 for years. She had the hardest time getting it off also. Now she was always around 120 most of her life up until 40. But about five years ago. She went on the Atkins diet and lost 70 pounds which brought her down to 130. Now she is down to 117-122, but thats not because of the diet. She is now on dialysis and there was a while were she had a hard time keeping on weight. Now we kind of think that is why she gained the weight and couldn't get off was because her Kidneys were going south...


The summer is approaching, which means vacation time, cook outs and other social functions. Why is it that when we socialize we have to have food? For every event I believe it involves some type of food. Weddings, funerals, graduations, baby showers, bridal showers, birthdays, anniversaries, job promotions, retirements and so on........... No wonder half of the population is over weight. Why can't I have some friends over to socialize without serving food.:confused: Their first question is "what are you serving" or "what do you want me to bring"?


I agree about the food part. What I have been "trying" to do is half my portions that things like gatherings..On one of our cruises I did this and it work ever well. Ever dinner I eat half the food on my plate.. And when I had snacks or desserts. I only took "1" and not 2 or 3. Or a lot of times my husband and I will split meals when we do eat out.


(I personally think you need to speak to your better half... about the support. Even if he will not par-take. You could put it this way do we want to be around and see our grad-kids grow up... I few minor changes will not take away from some fun eating. But it will increase your health and be living longer years...:))


P.S. My husband always says its the decision you make before had not after.. Which means if you make the decision not to eat all the cake but only eat half. You will be much happier then going back on your decision..


Sorry for the long post.


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Maybe the 2 of the 5 lbs you lost last week was just water weight. Maybe you didn't actually gain 2lbs this week! I do that all of the time...go up and down in weight during the week. Are you weighing yourself the same time every day? I always weigh less first thing in the morning. (Obviously because there is no food in my stomache in the morning).


I weigh myself first thing in the morning, right before I get in the shower, so not only is there no food to weigh me down...there's no clothes either!LOL:D

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I weigh myself first thing in the morning, right before I get in the shower, so not only is there no food to weigh me down...there's no clothes either!LOL:D
I do the same thing! lol Well, day one went better than I thought it would. I did not eat anything "bad". I also exercised for 50 minutes. :D This is a huge accomplishment for me because I haven't exercised in 4 months! I have also been eating everything that I shouldn't have been for 4 months!:(
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