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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Mommy4, glad to hear you are going on the WW journey. You and your husband should relax, you don't neccesarily have to change what you eat on WW. You can eat anything you want as long as you stay within your points for the day and week. As for eating out, plan ahead just like you will need to do with your daily meals. Visit the WW site and Dottie's site for eating out. If you have a Palm, you can access these sites while traveling. It's to become a way of life, and once you get used to it you'll be able to tell what you can eat of menus and stay on plan. For those special occasions, you've got the 35 weekly points, I've used them and still lost.


dela-you're right, one day at a time, and in my case, one meal at a time!

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Visit the WW site and Dottie's site for eating out. If you have a Palm, you can access these sites while traveling.


I use the WW site all the time and love it. What is Dottie's site?


My wife and I have been doing WW together for several months with very good success. Trying to drop a good 25lbs before our cruise in Sep. Think WW is the best way to go.



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dela-you're right, one day at a time, and in my case, one meal at a time!
One meal at a time and one day at a time! lol

I have to say I am sore from exercising for the first time in a while. Glad to be heading in the right direction, though! :)

I think weight watchers is great too. My sister always lost a ton on weight watchers and you learn how to eat the proper way. You can still go out to eat which is great. I need to lose a lot of weight by Sept. (40 lbs.) so I am doing a strict weight watchers version. It is my own diet. lol I stick to the three meals a day, fruit, veggies or fat free pudding or popsicles for a snack. Wheat pastas and breads, low fat and low calorie foods, and try to limit my carb intake. I found that my body actually needs carbs in order for me to lose weight. If I take them away, I don't lose anything! I tried the atkins diet for months once and never lost anything!!

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Good morning everyone!


Jenn-great quote to get me started for the day. My head is saying take the high road today and keep on plan with my eating today. Weighed this morning and down another .5 for the week, so far down 1lb and weigh in is Monday. Your approach is right on, and you're right you really do need some carbs especially if you are exercising.


Eric, take a look at this site http://www.dwlz.com/


lot's of restaurants here that can help you plan ahead when eating out, I love this one.


Taking a day off of cardio, and going to work in the yard today before going into work. A lot of raking and weeding needs to be done, figure that's a good upper body workout! Yesterday I went through my closet and got rid of a lot of clothes that are too big. I'm not going to keep them and give myself room to grow back into them!


Hope everyone has a successful day, see ya later, Mary

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I found that my body actually needs carbs in order for me to lose weight. If I take them away, I don't lose anything! I tried the atkins diet for months once and never lost anything!!


:rolleyes: I seem to be in the other direction. When I eat any carbs like pasta, cakes, rice. Even if its whole wheat and organic. My weight goes up. Even eating small amounts. I have tested it out.. When I don't eat the "bad" carbs my weight comes down. If an I eat any type of carbs I have to not eat a lot. I can get away with eating like one piece of toast at breakfast. But not to much after that..


I have been doing well with week. I'm back down in my weight. I'll weight on Monday. I hoping to be down below 129. We will see what happens.

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P.S. My husband always says its the decision you make before hand not after.. Which means if you make the decision not to eat all the cake but only eat half. You will be much happier then going back on your decision..


That sounds like a man of wisdom;)


Mommy4, glad to hear you are going on the WW journey. You and your husband should relax, you don't neccesarily have to change what you eat on WW. You can eat anything you want as long as you stay within your points for the day and week. As for eating out, plan ahead just like you will need to do with your daily meals. Visit the WW site and Dottie's site for eating out. If you have a Palm, you can access these sites while traveling. It's to become a way of life, and once you get used to it you'll be able to tell what you can eat of menus and stay on plan. For those special occasions, you've got the 35 weekly points, I've used them and still lost.


I will be joining WW either Sunday or Monday. Need to have a day were I can go over everything and to see how to plan meals. Today we are going to a retirement party. It is a formal event with plenty of FOOD:eek: and tomorrow we are having dinner with with friends:eek::eek:. Monday I am in the office and have scheduled a lunch appointment with an old friend. His treat of course and we normally have a 3 hour lunch. :eek: Hopefully I will get tired of eating.


My goal is to to have the attitude of " I eat to live and not live to eat." ;)

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Weighed this morning and down another .5 for the week, so far down 1lb and weigh in is Monday.
Congrats on the weight loss! I have not weighed myself yet. I just can't get myself to get on the scale! I am going to wait until I have been on my diet/exercise program for a month and then weigh myself. I will be able to tell by the way my clothes fit me and the way I feel. We had a lot of company last night. I did well considering. I ate a piece of pizza and some veggies for dinner. I didn't really want to eat any white breads...but oh well. I had an egg beater omelet for breakfast, a piece of wheat toast with reduced fat peanut butter and a banana for lunch, a piece of pizza and veggies for dinner. Fat free pudding for my snack. I walked 50 minutes again. I'm on my way to walk again now with my daughter. Hope you all have a great day! :)
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Hello Weight Losers


Wow I don't mind being called a loser. Have not lost any weight yet. As I said before I would be starting WW on Tuesday. I decided to start late today. So I signed up and calculated my points thus far. My total points per day is 21:eek: and based on what I ate I have already exceeded my points 26:eek::eek:. Ok now I know I must plan and budget points. Ok I see that I have 35 extra points for the week so I can still have dinner. Plan dinner and my dinner points 6.5 points.


I think I can do this. I must plan and look for the low point foods, which happens to be the healthiest. I have 22.5 of my bonus points left for the week and my goal is not use them. I have already planned my breakfast for tomorrow. I am excited and hope my excitement last. I will not post my weigh in until next Monday. I currently weigh 1751bs and my goal is 2 1bs for this week. I really think that I can do this because of this board and all of you. Thank You Everyone:):)

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Awesome Mommy4, I am so glad you are jumping in. It sounds like you signed up for the WW online program. You are doing right by planning ahead for your meals and budgeting. Please email me, I have some great tips about the WW online site. swintmf@yahoo.com

Don't worry about going over a couple of points today, no big deal. Like you said, you've got your weekly points. I like to exercise 30 minutes a day for some activity points, those I use to cover my glass of wine in the evening. I have not given up anything that I love and have lost 21 lbs in 3 months.

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Hello everyone, I am looking for a buddy also. I am also on the thread to lose 10% in 3 months. I like the fact that I can concentrate on losing 26lbs in 3 months as opposed to losing some very large amount and getting discouraged. Since I live alone I need greater motivation. I have been going to the "Y" something that I never thought I would do, but I believe that because I have money involved ,and I HATE to waste money I go and I have been enjoying it. I just need to keep it up. I would like to hang out, jump in ever so often give some encouragement and get some encouragement. My goal is to swim with the dolphins on my next cruise.

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Hello everyone, I am looking for a buddy also. I am also on the thread to lose 10% in 3 months. I like the fact that I can concentrate on losing 26lbs in 3 months as opposed to losing some very large amount and getting discouraged. Since I live alone I need greater motivation. I have been going to the "Y" something that I never thought I would do, but I believe that because I have money involved ,and I HATE to waste money I go and I have been enjoying it. I just need to keep it up. I would like to hang out, jump in ever so often give some encouragement and get some encouragement. My goal is to swim with the dolphins on my next cruise.

That is a great goal. Both of them! Pick small goals and when you reach it reward yourself with something nonfood. Yep...I joined a gym and go because I pay that 29 each month! Great motivator, isn't it?


Welcome to our group!

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Welcome junior1. Glad to have you here.


Well this is my weight for today.


Start Weight 131.5

Current Weight 129.8

Goal Weight 117


I'm down .2 pounds from last Monday. I was hopping to be down more. But this week I got my period which probably didn't help much. But I have been keeping up my exercise every day. And all last week I did real well on not eating any bad carbs.. One good thing is I'm starting to be able to fit in to some of my clothes again.. There not real lose but I'm getting there. And I feel slimmer now then I did before.


By the end of June I hope to be down to 125. That little over a pound a week. I think I just need to be a little more careful in the amounts I eat. I did real well in not eating any bad carbs. But probably my amounts were a little to big..

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My goal is to swim with the dolphins on my next cruise.
Hi Junior 1. My daughter wants to swim with the dolphins also. Do you have any idea which port/how much? Any site for this excursion? Good luck in your weight loss! It's not fun dieting, but the rewards you get from dieting are wonderful!
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Here is my weigh in for today..


SW: 162

CW: 159

GW: 145



No gain or loss.. But, I keep going one day at a time. I have increased my walks to 2 1/2 miles a day.


Haven't posted lately because I have been dealing with stuff at work. The management company that we had pulled out per the owner's request. I listened to what the owners had to say and came to the conclusion that they talk out of both sides of their mouths. They did things they promised they wouldn't do....so..... I quit.

Much happier and less stressed. I will take the summer off and see if I need to will go back to work in the fall.


Congrats to all on their weigh ins this week, and welcome to all our new buddies.....

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Awesome Mommy4, I am so glad you are jumping in. It sounds like you signed up for the WW online program. You are doing right by planning ahead for your meals and budgeting. Please email me, I have some great tips about the WW online site. swintmf@yahoo.com

Don't worry about going over a couple of points today, no big deal. Like you said, you've got your weekly points. I like to exercise 30 minutes a day for some activity points, those I use to cover my glass of wine in the evening. I have not given up anything that I love and have lost 21 lbs in 3 months.


Will do. I need all the tips I can get.


Hello everyone, I am looking for a buddy also. I am also on the thread to lose 10% in 3 months. I like the fact that I can concentrate on losing 26lbs in 3 months as opposed to losing some very large amount and getting discouraged. Since I live alone I need greater motivation. I have been going to the "Y" something that I never thought I would do, but I believe that because I have money involved ,and I HATE to waste money I go and I have been enjoying it. I just need to keep it up. I would like to hang out, jump in ever so often give some encouragement and get some encouragement. My goal is to swim with the dolphins on my next cruise.


Welcome Junior 1. Your goals sound like winners. I watched the travel channel's Samantha Brown cruise where one of her activities was swimming with the dolphins. It looks like a lot of fun. We are here for you. Good Luck.


Today is my first full day on WW. I got up this morning did my morning exercise and went off to work. I did good today;however I craved munching on snacks, but I did not. Now I have a headache that wont quit. Am I having junk food withdrawals. This not going to be as easy as I thought. I want some junk food:(:(. What do I do to get over those cravings. I have 4 points left; however those 21 points a day is not a lot and I don't want to use my activity points or my reserved points. I want save some points for a nice dessert on Sunday. Help Help, I am craving junk food (cake cookies, pies, candy)

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Forgot to leave my stats for today's WI


SW - 236

Current - 198.5

Goal - 145


Mommy4, try some of the 97% FF popcorn, it really helps with the snacking craving.


Welcome Junior

Moonpie, sorry to hear about the job but sounds like it will be for the better.

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Help Help, I am craving junk food (cake cookies, pies, candy)
Fat free whipped cream with 1 can of pumpkin, and fat free vanilla pudding (after you make the pudding) all mixed together. Always fills me up, and low fat and fat free. Use sugar free pudding if you want! Hope you like it. What's wrong with a few pieces of licorice?!
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Mommy4, try some of the 97% FF popcorn, it really helps with the snacking craving.



I will have to buy just one bag and try it. We eat extra butter movie theater popcorn;)


Fat free whipped cream with 1 can of pumpkin, and fat free vanilla pudding (after you make the pudding) all mixed together. Always fills me up, and low fat and fat free. Use sugar free pudding if you want! Hope you like it. What's wrong with a few pieces of licorice?!


This sounds yummy.:)


Went to the grocery store and spent $100.00 on 1 and 2 point snacks. I purchased Fiber One yogurt, Fiber One oats and caramel bars, WW ice cream bars, 100 calorie snackers, Popsicles, double fiber bread, sugar free jam, apples and grapes. I ate an ice cream bar and a popsicle and I feel 100% better and I still have one point left. I am learning that you have to plan ahead to maximize your points. Tomorrow I will have a protein shake for breakfast and make a veggie salad w/ ff dressing to snack on throughout the day so that way I can have a hamburger for dinner. Yum Yum:)

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Hey everyone. Did I post my stats? I have had a horrible day. If this is a repeat..sorry,


SW 184

CW 171

GW 138


Down 3. YIPEEEE!!!


Moonpie. Congrats on the new journey you are taking! Enjoy every minute.


Good job everyone. Even if you didnt lose...hey you didn't gain!!!!

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veggie salad w/ ff dressing to snack on throughout the day so that way I can have a hamburger for dinner. Yum Yum:)[/color]
Sounds like a great plan! I just tried something a little exciting as far as ff dressings go! Fat free Ranch mixed with chopped cilantro. The cilantro adds extra flavor. My new kick is a wheat flour tortilla filled with grilled chicken' date=' lots of shredded lettuce, slivered unsalted almonds. (a wrap). I dip my wrap into the fat free ranch with cilantro. Love it! Today is day 5 for me. I'm going to start writing what day I'm on so I can keep track. [/color']
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Down 3. YIPEEEE!!!

Congratulations on the 3 lbs. ! I wish that I wasn't so intimidated to hop on the scale. I'm just not ready yet. I haven't gone off track though, so something's got to give! It's been so long since I've been on a diet, I forget how long it takes before people actually notice a weight loss!
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