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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Happy Monday! looks like my refocus on my foods, portions and weights paid off this week, down another 2.5 lbs. This is the most I've lost in one week in a long time! WW Online actually told be I lost too much for one week!


Congrats to all of you that have lost this week, here are my stats


SW - 236

Current - 199.5

Goal - 145

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Happy Monday! looks like my refocus on my foods, portions and weights paid off this week, down another 2.5 lbs. This is the most I've lost in one week in a long time! WW Online actually told be I lost too much for one week!


Congrats to all of you that have lost this week, here are my stats


SW - 236

Current - 199.5

Goal - 145


I think 2.5 lbs is not bad to lose.. Its not going to hurt you..;) Its great you did well...

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Happy memorial day!


Glad I made it through the weekend without cheating!! I find whenever I want to cheat I think of the quote "nothing taste better then being healthy feels!" I think its suppose to say being thin feels, but I like healthy better! I picked up my bridesmaid dress today that I ordered about a month ago and its too BIG!!! I was so excited!!!

Heres my current stats!


SW 202

CW 189.5

GW 130!!!


Congratulations to everyone!! Have a great week!

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Congratulations everyone!


Zibbster: I read that quote recently but for the life of me can't remember where? Where did you see it? Also we are at the same current weight so hopefully we can stay on track losing weight. My goal weight is around 155 and I hope to lose 1.5 pounds a week. I can't cut calories because I am nursing but my goal is to eat more healthy..


Keep up the good work everyone!!

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As I recall I didn't have to watch my weight either at 16. I don't remember what my weight was back then but I know it wasn't 104 :eek:


For your ideal weight go to this web site. http://www.halls.md/ideal-weight/body.htm


It should help you on deciding what is best for you. A size 12 is not bad. But it depends on your high also.


PS the strawberries was only an ideal... You can find something else you like.. But I like strawberries :o


I am 5'3" and I weigh about 170-175lbs. A lot of people say that I don't look like I weigh that but I feel like that. I will try to find something that works for me that I can stick to.


Hi Mommie! I am here if you are needing a buddy. The size is not the most important thing. My daughter has really inspired me to get on the healthy lifestyle including exercise. She has lost 50 lbs in the last year by eating healthy and working out. She is about 5'4 and weighs 140 lbs but wears size 8!

I've been on WW Online now for almost 3 months and have lost 20 lbs. I still have about 55 to go, but I'm determined to make it. This thread on CC and my WW message boards have really helped me. I quit smoking by using an online website, so if I can quit smoking after 35 years I should be able to lose weight.

I have always battled my weight and I am determined now at almost 52 yrs to get to my ideal weight and keep it. Don't forget, tomorrow is weigh in!


I do need a buddy. I am 51 years old and I am afraid I will look my age. I need to design a plan that will work for me to get the weight off and keep it off. I don't want to be skinny, I just want to loose 30 lbs. I would like to weigh between 140-145 lbs. I attached a picture from our 12/07 cruise. I have not lost or gain any weight. I am just not happy with the way I look.



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"I do need a buddy. I am 51 years old and I am afraid I will look my age. I need to design a plan that will work for me to get the weight off and keep it off. I don't want to be skinny, I just want to loose 30 lbs. I would like to weigh between 140-145 lbs. I attached a picture from our 12/07 cruise. I have not lost or gain any weight. I am just not happy with the way I look."


Mommie you are smart to get a hold on this now. I'm turning 52 next week and altough I started to try to lose a couple of years ago for my son's wedding, I didn't stick to it. If I had I would be at goal. I gained over the last 10 years 90 lbs. Now that I'm older and dealing with menopause it's a real wake up call for me. I know that I need to find a healthier way of living or I won't be living! You look like you have a great family and I'm sure you want to be around with them for a long time as well.


I just read an article on MSN.com that said you should weigh everyday! The article said it helps to keep people vigil about their weightloss. And I thought it was only for people who were on the OCD side like myself :eek: .


Have a great day buddies, here's to looking great in 2008!

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I was out and about yesterday and didn't get to post my weigh in,



CW: 159

GW: 145


Maintaining right now... which is good... didn't lose.. but didn't gain either.

I have been doing better drinking my water. Also, the pool is now open in my subdiv, so I can get in a few laps during the week as well.


Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!!

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Mommiejaxx, I heard that quote back when I was going to Weight Watchers. I see you're going on the Glory in November! I'm going in January so I'll be looking forward to how you liked it. Are you doing the eastern or western itinery? I'm going on the Eastern.

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Zibbster: thanks for letting me know where that quote was. I must have read it on an advertisement..


Today has been good. I haven't snacked and plan on exercising in the next hour or so. I weigh in tomorrow..


Here is my current weight..


weight 190

height 5'9" (actually 5'8 and a half)


Problem area: Stomach!!! Because of my tummy I wear a size 16. Otherwise I could wear a 12. It is frustrating but I will be victorius!!

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It looks like we all had a very successful week-especially since it was a holiday weekend. GREAT JOB, EVERYONE! I think it's easier to stay on task when I know I have to post my weight. I sold candy and krispy kreme donuts this weekend as a fundraiser and didn't have ANY sugar. Not that I didn't want to, but I didn't want to have to admit that I did it, so I didn't. You guys are so much help! Thanks for the support.

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Today is the the day that I start my journey to loose 30lbs the healthy and safe way. I will need all the support I can get. I need help to do this. 30lbs is a lot of weight to loose. I realized that I did not gain it over night and I have come to terms that I can not get it off overnight. I will take it one day at a time and one step at a time.


1 Step: Acknowledge my weight and goal. Today 5/28/08:

Weigh In: 175 lbs

Goal: 145 1lbs

Height: 5'3"


2nd Step: Make a plan daily

Today I will exercise on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes

I will have a protein shake for breakfast

I will not eat any junk food today.

I will drink at least 8 glasses of water.

3rd Step: Just Do it

4th Step: Record it - Journalize what I eat and exercise I did.

5th Step: Be held accountable for my actions.

Anyone who wish to send me tips that help them loose the weight my email address is ggbvacations@comcast.net


I will be posting my weight loss success every Monday and I hope all of you who have done it successfully will help me with your tips and your advice.

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Mommie4, what a great start! We are all going to hold you accountable, right? I like your affirmations for the day. I wish I only had 30 lbs to lose, when I started I weighed 236:eek: . I'm now down to 198 so I still have 53 to go, but I know I can do it! Imagine when all is said and done I will have lost the equivelant of a small child! I know I can do it this time, I hope to be at goal by Christmas this year.

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I am so excited and couldn't wait to share my NSV (non scale victory) with you all!


I went to get a new pair of black pants since the ones I have are about worn out and too big! It took me three tries before I found my NEW Size! I am officially out of the Women's department! Yippee!!!!! :D


I am loving Weight Watchers now!

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Mommy4lyfe have you thought about Atkins diet? It does work and you don't skip any meals. Its just cutting out all processed carbs.. Which really is just the junk food and pasta and breads.


My husband and I are planning on doing that this month. We have done it before.

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Mommy4lyfe have you thought about Atkins diet? It does work and you don't skip any meals. Its just cutting out all processed carbs.. Which really is just the junk food and pasta and breads.


My husband and I are planning on doing that this month. We have done it before.


Yes, I have tried Atkins and it does work; however after trying it for a week or two I craved carbs so bad that I ate 1 dozen biscuits w/butter in one day.:eek: Atkins is not for me.

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mommy4lyfe-I love the way you wrote down your goals for the day. I think seeing it in writing helps you get in the right frame of mind. It does for me, anyway. And if I know I have to tell on myself when I don't do what I should, it makes me think twice. I'm glad you joined us!

mycruz-congats!!!!!!!!! It's such a great feeling when you pull on the regular size clothes...and they fit! Great job!

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hey all...sorry I haven't posted. I have been frustrated. Nothing to show this week..NOTHING! Still the same..so that is good, at least i didn't gain.


my weight monday was 174.


congrats to everyone that did well. Keep up the good work. Welcome to all the new ones.


I am suppose to be keeping track each week,but we have "lost" so many I don't know if I should keep on doing this. I guess we can all see if we go back and read...


What do you guys think?

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hey all...sorry I haven't posted. I have been frustrated. Nothing to show this week..NOTHING! Still the same..so that is good, at least i didn't gain.


my weight monday was 174.


congrats to everyone that did well. Keep up the good work. Welcome to all the new ones.


I am suppose to be keeping track each week,but we have "lost" so many I don't know if I should keep on doing this. I guess we can all see if we go back and read...


What do you guys think?



Cindy- I know the journey can be frustrating! But just remember that each day is a new beginning. Sometimes we loose, sometimes we gain, but even staying the same is an accomplishment! ;)


I haven't been on here as much as I would like. It's been very busy at work the last couple of weeks. Sometimes I just "pop" on and read some posts and that gives me the encouragement to keep going. I think just having the accountability of posting a weigh-in is good.


Hope everyone has a good week. Welcome to all the newbies.

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Mycruz :D:D on getting in to a lower size.


Mommy4lyfe WOW I guess it really isn't for you... :eek:


Congrats mycruz on getting in to a lower size :)

No carb, low carb diets are my worst enemy. However I know there is a plan just right for me and all I have to do is find it or create it.


mommy4lyfe-I love the way you wrote down your goals for the day. I think seeing it in writing helps you get in the right frame of mind. It does for me, anyway. And if I know I have to tell on myself when I don't do what I should, it makes me think twice. I'm glad you joined us!


I am glad I joined in also. I need all the help I can get.


I would like to know more about WW. I joined them many years ago and I know things mostly have changed. I am thinking about joining WW online. Please tell me about the program. I also have a few questions:

1) Are they still on the point system?

2) If you join them on line, do they send you hard copy of materials to help you count/determine your points while you are out?

3) Can anyone send me a sample of how it works? For example I am 5'3", 175lbs, how many points am I entitled to a day. The computation of points.

4) Do they still have a book with the different Restaurants to determine the points in the foods on the menu.?


I would like to know about WW before I decide if to join or not. I have a tendency to pay money for programs and than discover it is not for me.

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Hello all...


I have tried everything. Now, I am trying medifast as my last resort. I want to lose 52 pounds..my bmi is 29.9. That is close enough to "obese" as you can get without being there.


I really need someone to encourage, support, lift me up etc. I will do the same in return. We are going on a Disney cruise in Sept and I would love nothing better than to wear a sleeveless sundress and not be ashamed of my arms.


I tried the 1200 calorie a day diet. Got a heart rate monitor and went to the gym everyday for 2 hours. NOTHING!!!! So frustrating. Since my hysterectomy this has been my life.


Anyone want to buddy up with me?


I just found this thread and would like to hitch a ride with all of you, too. I'm feeling pretty desperate. Here are my stats...


50 years old


186 stinkin' pounds (or more depending on which scale I step on)


I know that I could have a higher goal but the last time I got below 150, I felt great...at 140 I felt wonderful and "normal." As we age, we carry around more muscle than we did in our teens and twenties so a higher weight than those days is fine. I weighed 126 when I got married and 116 through most of high school. That would be too low for me now. I'd love to have 50+ pounds off, total.


Philosophy: I lean toward moderation and was raised by a mom who practiced Weight Watchers principles as a way of life, but currently, I'm feeling desperate and would like to try something short-term yet radical like a liquid-type diet. I mean VERY short-term as in a month or less, just to kick-start....any tips would be appreciated. I'd then transition into something more normal regarding calories and portion control. I read the Why French Women...book and really liked it; so would like to practice that lifestyle at a future point but due to a knee injury, I am desperate to lose 15 pounds fast!


Health factor: a knee injury in January that is still not healed....which means no dancing for me for the past 6 weeks or so (great sorrow for me). I injured it doing the Samba!! :( My calorie burn has been greatly reduced because of the knee stuff, which means that I have to reduce calories even more.


Can you tell me anything about medifast? I'll have to read through all of the posts to follow your progress. My cruise date isn't until 2009 in March, so I have some time and a fun incentive date to shoot for.

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Ok Tess, sounds like you have it covered, and actually some pretty good habits already. Weather took an unexpected change for the better here and taking a break from some labor intensive yard work!!


I am a CPA consultant and am on a break now after tax season so sure I can keep track of everyone here who wants to post results... Perhaps we could all post our goals, and starting point on Monday and I will give it a go.


Hubby and I compete in ballroom dancing and the pictures from our comp we did a few weeks ago have just been posted..... Here is a picture of "arms"... so yes at 50+ you can get rid of thoes dimples!! Hope this link works





Hi Smoothdancer! My husband and I have been taking ballroom lessons for 3 years now. LOVE it! We don't compete...just dance for fun, socially. I just jotted down my notes about calorie burn for dancing. My instructor said that you burn over 1,000 doing the salsa for an hour! Unfortunately, I hurt my knee doing the Samba in January. I knew inside that my weight (50 pounds too much) was putting some bad stress on my joints...I'm "small-boned" and I had a feeling that joint pain was headed my way. I'm menopausal, to boot. I love dancing and had to stop for a few weeks with the hope that my knee would heal on its own.


I'll have to jump on the scale on Monday and get on the bandwagon. :)

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