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Anybody starting a weight loss plan this week


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I just went back to WW today(its probably my 10th time;) ). I was wondering if anybody else started a weight loss program this week, and wanted to start a new thread.

We are going on RCCL Grandeur Aug 21, 2008 for 9 nights and want to get this weight loss started. I "need" to lose at least 40 pds, but I am aiming for at least a 20 pd loss in 4 months. I figure that is 5 per month.


Anybody want to be my buddy ?

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I started Nutrisystem this week. I have a cruise coming up at the end of the month that I know I won't lose *that* much for, but I have my wedding in a little over a year that I need to lose about 80 pounds for!

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Nope, this is my first time. It's costing me a pretty penny, but I know I can't do it on my own.


It's a pretty sensible diet, the food tastes good, and I haven't found myself feeling really hungry.


I hope it works!


And good luck with your weight loss, also! I wish I caught my weight long before it escalated this much.

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Hi Jackie

I am starting back to WW's Thurs. 5/8. I am starting cointing my points today but I am officially joining on Thurs. My daughter wants me to wait for her because she is going to join also. Lost 70#'s in 9 mo's. 4 yrs ago on the program so I know if I "work it" it works. I was only 20#'s from goal weight and decided I could do it myself. WRONG!!!! I have gain about 1/2 of what I lost back. This time I am incorporating Alli with it. I know several people that have had very good results using it. My next cruise is not until Nov. 09 so I should be at a healthy weight. Lets keep each other informed of our progress. Good Luck!



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Nope, this is my first time. It's costing me a pretty penny, but I know I can't do it on my own.


It's a pretty sensible diet, the food tastes good, and I haven't found myself feeling really hungry.


I hope it works!


And good luck with your weight loss, also! I wish I caught my weight long before it escalated this much.


I know it is so hard to lose weight on your own. Believe me, I have tried LOL.. .I know how to lose weight, I know all about it. But, applying and sticking with it is a whole dift story. I swear I have the will power of a flea;)

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Hi Jackie

I am starting back to WW's Thurs. 5/8. I am starting cointing my points today but I am officially joining on Thurs. My daughter wants me to wait for her because she is going to join also. Lost 70#'s in 9 mo's. 4 yrs ago on the program so I know if I "work it" it works. I was only 20#'s from goal weight and decided I could do it myself. WRONG!!!! I have gain about 1/2 of what I lost back. This time I am incorporating Alli with it. I know several people that have had very good results using it. My next cruise is not until Nov. 09 so I should be at a healthy weight. Lets keep each other informed of our progress. Good Luck!




Hi Diane

Glad u joined us. Wow, a 70 pd loss is wonderful.I think WW is a good program, ive been on it so many times.I get so frustrated with it because I like to eat and I am a slow loser LOL.. I just end up quitting after awhile,.

Since my son is doing with with me, it gives me more insentive to keep going. He is only 14, and really only needs to lose about 15 pds. Hes been talking about being fat and all that and it breaks my heart. BUT..he seems all gung ho about WW..

So far, so good, its been 2 days for us both and we have both done well.

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I could use a weight loss buddy. We are going on a cruise in Sept (we better book it quick!). I need to lose at least 50lbs but 60 would be better. I am looking into Jenny Criag or Kimkins. My neighbor is doing Jenny and likes it but a girl at work is doing Kimkins which is cheaper and she likes it.


Is it easy to do diets on the ships? I thought maybe yes because there's so much different foods. Will be our first time for our 20th anniversary. :D

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I could use a weight loss buddy. We are going on a cruise in Sept (we better book it quick!). I need to lose at least 50lbs but 60 would be better. I am looking into Jenny Criag or Kimkins. My neighbor is doing Jenny and likes it but a girl at work is doing Kimkins which is cheaper and she likes it.


Is it easy to do diets on the ships? I thought maybe yes because there's so much different foods. Will be our first time for our 20th anniversary. :D


Hi there. I have never heard of Kimkins:confused: . My belief is that any weight loss plan will work, if you follow it and stick with it. I chose WW because I simply couldnt affored to buy food from Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem, and then still shop for my family. We are a family of 5.

What kind of cruise are you looking into? We are going on a 9 night on RCCL Grandeur Aug 21. It gives me some time drop a couple of pounds.

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Hi everyone, I just started a new program last week. It's the "6 Week Body Sculpting Program". I've been to WW more times than I can count (and lots of other programs too) and have lost weight but never seem to stick with it long enough to see major results. (Which is what I need) Also, I think because I can have anything I want, I end up eating sweets and starches, and adding fats (because it makes the food taste better!). Yes, in moderation everything is allowed on WW, but after years I'm convinced I need a more disciplined program that allows me to see fast results. This program (6 WBSP) has a money back guarantee that you will lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks. Today is the start of my second week and thus far my scale has dropped 10 pounds. I know some of that is water, and because I have lots to lose I will lose faster at the beginning, but when I see that scale going down daily it certainly gives me incentive to stick with it. I'm hoping to lose at least 50 pounds by our cruise in October, would be great if I lost more!). The foods allowed are more than adequate, but no salt, no fats, no wine, no sugar make for a rather bland meal time. If however the scale continues to move it will be worth it. My doctor has been after me to lose for years, and I know this yo-yo dieting isn't healthy. Having to also cook for my husband and son doesn't help my situation, but both of them are being very supportive.

Good luck to all of us on our quest, let's hope we are all succesful.

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Hi everyone, I just started a new program last week. It's the "6 Week Body Sculpting Program". I've been to WW more times than I can count (and lots of other programs too) and have lost weight but never seem to stick with it long enough to see major results. (Which is what I need) Also, I think because I can have anything I want, I end up eating sweets and starches, and adding fats (because it makes the food taste better!). Yes, in moderation everything is allowed on WW, but after years I'm convinced I need a more disciplined program that allows me to see fast results. This program (6 WBSP) has a money back guarantee that you will lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks. Today is the start of my second week and thus far my scale has dropped 10 pounds. I know some of that is water, and because I have lots to lose I will lose faster at the beginning, but when I see that scale going down daily it certainly gives me incentive to stick with it. I'm hoping to lose at least 50 pounds by our cruise in October, would be great if I lost more!). The foods allowed are more than adequate, but no salt, no fats, no wine, no sugar make for a rather bland meal time. If however the scale continues to move it will be worth it. My doctor has been after me to lose for years, and I know this yo-yo dieting isn't healthy. Having to also cook for my husband and son doesn't help my situation, but both of them are being very supportive.

Good luck to all of us on our quest, let's hope we are all succesful.


Good luck to you. I have never heard of this program. You are right with WW, to me it gets hard after awhile, because although you can stay in your point value, sometimes I choose the wrong foods.I love chocolate, which is a terrible thing to love when trying to lose weight LOL... I really enjoy the meetings, it is so motivating when you hear people talk of how they lost 40, 50 and even 100 pds. My problem is with any weight loss thing that if I dont see immediate results that I want to quit..

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Hi everyone. I am not starting a new program this week but I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I started out with WW last fall and lost a little weight but it was slow. In February I started Nutrisystem and it really helped me start losing and taught me better habits. I did Nutrisystem for two and a half months and now I am back on WW. I am losing slowly but steadily.


Sabrina you will be pleased with Nutrisystem I think. I really liked it while I was doing it but I could not afford it any longer and I was bored with the foods. I am too much of a foodie and I just craved real food after awhile.


Good luck to everyone. I have over a year before I cruise which should give me plenty of time to lose the last 30ish pounds I want to lose.

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You did what I plan on doing. When I get to the point where I want to start eating more and different foods, I plan on switching over to WW. It's a plan I think I could stick with when my weight gets closer to what it should be. Right now however, I'm looking for fast results. I need it for motivation. The "6 Week Body Sculpting Plan" lets you eat any, and as many as you want of vegetables (except corn & peas), many fruits, lean protein (turkey, chicken and white fish) and some carbs (which include white and brown rice and potatoes). No fats, however, make the potato not that exciting, and rice hasn't always excited me, but it does now. You eat six small meals a day instead of three. The meals are healthy and eating six times a day keeps me from getting hungry. Exercise is important also, and walking is the one that is recommended. This is forcing me to get in condition for all that walking we'll be doing on our Med cruise. We'll be visiting 11 ports on our 19 day cruise. In addition we're spending 5 days in Rome and 2 extra in Venice precruise. Started walking about 3 weeks ago, about 5 times a week. At that time I could barely make it up the small rise in front of our house. Today it's easy, and steeper hills are getting easier. I'm hoping by October I'll be ready to climb all the hills in Rome without being totally out of breath.

Once again good luck to us all, we may have different ways of getting there, but we all have the same goal. Lose Weight!

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Went back to WW's 2 days earlier than planned. Officially rejoined last night(5/6). I have gained back 23#'s of the 70#'s I lost 4 yrs. ago. I can look at this weight gain 2 ways---very depressed to have regained weight I worked so hard to lose before and will probably have to work harder to get it off this time, age you know. Or I can be very thankful I decided to get my weight under control before I gained all the weight I lost and then some. I am taking the latter! My first goal is to lose the 23#'s I regained then work on another 20#'s which would be a very good weight for me. I am looking at 43#'s to lose. 4 years ago when I joined I was looking at 90#'s to lose. I know WW works, I just have to work the program!

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It seems the majority of weight I have gained is mostly in my torso.(under the boobs to the hips)! I have read things that carbs target this area. I am doing the WW'r plan but was wondering about processed carbs, cereal,

breads, crackers, etc. about how many grams of carbs I should limit myself to from these foods.

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I could use a weight loss buddy. We are going on a cruise in Sept (we better book it quick!). I need to lose at least 50lbs but 60 would be better. I am looking into Jenny Criag or Kimkins. My neighbor is doing Jenny and likes it but a girl at work is doing Kimkins which is cheaper and she likes it.


Is it easy to do diets on the ships? I thought maybe yes because there's so much different foods. Will be our first time for our 20th anniversary. :D


Wow what a small world. I am doing Kimkins now. I started Jan 2 and lost 78 lbs so far. I have 62 to go and will lose it by my Cruise in Sept or Oct. We are deciding which one to go on...there are so many of em.

It is so easy to do and not at all expensive.


Good luck with whaterver plan you chose to follow.

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Wow what a small world. I am doing Kimkins now. I started Jan 2 and lost 78 lbs so far. I have 62 to go and will lose it by my Cruise in Sept or Oct. We are deciding which one to go on...there are so many of em.

It is so easy to do and not at all expensive.


Good luck with whaterver plan you chose to follow.


Woah! That is an amazing amount of weight loss in a short time. I am a slow loser so I can not imagine losing that fast. Way to go!

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I just joined WW today at work, we have a worksite program. I have lost about 15 pounds on my own since Jan but I need a little more accountability.

I would love to have some cruise fanatic weight loss buddies. I have a cruise in June and another in Sept.


I did WW about 10 years ago and reached my goal but age and time and a few minor health problems have not been kind. I want to loose 40 more pounds. I have also started running again, its a lot harder at 45 than it was at 25 LOL.

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Woah! That is an amazing amount of weight loss in a short time. I am a slow loser so I can not imagine losing that fast. Way to go!


Thanks a bunch. Eating low carb (this is the first time ever) has changed my life. The support gals at Kimkins.com are AWESOME. Someone is always starting a challenge and I am right there in the challenge. It helps me. I walk 30 min a day too.


Luck with your diet!

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I just joined WW today at work, we have a worksite program. I have lost about 15 pounds on my own since Jan but I need a little more accountability.

I would love to have some cruise fanatic weight loss buddies. I have a cruise in June and another in Sept.


I did WW about 10 years ago and reached my goal but age and time and a few minor health problems have not been kind. I want to loose 40 more pounds. I have also started running again, its a lot harder at 45 than it was at 25 LOL.


Good luck with WW. I reached my goal many years ago but gained it back over the years and when I quit the smoking. I tried WW again several times but was always hungry so I wasn not successful. Once I cut out my bread, pasta sugar and rice etc my cravings left and I was able to really lose some weigh.



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WW or any diet program works once you figure it out. Carbs are always the hardest to over come it seems.


To everyone who has chosen a program to follow...CONGRATULATIONS!!

making the decision to start is not easy. I wish us all good luck!


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So how is everybody doing today?

Losing weight is hard, isn't it?

Its not even a full week, and I am already disappointed. I know WW works, but its the only real weight loss plan I can stick too, expecially with a family of 5. I know I shouldnt weigh myself at home,b ut I do. I dont think Ive lost even one pd. I truely dont understand. My weigh in is Saturday. This week we have not done fastfood at all(Usually a biggie for us)We had Subway two times this week. I get the turkey with cheese, veggies, and no mayo or oil...Ive drank all my water. Ive exercised everyday. I have not used any of the extra 35 pts. Yet how can the scale not move?

I honestly think it maybe too many carbs. I eat those 100 pack snack packs(cookies), and the fat free ice cream at night. The strawberry one is 1 pt for 1/2 cup.

My point, normally we would go to DQ or Brewsters for full fat ice-cream. How can I make so many food changes and not see any results:confused:


This morning I did a step aerobics class. Tonight I am going back to do a new class, its a Zoomba/Zumba(Not sure the spelling)class. I on occasion do two classes a day, just depends. Some days I just walk, and other days I use machines and ride the exercise bike.

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Can't discuss this with just anyone, most I know couldn't relate. I'm thinking some of you on this site will know what I'm talking about. Just lik BRNSNBRWS I have a lot of weight in my torso, but I also have large breasts and a huge abdomen. Today I actually saw my belly button (without using a mirror) for the first time in I can't remember when, and when I hooked my bra, I used the middle hooks instead of the outside hooks!!

Like the title says, it's the little things that will keep me on track because I am seeing changes already even if it's been only 11 days. My husband and son have both noticed my face and shoulders getting thinner, and I wore a blouse today that I haven't worn in some time because it was pulling where the buttons are, but not today.

Like I mentioned earlier, I know WW works, but I always found myself using points for sweets,fats, and carbs, instead making healthier choices and always justified it by telling myself it was allowed. When the scale only showed minimal results, I would get discouraged. They also changed our meeting time to 7 AM, just a little too early for me. ( Getting up before 6 to get ready and drive to the meeting, isn't my favorite thing.)

Anyway good luck to everyone, hope we all lose weight or inches this week!!!

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Don't be discouraged especially if you have really increased your exercise, you might be building muscle and it weighs more than body fat. I know when I started running again I did not loose a single pound for 2 weeks but my pants were definitely looser.

Just keep doing what you are doing and it will kick in I promise. I loose so slowly 15 pounds in 4 months. But hey I will take any loss I can get.

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