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Anybody starting a weight loss plan this week


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I had my 2nd weigh in tonight and I am down 2.8#. I was happy with that. A 2# weight loss every week would be great, I don't look for that to happen but I will be happy with whatever weight loss I have. I know I didn't gain this weight overnight so I won't lose it overnight. I will say it was alot easier and alot more fun to gain it!LOL


Great job :)....you are right its a lot more fun eating when you are not trying to lose weight.

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Great job :) ....you are right its a lot more fun eating when you are not trying to lose weight.


It makes me chuckle to see "Lose Weight Before You Cruise" , under the category "Fun Stuff". Must have been put under this category by someone who never had to lose weight! LOLquote.gif

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congrats to everyone! You are all doing so well. I have been crazy busy this week with not much time to post. I lost 2.4 pounds this week. It will be a challenge to get through the long weekend. Good luck everyone!


Great job with your weight loss this week. Lucky we have no bar b q plans for this weekend, so I should be ok food wise LOL


Me and my son weigh in tomorrow, so hope we have a good weigh in as well.

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Just wanted everyone to know that I'm still continuing on my Plan and have now lost 25 pounds. It is now becoming noticeable and I am starting to get comments. It's been a long time since the weight has come off this fast, not since my early 20s when I thought I looked fat when I weighed 125. Another few weeks and I hope to hit 225. I still have 4 months to lose and am hoping to lose more, maybe a lot more. I've already prepared my husband for spending money on a new cruise wardrobe. He says it will be worth every dollar to see me healthy and trim again. I'm 5'6" and when he met me I weighed 106 pounds. You can imagine the dramatic difference he's seen in my appearance over the years.

I'm certainly not starving, and since I've gotten over the sweets, it is really not too hard. Losing so much weight quickly also gives me incentive to stick with it. I actually look forward to my crisp juicy apple every day, and the veggies are becoming my best friends. The chicken is getting a little boring, but I keep trying different marinades and then grill it on the barbecue, that helps add some flavor. I'm even enjoying my white rice which hasn't ever been one of my favorites unless I was eating Chinese food. And I'd never eaten brown rice and have also discovered that I like it. They seem to be better carbohydrates for me than potatoes. I've always loved potatoes, but minus the butter, or sour cream, they're just not the same. And mashed potatoes made with chicken broth, instead of milk and butter, do not thrill me. So give me something I'm not too use to and I can eat it plain, cause I don't know the difference.

JackieH, Hope your weigh in goes well tomorrow. I know how important it is to see that number go down to keep you pumped up.

Saltsandknit, Congrats on your loss!

(Are we the only ones left on this thread??)

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Just wanted everyone to know that I'm still continuing on my Plan and have now lost 25 pounds. It is now becoming noticeable and I am starting to get comments. It's been a long time since the weight has come off this fast, not since my early 20s when I thought I looked fat when I weighed 125. Another few weeks and I hope to hit 225. I still have 4 months to lose and am hoping to lose more, maybe a lot more. I've already prepared my husband for spending money on a new cruise wardrobe. He says it will be worth every dollar to see me healthy and trim again. I'm 5'6" and when he met me I weighed 106 pounds. You can imagine the dramatic difference he's seen in my appearance over the years.

I'm certainly not starving, and since I've gotten over the sweets, it is really not too hard. Losing so much weight quickly also gives me incentive to stick with it. I actually look forward to my crisp juicy apple every day, and the veggies are becoming my best friends. The chicken is getting a little boring, but I keep trying different marinades and then grill it on the barbecue, that helps add some flavor. I'm even enjoying my white rice which hasn't ever been one of my favorites unless I was eating Chinese food. And I'd never eaten brown rice and have also discovered that I like it. They seem to be better carbohydrates for me than potatoes. I've always loved potatoes, but minus the butter, or sour cream, they're just not the same. And mashed potatoes made with chicken broth, instead of milk and butter, do not thrill me. So give me something I'm not too use to and I can eat it plain, cause I don't know the difference.

JackieH, Hope your weigh in goes well tomorrow. I know how important it is to see that number go down to keep you pumped up.

Saltsandknit, Congrats on your loss!

(Are we the only ones left on this thread??)



Glad you are seeing such good results. I am now down a total of 5 pds. Ok, not a whole lot, but what can I say, I like to eat LOL..My son is down almost 8 pounds, that lucky duck... Actually I am really proud of him.


Continued success for us all :)

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JackieH, Congratulations on your weight loss, and extra congrats to your son. How old is he? My then 17 year old son tried WW (unofficially) with me last year. He wouldn't drink the water, ate whatever he wanted and never kept his point count. He seemed surprised when he didn't lose anything. Fortunately he only had about 10 or 15 pounds to lose and was able to work them off at football practice. I give your son credit for sticking with it.

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JackieH, Congratulations on your weight loss, and extra congrats to your son. How old is he? My then 17 year old son tried WW (unofficially) with me last year. He wouldn't drink the water, ate whatever he wanted and never kept his point count. He seemed surprised when he didn't lose anything. Fortunately he only had about 10 or 15 pounds to lose and was able to work them off at football practice. I give your son credit for sticking with it.


My son will be 14 in August. He has been doing really good with it. He struggles at times, and I try to lead him to better food decisions. He is so shocked that he could eat fastfood and still lose weight. He does not have PE in school. He works out at the gym 2 days a week, and rides his bike around several times a week.If I let him, he would be in his room playing XBOX live all the time..LOL... My son is pretty good at drinking water. I have been buying those Crystal light mix ins for the water bottle, and he seems to really like those. I like those too, but cant drink too much because they give me a headache. I get A LOT of headaches, so I have to watch the chemicals that are in some food and drink.


Since he is starting Highschool in the fall, he has become very self conscious about his weight and size. He is not obese, but overweight. Actually with clothes on he doesnt look that bad LOL

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congratulations everyone! I weighed in today and I am down another 2 pounds that makes 4.4 in 2 weeks. I know it will slow down but I am happy so far. The long weekend was a challenge but I think I survived ok. Jackie it is good your son is learning now.

My oldest struggled with his weight for quite a while and now that he is in the navy he has learned that portion control and exercise are very important. My other 3 boys are all thin like my husband.


Sharonmae you are doing fantastic!! keep it up

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So I know I didn't start when you all did but can I join you?


My name is Candice. I am 28 year old wedding and portrait photographer. In the last 6 weeks or so I have gained about 12 pounds. I am 152 and my goal weight is 125. I tend to let my business and clients come before anything else. A client wants a certain appointment time....well my workout isn't that important.


I also am really bad at afternoon/night eating. I mean really bad. I can do really good but hit that 5pm time....and there is goes.


Also I often have meetings at coffee houses and I have a lunch meeting every Thursday. I don't get to choose the menu so that just does me in.


So my new plan is (starting monday)


1. plan a week in advance. I plan everything else. Why not this. Also my thought is if I plan a treat I can look forward to it instead of eating lots of treats.


2. change gyms. there is a women's total fitness around the corner that I am going to try. If I can get there and back in an hour it may be a bit easier to fit into my day.




What i haven't figured out yet is how to deal with my thursday meetings. Any suggestions?



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Candice, I know what you mean about eating out when others choose the menu. It happened to me last night. My best suggestion is pick and choose, and portion control. Even if the meal is already plated, no one says you have to eat everything, what if you don't like it? Maybe on Thursdays you could pack a small cooler with some veggies, low fat yogurt, cooked chicken breast slices,and or some other low-cal choices and nibble on them prior to your lunch, perhaps in your office, or your car on the drive over. That way watching your portions should be easier. You could also develop an allergy to some fattening foods, or claim another health reason for having to avoid the food chosen, and bring your own. What if you were diabetic, had dangerously high cholesterol, were vegetarian, or for religious reasons couldn't eat certain foods? You still wouldn't be allowed to pick your own menu, or at least something of your choosing?? I at least knew what I had to face last night and filled up on a few things before we left the house, so watching everyone else chow down on greasy pork chops, and fried rice, wasn't too daunting of a task. I wasn't starving. I did have my share of salad, fortunately it had a vinaigrette dressing that was heavier on the vinegar than the oil.

On my new plan I now eat 6 small meals every 3 hours or so starting with a well balanced but low cal and filling breakfast. I haven't consistently eaten breakfast since high school. (a long time ago!) Spreading my eating out and keeping my blood sugar up has killed all those cravings, and also those times of the day when I'm starving. I'm not, because I've been eating all day!!!

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congratulations everyone! I weighed in today and I am down another 2 pounds that makes 4.4 in 2 weeks. I know it will slow down but I am happy so far. The long weekend was a challenge but I think I survived ok. Jackie it is good your son is learning now.

My oldest struggled with his weight for quite a while and now that he is in the navy he has learned that portion control and exercise are very important. My other 3 boys are all thin like my husband.


Sharonmae you are doing fantastic!! keep it up


Great job on the weight loss...every pd helps bring us closer to our goal :)

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So I know I didn't start when you all did but can I join you?


My name is Candice. I am 28 year old wedding and portrait photographer. In the last 6 weeks or so I have gained about 12 pounds. I am 152 and my goal weight is 125. I tend to let my business and clients come before anything else. A client wants a certain appointment time....well my workout isn't that important.


I also am really bad at afternoon/night eating. I mean really bad. I can do really good but hit that 5pm time....and there is goes.


Also I often have meetings at coffee houses and I have a lunch meeting every Thursday. I don't get to choose the menu so that just does me in.


So my new plan is (starting monday)


1. plan a week in advance. I plan everything else. Why not this. Also my thought is if I plan a treat I can look forward to it instead of eating lots of treats.


2. change gyms. there is a women's total fitness around the corner that I am going to try. If I can get there and back in an hour it may be a bit easier to fit into my day.




What i haven't figured out yet is how to deal with my thursday meetings. Any suggestions?




Welcome to our small group Candice. Glad you decided to join.I do the same thing with treats, I plan on it in later afternoon or after dinner. I have a horrible sweet tooth, love anything chocolate, so I still have some, just not a ton of it.

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So I know I didn't start when you all did but can I join you?


My name is Candice. I am 28 year old wedding and portrait photographer. In the last 6 weeks or so I have gained about 12 pounds. I am 152 and my goal weight is 125. I tend to let my business and clients come before anything else. A client wants a certain appointment time....well my workout isn't that important.


Hi Candice,


Pre planning is everything for me. If I have to eat out I decide before I go what I will eat. I also have to pre plan my exercise for the week the weekend before. It really does help. Good luck with it and welcome !!

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Had my 3rd weigh-in on the 27th and down another 1.2#'s. I was very happy with that. My next weigh-in is June 3rd. We had to set a goal to reach by July 4th at our meeting this past Tuesday. I set mine to reach my first 10% weight loss. So far the last 3 weeks I have lost 8.2#'s and that leaves me to lose 11.8#'s by July 4th. It is a challenge but it is doable. I am not an active person so I have decided I have to start walking. Haven't done any walking yet but I am working up to it!LOL I really have a dislike of exercise! Congratulations to everyone on thier weight loss this week.

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Had my 3rd weigh-in on the 27th and down another 1.2#'s. I was very happy with that. My next weigh-in is June 3rd. We had to set a goal to reach by July 4th at our meeting this past Tuesday. I set mine to reach my first 10% weight loss. So far the last 3 weeks I have lost 8.2#'s and that leaves me to lose 11.8#'s by July 4th. It is a challenge but it is doable. I am not an active person so I have decided I have to start walking. Haven't done any walking yet but I am working up to it!LOL I really have a dislike of exercise! Congratulations to everyone on thier weight loss this week.


Great job on the weight loss :)...me and my son weighed in on Saturday, we didnt do too well..Well we didnt gain, but we both lost only .6, a little more then a half a pound. I am down 5.6 now. I am happy about that. We both vowed to have a "better" week this week...

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Ok I am officially starting tomorrow. I have my whole week planned out. I'm really nervous because I have such trouble with this. But here we go. I am also trying out a new gym that is just around the corner so we will see how that goes.



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Ok I am officially starting tomorrow. I have my whole week planned out. I'm really nervous because I have such trouble with this. But here we go. I am also trying out a new gym that is just around the corner so we will see how that goes.




Good luck:)


I love the gym we belong to its the JCC(Just like the YMCA), I really enjoy the classes, it gives me something new to do each time I go.

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Great job on the weight loss :)...me and my son weighed in on Saturday, we didnt do too well..Well we didnt gain, but we both lost only .6, a little more then a half a pound. I am down 5.6 now. I am happy about that. We both vowed to have a "better" week this week...


The leader at our meeting just addressed the issue of no or a very low weight loss last week. She told us not to get discouraged when, not if this happens. She said our bodies are very complex and even though we do everything right for the week and we don't lose or have a low weight drop our body will make up for it. She said our body just wasn't ready to let go of the weight yet. Several ladies in the group gave testimony to this happening to them and came back the following week with a 2 to 4# drop. We just have to persevere and beat this thing called "fat!" I watched Oprah yesterday and I was so encouraged and also greatful that I only have 50#'s to lose. There were people who weighed 700,600,500 etc. on her show that shed hundreds of pounds with just a sensible eating plan and exercise. No surgery, no meds. I really admire the people who accomplished this! If they can do it I know that I and the rest of us can do it!

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Just checking in to say that I am official op for 2 days. Very hard days though. My cravings are through the roof. Thanks for all the encouragement you guys have given me. I did my official weigh in on Monday morning (on my bathroom scale) and I am 150.2


Now I realize to alot of people that doesn't seem high but I am very small boned (I can't wear any bracelets because none fit my wrists). So it is heavy to me. It is actually almost my highest weight ever. (I was 153 the first time I ever tried losing a year after I got married).


My goal is 125. I would like to do this by the end of September as my anniversary is Sept 22nd. Then I will have october and and november to learn how to maintain and to tone up.


My hardest days of the week are still to come. Thursdays because of that networking thing I told you about and Saturday, because I have a wedding almost every saturday and I eat when and what I can through out the day. I rarely have time to really think about what I eat.


I am very determined and my husband is very supportive....those weak moments scare me though.


What do you do when the weak moments and cravings attack you?

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The leader at our meeting just addressed the issue of no or a very low weight loss last week. She told us not to get discouraged when, not if this happens. She said our bodies are very complex and even though we do everything right for the week and we don't lose or have a low weight drop our body will make up for it. She said our body just wasn't ready to let go of the weight yet. Several ladies in the group gave testimony to this happening to them and came back the following week with a 2 to 4# drop. We just have to persevere and beat this thing called "fat!" I watched Oprah yesterday and I was so encouraged and also greatful that I only have 50#'s to lose. There were people who weighed 700,600,500 etc. on her show that shed hundreds of pounds with just a sensible eating plan and exercise. No surgery, no meds. I really admire the people who accomplished this! If they can do it I know that I and the rest of us can do it!


I know exactly what you are saying.. Though I have heard it too, I know its true..BUT...its so frustrating losing such a small amt. I have told my son that,even when people follow the plan exactly, sometimes the scale needs a few weeks to catch up with what your body is doing. I just hope we both have a better weight loss this Saturday.

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Just checking in to say that I am official op for 2 days. Very hard days though. My cravings are through the roof. Thanks for all the encouragement you guys have given me. I did my official weigh in on Monday morning (on my bathroom scale) and I am 150.2


Now I realize to alot of people that doesn't seem high but I am very small boned (I can't wear any bracelets because none fit my wrists). So it is heavy to me. It is actually almost my highest weight ever. (I was 153 the first time I ever tried losing a year after I got married).


My goal is 125. I would like to do this by the end of September as my anniversary is Sept 22nd. Then I will have october and and november to learn how to maintain and to tone up.


My hardest days of the week are still to come. Thursdays because of that networking thing I told you about and Saturday, because I have a wedding almost every saturday and I eat when and what I can through out the day. I rarely have time to really think about what I eat.


I am very determined and my husband is very supportive....those weak moments scare me though.


What do you do when the weak moments and cravings attack you?


No yo are right,I would LOVE to weigh 150;) , but I understand that if its heavy to you, then its heavy. I really do get it :) It is always great when you have somebody to support you. Although my husband is not doing WW with me and my son, he does eat what we do at home(Well I dont make the fattening food LOL)..when we go out, he chooses what he wants. I know its hard for my son, and I dont deprive him. I just help him make better choices.

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Hi everyone,


Didn't get to post on Monday, my official weigh in day. My DD and SIL are here for my DS's High School Graduation.


I'm happy to report that I'm down another 3 pounds for a total of 28. This program guarantees you'll lose 30 in six weeks (if you follow the plan) and I think that will be true for me also. Of course I'm not as lucky as Candice, I wish this was all I have to lose. I have another 15 and a half weeks before we leave for our trip, so I am hoping to lose at least another 30 and hopefully even more. I really want to get under 200 and be able to wear regular misses size clothes, instead of plus size. Even if it's only an 18, that so much better than what I've been wearing. We were supposed to go to the mainland this coming week for my DS's college orientation and then spend a week with my brother and sister in law in Phoenix. Instead we were able to move the orientation to 5 days before he will start school in August, saving us a lot of money and an extra trip, and probably saving me a possible set back on my weight loss program.


Everyone is sounding determined and pretty positive. Keep up the good work and your spirits. It's not fun, but it will be rewarding and worth it.


I had to go see my internist twice this week. When they took my blood pressure it was better than it has been in years. About six months ago my family doctor wanted to add another high blood pressure medication to the one I was already taking, because it was still too high. Today it was 111 over 69, similiar to Monday's reading, and a lot lower than my usual 140 something over 90 something. I think my family GP will be very pleased. I'm crediting the exercise and the no or low sodium intake. I'm feeling good, my clothes are getting baggy, and although it's not easy, because of the results, it's not that hard.


Have a good week, Ill check in later.

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Hi everyone,


Didn't get to post on Monday, my official weigh in day. My DD and SIL are here for my DS's High School Graduation.


I'm happy to report that I'm down another 3 pounds for a total of 28. This program guarantees you'll lose 30 in six weeks (if you follow the plan) and I think that will be true for me also. Of course I'm not as lucky as Candice, I wish this was all I have to lose. I have another 15 and a half weeks before we leave for our trip, so I am hoping to lose at least another 30 and hopefully even more. I really want to get under 200 and be able to wear regular misses size clothes, instead of plus size. Even if it's only an 18, that so much better than what I've been wearing. We were supposed to go to the mainland this coming week for my DS's college orientation and then spend a week with my brother and sister in law in Phoenix. Instead we were able to move the orientation to 5 days before he will start school in August, saving us a lot of money and an extra trip, and probably saving me a possible set back on my weight loss program.


Everyone is sounding determined and pretty positive. Keep up the good work and your spirits. It's not fun, but it will be rewarding and worth it.


I had to go see my internist twice this week. When they took my blood pressure it was better than it has been in years. About six months ago my family doctor wanted to add another high blood pressure medication to the one I was already taking, because it was still too high. Today it was 111 over 69, similiar to Monday's reading, and a lot lower than my usual 140 something over 90 something. I think my family GP will be very pleased. I'm crediting the exercise and the no or low sodium intake. I'm feeling good, my clothes are getting baggy, and although it's not easy, because of the results, it's not that hard.


Have a good week, Ill check in later.


Great Job...love to hear peoples success stories...Let us all keep up the good work:)

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Sorry I'm finding this board a little late, too busy wandering around the main ones. I know how hard it can be to diet so a little more support can't hurt.


Wife and I both started our program Jan 2nd this year (why be like everyone else and start 1/1:rolleyes: ) Using the abs diet from Men's Health and tried to get down to "cruising weight" before our latest cruise.


Wife hasn't tracked as closely as I have - last count I think it was total of 10 pounds prior to the cruise in May. I had dropped about 25 pounds since the start but unfortunately put a few back on no thanks to the Carnival dinning room:mad: .


We have started again June 2nd in hopes to be lean and mean come family cruise in 9 months. My goal is another 30 pounds in 9 months, wife doesn't need it but she claims another 10.


We're doing the Abs diet from Men's Health which has worked for us so far. If anyone wants info on that please let me know and I'll be glad to help.

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