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Have you ever encountered severe weather on a cruise.

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First cruise of four was in October 1978 on the Doric(24,000 tons) out of NY to Bermuda and we hit a storm almost as soon as we left the harbor. Well it's our first and we didn't know anything about cruising. We thought it was cool and didn't get sick but MOST passengers and even crew were very sick. We walked around with the ship to ourselves. Barf bags everywhere and even the captain on the PA saying the banging you hear is the water tight doors being checked! Had to help a woman who didn't listen about holding on and fell down 1/2 flight of steps. Was crazy.

next two - smooth as silk.

Last one was last week - 'Miracle' out of NY and hit big swells and wind up and back which had her rocking and rolling pretty good, even had captain on PA warning us about rough seas. I guess the bottom line is if you don't get seasick to pretty cool to see the power of the ocean but if you get sick, it's probably the WORST feeling in the world.(or so I'm told)


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Conquest out of New Orleans. Skirted a hurricane, and on one night, I was literly rolled out of bed because of the tilt of the ship. Did it bother me? Not one bit. I love cruising and that one incident wouldn't stop me!

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We were on the Sensation in September of 99 and ended up stranded in the gulf of Mexico since there were 2 hurricanes coming in. We left New Orleans and ended up more towards Texas than where we were supposed to go Tampa. The ship was severely rocking. You could wathc the smoke stack and see sky and then enxt minute ocean. They closed down most of the outside decks and pools. We ended up having a medical evac by the Coast Guard of a crew member who fell. We should have docked Saturday but ended up docking Tuesday morning. At first it was fun, ooh we get extra time on the ship, but by Monday we'd had enough.

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Yes! We had some very bad weather aboard the Fantasy in October of 2005. That's when a hurricane cut across southern Florida's west coast and ran diagonally northeast toward Port Canaveral. We left on Sunday, October 23rd and the weather was nice. Monday morning the weather was sunny, until noon! That's when the hurricane caught us! It blew the ship sideways, making the ship lean about 12 degrees to right! It was like walking in a funhouse for about 6 hours! It didn't rock, just stayed at that tilt! Sometime during dinner that evening the ship corrected itself. We had outrun the storm. Our itinerary was changed due to the storm. We reversed the itinerary, but still managed to stop at all the ports. Quite interesting and somewhat nervewracking! Still, it was fun.

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Several years ago we were on a ship that used to the the ocean liner The France...can't remember what it was renamed. It was a Big Band cruise of the Caribbean in November. We flew into Miami and our flight was delayed and when we boarded the muster drill had already been held. That night the ship started rolling so much that I couldn't stagger to the closet to hang up my clothes....I had to just drop them on the floor and dive for the bed which went up and down like a carnival ride. I remember thinking....this was a bad time to have missed the muster drill!! The next morning the railing down the hallway outside our room had been wrenched loose by someone grabbing for dear life!! What amazed me was that people continued to dance to the Big Bands even when the dance floor was refusing to stay horizontal! Gotta dance....

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When I was 19 in 1972, I sailed from Sydney Australia to Southampton England. It took just on 6 weeks. We sailed into a big storm a few days after going thru the Panama Canal. We were sitting in the dining room when it hit and (of course this was well before stablizers) Everything on the tables went crashing to the floor and carts of food tumbled over everywhere. The waiters all ran around fixing edges to the tables sort of like pool tables so the plates just glided around but couldnt fall off. Our cabin was on a lower deck and we would watch the ship roll, it rolled that much we really thought we would turn right over. One way it was just black sky and lashing rain for what seems liked 20 minutes then it would be the seas turn and all we could see was water for the next (seemed like) 20 minutes. Our port hole eventually started leaking and flooded our cabin, they moved us out till it was clamped over with metal cover and our deck dryed out. Along all the corridors they stung ropes to hold onto and sick bags every feet. Most of the doors leading outside to decks were locked to prevent passengers from venturing out as the waves were crashing on the decks.

My friend and I did manage to go outside on about the 3rd day and the wind was something you wouldnt believe. We were on a covered deck but as we went to the front of the ship, dragging ourselves along on the handrails, the wind was so strong that my friend was unable to go any further but I tried and was picked up by the wind and skated across the deck like a piece of paper. I was only stopped by the railings and my legs were dangling over the side of the ship. Some crew members came to my rescue and helped me inside. We were rightfully given a good telling off. My friend said she really thought I was going overboard. We didnt try that stunt again. The dining rooms were deserted and where normally there would be 150 t0 200 people dining, there would be lucky to be about 6-10 people. The whole ship looked deserted and most shows and activites were cancelled.The ship smelled of damp and sick, toilets overflowed, it was extremely difficult to shower or sleep because of the rocking. But boy it was excting when you are only 19 and dont suffer from seasickness. It is something that is still clear in my mind after all these years, especially me skating across the deck on my backside heading for what I thought was the end of me.:eek:

Now that was a great sea story. :)

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When I was younger in the 80's we went on a very small cruise ship. It was so bad a women went through a sliding glass door and they had ropes in the hallway to help you along. It ws awful:eek:

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Several years ago we were on a ship that used to the the ocean liner The France...can't remember what it was renamed. It was a Big Band cruise of the Caribbean in November. We flew into Miami and our flight was delayed and when we boarded the muster drill had already been held. That night the ship started rolling so much that I couldn't stagger to the closet to hang up my clothes....I had to just drop them on the floor and dive for the bed which went up and down like a carnival ride. I remember thinking....this was a bad time to have missed the muster drill!! The next morning the railing down the hallway outside our room had been wrenched loose by someone grabbing for dear life!! What amazed me was that people continued to dance to the Big Bands even when the dance floor was refusing to stay horizontal! Gotta dance....

I believe that was the SS Norway. There's a story about it on the main page. NCL just settled a lawsuit with employees who were injured when her boiler blow up, killing 4 or more. I linked to a news report on Google and there was footage of the explosion.

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In the Gulf of Mexico 30 ft waves and everybody sick, not a very good time had by all, go to your cabin and hang on. In the Baltic Sea 20 ft waves and no power for 4 hrs, not a good time had by all, Not to bad after 24 cruises, only two nights of really bad weather.

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In Sept. of 1996 we were on Premier Cruise Lines Big Red Boat (S.S. Atlantic), when we experienced Hurricanes Edwards (sp?) and Fran. In fact we actually were given special permission by the Cuban govt. to enter into Cuban Waters. They did however send out a naval vessel to make sure we didnt do anything...It wasnt an hour later that 3 U.S. Naval Vessels (I remember that one was an aircraft carrier) came and kept watch for us (they remained in Intl. waters) and they escorted us back into PC after the Hurricane passes. Have some pictures of the whole thing somewhere...maybe I can find them, scan them, and post them on here. Very scary at first with all the military build up until we were notified by the Captian as to what was going on.

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The weather on the Victory last week was great! I'm so glad we didn't encounter any bad weather. That's one thing I don't like about cruising that much is having to feel the ship move, I would also hate not being able to go on the lido deck because of rain and storms.

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i was on the inspiration during hurricane wilma. we we suppose to go to cozumel on a 4 night cruise, but it turned out to be a cruise to nowhere, had really high winds and the seas were so bad spray was coming over the top of the lido, then it turned into a 5 night cruise because tampa closed the port because wilma was coming on shore, so one more night of bad seas. over all we had a good time no sun the whole time but we made the best of it.


We were on this same cruise! It was hectic, wasn't it, when they announced that we were being kept an extra night, trying to rearrange all those travel plans for everyone on board!!


We're going back on the Inspiration, November 8, hoping to actually get to Coz this time 'round!

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Wow, those were some great stories!

I'm not much of a sailor and not up on nautical stuff but one night the "seas were rough". The ship was swaying port and starboard....rockin' and rollin'. It was a little difficult to walk, the upper decks were closed, but really nothing big. My roomie and I sat in our port hole and watched the waves coming up and splashing our port hole! We were low, on the deck above the Riviera but we still got a kick out of it. The next day we asked some of the crew about the "rough seas" and they ALL informed us that no, the seas weren't rough...it was the wind! So, can yall tell me what the difference is??


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A few years ago we went from Seattle to Alaska on the cruise ship. I tried to walk on the deck one day and the wind was so strong on the front of the ship that I had to hold onto the side. So did some other people. Our tablemates felt a little sick one of the nights. My husband thought it was neat to see the waves in the indoor pool going back and forth and spilling over. If the water had been warmer, it would have been more fun for me. I don't think we got into any weather - just strong winds.

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In 2005, on the Celebration we sailed along with Hurricane Rita.:eek: HUGE waves. I was more in awe of it then scared though. Stuff was sliding off of tables,pople were falling and barf bags were everywhere. Tons of people were still walking around,it just looked like everyone was drunk. Maybe they were:p We ended up missing Key West and going to Freeport instead. This only lasted for one day,thankfully. It did get quite scary feeling the boat tipping. A couple of times,i just knew we were gonna roll all the way over. ::yikes::

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is getting caught in a big storm. We had choppy seas one night on both of our cruises. It wasn't too bad, but you definitely felt the ship rolling. Of course, we book during hurricane season so I am partly to blame :rolleyes: .


We were in a thunder/lightening storm in the middle of the night on the Glory. I was a bit nervous. It felt and looked like the lightening was hitting the ship and it seemed to be much louder than any storm I've ever been in.


Keeping my fingers crossed that the hurricanes stay away for our cruise in September!!!

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I would love to experience some bad weather but the last time I posted that statement I was branded a total idiot. Not a typhoon just some really good wind and waves. Guess I need to go out on a crab boat in the North Atlantic.




You need to take a repo cruise or a transatlantic. Then the ship has to go where its scheduled to go. Cruising the Caribbean during hurricane season ships just change their itinerary if a storm is in the way.


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Would love to hear your horror stories:eek: , I was sitting around thinking about it and wondering.... Cruise ships usually sail around bad weather ... you know?! Tell all!


1.] Alaska cruise before all the great weather gadgets were available. Heading back south and out into the Pacific we ran into a storm. It was rocking so much that waves from the POOL would fly completely over the side without getting water on the deck!


2.] Paradise repo cruise to LA. started a day late due to FRANCES, had to skip Aruba to get in front of and around IVAN. Went thru the canal, started north, then went full speed due west into the Pacific to avoid JAVIER. They battened down the porthole covers on the lower decks. Each storm provided plenty of rock and roll.

Got back to Fl. just in time for JEANNE to rip the roof off the house!


3.] Transatlantic on NOS, 40 foot waves and 80 kt. winds across the deck for days and days. Satellite showed the entire Atlantic covered by the storm(s). From the ice cap south to about Ga. and from the US to Europe, solid cloud. On top of the wind and waves, it rained the whole time and the temp was in the low 40's. NOBODY caught any sun on that trip.


My wife has her sea legs and I love the rough water. It was my sister's first cruise and she handled it like an "old salt," laughed about the staggering and stumbling and trying to stay on the bed at night.



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Rocky seas

been through one cruise that was a TAD rocky...


they were posting vomit bags everyhwere

got a little bit on video

but not the stuff that I could have gotten :eek:

Definately didnt want to take the video camera out in the storm

as it isnt waterproof;)

Pools were closed and drained :(

Was a little bit of a bummer for our last day at sea


But I will be attempting another October cruise here pretty soon

so.... it couldnt have been too bad

if Im gonna give it another try

right ?

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Several years ago we were on a ship that used to the the ocean liner The France...can't remember what it was renamed. It was a Big Band cruise of the Caribbean in November. We flew into Miami and our flight was delayed and when we boarded the muster drill had already been held. That night the ship started rolling so much that I couldn't stagger to the closet to hang up my clothes....I had to just drop them on the floor and dive for the bed which went up and down like a carnival ride. I remember thinking....this was a bad time to have missed the muster drill!! The next morning the railing down the hallway outside our room had been wrenched loose by someone grabbing for dear life!! What amazed me was that people continued to dance to the Big Bands even when the dance floor was refusing to stay horizontal! Gotta dance....



That ship was the NCL Norway.

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and say a prayer of thanks for all the Navy and merchant seamen who ride these heavy seas as part of the job, and remember those that lost their lives during thousands of sinkings and disasters of all sorts at the mercy of the sea. I never fail to think about those souls when the weather is making a huge modern ship bob like a cork.....


Love these postings... the worse we ever had was some pretty heavy rocking and rolling, but nothing like you all are describing. We have had several first and last nights out into Florida that were bad enough to make most the ship a ghost town though.



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We went on our first cruise in August 2005 on the Miracle. We were in Cozumel and heard people talking about a hurricane that might be coming. It was certainly choppy that day, making it hard to swim but we didn't think too much of it. About 4-5 am that night we woke up feeling like we were on a roller coaster! We went out on the balcony and were amazed at the waves. I guess we were on the outskirts of Katriina. The next day you couldn't go up on deck and we were rerouted so we disembarked in Ft. lauderdale instead of tampa and were bussed back to our original port. Carnival handled the whole situation very well. I didn't notice a lot of people being sick and we still enjoyed our last day ( though we were hopine we would have to stay out longer!;) ) It was a little scary at first but then the waves just rocked us back to sleep and we were fine. Certainly didn't put a damper on wanting to cruise again!


We were on that same cruise! We first heard that our cruise would be affected right after we left Cozumel. The Captain made an overhead announcement that we would be re-routed back to FLL instead of Tampa. At the debarkation talk the next day the Captain said that we had passed through the Southern perimiter of Katrina around 8am that morning. I remember being on the balcony and watching the storm in awe. All the outside decks were closed. It didn't bother me much but my husband was in bed all day feeling ill.


Carnival allowed the passengers free phone calls to make alternate travel arrangements since we would have to be bused back to Tampa from FLL. For those that booked air through CCL, they rebooked those passengers out of Miami and FLL for them. I agree that Carnival made the best of this situation for everyone.


That was an experience I will never forget. However, during the peak of the hurricane in the Gulf, we knew that this thing would make land fall and that would be disasterous... little did we know.

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