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automatic tipping on carnival


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Because some people still like to tip the people themselves. Other wise it seems like a mandated service fee and not a tip. I still tip the waitress/waiters at home cash in person too;)


Except, restaurants now automatically add on the tip if you have a large group. And you have no say how much it is going to be.

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We are talking about TIPS. Not salaries. Including the money in the cruise fare would be the elimination of tips, since it would no longer be adjustable or voluntary. Plus it would need to be MORE than $70.00 as they pay TA's on the cruise fare. And then the boards would be alive with complaints about poor service. And those complaints would come from the same people that complain about tipping now. And those same cheapos, no longer able to stiff the help, would become even more outrageously demanding of the help. Their whining would be a din.

The present system is the best, most effective, and fairest, that I have seen in many decades of cruising. The old, "cash in the envelope," resulted in approx. 50% stiffing the help. In the era of multi new ship building and the need for thousands of new servers, the old ways were impossible. Its good now, best just ignore the complainers, they're just looking for a way to not tip anyhow.




Dan you keep holding your feelings in like that you are gonna stroke out my friend. :p

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Careful there . . . I suggested the same thing and Dan told me "tips and salary aren't the same thing" . . . . :D But . . . needless to say . . . I totally agree with you . . . Tammy


Make a note!


Noun 1. gratuitygratuity - a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)

backsheesh, baksheesh, bakshis, bakshish, pourboire, tip

fringe benefit, perk, perquisite - an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment


2. gratuity - an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation







sal·a·ry (sl-r, slr)

n. pl. sal·a·ries

Fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a regular basis.

[Middle English salarie, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin salrium, money given to Roman soldiers to buy salt, from neuter of salrius, pertaining to salt, from sl, salt; see sal- in Indo-European roots.]

sala·ried adj.



pl -ries a fixed regular payment made by an employer, usually monthly, for professional or office work [Latin salarium the sum given to Roman soldiers to buy salt]




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We cruised mariner last Nov and the tip was included on our card.

We were on the Voyager in March and they did not have auto tips. You had to fill out a page to have it added to the SS account. We prepay and add extra if the service warrants.

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We are talking about TIPS. Not salaries. Including the money in the cruise fare would be the elimination of tips, since it would no longer be adjustable or voluntary. Plus it would need to be MORE than $70.00 as they pay TA's on the cruise fare. And then the boards would be alive with complaints about poor service. And those complaints would come from the same people that complain about tipping now. And those same cheapos, no longer able to stiff the help, would become even more outrageously demanding of the help. Their whining would be a din.

The present system is the best, most effective, and fairest, that I have seen in many decades of cruising. The old, "cash in the envelope," resulted in approx. 50% stiffing the help. In the era of multi new ship building and the need for thousands of new servers, the old ways were impossible. Its good now, best just ignore the complainers, they're just looking for a way to not tip anyhow.




I agree with the fact that the tips should be added into the cruise cost or just make all passengers prepay. I do realize that they do the auto tips in response to the fact that many of the passengers did not tip however service should not have changed. I think that the quality of service went down when Carnival started automatically adding the tips to the S&S.

On my last cruise they did not automatically add in the tips, the staff on this ship went above and beyond my expectations, and they were tipped accordingly. To me, it seems that they are guaranteed their pay now, and they are not going out of their way as they did in the past.

The fact that you say that complainers are looking for a way to get out of tipping is a little disrespectful.

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I agree with the fact that the tips should be added into the cruise cost or just make all passengers prepay. I do realize that they do the auto tips in response to the fact that many of the passengers did not tip however service should not have changed. I think that the quality of service went down when Carnival started automatically adding the tips to the S&S.


On my last cruise they did not automatically add in the tips, the staff on this ship went above and beyond my expectations, and they were tipped accordingly. To me, it seems that they are guaranteed their pay now, and they are not going out of their way as they did in the past.


The fact that you say that complainers are looking for a way to get out of tipping is a little disrespectful.


First, service DID NOT worsen with the advent of auto-tips, it improved dramatically. The bad service days were the days before you started cruising when FULLY HALF the cheap screws skipped the last nights dinner to avoid tipping anybody, anything.


"To me, it seems that they are guaranteed their pay now, and they are not going out of their way as they did in the past."


Your statement is incorrect. They are not guaranteed anything by auto-tipping.

Auto-tips are not collected from you, nor paid to the workers until well after the end of the cruise. 24/7 during the cruise, tips are FULLY adjustable, from any amount down to zero. And some people on every cruise remove the tips, "To pay in cash." Of the people that do this, 92% DO NOT TIP at all. If you feel that is a guarantee, then maybe I should post the meaning of guarantee, or you may look it up yourself.


Second, I'm sorry you feel I was being a little disrespectful toward tip complainers. I meant to be 100% totally disrespectful. I apologize for missing the mark.



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Can I opt out of the automatic tipping that carnival has?

Yes you can. I do it because I give service personnel what I think they deserve for the services rendered or not rendered. If the service is there they get rewarded. If the service is not there then they know that too, little if any tip. Those that give good service love me, good tips. Those that give bad service don't love me, lucky if they get a tip at all.

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Could someone post the breakdown (if it's public) of where different portions of the $10/day goes (ie: Server gets x, someone else gets y, etc.)?




$3.50/day stateroom services

$5.50/day dining room services

$1.00 / day Alternative services to other kitchen or buffet staffs

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First, service DID NOT worsen with the advent of auto-tips, it improved dramatically. The bad service days were the days before you started cruising when FULLY HALF the cheap screws skipped the last nights dinner to avoid tipping anybody, anything.


"To me, it seems that they are guaranteed their pay now, and they are not going out of their way as they did in the past."


Your statement is incorrect. They are not guaranteed anything by auto-tipping.

Auto-tips are not collected from you, nor paid to the workers until well after the end of the cruise. 24/7 during the cruise, tips are FULLY adjustable, from any amount down to zero. And some people on every cruise remove the tips, "To pay in cash." Of the people that do this, 92% DO NOT TIP at all. If you feel that is a guarantee, then maybe I should post the meaning of guarantee, or you may look it up yourself.


Second, I'm sorry you feel I was being a little disrespectful toward tip complainers. I meant to be 100% totally disrespectful. I apologize for missing the mark.




I apologize didn’t realize I was replying to a know it all.

First, service DID NOT worsen…

Were you on my cruises with me? I was giving my opinion and voicing my complaint as you have done. This is what I experienced and if you experienced something different then express your opinion and leave me out of it.

Your statement is incorrect. They are not guaranteed anything by auto-tipping.

They the employee can assume that not every passenger will go down and lower their tip amount. This is how they are guaranteed a pay check. It does not take rocket science to figure out that they are probably making more now than in the past. Just ask when you are on your next cruise.


Where did you get this number? When you give exacts please post your source... I will not reply to anymore rubbish.

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I tip - so don't misunderstand this....but I find it very offensive that a crew member would confront any passenger about tipping.


The steward didn't approach the passenger about not receiving a tip; he was asking the passenger what he had done wrong (since the auto-tip had been removed). The point of the story was that when you remove the auto-tip, Carnival assumes (right or wrong) that it's because of bad service. Therefore, a report goes to the supervisor, and the supervisor confronts the employee to ask them what they did wrong that caused the passenger to remove the auto-tip. So the fundamentally the employee is now in trouble, even if the passenger was thrilled with the service and was planning on tipping them generously in person.

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I apologize didn’t realize I was replying to a know it all.


First, service DID NOT worsen…


Were you on my cruises with me? I was giving my opinion and voicing my complaint as you have done. This is what I experienced and if you experienced something different then express your opinion and leave me out of it.



Your statement is incorrect. They are not guaranteed anything by auto-tipping.


They the employee can assume that not every passenger will go down and lower their tip amount. This is how they are guaranteed a pay check. It does not take rocket science to figure out that they are probably making more now than in the past. Just ask when you are on your next cruise.




Where did you get this number? When you give exacts please post your source... I will not reply to anymore rubbish.



I am not a know it all, there is much I do not know. However, I obviously know a great deal more than some.



I'd guess it wouldn't help for you to look up guarantee.


92% came from an interview with an cruise employee and wife of a Captain on this site or on another cruise site. And is generally known among experienced posters. And is also well known that the CTR crowd [chronic tip reluctance] ALWAYS gets very upset over that figure/ So before you talk rubbish, clean up you own garbage.



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We noticed on our cruise last week that on the last night in the dinning room many tables were empty. My husband and I assumed people didnt show up to avoid tipping...


I can not ever imagine doing this to the staff that so graciously served us all week and added to our cruise enjoyment... To not even say goodbye.. just seems so tacky!

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Make a note!


Noun 1. gratuitygratuity - a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)

backsheesh, baksheesh, bakshis, bakshish, pourboire, tip

fringe benefit, perk, perquisite - an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment


2. gratuity - an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation





Well darn . . . maybe I should have taken another English class instead of going to law school. Tee Hee! Believe me . . . I know the difference between a gratuity and a salary. I only meant that with so many that don't see the need to extend a "gratuity" to those that serve them on a cruise and thus the "salary" of those that serve us goes down . . . it would make more sense to increase one's salary by increasing the price of a cruise by the $70.00 per person that one is not allowed to deduct. And then . . . let us tip (give a "gratuity") to those that went up and beyond what the norm is. It's just my opinion . . . you don't have to agree with it. You have a different opinion and I don't fault you for it. So don't fault me for mine . . . .

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Make a note!


Noun 1. gratuitygratuity - a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)

backsheesh, baksheesh, bakshis, bakshish, pourboire, tip

fringe benefit, perk, perquisite - an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment


2. gratuity - an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation





Well darn . . . maybe I should have taken another English class instead of going to law school. Tee Hee! Believe me . . . I know the difference between a gratuity and a salary. I only meant that with so many that don't see the need to extend a "gratuity" to those that serve them on a cruise and thus the "salary" of those that serve us goes down . . . it would make more sense to increase one's salary by increasing the price of a cruise by the $70.00 per person that one is not allowed to deduct. And then . . . let us tip (give a "gratuity") to those that went up and beyond what the norm is. It's just my opinion . . . you don't have to agree with it. You have a different opinion and I don't fault you for it. So don't fault me for mine . . . .


"So don't fault me for mine ." OK! its not your fault you have an opinion. :D


My point was that your way is not a tip in any way. And it would just exchange the tipping complaints for service complaints by the same complainers. Except then they'd be saying the "old tipping days" were better. But they would not mean it. They'd just be longing for the days when they could squeeze every penny and stiff the help.


And yes, anything would have been better than law school. :rolleyes: Just kidding.



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Here is a totally hypothetical question? Has anyone removed the automatic tips and not tip? On the last day of the cruise, there is always a long line at the purser's desk. I assume these are the people trying to remove the automatic tip from their account. They always say they want to tip their servers and steward themselves. But do they really? And do they tip them reasonably?


I don't like to put tips on my credit card. I always bring cash to tip everyone. I don't like being told what to tip. There have been times when I have tipped above and beyond but there have also (though rarely) been times that I have lowered the tips due to poor service for one reason or another. The tips weren't always automatically added to your bill and it should be my choice not the cruise lines. This is just my opinion.

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I don't like to put tips on my credit card. I always bring cash to tip everyone. I don't like being told what to tip. There have been times when I have tipped above and beyond but there have also (though rarely) been times that I have lowered the tips due to poor service for one reason or another. The tips weren't always automatically added to your bill and it should be my choice not the cruise lines. This is just my opinion.


I am really trying to understand why someone would go to all the trouble to remove tips. I don't like ANYTHING on my credit card so I prepay my tips along with my cruise. I definitely don't understand going to the Purser's desk and standing in line to remove those minimal tips. I keep coming back to "WHY".


If your service is so poor that the crew member doesn't deserve that very small amount THAN go and remove the tips. But it seems to me that automatically removing the tips means you are expecting your service to be subpar. You can still tip above and beyond. So I can see absolutely no reason why someone would remove the tips with no justification.


Someday I hope someone can explain to me why anyone would go to all that trouble. on vacation. I've read dozens of opinions on this topic and still can't find a reasonable explanation for not leaving the auto tips alone.

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I am really trying to understand why someone would go to all the trouble to remove tips.


I ALWAYS draw one conclusion. They're part of the 92%. And the odds are in my favor that I'm right.


I wonder if these same people walk INTO restaurants worrying about the tip.

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I wonder if these same people walk INTO restaurants worrying about the tip.



I know....

I was thinking that one dinner has occasionally cost us more in tip than what our cruise ship waiter gets for the entire week from the basic tip.


I don't understand people who gripe about it being auto, when the number that IS auto is a joke and an insult....$2 to $3.50 a day?? :rolleyes:

How can anyone gripe about a total of $10 per person/per day for the service you get on a cruise ship??

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I wouldn't remove tips unless my service was way below par, just because of the hassle.

But I do wonder if Carnival doesn't have a financial reason for wanting them automatic. If Carnival holds that money and pays its crew, lets say monthly, they make quite a bit of interest when multiplied by all of the ships and all of the passengers. Do any of us think that the crew actually gets a share of that by increasing their base salary or living conditions?

I also wonder about the incentive for the crew to admit that they were tipped individually since they then might or might not have to pool tips. It is much better for their pocket to state they were stiffed.

But of course it is speculation. I figure I have enough to worry about on my vacation. I will leave the auto tips and if I feel extra is deserved then I will give it in cash with the hopes that the person I give it to is able to spend it as he or she wants without corporate interference.

If carnival is anything like many of the restaurants I have worked for, then all of these "auto tips" are just their salary. I sure hope that's not the case!!

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First, on the Legend In Feb, our service for the cabin and in the dining room was outstanding, so we gave cash in addition to the amount automatically put on the S&S card. Great Service = extra tip. For outstanding service, I think the auto amount on the card is very low. I do not agree with the following. That by not putting an auto tip amount on the card, in this case $10.00/pp/pd, we would get better service. I think the opposite is true. With the auto tip, if one removes or lowers the amount then supervisors are notified and employees are confronted. If you are an employee, it seems to me you would want to avoid this situation and one way to avoid it would be by providing good service. This would not be the only reason to provide good service, but it would be one. From what I have read, in the past, if one did not tip, this would be bad financially for the employee, but if there was no complaint there would be no supervisor confrontation. Even with the minimim auto tip, I would think there would also be plenty of motivation to provide great service for those extra cash tips. Service would have to be pretty bad for me to remove the auto tips. Note: I tip for service, an individual's personal life/situation is none of my business, although I wish them the best which in this case would be extra tips for outstanding service..

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Seems to me like we have a couple of pompus posters on this topic.


Mr. know it all is clueless.


Tipping is an individual thing. It is your right to do it as you see fit.


The OP is correct when he says he has the right to his opinion and Mr. pompus has the right to his.


Throwing out numbers (92%) because you think you remember where you read it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of....


Tipping, in one way or another, is how we acknowledge the service industry in this country.


Get over it!

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Seems to me like we have a couple of pompus posters on this topic.


Mr. know it all is clueless.


Tipping is an individual thing. It is your right to do it as you see fit.


The OP is correct when he says he has the right to his opinion and Mr. pompus has the right to his.


Throwing out numbers (92%) because you think you remember where you read it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of....


Tipping, in one way or another, is how we acknowledge the service industry in this country.


Get over it!


Name calling will never help you discuss any topic maturely.:rolleyes:


And, BTW, that % number is real. But you can think and tip how you like.

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I'm glad it works out for you, but the OP was not asking how everyone else feels about removing them, they asked if they could, and the answer is YES.


The only reason that these sort of questions cause a backlash is because of people needing to express their opinions about why someone wants to do something, instead of just answering the question.


The OP is an adult and can do as they wish whether other posters like it or not.





For purposes of context, understand that this comment comes from a poster in the UK; a country that has a VERY different perspective on tipping than does the US..

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