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Lookng for feedback about ELEMIS internal detox???


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Hi everyone,

I recently went to england to do a training course for the steiner transocean training academy; now many of you know that they market the elemis supplement range. I have some shocking truths to tell you all. The supplements, including the whole detox program do not work. I left the course early due to a lack of independent scientific research. Remember, supplements are under the same category and food and not medicines. In fact supplement companies don't even have to prove that their products actually work. Acutally to pull them off the shelves, it has to be proven that these products are actually dangerous. Thank the supplement lobbyists for that one. Ask me any question you want about these products and what the trainers are TOLD to say! In my ten years as a personal trainer, Steiner are the most unprofessional and unethical company I've had anything to do with. This company is truely heartless! This company are brainwashing personal trainers in believing false truths and bad science!

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I maybe a sucker for buying this but no one has really said does it work i mean most of post talk about detox and i agree i have tried lemon detox and some of the others but to my understanding it is driffent the guy saleing it to me said no fast fix and also gave me a diet list to do on top to my understanding of it it helps breaks down acid and fat for liver to work better and help balance ph that why 6 mth was recomended i am obessed so did say 12mth but sold me three to start and said order on line when wanted more it was not a wieght lost program it just help liver which removes fat backed up and lower acid levels which is where water come in apparently that protected the skin and organs from acid and the body would make extra water to do this which lower acid and fat would reduce water levels reducing weight but dieting was still reccomend and the other thing it did was help hold vitamins in the tablets where full of algae which breaks down fat and help make toilet stop more regular but the hole program he did say it not a diet or fast fix just a good way to start

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I am half way though the last month of a Elemis 3 month detox program I got off a cruise ship last November. I had been trying to loose weight and the belly for years by exercising and some diet changes and was willing to try anything. First off, I thought I would be spending a lot on time on the toilet but it's nothing like that at all. I am now down 13 Lbs and my belly is back to around 10 years ago without changing my diet and also with little exercise over the winter. I am glad I spent the money and would look at Amazon if I decide to follow up with another program. It's working for me. My wife gave me a hard time for buying the product but now she doesn't say a word about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

:( Cruises workshop - detox with Elemis - snake oil totally -


After 3 months of taking Elemis - my husband ended up in the hospital with an endoscopy & colonscopy and over $9,000 hospital bill. It really was a marketing scam - promising something that will work but since none of them were doctors - they should not promote how Elemis could work for the general public.


Why did cruise line allow this? From what I'm reading they are all over not just one particular liner.


consumer beware!!

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Sorry to hear about your husband.


I am into my 2nd month and lost the 3 of the 6lbs that I needed to and more importantly am eating better and my abs fat has deminished and more muscle defined. I have not changed my 3-day per week workout routine.


I don't know what the Elemis products are doing, but the de-tox lifestyle having and a diet high in is something I can vouch for.

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I went to detox session on RCCL cruise. I know they push product for sales, but why we should try a detox made sense and worth trying. I was already doing the nutrition and fitness part and have been stuck at weight level. The fitness director also explained how the detox generally and medically works and the information was very interesting. And he said we only need to do it for 6 months then not again for a while. The Elemis is supposed to also be a more gentle cleanse than other products, which I liked too. My husband and I are going to first try I think it's a 3 month supply along with the circuit boot camp program I did during the cruise. The fitness director is also going to keep up with our progress online and we can reorder the next 3 months after we see how the first is working. Glad to see BikiniSusan's post, we also have a friend doing another detox and he says it works but you have to do the fitness and diet with it.


The pills are in 3-1 month stages, done twice (thus 6 months). I have tried to eat organic (I can't find everyting in Cheyenne, WY in organic form) and have changed all of my beauty products to organic.


Let me tell you how great I look and feel!! For all of you who say it's a scam, have you actually tried it?? I am in month 4 and my hair and skin have NEVER looked better! I have tons of energy and haven't been sick all winter. Not even a sniffle. I'm 43 and my coworkers continually ask me what I'm doing to look so great and feel fantastic.


I love the Elemis products because it's a "gentle" clense. I didn't want to be tied down to the toilet or cramping and tooting all day, and I'm not.


Don't bash this line of detox products unless you've tried them.


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Well good luck with it. I bought a 3 month supply in Jan 2011 although thentrainer said I needed 9 months. I wasn't prepared to pay that much for something I didn't know wouldmwork.


Took the entire 3 months supply and all it did was make me queasy. Didn't lose a single pound. So glad I didn't buy anymore.

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  • 4 months later...
Hi everyone,

I recently went to england to do a training course for the steiner transocean training academy; now many of you know that they market the elemis supplement range. I have some shocking truths to tell you all. The supplements, including the whole detox program do not work. I left the course early due to a lack of independent scientific research. Remember, supplements are under the same category and food and not medicines. In fact supplement companies don't even have to prove that their products actually work. Acutally to pull them off the shelves, it has to be proven that these products are actually dangerous. Thank the supplement lobbyists for that one. Ask me any question you want about these products and what the trainers are TOLD to say! In my ten years as a personal trainer, Steiner are the most unprofessional and unethical company I've had anything to do with. This company is truely heartless! This company are brainwashing personal trainers in believing false truths and bad science!



Can you tell me if they mentioned any side effects. Started the Elemis program two weeks ago. Lost a lot of water weight in week one. Half way through week two I have an insatiable thurst that I can't quench. My mouth feels really weird. I have abdominal discomfort and I'm not really urinating as much as I should be for drinking so much. I also started to go back up in weight which I assume is due to water retention again. Please let me know.

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  • 1 month later...

Came back from CARNIVAL BREEZE Cruise yesterday during which i took the lecture about a Detox program. (Would have researched it quicker, but the cost of Internet connection was extortionate).


Ive gotta say that Sarah the Australian Fitness Instructor was very convincing with her patter, but i am the sort of person that wants to research everything before I take the plunge.


The thing that stands out for me is that she quoted a cost of $100 dollars per month for a coarse of detox of which I needed a considerable time at, and having got home and checked it out on the net, I find that Elemis products actually work out at about $45 per month.


Not tried it as yet although the science behind it does make sense, but what has outraged me is the fact that these so-called personal fitness instructors are allowed to RIP OFF the customers on allready extortionate cruise liners.:mad:

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They are sales people trying to make a commission or earn the cruise line more money. They aren't ripping you off. You choose to get ripped off if you buy the product. Common sense says if somethign is too good to be true it isn't. If it were such a "miracle" product then we wouldn't have so many overweight people in the world. It all goes back to the things nobody wants to do..change their eating habits and lifestyle.


Came back from CARNIVAL BREEZE Cruise yesterday during which i took the lecture about a Detox program. (Would have researched it quicker, but the cost of Internet connection was extortionate).


Ive gotta say that Sarah the Australian Fitness Instructor was very convincing with her patter, but i am the sort of person that wants to research everything before I take the plunge.


The thing that stands out for me is that she quoted a cost of $100 dollars per month for a coarse of detox of which I needed a considerable time at, and having got home and checked it out on the net, I find that Elemis products actually work out at about $45 per month.


Not tried it as yet although the science behind it does make sense, but what has outraged me is the fact that these so-called personal fitness instructors are allowed to RIP OFF the customers on allready extortionate cruise liners.:mad:

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They are sales people trying to make a commission or earn the cruise line more money. They aren't ripping you off. You choose to get ripped off if you buy the product. Common sense says if somethign is too good to be true it isn't. If it were such a "miracle" product then we wouldn't have so many overweight people in the world. It all goes back to the things nobody wants to do..change their eating habits and lifestyle.


And that is where I believe people's results are coming from, not the product. The weight loss is coming from the diet and exercise and getting attributed to the product. But, hey if it keeps you exercising and eating right it might have physcological benefits.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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  • 1 month later...

My husband and I just got back from RCCL Oasis of the Seas Western Caribbean, and had a wonderful time. We went to the Boot Camp exercise sessions, and it was followed up with the Detox seminar. It all made lots of sense, and although I was skeptical, my husband wanted to give it a try. We also had our body mass analysis done, which was part of the Boot Camp exercise program. Now, I am 50 years old, 112lbs, 5'3" and wear a size 0, and they still told me that I needed to lose 5 lbs. Really?? How much more can I lose? I exercise 6 days a week, drink lots of water, and eat healthy. It wasn't until I got home, that I started doing more research on these products, and totally feel like it is a rip off. Our personal trainer also gave us her personal email, and so I did, but have never heard back. I'm sending it back, sticking to with my exercise regime and eating healthy. I talked to two doctors, and none of it is backed up by medical research, and quite honestly, I don't want to put anything into my body that I don't know much about.

We are going back on the same cruise in July 2013, and I plan to go back to the boot camp program, and show them that I don't need detox, and that your body naturally detoxes. They also made us feel like we couldn't even have a treat or enjoy our wine! For the rest of the cruise, and felt guilty for having a cocktail or a dessert. I'm on vacation and I should be able to enjoy great food and drinks.


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My understanding of detox is very different from this thread. It basically should be no more than a one week maximum "rest period" for your liver and kidneys. It is not to clean or shed the contents of your colon - although a good detox diet will have more fibre so you should experience better results with your BM.


Detox is basically a SHORT TEMPORARY vacation for your system after working hard from too much drink or bad food (after a cruise or the holidays or working late and eating poorly). Think of it as changing the oil in your car so your engine will run cleaner.


I just did a one week detox:


No red meat

No caffeine

No sugar

No alcohol

no white bread, rice or potato.

No dairy - soy or almond milk could be substituted


Stick to fresh green veggies, salads, eggwhites, smoothies (soy/almond milk and berries and protein powder), oatmeal, fish, chicken and limited healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, etc). Percentage of Calories coming from: 40%p 30%c 30%f Three to five small meals a day (300-400 calories per meal with daily total of 1100-1400 per day depending on activity level)


For one week it isnt hard and you do have good results. If you are a heavy coffee drinker pare down on consumption before the diet as you will get headaches from caffeine withdrawal. Some people also need metamucil or some sort of extra fibre to help them along. No strenuous exercise - yoga or a gentle walk only. this is a time to recharge.



I lost 9 pounds and it is a great kick start to my weight loss goal. Although I must say I enjoyed a nice prime rib with a glass of merlot tonight!:D;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think these products are sold on most cruise lines...since the spas and fitness centers are outsourced to the same companies. My husband a I just returned from a cruise on NCL...we attended the "classes" and had the same sales pitch. Sounds to easy to be true... Just stick to the gym, take any fitness classes that are offered...and use the stairs insted of the elevators and you will be fine.


I agree, most ships have something like this; it may not be the same product, but will be something similar. My husband and I went to a seminar, then (stupidly, DH is easily persuaded) to have the 'personal evaluation' which was a joke. Then all kinds of detox and supplement stuff was recommended. I forget the total, but it would have been well over $1000 each for the complete regimen. We were out of there fast!


The kicker is that we then had an automatic gratuity added to the $39 or so charge for the consultation! A tip for a sales pitch!


It's a bunch of hogwash, IMO, preying on suggestible people. Kind of like a similar seminar where they were touting some kind of shoe inserts. For $199 you got something that looked like a $3.99 Dr. Scholl's insert! (We didn't buy it, of course.)


After several bad experiences with the 'seminars', which always turn into a sales pitch, we just ignore them now. It's too bad; there are things I'd like to know more about, in a balanced and non-monetary way.

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DON'T DO IT! My husband and I fell for it, bought everything recommended, spent close to $1000 - and continued the regimen when we got home, and didn't lose anything! Before the cruise, I had been doing "Medical Weight Loss Solutions" and had lost 45 lbs, but according to the personal trainer on the ship, I could lose more, if I did the detox and got the old "waste" out of my body.

Oh well, I'm cruising again in December, and won't be signing up for any "free" seminars! and like another poster, I felt guilty the rest of the cruise if I indulged in food and drink!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The "cleanse" is a lymph system detox. Below is an article from the Livestrong website on how to do this naturally. It's not necessarily the idea that it is for weight loss but for actually bumping your metabolism by healing the lymph system.




I am on a second round after my latest cruise. The first time I bought the products, they recommended 9 months. It actually helped kick start a 20 pound weight loss. And I had been trying to lose this weight for years with no success, including when I was extremely active with tennis and aerobics.


I think a lot of people on this board have misunderstood this to be a colon cleanse (it's not and it wasn't sold to us that way). They also think it is a magic pill. It just gets you on the right path and helps with an energy boost as you change your lifestyle.

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  • 1 month later...
I too, sat in on the Detox program, had the analysis done just last week, on Royal Caribbean's Radiance of the Seas. Everything sounded fine and up to par until the sales pitch of $1,700. I chose not to buy it. I'm the type of person that needs to do research before I buy something. It was $50 for two of us for the consultation. Rene Von - not sure of his last name , was a personal trainer from the Netherlands. I'm sure he's a fine personal trainer. But, there was no guarantee in that the product would work for my friend or me. He said he would give us his personal e-mail, so we could e-mail him whenever we wanted. We, however, chose not to buy the Elemis Detox program, because of not knowing much about it. I told him I wanted to do some research. With a product like this, you should always consult with your Doctor, anything you put into your body.


First Time Sally Cruiser


We just got back from our RCL cruise and attended the same seminar by the above trainer, "Lose your tummy, or something like that." Some of the discussion made sense, but there was something in the back of mind saying... anyone can tell a story in the middle of the ocean... My wife made an appointment to get our anaylsis done as well.... which quickly turned into a sales pitch!


Through a high powered discussion the product was pushed and pushed and pushed. Being told that it is only available on the cruise ships and can not be found anywhere else, etc. etc....


I told Rene that I wanted to research his claims, that being stuck in the middle of the ocean with no internet access to research these fantastic claims severely limited my belief in the system. He tossed a number of comebacks at me saying that RCL wouldn't sell junk and who was I gonna ask for research, and that the US drug companies block the sharing of such information.


He continued to pressure and pressure and when I told him that without having the time to my own independent research, he could be a "snake-oil" salesman, he became upset.... That is when I knew he was full of crap.


I've read through all these posts and have only begun to research this, but I feel like a number of you that the bottom line is.. if you begin or increase your dedication to excersise, choose to eat healthy with appropriate portions, you will lose the weight.


Unfortunately, this sales pitch was the worst part of our cruise.

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  • 3 months later...

My best friend and I were on the Princess Ruby in Feb and we both ended up with the 6 month (>$600) detox. Sadly, although we've both stuck to it, neither of us has noticed even the tiniest bit of difference, no difference in weight, no difference in energy level, no difference in my chronic acid reflux... She kept telling me that we'd been scammed but i chose (and still hold out hope even now) that it IS real and that we WILL see results, but as I said, we're both on the 3rd month bottle and nothing yet.

bottom line: DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!

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  • 2 months later...

The toxins are in your lymph nodes throughout your body not in your intestinal tract.. I got a type of bath salts to detox thru the skin rather than internally. (Similar to using a transdermal patch for estrogen). They also recommended dry brushing your skin. The first couple of weeks, I had mucous in BM's so I know it did something! After two months I have lost my entire midriff bulge and can feel my ribs all around. It is expensive, but you only have to so it for 3 months every five years.

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  • 6 months later...

I worked for Steiner in the spa on several Carnival ships for 3 years. I can tell you that most of the Elemis product line is questionable at best.


The detox program is complete non-sense. Ironically, during my time, the spa staff NEVER did the Elemis detox, but would order "Dr Natura's detox", which was encouraged by the Fitness Instructors on the ship.


Keep in mind, that everyone working in the spa works on commission. Fitness instructors work on a tiered system. They make most of their money from the sales of the detox program. As I remember, (left the ships in 2010), fitness instructors would make 13% of sales until about $5,000 in sales, then it bumped up to 20%.


One of the most successful fitness instructor, would often sell around $35,000 in Detox Packages. He was a very clever salesman, and I really hope he moved on to something bigger and better.


Ultimately, expect to pay way too much for spa products on the ship, compared to their land-based equivalents.


I'll gladly answer any questions as I've got stories about the spa and ship life that will blow your minds.

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  • 7 months later...
Sure wish these folks would come back and tell us exactly what "toxins" are being removed, how they're being removed and in what quantities...


Which cruise line is hawking this snake oil anyway?


We were just on the Golden Princess out of Seattle Washington. After going to a seminar we signed up for the detox because he said you can only get it from Europe and there's only one company selling this special Algae that works to detox the body. The bill was $2571.00. Got home did some research and found it on Amazon.com same stuff for much cheaper. Called bank put a hold on credit card and filed a dispute. Contacted Tom on Princess who sold it to us he said call the 800 # on the bill for a refund. Sent nasty emails to Princess complaining about this scam. Going to make our own bath detox and work on healthier eating and exercise.

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My husband and I just got back from RCCL Oasis of the Seas Western Caribbean, and had a wonderful time. We went to the Boot Camp exercise sessions, and it was followed up with the Detox seminar. It all made lots of sense, and although I was skeptical, my husband wanted to give it a try. We also had our body mass analysis done, which was part of the Boot Camp exercise program. Now, I am 50 years old, 112lbs, 5'3" and wear a size 0, and they still told me that I needed to lose 5 lbs. Really?? How much more can I lose? I exercise 6 days a week, drink lots of water, and eat healthy. It wasn't until I got home, that I started doing more research on these products, and totally feel like it is a rip off. Our personal trainer also gave us her personal email, and so I did, but have never heard back. I'm sending it back, sticking to with my exercise regime and eating healthy. I talked to two doctors, and none of it is backed up by medical research, and quite honestly, I don't want to put anything into my body that I don't know much about.

We are going back on the same cruise in July 2013, and I plan to go back to the boot camp program, and show them that I don't need detox, and that your body naturally detoxes. They also made us feel like we couldn't even have a treat or enjoy our wine! For the rest of the cruise, and felt guilty for having a cocktail or a dessert. I'm on vacation and I should be able to enjoy great food and drinks.



Yep we just got back from a Princess Cruise to Alaska. We went to a seminar about detox and had the analysis done. Bought it hook line and sinker. $2571.00 for a 6 month detox for two. Wow got home researched it and found it to be a SCAM. Called bank put a hold on credit card. Contacted Tom who sold it to us on Princess and he said call the 800 # on the bill for a refund. Got an answering machine so far. Tom lied to us telling us that you can only get this detox from a company in Europe and they are the only ones that have this Algae that works. Got home and easily found it on Amazon.com. Plus found tons of negative comments online about this SCAM. Emailed Princess and complained about this SCAM on their Ship. May never take Princess again.

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I feel like a total idiot. I usually don't fall for these deals. Went to a so called free seminar on a Princess cruise and ended up wasting almost $500. on Elemis Detox program. The "free seminar" was just to rope me in so that I could be sold a product. I wonder what Princess cruise's cut is. I chalk it up to lesson learned. I cannot believe that a reputable cruise company like Princess allows their customers to be bilked like this. I have since read up on this toxic cleansing stuff and found out that no real scientific data exists to support that it does one bit of good and you are probably just better off changing your diet to a healthy one and let your body do its work.


I know how you feel. We went on a Princess cruise and signed up for a $2600 detox. A 6 month program for two. Got home did research online then called bank froze credit card then contacted Tom the princess scammer and he said call 800 # on bill to cancel. Did that so feel better now. Thought I was old enough to avoid scams plus trusted Princess too much. Thru research learned that the body is constantly detoxing automatically. No need for expensive gimmicks. Just eat healthy drink good water and get some exercise is best.

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  • 1 month later...

I find the criticism of Elemis detox in fact hilarious! I have been on the program for over 2 years and for you people complaining about the price it is 100 dollars per month.. Which is cheap compared to what i used to pay for medication and shed loads of vitamins i invested in every month for many years I chose to invest my money in my health.. I have lost over 150lbs in weight and that is coming from being over 330lbs! I feel like a new man! I can play with my kids for the first time in 10 years.. My wife finds me sexy again and i finally have the confidence to take my shirt off on the beach!..... If you know anything about detox or even read through the ingredients that are in the program you will understand that all of the ingredients in the internal detox are all of those ingredients proven to cleanse and detoxify the major organs in the body! It is all about your education if you think taking a magic pill and sitting on your arse is going to miraculously help you lose weight then your obviously stupid.. The trainers state in all of their seminars you need to control you diet exercise gently and detoxify! Those three in combination will help you to achieve 100% of results!! The fact that no body has commented on this feed for over 6 years says a lot.. Elemis changed my life.. Thank you to my trainer Daniel who i met on a Norwegian ship 2 years ago... You changed my life and my family!! Thank you

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