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Curious about best Seasickness Meds


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Will be going to the Mexican Riviera on October 28th on the Star! I am so excited but am worried about getting sea sick! I don't know if I even have anything to worry about, but I am a worrier...:) I can read while in a car that is moving...and fly fine without getting sick...Do you think I will get sea sick?? Also, what is the best medication preventative for sea sickness. I am planning on doing a little bit of drinking ;) well....maybe more than a little bit...:) Anyways...I am worried, all of the meds that I have found said to avoid alcohol. What does everybody use??

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We used Bonine non drowsey but we never drank while taking them, others did and they seem to be ok, best advice is ask your doctor. Also I heard ginger pills were a natural cure for sea sickness, havent tried it tho. :)

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Thanks for the reply...I have heard from several people now that Ginger works as well...I wonder...I don't know if I should take bonine first or ginger first...I think I may try and take some bonine at home and drink and see how I feel before we go! I'm probably worrying more than I need too! Those ships are huge...hopefully I won't get sea sick! But then again...I"d hate not to take any preventatives and then get on the ship and get seasick! Now that would really suck!

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You may not need it at all, we took it with us and I only used it time one at the end of the first week, I took some at bedtime because I was feeling a little woozy, 15 mins. later I was fine, then during our second week DH took it one morning, he was feeling the same way I was but 20 mins. later he was fine and went on our snorkel excursion. We did not have ruff seas and were not in the very aft. So you may not even need to worry about it, they also have wrist bands that are non medicated you could use. I say take bonine with you and wait and see, also if you are feeling seasick you may not feel like drinking anyway :)

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Hi Jessica,

Yes you are correct but the "D" in front of the "H" stands for "Dear" although some wives might have other name in mind.


Jessica, I did not respond to your question about the sea sickness. I have done this so many times in different places on this board (and others did too) that after a while it gets somewhat boring to respond to the same thing over and over again. I still try to respond to someone who is 'brand new' but if I see a number of posts by the thread starter's name......I think it is time to use the "search" and to find the answers posted already.

Another 'turn off' for me is when I spent the time and effort to inform someone about what they are asking (and in some cases it might be important to them) and they never even aknowledge that they read the answer. That does not apply to you.......I see that you already responded to someone who gave you some answers.

Please click on the links below, you might find them useful.

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If you can read while in a car and not get sick on a plane, you shouldn't have any problems on a ship. Based on that alone, I think you're gonna be fine. Just go and enjoy yourself.


The ship will have some sort of motion sickness pills available should you feel you'll be needing them.

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Thanks everybody for responding! I think I've decided to try taking Ginger Root...Hopefully that will do the trick! I bought some bonine the other day as well, to test before I go on our cruise and I plan on trying it before we leave just to make sure it won't make me too drowsy! The main thing I was worried about was not taking something and then it being too late and me being sick...I read that on quite a few posts and I really don't want that to happen!


Cruising in 12 days and starting to get really excited! :)


Thanks again!


BTW That is a great idea about the ginger altoids...think I'll definitely be buying some of those as well as just pure ginger pills...The more and more I read about Ginger it sounds great! I read on one site that ginger has been found to be even more effective than Dramamine in curbing motion sickness, without causing drowsiness! Plus no side effects!

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Hi Jessica,

Yes you are correct but the "D" in front of the "H" stands for "Dear" although some wives might have other name in mind.


Jessica, I did not respond to your question about the sea sickness. I have done this so many times in different places on this board (and others did too) that after a while it gets somewhat boring to respond to the same thing over and over again. I still try to respond to someone who is 'brand new' but if I see a number of posts by the thread starter's name......I think it is time to use the "search" and to find the answers posted already.

Another 'turn off' for me is when I spent the time and effort to inform someone about what they are asking (and in some cases it might be important to them) and they never even aknowledge that they read the answer. That does not apply to you.......I see that you already responded to someone who gave you some answers.

Please click on the links below, you might find them useful.

If after doing your own search , you still have questions......please post them and I (and others) will try to provide answers.











Thanks for those links! :) I appreciate it!



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This last trip I bought 2 patches, My daughter started off with the pills, she did feel bad. So I gave her one of my patches.

Well, they only last 3 days.

tried to buy more in Cozumel.

You can NOT buy them in Cozumel.

Patches work lots better than pills.

We were walking around the pool looking for patches that people had fall off when they got out of the pool.

We had multiple patches stuck on us by the end of the trip.

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ArkansasFish is a lucky person that nothing bad happened after 'so many patches'.


Look what others say about the patch: I copied it from another thread.

July 27th, 2004, 05:01 PM

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icon11.gifJust off of the Zaandam

I just got back from Alaska via the Zaandam and I had used the seasickness patch scolopamine. I have not history of being seasick but being my first cruise I didn't want to take any chances....well I had so many side effects from the patch that by Tues I had taken it off. I had blood shot eyes, blurred vision, I was extremely thirsty and just felt weird. I took it off and was fine the rest of the week!



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Originally Posted by auj1fan

I just got back from Alaska via the Zaandam and I had used the seasickness patch scolopamine. I have not history of being seasick but being my first cruise I didn't want to take any chances....well I had so many side effects from the patch that by Tues I had taken it off. I had blood shot eyes, blurred vision, I was extremely thirsty and just felt weird. I took it off and was fine the rest of the week!





That is some of the reasons why it was removed from the market a few years ago. Too many weird things happening to users. The were supposed to reformulate it. Looks like they did not do a very good job of it,

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I know that bonine is supposed to be non-drowsy. Does this mean that it has caffeine in it? I have to be careful of the non-drowsy formula of Sudafed b/c it can keep me up at night, and for health reasons, I'm decaffeinated.



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No caffine in Meclizine..

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I was like auj1fan, I have used the patch for the last 15 years I have been cruising & used it last week when I was on the Infinity and got blurred vision was horrible never have I had that side effect, my mom had to fill out all my paper work and read the menu to me :(

I guess I will also try the Bonine on my October cruise as I never want to have that side effect again!




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90% of sea sickness is in your head. cruise boats dont move much. 40 ft seas in the bearing sea on a 110 ft fishing boat is another story. eat crackers and drink stout you'll be just fine.



:) That's what I'm worried about..*L* I am a chronic worrier and I'm worrying about worrying that I will get seasick if that makes any sense?? heehee. I should be fine though...I'll take ginger root tablets every day and if needs be I'll have bonine as well!

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I have used the patch since 1995 for about one cruise a year. I did not use it when it was off the market and reformulated. I did begin using it as soon as it was back on the market. I have never had any side effects, and I do take a couple of other meds. I would suggest that if you think you might need it, ask your doctor..............you have to anyway, as it is a prescription..............and ask him/her to prescribe one extra one. You can try it at home and see if you have any reaction. I would do this during the week so you can call your doctor if you do have a reaction. I always tell my husband about possible reactions and tell him to take it off of me if something happens. Nothing ever has. The patch is a wonderful tool that allows me to cruise, as I am very affected by motion sickness.

If you decide to use Bonine, which is non drowsy, ask your pharmacist for Meclazine. It is the generic form of Bonine, also known as Anti Vert, and if you buy the Meclizine, it is MUCH less expensive than the Bonine..........like 4.95 for 100 pills instead of 8.95 for six pills.

Whatever, I hope you don't need anything and have a wonderful cruise!

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I know this has probably been asked a zillion times, but I take it that you need a prescription for bonine? We didn't get sick last cruise but are taking our DD's and DS next year and one of the girls tends towards seasickness, we already have seabands from the last cruise (didn't need them) just wondering what would be best for a 17 yr old. Thanks so much!

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The brand name "Bonine" which is generic Meclazine is sold 'over the counter' in the USA. There is a number of other names for the same product and the price might be 'high' or 'low' (depending on the brand) but if you look for the ingredients listed on the box.....it is Meclazine, even the Antivert which requires Rx is still a Meclazine. The medicine does come in different sizes (amount - mg of Meclazine) and perhaps someone smaller requires less of it than someone that has larger body.

On many ships the Meclazine is given away for the asking (medical dept or guest relations desk) but it might be good to have some on hand before boarding. They also sell it in their 'stores' on the ship with a good 'mark up'.


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The patches.. Transderm scop work well for alot of people. It does require a prescription and is purely a preventative. Once sick they don't work as well. I have also had alot of patients have side effects with them...


Bonine, Antivert , Dramaine 2 are all forms of Meclizine (usually 25mg) One a day will usually prevent motion sickness... (ask your pharmacist to order you a bottle of 100 of Meclizine... cheap and enough to share)


Once motion sickness starts Ginger Root tablets are an excellant choice.


Fortunately with larger ships and motion stabilizers in the newer ships fewer and fewer passengers are geeting ill.


Hope that helps!

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Since you will be sailing in the Pacific Ocean rather than the Caribbean, you can pretty much count on rougher seas. Not necessarily huge waves, but more motion than in the Caribbean.


I would suggest the elastic seabands since you do not want to take medications. They have worked for us every time we wear them. Take the less drowsey formula along, taken at bedtime it's OK.

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The patches.. Transderm scop work well for alot of people. It does require a prescription and is purely a preventative. Once sick they don't work as well. I have also had alot of patients have side effects with them...


Bonine, Antivert , Dramaine 2 are all forms of Meclizine (usually 25mg) One a day will usually prevent motion sickness... (ask your pharmacist to order you a bottle of 100 of Meclizine... cheap and enough to share)


Once motion sickness starts Ginger Root tablets are an excellant choice.


Fortunately with larger ships and motion stabilizers in the newer ships fewer and fewer passengers are geeting ill.


Hope that helps!



I have bought bonine as well as a bottle of ginger root tablets, does ginger root also prevent motion sickness or does it just take care of it once you have it?? I am a little bit confused about that. Also, How many ginger root pills should I take per day if using them as a preventative, they are 550 mg each?? Will it be fine if I take 1 ginger root tablet and also 1 bonine/day or are they not alright to mix??? Sorry for so many questions, I really don't want to get seasick on my first cruise :)

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I get sick on just about anything that is moving. I like the patches & I also take the Bonine as a backup. Everyone has different reactions to different things (example Dramomine makes me very very tired). The whole trick with any of these items is to take them PRIOR to the cruise leaving. This way it is already in your system.

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