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The Dolphin - my, oh my. That cruise in 1990 kept us off ships for the next 10 years~!

I remember coming into the port area in our bus and seeing all the ships and wondering which was ours. They were so big and pristine...then there it was the dolphin looking like a tiny fish nestled in between the enormous whales.

It was a small ship. It was an older ship (and it smelled like it).

The disco was way down under and very dark. And the drained the pools while at sea - only had use of the pools while in dock.

Our cabin was a tiny ocean view and the shower in the bathroom - was the bathroom! I mean you could sit on the commode and just turn on the shower....the whole room was a shower!

We went to the Bahamas - short trip - but VERY rough seas.

Back then you could go to the bridge and visit with the Captain and so we did. We asked about the rough seas and if we would be going through the Bermuda Triangle...he said: "Yep! going through it about now."

And, we could see just how a ship would go missing in these seas. I sat on the deck with my video camera (huge thing that it was) and held it steady on my shoulder. WHen looking through that lens I would see - sky and then ocean. The waves would hit the front of the ship and go across it to the back!

Everyone was sick - barf bags stuck in the railings of every part of the ship (new and used). Everyone wore their life jackets and I know at least one person who was reallly glad for that.

There he was - unconcerned and enjoying himself. Everyone else was puking in the garbage cans, but he sat with his feet up on the railing (do you remember that the railing was just that - railing - no glass protection) and the ship suddenly tipped to one side and he went sliding across the deck with everyone trying to grab him before he hit the other side and went over!

I remember getting into the port in the Bahamas and talkign with people from other ships that were discussing the rough seas...we'd point to our tiny ship and say "You don't know rough seas until you experience them on a ship this size...no fancy stabilizers!"

The Captain said he'd been sailing for 22 years and these were the roughest seas he had ever experienced.

As I said - we didn't cruise again for 10 years - but we've had 20 years of stories to tell from that 3 day trip!

Amazingly we met someone on the Conquest several years ago that had been on that same voyage - small world!

Edited by aprilivy
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  • 3 months later...

May '81 out of Miami, I didn't take a lot of interior photos of her then. Had my first taste of chocolate mousse...so good. My late husband and I were on her in the late 90's and I managed to get photos of her, both interior and exterior...it seemed she never changed at all and I'm so glad for that. I miss that ship as I do the EMERALD SEAS, NORWAY, AMERIKANIS....here are my photos: http://travel.webshots.com/album/136343762WBvhTy

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We saw Bert Stratton twice on the OceanBreeze. Then we saw him on Princess and he told us he'd gotten married and she worked on the ship! It was great to see him again and every night he played and sang to standing room crowds!

I recently came across an old luggage tag from the Dolphin! We had cabin D-9! It is now my book mark! Really miss that old ship!

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Our honeymoon cruise was on the Dolphin IV in 1993. We went to Key West, Nassau, and Blue Lagoon. It was a great ship and crew. We had a cabin with two single beds that could not be put together, but since it our honeymoon it didn't matter. WE found out that the other bed was great for storing the things we bought along the way. They had a honeymooner reception with the Captain the first day. We sat at a table in the dining room with three other honeymooning couples. It was a great experience, but it took us 15 years to cruise again. I also remember how small the Dolphin looked compared to the other ships in Nassau. In 1993 it was still a well cared for ship. We loved it. Thanks to those who shared pictures!!

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Sailed on the Dolphin many moons ago. Horrible experience. Ship was old, small & in poor shape. The stabilizers were shot and we rocked & rolled. Took it during spring break. College students took up all the lounge chairs. I remember having to lay on the ground to catch some rays.

Took so much Dramine, I had withdrawal from it when I got back on land.

Never again. Now it RCL for me.

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The Dolphin was built about 1950! (Dates we were given were 1948,1950 & 1952!, depending on which captain). It had NO stabalizers (SP?)! It was a freighter turned into a cruise ship. It did rock 'n roll when the seas were rough. Once it was so bad there were only 3 tables at the Grand midnight buffet and most of us didn't eat. People took their piillows on to the upper deck to try to sleep in the chaises, Most of the band gort sick so wasn't there for the comic who had to hold on to a poll so he wouldn't topple over during his show - with a very small audience. The captain announced we would be out of it around midnight and we were.

IThis ship was our 1st cruise and EVERY table had a complimentary (free) bottle of both red and white wine in the dining room at night. We loved that little ship and spent the Millenium New Year's on her and had a ball. When Cape Caraveral cruise Line bought her she only did 2 & 4 nights but on this cruise it was 6 nights. We spent New Years night tied up at Key West in Mallory Square!

The engine had been spitting soot for years and it was due to go to dry dock but it was going to cost 1.something million more than they had so it was sadly sent to India. This is where ships are sent for scrap.

We LOVED the size of the ship and the crew and miss those small ships!

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Our first cruise was on Dolphin's Sea Breeze as well in 1994. We got upgraded to a suite at the front of the ship as the 2 girls had just finished sailing to the Western Carribean and wanted to go to the Eastern side. They wanted to keep their stateroom. So that was very much a wonderful first time experience for us. We went the next year on Carnival's Sensation which was quite different as it was a much bigger size. We loved the little Sea Breeze as it was more personal and intimate. I'm so sorry that she went down in a storm.

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The Dolphin was built about 1950! (Dates we were given were 1948,1950 & 1952!, depending on which captain). It had NO stabilizers (SP?)! It was a freighter turned into a cruise ship. It did rock 'n roll when the seas were rough.


No, Bonnie, the Dolphin was never actually a freighter. She was built as Zion, an Ocean Liner for the Israeli ZIM Lines in 1956.


She was intended to transport passengers and goods from New York to Israel on two week voyages that could be combined into a month long round trip cruise, if one so desired.


Unfortunately, she never turned a profit on that trade, and although Zim struggled to make her pay, within ten years, she was cruising the Mediterranean for other cruise lines.


In 1978, Paquet Cruise line bought her to beef up their presence in the Caribbean, and she remained in their service for the next twenty years or so. Paquet did, however, spin her off into a subsidiary called Dolphin Cruises in 1984.


In 1998, the 42 year old ship was laid up, and in 2003 she went to the breakers.



You're right though, it appears from this picture that she was not stabilized.

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  • 1 month later...

What a kick to have found this thread! We still have a couple of Sea Breeze "can cozies" from our cruise back in 1991. This was the second cruise my wife and I had gone on. I had just returned from the first Gulf War (Desert Shield/Desert Storm) and Dolphin provided a wonderful package for returning veterans. We both have fond memories of that time aboard and only remember how wonderful it was.


I also remember being in port in St. Thomas, having moored next to the Carnival Fantasy which was just over a year old at the time. The Sea Breeze looked like a ship with its trim lines and the Fantasy like a hotel on its side. I was amazed at how small Sea Breeze appeared next to it.

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We LOVED the Dolphin, our 1st cruise, and the SeaBrteeze and the OceanBreeze. It was sad to watch our local news and see the SeaBreeze sink off the VA, NC coast. But somewhere I found a VERY old luggage tag from the Seabreeze. We were in cabin 6D. This is now my bookmark! Hate all these new ships with MANY more people than our home town!(2,000) Now we are more than 60 cruises, just can't stop cruising!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 9 months later...

I was on the Dolphin IV in Feb and then again in March of 1998. I had the most amazing time as it was my first cruise. I was a single gal alone and was asked to dine at the Captain's table. The food was wonderful as was the service, celebrated my birthday on the ship and the pianist played music for me. I met the most amazing person but we didn't keep in touch. We played ping pong in the rain and wind and joked about re-enacting the rail scene from Titanic. He was just too funny. I still laugh just thinking about it. I remember dressing to the nines for the dinners and casual for daytime. Went to the casinos in the Bahamas. Sorry to hear they scrapped the old girl. Been on a few cruises since then.


Dolphin IV 1998 Feb & March Bahamas/Key West

Norwegian Sun- July 2003 Alaska

Norwegian Majesty Christmas 2006- Charleston to Western Caribbean

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  • 5 months later...

I used to go on Dolphin Cruises back in the early 80's up until 1994. Loved them. Here's a funny story from my 1994 one. We were on a 4-day to the Bahamas and what would turn out to be a serious tropical storm hitting Nassau on the last day. Up until that point, the cruise was great as usual. I won 3 huge bingo games, paying for our cruise completely with some left over.


There was a resident comedian on there at the time, his name was Dave I believe. He was somewhat heavyset and from Chicago. If anybody remembers him, please post. Anyways, being from Chicago myself (I was 17 yrs old at the time), I had on a Chicago Bears sweater and he immediately got to making some jokes with me. I lived in Fort Lauderdale at the time and during one of his routines he asked me where I was from. I said, "I'm from here", then he said, "well, this is some place you got, thanks for inviting us all". Great guy and funny too. We eventually hung out most of the entire cruise and in the Nassau port with my mom and had a great time. It was pouring out, I still have never seen rain like that, even while living in South Florida. Dave, my mom, and I would move maybe 30 feet at a time with umbrellas that just didn't work.


The captain at the time made a decision to leave the Nassau port despite the awful weather. having been on many cruises before and after this one, I knew it was a serious mistake. The boat was rocking so bad you couldn't move. I have never got seasick before, except this time. Pictures were falling of the wall, drinks all over the floor, vomit everywhere, you name it. They even decided to have the last day dinner in the dining area. This was a complete disaster. Amazingly, my mom I think was the only one on the entire ship that wasn't seasick. Couldn't believe it, she always got seasick. The staff were handing out dramamine, bananas, to try to help the passengers, but it was useless. At dinner, people were passed out at the table, waiters spilling everything in sight- just hilarious looking back at it now. Still, I loved that cruise and the Dolphin Line. We met some great people and even kept in contact with some of them for a while. Eventually lost touch over the years.


People can say what they want about the smaller ships not having all the amenities of the bigger ones, but I loved them. You got to know the passengers and staff and hating to leave on that last day. And the Dolphin did have some great food!


There was a cruise director on there named Jeff (this was in November of 1994) who was the best one on any ship I've been on. Anybody remember him by any chance?


Well, there's my Dolphin story. Happy cruising everybody!

Edited by kdog1977
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  • 3 months later...

Boy, did we LOVE the Dolphin! Can't believe it but YESTERDAY in the back of a closet I found a Dolphin sweatshirt! It looks like it was never worn but will be now. I also have a post card of her, mathes with the dophin on them, a shoe horn with dolphin and the

T-****s you got after snorkeling with Dolphin. On our 1st cruise every table, every night, had a bottle of both red & white wine, free!

We booked the Dolphin the day after Christmas, Sunday, for the Milenium Cruise at 10:30AM. At noon, Sunday, we were driving to Port Canveral to get on her as she left that day, Monday. Remember, people thought the world would end and the Dolphin had vacancies.

We had a ball. We were seated in the dining room up a step right next to Poppie, the piano player. His wife was at our table and we had Franchesca, a former crew memeber who was subbing for someone over the holiday. Her boyfriend was the bar manager. When the waiter quarter sang, they came and sang every night at our table to us.

WE spent New Year's Eve tied up at Mallory square for the whole night. (Our 1st Dolphin cruise in 1984 we docked there and walked a dirt path to get into town!) At 5pm a tug came and moved us back to the navy pier until 6:30 when the sun was down. Then we were pushed back.

The entertainer was Ronald McDonald! (Yes that was his name!) He played in the lounge every night. Then he eventually became the cruise director. Then he married a lady from Nassau and became a director at a resort on Paradise Island.

We had dinner 3 times with different captains and that was fun too.

We were on her next to last trip. It was sad to learn she ended up in India!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was so cool to find this thread. I went on the Dolphin IV for the first time in May of 1992. It was my first cruise and had an amazing time. It actually was what got me into cruising. My sister worked for Dolphin at the time and I was lucky enough to get a job with Dolphin myself in June 1992.


I worked at the airport greeting all the incoming passengers. I worked for Dolphin for over 3 years and it was the most amazing and memorable job I ever had. I left in 1995 to go to college and was hoping to return after graduation but unfortunately that wasn't meant to be.


The Dolphin IV and Royal Majesty both hold very special places in my heart.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

My husband and I went on our first cruise on Dolphin Cruise Lines in the late 80's. We went in February and the sea was rough. Our cabin was like being in a washing machine with the waves coming up over the port hole. We were so sick we swore we'd never cruise again! I can't remember anything but being sick.


So now, 23 or 24 years later, we're going to try again together this December... dear god, I hope it goes better!

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The Dolphin IV, the 1st ship of Dolphin Cruise lines, was a freighter built in 1948 or 1950 or 1952. (We ate with 3 captians and each had a different year it was built!) then, in the 80's it was turned into a cruise ship for 800 passengers. It really rocked because it had no stabilizers. I don't think the Seabreeze or Oceanbreeze had them either. Today's ships all have stabilizers so you seldom really feel any motion at all.

We LOVED those little ships and really miss that size ship!

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The Dolphin IV, the 1st ship of Dolphin Cruise lines, was a freighter built in 1948 or 1950 or 1952. (We ate with 3 captians and each had a different year it was built!) then, in the 80's it was turned into a cruise ship for 800 passengers. It really rocked because it had no stabilizers. I don't think the Seabreeze or Oceanbreeze had them either. Today's ships all have stabilizers so you seldom really feel any motion at all.

We LOVED those little ships and really miss that size ship!


Those "Captains" must have been drinking as well as eating with you, because almost everything that they told you about the ship was incorrect.


The Dolphin IV was built as ZION, for service between Israel and New York, carrying 312 passengers in two classes.

She was built in 1956, but was not an economic success sailing to Israel.

After a brief stint with the Portugese, she was converted into a cruise ship in 1972. Her maximum capacity was 718, served by a crew of 280.

Quite a number for a 13,650 ton ship




Dolphin IV was stabilized, but as with many budget minded cruise ships, the stabilizers were not deployed often as the "drag" that they create increases fuel consumption dramatically.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will never forget that cruise. I have been on over 30 cruises since, and still miss the feel of those small ships where you could actually feel like you were on the boat with the rocking gently putting you to sleep at night. I was by myself and was put at the singles table: 11 girls and me, a gay man, and I had the time of my life with those gals. They were always calling my room to do things with them. I still have the picture of us at our table framed somewhere. My last cruise was on the Epic, my how things have changed. You can be on these new ships for a week and hardly ever run into the same person twice, so much harder now to meet people and make friends, tho I still manage to do it by trying harder!! :-)

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We too LOVED all the Dolphin ships. It was sad to watch the SeaBreeze actually sink as a local news story. She had been repossesed in the middle of a cruise in Nova Scotia in August. It was in November that she started taking on water, with a crew of 35, on her way to Miami. This was near the VA-NC boarder. TV had a picture of a crew member being lifted to our Coast Guard helicopter by the pool I had swum in the year before. It was something to watch the bow disappear beneath the water!


Dolphin also built the Royal Majesty which was sold to NCL when Dolphin Cruise line went under. She is 1200 passengers and we went on her a few times when Charleston, SC was her home port. This was the only NCL ship we could stand. About two years ago she was sold to Louise Cruises in England.


WE really miss those small ships too!

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We took a Dolphin cruise for our honemoon. I think it was the Oceanbreeze, it left from Aruba. We had a little cabin with a porthole for a window and it was located at the bow. I remember waking up when we got to Bonaire because they drop the anchor and all we heard was the clancking of the chain. We sat straight up in bed thinking the boat had ran a ground. We had a great time and always wanted to go again but never had the time or money. We are going on a cruise this December to celebrate our 20th anniversary but this time we've got a suite on the top floor, huge difference.

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  • 3 months later...

We sailed on one of the Dolphin ships mid 1990. Four recent college grads had a great time. I had my first ever martini at the Captain's reception and remember how bad it was. I am not sure I have had another since. I also remember the disco down in the bowels of the ship. I also remember the Sommelier selling pot on Blue Lagoon island. Oh, and lots of Bahama Mamas (drinks - not dates).



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We LOVED the Dolphin IV and were on her in 1985 when she was Dolphin Cruise line's only ship. We also enjoyed the OceanBreeze and the Seabreeze - which sunk off our coast, a local news story, watching the bow slowly sink!

We thought the Dolphin had sunk then discovered she was sailing for Cape Carnaveral Cruise Lines out of Cape Carnaveral when Dolphin Cruises folded. Best cruise ever was the Millenium New Years we booked the day before. We sprent the night tied up at Mallory Square in Key West!

We had dinner with three different captains on board the Dolphin and loved her size. We were told by the captains that she had been a freighter turned into a cruise ship. She had no bow thrusters so you could feel rough water.

Premier bought the OceanBreeze and the SeaBreeze and we sailed on those again. Dolphin also built the Royal Majesty which NCL bought and named it just the Majesty. She was sold to Louis Cruises, in England, about three years ago and I think she was just sold again. We sailed on her a few times after NCL bought her.

We HATE these giant ships but the smaller ones just don't last forever!

Edited by Bonnie J.
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