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feeling bad about taking a 13 month old :(


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Gee, tough crowd here. I tend to agree with kankan. I always took my kids on land vacations rather than cruises. Land vacations worked better as you could design the vacation around your children rather than expect little ones to conform to rules built in. There was more space for them to explore rather than annoy or get in others ways. It was easier on children, parents and others.

Land vacations don't mean you are locked into one locale. You can certainly travel with them, day trips, new areas etc. We spent one month every spring with our children on a vacation from the time the last was 1 til 19yrs. We did all inclusives, condo rentals, hotels. I never cleaned or cooked. We fly everywhere anyways esp to get to ports.

I can see why some people do not want to take children on cruises. Unless of course it is a cruise designed for kids such as the Disney boat.

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There is nothing wrong with taking your children on a cruise no matter what the age. It’s a vacation no matter where you take it! :)

I have never been bothered on my cruises by children….kids bring so much joy to vacations, just hearing their excitement makes me more excited.

I am looking forward to my family cruise w/my DD :D

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My kid has been to Disneyland twice. (Soon #3.) Disney World twice. 26 states. Three countries. One cruise. (Soon #2.) Vegas once. Six road trips. More than a dozen cross-country flights.


And he's THREE.


And I'd pick a cruise over any other vacation but Disney. (Have to cram as many Disney trips as possible in before they're three, naturally. ;) )


My niece was 13 months on our cruise and she had a grand time.

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I'm sorry, but I am a firm believer that taking a baby on a cruise is not only a waste of your money, but a deterrant to other cruisers, the baby, and certainly to the mother that might want a vacation.

Babies and cruise lines do not mix.

Change your vacation to a land vacation that is better suited to you and your little family, and will be more relaxing for you and baby.

And yes, I find other cruisers noisy "underminded" children annoying to me. Most often it is the parent fault and not the children.


Ohhhh yes you are 100% correct. And the cruiselines MUST agree with you. It's soooo evident in the new ships. Let me get those pictures...

Like this one...




Oh wait, that's can't possibly be a carousel now can it? Hmmmm, cruiselines don't want little kids on their ships, right????

Wait, let's try this picture...





Oops sorry, wrong picture again, cause that's a BABY ZONE. :eek:


Hmmm, I don't know what's going on here since YOU said that a cruise is no place for a baby. :rolleyes:

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Ohhhh yes you are 100% correct. And the cruiselines MUST agree with you. It's soooo evident in the new ships. Let me get those pictures...


Like this one...




Oh wait, that's can't possibly be a carousel now can it? Hmmmm, cruiselines don't want little kids on their ships, right????


Wait, let's try this picture...





Oops sorry, wrong picture again, cause that's a BABY ZONE. :eek:


Hmmm, I don't know what's going on here since YOU said that a cruise is no place for a baby. :rolleyes:


I second your comments!

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I will be on the Liberty on the 30th of this month, my son turns 12 months on the 8th, this is our first child and 6th cruise, last year no cruise due to having him so i been planning on this trip since he has been born, just like another cruiser put it take you own food & small toys he enjoys, my son is will be eaeting 2nd dinner though i will have him down for a nap every day around 6ish while i get ready once he wakes up ju, st have to change hinm to his clothes for dinner i will post once i am back i can not wait!!!


We will be traveling with a 13 month old on the same cruise! My grandson just turned 1 last week. We are doing the 6:15 dinner because thats about the time we eat here. Maybe we can do some playtime!

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I've seen so much bad feedback about taking a 13 month old on a cruise. i'm really beginning to question my decision. i know i should just ignore it, but can someone with experience reassure me that this wasn't a huge waste of money!


Hi Edmonton!! Have you been getting the daily downpours that we have had all month in Ontario??!

I hate to present the negative aspect of cruising with a small child but this was our experience...We took all our family on a Caribbean Cruise including our son, daughter in law and our 16 mos old beautiful grand daughter. We look at the pictures and laugh now but the cruise had it's moments.

First of all the baby equipment ,baby food, formula ,water and diapers etc.that we had to lug on board was taxing. The plane flight was a challenge ,not due to the fact the baby was fussy but because the changes in altitude caused her to experience severe ear pain...wouldn't take a bottle on ascent or descent screamed just about the whole flight!

She is normally a very placid little girl and teething may have played a part but she had great difficulty falling asleep in the cabin.

To be honest with you my son and his wife really would have had no vacation at all if it hadn't have been for the rest of us with willing arms. So I often wonder what kind of vacation it really can be for young parents with babies on a cruise boat and absence of supportive family?

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To be honest with you my son and his wife really would have had no vacation at all if it hadn't have been for the rest of us with willing arms. So I often wonder what kind of vacation it really can be for young parents with babies on a cruise boat and absence of supportive family?


I understand what you mean...BUT....you say your son wouldn't have had a vacation at all if you hadn't been there...so if your son/DIL had gone to an all inclusive...would they have had a better vacation?


If they had stayed home, would someone had been there cooking there meals and cleaning their home? ;)


Sorry your grandaughter had a bad flight :( Sounds like she may have had fluid in her ears from a cold or possible ear infection, which would be very painful. :( Motrin can actually lesson the pain in a situation like this.

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Hi Edmonton!! Have you been getting the daily downpours that we have had all month in Ontario??!

I hate to present the negative aspect of cruising with a small child but this was our experience...We took all our family on a Caribbean Cruise including our son, daughter in law and our 16 mos old beautiful grand daughter. We look at the pictures and laugh now but the cruise had it's moments.

First of all the baby equipment ,baby food, formula ,water and diapers etc.that we had to lug on board was taxing. The plane flight was a challenge ,not due to the fact the baby was fussy but because the changes in altitude caused her to experience severe ear pain...wouldn't take a bottle on ascent or descent screamed just about the whole flight!

She is normally a very placid little girl and teething may have played a part but she had great difficulty falling asleep in the cabin.

To be honest with you my son and his wife really would have had no vacation at all if it hadn't have been for the rest of us with willing arms. So I often wonder what kind of vacation it really can be for young parents with babies on a cruise boat and absence of supportive family?


Why would you need baby food, formula, and water for a 16 month old? Surely at a year babies are on real food, real milk, and regular water? All we took for my 14 month old was a ziplock bag of cheerios and some crackers! Diapers took up most space, but coming back we had all that extra room for gifts and duty free!


Cruisinmama - what ship are those pics from? That's my next cruise! I agree entirely with your comment - these days cruise ships are becoming more and more geared to families. Those people that don't want kids onboard should stick to the "adult only" ships - there are still some out there!


I still maintain that for my family, cruising is the easiest and most relaxing way to spend a vacation. It might not suit every family - just like Disney World wouldn't go down well with us (until the baby is old enough to demand to go there, I guess!), and a roadtrip would be our worst nightmare.

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Ohhhh yes you are 100% correct. And the cruiselines MUST agree with you. It's soooo evident in the new ships. Let me get those pictures...


Like this one...




Oh wait, that's can't possibly be a carousel now can it? Hmmmm, cruiselines don't want little kids on their ships, right????


Wait, let's try this picture...





Oops sorry, wrong picture again, cause that's a BABY ZONE. :eek:


Hmmm, I don't know what's going on here since YOU said that a cruise is no place for a baby. :rolleyes:



cruisinmama06 ~ Love it!


OP ~ Don't listen to people who write the 'no kids on board" posts, they just drop by on occasion to rattle cages.


Advice given (whether good or bad) is one thing, but saying kids don't belong on cruise ships is just causing waves!


Take your baby and have an A~W~E~S~O~M~E trip!

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I still maintain that for my family, cruising is the easiest and most relaxing way to spend a vacation. It might not suit every family - just like Disney World wouldn't go down well with us (until the baby is old enough to demand to go there, I guess!), and a roadtrip would be our worst nightmare.


We did our son's first road trip when he was five months old, and honest to God, it wasn't THAT bad. I'd much rather travel via cruise ship, especially when it came to finding a place to eat every night! But, it's really kinda cool to have pictures at Mount St. Helens from August 2005 and August 2007 - you can see both how much he grew AND the mountain! :eek:


As for your Disney blasphemy... :D My angel often tells me he dreamed about Disney World the night before, and watches the Disney planning DVD on a regular basis. He is beyond thrilled that we're going on BOTH a cruise and to Disneyland next month - I honestly don't know which one he is more excited about.

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sunquest76: I'm sad to hear that some naysayers have made you concerned. Cruising can be a fantastic vacation/trip for families and groups of all dynamics, and that includes parents with young (even quite young) children. Please do not doubt your decision because some people are so negative.


Now comes my "however." You are the only ones who can decide if cruising is the right choice for your family because only you know the temperament of your DD/DS. What I mean by this is that some children do not travel well, while others take to it like a duck to water. My one and only concern would be if you choose a week-long cruise and then your little one has a rough time of it (which would mean that you'd have a rough time of it too). I always suggest doing what we (and my parents before us) did early in the first year: Take a short overnight or weekend getaway somewhere, anywhere--even just to visit family, before a longer trip (such as a weeklong cruise). Some babies do not adapt well to different environments, while others are happy-go-lucky no matter where they are. A short getaway in advance gives you a chance to figure things such as what you need to bring (and what you packed that you didn't need), how to adapt daily schedules (you'll want to try to keep as close to normal as possible), how to handle the inevitable upsets with a minimum of fuss for you and those around you, and ways that you can all enjoy traveling even though how you travel will have changed (late nights on the town, not so much; quiet evenings enjoying being together, those are good).


We are firm believers that children should learn to travel as young as possible, without forcing them to the point where they are miserable. I think that children who are exposed to different environments at young ages adapt better to other changes that happen throughout life. As well, it gives them a sense that there is more to the world than just family and home, and that we are all part of something greater than ourselves alone. I often think that my DH and I (and our DD and my siblings) are so curious about the world and enjoy travel so much partly because it's something we've done our whole lives. It's "normal" to us to want to explore. Giving your child a sense of wonder, of "the big world out there," of excitement in the new and unexpected is one of the greatest gifts possible. (And for pity's sake, don't listen to the "don't bring the infant/toddler because he/she won't remember it" comments. Bunk! Even if he/she doesn't have any concrete memories, the overall experience will be indelible. He/she will remember the joy and pleasure and being with you. The memories will be treasures for you as well. Years from now, you'll get out the pictures and feel the same flush of pride and pleasure that you did the day your little one first walked on sand and played in the ocean with you and saw the big ship.


Yes, cruising costs money, and I completely understand your concerns. We think that the risk of having problems (say, motion sickness or some fussing from teething or just the regular hassles of any travel these days) is well worth it for the benefits. I concur with those who've suggested travel insurance. Do be sure to keep reading threads here for excellent advice on travelling with children of all ages.


If you fly, try to go as directly as possible and bring distractions for the plane. While we all understand that babies cry (and most of us have had to deal with our own children fussing), we all also appreciate parents who do there level best to keep the little one calm and happy. Adjust your expectations for the cruise itself as well. For example, dinner in the dining room takes well over an hour. There's no reason at all not to bring your DD/DS to dinner, as long as you are prepared to leave if necessary if he/she becomes fussy and cannot be comforted in a short amount of time. You'll generally find that your waitstaff will make a fuss over your little one. Often, the chefs will even puree steamed vegetables and other items (and you can also simply finely chop the appropriate foods, depending on where you are in the "food learning" cycle). There usually are lounges that are basically deserted during the day. Those can be great places to let toddlers "go wild" (run around and get out all that energy they possess--I swear we should be able to harness that energy to power the world!). At that age, your DD/DS will not be old enough for the children's programs (although I think Disney or Carnival or perhaps both have some accomodations for babies/young toddlers?) or be allowed in most water facilities (absolutely no swim diapers are allowed in most pools on ships; it's a CDC regulation for the health and safety of all pax). A number of ships do have "splash zones" and "baby pools" where not potty-trained youngsters can play, but most do not. There are always deck areas and times where there will be space for you all to play outdoors as well. When you go to shows, be sure to find seats on the aisle and/or in the back so that you can make a "quick getaway" if you need to. There are places you won't be able to go and things you won't be able to do with a baby in tow, but you won't feel like you're "missing out" because there will be so much that you are able to share as a family. What ship are you on? That will help us guide you a bit as to what to expect and what activities might be available for you.


Most important of all: Enjoy the simple pleasure of exploring the ship and the world together as a family.:D


(A few caveats so you know my background and point of view: Our DD is an adult and will be making us grandparents for the first time later this year. We did not take her on cruises as a child, partly because cruising really wasn't a "family vacation" all those years ago. We did travel with her every year from the time she was 8 months old. Lots of camping and plenty of exploring the US over the years. We also took a little "adults only" getaway every year because, for us, that grown up time allowed us to renew our couple-selves and was one way we kept our marriage strong; it also allowed our DD to bond with the other adults in the family, who naturally spoiled her rotten when we were gone. Travel with children and travel just as a couple is, naturally, very different; both are wonderful. Now we cruise during times when children are most likely to be in school. Not because we've somehow become "kid haters," but simply because we prefer cruising when there are fewer children onboard. We don't think kids don't belong there; of course they do! We simply don't enjoy cruising during, say, spring break when there might be 1,000 children out of a total of 3,000 pax. That's a personal preference, not a judgment about young children or their parents.)


I hope that the members here have managed to put your fears to rest.



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Ohhhh yes you are 100% correct. And the cruiselines MUST agree with you. It's soooo evident in the new ships. Let me get those pictures...


Like this one...




Oh wait, that's can't possibly be a carousel now can it? Hmmmm, cruiselines don't want little kids on their ships, right????


Wait, let's try this picture...





Oops sorry, wrong picture again, cause that's a BABY ZONE. :eek:


Hmmm, I don't know what's going on here since YOU said that a cruise is no place for a baby. :rolleyes:



Love your post!!!! I totally agree. Cruise lines are definitely gearing more towards families with each new ship!!


Although I started cruising when I was 8 years old and I am 33 now. I always remember them being somewhat family oriented. I cant wait to check out that new RCCL ship, amazing.


Perhaps Kankansista, who thinks cruising with children is a waste of time should consider a land based vacation. That way he or she would not have to be so near children.Although I am sure there are plenty there as well.

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We did our son's first road trip when he was five months old, and honest to God, it wasn't THAT bad. I'd much rather travel via cruise ship, especially when it came to finding a place to eat every night! But, it's really kinda cool to have pictures at Mount St. Helens from August 2005 and August 2007 - you can see both how much he grew AND the mountain! :eek:


As for your Disney blasphemy... :D My angel often tells me he dreamed about Disney World the night before, and watches the Disney planning DVD on a regular basis. He is beyond thrilled that we're going on BOTH a cruise and to Disneyland next month - I honestly don't know which one he is more excited about.


I'm dreading the day my daughter discovers Disney! My husband has threatened that he is going to tell her it's closed when we need to take our vacation.:) Honestly, he breaks out into cold sweats at the thought of going there - must be something to do with the lifesized mice wandering around. Little does he know that I am seriously looking into a Disney cruise for the future - providing they bring their new ships to the West Coast, that is!

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Cruisinmama - what ship are those pics from? That's my next cruise! I agree entirely with your comment - these days cruise ships are becoming more and more geared to families. Those people that don't want kids onboard should stick to the "adult only" ships - there are still some out there!


Ceilidh1 - The top picture is from the new RCCL Oasis of the Seas. They haven't revealed all of the neighborhoods yet but the one that they did reveal was "boardwalk" with the carousel, temp tattoo parlor, candy shop and psychic...lol. It is set to sail Dec 12, 2009. The rest of the pictures are here... www.oasisoftheseas.com


The 2nd picture is actually from RCCL Freedom of the Seas - the H20 Zone - that area is on Freedom, Liberty and Independence of the Seas. But it should be on Oasis too.

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I took my 7 month old on a 4 night cruise to the bahamas and then extended the vacation to another 3 nights in Orlando visiting Disney World. It was the best vacation ever and I'm so glad we decided to take her. Yes, we did have help as both sets of grand parents were on board, had they not been on board we might not have been able to do all the activities, ie. parasailing, jet skiing as we would have had no one to watch her. But on the ship we pretty much did everything we wanted. We went to the shows, took her along in her stroller, took her to dinner, etc.

I think the fact that she is probably walking will make things easier. Don't listen to others who only have negative things to say. I saw 3 year olds acting up worse then my daughter, so age shouldn't be a factor here. If you think she behaves well on a normal basis she should behave fine on the cruise.

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We took our daughter who is now 5 on her first cruise at 4 months of age. She did wonderful and we all had a good time. Since then she has been on 5 other cruises, trips to the beach and many trip to Disney World. If you ask her what her vacation is she will tell you "the time we went to the snowy mountains on the Celebrity boat". Translation - an 11 night cruise from Ensenada to Alaska when she was 3!!!! She STILL remembers it as do her family members that got to enjoy her reactions to everything she saw!

Cruise lines would not allow children if they were not welcome. Maybe they should not allow grumpy adults who think cruising is for adults only. Maybe these adults should take a nice all-inclusive vacation to a Sandals resort where children aren't allowed.

We're taking both of our children on another cruise in November - on Celebrity. I could care less what anyone else says - they will have fun and they WILL behave because we are good parents and don't allow them to run around like a bunch of wild animals! Some adults don't behave as well as they do after one to many Pina Coladas!

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We took our 16 month old last year on the Glory. It was fine. No, I did not lounge in a chair by the pool. We had a blast. We did the dining room every night. She was so good. We loved the ice cream cones. The waiters were so nice. They always had her chicken tenders waiting for her. Just take an umbrella stroller and you'll be fine. I found a small one at walmart that reclines and had a little canopy for the sun. A couple of time she fell asleep and I was able to sit out by the pool with my hubby and other kids. Sometimes my husband enjoyed an afternoon nap and I was able to lay by the pool. Oh, during the afternoon like 12-2 you can take your child under 2 to the kids club and they will watch them play for like $5 an hour. I was reluctant to leave mine, so I just stayed with her and let her run around and play with the little tykes toys. The workers were very good with the little ones. I should have left her, next time...

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We will be traveling with a 13 month old on the same cruise! My grandson just turned 1 last week. We are doing the 6:15 dinner because thats about the time we eat here. Maybe we can do some playtime!


I do want to take him to the play time they have for 45 min, i can not wait to go and take him my DH parents will be joining us with my parents so can not wait my son turns 1 on friday.. Just trying to figure out what to bring!!! I feel children bring out the best of people!!!

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Poor KanKan hasn't reappeared to defend his/her position. Hmm that might be because of the aggressive nature of some of these posters here.

She/He was only giving her opinion which I believe is the purpose of this board. A little maturity is needed by a few.

The statement of "a cruiser must decide what is best in their own situtation"is definately correct. Hoping that the parent is a mature responsible individual and respects other cruisers enjoyment also. While you might thoroughly enjoy your tike, others might find his behaviour irritating and obnoxious. Similar to cruisers with walkie talkies, smoking, etc.

As always the behaviour of the parent is the tell tale mark of a great little kid onboard. I wonder as you cruise more and your children grow up you too will see the negative aspects of unruly ignored children onboard. As they get older their misbehaving take on a whole different issue, usually one of legal ramifications.

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Poor KanKan hasn't reappeared to defend his/her position. Hmm that might be because of the aggressive nature of some of these posters here.

She/He was only giving her opinion which I believe is the purpose of this board. A little maturity is needed by a few.

The statement of "a cruiser must decide what is best in their own situtation"is definately correct. Hoping that the parent is a mature responsible individual and respects other cruisers enjoyment also. While you might thoroughly enjoy your tike, others might find his behaviour irritating and obnoxious. Similar to cruisers with walkie talkies, smoking, etc.

As always the behaviour of the parent is the tell tale mark of a great little kid onboard. I wonder as you cruise more and your children grow up you too will see the negative aspects of unruly ignored children onboard. As they get older their misbehaving take on a whole different issue, usually one of legal ramifications.


“Poor KanKan” I think not!

What is the difference between a land vacation vs. a cruise? It’s still a FAMILY VACATION.

Maybe some people shouldn’t be on cruises looking down at those with kids or stay out of the kiddie type places.

There are plenty of adults that annoy as well….how about guy in speedo’s w/his man parts hanging out? Or the couple who decide they don’t need a “room” or the ones you mentioned? Should they all not cruise too as to not annoy you?

Know what I do? I look or go the other way. I could care less, the ship is big enough for all to enjoy their vacation.

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Is there anyone who really doesn't think it's the best idea to take a toddler? I mean, anyone who did it and regrets it? I'm new here and a friend on another board told me to check out this site b/c I'm considering taking our baby girl on a cruise for Thanksgiving. The only reason I'm seriously considering it is b/c we can get the T-Day cruise out of Miami (Carnival Triumph) for only $300 more for 5 people than we were going to pay for the Legend (out of Tampa) for only 3 people. My mom would go with us if we take the baby and she's offered to help.


My issues/concerns are this. We traveled with Cara (she'll be 21 months old at the time of cruising) 4 times last year when she was still an infant. She went to NYC, Memphis, Indiana and San Francisco. She was VERY good. However, we haven't taken her anywhere this year b/c we traveled with my older dd (she's 5) when she was 17 months old and she was HORRIBLE! We're afraid of a repeat performance. I know with the 5 year old she can pretty much do Camp Carnival MOST of the cruise and we can still do adult stuff. She'll have a ton more fun doing the onboard kid activities than she'll have hanging out with us for the most part. On the other hand, the baby is too young to do Camp Carnival and not potty trained so as to go in the pools on deck either. I know there are play times that we can take her to, but that's not really the same.


I really want a VACATION. We haven't cruised in 7 years (the Spirit inaugural cruise and before children:)). We took many cruises before and want to go again soon. I want to have a good time on this trip and I'm really afraid that we'll spend most of our time chasing Cara around the ship. I don't think it sounds like fun to go up and down the halls and steps and in/out of the elevators a hundred times even though that's what she'll want to do:).


I don't say all this to knock everyone else b/c I really think it's amazing that you all have been able to cruise and have such a great time with small children. I'm just concerned that my baby may not be cut out for cruising. She has a very high-pitched scream and right now screams when she doesn't get her way (we're working on it, but she is 18 months old). I don't want her disrupting others and I don't want her ruining our trip either.


Do you think that the fact that I KNOW my child and what her behavior is like should really tell me that this may not be the best option for us, or should I try it anyway (and try to work on behavior and other issues before hand)? We may go just the 3 of us (no mom or baby), but I probably need to decide soon. Reading all the posts here has me excited about taking the baby, but I'm still VERY concerned that I may be sorely disappointed. I want some down time and I'm not sure if that will happen. TIA for any info you can give.

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yesornocruising - I have to say in your situation - NO I would not take the baby. ;) You have presented a difference scenario and I don't think any of us here expect you to be superhuman and convert the baby into a seasoned traveler. :)


Yes I have always taken my kids. Yes, they love to cruise. BUT, my cruises are a FAMILY vacation. It seems like you need more of a couples vacation. There is nothing wrong with that.


You aren't failing your child and she won't be irrevocably harmed because you kept her home with grandma....lol.


You have said that she is a very good child. But even the best child takes some work at that age. Carnival does have "Babysitting for Under 2's" during the day and night...certain hours/fees apply. So if you only wanted to get away to the pool for an hour or two, the possibility does exist. But it sounds like you would benefit from having more time than an hour or two away. :D


Good luck with whatever you choose. And don't be a stranger. I, for one, would love to know what you decide and how it all works out once you do cruise.

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