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Back from SB Radiance and Hubbard Glacier


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We are back from a fabulous trip to Alaska. That should all be in caps but I don't want to shout. I will try to do a review that will give some of the best points that I can. Questions will be welcome if you want.


We flew from Charlotte, Nc to Atlanta and then to Anchorage. Good flight on Delta with no kinks. Even all the luggage arrived on time...kudos to Delta.


Friends met us in Anchorage and took us to their home for dinner and then to our hotel, Comfort Inn Ship's Creek for the night. Very nice with comp breakfast in the am. They have a shuttle to the train which we took for the 6:45am train to Seward. Rain, rain, and rain. It rained everyday but we did not let that bother us. I will not keep saying rain but it was present.


Lovely train ride to Seward with moose and babies on the side of the tracks.Train had a bistro for snacks and a dining car for full breakfast. We had our breakfast at the hotel so just had some snacks on the way. There were 4 of us. My DH, myself and our two grandchildren, 12 and 14. We had 4 seats facing each other with a table between so we played cards, etc. on the ride.


Arrived at Seward and was met by our Godwin Glacier tour. The train co. took our bags to the motel. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in the small boat harbor. The hotel was perfect for us and we had a harbor view which I would advise. We watched the fishing boats come in and they would string up the huge fish for weighing and pics then begin to filet them. It was fun to see who had the largest fish each day.


Our Godwin Glacier tour was scheduled for noon. We got to the airport for the helicopter ride up and put on all our warm clothes. My DH and grandson went first but it turned out to be too foggy for the helicopter to go in so

they had to turn back. We decided to wait until the next day and try again.


We called PJ's taxi (Renee) from our hotel and she picked us right up for a trip to the Alaska Wildlife Center. What a wonderful place for everyone. Our children did the special octopus adventure and loved it. We spent most of the afternoon there. Walked about town and had a lovely meal.


PJ's took us back to motel where we swam and enjoyed the hot tub before dinner. We walked just a block from our hotel for dinner at Chinnocks. It was just ok and very $$$$$$.


The next morning we called Godwin and they were able to fly so they picked us up and off we went to the glacier. This time we all flew and the views were so fabulous that I cannot describe. Then before our eyes appeared the dog camp where 50+ dogs and 5 mushers were living. What a sight. All the dogs began to bark and jump at the sight of the helicopter as they all wanted to run. We were able to mingle with the dogs and pet them while the mushers selected and harnessed 14 dogs for our sled. Off we went in the cold, snow and sleet (real conditions) for our experience. I could only imagine what this would be like but it was certainly a life time experience. It was extremely cold and we had on all the clothes and coats we had. Back down in the heli we could see all the crevices in the glacier and the pretty blue color. What an excursion. I highly recommend them. They only fly with one heli and you have lots of personal attention as well as more time.


We had planned to take the Kenai Fjords cruise but when I walked down to the office and talked with the folks there, they told me the sea would be 12-14 feet and it was not adviseable. So we did not make that trip. Sorry I missed it but maybe next time.


I had decided I wanted to see the ship come in so I got up at 2am and she was not there but when I got up at 3am she was already docked. But my grandson was up at 7 at the window looking at her with binoculars. It was so pretty to see the ship from our window. We ate breakfast at the hotel and had a cab for 10:30am. We arrived at the port at 10:45 and checked our luggage in at 11:00 and then on the ship we went. We had it pretty much to ourselves for several hours. Had lunch at the Windjammer and took the kids on a tour of the ship. In our cabin at 1 and our luggage arrived shortly after that. Our TA had had our cabin decorated with bon voyage stuff so it was fun. We spent some time decorating our door.


On Sat. we were on our way to Hubbard Glacier and in hopes of seeing it in all it's splendor .....and did we ever. Our Captain got us within 400feet of the face and did at 360 with the ship. He even sent our a crew in a life boat to pick up a piece of the iceberg and bring it onboard. Wow.


In Juneau we first went up Mt. Roberts but remember it is raining so the visability was a bit less than we would have liked. It was interesting though. Then we were off to Harv and Marv and the whales. Sandy picked us up and was a great tour guide on the way to the boat. There were the 4 of us and another lovely couple on the boat. We were so lucky that we saw a pod of orcas and then the humpbacks put on a wonderful show for us. On the way back to town, Sandy showed us Mendenhall Glacier and the fish hatchery.

Again I highly recommend this tour.


In Skagway we rented a car and drove to Emerald Lake. It was a wonderful drive and beautiful. We enjoyed the quaint town of Carcross and had our passports stamped there at the post office. Also an interesting general store there. On the way again we came to Caribou Crossing which in our opinion was nothing but a tourist mock up. Even the sheep up on the hillside were fake. Just not our thing here. We were hungry and drove on to Spirit Lake where we got delicious food however very $$$$$. A nice day and back in time to enjoy Skagway. I loved this little town.


Icy Strait Point was interesting and our kids loved the zip line. Had lunch in town and back to the ship. Did ship salmon home here.


Ketchikan was one of my favorite places. We were picked up and went to meet Michelle of Island Wings floatplane for our trip to Anan Creek. We saw here land and taxi in as we stood on the dock. She has a wonderful new puppy since she lost Pero. We boarded the plane along with our guide and off the water we flew. Unbeliveable to be seeing all we are flying above. We arrived at Anan creek in about 40 min. and jumped out on the rocks where the ranger met us. (Used the outhouse here). Then up the trail to the observation deck. We were lucky to have our own guide with us. Words cannot describe the beauty of the rainforest and the quietness as we progressed through the thick growth on the path. We learned that we also shared this path with the bears. Then suddenly there in the stream was a huge brown bear calmly eating fish. How truly beautiful. Then on to the safely of the deck where there must have been 20+ big black bears and their cubs catching and eating salmon. Such a jaw dropping sigiht. It was awesome. In the trees above were bald eagles just waiting for the leftovers from the bears which were plenty. We even were able to get down on ground level with the bears in a blind at the edge of the creek. After a 2-3 hours we were leaving and had to stop to wait for 2 bears to use our path. I shall NEVER forget this experience. Michelle met us back at the rocks.


We throughly enjoyed the Radiance as we were very familiar since we had been on the Brilliance quite often. The ship had better entertainment that we have seen on others and we thought the food was quite good but then we are not picky eaters. The service was great all over the ship and we had a great concierge.


We also enjoyed Vancouver. Remember rain....but Stanley Park is just remarkable. How wonderful that someone had the vision to provide such a wonderful area for the public for free.


Sorry this is quite long but I could not seem to cut it down. I know I have left out very significant areas but you may ask if I have. Hope you all have as wonderful a time as we did . Can hardly wait to return. Myra

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A few questions if you don't mind :)



Friends met us in Anchorage and took us to their home for dinner and then to our hotel, Comfort Inn Ship's Creek for the night. Very nice with comp breakfast in the am. They have a shuttle to the train which we took for the 6:45am train to Seward.


What time did you get to the train station? Was the line long to pick up tickets and get seat assignments?


Arrived at Seward and was met by our Godwin Glacier tour. The train co. took our bags to the motel. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in the small boat harbor. The hotel was perfect for us and we had a harbor view which I would advise.


We are also staying here and have a Harbor View, just curious about the level of noise from the ship ariving?


We called PJ's taxi (Renee) from our hotel and she picked us right up for a trip to the Alaska Wildlife Center. What a wonderful place for everyone. Our children did the special octopus adventure and loved it. We spent most of the afternoon there. Walked about town and had a lovely meal.


Where did you eat lunch?



Thanks again for the great review, so glad you had a good time! We are leaving on Saturday for the Radiance (Volcano willing)

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We leave in a little less than two weeks for the Radiance. Glad to hear such a positive post about the ship. I have been on the Serenade twice so will be familiar with this one but have heard several times on the boards about the smell. Obviously that didn't happen to you so that's good and hopefully it won't to us either. My question is what were the temperatures in the ports? Glad you had a great trip and I would die to see bears. It has always been one of my desires but have never taken a trip to see them. Just never seemed to work out with so many other things to do and other people with our group. However, I think I would have passed out knowing how close they were and that you had to let two go through your trail before you did. Such a great experience for you and one you will always remember.

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Thanks for sharing with us! Sorry to hear about the rain, but glad that it didn't stop you from enjoying your vacation. I hope to get to Anan Ceek to see the bears someday. How long did you get to stay at the creek? Have you been to Brooks Falls / if so, which site did you enjoy most?

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Thanks for your review, and I'm glad you had a wonderful trip. I assume you went to the SeaLife Center in Seward, rather than the Alaska Wildlife [Conservation] Center - which is close to Whittier.


What were the dates of your trip? I'm envious of your great views of Hubbard Glacier, as we were there on a very foggy day. We were about a half mile from the face - according to our captain. We couldn't get much closer - due to a lot of ice, as well as the fact that the Millennium was sitting in front of the face and not moving out of the way. Our captain was new the week we sailed, and apparently he didn't want to challenge the ice or the Millennium's captain! (He was new to the Veendam this summer season - but not new to either the ship or Alaska.)

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Thanks to all for your replies....I will try to answer your questions and feel free to ask more.


The train request you to be at the station at 5:45am (ugh) and it leaves at 6:45. We arrived on time and they took our luggage while I went inside to get our tickets. We had reserved and paid long ago. There was no line and plenty of windows open to help passengers. If you want the best views ask for seats on the right side of the train when you book. Of course you can move around and go into the dome cars but the windows were so fogged up there the view was better downstairs. They have a nice gift shop in the station and on the train. We were in car one of about 10-12 cars plus diner and bistro. Each car has a host or hostess and they give you heads up on wildlife or photo ops coming up.


At the Holiday Inn there was no noise at all. The ship comes in a pretty good ways away across the harbor. You will be able to see it but take a cab to get there with luggage.


In town we had lunch at a local place, I think it was "Mariners" or something like that. If you leave the Sealife Center and walk up the street it is on the left about half up the block. One day we ate lunch at the Train Wreck which is beside the Holiday Inn. The folks at the HI are soooo very helpful and the have a computer to use if you want to contact home.


The dates of our trip were July 22-Aug. 2. We flew from Charlotte to Atlanta and Atlanta to Anchorage on Delta. Left Clt. at 12:10pm and left Atlanta at 5ish. Arrived in Anchorage at 6:00pm their time. Coming back we left Vancouver at 11:45am and were to arrive in Atlanta at 7ish BUT we ran into huge storms and could not land in ATl.so had to go to Augusta and sit on the tarmac for 1 1/2 hours the fly back to Atl and by then we had missed our flights to Clt so had to spend the night in the airport for an early flight out the next am. A real adventure.


We stayed at Anan Creek about 3 hours. It was fantastic. I have not been to Brooks Falls (want to on my next trip). I cannot imagine it being much better than Anan. Maybe we just hit the perfect time to be there. I have great pictures of the bears and I am so glad.


One other thought....we had one bag each with a third between the two of us. On the way out we had to pay $25 for the extra bag. Coming back, Delta considers Vancouver as an international flight so we were allowed 2 bags each.


Hope I have answered all your questions.... please feel free to nudge me again if I missed any. It is a GREAT trip. Myra

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Mdeane . . . thanks for the flight information. Did you use US Direct? What time were you off the ship and at the airport? Appreciate the info: flights should be available next month to book and I want to make sure I book the right times.

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NH Cruiser, We stayed overnight in Vancouver instead of trying to make the plane on the day we disembarked. It is real "chancy" if you can make an 11:30 am flight. So, no, we did not use US Direct which you may be able to do. We used the dayto enjoy Vancouver . The airport in Vancouver is a zoo. We arrived almost 3 hours early to check in for our flight and we just made it. Depends on how many ships are in that day and trying to make flights. It is not worth the hassle to me to struggle to make it and possibly miss the flight. I suggest an extra night if possible. We stayed at the Blue Horizon which was in the middle of Robson Street. We were on the 27th floor and could watch our ship sail again back out of Vancouver. So lovely.


The Delta flights were great but take some food with you or be prepared to purchase on the flight. Myra

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Myra, thanks for that information on the return flight. It is the airport situation in Vancouver that has me concerned. Flights back to Charlotte appear to be either early in the morning or late at night. We may just stay in Vancouver overnight and enjoy the city.

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NH I highly advise staying one night if you can. We stayed as I said at the Blue Horizon and really enjoyed it. Stanley Park is fantastic and many other attractions. Know you will have a great time. Did I answer everything?

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