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We will be leavening in one week for cruise and land. We will be in Denali

on 9/15. The included tour is Denali National History Tour however I thought I read that there was a much better tour. All the Denali experts

what would be your best tour if we only have one day?

Also has anyone ever done the ATV four wheeling in Denali?

Any thoughts appreciated.



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Since you are so late in the season, the longer tour may not be running or is limited to going to Toklat. Also, this is the weekend of the Denali Road Lottery so the road is open to people who have the road pass vs. using the park shuttle. The Natural History Tour might be all they have going. You can get further information at http://www.nps.gov/dena


It's one of the downsides of visiting Alaska during the so-called "shoulder seasons". Lots of stuff is shutting down or has already shut down.

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Our group of 8 will be in Denali on 9/15 leaving 9/17 from a Princess Tour. We wanted to take the Tundra Wilderness Tour and found out that it shut down on 9/11. There is another that goes about 35 miles into the park that runs at that time. We booked it. It was $70 which included the $10 park entrance fee and lasts about 4.5 hours. Other than the Princess offered Natural History Tour I couldn't find anything else running.


We also tried to book the Jeep and then ATV tours. They were all full. Unfortunately we started looking into that last week (8/15).

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There is no guarantee that the Park will be open for the Lottery Winner's Drive in time. As soon as the snows come the Park Road is shut down from back to front.


Although I prefer to travel to Alaska in late autumn and winter, the downside for first time visitors is that you may not get to see as much as the brochures proclaim.


In many ways you have cheaper prices (not all however) but the risk is that you will get to do much less. The cruise lines don't inform you of this when you are considering making a booking.


Many of the seasonal Park and tourism workers have departed for their homes and universities by today. Things are shutting down.


Although I have been criticized for posting my own opinion, I'll put it forth again. Book late in the season without doing your research first and you are likely to be disappointed.

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Someone at the Park said recently that because of the new policy of charging an up front fee to participate in the road lottery, they would plow the road if it snowed. Otherwise, they would have to refund the fee to the 1600 people who paid to participate.


The tour that is running from Sept 12-18 is the Teklanika Wilderness Tour, which goes to the Tek rest stop at about mile 30-35. This replaces the Tundra Wilderness Tour for these dates. The attraction at Tek this year is the number of lynx in the area as it is the top of the snowshoe hare cycle. There have been daily sightings and some drivers who say they haven't seen a lynx in the park for the last 10 years are seeing them a couple of times a week! The caribou are also starting to bunch up around the Savage River area and around the Tek River. Moose rut is starting and large numbers of bull moose hanging around cows are being seen in the first 15 miles of the road. I have seen bear as well as wolves in the first 15 miles. I also spotted a hawk owl last week.


The fall colors will be in full swing in the entrance to the park, but the tundra is currently at peak fall colors and will be fairly brown by mid-September. This is a great time to visit the Park and a fairly good time to see wildlife as everything is rushing around trying to get as much food as possible before it snows.

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I tried to find the statistics on how often cancellation has happened, but I was not able to find any. Penny posts like it happens all the time and that just has not been my experience. I do know that it has happened, but often enough to merit comment?


Wolfie, in my 200+ trips to Savage over the last 15 years (nothing else to do so we drive to Savage with ice cream every single night to spot animals) I have never seen wolves until this year in the area you referenced. I have seen them back in the park, but not as big as the ones I saw this year. I think many visitors are getting a very unusual display of animals this year like has never happened before.



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The only time I remember the whole thing being cancelled was in '92 or '93 (my memory fails me) when we had the 14" of snow on September 11 in Fairbanks. The snowfall in the Park was heavier, and the lodges in Kantishna were still open for business. They plowed back to Kantishna, ordered everyone into cars and buses, and then plowed out again, picking up park personnel stationed at Wonder Lake, Tek, etc as they went. When they got to HQ, they put down the gate and closed the park for the winter - I think that was the week before the lottery was to start.

There have been a couple of times when it snowed on Polychrome or Sable Pass and they've shortened the distance people have been allowed to drive. I personally wouldn't want to meet some of my neighbors, who are invincible on snow and ice because they have a large 4WD SUV, coming the other way on Polychrome anyway.


In the last 20 years, I've seen the Savage River pack only a couple of times. I agree that this has been a great year to see them on the paved road. The male we have seen is the one that was caught in the snare this spring and I think he's the father of the female's pups. We got some good closeups of her and she was obviously nursing. Wolf sightings in the park as a whole have been really good the last few years - I guess the overabundance of bunnies has been good for the wolves as well as foxes, lynx, raptors, etc.

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Thanks All.

We purposely picked this time of year to go to Denali so whatever the weather it will be fine and I did do my homework for this trip!!!

Does anyone know if the tours that are offered thru cruise lines at this time do usually go ie: Helicopter flightseeing, Atv runs do any of these happen in Sept or is it all dependant on the weather. Which by the way

all Denali people what is the predication for weather in the next two weeks? Will there be snow??

Thanks again.

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Thanks All.

We purposely picked this time of year to go to Denali so whatever the weather it will be fine and I did do my homework for this trip!!!

Does anyone know if the tours that are offered thru cruise lines at this time do usually go ie: Helicopter flightseeing, Atv runs do any of these happen in Sept or is it all dependant on the weather. Which by the way

all Denali people what is the predication for weather in the next two weeks? Will there be snow??

Thanks again.


It is supposed to have possible light rain/sprinkles over the next couple of days and then cloudy for the next week or so. Mountain not likely to be out, but no rain is better than when I was there. It has been in the mid 50s, which is still warmer than when I was there in July. Highly unlikely that they will have snow in the next two weeks, but it is Alaska and so you never know.

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I've been in Denali park in snow storms begining of Sept.


The "weather" question, is pointless to try and speculate upon, no way to predict 2 weeks out.


The Natural History is a crime in Denali Park, :) it's totally lacking and a waste of time, compared to what is available there. Problem is, way too many people just don't know. The timing is also a frequent mistake people make, in my opinion, it doesn't make a lot of sense to pick a timeframe when the shuttle buses are not running, unless you have a lottery permit, or some way to get INTO the park, why go there???


Alaska is costly and not a frequent visit for many people. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, to go all that way with some significant limitations that you didn't know about.


Bottom line, well research this area and do your homework. Know EVERYTHING about what you are booking, and leave nothing under assumptions. The more you know the better your choices will be for the trip of your priorities.

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We will be leavening in one week for cruise and land. We will be in Denali

on 9/15. The included tour is Denali National History Tour however I thought I read that there was a much better tour. All the Denali experts

what would be your best tour if we only have one day?

Also has anyone ever done the ATV four wheeling in Denali?

Any thoughts appreciated.




You are too late, the shuttle buses are closed. For clairfication there haven't been any RTV tours at the National Park, unless recent changes. Would be the state park. Flightseeing is excellent.

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It is correct that they work harder to keep the road open for the lottery weekend not that a fee is charged. Furthermore, the big hotels in the visitor area (i.e Denali Princess, McKinley Chalets, etc. do stay open through the lottery period.


Several years ago, we were delayed entering the park due to a snowstorm on our lottery day. Nothing opened until after 1pm due to weather. It's just a chance you take.


It is too bad that the cruiselines don't make things clearer that the early and late "value" seasons come with a price, i.e., the possible unavailability of several activities and excursions. The lower cost of a cruise and tour does indeed come with a price. Having said that, the short fall season can be quite beautiful with an excellent chance of seeing the northern lights on a clear night.

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Wolfie11, your photos are absolutely wonderful!!!!


I prefer late autumn into winter travel in Alaska as I really miss that season. Give me cold weather and mountains and I am about as happy as I can get.


I'm glad to hear that they are making an effort to plow the Park road due to people paying for the lottery chances. I can't remember what year it was when the Park personel woke us up very early in the morning as we camped at Wonder Lake and told us to get out immediately. It was before the lottery. All you needed then was an Alaska driver's license and license plates.


Family members have hiked and also biked the Park road from one end to the other. I missed my chance to do that and waited too long and can't manage to do it now due to age and other issues.


I am very aware of the folks with the big 4WD SUV's who think they own the road. A Subaru would be very easy to squash!


I'll be hiking in my beloved mountains in October. Yes, I know it will be cold and likely snow. That is how I prefer to spend my time.


If you see me along the way, call my name!


My best wishes to all who visit Alaska in the coming months.


Thanks again for sharing the photos.

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Budget Queen,

Is the Natural History tour just lacking content or do they not drive you into the park? Can you expound a bit on why it is a crime? I certainly dont want to waist 4 hours.

Thanks All for the input. Looks like we for sure will do the flightseeing.

This is why we all come to the boards! Thanks


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Budget Queen,

Is the Natural History tour just lacking content or do they not drive you into the park? Can you expound a bit on why it is a crime? I certainly dont want to waist 4 hours.

Thanks All for the input. Looks like we for sure will do the flightseeing.

This is why we all come to the boards! Thanks



The Park Road into Denali Park is 90 miles. The farther you go, the more scenery and wildlife you get. The Natural History tour, goes to mile 16, which is the public road, a waste of time in my opinion, and I never consider any less than Eielson, mile 66 for myself. The Tundra Wilderness tour, goes to mile 53 and the Very least I ever recommend.


More information about Denali Park, http://www.nps.gov/dena

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the issue at hand is that that Pat will be in Denali Park on 9/15. The shuttle buses will have ceased to run. There is only this weak 4 hour tour down the public road. I believe part of the time is taken up with viewing a video.


If Pat avoids doing the tour, what else is there to do? A walk?


Weather will be an issue for all activities including flightseeing.


As I have often stated, I prefer Alaska in late autumn, but I have my own ways of getting around and my own places to visit. I understand when I book my flights that most of the tourist offerings will be closed for the season. It works for me.

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the issue at hand is that that Pat will be in Denali Park on 9/15. The shuttle buses will have ceased to run. There is only this weak 4 hour tour down the public road. I believe part of the time is taken up with viewing a video.


If Pat avoids doing the tour, what else is there to do? A walk?


Weather will be an issue for all activities including flightseeing.


As I have often stated, I prefer Alaska in late autumn, but I have my own ways of getting around and my own places to visit. I understand when I book my flights that most of the tourist offerings will be closed for the season. It works for me.


my information was general. But the Teklanika Tundra Wilderness Tour, would be available and definately superior to the Natural History tour, IF they can arrange it??


Copied from NPS web site.

This 4-5 hour tour is fully narrated and travels to mile 30 of the Park Road to Teklanika River Overlook. This tour is only offered when the park road is not fully operational.


Other Teklanika Tundra Wilderness Tour features:


Morning or afternoon departures. The morning tours depart between 7AM – 9AM and are designed to get you back to catch your train or bus transportation. The afternoon tours depart between 1PM and 3PM. Exact departure times are not guaranteed and are based on availability.

Tour stops approximately every 90 minutes for a restroom break.

Includes a light snack and hot beverages. There are no food services once you enter Denali National Park.

Suggested items to bring: warm clothes, raingear, camera and film, binoculars, and personal medication as necessary.

Alaska state law requires children under 4 years of age, to be in a car seat. Parents are responsible for providing the appropriate car seat.

Wheelchair accessible buses are available on request when you make your reservation, and all stops are wheelchair accessible.

Smoking or consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on tour buses.

2008 Teklanika Tundra Wilderness Tour rates:

Adult: $60.50

Children 14 and under: $30.25

Tour dates: May 15 - May 23 and September 12-19, 2008

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Thanks BQ. It looks like we might be able to do the Tundra Wilderness. I am going to check on that now.

I am sure there are 8 of us that we will find something to do for sure. But I did not want to waste time on a tour that I heard was very good.

So thanks All again. Love this board.

I really think I would like to do Alaska next in Winter!!!


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The Tek Tour would be better than the Natural History Tour this late in the season. As I mentioned above, lots of lynx around Tek and a chance of bears in the river or on the banks after berries. Also, caribou around Primrose Ridge.


If you will have a car, you can buy a road lottery ticket on Craigslist and go all the way to Wonder Lake on the 15th.

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The Tek Tour would be better than the Natural History Tour this late in the season. As I mentioned above, lots of lynx around Tek and a chance of bears in the river or on the banks after berries. Also, caribou around Primrose Ridge.


If you will have a car, you can buy a road lottery ticket on Craigslist and go all the way to Wonder Lake on the 15th.


Who knew. Someone is willing to pay $200. I told someone just this year to give it away. Wish I had known about this and I would have told them to sell it. I know you can transfer it, but there is something inherently wrong with putting in just to be able to sell and preventing someone from winning because they really want to know. I wonder if they will put a limit on how many winners you can have say in a five year period.



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