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Anyone else doing HCG Diet? I'm on week 1 and love it!


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Wow, you guys all have a a lot of good information. I have lost 57 lbs since March on a combo diet (WW) and excercise plan. I am half way to goal at this point and hope to keep it off this time! BTW, I am 46 yrs old and it does not seem that my metabolism has been affected by my age. I really do believe that if you eat smarter (non-processed foods) with portion control and move more, you will lose the weight w/o any "help" from drugs or the dreaded surgeries that are out there.


Here's to a healthier you!

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Wow, you guys all have a a lot of good information. I have lost 57 lbs since March on a combo diet (WW) and excercise plan. I am half way to goal at this point and hope to keep it off this time! BTW, I am 46 yrs old and it does not seem that my metabolism has been affected by my age. I really do believe that if you eat smarter (non-processed foods) with portion control and move more, you will lose the weight w/o any "help" from drugs or the dreaded surgeries that are out there.


Here's to a healthier you!


I totally agree with you! I am 44 years old, and while my body is perhaps a smidge slower (lol) my metabolism seems to be in good working order. The only magical equation I have found for effective weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume.


Our society dictates that everything be FAST, INSTANT, and RIGHT NOW!


Instant teller banking, instant credit, instant foods, the list goes on, and on, and on... And so, we want instant weight loss. Whether it be through drugs or surgical means. Liposuction. Whatever. Whether it's healthy or not. People are no longer able to accept themselves for who and what they are, but are only willing to darn near kill themselves trying to be an ideal set by celebrities.



Time for us all to learn to accept ourselves and become comfortable in our own skins, and get on with the really important stuff. It's called living!!!!!

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This is one of the scariest things medically one could do to their body. None of the medical research is conclusive on it. The body makes HGH naturally, you can do by far more safer things to get your pituitary to stimulate HGH hormone naturally, rather than inject crap into yourself.

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I appreciate everyone's opinions, it's good to hear what people have learned about this since it's hard to find independent info on the internet. I read that most of the studies done didn't follow the protocol exactly, with the right combination of foods, and that's why they didn't find conclusively that HCG helped with dieting.


I agree that rapid weight loss can be just a loss of water and worse, muscle, and I know that on any diet the initial weight loss is more dramatic than in subsequent weeks. That being said, I'm halfway into week two and losing at an average weight of a pound a day. My energy levels are still very high, I'm able to work out for an hour daily as I did before starting the diet. My skin has cleared up and some fine lines and crows feet have disappeared (verified by my facialist).


I know many thing HCG is awful, but I just wanted to share my personal results since my experience with this version of the HCG diet has been excellent.

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The less you eat, the less your metabolism works. Eat more = higher metabolism, cardio more = higher metabolism.


I have a question for you, since I respect your opinion and I think your posts are very interesting and informative! Have you ever heard of the rotation diet, where you eat normally one day and greatly reduced calories on alternate days? The theory is that you trick your metabolism by following calorie-deprivation with calorie-normal.


For me, I'd rather not count calories but I have a general sense of what's high and low. I'm now 120 pounds and goal is 115, I eat a lot of raw veggies and fruits on the low-cal days, and on the alternate days I eat complex carbs, protein, low-low carb, fruits and veggies. Another rule is ZERO sugar, no pasta, no white flour. Typical 2 days:


Meal 1 - steel cut oats, 1 banana; OR 2 eggs scrambled, with a little cheese and a thin slice of whole grain black bread

snack - seasonal fresh fruit (melon, peach, cherries...)

Meal 2 - black bread with hummus or goat cheese OR a salad OR sushi and rice

Meal 3 - stir-fry shrimp, stir-fry veggies, OR an omelette, always with a big, raw salad.

snack - fruit



Meal 1 - banana

snack - melon

Meal 2 - 1 or 2 bananas

Meal 3 - more fruit OR raw veggies (typically either carrots, tomato salad with basil and garlic, peppers, or corn, which is great raw if it's very fresh)


For exercise, I try to do full-body heavy weight training 2x/week, situps and a few arm reps with small free weights each day, and I walk whenever I can for cardio.


Your opinion? I've lost 4 lb so far in 3 weeks.

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In the end, doesn't any diet work if you follow it the way you are supposed to? I mean, look at all the diets that are out there. The diet gets the blame for not working because people want to follow it "their way". The minute someone posts something on here about a diet, everyone starts asking questions "can I do this, can I do that". And then again, don't people gain the weight back because they never changed their habits to begin with? Maybe temporarily to lose the weight, but not long term. And of course, isn't your stomach going to complain about having less food until it gets used to it? Again, the diet gets the blame. "I'm always hungry".


Seems to me every diet, no matter what it is, has at it's crux "correct portion size, certain amounts of grains, fruits, and vegetables, and about 1200 calories per day"

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I have before and current photos and measurements that show where the weight has been lost. My lean muscle is intact. My point is, it's easy to criticize the diet, just because it sounds bad, but for someone who has trouble losing weight it can be a godsend. I'm exercising daily and my muscle strength has not diminished. You can't prove I've lost muscle, that's just an easy way to explain away what you don't choose to believe in.


Fixed :)
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I have a question for you' date=' since I respect your opinion and I think your posts are very interesting and informative! Have you ever heard of the rotation diet, where you eat normally one day and greatly reduced calories on alternate days? The theory is that you trick your metabolism by following calorie-deprivation with calorie-normal.


For me, I'd rather not count calories but I have a general sense of what's high and low. I'm now 120 pounds and goal is 115, I eat a lot of raw veggies and fruits on the low-cal days, and on the alternate days I eat complex carbs, protein, low-low carb, fruits and veggies. Another rule is ZERO sugar, no pasta, no white flour. Typical 2 days:


Meal 1 - steel cut oats, 1 banana; OR 2 eggs scrambled, with a little cheese and a thin slice of whole grain black bread

snack - seasonal fresh fruit (melon, peach, cherries...)

Meal 2 - black bread with hummus or goat cheese OR a salad OR sushi and rice

Meal 3 - stir-fry shrimp, stir-fry veggies, OR an omelette, always with a big, raw salad.

snack - fruit



Meal 1 - banana

snack - melon

Meal 2 - 1 or 2 bananas

Meal 3 - more fruit OR raw veggies (typically either carrots, tomato salad with basil and garlic, peppers, or corn, which is great raw if it's very fresh)


For exercise, I try to do full-body heavy weight training 2x/week, situps and a few arm reps with small free weights each day, and I walk whenever I can for cardio.


Your opinion? I've lost 4 lb so far in 3 weeks.[/quote']



Yeah Ive have read and used the calorie cycling diet. It works real well, it just got too time consuming for me. I had to plan ahead a week in advance my calorie intake, then plan what food fit into that spectrum, and had to manage my macro nutrients so that my protein ratio was high enough for my needs.

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I'm doing an HCG Diet, through a local clinic here in Orlando. I've tried lots of diets, and this one is definitely the most effective and easiest to stick with. I've already lost 8 pounds in less than a week. The best part is I'm not hungry, irritable or exhausted like with all other diets I've tried.

My starting weight was 176 and my goal is 140 (I'm five foot nine). I have a lot of friends who have used this clinic, and they've lost all the weight they wanted and kept it off for over a year. The clinic says it'll take 8 weeks or less to reach my goal. Then I'll be ready for all the formal Christmas parties and our Mediterranean cruise in May!

Anyway, I feel like I've discovered the best secret for dieting and just wanted to share. Is anyone else doing an HCG diet?



Good for you Sunshine! As long as you are getting plenty of water and taking a good vitamin & calcium supplement every day then 800 cal. a day for just 8 weeks should not be a problem. Definitely lifting light weights every day so you don't lose too much muscle. It always amazes me how when someone begins to lose weight the saboteurs (usually overweight themselves) seem to come out of the woodwork. My favorite diet mantra is "I've come too far to take orders from food"

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I agree that 800 cal a day for 8 weeks won't be a problem. The problem will be when you try to start eating more than that again.

And no I am not trying to sabotage, just being realistic. I have not seen one person use this plan and not have to go back on it because when they went off they gained the weight back.


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Thanks for the kind words, it's good to hear something nice back! It's still going great, I'm down by 15 pounds now in 15 days. I'm keeping up with my daily 1 hour of weightlifting and cardio, as I've done for years. I know I still have my lean muscle since now I can see it with most of the fat layer gone!


Good for you Sunshine! As long as you are getting plenty of water and taking a good vitamin & calcium supplement every day then 800 cal. a day for just 8 weeks should not be a problem. Definitely lifting light weights every day so you don't lose too much muscle. It always amazes me how when someone begins to lose weight the saboteurs (usually overweight themselves) seem to come out of the woodwork. My favorite diet mantra is "I've come too far to take orders from food"
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Well, it's been almost 4 weeks now, and I've lost 18 pounds. It's been getting easier every week, my energy is still high and I've maintained all of my muscle mass. I'm really thrilled with the results. In 2 weeks I'll go on to phase 2 of the program, which is 1600 calories a day, without any HCG shots, to stabilize the weight loss. After 3 weeks on that, I'll go into maintenance which will be about 2200 calories a day. I'm very hopeful that it will be a long-term weight loss, since my friends with similar results have maintained their new lower weights for years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a quick update, in 4 weeks on the diet, I lost 20 pounds. I'm now taking a break since I'll be traveling a lot for a few weeks, and just eating about 1600 calories a day, with no drugs or injections. I've maintained the weight loss of 20 pounds for 2 weeks so far. I'll restart the diet in a couple of weeks to lose the last 10. I liked the HcG effects, more energy, fewer skin breakouts and much less hunger, so I'm actually looking forward to doing it again!

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Hi Sunshine,


Glad you had great results. I just started something very similar but perhaps on a milder level. I take the injections twice a week and my calorie intake is 750-1000 a day. I was advised that protein was the way to kick the matabolism in each day and that any protein I took could me multiplied by 4 and subtracted from the calories. I was worried I would be hungry but now I have to push myself to get the 750 calories in each day. What I like best is the education on nutrition that I get from going to this clinic? I also have an excersice routing and taking daily diet supplements. I hope I have as much success as you and curious to how only taking two shots a week will differ with the daily shots. I was actually given the option of taking just one shot a week but chose to go with two which is the maximum I can get from this weight loss center. I was told to anticipate 4 lbs a week weight loss.


What aggravates me is people who say well as soon as you get off of it it will come back if you loose it that fast. Guess what? Every diet I have ever been on my weight came back when I went off the diet. My hopes this time is that I am actually learning a better and healthier way to eat and that will keep me going when its time to quit taking the shots.


Good Luck to You!



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  • 7 months later...

I'm evidently the 1% this program is not working for. Within 2 days of starting the protocol meal plan, I was in bed with a horrible migraine, I had blurred vision, couldn't walk across the room without losing my balance, slurred speech, couldn't put two thoughts together to make a coherent sentence and I felt like either I was having a stroke or just plain dying.


Because the clinic I was going to was too busy to see me, I went to my primary care physician who took a small blood sample and told me that my blood glucose level was 47. He made me take this syrupy gel stuff and drink a big glass of orange juice. He told me that this diet is not safe for everybody and that 500 calories a day is starving your body whether or not the hCG kicks in or not.


He gave me a meal plan for hypoglycemics and now I have to check in with him once a week.


I know it works for many...that's why I tried this route...but just be careful. It doesn't work for everyone.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello my name is Erin ... my entire family does the 500 calorie HCG diet but i can not handle being hungry so i've stopped it ... i lost 30 lbs in my first 2 weeks of the program ... i read on here that you did the 800 calorie diet ... can you please give me some info on that? you can e-mail me at peaps4@hotmail.com ... i would greatly appriciate your help ... i need to know what different items you can eat ... or what different you have to do that might be different from the 800 .... thank you so much !!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

check out my page with lots of videos on recipies, how to's and where to order.....i compiled all my favorite videos from people on youtube who got me started on HCG.....so if u have questions on the HCG diet just check it out.....on the right hand side u will all the videos, the one from mamaclok are really good.....i do not use the shots, yuk, i use the drops......works the same............

well hope this helps someone...


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