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Carnival Spirit Northbound 8-27-08 review


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Your review and pictures are awesome! I was another member of the "Palm tree, turquoise water, Caribbean Cruising" club. A few months ago DH & I decided we wanted to go to AK to see what everyone was raving about. We booked a Spirit B2B (love that ship!) SB next Aug, RT in Sept. in our favorite aft wrap balcony cabin. Due to family circumstances we had to cancel both last week. :( :( :( This thread has made me feel like I don't have to miss it after all! :) Thank you for taking the time to do this. Can't believe what amazing weather you had! ;)

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Your review and pictures are awesome! I was another member of the "Palm tree, turquoise water, Caribbean Cruising" club. A few months ago DH & I decided we wanted to go to AK to see what everyone was raving about. We booked a Spirit B2B (love that ship!) SB next Aug, RT in Sept. in our favorite aft wrap balcony cabin. Due to family circumstances we had to cancel both last week. :( :( :( This thread has made me feel like I don't have to miss it after all! :) Thank you for taking the time to do this. Can't believe what amazing weather you had! ;)


Sorry to hear that you had to cancel. I think that would be the only thing worse than PCD!


I guess this is good a time as any to put a disclaimer in: For anyone that expecting anything like your Caribbean cruises, DON'T. This is a much quieter, subdued cruise. Since school had started, there were very few kids, and the ones we saw looked to be pre-school. Demographically the median age was older than on most cruises. You didn't see a lot of partying or the loud drunks. You go on this itenerary for the scenery and because you love to cruise. That being said..........I am so excited to for my next Caribbean cruise and a lively crowd. I LOVEEEEEEEEE free intertainment. :D

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We had booked The Chilkoot 7 1/2 rail/bus trip on our own. Our confirmation said to proceed out and through security to meet up with our tour guide. Once again we used the wake-up call on the phone. Can't say enough about how well it works on the Spirit. We have had difficulty with it on past cruises and some near missed excursions. After eating, we walked around waiting to dock and enjoyed the ship and scenery.


Skagway is up at the top of the inside passage. During the gold rush, miners had to make it to this point before they ever made the difficult trip up and around the mountains into the Yukon. Gold was never found in Skagway, but they have found a way to turn it into a tourist attraction. I talked to one lady who found a nugget. She was so excited and said they had extimated its value at around $30. I didn't have the heart to tell her it was more than likely planted.


Skagway has extreme fluctuations of high and low tides on a daily basis. Low tide can be as low as 5 feet below sea level and high tide can be up to 20 feet above sea level. This all happens twice daily and in a few hours time. We debarked on deck A.....the crew level and embarked on......I believe it was deck 2, Promenade.



There is a rocky bluff just as you get off the ship. It is covered with grafitti. A lot of it was done by crew members in honor of a captain or a ship.


There was grafitti way up the side of the mountain. We were curious as to how it was done. Some of it had to be done by hang from ropes on the trees above.



The tour buses are not allowed to drive up and park near the ship. You have to walk around 2-300 feet. We wound up on the same tour with a group of 15 or 20 family members that had been on our Orca tour the day before.

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We had to get on the tour bus and was driven to our train. There was a set of railroad tracks just outside the ship and I had expected to board there. Not sure why they don't pull the train down there. If anyone knows, I'd be interested in nowing. We had to wait until they were ready for us and we boarded our car. It was not nearly full, maybe half. This is one of the pluses to booking on your own. We took the left side and as far rear as we could get.



This was the source of our "heated car" It was still cool at 7:20 in the morning and a few passengers stood around the stove until it warmed up


Since we did the bus back, we didn't flip our seats, but we saw them do it.They just grabbed on to the back and......flip. The back became the seat and the seat became the back.


We passed several historic cars as well as the maintainence shop for the trains.


the scenery was breathtaking. This overlooks the harbor and if you look really close you can see the ships


If you look closely you can see the black cross. While building the railroad, this several ton boulder fell on two men. His has since been a monument to them, and all the men that died buiding the railroad.

We saw old pieces of wood from wagons of the past as well as the remains of abandoned mines.


Another train up on the hillside

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We were ecstatic that we had another clear beautiful day. This was another excursion that I had read would be a bust if it was cloudy or raining. We did encounter some very light mist. But, hardley enough to count.


The higher we went, the more changes in the terrain. I actually took very few pictures up near the summit because it was sooooo......drab.


I stepped out on the back platform in order to get pictures like this.


you can see remnant of the path that the was seen during the goldrush by those that did not use the train.


Just before entering the tunnel


You can still see the ships if you are at the right vantage point


Only as we hit the very height of the Summit did we hit fog. It was just a wee bit eerie. I took a few pictures from inside the train and got a little reflection. So, those reflections are real people NOT ghosts. HEE HEE

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Nuff said!


Can you imagine navigating this trail with the required ton of supplies. Each prospector was required to take one ton of goods, or enough to last a year before they were allowed to pass by customs.232323232%7Ffp4327%3B%3Enu%3D3244%3E%3A83%3E942%3EWSNRCG%3D32334756%3C5%3B%3B%3Anu0mrj


The US Canadian border. We cleared customs just down the road a bit. Legally you cannot take pictures of the agents or customs buildings. When the train stopped, we had to have our passports open to our picture. We had to hold it up close to our faces as the agent walked through the train and checked passports. One of the older ladies had lost hers somewhere at the Houston airport. He quized her thouroughly and you could tell she was sweating bullets. She kept saying...."they said they would call ahead. They said it would be ok." I think she was traveling with the large family group because they had sucked all the air out of our rail car. As the agent left the car, there was a huge collective sigh. Thank God she was sitting in the last seat. LOL He did tell her that she needed to apply for a new one ASAP because US passports were a hot commodity.



By the time you get to customs, you have headed back DOWN, and the scenery starts improving immensely



The obligatory sign post picture

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I was surprised to see so much color. I'm sure for those going in a couple of weeks the fall colors will be out in full bloom.


We are driving along and I thought I saw something on the side of the road. The lady behind me started yelling "BEAR" "BEAR"........The driver stopped the bus and turned around. That is when we see an adult bear cross over the road. Then she stops and waits. Soon, a cub crosses. Well, I'm so excited I can't get my camer up and read so, I don't get it.....GRRRR Then, before we know it a SECOND cub crosses..........



He is looking for his mama


The driver then goes up and turns around where he is going the original direction. This puts me on the opposite side from the bears. I'm just a little vertically challenged. So, DH grabs the camera and tries to get me a couple of shots. He was pretty far away from the window, so there was a lot of glare. If you want glare free shots from inside a glass, you need to be as close as possible. In this case it was not possible without being rude and knocking someone out of the way. BOO HOO


You can see the bears down eating berries when suddenly the mama bear stands up and starts looking at us




I'm yelling "get it, get it!!!!!!!!! DH tried his hardest and initially I was devastated when all I could see was a glare. Once I got home I could see the bears. I would have dearly loved to had a clear shot, but......I am happy to have these. Do you see the cub standing just in front of its mama?

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I had intentionally booked this particular tour because I did not see any of the ones offered on the ship that went to Emerald lake. Looking at pictures is great.........but, seeing it with your own eyes is like cementing it in your memory forever.


Bove Island232323232%7Ffp43285%3Enu%3D3244%3E%3A83%3E942%3EWSNRCG%3D32334756%3C9558nu0mrj

Emeral Lake looking left


Emerald Lake looking straight on


Emerald Lake looking right

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Lunch was included so we stopped at Caribou Crossing Trading Post and Museum. We were served BBQ chicken, something like a twice baked potato, & cole slaw. It was actually a decent meal. Then we went about the grounds to explore. If you are looking for hustle and bustle, you won't find it here. If you are looking for cheap imported gifts, you won't find it here. This is pretty much a just a few buidlings together as a place where tourists and locals can get a bite to eat, shop for souvenirs, visit the museum, and see some sled dogs. I've read that some folks were dissapointed. But, it is what it is and if knowing all that.......we enjoyed it.


They had 3 puppies. They kept hiding under the dog sled. There was another one that I really wanted to hold. They had a dog sled ride here for an additional 20 to 25 dollars. I had mixed feelings about how I felt about dogs being hooked up to a sled to pull us humans around. But, hearing them bark and get excited and continue to bark as if to say "pick me, pick me until the sled took off really changed my mind. By the time I decided I would like to do it time was running out. My Grumpy Gus didn't want to. Harumph. This is probably one of my few regrets. I should have put on my big girl panties and done it by myself. LOL


They had some little goats there too. You could "donate" 25 cents or so and get treats for the goats as well as the dogs.


This was as close as I got to my dogsled ride LOL

The museum was included and consisted of every imaginable stuffed animal. Some of them were HUGE


DH really was a sport to play along with me as you can see in the dogsled photo. He also helped me TRY to set this one up to look like I was breaking the bear fight up. LOL

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We got back on the bus and headed back to Alaska and our home away from home. The scenery never failed to impress.










By now we had shed a few layers. We hit a small patch of clouds here.


Anyway, we did not have to clear US customs to get back into Alaska. At one point the tour guide told us there wouldn't be much to tell us or show us for a while. The lonnnggggggg day in Juneau previously, the early wake up, and riding along quietly proved to much. I fell asleep. I'm sure I missed something but that nap was very much needed.

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It was almost 4pm by the time we got back to the ship. We had to be on board by 4:30 so we opted to pass on seeing any more of Skagway. The past guest party was that night from 5pm to 6pm and it was also the second formal night.


I'm not sure which ship this is, but I loved the way the sun was shining through the clouds right down on her.232323232%7Ffp43282%3Enu%3D3244%3E%3A83%3E942%3EWSNRCG%3D32334756%3C%3B62%3Bnu0mrj


View of Skagway

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Lido Aft taken to show how we were dwarfed by the mountains. It is hard to see the bar underneath the canopy. There is a hot tub to my right.


Skagway from Lido forward


I love the suns rays shining through the clouds. Does anyone else hear the angels singing halleluja?


We went back to our room and got dressed for the past guest party and formal night. I did not dress nearly as formal on this cruise. I wanted to stay warm! Most of my really formal attire is more suited to the caribbean. We rarely sit through a whole past guest party, but

we stayed to watch as they did a presentation of all the ships from the very beginning. They also introduced the Splendor and talked about the Dream. Our dining room bar waiter was not there, so we didn't get the service we had recieved for the Captains party.


We killed a little time around the ship.........and yes gave a little MORE of their money back in the casino we went back to the room. We had late seating and had until 8:15




What is it?


Taken from our aft balcony as we cruised through the Lynn Canal. Sunset was 8:03 pm and I took this at 8:05pm. You can see an a glacier in the background.


Our one and only formal photo taken by our waiter. We stopped and let them take several pictures........it's just easier to do it and go on. But, we bought ZERO pictures from the ship. I refused to even look for them. We usually wind up spending way too much on them just to get home and not have anywhere to display them. They have got to where the only sell 8X10's and they don't fit well in an album.


We didn't stay up too much longer. Most of the lounges played clasical music (that we saw anyway), the casino closed early most nights( I won a litte bit of their money back though), and after 10 cruises..........we rarely go to the shows..

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This is our one and only tender port. We arrived in port around 6:30. We booked the Wildlife and otter excursion through the ship for 9:30. We had fun intentions of sleeping in because we didn't want to fight any crowds for a tender. I left DH in the room and went up to the deck and around the ship for some pictures. It looked like our run of luck on the weather had ran out. You really can't complain about the weather when it is the norm for a location right?


Just a few from the upper deck.


Sitka from the Lido



It is around 6:45 in the morning and you can see how wet the deck is







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I went back to meet up with DH for breakfast. I had an omlette this morning. YUMMMMMMMMM!



Doing the open......open......open sign. Yes, we all know the shops are closed in port.




The Atrium Bar. You can see the glass elevator going down. You can't reall see but the excursion desk is in the upper corner of this shot and the pursers desk would be positioned just around the corner (upper left of this picture) The photo galary is one deck up and you can get a visual even though they don't have any up for display.




Another picture of the Jungle. It really is a little dark in the Jungle, so I used a flash to get this photo. I never saw many people here,so if you just want a quiet place to read or enjoy a drink.....this would work.




They used the lifeboats as tenders



Thre is only seating on either side of the Jungle but not as you round the back. I hadn't noticed, but it does look like there is a security camera


Gotta run. Will try to finish Sitka tonight.

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What a wonderful picture review!! We have been on the Spirit for an 8-night cruise to Mexico, and will be on her again for the Hawaii to San Diego cruise on 10/06/08. This will be our first cruise with an aft wrap-around balcony, and I can hardly wait!! We will be in Cabin 4237, so I understand the balcony will be covered. Did you enjoy the aft cabin? How loud was the sound of the water, and did you have any problems with soot from the funnel? We have also been to Alaska, and all your pictures bring back such wonderful memories. Thanks for taking the time to post.



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