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30 lbs to New Years!!


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ok, here I go again.. I have a cruise booked over New Years and I figure it's a good time to start the diet and a New Year at goal. I'm sooo tired of my clothes not fitting and my belly over the waist of my pants/shorts. So here it goes. Anyone want to join me for a goal of the 28th of Dec.? I cruise on the 29th.


Cutting back, contemplating using Alli and of course exercise. I'll be weighing in on Mondays.


Anyone want to start the New Year lighter?:D


Happy Cruising & Losing~


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I'm in! I just started dieting a week ago and been looking for a new thread to join. I'm on South Beach (has worked for me in the past) and also have a bottle of Alli. My big treat is sugar free fudge popsicle or two each night. I'm the heaviest I've ever been. At 54 years old it's hard to lose. My goal is 30 lbs by my cruise on 2/21/09, with 25 lbs by Christmas. 30 lbs by Christmas would be even better. I lost 7 1/2 lbs last week but looks like I've now slowed down. So we check in next Monday with our good or positive results?


I saw somewhere that "interval walking" was good. That's where you are walking and then for 30 seconds you do speed walking. I'm going to try that. I haven't started daily exercising yet but know that's what I need to do. I also plan to pull out my Richard Simmons Dancing with the Oldies videos. Yes, I know you probably laughed on that one. They are actually exercises/moves that I can do. And I do like the songs. At least it gets me moving!!


My husband is doing South Beach with me..........................well, sort of. He eats supper of "South Beach" and then he goes to his truck and pulls out a bag of cookies and peanut butter he bought on the way home. LOL


My inspiration/motivation: I am determine not to be embarrassed when I put my bathing suit on for the cruise. I am determined to feel comfortable in my clothes. I am determined that I go on this cruise and not be embarrassed on my weight.



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You go girl!!


I am 47, and have found that I lose ALOT slower than in the past. I also know I better get it off now as not to have to deal with it later. My motivation is looking at clothes I've worn on past cruises that I can not get in at all:eek: I think, I did fit in that and I will again!! And to also not be embarrased to wear a bathing suit.


I'm walking to. Well, starting tomorrow with the Leslie Sansome DVD's. I do daycare at home so I don't get out to walk, but I can do it during their naptime. And I remember Richard Simmons!!


You can check in daily to chat and kind of be accountable. Weigh in on Monday.


So for me:

9/15 167 Goal 137 ( I am 5'8).


SO off we go!


Happy Cruising & losing!


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Great! I also work from my home but it's office work. I should be able to get out and walk but sometimes get so busy. Tomorrow I will be working and keeping 2 1/2 year old grandson as he has a physical tomorrow afternoon and I'm recruited to take him. So exercise? I'm going to figure out someway to start!! That's my goal for the next 24 hours. I've had an ear infection so exercise seems to add to the pain. So tomorrow - take a Goody power and exercise. LOL


Start Weight: 197.7

Current Weight: 190.4

Goal: 167.7 (yes my goal is what you are already at but I do have longer range goals for when I return from this cruise)



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Welcome Sass!


I see you are on South Beach. So am I. My problem is it works, I lose weight, go on a big vacation and just never get back on the diet so next year - same problem all over again. I see you are trying to lose 50 lbs and have already lost 25.6 lbs. How much have you lost since you started on South Beach? Have you gone to Phase 2 or stayed on Phase 1?

Where did you get the weight scale signature? That's really cool! Please share!



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Hope everyone had a good day. I'm on one of those plateau's so that's good news and bad news. At least I didn't gain, but definitely haven't lost since I weighed on Sunday. Yes, I weigh every day. I know we aren't suppose to but that keeps me focused and I sometimes figure out foods that cause me to gain (fluid I'm sure) overnight. For example, a beer is 100 calories but if I drink a couple, my weight will go up 3 or 4 lbs for the next few days. A glass of wine doesn't do that.


I did pretty good with my dieting today but didn't do a lot of exercise today. I did 10 minutes of "Dancing with the Oldies" and got interrupted and never had..........no never took ........the time to go back to it. Raining here so couldn't walk. I promise I will do better tomorrow!


Sass - I see that you are going on your first cruise on Glory in May. I'm going on my first cruise in February, also on Glory. We are going on the Western Carribean.



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Wow~ These boards were tough to get on today. Glad they got them fixed. I did good today food wise and had 1 glass of wine, so that was my bad. Just got back from CPR class, I have to renew every 2 years for my childcare license, so it's after 9 pm here now. ( I wonder if compressions count as exercise LOL!:rolleyes: ) Did walk a little today. I am going to try and do atleast 30 minutes a day and work up from there.


I started at 171(2 weeks ago) and I'm at 164 today. I guess slow and steady wins the race. I will need to look into Southbeach..I've been doing Scarsdale but it is very strict, specific menu. I am also looking at Weight watchers points, sems like something I could live with long term.


Tell me about South Beach..


I LOVE the Caribbean, We have only been there once since we are on the West Coast. My dream is to go back in 2010 for my son's 16th birthday.


Have a great night!!

Happy Cruising & losing~


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Looks like I am still on a plateau today - then is when I get discouraged and want to quit. I really need to see a drop really soon....... What is Southbeach? It's a lifestyle change type of diet. I can tell you that my family physician says it is one of the best ones out there. He also likes WW. I also talked to a urologist a couple years ago (when I was on SB before) when my husband had a LARGE kidney stone. I asked him if what we were eating caused the stone. He said no that SB was one of the best but to be sure I did not do Atkins. He said they are seeing a lot of people in their office with complications from being on Atkins diet. On SB you do not measure portions, you can eat chicken, steak, etc. - good fat meats - and lots of vegetables (certain ones though - such as no carrots) and have 3 meals, 3 snacks. It has different phases built in. No alcohol first 2 weeks and then you can add on wine. We actually eat better meals while on SB.


Last night I was on the boards and watching Oprah. Oprah had Dr. Oz on there and someone else who had lost 50 lbs by reading and complying with "You on a Diet", which is his book. I went on Half.Com to order the book. In reading the boards, there's thread about the 30 Day Shred, a 20 minute session extensive exercise program done by the same person as "The Biggest Loser". Suppose to lose a lot of inches and pounds. I thought 20 minutes? Surely I can do- just for 20 minutes a day.... Yes, you guessed it. I went back on Half.Com and ordered that DVD. LOL - this plateau could get expensive. I think I need to go buy hand weights now.



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Would really like to join in - have to stop going off and on and get REALLY serious about losing these pounds. Lost a few lbs. but not near enough. We are cruising on Royal Caribbean Freedom in January so -----ready, set, go! I will weigh in (oh horrors) in the morning and report back in tomorrow.. I plan on doing the Michael Thurmond day 6 week body makeover - lost about 25 lbs on it before but put it back on:( :( . Its based on very specific exercises for your problem spots plus eating every couple hours during the day - 2 oz lean protein +complex carbs and of course lots of water. Didn't feel hungry on it but you really have to plan your meals ahead and have food with you when you are out.


My exercise will be with bands or weights - have a really problem knee and can't aggravate it or I'm in a bad way. The bands really worked well before for me though.


I also noticed problems with the boards the other day - thought it was my computer at first. Glad we will weigh in on Monday as that should help me watch what I eat over the weekend. "Talk" to you tomorrow! Marie

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Welcome Maria!


My weight also yo yo's. I have a cruise in February 2009 and another October 2009, so hopefully that will keep me focused. Being of Menopause Age it's difficult to lose. I just keep imaging if I could lose 5 lbs a month, where I would my weight would be in 10/09. I haven't heard of the Michael Thormond plan. I may have to check that one out as well. I figure when I get bored with one, I can switch to another one. As you can see from my previous post, I'm on SB but have ordered a new exercise DVD and also the Dr. Oz book. I'm desperate!!



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I'm in! I don't have as much time, I am cruising Oct 28 so I have about 5 weeks. Maybe I can lose 10lbs. Anything helps. I just weighed myself 178lbs. YUK My goal is to be under 150. I am 43 and 5'7. I am currently eating very low carbs. No bread, pasta sugar. Lots of veggies and lean protien.

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CruiseFan - Noticed that you and I are starting off in very similar spot with goal of 25 lbs. to lose. My starting weight is 174. So here we go into REALLY getting the job done.


Had an egg white omelet with green peppers for breakfast - so far so good!


My plan for today:

  • Tonight I am going to set up food for several days and pick up stir fry mixes for dinners. Love the stir fry scenario for dinner as I can eat a lot and still be on target for the day. :p (Am using teeny tiny amt of flavored olive oil & lots of seasoning to cook with)
  • Find those exercise bands :confused: or use the hand weights (at least I know where those are ) and actually start daily exercise routine.

I am making a commitment to myself here - I really really want to lose this weight) I just turned 61 and yes, it certainly was much easier to keep off weight/lose before. :rolleyes: It really is staying focused on losing that I have a problem with.

I'll "confess" tomorrow as to how I did with my "plan". :D Have a good day and glad to join you all!

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Wow~ I'm excited at all the people joining in! Now we just have to stick with it. I to go on and off. I find I do alot of justifying,"it's only 25-30 lbs. I can start again tomorrow". I really have to stick with it and do it this time. I am tired of losing the same 25 lbs every couple of years.


I have a cruise over New Years and another over spring break (April). I also have my 30 year HS reunion sometime next fall. I have a meeting tonight at a Mex. restaurant for that. I'm thinking either salad or chicken fajitas ( no tortilla, rice or beans). Maybe they have steamed vegies I can have instead.


If I lost 2 lbs a week I'd be at goal before New Years. Have to watch those holidays though.

I like Nanas quote too~

"I just keep imaging if I could lose 5 lbs a month, where I would my weight would be in 10/09. "


Have a great day!

Happy Cruising & Losing!!


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Hi Cruise Fan - and welcome!


Congrats on your upcoming cruise. I'll keep my fingers crossed you can lose 10 lbs. Look at it this way, that's about 2 - 2 1/2 lbs per week. That's feasible! Are you on a special diet or exercise program? We all hope you can lose the 10 lbs, go on our cruise and then come back and join our group to lose many more lbs.

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I know too well how hard it is to lose weight when you get the menopause age. We just have to keep trying and not give up! Even if we are looking at 1 lb per week lose, that's 26 lbs before next year. We can be those senior citizens sitting around the pool next year in our bikinis. LOL


Let us know how you did on your daily goals. I too much find my hand weights and unlike you, I don't know where mine are! We are all going to weigh on Mondays and see if we are up or down!


The good news is that I have finally gotten off my plateau and dropped another lbs. That's the nasty word in dieting - P L A T E A U - GO AWAY!!!!



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Hi Everyone! I'm in! Thank you Mango for finding such an up beat group :).


I've been trying to lose weight for our cruise in Jan. I, too, am sick of going on a cruise and feeling embarrassed about my weight! I also have "cruise clothes" that I cannot get into....it is such a bummer.


I lost 6 lbs...then 7..then 8...then back to 6 :cool: Not cool. It is a struggle to stay on target...I get side tracked with "cheating". I use Alli....which works really well as long as you take it and don't cheat!!!!


I need to use the treadmill...there it sits...folded up...It will not help me folded up!


I will weigh in on Monday. I will walk on that treadmill today and Sunday. I promise. Please....hold me accountable!!! :)


You're a great grouo of gals!!!!



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Aksnowbird... Did you walk today???????????? Only 2 days to weigh in..:D

How's that for accountable~ LOL!


I do the same thing down 3 up 1 down 2, always staying about the same, thinking I can cheat a little and it won't hurt. I am so tired of the roller coaster and looking in the mirror and going "I can't really be that big".


I want to be able to go on vacation and not buy new clothes because I have great ones hanging in the closet that don't fit. I'm going to get this off and keep it off once and for all:mad: And quit procrastinating. Thats me getting on myself..


We are a good group, here to support and encourage and yes, hold each other accountable.


On that note I'm off to a 2 year old bday party. but, no cake for me!! I can live without it~


Happy cruising & losing!


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Seems like we are a bunch of ladies who lose 25 - 30 lbs for that special trip and then gain it back when we return from the trip. I'd like for this group to continue supporting each other through 2009. We need to have an incentive to continue the diet after we get back from our cruise. (We all know we'll gain 10 lbs while on the cruise - right?) Let's each think of something else we have planned in the future whether it be another cruise, a class reunion or some other special event. If you don't have anything - get something planned. That way we can continue losing weight with a big goal in mind!


I have done well on the dieting thing this week, but not so with the exercising. I have got to start exercising on a DAILY basis. I got my new DVD today - 30 Days to Shred; however, I understand it's one tough workout. AND I'm not in shape to start with. It's only 20 minutes for each workout. I keep telling myself I can endure for 20 minutes! I'll probably collapse after 5 minutes..........but I got to think positive, right? We have big goals to meet!


Talk to everyone on Monday weigh in!



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I'm in! My cruise is January 11th and I'd LOVE to be able to drop 20-30 by then.

I'm 45 and I too find that the weight is harder to lose than in the past.


I'm doing no sugar, no whites, lean protein, veggies, fruits, whole grains... Kind of a modified South Beach/Zone WOE (Way Of Eating.)

It works GREAT and I feel great when I can stick to it. It's easy once you get past the sugar cravings!


I've tried everything and always lose the weight, but it always finds it's way back to me! :confused: :rolleyes:


NO MORE Yo-yoing for me either!


Someone mentioned the Walk Away the Pounds program I think? It's a great way to start an exercise routine.


Looking forward to checking in to see how everyone's doing!

Good luck! We can do this!



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Welcome, Jem4Life!


We can do this!!! And after our cruise......we can keeping doing this! I'll have to look up the information for Walk Away the Pounds. I'm on South Beach and have gotten past the hardest part, the first 2 weeks! I do like the Sugar Free creamsicles and fudgesicles and usually eat one of each at night as my "reward". That's a total of 60 calories and on SB you can have 75 calories.


A week from this Monday I have a business meeting in Dallas, TX. We always eat and drink a lot when we go. Not Good.......I'll need a lot of encouragement before that trip. I think I'll stick to a wine and will try my best to leave the brad alone. Gosh this will be hard because they plan these fabulous dinners. At least it will only be for 2 days. My goal will be to "maintain" that week.


Keep checking in!!! Monday is our weekly weigh in.



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Was gone for the weekend - no computer but I did do GREAT on staying on eating plan - YOU BETCHA!!! Feel really pleased to report that I have not eaten one single thing that I shouldn't have - that's an outstanding start! Thanks for giving me a place to be accountable - that helped keep me focused. I will do this - I will - I will! Weigh in tomorrow. Don't know if I'll see anything much on the scale in four days but I'm hoping.


For part two of my plan - the exercise. Not quite so terrific - but I am trying and will do my weights before I go to sleep tonight.


Snowbird - So glad to see you here. WELCOME! And welcome to Jem4life too. Glad we are all in this together! I too have the cruise clothes that don't fit - this year I am going to wear my white slacks comfortably on vacation as well as have my black crepe party pants drape like they should.


As far as upcoming events:

Actually I have a black tie charity event (thru work)the week before Thanksgiving, cruise in January and another black tie event (also for work) in February. As if that isn't incentive enough we also have a wedding in May. Soooooo-------Count me in for long term on this thread. Looks like I have plenty of big things to keep working towards. And I REALLY want to drop enough weight to make shopping for some new dressy clothes a fun event in itself! :p :p :p


Just a suggestion - How about we institute something like:

To get to my diet goal "I'm Proud to Report that I -------------"

- Didn't have any ice cream even though we went to Dairy Queen.;)

- Packaged good food up for portion control. :) Helps lots during week.


We would all have a spot to appreciate our own efforts that probably no one else notices. And we may be picking up tips from each other too!

Never heard of sugar free creamsicles but you can bet I'll be looking for them - sounds soooooooo good!

I'll be checking in tomorrow for weigh in - Thanks for being there!:)


MangoTango! (Fun drink served on Royal C)








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**Look for the sugar free creamsicles and fudgesicles in the big yellow boxes.**


I'm embarassed to post my weight as I'm so much bigger than you guys but it's because I am embarassed that I am so pumped up to lose this weight. I guess it could be worse. I saw another post of people over 300 lbs needing to lose 100+ lbs.


Age: 54

Heigh: 5' 5"

SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 190.7 (9/14/08)

CW: 187.4

GW: 170 by Christmas, 160 by cruise on 2/21/09


Good luck to everyone!



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Thanks for the encouragement Maria. I didn't mention that the first half of my week was a plateau. No drop in weight from Saturday until Thursday of last week. I weigh each day and post it to a spreadsheet which has my weekly goals and long term goals listed. I can also track my exercise for the day/week. That way I keep focused on short term and long term goals.



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