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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Nancy - we all have those weak moments. I had the same issue earlier in the week, and have been drinking lots of water and lots less food. Actually the past two days the scales are going back down! Drink lots of water and tell yourself "I will not stop this dieting just because I have a weak moment". It's easy to give us and say "to heck with it". DON'T DO IT!!! We are here for you and know you will get back on track. Good luck!



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Thank you Marlene, yes, I am back on track. I have started keeping track of everything that goes in my mouth. I need the absolute structure in order to succeed.

Although my back is still really sore, I went to Curves today and did a very slow and easy workout. I figure little is better than none....

Baby steps, right? :)

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Well, I wasn't so good on Sat. ( eatting or walking):( But I cut back yesterday and walked a mile. I was busy and didn't get it in until 9:30 last night!! But I was determined to do something.


Well today I was...drumroll please... 159.6 Woo Hoo!!:D I know it's only .4 under 160 but it's still doesn't have a 6 after the 1. LOL!! Now if I can stick to it a little better and exercise a little more..

I have a 2 1/2 hour "Cruise for the Cause" harbor cruise on Thur. Around the bay in San Diego, That could be very bad. Then I have Bunco on Sat, night that could be very, very bad. How come life has to get in the way of dieting..:(


I'm worried already..


How'd everyone else do? Just keep perservering~


Happy Cruising & Losing!,


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WTG Donna!! Yes, I live for that middle number to change!!! AND I totally agree with live getting in the way with the diet. I am going to the Nascar race on Saturday so I'm already worried about NEXT week's way in. Who goes to a race and not drink a beer?? I may have to get a couple of those small wine bottles. LOL


I'm also pleased with my weight loss this week. Even though I spent the first 3 days of the week in a big sales meeting, wining and dining ( I did try to watch what I ate), I still lost weight. Here are my numbers:


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 186.0

CW: 182.8 (10/6/08)

Total Weight Lost in 4 weeks: 14.8 lbs


Secret? I've been drinking enough water to make my eyes float!


Good luck to all - let us know how you did, good or bad. We are all here for support.



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Oh, Donna, I am sooooooooo happy for you. :)


Almolst as happy for you as I am sad for me. :mad: My eating was perfect, and I went to the gym and and danced both Friday and Saturday. Sunday I felt stuff and bloated and really didn't eat much.


Today my weight was the same. I HATE my scale. It is so good to my husband and so mean to me.


So what can I do? I went to the gym again this morning and had two hard boiled eggs (made into deviled eggs with mayo and mustard) for breakfast. For lunch I almost always have tuna and tomatoes and for dinner I usually have fish and salad or Suicide Soup and salad. I haven't had sweets in 30 years and haven't had any bread, rice, pasta, or potatoes since June.


I deserve to be skinny!!! :rolleyes:

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You probably just need to change your diet up some. Eatting the same things everyday, your body gets used to that and slows way down. I only eat the same for breakfast because I'm not much of a breakfast eater. But I have a semi menu that I have all week, but it's different lunch and dinner everyday.

I had wine on Fri & Sat so cut back other places and especially yesterday. You also exercise alot do your clothes feel better? Could be your bulding muscle, it weighs more than fat..


Just thoughts..


Happy Cruising & Losing!



SW: 171 (9/2/08)


CW: 159.6 :D (10/6/08)

Total Weight Loss: 12 lbs!!

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Thank you Marlene, yes, I am back on track. I have started keeping track of everything that goes in my mouth. I need the absolute structure in order to succeed.

Although my back is still really sore, I went to Curves today and did a very slow and easy workout. I figure little is better than none....

Baby steps, right? :)


How much does Curves cost?

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I pay $43.50 per month for Curves, which isn't bad since I go about 25 times a month.


I doubt that my working out has much effect on my muscle density at this point in time. We have exercised six days a week and danced a lot for over five years, except for when I was sick this past year and ended up in bed for over two months. That is when I gained 26 pounds, even though about all I was eating was soup. OK, twice I felt sorry for myself and made myself grilled cheese sandwiches, but sheesh, 26 pound already? :( At least I now I know how important exercise is to maintaining my weight.


You are probably right that I need to shake up my diet some. I just need to figure out what I like that will work. All I eat now are veggies, fish, eggs and cheese. I do use mayo in my tuna salad and devilled eggs.


I try on clothes every time I get a chance. This morning I was picking out clothes for my December cruise. I have put together some very sexy outfits that require me to lose about 15 pounds to look really good, so I'll just keep plugging away.

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I pay close to the same for Curves here in Canada, I refuse to give it up. I know it is the right thing to do, but some days I have to force myself there. Once there, it's great. We have a terrific bunch of girls there too. Very supportive, but not all need to lose weight.

I can't imagine going 25 times a month though. Don't they just recommend 3 times a week? Maybe you are exercising too much? (Can that be?):D

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Hubby and I are both very much into the habit of starting our days with a work out--except on Sundays when we are too busy rushing around trying to make it to church on time. Exercise sort of gets my head straight and gets me started on my day. Maybe exercise is my caffine substitute. :)


Anyway, it is a habit, and a good one, that I intend to keep going as long as I possibly can. I see way too many old woman who can barely get around and I don't want to join their ranks until I am past 100, at the earliest.


I will just be uber careful about what I eat and try to mix it up a little more, and.....................stay away from the wine.

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Weighed in this morning and was thrilled the scale went down 2.8 lbs since last Thursday. That was the first day I weighed on the new scale - which didn't make my day any by telling me I weighed in at 176.8. Well, today it gave me the thumbs up that I was 174. So at least I am back to what I thought was my starting weight.


Been sticking very close to South Beach guidelines and truly not feeling hungry much. That doesn't mean I don't notice plenty of things I would like to eat. Heck just strawberries or a chunk of bread would be heaven!


I do feel more tired than usual though and I guess that is because the carbs are next to nothing in Phase 1. Did any of you have this and is there any fix (other than sleep)? Am taking multi vitamin. Keeping focused on goal and realizing I can do this if I KEEP AT IT. Some 91 days until cruise time and I really want to wear some pretty clothes.


Over and over repeating the mantra:



Looks like several of you have had great weight losses this week - Marlene that was terrific drop, especially with your out of town sales meeting. Way to go! And Donna - drum roll is right - I would be absolutely thrilled to see the scale hit 159 - and LiteWait you hit it too - Hooray! Way thumbs up for sure to all - we're sticking with it and hanging in there for the long haul.


PunkiC - I know what you mean about the guys losing weight - I never can fathom how the hub can snarf everything in sight and not blow up. Its absolutely rotten than we can eat the smallest thing and gain pounds but the guys don't. So easy to eat right along with them too. Arrrrgh! Sounds like you get tons of exercise with Curves & dance - my darn knee really limits exercise. I belonged to Curves for several years too and it was fun to do the circuit & visit with everyone.

Mango Tango - Marie



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Good job! So glad the SB is working for you. You will have 3 more days of the first 7 days on the Beach. Let us know how much you lose in the first 7 days. That's when I normally have the big drop. However, I normally do SB to kick off my diet so I have a lot of water weight loss that first week as well. I think you will find that by the time you finish up the 14 days of Phase 1, you won't have all of the cravings. And after 14 days, you can have that strawberry!


On Saturday when my husband was picking up a big barbeque plate and buying lots of sweets at a bake sale, I kept repeating, "Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels." I even told my husband that was my slogan.


I too have a weak knee and a weak ankle. I think a lot of it comes with age..... Sometimes my knee hurts by the time I finish up my 3 mile walk. I carry my cell phone with me in case I turn my ankle. LOL (The things we go through as we get older.)


Don't know what to tell you "Mango" about feeling tired. Be sure you take your vitamins and keep saying to yourself:



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I pay $43.50 per month for Curves, which isn't bad since I go about 25 times a month.


I doubt that my working out has much effect on my muscle density at this point in time. We have exercised six days a week and danced a lot for over five years, except for when I was sick this past year and ended up in bed for over two months. That is when I gained 26 pounds, even though about all I was eating was soup. OK, twice I felt sorry for myself and made myself grilled cheese sandwiches, but sheesh, 26 pound already? :( At least I now I know how important exercise is to maintaining my weight.


You are probably right that I need to shake up my diet some. I just need to figure out what I like that will work. All I eat now are veggies, fish, eggs and cheese. I do use mayo in my tuna salad and devilled eggs.


I try on clothes every time I get a chance. This morning I was picking out clothes for my December cruise. I have put together some very sexy outfits that require me to lose about 15 pounds to look really good, so I'll just keep plugging away.


Thank you PunkiC! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who wants to look sexy. Sexy is back according to Mr. Timberlake and I want a piece of it!


My membership at the Y is $59 per month and I can take my 13 year old with me so I guess what I'm getting is a deal. What I don't have is that famous Curves community of women who support each other. Oh well, I'll just cardio alone until my membership runs out or see if I can add on a Curves membership to my budget.

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Hubby and I are both very much into the habit of starting our days with a work out--except on Sundays when we are too busy rushing around trying to make it to church on time. Exercise sort of gets my head straight and gets me started on my day. Maybe exercise is my caffine substitute. :)


Anyway, it is a habit, and a good one, that I intend to keep going as long as I possibly can. I see way too many old woman who can barely get around and I don't want to join their ranks until I am past 100, at the earliest.


I will just be uber careful about what I eat and try to mix it up a little more, and.....................stay away from the wine.


Red wine is good! Don't give it up! It is the one drink you can enjoy while dieting.


Also, I wish I could get into the habit of working out. I wanna be like you and your guy! My man wants to work out, but he'll only do it with me so that means no exercise for us. It's getting colder outside now so that means I'm really not wanting to go outside for a walk.

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Weighed in this morning and was thrilled the scale went down 2.8 lbs since last Thursday. That was the first day I weighed on the new scale - which didn't make my day any by telling me I weighed in at 176.8. Well, today it gave me the thumbs up that I was 174. So at least I am back to what I thought was my starting weight.


Been sticking very close to South Beach guidelines and truly not feeling hungry much. That doesn't mean I don't notice plenty of things I would like to eat. Heck just strawberries or a chunk of bread would be heaven!


I do feel more tired than usual though and I guess that is because the carbs are next to nothing in Phase 1. Did any of you have this and is there any fix (other than sleep)? Am taking multi vitamin. Keeping focused on goal and realizing I can do this if I KEEP AT IT. Some 91 days until cruise time and I really want to wear some pretty clothes.


Over and over repeating the mantra:



Looks like several of you have had great weight losses this week - Marlene that was terrific drop, especially with your out of town sales meeting. Way to go! And Donna - drum roll is right - I would be absolutely thrilled to see the scale hit 159 - and LiteWait you hit it too - Hooray! Way thumbs up for sure to all - we're sticking with it and hanging in there for the long haul.


PunkiC - I know what you mean about the guys losing weight - I never can fathom how the hub can snarf everything in sight and not blow up. Its absolutely rotten than we can eat the smallest thing and gain pounds but the guys don't. So easy to eat right along with them too. Arrrrgh! Sounds like you get tons of exercise with Curves & dance - my darn knee really limits exercise. I belonged to Curves for several years too and it was fun to do the circuit & visit with everyone.

Mango Tango - Marie




Congrats on starting P1! Remember those veggie minimums are just minimums. You can eat more than the minimum. That's the beauty of it.


Also, yes I felt tired and sluggish during P1 and I think it's because I wasn't drinking enough water. I didn't realize it until the first week of P1 was over. So I was following the meal plan, I was still hungry, upped my veggie intake and drank more water. I felt good after while as my body was getting used to not having the big amounts of sugars and fats.


Over and over repeating the mantra:



Pretty clothes here we come!!!! I am crossing my fingers that you will keep up with P1 and do well in P2. This thread is always open so if you need support we're all here for you!!! Don't forget that!

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Sorry for so many posts but I'm on a roll today!!!


Hey Mango, what kind of scale do you have??? I have a Weight Watchers digital and I'm always looking for a better one so I ask people what kind do they have so I can narrow down what type of scale I'm going to get the next go around...whew that was long!!!

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I had a great workout this morning, although the scale is still not being my friend. :(


In addition to my typical three circuits at Curves, we also finished a hard Sudoku, and played with our new exercise toy: An Accu-Hoop! It is like a hula hoop but it weighs five pounds and is a lot easier to use. The instructions say that if you do it for ten minutes, twice a day, for a month, you will lose two inches around your waist. Woo Hoo that would be six inches by my cruise. Heck, I would look like Dolly Parton. :D :D


I did it the first time for 2.5 minutes, and the second time for 3 minutes. When I was done, I could really feel it in my thighs (which are actually in pretty good shape), so I guess ten minutes is something you have to work up to.


When I get into the office, I am going to buy two. One for work and one for home.


Hubby, who is 6'3" and weighs 185, and is in perfect shape, still has a hint of a love handle on each side. He will love this hoop as he is always trying to improve his body.


I am still thinking about what to do the change my diet. I still have some vegetable soup to finish so I guess I will finish that off before I try something new.


Red wine is good for you, but it does slow down my weight loss. We just quit drinking it at home and I am going to try to limit myself to one glass when we go out dancing. We'll see.

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Although I did hit the 50-pound mark Saturday morning, it was very short-lived and by Monday, I was back where I was when I started posting here. :mad: It's those @#$% weakends that get me every time.


I think I have the casual clothes I need for the cruise under control. Formal clothes are another subject, but I still plan to visit the GW Boutique soon.


I bought a Wii Fit this past weekend. Have been so busy getting ready for the Outer Banks trip that begins after work this Friday that I haven't had time to even open the box yet. Plan to take it with me. I'll report back what I think of it when I return. There's another thread out there about using the Wii Fit for exercise; that's what got me so pumped up and I HAD to have one.


The book I got from the weight loss clinic says that alcohol STOPS weight loss for 48 hours!!! It goes on to say that if you do drink, only allow yourself two drinks. Unfortunately, wine is not my thing. Must be an acquired taste. Personally, all I want is an ice cold long neck Coors Light poured into a frozen mug. I've had 12 total since May 5th -- the last one being last night! :cool: Wonder why I can't hit that 50-pound mark!!!


I may or may not be visiting this site while away. Depends on how good the internet connection is and how good the surf fishing is!!! If not, I'll be back the week of the 20th to tell you how WELL I did in the OBX (gosh, I hope that's what I'll be reporting; it's not going to be easy, though).


Funny, our cruise is a little over two months away and there is more chatter on this site than there is on the "meet & mingle" site!!!


Take care, and stick with it!


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While I was in Dallas Tx last week, we had a "team building" night which was a big secret. When we got down to the room, there was a Wii set up. We did the olympic ones and that gave our arms a good work out as you move your arms up and down to make your "feet" move on the screen. I watched someone else do the tennis. We didn't have the Wii Fitness so I don't know how that one is.


I had a great weigh in on Monday and then today my weight is back up (about a lb - lb 1/2). I tend to do that for a few days - bouncing between a pound or so until finally it sticks on the lower number. I guess that's what's happening. Probably didn't help that I had a small glass of White wine last night. It is discouraging.......



Punki - I'm not sure I'm in shape enough to do the hoola hoop but I'm sure it would definitely be a good workout.


Nana #2 - have a great trip. Maybe you can get a lot of walks on the beach in. Keep telling yourself: NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS!!!


Yes, I agree that we have a great group hear. We do a lot of "chatting" and supporting each other. It keeps us focused. When my weight is up, it's like, "oh, no I have to confess to my friends on cruise critic."


We don't have a lot of chatter on our Roll Call either.

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I had to pop in for a quick post on my recent GW Boutique stop. Last weekend I "scored"....found a flowy chiffon top by Michael Kors with the $79 tag still attached. I paid $5! Downside....it still had the security ink tag thing attached! GW can't get it off, nor Sam's, nor Target, nor Kohls. Macy's said they would help me out if I bring it in with my GW receipt. Even the cashier at Macy's thought I got a great deal on that top! It is cruise-worthy.

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Got a few minutes at work to read thru new posts but couldn't get on here till tonight (Got half hour before the presidential debate) Anyway the thought keeps rumbling around to say to Bonnie that being near the 50 lb. mark is an absolutely incredible accomplishment. Bonnie - stand up and take a bow - Applause! Applause! What incredible dedication that had to take to lose so much - and all that hard work was before you even had us for a cheering squad. You go girl! I know you must have gone down several sizes already. Fantastic!


BTW, surf fishing at the Outer Bank sounds heavenly. (We love to fish - mostly bass fishing here in Midwest) Enjoy your trip!!!!


Sass: thanks for the encouragement on Phase 1. So far so good - I am loading up on veggies and all in all not feeling hungry. Those SF creamsicles/fudgesicles save the day when I crave a treat. As you suggested I am upping my water intake - truth is I'm not very good about drinking water (prefer tea) so very possible that is part of this sluggishness. You asked what kind of scale I got - Taylor digital readout. It was $29 at Target - had a gift card someone gave me and that seemed good use of it. Seems to be okay - I do wish I had gotten a lighted digital readout - you know so I can sneak up on it at night!


Marlene,- I had to smile when I read your post about getting a strawberry after two weeks on Phase 1 - Funny to think last week I would have eaten the whole carton without a guilty conscience! The 3 mile walks mean your knee is pretty good yet but I know the insecure feeling a bum knee can give you.


In regards to roll calls - ours has brief flurries now and then and then goes dormant. Hey what the heck - just means you guys have to put up with my ramblings more........




Debate is about to start - Gotta run -:D :D :D Mango

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Still no love from my awful scale. :( I just don't get it.


Congratulations Bonnie on your terrific weight loss. You must feel like a million bucks! :D


So alcohol stops weightloss for 48 hours? That will be a good thing to remember when I want a glass of wine. Is a glass of wine really worth staying the same for two more days? I guess when I have a deadline, the answer is "NO".


I ordered the new hula hoops last night. I am really going to give this a try for at least a month and see if it works. The work I did with the hoop yesterday, most certainly made my thighs burn a little.


This morning I have to go to the gym early in order to make it to the dentist for a new crown at 8:00 a.m. Then I run home, eat breakfast, shower, dress and go off to a massage therapy appointment at 10:30, and then run into the office for a sales lunch meeting at 12:00.


Hope everyone else had better news from their scales this morning. :D

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