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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Hey Marlene - think of it this way - if you have/had jeans from 20 years ago - its time for update anyway. Go treat yourself to the newest latest cut of perfect size/very flattering jeans as a reward for reaching your goal wight (as of course you will be giving yourself another reinforcement of staying at the "perfect for you" size/weight!)


I would probably be just like you about the ones I sold - but may as well laugh at the timing and go celebrate your new size. (Besides, what a desirable dilema to have!)


I am doing Phase 1 on SB - have to stop this craving for sugar and starchy stuff. All of the Christmas stuff on top of vacation really got me off track. Been having my protein (usually omelette) first thing in the morning but also have to get protein shots.


I'm almost afraid to try on more jeans - afraid maybe that pair just ran a little big. LOL I may go to GW Boutique to see what they have. I really don't want to spend a lot of money on jeans right now because I haven't reached my goal. I may have to splurge on a nice pair that fit snuggly(and have a little stretch - otherwise may not be able to fit into a 10) :D to show off my smallER bottom.I can still wear the 12's for now, they are just a little loose. When I was trying on my outfits for "elegant night" I was shocked at how much smaller my backside looked. I have two size 12 black satin - large leg - pants (both fit just fine) and have several sequin tops to wear with them.


You should do great on P1 of SB - Stay with it for 2 weeks religiously and see if you can lose 5 - 7 lbs now that you are back from Christmas and the cruise. Looks like I'm down about 1/2 lb from yesterday so I keep on trucking...


By the way ladies, remember the camera I bought for the cruise but hadn't told DH about - Well, he emailed me earlier today and asked me if I was taking my Camera. That's a crazy camera and my camera goes everywhere with me. I told him I was taking A camera, that I had been looking at a smaller camera that would fit in a pocket or bag easily and that would be easy enough to use that he could use it. I told him that then we could come back from the cruise with pictures of me for a change. I told him that I was thinking about getting that as a reward for when I lose 50 lbs. He replied, "THAT WOULD BE GOOD!". OK - now I guess I need to get 5 1/2 more lbs off......



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Yesterday, a group of co-workers and I brought covered dishes for lunch and I ate like it was Thanksgiving Day or something! Of course, the scales showed it this morning, and after only one day of feasting, my stomach thinks I'm supposed to continue feeding it.


Congrats on everyone else's weight losses for the week.


Marlene, give me an item # on eBay and I'll bid on the jeans for you. I can't fit one arm in a size 10, but I'll bid so high that nobody else will want them! Maybe not the ethical thing to do, but if you really want to keep them.... Pretty tricky on the camera thing, too. Will DH really know if you've only lost 48 pounds, not 50? Mine certainly wouldn't!!! No need to even ask that question -- you're going to DO IT!


I had a revelation like yours last week, Marlene. I had been looking for a navy blue blazer all winter because mine was a plus size and I looked lost in it. I finally found one at Belk last week. I put it on, buttoned it, stepped in front of the mirror and honestly had to do a double take. It was the first time in all these months that I could really SEE that I have truly lost weight. I didn't realize until I got it to the check out counter that it's a size 12 (I thought it was a 14). When I wore it to work a couple of days later, I had a few people that see me every day tell me how much thinner I looked that day! :D


I hope Robin's back gets better quickly. Wonder how she hurt it? I sure hope it wasn't climbing Dunns River Falls since I was really pushing her to do so!!!


Mango, you said you took a tour at the Ruins? I didn't know there was such a thing as a tour!!! Wish I'd known. We probably would have if we hadn't been a bit fearful that we'd run late and not make it back to the ship, so we made it clear when we walked in that we only had 40 minutes to eat lunch.


One week from today, I'll be in Nassau, Bahamas soaking up the rays. Not really looking forward to Nassau itself, but really looking forward to a few days off work.


In case I don't talk to you again tomorrow, have a great weekend!



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Bonnie - are you flying to Nassau or are you going on another cruise???


Yes, I can eat one meal of something I shouldn't and the scales will jump 3 lbs the next morning. So unfair - don't you think??


Just a correction - Pam is the one that hurt her back. She is going to be on the same cruise as me. I haven't met Pam but her husband and I have gotten to know each other on the Roll Call. In fact we wanted to do a tour that required a minimum of 4 people to book (Captain Your Own Boat in Belize). Her husband booked our reservation for us and I mailed him a check. Good thing we are all honest people on this board - right?


Went to GW Boutique today and found 2 pair capris, 1 pair jeans and one skirt. Jeans and capris are 10's and the skirt is a 11/12, which is apparently comparable to a Women's 10. A couple of the jeans were a little snug but have some stretch to them so should be ok. I then went to Kohls and found a cute size 10 denim skirt - IT FIT!! and then found a size 12 pair of khaki shorts that made me look thin so I got them. May not be able to wear them long but for now they are fine. Actually the way they are made - straight, no pleats, no give - I'm surprised a 12 would work! Of course everything at Kohls was on sale too.


As for the camera, no he wouldn't know if I made it to 50 or not. In fact, I've never told him how big I had gotten. I told him today my BMI started at OBESE and I was 3 1/2 lbs from Healthy and he replied (email) "Well You Sure Aren't Obese Now!"


Since I work from home, I don't see a lot of people to notice my weight loss until I go to church. I'm really getting a lot of people coming up to me noticing how much I've lost on Sundays so that makes me feel good. I've had Usher Duty all month so I'm kind of front and center. LOL


Hope everyone has a great day!!



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Hey gals!

I'm totally behind on the boards-SORRY!! Seems like ever since we got back from the cruise, things have been in a complete uproar. Robert is STILL off work for his back-it's been well over a month. I sure hope PT actually helps so he can get back soon. I love him to pieces but OMG LOL


I didn't weigh myself yesterday :( I've been so busy around here trying to get this house in order and study and keep up with everything else that I totally forgot yesterday was weigh ins.... until 1 am this morning it dawned on me LOL I've been slacking on the exercise too, minus what I get just doing every day things. Mama-In-Law has the 1st Zumba cd so now it's time to move on to the Sculpt & Tone workout. I'm a little nervous as it's 45 minutes instead of 20 and it involves the toning sticks but I know that I need to get going..Summer's coming!!!


Hope all of you are doing well and that everyone is seeing great results.

Marlene, I wish I was you right now with just 29 days to go until cruise time! I'm SO ready for next January! I just hope that I have enough to keep me occupied until it rolls around ;)


<3 to all!


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Jen - I was wondering where you got to! Glad to see you didn't forget us. How did Robert's back do on the cruise and the trip to Florida?


I'm so looking forward to this cruise. Our last vacation (other than a couple weekend camping trips) was Labor Day week and I was so self conscious of my weight that it prevented me from enjoying it to the fullest. This time, I won't be as self conscious putting on a bathing suit or shorts. Nope - I'm not a TIT yet but 50 lbs less than I was Labor Day is going to make a lot of difference in my self esteem. I was wearing 16's and 1X's. My size 14 bathing suits - wore shorts over them. Now I'm getting into 10's!



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Jen - I was wondering where you got to! Glad to see you didn't forget us. How did Robert's back do on the cruise and the trip to Florida?


I'm so looking forward to this cruise. Our last vacation (other than a couple weekend camping trips) was Labor Day week and I was so self conscious of my weight that it prevented me from enjoying it to the fullest. This time, I won't be as self conscious putting on a bathing suit or shorts. Nope - I'm not a TIT yet but 50 lbs less than I was Labor Day is going to make a lot of difference in my self esteem. I was wearing 16's and 1X's. My size 14 bathing suits - wore shorts over them. Now I'm getting into 10's!




No, no haven't forgotten about ya'll just trying to salvage my sanity LOL

His back did pretty well. He started hurting a little bit from sitting on the planes and stuff but other than that, he didn't seem like it was bothering him..I would have known if it was. He tries to hide it but I know him too well ;)

GREAT JOB ON THE SIZE 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that feeling! I went from a 12/14 to a 4/6 so yea, I feel ya! In Juniors, I went from a 15 to a 7 :D

I can't wait for next year's cruise!!! It's going to be a long year lol

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nana& - I'm so glad you're in a new decade! They say you're not in a plateau unless you've been in it for 6 months but I think that baloney. Three weeks was long enough.


Marlene - can't fit any of your clothes? Well around 38 lbs down I down to a size 12...all of my close at 18-20. I haven't bought any new clothes at all. Too afraid to. I'm wondering what I'm going to do about this cruise because I need start shopping now but I don't know what size I'll be on May 2, 2009. Maybe I should hold out maybe two weeks before the cruise? What would you do?


Hi JuJu...it's nice to meet you!


Hi Donna...I see you're still working hard. Keep up the good work. :)

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Sorry for being late...stats as of 1/21/09


SD: 7/12/08

SW: 223 lbs.

LW: 174.6 lbs.

CW: 170.2 lbs.

GW 153 by 5/2/09


Total lost: 52.8 lbs


Sass - 52.8 lbs total - that looks awesome. I know you are so happy!! 70 lbs by May 2 - thats a big goal but I have no doubt you can do it. You have been so successful in this journey that I don't doubt you for a moment. I know you were questioning if you should go that low. Have you talked to your doctor to come up with an ideal weight?


When I get back from my cruise, my first goal will be to lose the weight I gain on the cruise and get back to a 50 lb loss. Then I'm going for an add'l 10 lbs - for a total of 60 lbs. That would put me at 137.6 lbs. That's where my doctor says I should stop. He told me 140 would be a good weight for me but he was ok if I wanted to shoot for the 60 lbs (137.6).



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Marlene, we're flying to Nassau. We travel with an agency called "Pair-A-Dice Travel" and, because DH (you don't want to know what the D stands for today!) gambles, we get really good deals, especially on trips that they have planned already. We've gone to Nassau a LOT for the Super Bowl. Last year we switched it up to St. Kitts (West Indies) but that is a four-hour flight and after being to St. Kitts twice, we're not convinced that the 2 1/2 extra hours in a plane are worth it. I wish we were going to Vegas or Lake Tahoe (never been there) instead, but we're not.


Welcome back JuJu and Sass. Can't believe how well you've done, Sass.


I feel like I've 'fallen off the wagon'. Don't seem to be able to eat enough these days, which continues to show up on the scales. So far, I've stayed in the 150 decade, but I'm real close to falling back into the next decade. And, I seriously need a "Smooth Move", if you know what I mean!


I hope everyone has a great weekend. We're off to Burlington, NC (2 hour drive) tomorrow to watch our only granddaughter in a gymnastics competition. One grandson turned 11 today, so we had dinner with him and his family which includes two other grandsons. Granddaughter's brother should be in Burlington tomorrow so we'll see him then. The only grandchild we won't see this weekend is the baby, who lives in Raleigh. I had hoped they'd make the trip to see Anna compete, but she's breast feeding and it's just not a comfortable situation to be in when he gets hungry. OH! The baby due in April will be with us in Burlington, too! :)


I'll talk to you again soon,


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Who in our group was doing Zumba?? I ordered it and it came today. I did the "learning the steps" and then the 20 min. starter program. Wow! I was sweating! It was quite fun. I love my walking but needed to change up as it gets boring after several months even with different DVD's.


Hope this helps, as my weight is not budging again. I don't know if it's because it got outta sink after the holidays or because it's the last 15 lbs...:rolleyes:


Patience, patience right???


Happy Cruising & losing!

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Jen is the expert in Zumba. I have Zumba as well but haven't done much since Christmas. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Robin & my mom was hospitalized on Sunday. Taking today off to be at hospital. She's doing much better now. Had a rough day yesterday with severe dehydration and a fever of 104.7. I've been dieting like I am suppose to but my weight isn't budging. I guess another plateau has come to visit. I'm going to concentrate on drinking lots of water the next two days and see if that helps. Plateaus are so depressing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to lose the last few lbs so I can get my camera reward (yeah, the one that's already in the closet).



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I hope your Mom feels much better very soon. So sorry to hear that she's under the weather.


Robin, I assume you're back from your cruise, so I'm sure we are all looking forward to details. I hope you had a great time. Do you agree -- reality sucks? :) I need to ask your "professional opinion" about something - how often should I drink the herbal tea that is supposed to help your digestive tract? I had one Saturday night. I'm thinking another one tonight, but don't want to over do it and end up in a bed beside your mother! To be honest, it hasn't worked very well so far.


I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine? It was a weakend.:o




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Better a weakend than a weak week! I sure have some work ahead of me to get these extra pounds off.


Nana #2, I took my green tea with me as the only hot tea available in the buffet dining area was regular or decaf tea. I fixed a cup each morning and then had the waiter bring me a cup after each meal in the dining room to enjoy with desert. Have you spoke with your doctor about changing your diet supplements ... perhaps you need something different since it sounds like what you have been taken is not curbing the appetite.


Our weather for January was a bit cooler than in the past but still warm enough for shorts and swimsuits during the day. We had a couple rainy days but it didn't damper things too much. I'm busy now trying to play the October cruise (rates dropped ... yippee) and another group in January. I think we may have to try out the new Carnival Dream. I think I personally think I enjoy the Eastern Ports more than the Western Ports although our day in Cozumel at Nachi was one of the best days we have ever had in port while cruising.


By the way everybody .... MY SISTER IS LOOKING AWESOME!!!! I had not seen her since Christmas and she is looking pretty darn hot!


Any updates on Pam?

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Hi, TITs, I have missed you. As Marlene told you, I was in bed for a week with what started out in my back by the shoulder blade. It traveled up my shoulder and down my right arm. When I would even try standing up my arm would throb. I went to doctors three days and got a pain shot and muscle relaxers and pain pills. Spent the whole week laying flat in bed. Couldn't even sit at the computer, which was hard. I had my 60th birthday on Saturday and finally felt up to doing something. I still had to take pain pills but had a blast.


My DH spent the weekend at our auto swap meet that he goes to each year (usually the weekend of my birthday) so I decided that I would ask a good friend of mine to go with me to the Indian Casino about 60 miles from home. I had a free room at the hotel that they have so we went up on Friday night. We had dinner and then after a couple of pain pills I went gambling. Won and came home with 5 $100 bills so can't complain at all. Guess that took my mind off of the pain. I am much better but still need to take muscle relaxers.


Beings I didn't post last Wednesday, I will post now.


SW 171.6 (12/30/08)

LW 168.2 (1-14-09)

CW 164.2 (1-26-09)


Goal 159.0 by 2/21/09

Lost 4.0 lbs since 1/14 Lost 7.4 lbs total. Not as good as I would like but will continue.


Glad to be back, thanks everyone, you are my support.



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Hello all my TITS! (that still cracks me up!) Omg, whoever says reality sucks, YES IT DOES!!! I'm in the process of digging around for next year's Booze Cruise and I think someone has booked my stateroom which is going to ruffle my feathers :mad:


Was at the in-laws' on Saturday so I hopped on the scales.. Still holding steady at 129 so I haven't moved either way. Of course, I haven't started the new Zumba workout either so I'm sure that has something to do with it. I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm just "bleh" but I know deep down that I've gotta get a move on it since summer will eventually be here-though with this weather it feels like it's never coming-and the cruise is just under a year away. I know, I know a YEAR but hey, I could do a lot of work in a year ;)


Hope all of you are doing well and hanging in there. Marlene & Robin, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Tell her to get well soon! And Welcome Home Robin!

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Pam - glad to hear you are up and moving again. Those kind of things are so painful and seem to arrive out of nowhere. Sounds like you did really well at the casino! We usually call it "donating to the Chief" when we do so good - So its good news you didn't "donate!" And rather late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Marlene & Robin - hope you mom is feeling better & stronger each day. And Robin would love to hear about your cruise when life calms down for you. Marlene - if your sister says you look AWESOME - you must look awesome - What a nice compliment! Way to go!


Been doing P1 of South Beach - doing really well on keeping on it and noticing I am not feeling hungry. Lets see what the scale says tomorrow for weigh in.


That sure sounds like a fun Super Bowl trip to me - how neat to go to Bahamas for the game. (Actually any excuse would be fine with me! Ready for another trip anytime!)




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Hi everyone! It's been a hectic few days but mom just got released from the hospital (6:00 pm at night - gotta wait for the doc to get there). Robin has gone to pick her up and take her home. She was a very sick lady on Sunday. When her fever hit 104.7, I was about to panic - looking at the nurses faces when they saw it.


Robin - thanks for the compliment! I didn't even see the compliment until I saw Mango's post and had to go back to the previous page to find it. LOL I think all the weight I have lost since Christmas has been in my butt. I keep looking in the mirror and saying "where did it go??"


My weight isn't doing a lot of budging this week. Tomorrow night (after weigh in) I'm going out to eat to "mix it up a little". Maybe my body thinks I'm starving it, which I probably am. :D But you try so hard to not eat and then the scales don't move :rolleyes: so discouraging. I may have to just be satisfied with being a size 10 for the cruise, not getting to the 50 lb loss, but will keep trying. Mind you - I ordered a size 14 elegant dress that still doesn't fit. I know the formal dresses can run small, but beginning to think this one is miss-sized. I can get it on, zip it up and see every ripple and row of fat in in my abdomin. It's still my inspiration - maybe I can wear it in October if I keep dieting.


Jen - the fact you are still weighing and being conscious of your weight is a good sign. And the fact you are still checking in with us, is great. It's hard to get focused AFTER the vacation. I think if you would see your weight hit 130 you'll panic and start up that Zumba 3X a day. I have no doubt. LOL


Pam - so glad you are feeling better! I was really worried about you. Cruise time is so near. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! Congratulations on winning $500 too. Have you spent it yet? Also congratulations on the weight loss you have had. So what if you haven't lost as much as you had hoped, you are still weighing less than you would be if you hadn't joined the TITS. 7 1/2 lbs a month x 12 months.......just think what you could weigh this time next year if you keep it up.


Ok - even though may not be much for me to report this week, I'll do my weigh in (and cry if nothing dramatic happens over night from all the water I've been drinking today) and touch base tomorrow!



Charter Member of T.I.T.S.

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Hey TITs - need your help -


By chance would any of you know the name of new Carnival ship coming out shortly? Friend of mine was invited by her sister in law to go on a 2 day all expenses paid mini-vacation for TAs. Its in March and the ship will be in San Francisco. She doesn't know the name of the ship but its new. Thought I would try and find out the name for her so she can look it up online (she has never been on a cruise ship and of course is excited to go). Would this be the Carnival Dream? If anybody knows I would appreciate the info to pass on to her.




AKA Mango:p

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You beat me to it! Here's what I found:


Carnival Splendor will become the first Carnival “Fun Ship” to operate a South American itinerary when it embarks on a 17-day, six-port cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Buenos Aires Jan. 31-Feb. 17, 2009. The voyage, which will sail across two hemispheres with the crossing of the equator, will feature visits to the tropical islands of Dominica and Barbados as well as day-long calls at four spectacular Brazilian ports -- Fortaleza, Recife, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro, each of which offers a rich history with architecture dating back to mid-16th century, along with gorgeous beaches, outstanding restaurants and shops, and unique cultural experiences.

Following this voyage, Carnival Splendor will sail on a 14-day, six-port “Cape Horn/Strait of Magellan” cruise from Buenos Aires to Santiago (Valparaiso) Feb. 17 – March 3, 2009. The voyage begins with an overnight call in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s cosmopolitan capital, then visits the charming cities of Montevideo, Uruguay; and Puerto Madryn, Argentina, followed by scenic cruising of historic Cape Horn – South America’s southernmost point. The voyage continues with a visit to Ushuaia, Argentina, a charming fishing village in the territory of Tierra del Fuego, home to unique sub-Antarctic forests; another day of scenic cruising of Cape Horn/Beagle Island, and a call at Punta Arenas, Chile, which lies at the entrance to the Straits of Magellan and is considered the gateway to Antarctica. Highlighting this voyage is a day-long cruise of Chile’s majestic fjords and a visit to Puerto Montt, Chile, founded by German colonists in 1853 and boasting sparkling lakes and lush mountainous landscape.

Carnival Splendor will then operate an 18-day “Andes, Peru and Mexican Riviera” cruise from Santiago (Valparaiso) to San Francisco March 3-21, 2009. Prior to crossing the equator, Carnival Splendor will visit Arica, Chile, nestled in the Andes Mountains and founded in 1570, with exquisite collections of pre-Columbian artifacts; Lima (Callao), Peru, whose historic city center was declared a Word Heritage Site by UNESCO; Manta (Quito), Ecuador, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site founded in 1534 and featuring the Monastery and Church of San Francisco, one of the oldest religious structures in the New World. The voyage concludes with visits to the popular destinations of Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and Long Beach, Calif., before arriving in San Francisco.

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Hi everyone! Looks like all of the water drinking yesterday got rid of the fluid retention I thought I had. Today my scales love me or at least I love the scales! Dropped another 2.6 lbs this week for a total of 9.6 lbs in January. I'm very very pleased. I had told my husband we should probably go out to eat tonight to jog the metabolism up as it looked like I was on a plateau so he got really excited. Guess we'll still go out (gotta save the marriage) but I've already looked at the menu to see the best thing to order. Even with that, I'm sure the scales will be up tomorrow morning. I can look at food and gain 3 lbs!


Robin - I checked and I've lost 10.6 lbs since Christmas (most coming from the backside.) Guess that's why you could tell the difference this week.


I hope everyone had a good week! If you're on a plateau, just keep up the dieting/exercise and you'll have a sudden drop and you'll be dancing and singing......and we'll all be celebrating with you!


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 153.6 (1/21/09)

CW: 151.0 (1/28/09) - 2.6 lbs for week, total of 46.6 lbs


Shoot for the Moon Goal: 50 lbs (147.6) by 2/19/09. Cruise leaves on 2/21/09.



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Well just for a week now.. I so want to get back to 145. I saw it one day in Dec... I have been exercising religiously and eatting fairly well. I guess atleast it's not a gain.


Way to go Nana!! I wish I had lost 10 since Christmas!! I'd be at GOAL!! You go girl!:D


So here we go:

SW: 171.something 9/08

Last week: 149.6

CW 149.6 1/28/09

Moon Goal: 141 ~ 2/18/09

GW 135 4/1/09


Total lost to date:22 lbs.

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Yesterday, my weight was down .6 pound from last week. Today? It's UP .6 pound from last week!!! :mad:


Welcome back, Robin. Thanks for the tea advice.


Glad you're feeling better, Pam. I hope you continue to improve every day until you're in perfect condition on 2/19/09 for your cruise. Sounds like you've got your slot machine arm warmed up for the cruise, too!


Good job, Nana #1! Sounds like you're holding first place in the weight loss category this week....and probably month.


Litewait, I know how you feel, except the number I saw for one day was 156 and I haven't seen it since.


Mango, I'm looking forward to getting away from reality (and the dog, who is driving me straight up a wall) for a few days. I just wish we were going somewhere that we've never been before.


I'll talk to y'all again next week.


Per my home scales (not clinic's):

SW: 220.5 (5/5/08)

Last week: 157.6

CW 158.2 1/28/09

GW 143 by 5/5/09.


Total lost to date: 63.7 lbs.



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