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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Sorry I have not been on but we have had no internet or phone for the last three days. I was so depressed about it that all I did was eat, eat and eat. They fixed it today and so now maybe I can lose some of this awful weight. I will post more later but now I need to get dinner over with before it gets any later.


Marlene - sorry to hear about John. Tell him to be more careful.


Until later, Pam

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Welcome back Pam! I guess you have really been having withdrawal from the internet. LOL It has been so quiet on this board - no one posting even yesterday on weigh in day - that I've been looking around to see if there was another weight loss board I could join. However, I haven't found one. I really need support to lose weigh. Hopefully we can get this one going instead.



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I am with you. I need some encouragement from everyone to get this going. We need to help one another. I miss all the posts.


We are getting the photos organized now. Hope that John is doing much better. Tell him hi from us.



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Hello gals!!!

How is everyone doing??? I'm still alive, just been busy. Rob has gone back to work and I have to say, I got spoiled with him being here during the day lol So now it's getting back into the routine of when he's gone all day-it's been nuts!

Almost finished with my class, I have 1 more set of lessons! No idea what I weigh. I'm guessing around the same as the last time I weighed myself, judging by the way my clothes fit.

How's progress? Marlene, how was the cruise?

Get me up to speed!!!


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Pam - hope this means that you are ready to set up a 10 week goal (Memorial Day) and let's get going! I have my pictures back and put into a book. I bought cd's and will get prints burned and mailed to you. John's noise isn't as bad as I thought it would be by now, but now his diviticulitis (sure that isn't spelled right LOL) is acting up apparently. It's heck getting old. Have you weighed this week so you have a starting point?


Jen - hi Jen welcome back to the board! I hope you can work it into the schedule to start posting with us regularly. I know you aren't one that needs a lot of weight loss but maybe you can put a 5 lb goal and join us for our 10 week challenge. Cruise was great - met up with Pam and Weldon and spent a lot of time with them. Seems everywhere we went, there they were. I was having a beach massage in Costa Maya - face down in that hole on the table - and Weldon came up to me started talking. Imaging it - Lying there with my bathing suit to my waist, lying on my stomach and suddenly someone is talking in my ear! It's a wonder I didn't jump us and flash these "baby" girls to everyone on the beach! We really loved Belize. We had rent these individual boats (one boat per couple) for a 4 hour boat tour - 60 miles. There was just Pam/Weldon and me/John with 2 guides in another boat. We saw monkeys playing in the trees out there in the wild as well as other animals. I think that was the highlight of our excursions.



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OK Marlene - I am with you. 10 Week Goal (Memorial Day) 155 lbs.


I need your help to do this. CW 167.6 lbs.


Glad that John's nose is better but sorry to hear he is not feeling well. Weldon is sick in bed today. He hasn't been up at all. I just gave him some pain pills so hope it helps. I hate sick husbands.


Hope that this weekend is not a weakend.



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Yes, Pam - sick husbands are the pits. I kept my 6 year old granddaughter on Tuesday. She had strep and bronchitis. She laid in bed watching tv and never complained. On the other hand........ we know how men can be. Has Weldon gone back to doctor with his knee?


So glad you are going to go on this challenge with me as right now I'm not doing very well, even losing my cruise weight gain. And I'm sitting here tonight not doing too well. So thank you - I need you to help me lose my weight as well. I can't believe you weigh 167.6 - you certainly don't look like it. Looks like you and I have the same goals (with .3 lb) So let's go for 12 1/2 lbs by May 20. That's 1.25 lbs per week. I'd be happy with 10 lbs but will push for 12 1/2.


Now I'm going to get focused and GO FOR IT!!


Pam - I sent you an email. I need you to email me your address again so I can mail this cd of pictures to you.



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Darn Marlene, you got me wanting to go to Belize now ... let's see Fascination in October, Fantasy in January ... I really want to go back to St. Maarten and now Belize. It's too bad, St. Maarten and Belize are not in the same part of the Cariibbean. I'm going to have to start working all my holidays to get more vacation time.


EVERYONE BE STRONG THIS WEEKEND. This rainy weather we are having sure makes it difficult. I don't know what I would do without the 20cal cream cycles.




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Pam - picture CD is in the mail this morning (Saturday). I didn't take the time to write you a note - had to beat the mail carrier. I also added a copy of our roll call book I thought you may want to save.


Robin - you've been to St. Marteen - you need to go to Belize. And yes, everyone recommends the cave tubing in Belize. I personally thought water could be a little cool in those caves in Febraury. There's a lot of travel time and walking. I think Pam would agree - Captain Your Own Boat was great. I'm not sure I would have enjoyed staying around the port area for the entire day. Costa Maya - anyone going I would highly recommend you book ATV, but not through cruise ship. The one through Carnival doesn't allow you to see the area. Also spend time in Mahahual. The beach there was awesome! Isn't St. Marteen full of topless women? And you would enjoy taking David back there?


As for the WEAK end - my weight is up 1.4 lbs this morning. YIKES!!!! So today - lots of water and maybe fluid pills. John is still feeling bad - lot of side pain. Thinking of going to ER. Wondering if it's his diviticulitis or another kidney stones. He's been a typical man - acts like it's my fault he's hurting. Guess he nailed it - yeap - I put arsenic in his supper last week...... too many Lifetime movies.........

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I've decided that since I keep "fudging" on the diet, I'm going to start - beginning today - with doing a food journal of everything that I eat, drink or any supplements I take. It will be another accountability for me. It may also help me document and determine which foods so adversely effect me. For example, why did my weight jump up 1.4 lbs overnight?


Anyone else have a good idea to try - I'm trying to shake it up and try something different. Still looking at those Slim Shots but decided to wait until pay day. Hopefully someone will try and post their thoughts before then.



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OK, Here is my idea......Let's go again!


My diet was better on the cruise. Maybe it was because we got up, ate some breakfast, walked alot, ate lunch, walked alot and ate dinner. It didn't seem to matter what we ate we really didn't gain that much until later when we just ate, ate, ate.......exercise seems to be one of the factors.


Now that I am back at work, I sit all day, come home, eat and sit and then go to bed. Notice the pattern here. I am beginning to.


Help me get up and exercise.



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I like the idea of "going again". Sure you don't want to come back and go on the Halloween cruise with Robin and me? Unfortunately, unlike you, I gained a good bit of weight on the cruise. The difference - I was probably drinking 6 or so drinks to your 1 drink. LOL


Now that spring time is around the corner - actually thought it was here but then we're here with a high in the low 40's today - I have to vow to get more exercise. I'd like to go to the "pawn shop" and try to find a couple good bikes at a cheap price that we could ride around the neighborhood and take camping with us. Then again, I may have an argument with John on that as he says taking all this stuff camping is a "lot of trouble". But then he told me last week he had to start getting more exercise. If that idea doesn't fly, I'll just have to start walking about an hour a day.

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Hey Gals, I was reading some of your posts ( not all, it's way too long) and do you mind if I join you? I know Robin. Hey Robin, I was on the Liberty in January!! Don't know if you remember me, but I was there! I joined WW on Feb 4th and have lost 12 pounds. I'm short, 5'2'', and kind of dumpy, 169 pounds carried in the arms and stomach area.I find the accountability very helpful. I'm also 61 years old and it is not as easy to loose anymore. I find keeping the eating journal very helpful "If you bit it, write it" theory works for me, but sometimes I just fill the page!! Being Italian it is very hard for me cuz I am a real foodie, I love to cook and consequently love to eat! I cook at home a minimum of five nights and go out to the Country Club with friends for dinner and drinks every Friday. There is only the two of us and since it is very difficult to cook for two, my neighbors come for dinner every night, but that's okay because she goes to WW with me. We kind of keep each other on track. Cooking healthy is now my main goal. Hope you don't mind me highjacking your thread!


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Hi Judi! Welcome to the board. We had a larger group earlier but it has dwindled down. We definitely welcome any newcomers to build it back up! By the way, I'm Robin's sister. You may have met up with others in the family while you were there. My daughter, son in law, granddaughter and grandson were also on board (Stacey, Benji, Ben and Kendall). Robin is one of the younger ones of the board (LOL). So we do have a lot in common!


Congratulations on the 12 lb weight loss. You're the only one doing WW on the board and we'd love to hear of helpful things we can each incorporate into our dieting. We kind of incorporate a little of this plan and a little of that plan into our dieting efforts. We do a weekly weigh in (Wednesdays). I guess you saw that.


If you see T.I.T.S. in the posts - that stands for "Twigs In Training". That's what we're working toward. And Remember: "Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels."


Again, so very glad you are joining us!!!!





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Hi Judi!!!!!


Yes, I remember you. We sure had a wonderful cruise. Not only am I one of the younger ones at 46 on here but I'm the one who has the biggest amount to loose. I love the ladies on this thread and so glad you came to join us. You didn't hi-check our thread ... you just became an official memember of TITS. Weigh in day is Wednesday although its great to post alll week long. We have been with each other thru trials and tribulations not just about dieting either. We have all become pretty good long distance friends. Tell your neighbor to join us too! It's great that you have each other so close for a support system. Although my sister and I communicate more online than we get to see each other she has been a big help to me and a big motivator to everyone on this thread.



Pam, I have another cheap 5 night cruise in January but wouldn't it be nice to DREAM thin and keeping DREAMING THE DREAM as we reach out goals...... I am soooo wanting to sail the Eastern Caribbean on the New Carnival DREAM. A Carnival rep sent me a CD with pictures of the ship and its unlike any I have been on before. I could see us all now wearing Officical Member of T.I.T.S. shirts and the guys could wear a Sailing with T.I.T.S. shirt or how about keeping it simple with just DREAM TITS on the front. I like that one. Oh, and you know those clubs where they host the private parties on ship we could have one of those and on the hundreds of TV Monitors that face outside it would say Private Function - TITS. Could you imagine all the men that would stop by and look in the door.



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Hey Marlene thanks for the welcome! There are two great web sites they told us about: hungrygirl.com and dwlz.com. They deal with points. WW is all about accountability and portion control. Snacks should be filling and not much calories. Sometimes I have resorted to two pieces of bread (ww's of course, 1 pt for 2 slices) or a can of button mushrooms( o pts) for a snack! I'm a horrible eater!! I'm allowed 19 points a day with 35 "flex points" a week. The flex points are to help you when you just have to have that piece of cake or candy bar!! If you want I can tell you how to figure your points and what point values of some foods are. All vegetables are 0 points and most fruits are 1 point. But eating heads of lettuce sometimes does not cut it for me...I need the carbs and protein! Eggs are only two points, but too many of them and I end up tooting!! Dieting is an ugly game we play!! I have been thinking of a colon cleanse,but (excuse the pun) I don't really like uncomfortable. Have never done it and don't want to spend the day in the bathroom! I do take a green tea kind of pill twice a day to curb my appetite, but don't know if they are really working. Since I live in the south, everything is fried, even the pickles, so steamed or grilled food is a premium here! If you want any info from me, just let me know...dwlz.com gives you the point value for every restaurant food imaginable. Some are real eye openers! it's no wonder I'm fat!!


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Judi - thanks for the information on the websites. i want to look at the points as an alternate diet. Sometimes you have to "shake things up and do something different".


I also take green tea supplements that I get from Walmart. Mine are the gel caps with fat burners - take 2 in the morning and can take 2 in the p.m. I have never done a real colon cleanse, but I do take Phillips tablets pretty regularly. If I don't, I have problems that most of us have when dieting. They work great, no pain/cramping and my gastroenterologist recommends it when you have "issues". I also buy the Protein Shots at walmart to start my day with 3 oz of protein to kick up the metabolism (per weight loss doctors in this area).


I just met Robin for lunch for our mom's birthday. I think we did pretty good. We could certainly have done much worse. Mom is already telling me "you don't need to lose any more weight." You know it's hard to please "mom". Dang if I do - Dang if I don't scenerio. I'm up 4 lbs from pre-cruise and currently need to lose about 11 1/2 lbs to get to the target weight from my doctor. I have a goal to lose an additional 14 lbs and then maintain. Right now it seems I'm "Practicing my Maintaining" as the scales aren't moving this week, not in the right direction. If I could lose 14 lbs I would be happy to be "practicing for the maintaining" LOL.


When you post your weight on Wednesday, be sure to put your start weight/start date (going back to when you started your diet in February. Then you can post this week's weight. That way you get "credit" for your first 12 lbs!



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Sorry I haven't been around much. Work has picked up and home has, too, so I just haven't had much time to do anything....except EAT!


This cold, rainy weather is the pits. I'll blame it on that, although I should be blaming it on my own weakness. I just love food!


Robin, I go to the Weight Loss and Wellness Center in Huntersville. They did not do a full physical, do not take measurements, etc. and do not accept insurance. So, either you got wrong information, or the information you got was from another clinic. I see the girl that weighs me, then the physician's assistant every time I go. Have never even seen the doctor. His name (if he really exists) is Girouard. You can look into the place I go by going to www.letsgetthin.com.


Hope John & Weldon are both feeling better by now.


I weighed 157 (.6 pounds more than my lowest) this morning, but I'll be surprised if I don't weigh more tomorrow. We drove to Fayetteville Friday night for a Saturday funeral and ate out several meals. For some reason, being on the road seems to make me forget that I'm supposed to be careful with my eating habits!


It's back to reality tomorrow (ugh). Good luck, everyone!




P.S. Welcome Judi!!! I've done WW a couple of times. It works, but I seem to always gain back more than I lost! That's true for every diet I've ever done, though.

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HEY BONNIE!!!!! We've been missing you. Yeap - sitting here watching movies all day - kind of makes for a weak end. I keep telling people that I'm just Practicing Maintaining.......


Unfortunately, John isn't feeling better. Been on the couch sleeping all day. He will have to go to doctor tomorrow to see what's going on. I expect they will do an MRI for a kidney stone tomorrow. If it's not a stone, it's his colon acting up again. Tomorrow is his birthday so it totally sucks for him. He has an appt on the 31st of this month for a hernia repair. That's bad timing as well as it's spring time - time to go camping and get out and do things and he'll have to be careful for a while afterwards. Kind of hard to hook up the camper and set it up without straining. We will see how all of that goes. I'll let you know what doctor says tomorrow. I have an appt on Tuesday morning with my family doctor. I have to talk to him about the retinal hemmorage the eye doctor found last week. You know what they say about getting old........ My thought about "me" is that I've lost all of this weight to get healthy but still having problems. Oh well, maybe too little too late.....


Robin - the girl at my family doctor's office went to Huntersville diet doctor. She mentioned to me 6 mos ago that of the clinics is filing insurance etc, although I don't think that's the one she was going to. Apparently there are two clinics in Huntersville doing the same thing.


Robin & Bonnie: Weather suppose to start getting nice by Tuesday (dry and warmer). Do you know what that means? It means we are suppose to get outside and start an exercise program. So, let me know this time next week how many days you got out and walked or did some type of exercise. Gosh I hope I can get my lazy butt out of the bed early, or out of this recliner later in the day - and start exercising this week....


(Judi - as a FYI, Bonnie, Robin and I all live in the outskirts of Charlotte. Feel free to join in next week and let us know how many days you exercised this week. Anyone else want to report?)



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Bonnie and Marlene - Does the name Northcross Medical Weight Loss sound familiar to you? I'm thinking that may be the one people have been telling me about. By the way Bonnie, I think you are doing really good to be only 6/10 off from your lowest weight.

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I don't know if it's Northcross. I think it was one that opened up later (newer). I have an appointment and should see my "source" at 8:10 a.m. Tuesday. She normally checks my vitals etc. I'll ask her when I go and get back to you. Email me with specifics of what I need to ask - physical with test to determine metabolism, files your insurance, etc.



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Howdy howdy!!


Sounds like you had a blast!! I'm glad :) I still pout that we won't be going back in Jan. but I had to wait 6 years for this cruise, I'm sure I can wait a few more for another one ;)


Don't really need to lose any more weight, just have toning so that's my goal. I've been thinking about buying the Bender Ball that I've seen on TV. I'm not a fan of crunches but at least with their ball thingy they use, it'll get me off the floor and give me more range and hopefully that will help me out.


Rob and I are talking about moving to Virginia Beach this summer. The boys are moving to FL with their mom so we really have no reason to stay in Texas when we can be in VA where my mom is and have help with the girls and be that much closer to the boys. Who knows, but I'm hoping to be outta here soon!! I get to go back with mom next week to visit so I'm looking forward to that :)

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Hi Jen! Glad you stopped by to check on us. Virginia Beach sounds nice. I know you would love to be near your mom, but your husband will be leaving his mom/dad - right? Where did you two meet (Texas - Virginia)?


Well I think my husband is ready to go buy bikes! That wasn't hard......LOL The last time I was on a bike was in Playa del Carmen, MX and the guy we were following took us through the middle of town, down the sidewalks, etc. My bike wasn't a good fit and I basically had little control over it (been a long time since I road a bike. HA!) I was telling people, "please move over as I am not very good on this thing." They were laughing at me everywhere. It was very stressful. Hopefully I can find a bike that suits me better or maybe I just need a little practice. LOL



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Marlene - Glad to hear that you are going to ride a bike. I know better than to try and ride. I need a stationary one as I am not coordinated enought to ride on the street. The last time I tried was also a disaster. I hope that John is feeling much better. Tell him hi.



Welcome to our group. We have a great group and I know that with all our help we will succeed.


My weight this week isn't much better than last week but I am going to a friends tonight and we are going to walk.



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I think all I'll be able to say on Wednesday is that I spent the week "practicing my maintaining" LOL My last experience on a back was near disaster as well but I hope it will get better with practice! We go camping at least once a month so I think it would be neat to take bikes with us.


John went to the doctor today - doctor thinks it's the colon and did blood work. Will take a couple days to get results. He also checked out the nose and said it felt sure it was broken. Not much they can do unless he has problems breathing later and needs some type surgery to correct that. Tomorrow morning I go to the same doctor for a recheck and will have to discuss the retinal hemmorage my eye doctor found. He's going to think we've been in a big fight!


Congratulations on walking today. You'll be one up on me for the week. It's still raining here - been raining since last Thursday. Hopefully it will be gone soon and I can make myself get out and walk.


Did Weldon go to doctor with his knee?



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