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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Gosh, I was feeling really guilty for not even logging in since May 8th....but I was the last person to post a reply!!! I guess everyone is doing as poorly as I am this week. I'm going to wait until Friday to post my weight.....hoping it's less than it was this morning! I'm getting uncomfortably close to the next highest 'decade' and I really don't want to go there!


I hope everyone is doing okay.



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Had some issues getting on the boards - denied my log in + password although I haven't any idea why. Tried a couple of different days till I finally gave in and went thru changing it. One of those computer mysteries I guess.


What's up with the rest of the TITs these days:confused: Come on - Need you guys! On the plus side Have been watching what I eat but really lax on exercise again. How about you?????


Our house seems topsy turvy with the construction/supplies & stuff generally out of place - love the updates we are doing & how things are starting to look though.

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Hey guys, I'm here and still losing weight!! Went to weigh in today and I'm down another pound...I seem to be pretty consistent with the one pound a week. I've been going for 14 weeks and have lost 22 pounds....I'm doing the Happy Dance, cuz I'm back in my size 10's!!! I don't cruise till Jan. and hopefully I can go under goal and not have to worry about that inevitable weight gain!! :p


SW 169.5

CW 147.5

GW 135.0

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Hey Marie!! Some weeks I do Core and some weeks points. When I am eating away from home I do the Core...lots of veggies,fruits, protein and no or verrrry little carbs. At home I watch points. Where is everyone?? I feel they have desserted us!!


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That's super that combo of the two plans is working for you. I should dig out my WW stuff and give it a try. (Went to meetings & all a few years back but got tired of paying so much - we didn't have a very good leader either)Maybe some structure will help me focus. WW can be slow going but definitely works and is healthy.


Looks like Bonnie is still with us. (Hey B - don't let us down now!) What say we give it a week or two and see if people come back. If not, it just might be a good idea to start a new thread with who ever is left here and invite people in - Hate to see this one fold (we're at about 1,075 posts!) but it definitely is tapering off. Any opinions/ideas on this:confused:

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Hi everyone! I may not post everyday but I do think of all of you everyday!!! Judo you are doing so good -so proud of you!!! Marie I feel you pain. I've had painters her and have ordered carpet and laminate. Just time to replace everything. Insurance company working with you ok? Bonnie after our last camping trip I went up to next decade and didn't come back down. Totally sucks!!!! Been losing this week and within half pound to get back Down to lower decade again. Hopefully I can do that before we go to beach for memorial day. I started back on my green tea pills and that seems to help. Hope all has a great weekend!!!

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As I promised on Wednesday, I am reporting my weight today. I almost made it back to my "standard" weight of 156.8, weighing in at 157 today, which is better than the 159 I weighed on Wednesday! I did so well last week, exercising almost every day. I haven't done a darn thing I could call exercise since I mowed the grass last weekend! My eating habits aren't too good, either. :mad:


We're going to an evening (formal) wedding tonight, which probably means a lot of good food and maybe even alcohol. Hopefully I can still be in the same decade after it.


Nine-month-old grandson from Raleigh (oh! and his parents) will be here this weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing him again. I'm attaching an Easter picture of him. His name is Cayman.


Y'all have a great weekend.




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Bonnie, cute,cute grandson!! He's even named after my favorite Island...Got married there!!! WW is nothing more than portion controll and limited snacking (my down fall-already had potato chips and cup cakes today) but only had a hard boiled egg for breakfast:p I'm so very bad it is a miracle that I lose a pound a week!!


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Hi all. Grandson is so cute!! I am struggling to get back down below 150. I weighed in at 150 even today and now another weekend..... Then next weekend we are

Going to beach. I'm not sticking to diet very well. I think it's that summer fever thing. Hope all of you has a great weekend. I know Pam is living it up on vegas right now. Hope she wins a fortune!



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Bonnie - Cayman is absolutely beautiful - made me break out in a huge smile just to see his picture! What a cutie!


Heading for bed but had to stick my two cents in and say hi to all. Had a real weakend - probably ate every bad thing and then some. :o (Too bad there's not a smilie for piggy - I deserve it!)


Oinky Mango

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Okay, where is everyone?? I told you I can't get skinnny on my own....went to weigh in and stayed the same....I was kinda getting used to the one pound a week loss!! I am blaming this on you guys....I need a good talking to!!! Come back...PLEASE:D


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Hi Judi - staying the same might just mean your body is getting used to what you are eating. Or that you had more salt than usual. Why not try shaking it up a bit and: up your water, have even more fruits & veggies and lower your carbs. Are you exercising enough? Throw in some more variety on the exercise - do you ride a bike, swim, do stairs or lift weights? Add something fun that you like to your routine and DRINK MORE WATER - it works. IMHO a one week slowdown is far from unusual - (our hormones flux too)


Been doing more of WW routine - eating more fruits and veggies. (oatmeal/yogurt for breakfast - big salad w/protein for lunch and chicken & veggies for dinner) Cut down on all snacking - the treats are out of bounds. Girl in my office keeps bringing in cupcakes - arrrgh! Wish she would knock it off. Its a point of honor so to speak that I WILL NOT have any of them.


Feel like I am floating from all the water. Weighed 165.5 yesterday morning and tonight I am 168. My knee is really bothering me again but I am still able to do the recumbent bike. Guess I need to see the ortho again.


Looks like everyone is taking a vacation. What the heck happened to all the talk about staying together after cruise time?? I miss you guys. HelloooooooooooOOOOOO - are you out there lurking???? We need some company here. Any ideas? We miss you all - :(:(:(



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Hey Mango...It just seems to be us two!!! Everyone else must be on camping vacation!!!! Since I don't have hormones, I don't exercise and I don't have anyone bringing me cupcakes, it must be that I am just over-

eating. :eek: I will up my water intake though !! Good for you that you exercise! I have the same up and down in weight problem that you do. I weigh 147 one day and 150 the next...very disheartening! Have a great Memorial Day Weekend and stay on track!!!!;)


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Judi - you made me stop and think (yes, it happens sometimes) guess I'm past the "hormones excuse" too. Hmmmmm.......


At home this weekend cause we have a wedding to go to - otherwise we would be at the lake. Lets us get some things done around here though and heaven know there's always plenty to do.


Part of our home repairs are nearing completion (yeah!!) and then we'll be getting into more chaos while the contractor replaces the carpet downstairs with hardwood. All taken longer than expected as flu wiped out the guy doing it for a while. So nice to get things all new and different - I keep going in too admire the changes again - As in - "Hey, look this tile is even prettier this morning!" LOL:p


Will check back soon

Have a fun Memorial Day Weekend!


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Hi Mango and Judi (since there's no one else in here these days)!


I climbed back into the next "decade" this morning, weighing in at 160.4, which is very disappointing, but not surprising at all, considering what a BAD girl I've been lately. EVen my husband, who is definitely overweight, said we ate too much this weekend (we had a getaway to my parents' house and CharlesTown, WV). The new diet began TODAY. I've had one protein shot and one Zone bar today...and I walked for an hour at lunch. I've got ONE month before our next trip and I need to be lighter than I have been by then so that I can EAT when I go! Grilled chicken and a salad for dinner and only ONE Skinny Cow for dessert.


Tomorrow's another day!


Cayman is just as cute in person as he is in the picture. He's learning to pull up on things, starting to eat table food, and has the cutest personality. I thinks it's his age. I think all of the grandchildren were cute at 9 months old! The pre-teen years aren't quite as cute! :eek:


Well, after a three-day weekend, there is work to be done, so I better get back to it. I'll try real hard to log in more often and (hopefully) BRAG about my progress into the 140 decade!



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Hey Bonnie and Mango...We ARE the only ones left!!!! Camping can't be that exciting that they have no memory of us "fluffy" friends!!! I had weigh in today at WW and I'm down 2.5 this week....I knew my mouth got me in trouble last week when I stayed the same!!!! No more Pringles and Twizzlers for me this week!!!! Hope everyone else is loosing like crazy and no one will recognize us when they finally decide to check back in!!:p


SW 169.5

LW 147.5

CW 145.0

GW 135.0 ten more silly pounds to go!!!!:D

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WOW! 2.5 pounds in a week. At the rate I'm going, that would be history in the making! In fact, I postponed my weigh-in at the weight loss clinic from June 2nd to June 16th because I do not want to see a + mark on my little yellow chart! When I go back on the 16th it will have been 10 weeks since I last weighed in and I'll be SHOCKED if I've lost anything. I just hope I haven't gained.


Hubby and I did briefly discuss our next cruise last night....which probably won't be until 2010....but I truly believe that if I had something like that to look forward to, I'd be able to hop back on the wagon. Our cruise in December '08 was my incentive to begin with. No incentive? No weight loss!


I was back "down" to 157 this morning (from 160.4 Tuesday morning) but I can't really say why since I'm not eating right and I'm not exercising. I bragged on my behavior on Tuesday and stuck with it for a whole day, but not so much since then.


I've gotten a couple of compliments on my weight loss in the last couple of days here at work, so I am hopeful that will help get me back on track. Truthfully, though...as long as I can keep that 5 as my middle number, I'm not going to be overly concerned about it. When the 5 becomes a 6, I'll be worried -- or scared to death is more like it. How many times have I lost a bunch of weight only to gain it back???


MARLENE! Quit lurking and start writing!!!

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Hey Bonnie, no one was more surprised at the loss than myself...I don't know what happened!! We are going in January on a western exotic cruise. Sounds interesting with stops in Panama for the Canal and Costa Rica. It's an eight day. Never been to Panama, so really looking forward to it. My grandmother (age 101) is in the hospital an hour away from me and it has been a chore visiting her this past week. She had to have emergency surgery to remove a blood clot in her left hip. Our small hospital couldn't do it because of her age, so they transfered her to the big city of Dothan, Al!! This southern living takes some getting used to!! I'm so used to the conveniences of Chicago, but I'll take the warmer weather down here and suffer with the occasional inconvenience!! Hubby has to skip Church today because he has to go the golf course early to beat the heat. It's gonna be in the 90's today and too hot to golf in the afternoon. Poor thing, I guess we all have to suffer with these inconveniences!!! Have a great week and try to limit your food intake.:D


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Hi everyone! We are so busy right now that I haven't stopped to post but I promise you that I haven't forgotten any of you. Yes we did go camping twice in May, including beach trip Memorial Day. Our grandkids have had 1 or 2 games (either soccer or baseball) five days a week. Top that with redoing my house - painting, new flooring etc - and working 50 hours a week and you can see May was a very busy month!!!!!! Judi congrats on weight loss. I'm struggling but still trying to stay focused doing daily weigh in. I have also jumped up in the next decade but it's dropping back off. I'm trying hard to get back to the 50 pound loss. I have trouble dieting in the summer!!! Next cruise is Halloween and I want to at least be at 50 lbs for the cruise and would like to be a liitle lighter than that. Pam and her husband are planning a february cruise and asked us to go but looks like our fourth grandchild could be coming then. Still very early and she had a miscarriage in February so we will just have to wait and see. Later!



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okay ladies, hope that everyone had a great weekend. can't say that i have lost any weight, instead i have found all that i lost and all that everyone else has lost.


that is why i haven't posted lately....i am so unhappy with myself. i just have not been able to lose. sooooooo, i gave up.


i will try and do better.



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Been crazy at our house - floors being ripped out and replaced, painting going on, Saturday they were jackhammering the cement front stoop and steps out for several hours, plastering & sanding going on (what a bunch of dust to clean) and furniture put in anyplace you can find while the work is being done. So I do know what a mess it can be Marlene. Sounds like May was indeed a VERY busy month.


Pam - glad you are back. We all know the discouragement but once you get back in the routine it'll become easier to stay on track. I sometimes think I have a self sabotage gene somewhere when it comes to dieting - just go so long and then "fall off the wagon". Give yourself credit for getting back at losing now. :)


Judi - what a good drop! Way to go! Status quo for me. I am trying harder to stay away from the carbs. What I really want is the soft serve ice cream they started serving in our lunch area - trying to pretend its not there. Maybe tomorrow will be easier. Think I'll bring some of my fudgsicles and put them in the freezer here.


I know I haven't posted - apologies but - the computer at home is behind a wall of furniture till the flooring is completed and things moved back. I'm at work now and its really quite a NO NO to be sitting on email here. So--better run.



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Hey gals! Hope none of you have forgotten me! Life has been so insane I can't even begin to describe it to you!

We were planning to move to Virginia this month but we decided it would be better for the girls if we stay here in our little bitty town. We're comfortable here, which was the major deciding factor. Our oldest, Kaitlyn, likes to run around and play with her friends and we don't have to worry about her here. We know where she is and who she is around and it's nice that I can let her go play and know she'll come running when she hears me holler for her. I really wanted to move to be closer to my mom, but I'm glad we stayed. Megargel is growing on me lol


How is everyone doing?? What have I missed?? There's entirely too much reading to catch up on LOL I've stayed at 120. Not sure HOW since I haven't done Zumba since January but I haven't budged.. Probably from chasing the babies all day and trying to keep up with the house work!


All in all, things are just wild right now. School is finally out so Kaitlyn will be on her way to her father's for the summer and our boys will be here from FL tomorrow so we're losing 1 and gaining 2.. should be interesting!

We quite possibly could be doing a cruise in Jan. only instead of Carnival, we'll be doing Royal Caribbean-Voyager of the Seas for the 7 night Western Caribbean cruise. My aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandma are going on this cruise so I'm trying my hardest to get affairs in order so that we can go and spend the week with my family.


That's pretty much it!!! Hope all of you are doing well and forgive me for not being on here in so long :(

Love to all!!!

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All is forgiven JUJUBee, just come back!!! Mango and Bonnie, how are you doing?? Did everyone else get lost on a camping trip??? I need HELP to get skinny....I need to do happy dances for others that lose weight, so I can get my exercise in!!!! Weigh in tomorrow for me and I want to be down a pound.....the suspense builds......Will she do it? Tune in tomorrow for more of the mysterious weight lose.


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Thanks Judi!! It's good to be back :) Are we still doing weigh ins on Wednesdays? I weighed myself yesterday while at mama-in-law's..still at 120 and I'm down to a size 5 jrs jeans W00T!! I haven't worn a 5 since high school so I was super excited.


Judi: Im sorry you're having trouble.. What kind of exercise program are you on?


Marlene: WHERE ARE YOU!?

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