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Helpful To Newbies - After 5,000 postings


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I´ve heard and read that they are quite alright paid. At least 1500 - 2000 usd per month. It might even be tax free, not sure. They also have food, healthcare and insurances included. That is not too bad, is it? Not even for a western country. But, on the other hand, they work almost all the time. I think they deserve all the tip they can get when they do a good work.


Sorry for the OT.


I talked to two 19 year olds on the Gem in Dec. who were considering joining the crew. They said salary is based on job (of course) - but they were starting out at $1000/month - which wouldn't be bad if they hadn't then told me it was 12 hours days/6 days per week. (3.47/hour). I suggested they give that alot more consideration before signing on the dotted line.

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Thank you so much scchasgal for your promt and helpful reply, it's much appreciated. :)


Oh dear, I thought OJ must be an brand name that I hadn't heard off so I had to google it. I'm feeling a little :o now

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  • 2 weeks later...
WOW, not only were the FAQ's very helpful, but the I found the menus to be a great add. Thanks! I never knew those existed. It is so good to actually see the menus ahead of time. Everyone complains about the food, but it looks pretty inviting to me. Hey, it's lunchtime SOMEwhere.

Again, thanks for being so helpful. This is why I'm glad I happened upon this site.


Yea the menu link was helpful.. I wonder if this is the same menu used for the SKY in April 2009?

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I have gotten lots of great feedback about this posting. I think it is time to do an updated one to help out newbies. Before I do, is there anything YOU would add to the list or change? Or remove! Gary



I have gotten lots of great feedback about this posting. I think it is time to do an updated one to help out newbies. Before I do, is there anything YOU would add to the list or change? Or remove! Gary


You asked for it... LOL.

As a might-as-well-be newbie (I've been on two but didn't pay much attention to what was available for me and wasn't really involved in making the travel arrangements (OK, I'm in... how much and will they deliver a drink to me IN the hot tub?) my perspective is very newbie. I have been researching all over the place, including CC. I've cut and pasted stuff from everywhere for an info source for my group. What I just did was pretty much cut and paste out of that document into yours. Take from it what you will. Some of it is very wordy (but that' me:( for which I apologize.)

I can't wait for your final draft which I will promptly cut and paste for quick and easy reading for my group. (Maybe folks will actually read it LOL 'cause it won't take all day!)

My comments are in red.

Another thread is in the works about “Oops... I forgot to pack...” Might I suggest that when that thread has run its course (and I have edited the additions into a comprehensive packing list i.e. memory tweaker about what not to forget) you might like to attach it to your thread – no pressure there.

Thank you very much.


Quincy, MA


4 - Do I have to dress up?

No you do not. There is a "formal" night, but a small share will have suits or tuxes on or even ties. `One main dining room generally denies entry to folks wearing jeans, shorts, tank tops, flip flops etc.


5 - Can I bring Wine aboard?

Yep, plan on paying $15 per 750 ml bottle, no matter where you consume it. Pay more for larger bottles. And yes, some slip through and pay nothing. If NCL discovers the wine in your luggage or carry-on and you have not paid the 'corkage fee' they will hold your bag in the 'naughty room' and call you down to examine the contents with them before the bag is released to you. This is often a time consuming task. At that point you have the choice to pay the corkage fee or NCL will 'hold' the wine for you until you disembark. Q: what is the process for reclaiming your wine?


6 - How about hard booze?

Nope. They will hold it for you until the last day. Bar Setups are available. Booze you buy in the gift shop or ashore will also be held. Do a search. If NCL discovers the liquor in your luggage or carry-on they will hold your bag in the 'naughty room' and call you down to examine the contents with them before the bag is released to you. This is often a time consuming task. NCL will 'hold' the liquor for you until you disembark. Q: what is the process for reclaiming your liquor? Many cruisers attempt to bring liquor aboard (which is specifically against the NCL rules) in various ways to varying degrees of success.


7 - Water or Soda or Juice?

No problem, but why people drag bottled water aboard is beyond me. The water aboard ship is purified and is generally very good. All day soda is available for about $7 per day. Iced tea and ________ are availabe at meals.


8 - Free vs Pay Restaurants.

All ships have at least two main restaurants, usually a few others, 23/7 buffet and room service for free. Others are $10-25 each. We have never waited more than 5 minutes to be seated. Some say they have seen long lines. This will happen right after the show each evening.


9 - When do I tip?

You are required (with rare exceptions) to pay $10 per day per person to cover room stewards and dining. Room service, extra quality service might be extra - your choice. Ps - this is going up to $12 January 1st. Guests should not feel obliged to offer a gratuity for good service. However, NCL staff are encouraged to "go the extra mile," and so they are permitted to accept cash gratuities entirely at the discretion of guests who wish to acknowledge particular staff members for exceptional or outstanding service. In other words, there is genuinely no need to tip but you should feel free to do so if you have a desire to acknowledge particular individuals.


10 - Passport

This varies by destination, but it sure is easier to just get one now. The are coming back in a few weeks. It is a good idea to make a copy of the main page of your passport and carry it someplace other than the passport itself. It is also a good idea to record your passport number and leave it at home.


11 - Boarding time

There are variables, but in most cases it is around noon (x hours before the ship casts off) . They do have to get everyone else off and clean the rooms. You can handle the pier side stuff and be on early, then go eat. The sit down dining room will be empty and quiet. They will try to get you to go the buffet. Say thank you and keep moving. Sometimes your cabin will not be ready until after the ship casts off.


12 - Getting off -

The day before you arrive at the destination port you choose a disembarkation code/color. You can leave via the announced color code after the ship is cleared or do self disembark, meaning carry your own stuff off.



14 - Meeting Other People on your Cruise

Click on BOARDS at the top left of this page, then ROLL CALLS, then find your ship and date. You will meet others and learn about your ports of call and options. Somebody on your “Roll Call” may arrange a 'CC Meet and Greet' – a party that the ship hosts. Crew members often stop by to chat and the ship provides the group with ______________??


17 - What is 2.0?

Freestyle 2.0 came out earlier this year and provides a number of enhancements to their operation. Lots of little stuff. From the ncl.com main page, you can use their menu to read more marketing hype. Here is the current link, but it will probably change any day now. One improvement is champagne at embarkation.


19 - Cash Needed

Almost everything onboard is charged to your room. You might need some cash for extra (not required) tips. Casino requires cash,(I thought I read that the casino will take OBC dollars now?) though currently you can get cash, charge it to your room assuming you have a credit card on file with the ship. No extra charge. ATMs are on each ship as well. Pretty much all ships have a small safe in the room. Not positive of older ships.


24 Upgrades or Upsells

If you want to PAY for better cabin, call and ask how much it would cost, if even available. Ships tend to sail full. Do not except an upgrade option on the pier (why). You may be offered an upgrade if __________________. Upsells are different. In an effort to fill higher level rooms, they will call your or your TA and make an offer. Usually at half the normal price to upgrade. Sometimes upgrades are not truly upgrading you so beware and make an informed decision.


26 - Asking questions here

Feel free to ask just about anything. Chances are it was answered in the past week, so scroll down. If you do not see it, ask. PLEASE make sure the subject/title is descriptive of your issue and if it is ship-specific include that in the subject, as well.


27 - How to Pay

When you board, you will be required to put something down to secure your onboard credit account, which can be set up per person. Credit card is the very best way. Debit card has some problems tied to HOLDS. If you have lots in your checking account, no problem there. Cash is fine too. I would still tie a credit card to the account if using cash. That way the last minute charges can be placed there instead of standing in line on the last day,which can be a royal pain. If you use cash or a debit card to secure your On Board Account, if the total you have charged on board approaches the dollar amount you either charged to your debit card or left in actual cash your On Board Account will be 'frozen' until you hand over more cash for future purchases. Also, if you use cash or a debit you must 'settle up' at the end of the cruise. If you use a credit card and the reckoning is correct you don't have to do anything and you can just disembark. It is a good idea to have the lost/stolen contact info as well as your credit card numbers recorded and stored in case you need it.


28 - Documents needed

Chances are you will be getting e-docs via email. You might also get the older regular kind. You should, make that must, do the advance online registration regardless of whether you booked directly through NCL or through a travel agent. If you do that, the checkin at the pier will be short and sweet. Go to NCL.com and do it now. You will need some kind of paperwork to get past the rent a cop on the pier. You will need nothing to get through NCL other than the proper ID. They prefer either the advance registration or ticket, but can find your in their computers.


Theme parties (70's, White Hot, Toga!) are generally thrown on each cruise and vary trip to trip.


Packing and Luggage:

Each person is allowed 200 pounds of luggage.


When packing valuables remember that you will probably be leaving them unattended in your room, so bring few and some kind of lock for your suitcase if you are concerned.


Since all suitcases are collected the night before we return home, don't forget to bring an overnight bag for a change of clothes, prescriptions and need-to-have items (bathing suit?).


What to put in your carry-on bag: Unlike a hotel where people check in on varying days and at varying times, folks check in to a cruise ship en masse. As such, a ship receives thousands of pieces of luggage in a matter of a few hours, which means your bags may not arrive in your stateroom until a few hours after you've boarded. Carry-ons are key. Pack everything needed to get you and your family through dinner time -- bathing suits, cameras, medications, sandals, sunscreen, a change of clothes and toiletries. This packing strategy will save you should there be a delay in delivering your luggage to your cabin.


cell phones I've tried to find answers to this one but have failed miserably to come up with anything definitive (that I trust)


Pool towels are in each cabin. Need fresh one? Leave on bathroom floor and they'll replace it or exchange for a new one at the pool deck. Any pool towels missing from your stateroom will be charged to your OBCA. Extra towels are available for a $25 refundable deposit (before 10pm). After 10 and the $25 towel is yours?


When you receive your travel documents LOOK AT EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION VERY CAREFULLY – • Dining Request • Legal Names • (Be sure that your legal name on your invoice matches your passport) Cabin • Gateway City • Ship • Itinerary • Sailing Date – everything! (On On-board credit – they tried to cheat us out of $50 each!)


NCL guests can also be contacted for emergencies by calling 888.627.4477 from the US and enter your American Express, MasterCard and Discover Card information.


NCL's Latitudes Program rewards repeat NCL guests w/ some benefits incl. a cruise discount.


You may be eligible for a discount when you book if you are: a US military active service or veteran, in a union affiliated with the AFL-CIO http://www.unionplus.org/sitemap , a Latitudes member (you've cruised before with NCL) or are over 55. If you did not get a discount you were eligible for at booking you can contact NCL and they may very well give you an on board credit for the discount amount.


room service is available 24/7. (didn't know this 'til the END of my second cruise!)


A physician and nurse are on the Spirit to provide medical care and services at customary charges. NCL charges for OTC seasick meds, etc.


NCL may implement a Fuel Supplement charge if fuel prices increase


Your cruise fare entitles you to accommodations, meals and entertainment aboard ship. NOT INCLUDED IN FARE: Specialty restaurants, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, spa treatments, indoor pool relaxation areas, certain specialty exercise classes, laundry, photographs, casino, ship-to-shore phone, email, Internet, fax and Shore Excursions Government taxes and fees are also not included.


Security envelopes and/or safe deposit boxes are available from the ship's purser at no charge. Most staterooms and suites have mini-safes. Please note, however, that NCL is not responsible for valuables left in staterooms or elsewhere on board.


I think a 15% gratuity is added to each NCL beverage automatically but maybe not. Drinks range from 6ish to 10ish for specialty drinks. WATCH OUT FOR THIS... OR YOU WILL BE TIPPING 30%


There are no clocks in the cabins.


Cabin telephones have voicemail


Go to the spa to use the steam room and exercise pool for free.


NCL permits guests between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty (20) to purchase and personally consume wine and beer while on NCL ships with the consent of an accompanying parent or legal guardian on the same sailing.


Laundry & dry-cleaning services are available on all ships – some have self serve laundry.


Photos taken throughout the cruise are available for purchase near the end of the cruise. Prices for these pictures are a bit steep. NCL runs a 'special' toward the end of the cruise. The "Photo Frenzy" is the best deal I have ever gotten on a cruise ship (after the free booze in the special parties). We were on the Gem 3/14-21. $89 (OR $99??)


Saving loungers on sea days! Be careful. Don't save loungers with your beach bag that has cash, credit cards, Ipods.


Motion sickness


STEAK: You can ask for steak even though it is not on the available at every meal section of the menu. Did that on Caribbean night and was brought a delicious steak.


*INCLUDED (OPTIONAL) RESERVATIONS: It is a misconception that with freestyle dining you cannot have the same waiter/table /time nightly. This CAN be arranged via the maitre d" in the dining rooms for before 6 Pm or after 8 PM reservations.


*HOT/COLD BEVERAGES: If you like coffee or cold beverages - take insulated coffee /travel mugs with you, the coffee cups are too small and the on deck breezes cool it too quickly.


EXCURSIONS - You can book these in advance on NCL.com connected with on-line advanced registration, or when you board. Some tours do sell out. Some people book them privately.

If you book through a travel agent NCL will not answer any questions at all for you if you identify yourself as already booked through a TA.


Also it would be great to include a quick glossary of CC abbreviations IMHO:



CD, (I went to look for what CD meant and found out on a fertility site that it was “Cycle Day”)



Motion sickness : One of the most widely recommended remedies is Transderm Scopolamine, a patch applied behind the ear at least eight hours before sailing that can last for up to three days. Available only by prescription, .OTC: Dramamine, Meclizine (common name Bonine) or diphenhydramine (commonly known as Benadryl). The most common side effect of taking Bonine and Benadryl is drowsiness, and alcohol will exacerbate this. Stronger, more effective prescription drugs include Promethazine and ephedrine, which when taken together produce quick results as well as potential side effects such as sleepiness. Another option is suppositories, administered by the ship's physician, which work like magicic for some people. - They just disappear?! Some swear by applying a DRUG FREE Sea-Band wristband the minute you embark. The easy to wear, acupressure inspired product has a plastic bead that presses against the Nei-Kuan pressure point located on the palm side of the wrist without any side effects. Sea-Bands are available at drug stores.

FINAL PAYMENT DATE: NCL is generally amenable to accomodating passengers who have booked a cruise but discovered that NCL is offering the exact same cabin/sailing at a lower fare. Call NCL and they will generally make some sort of amends be it an On Board Credit or an upgrade. Fares found elsewhere i.e. travel agencies do not enter into this equation. The lower fare must be offered by NCL. Once your final payment, however is made - ________ (75?) days prior to your sailing date this is no longer the case and the fare you paid is the fare you pay.

Fruits and Vegetables cannot be taken off the ship into any port. Fruits, vegetables can (and usually do) carry plant spores, micro-organisms and/or vermin larvae (how many of us have battled fruit flies now and then) that you are completely unaware of that may negatively impact the geographic ecosystem of the port country.

Great links:

Great pics/descriptions of most NCL ships: http://www.beyondships.com/NCLSpirit.html

NCL last minute cruise bargains: http://www.ncl.com/nclweb/staticPage.html?pageId=hotDeals

CDC inspection reports: http://wwwn.cdc.gov/vsp/InspectionQueryTool/Forms/InspectionSummaryView.aspx?Inspection=10717694

Dailies and Menus and food pics: http://www.zydecocruiser.com


To see your posts or threads you started click on your username in the top right of the screen, then click on the 'statistics' tab.

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What a disaster. I KNEW I should have gone to bed!

I tried to edit the last post but my 15 minutes was up and, well, here we are. Sorry.

I tried to attach it but no little paperclip, somehow. So here is a link to a pdf I made while my 15 minutes was ticking away... http://attachments.wetpaintserv.us/l8nUxazIH5VxveRAtONKfg%3D%3D149055. I wanted to figure a way to get it to you with my comments in red... If you want it editable I can e-mail it. Take what you will, leave what you will... just wanted to help out. What a great idea (yours) gone bad (mine).

Best laid plans... Road to Hell...

Good night!


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Great information, which I have printed out, thanks! Here's a question I haven't seen anywhere - this is our first cruise, and understand you may not get into your room for hours. But how do you know when it's actually ready?

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19 - Cash Needed

Almost everything onboard is charged to your room. You might need some cash for extra (not required) tips. Casino requires cash, though currently you can get cash, charge it to your room assuming you have a credit card on file with the ship. No extra charge. ATMs are on each ship as well. Pretty much all ships have a small safe in the room. Not positive of older ships.


And the ATM fees on the ships are EXPENSIVE. Something like $5.99 to draw out up to $50, and higher after that. At least, that's the way it was on the Gem in November 2008.

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what do you mean by "bar set up" ?

Sorry for being a bit dim but any info is gratefully accepted thank you


I'll be John Wayne, you be Audie Murphy... You know, in the old movies where the war veteran who was 18 three months ago but turned 74 yesterday? Well, I've been on CC for a couple of months and, well....


Anyway, in these last two months I've learned:

An NCL bar set-up is a pre-cruise, in-cabin liquor delivery service provided by NCL.

866.234.7350 during weekday business hours, ask for Angela Merino, “Spirit Group Events Coordinator.”

Or e-mail (for the NCL Spirit) Angela Merino at: G R O U P E V E N T S P I R I T @ N C L . C O M

The Bar Set-Up transaction should be complete at LEAST two weeks before sailing - best to call a few weeks before.

Order and pay with credit/debit card for the bottle(s) you want to be already in your cabin before you arrive on board.

There is a $3 delivery fee for each bottle (included in price list below).

Note: NCL provides glasses and ice (diligently refilled by your cabin steward the entire cruise) but no mixers.

The set-up must be ordered pre-cruise – you may not request this service once on-board.

Prices/ bottle (see below) (I verified Beefeater $60 w/NCL 3/31/09) are about double local package store prices.


I don't have the price list as handy but it is available through 'search' on the top right - try Absolut or Cutty or Cuervo... I am often frustrated with CC's search engine and go to google and type in "cruisecritic" plus my other criteria...


Hope this helps...


Veteran (NOT but I feel like one) of CC if not of NCL yet LOL.

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I have gotten lots of great feedback about this posting. I think it is time to do an updated one to help out newbies. Before I do, is there anything YOU would add to the list or change? Or remove! Gary


You asked for it... LOL.

As a might-as-well-be newbie (I've been on two but didn't pay much attention to what was available for me and wasn't really involved in making the travel arrangements (OK, I'm in... how much and will they deliver a drink to me IN the hot tub?) my perspective is very newbie. I have been researching all over the place, including CC. I've cut and pasted stuff from everywhere for an info source for my group. What I just did was pretty much cut and paste out of that document into yours. Take from it what you will. Some of it is very wordy (but that' me:( for which I apologize.)

I can't wait for your final draft which I will promptly cut and paste for quick and easy reading for my group. (Maybe folks will actually read it LOL 'cause it won't take all day!)

My comments are in red.

Another thread is in the works about “Oops... I forgot to pack...” Might I suggest that when that thread has run its course (and I have edited the additions into a comprehensive packing list i.e. memory tweaker about what not to forget) you might like to attach it to your thread – no pressure there.

Thank you very much.


Quincy, MA


4 - Do I have to dress up?

No you do not. There is a "formal" night, but a small share will have suits or tuxes on or even ties. `One main dining room generally denies entry to folks wearing jeans, shorts, tank tops, flip flops etc.


5 - Can I bring Wine aboard?

Yep, plan on paying $15 per 750 ml bottle, no matter where you consume it. Pay more for larger bottles. And yes, some slip through and pay nothing. If NCL discovers the wine in your luggage or carry-on and you have not paid the 'corkage fee' they will hold your bag in the 'naughty room' and call you down to examine the contents with them before the bag is released to you. This is often a time consuming task. At that point you have the choice to pay the corkage fee or NCL will 'hold' the wine for you until you disembark. Q: what is the process for reclaiming your wine?


6 - How about hard booze?

Nope. They will hold it for you until the last day. Bar Setups are available. Booze you buy in the gift shop or ashore will also be held. Do a search. If NCL discovers the liquor in your luggage or carry-on they will hold your bag in the 'naughty room' and call you down to examine the contents with them before the bag is released to you. This is often a time consuming task. NCL will 'hold' the liquor for you until you disembark. Q: what is the process for reclaiming your liquor? Many cruisers attempt to bring liquor aboard (which is specifically against the NCL rules) in various ways to varying degrees of success.


7 - Water or Soda or Juice?

No problem, but why people drag bottled water aboard is beyond me. The water aboard ship is purified and is generally very good. All day soda is available for about $7 per day. Iced tea and ________ are availabe at meals.


8 - Free vs Pay Restaurants.

All ships have at least two main restaurants, usually a few others, 23/7 buffet and room service for free. Others are $10-25 each. We have never waited more than 5 minutes to be seated. Some say they have seen long lines. This will happen right after the show each evening.


9 - When do I tip?

You are required (with rare exceptions) to pay $10 per day per person to cover room stewards and dining. Room service, extra quality service might be extra - your choice. Ps - this is going up to $12 January 1st. Guests should not feel obliged to offer a gratuity for good service. However, NCL staff are encouraged to "go the extra mile," and so they are permitted to accept cash gratuities entirely at the discretion of guests who wish to acknowledge particular staff members for exceptional or outstanding service. In other words, there is genuinely no need to tip but you should feel free to do so if you have a desire to acknowledge particular individuals.


10 - Passport

This varies by destination, but it sure is easier to just get one now. The are coming back in a few weeks. It is a good idea to make a copy of the main page of your passport and carry it someplace other than the passport itself. It is also a good idea to record your passport number and leave it at home.


11 - Boarding time

There are variables, but in most cases it is around noon (x hours before the ship casts off) . They do have to get everyone else off and clean the rooms. You can handle the pier side stuff and be on early, then go eat. The sit down dining room will be empty and quiet. They will try to get you to go the buffet. Say thank you and keep moving. Sometimes your cabin will not be ready until after the ship casts off.


12 - Getting off -

The day before you arrive at the destination port you choose a disembarkation code/color. You can leave via the announced color code after the ship is cleared or do self disembark, meaning carry your own stuff off.



14 - Meeting Other People on your Cruise

Click on BOARDS at the top left of this page, then ROLL CALLS, then find your ship and date. You will meet others and learn about your ports of call and options. Somebody on your “Roll Call” may arrange a 'CC Meet and Greet' – a party that the ship hosts. Crew members often stop by to chat and the ship provides the group with ______________??


17 - What is 2.0?

Freestyle 2.0 came out earlier this year and provides a number of enhancements to their operation. Lots of little stuff. From the ncl.com main page, you can use their menu to read more marketing hype. Here is the current link, but it will probably change any day now. One improvement is champagne at embarkation.


19 - Cash Needed

Almost everything onboard is charged to your room. You might need some cash for extra (not required) tips. Casino requires cash,(I thought I read that the casino will take OBC dollars now?) though currently you can get cash, charge it to your room assuming you have a credit card on file with the ship. No extra charge. ATMs are on each ship as well. Pretty much all ships have a small safe in the room. Not positive of older ships.


24 Upgrades or Upsells

If you want to PAY for better cabin, call and ask how much it would cost, if even available. Ships tend to sail full. Do not except an upgrade option on the pier (why). You may be offered an upgrade if __________________. Upsells are different. In an effort to fill higher level rooms, they will call your or your TA and make an offer. Usually at half the normal price to upgrade. Sometimes upgrades are not truly upgrading you so beware and make an informed decision.


26 - Asking questions here

Feel free to ask just about anything. Chances are it was answered in the past week, so scroll down. If you do not see it, ask. PLEASE make sure the subject/title is descriptive of your issue and if it is ship-specific include that in the subject, as well.


27 - How to Pay

When you board, you will be required to put something down to secure your onboard credit account, which can be set up per person. Credit card is the very best way. Debit card has some problems tied to HOLDS. If you have lots in your checking account, no problem there. Cash is fine too. I would still tie a credit card to the account if using cash. That way the last minute charges can be placed there instead of standing in line on the last day,which can be a royal pain. If you use cash or a debit card to secure your On Board Account, if the total you have charged on board approaches the dollar amount you either charged to your debit card or left in actual cash your On Board Account will be 'frozen' until you hand over more cash for future purchases. Also, if you use cash or a debit you must 'settle up' at the end of the cruise. If you use a credit card and the reckoning is correct you don't have to do anything and you can just disembark. It is a good idea to have the lost/stolen contact info as well as your credit card numbers recorded and stored in case you need it.


28 - Documents needed

Chances are you will be getting e-docs via email. You might also get the older regular kind. You should, make that must, do the advance online registration regardless of whether you booked directly through NCL or through a travel agent. If you do that, the checkin at the pier will be short and sweet. Go to NCL.com and do it now. You will need some kind of paperwork to get past the rent a cop on the pier. You will need nothing to get through NCL other than the proper ID. They prefer either the advance registration or ticket, but can find your in their computers.


Theme parties (70's, White Hot, Toga!) are generally thrown on each cruise and vary trip to trip.


Packing and Luggage:

Each person is allowed 200 pounds of luggage.


When packing valuables remember that you will probably be leaving them unattended in your room, so bring few and some kind of lock for your suitcase if you are concerned.


Since all suitcases are collected the night before we return home, don't forget to bring an overnight bag for a change of clothes, prescriptions and need-to-have items (bathing suit?).


What to put in your carry-on bag: Unlike a hotel where people check in on varying days and at varying times, folks check in to a cruise ship en masse. As such, a ship receives thousands of pieces of luggage in a matter of a few hours, which means your bags may not arrive in your stateroom until a few hours after you've boarded. Carry-ons are key. Pack everything needed to get you and your family through dinner time -- bathing suits, cameras, medications, sandals, sunscreen, a change of clothes and toiletries. This packing strategy will save you should there be a delay in delivering your luggage to your cabin.


cell phones I've tried to find answers to this one but have failed miserably to come up with anything definitive (that I trust)


Pool towels are in each cabin. Need fresh one? Leave on bathroom floor and they'll replace it or exchange for a new one at the pool deck. Any pool towels missing from your stateroom will be charged to your OBCA. Extra towels are available for a $25 refundable deposit (before 10pm). After 10 and the $25 towel is yours?


When you receive your travel documents LOOK AT EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION VERY CAREFULLY – • Dining Request • Legal Names • (Be sure that your legal name on your invoice matches your passport) Cabin • Gateway City • Ship • Itinerary • Sailing Date – everything! (On On-board credit – they tried to cheat us out of $50 each!)


NCL guests can also be contacted for emergencies by calling 888.627.4477 from the US and enter your American Express, MasterCard and Discover Card information.


NCL's Latitudes Program rewards repeat NCL guests w/ some benefits incl. a cruise discount.


You may be eligible for a discount when you book if you are: a US military active service or veteran, in a union affiliated with the AFL-CIO http://www.unionplus.org/sitemap , a Latitudes member (you've cruised before with NCL) or are over 55. If you did not get a discount you were eligible for at booking you can contact NCL and they may very well give you an on board credit for the discount amount.


room service is available 24/7. (didn't know this 'til the END of my second cruise!)


A physician and nurse are on the Spirit to provide medical care and services at customary charges. NCL charges for OTC seasick meds, etc.


NCL may implement a Fuel Supplement charge if fuel prices increase


Your cruise fare entitles you to accommodations, meals and entertainment aboard ship. NOT INCLUDED IN FARE: Specialty restaurants, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, spa treatments, indoor pool relaxation areas, certain specialty exercise classes, laundry, photographs, casino, ship-to-shore phone, email, Internet, fax and Shore Excursions Government taxes and fees are also not included.


Security envelopes and/or safe deposit boxes are available from the ship's purser at no charge. Most staterooms and suites have mini-safes. Please note, however, that NCL is not responsible for valuables left in staterooms or elsewhere on board.


I think a 15% gratuity is added to each NCL beverage automatically but maybe not. Drinks range from 6ish to 10ish for specialty drinks. WATCH OUT FOR THIS... OR YOU WILL BE TIPPING 30%


There are no clocks in the cabins.


Cabin telephones have voicemail


Go to the spa to use the steam room and exercise pool for free.


NCL permits guests between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty (20) to purchase and personally consume wine and beer while on NCL ships with the consent of an accompanying parent or legal guardian on the same sailing.


Laundry & dry-cleaning services are available on all ships – some have self serve laundry.


Photos taken throughout the cruise are available for purchase near the end of the cruise. Prices for these pictures are a bit steep. NCL runs a 'special' toward the end of the cruise. The "Photo Frenzy" is the best deal I have ever gotten on a cruise ship (after the free booze in the special parties). We were on the Gem 3/14-21. $89 (OR $99??)


Saving loungers on sea days! Be careful. Don't save loungers with your beach bag that has cash, credit cards, Ipods.


Motion sickness


STEAK: You can ask for steak even though it is not on the available at every meal section of the menu. Did that on Caribbean night and was brought a delicious steak.


*INCLUDED (OPTIONAL) RESERVATIONS: It is a misconception that with freestyle dining you cannot have the same waiter/table /time nightly. This CAN be arranged via the maitre d" in the dining rooms for before 6 Pm or after 8 PM reservations.


*HOT/COLD BEVERAGES: If you like coffee or cold beverages - take insulated coffee /travel mugs with you, the coffee cups are too small and the on deck breezes cool it too quickly.


EXCURSIONS - You can book these in advance on NCL.com connected with on-line advanced registration, or when you board. Some tours do sell out. Some people book them privately.

If you book through a travel agent NCL will not answer any questions at all for you if you identify yourself as already booked through a TA.


Also it would be great to include a quick glossary of CC abbreviations IMHO:



CD, (I went to look for what CD meant and found out on a fertility site that it was “Cycle Day”)



Motion sickness : One of the most widely recommended remedies is Transderm Scopolamine, a patch applied behind the ear at least eight hours before sailing that can last for up to three days. Available only by prescription, .OTC: Dramamine, Meclizine (common name Bonine) or diphenhydramine (commonly known as Benadryl). The most common side effect of taking Bonine and Benadryl is drowsiness, and alcohol will exacerbate this. Stronger, more effective prescription drugs include Promethazine and ephedrine, which when taken together produce quick results as well as potential side effects such as sleepiness. Another option is suppositories, administered by the ship's physician, which work like magicic for some people. - They just disappear?! Some swear by applying a DRUG FREE Sea-Band wristband the minute you embark. The easy to wear, acupressure inspired product has a plastic bead that presses against the Nei-Kuan pressure point located on the palm side of the wrist without any side effects. Sea-Bands are available at drug stores.

FINAL PAYMENT DATE: NCL is generally amenable to accomodating passengers who have booked a cruise but discovered that NCL is offering the exact same cabin/sailing at a lower fare. Call NCL and they will generally make some sort of amends be it an On Board Credit or an upgrade. Fares found elsewhere i.e. travel agencies do not enter into this equation. The lower fare must be offered by NCL. Once your final payment, however is made - ________ (75?) days prior to your sailing date this is no longer the case and the fare you paid is the fare you pay.

Fruits and Vegetables cannot be taken off the ship into any port. Fruits, vegetables can (and usually do) carry plant spores, micro-organisms and/or vermin larvae (how many of us have battled fruit flies now and then) that you are completely unaware of that may negatively impact the geographic ecosystem of the port country.

Great links:

Great pics/descriptions of most NCL ships: http://www.beyondships.com/NCLSpirit.html

NCL last minute cruise bargains: http://www.ncl.com/nclweb/staticPage.html?pageId=hotDeals

CDC inspection reports: http://wwwn.cdc.gov/vsp/InspectionQueryTool/Forms/InspectionSummaryView.aspx?Inspection=10717694

Dailies and Menus and food pics: http://www.zydecocruiser.com


To see your posts or threads you started click on your username in the top right of the screen, then click on the 'statistics' tab.


Steak, chicken, salmon, and pasta is now available at dinner on all ships as an anytime addition from 2.0.



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The buffet is not open 23/7. It is open during specific breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack hours that will be listed in the Freestyle Daily. There is a separate limited menu restaurant called the Blue Lagoon on many (all?) ships that is open 23/7.

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I know I have talked about updating this, but have not gotten around to it. For those that are lucky enough to plan their meals months in advance, here is a link to menu's scanned by another cruiser. They do change from time to time, but these give you a good idea. And, even though there are breakfast menus for Cagneys for breakfast and lunch, these are only available to penthouse and above passengers. (not mini suites)






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Can anyone say -bump- ? :rolleyes:




Gee...I came across that great menu posting earlier today and know how many times people ask and thought it would be good to post it, and for me to remember it as well.


By the way, you bumped the bump! LOL!

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Gee...I came across that great menu posting earlier today and know how many times people ask and thought it would be good to post it, and for me to remember it as well.


By the way, you bumped the bump! LOL!



...and you went to page 124 to resurrect this thread to convey information that you found in another post. :rolleyes:


Besides isn't there a sticky about NCL FAQ's?????? :D



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