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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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I was so BAD yesterday, I gained back the 1/2 pound. Today, I better take it off....or else!!!


It's raining and the forecast for tomorrow and Thurs is equally grim. And..it's going to be COLD. Shucks!

Baby ~ I bet the 1/2 pound that you keep losing & gaining is just water weight. Don't be so hard on yourself! We have a smoke haze in our part of the country from the fires in Georgia & Florida. I don't know how the people in those states can stand it. I sure hope they get them put out soon.

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Hi all! Guess what? Down one whole pound! And..I wasn't even GOOD!!! Maybe you are right and it is water!! Whatever it is, I hope to KEEP IT OFF!!!!


It's raining and yucky today. They are threatening SNOW tonight!!! Aren't you glad you don't live around here?????


Going for physio and I plan to be indoors all day. Maybe I'll read a good book. It's that kind of a day


Have a great one!

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OMG...I ate fries last night. I NEVER order fries. I gained 1 and 1/2 pounds....and that was in spite of the fact that I had climbed 4 flights of stairs and walked for about 45 minutes. I am in shock.


The snow didn't materialize...thank goodness. Now it is starting to warm up. The high today will be about 62 F....a real heat wave!!!!


Sheila, are you leaving this weekend?

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Baby ~ You need to stay off that scale every day. It is driving you nuts! I'm telling you that that weight gain is WATER! Now, listen to me lady! ;) Eating those fries has probably made you swell from all of the salt on them. If I eat two, I blow up like a balloon. Leave the scale alone for a couple of days. OK?


We're leaving for our cruise next Saturday! Can't wait! :D


How is everyone else? Baby and I are once again keeping this thread alive.

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I "would" post if I could get Libby of the 'puter... she's obsessed with "webkins" (Baby, not sure if you've heard about these stuffed "pets" from you're "neck of the woods" <Canada> but elementary school kids are "obsessed" with them and at times they're "hard to come by" <last time there was a shortage we were told it was caused by "rail" (or some other) strike ... wonder if it's true.. they just keep upping the price saying it's "shipping").

Now I'm down to day 3 of Atkins (again) not sure if I'll make it to 4...and highly doubt the scale's going to move (can't you see I'm depressed).

Other than that Mom's doing well (as well as she can be), Mike leaves for SFO tomorrow until Thursday so I hope Mom doesn't relapse (since she usually gets ill when Mike's about to/is traveling). Kids are ok.. but it's dang cold and damp (misty). Think it's going to be in the 50s tomorrow... it's more like end of April weather and not mid-May.


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Sheila, Yep, your keeping it going and we will have to try better while your gone. Are you packed yet?


Carolyn, Fingers crossed that your still sticking to plan today and prayers that nothing major comes up with Mike gone. All 3 girls are nuts about their Webkins with the youngest (4) just starting on them. Fortunately, Cheryl has 2 computers and the are only allowed to use one at a time or she would never get any work done.


Baby, Where is your water? Sheila is right about the scale. Salty foods are a definite problem. The will hear Joe yelling at the end of the block tomorrow morning since he had a burger and fries tonight.


Belle, thinking about you and hoping that things are coming together and that you'll be home soon and will have a lot less worries.


Where is Linda and Kip and the rest? Hope all are doing well.


Well, Sissy is out in the LA area dealing with the same type of situation with her stepmother. Fingers crossed that they get her moved to assisted living since I doubt Sissy can take too many more of these emergencies long distance.


My mother did a believe it or not and signed herself up for exercise classes at the senior center 3 times a week. The next believe it or not is that she is actually enjoying it.


The excitement of the day was power washing the deck furniture and I should go down and work out but we spent hours walking through the outdoors mall then lumber years, garden centers and the grocery store so I am going to curl up with a book. Joe almost had us on an Alaskan cruise tomorrow but talked himself out of it as fast as he talked himself into it. This was a reaction to the repair of water to the house ended up $1,000 instead of somewhere between 6,000 and 30,000. Just a bit over the top but would have been funny anyhow. Guess I will be here when the boss gets back on Wednesday anyhow. Dang it!


Oops, Joe is here so better post before he totally distracts me. Have a great evening!

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Hi Donna, good to hear from you! Hope you will post often while Sheila is away!


Yes, water is by my side! Weight isn't so good..and today I am off to a bridal shower, so... If the weather permits, I hope to take a long walk later today. Yesterday, we walked A LOT and I actually lost 1/2 pound (but my weight is AWFUL this week, so it's only a SLIGHT improvement)


So glad that your Mom is doing so well. That's one less worry for you. How is Joe doing? If he is planning cruises, it sounds like he's feeling good. It's difficult having a retired man around the house, eh? (He is retired, isn't he?). My DH is going to work forever!


Carolyn, how are you doing? I don't know about Webkins. My kids are men already!


Here it's a long weekend. They had predicted rain, but they WERE WRONG!!!! The sun is shining and it looks lovely.


Hope all is well with Belle and the others.


Sheila, are you packing?


I notice that Celebrity has winter 2009 cruises out. There's one on the Mercury to Hawaii that looks CHEAP. We have already done that itinerary on the Summit. And we may go to California this winter. So, I don't know if I want to do that, but it is an option.


Have a great day, all!

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Hi ladies! :D Had a busy weekend!


Carolyn ~ Keep up your WOE! You know you can do it!!! Glad your DM is doing OK. Hope Diane is leaving you alone also.


Donna ~ Hey! It does sound as if Joe is doing much better. I'm so thrilled! I started packing on Sat. Thanks for the update on Sissy. I've been wondering where she ran off to. It seems as if all of us are having some sort of issue with a relative and health.


Baby ~ I did start packing and am almost finished. All I need to pack is our hang-up clothes and the stuff for the carry-on. I'm doing really well with not taking too much stuff. ;) How was the shower? I read an article in Good Housekeeping the other day that reminded me of you....it said to throw the scale away and just listen to your body in how you feel and how your clothes fit. Sounds good to me!


Take care, girls!

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OMG! I am up the AWFUL pound...and the wedding is approaching....


Today, I am going to start to log what I eat. I used to do that. I don't like to do it, but I have to face the music!


The weather is finally gorgeous. I am going to make sure I take a walk some time today.


Sheila...I am addicted to my scale. I don't know how much it helps, but I have to weigh myself first thing every morning. Maybe if I didn't, I would weigh a lot more!!!! Who knows????


The shower was lovely. The bride was adorable and very happy. So was her mom (my friend). It was a buffet brunch and I didn't eat too much.


You must be so excited. I am going to miss you. I will not be able to post to myself here!


Take care, all!

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Baby ~ What am I going to do with you? LOL Yes, start logging your calories. You'll be surprised at how many you're eating and you don't even realize it. Glad you enjoyed the shower. The wedding is fast approaching! :)


I got more things packed last night. I haven't exercised this week and I miss it so much! I just don't have the time. I plan on exercising on the ship and climbing the rock wall. :D

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OK... Baby,,, where's your water? (ok.. got it in today.. I promise I'll be able to pop in during the AM to give you encouragement <though I'm sure it's not the same since I really need to get my butt in gear too> and you won't be "talking to yourself" ... as long as the kids are still in school). I think I'll join you with logging in what we eat. I really think that's going to be the only way that I can become accountable. The weather's finally getting nice here too (no rain until Friday I believe) and I really think I might be able to enlist Alex to take a walk with me to get me moving (I've really become a couch potatoe this year....since the foot -- and now it's too long!!)

Sheila... bet you're getting excited (and rightfully so!!). The final few days. Have you tried "the wall" before? (I've always wanted to but at first didn't 'cause of my back and then last summer couldn't 'cause I couldn't risk anything w/foot still being somewhat fragile... and now w/all the weight I gained don't think I could pull myself up anyway). Do you have any special plans for the cruise?

Donna... hope all is well and "quiet' on the homefront. Glad the home repairs were lower than Joe's expectation$. It's nice (and unfortunately) unusual when things come in AT expected budget or even better lower.

As for me I'm been terrible. Started out Saturday having all good intentions and then first had a bit of watermelon (usually I just resist and don't have fruit -- the carbs) then went to costco and had some samples w/Libby (did enjoy the time w/her). OK won't give you a total play by play but it was just down hill. Next day felt like crap... been having migraines and major aches.. Know it's got to be from the white "crap" and carbs... when will I learn -- puffed and bloated and pains... So today I'm going to "try again" and going to enlist the kids. Hope they can help this "lost cause". I can't believe the scale has been on a uphill climb for the last 6 months...I really think breaking my foot was the beginning of end (stopping any exercise etc.).

OK so I'll try to log in food and also going to try to drink the water... let's see if I can make it until the weekend.


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Carolyn, I also think that when you broke your foot, you began your downward spiral. You've had a lot to deal with this year and you're probably an emotional/stress eater like most of us on here. I wish you lots of luck in getting back to your WOE. Take care of yourself!


This will be my first time climbing the rock wall. I hope I can climb it with my back the way it is. My epidural injections really haven't helped a whole lot this time around. I'm going to try though! :D Oh, and I am VERY excited!

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Rockwall climbing? OK...now I am going to be STRICT...listen to me...WE ARE NOT 21 ANYMORE!!!!


I find that since more people stay really active for many more years, so many suffer injuries. Our bodies really can't take it. Do you really have to test your sciatica, etc? Can't you find excitement elsewhere? I am really serious. Why take a chance? If you hurt yourself, you will spoil the rest of your cruise. (Now I really sound like a Jewish mother!!!....lay the guilt!!!!!!)


Carolyn, thank you for keeping me company while Sheila is climbing the wall!


My water is here. It's glass #4. I tried not to eat TOO much. Hope the scale will be my friend tomorrow! Had to go to the dressmaker today, but didn't because I FELT FAT!!!


Now that the warm weather is upon us, we will be outdoors more and more active, so that should help our weight (hopefully).


Take care, all!

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Please be careful with trying the "wall"...

you really don't want to risk your back with a mistep of footing (especially if the ship's rocking a bit). I wasn't aware that you've had the epidurals. How frequently have you had them. I just had one and the physiatrist (physical MD -- the only one who really got my back in shape and who knows that when I call has instructed his office to "get me in no matter -- not having me wait) said that it might have touched "something" since the numbness has still be with me all these years.. though at times not as noticable as others.


Know how you feel about putting things "off" 'cause your feeling "fat".. but unf. you can't put off the fittings too much since the weddings only a few weeks away. Just keep the water handy and when things get really "tempting" try to refrain until "after the wedding".

As for me, I think I've made it through "day 1". Tomorrow I'll try to drink some more water. I need to buckle down and fly straight.

Night ladies.


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Baby & Carolyn ~ I promise that if my back is bothering me, I will not climb the rock wall. Y'all have to remember that I'm very physically active with lifting weights and doing a lot of aerobics, etc. I'll listen to my back though. Afterall, I'm only 42! :D I do appreciate your concern. Y'all are so sweet!


Baby ~ I went to the alteration shop on Sat. to have a dress altered for the 2nd time. Each time, I have to have it made smaller. ;) I'm picking it up today and hopefully, this will be the last alteration.


Carolyn ~ How's Day 2 going? Hang in there! I get the epidurals once a year with a series of 3. I've only had 2 this year and will get another after the cruise. So far, they haven't helped this time around. Sigh.

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saw on another thread that you had used hoodia in past... when was this? Did you do anything different w/y/WOE then (or was it just to give you a little bit more "won't power"?)

I've got a bottle that I got from Costco sitting on counter but haven't opened it yet since it was a bit expensive (may return it)... but IF it may help I'll try anything now.

BTW... so far I'm doing "ok" (low carb... and it's 4:30PM)


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Really wasn't bad at all yesterday, and I didn't lose an ounce. Am trying again today!


What is/are hoodia? Enlighten me, please!


Water is right by my side!


Sheila, to take in something is such a good feeling. I haven't had that feeling. (sob!) Congrats!


Carolyn, stick with it! Gotta lose....gonna lose!


Have fun!

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Boss is late this AM and I have a few minutes while running reports then I have to hit it hard and get some clear space on my desk. Thought I would take it all home and work on it over the weekend but Joe surprised me and made all the arrangements for Saturday and Sunday in downtown Chicago. This is a test to see how well he holds up to a lot of activity before final payment comes up for the September cruise so fingers crossed that his tolerances have finally started to build up. He has really covered all the bases and the plans are quite ambitious starting with Blue Man on Saturday night so I definitely have my fingers crossed.


Baby, This is water # __ ? I will start logging Tuesday since it doesn't work any other way. As to the scale, I am trying to fight the addiction but it is still winning. How many weeks till the wedding? Did you re-schedule the fitting?


Carolyn, You can do it but might want to stay away from Costco until you have it locked! When does Mike get home?


Sheila, You have to be bouncing off the walls right about now! Just be careful and listen to your body!


Belle, Thinking about you and hoping that everything is finally coming together.


And how are the rest?


I will try to post before we leave Saturday morning but will definitely when we get back Monday afternoon. Reports are off so better get going since I am taking a long lunch at Chico's today.


Have a great day!

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If you "pop" in before you leave.. Bon Voyage.. wishing you sunny, clear skys and smooth seas.


Where's the water? Why don't you use a tape measure of waist instead of scale #... that way there won't be the "dreaded lb." always haunting you.


Have a wonderful weekend. Hope Joe keeps up with all his plans and then you can both feel "good" about the upcoming cruise (and have something to look forward to). Hope you get to make a dent into clearing your desk and that the boss doesn't add any more "tasks" to your already busy job.


Hope things are "uneventful" ... under the circumstances that's sometimes the best thing given all that's heaped on you. Please take care of yourself too!!

As for me everything is "ok"... Mom's holding own (don't know if I mentioned she was "exited" off hospice so now I need to "sit" on MD and social worker and trust that Mom remembers to drink etc.) so that's a "good thing". Mike's on his way home from SF.. (well waiting for his 8AM flight... wish he has opportunity for bump since it would be nice to have some air scrip). Kids are OK... I'm on day 3... we'll see if I make it past that.. Donna, think I'll pass on Costco today (usually go when Libby's at dance and at that time 5PM there's usually no samples -- think I'll just take some reading material and sit in car w/water while she's in class).

Have a great morning!


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Hi ladies! Can’t wait until Sat. when we leave for the port. Everything around here is NUTS! Nick’s graduation has my nerves on end! I’ve lost another pound because I can’t keep anything in me. LOL

Baby ~ I only took Hoodia for about a month. It does seem to help, but I didn’t want to continue paying for it. It is very expensive. One of the other Losers on here, BuilderMann, swears by it. She is tiny now so it must work! Did you re-schedule the fitting?

Carolyn ~ That’s great news that your DM is not longer in Hospice care! I’m proud of you for being so good for 3 days now. See, it is getting easier!

Donna ~ Your weekend sounds nice! I’ve always wanted to see the Blue Man Group. They are going to be at Universal Studios when we’re there in July and we might get tickets. Yes, I’m bouncing off the walls. My boss just gave me a project and that should help.

Take care, everyone! I’ll be back later!

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I must post to wish Sheila a Bon Voyages! Have a wonderful trip! Congrats on Nick's graduation. How will you celebrate? I still don't understand Hoodia. Is it a diet potion?


Donnal ,as always, good to hear from you. Water is here, but today I was really busy and didn't drink much. Will try to make it up later. Enjoy Chicago and enjoy Chico's! Hope Joe feels fine. If the activity is too hectic, you can always slow down. You don't have to cancel altogether.


Carolyn, Keep up the good work!

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