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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Good morning all though closer to afternoon! Well, one way to take care of this cold is to stay home which the weather has definitely assured. We have around a foot of snow and I'm not going anywhere!


Sheila, Stick to the measuring since it really is the best way to tell the change! The interview was strictly HR so far and now it is wait and see. The company is much larger than where I am now but still family run which would be nice. Not to worried about it at this point with everything else going on.


Baby, where is your water? Definitely dress with heels! Of course, outside of cruising, I wear a lot of dresses. Cruising is pretty much mix and match so I can limit how much I take.


How is everybody else doing? Holiday temptations already out there?


The bad news is that I am snowed in with GS cookies and leftovers from Thanksgiving. In addition, my coworkers haven't done what I need them to do so what I can work on over the weekend is limited. Just means a few late nights next week before we leave on Friday. The good news is that I can't imagine this weather two weeks in a row! If we were flying out today, we would be looking at joining the ship in Cabo on Sunday! Now better get back to work!


Have a great Friday!

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Know what's you've got since I was on phone earlier today w/Diane's roommate from college who lives in Racine... they cancelled school and it was 9AM (their time). Just think of the balmy weather you'll be having soon and watch the weather reports (just in case you need to leave a day earlier). How'd you still have GS cookies? You've resisted them thus far... I'm sure the cruise will help you to "resist" now.. (look, who am I to give advice since I've got all types of tempts calling out to me these days and very little willpower and realizing I've got about 2 weeks before getting on plane).

Sheila.. I truly agree, the scale is EVIL... and for me right now my body's doing it too. I've got a bit of a "pot" that doesn't seem to be going "anywhere" (ok, D&C doesn't help with that and unf. will start PMS in a few days).

Baby, Keep up with the water. I hear you about not getting anything new. And for me right now I don't know what will work/not work for Hawaii. At least on a cruise I know "anything goes". I'm not sure how "casual" I can get with the Hilton... I've got 2 cover-up dresses that should work "ok" if they didn't shrink the last 2 times I washed them (not sure if I popped one in dryer... I usually just hang dry everything). I'm sure I can probably find a coverup or two as soon as we get to Kona since we're hoping to pop into Costco the first day or so (stock up on snacks/waters for room/car--- they've got these sushi plates that would be great for lunch snacks a pool "if" we have fridge in room... will call up hotel to find out if we'll ahve a decent one).

It's rainy and gloomy... though it was high 50's this AM.. shouldn't start getting cold until Sunday...

Gotta go pick up Libby


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Believe it or not, it has stopped and it is actually clearing up. I spoke too soon and thought I would get a lot done while Joe was doing the driveway but then the belt broke on the snowblower so I got to work off those cookies rather quickly! Sun is now shining brightly and the streets are back to bare pavement (first plow came through at 1:00 PM). Looks like we definitely had some evergreen damage which Joe is going out to check. The whole back side of the bushes are on the ground with the weight of the snow.


Carolyn, I think you'll find that even the Hilton is pretty casual. Hard to believe but we will be on Mercury at this time next week! Thank goodness it wasn't today! It was bad but the temp is high enough that it should be under control quickly now that it has stopped.


Hope everyone has fun weekend plans! Back to work until he is ready to run out. Looks like Applebee's for salad tonight since he doesn't want to give up date night. Of course next 3 date nights will be on board. Yippee!


Belle is just starting the transatlantic portion of her cruise so hoping for smooth sailing!


Have a great evening!

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Right now, the car is in the garage for the first time this year. When I tried to go out to get my nails done, the car was an icicle. Once I unlocked the door, I couldn't close it for about 15 minutes. The driveway was slippery and I had to bring in the garbage can (yuch..garbage day). Then I had to find the window scraper. The ice was too solid, nothing scraped. So, I sat in the car with the defrosters on for about 20 minutes. Then opened the front windows. Naturally, all the ice fell inside the car, not out! Finally, I was able to scrape some ice off the front windshield. But the wipers wouldn't budge. I didn't even attempt the rear windshield. In the end, I cancelled my appointment and brought the car inside.


A few minutes ago, the power went. Thank goodness, as you can see, it's back on. I found a flashlight and got a candle and matches ready (just in case!)


Carolyn, you sound good. Soon, soon, Hawaii. You will find beach cover-ups there easily. I find a land vacation easier to dress for. You can just wear what's appropriate for the type of restaurant you choose.


Donna, I should go down and get a glass of water. As a matter of fact, I am thirsty. Hold on a minute!


I am back...with water!


I am thinking of wearing one of my cruise Chico outfits to the afternoon wedding. I don't really want to wear one of my old dresses. The Chico pants are not palazzo, but they are a little full. They can definitely pass for dressy. I can wear it with a top and a Chico jacket. Add some bling, bling...and voila!


I may look for a dress for the engagement party. But, of course, I wouldn't wear it before!!!


Meanwhile, I better lose pounds or inches or something!


Donna, I had a bad cold a couple of weeks ago. It takes forever to disappear. Don't forget to take sinufed for the plane if you have a cold. Watch those ears!! Once, I flew with a cold. My ears killed me for days after.


Good luck with the job prospect. If it's what you want, I hope you get it! What type of company is it?


Sheila, I don't want to leave you out!!! Hope you have a great weekend. Too bad we all can't surprise Belle, and just show up on her cruise!!!


Shabbat Shalom! (I's Friday night...Shabbat....Sabbath. Shalom is "Peace", "Hello", "Good-bye".)

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:) Hi Everyone.

Well I went to L,A. today and I have lost another LB.!! However I am now on hold for surgery and "On my own" for the next 30 days. I gotta Tell you Pizza sounds REAL Good right now. I switched the exercise equip and the computor around so I hope that will help. I have to go grocery shopping this week to. I will try to stay with only the good healthy foods. As I don't want to dammage my success so far. So I'll be needing all the help to stay on track that I can get. Hope that everyone else is doing well. I'm really glad we didn't get the snow in St Paul. Take care TTYL Kip:rolleyes:

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And why didn't we know about Galaxy first? Your going to love it but lots of water now. This should put you in behave mode rather quickly! The Chico's will work for the wedding. I know the pants you are talking about and would love to have them but they are too short. The biggest problem that I find with Chico's is the lack of talls which really limits what I can buy.


Sheila, How are you doing?


Carolyn, final countdown approaching!


Kip, just hang in there! Thinking healthy is always a good thing! Glad the snow missed you too, just wish it missed us. It was 3 out when I got up this morning so not going away any time soon either!


How are the rest doing?


Down to the wire here with the flight 5 days away and Mom is back in the hospital. They are hoping it is just a bladder infection but can't really confirm that until the weekday crew arrives. Fingers crossed and still prep to leave. Actually ended up putting up the portable rack and moving everything back upstairs to pack even though it was all set up on the lower level. Just too many little things needed up here so will go faster and less likely to forget the little stuff. Joe is in charge of that list so it is probably a bit iffy anyhow. I think he has finally accepted the fact that we will have 3 large checked bags. No choice since we will be gone for 17 days. Diane will end up bringing the boots and winter coats to MI for us but I need to pack the rest.


Ok, back to work!

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Donna, I didn't understand your comment at first because I didn't realize that I never mentioned that we are going on the Galaxy in Feb. I thought I did a long time ago, because we booked it last year.


Anyway...think about it. If you can get to San Juan cheaply, the inside cabins are a steal!


Before the cruise, is the engagement party. I have to go shopping and I have to lose.


Last year at this time, I replenished my slacks wardrobe at Talbot's. (Their clothes FIT!!) I was really in-between sizes and the saleslady told me to buy the smaller one. I didn't listen...and boy, am I glad! I'd have nothing to wear now. (It's the waist that's grown.)


Good luck with your mom. Bladder infections are very common.


Kip, keep it off! Great that you lost! Do you live near Donna?


Have a great day, everyone!

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Fingers crossed that it's just a bladder (or uti) for your Mom. It's a bummer when they have to be sent out to hospital on the weekend. Unless it's really serious not much happens until Monday. (except at the last hospital Mom was at <over summer> they did do some tests, prep for release on Saturday). Did you get cancellation insurance "just in case" < though I know you'd really not want to call it in>? I know CSA you can get fairly late on and it covers pre-existing stuff for non-traveling family "just in case". I know that for me now we've got the insurance (usually we don't purchase it for land trips) but w/my Mom's issues and all I made sure I got some insurance to cover pre-existing (got Travelex Lite since we don't have to pay premiums for the kids) before the 21 days after initial payment... otherwise we would have done CSA.

Gotta try to get Libby to bed. As far as my "final countdown" I'm really feeling uncomfortable (hope it's just PMS) 'cause I'm feeling huge, blimpy and ready to just "give up". I'm at my heaviest weight in over 4 years now... even higher than it was before staying at hospital w/Dad... past the plateau that I was able to break 2 1/2 yrs ago and then lost a bit more... feeling like it's just never going to get better... though I did go to the gym (albeit for shot time) today. Mike says "oh you just need to cut out a few things" (yeah it would work for him ... guess the weight my Mom lost has found its way to my hips... feel like tweedle dee... and that's not good 'cause I'm going to be very grumpy.)>


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Hi!! I hope all of you had a great weekend! Mine was so busy! I actually lost a pound...yes, I got on the EVIL scale. LOL


Donna ~ I hope your DM gets better soon! UTI are NOT fun at all. Poor dear. Are you feeling better? You must live close to one of my friends. She sent me pictures on Friday of all of the snow. Her yard was breathtaking! I'm sure you burned loads of calories shoveling! Hopefully you'll get a call for another interview. Good luck!


Baby ~ I think your Chicos outfit will look great for the wedding. Yes, it would be nice to surprise Belle!!


Kip ~ As Donna said, "Hang in there!" YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


Carolyn ~ Wouldn't it be nice if we could all lose weight as fast as our husbands? NOT fair!

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Any "news" on your Mom... hope things settle down there so you can take care of your "countdown" without the stress/ worry. Good luck on the call back, that would be a lovely "before holiday gift".

Sheila, Glad you had "good news" from that evil machine.

Baby, Water nearby?


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Carolyn ~ The EVIL machine is down another 1/2 pound. I really don't care what the scale says, but do like that my pants are fitting better. How are you doing? How's your DM?


Donna ~ How's your DM? Any news on the job?


Baby ~ How was the wedding?

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One more sleep and one sleepless night to go!


Talked to her new doctor for an hour yesterday. He told us to go and have a great time so that is the plan. He also told me that she is a master manipulator and pulling my strings. Not a surprise but good to have someone confirm it. All her possible things wrong and it ended up a mild attack of diverticulitis. She moved to the nursing home yesterday and I haven't called her yet today. She chose the nursing home with awful food that is not on her diabetic diet because she could control the heat in her room. We reminded her that it didn't work well if she had a room mate and her room mate got there 15 minutes before she did. Add the fact that she didn't want the "nursing home" side (other is rehab) and ended up on the nursing home side and you can see why I am dreading the phone call. Will wait till mid-afternoon to call since she has to go to the desk to take it. She doesn't want her phone transferred this time since she thinks she will be getting out and doesn't want to spend the $80 again.


Enough of that, I haven't heard anything but have decided that I need to stay here for the moment. Just too much happening and I have it great in some ways. I will be gone 11 days and only used 5 days vacation. I will work the other days but most companies won't let you do that.


Sheila, just watch how the pants fit and the measurements!


Carolyn, when are you leaving? I think you leave while we are gone so have a great and relaxing trip!


Baby, Water? You may have said something when you first booked it. Love the itinerary!


How is everybody else doing?


Hope you all have a great day!

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Donna ~ Your DM sounds like my GM! Major master manipulator!! She's about to move into her 4th assisted living facility in 5 years! She will NEVER be happy. It is so sad because she used to have such a great sense of humor. At least your DM's illness isn't too bad. Hopefully she'll adjust to the nursing home and be fine.


I don't blame you about not leaving your job right now. I'm the same way. I love mine most of the time, but could pull my hair out other times. LOL The benefits far outweigh the hair-pulling. ;)


Are you starting to pack yet?


Carolyn, Baby, Kip ~ Where and how are you?

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Lucky, lucky Donna, getting out of this deep freeze! I envy you! Have a great time!!!


Thanks, Mir! There are still some cabins available, sure you can't sneak off? I figure that this cold will get baked out of me by the time we hit Cabo!

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Only because I haven't managed to sleep! Since we are leaving in less than 3 hours, probably not a good time to start trying! Joe is napping on my couch and will take down the system as soon as he wakes up.


Carolyn, Have a wonderful time on your trip!


Belle, Can't wait to hear all about yours!


Baby, lots of parties come up means lots of water! Your cruise won't be all that long after!


Hope everyone else is doing well and holding up against the holiday temptation! Stay safe, warm and have a wonderful holiday!

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Just in case you have the opportunity to "pop on"


Kip, What's "the scoop" on LA Weight Loss... see the commercials but doesn't say much about the program. Is it prepackaged food? Something like Jenny or NutriSystems? What type of eating plan is it? Won't be in the market for a "new plan" until after we come back from vacation but realize that I need to find "something that may work" since nothing else seems to be. How expensive is it?

Baby, where's the water.

Sheila, how are you doing? Getting your exercise? Feeling OK..

It's really late and I think I better try to get some sleep. Realizing I've only got about 1 week left. Have no idea what I'm going to pack. Don't know how I'll "deal with it" (not a good time here... having PMS or something "like it"... Mom's getting in her "funky blues" which get me worried that she's going to "pull something" before we leave... I warn Diane that I can't "mentally take it anymore" If Mom slips healthwise 'cause she'd "down" and also Diane's demands of how Mom be treating in Home... Diane will complain to me and threaten but not follow through at all and just get me worked up... I'm ready to just "give up" I've warned Mom if she "pulls something" while we're away I'm (A) not flying back and (B) not coming back for a funeral.. we'll just stay away (I'll never hear the end of it from Diane and, yes, we do have insurance but I'm not sure if I'm going to want to run back.


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Oh! I missed Donna's departure. Donna, if you log on while you are away...hope you are having a great time!


Guess what? Today was the brunch wedding. I wore my Chico Traveller's outfit. It's not really dressy, but I pretend that it is on formal nights (don't tell the picky cruisers!!) Anyway, I got lots of compliments and I was very comfortable.


Carolyn, I know you hate to shop and I fully understand why. But...have you tried Chico's? The waists are elastic and the clothes are really easy clothes to wear. They look Ballabuttish (sp), too!


Try not to worry too much about your mom. Whatever happens, happens. It is out of your control. Maybe nothing will happen, so don't worry until it does.(Why don't I ever take my own wonderful advice??????)


Sheila...hi. How much slimmer and more gorgeous can you get? YOu wll make us all so jealous!!

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Carolyn ~ Bless your heart! Just focus on your up-coming trip and try not to stress too much about Dianne or your DM. {{HUGS}}


My exercise is going well. I've been lifting weights and doing aerobics. It really has made a difference.


Baby ~ Me?! No WAY would I make y'all jealous. You should see me naked. :eek: Glad you had a great time at the wedding. I'm sure you looked FAB!


I had a very tiring weekend and if I don't slow down soon, I'm going to crash! Getting ready for the holidays is so stressful.

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Hi Everyone,

I'm back and doing pretty well. I was off of work for a week and I didn't gain anything. I think I actually lost 1/2 lb. Very busy time for me. I decided to paint orniments for people at work this year. I love to do ceramics. I just didn't realise how the tiny detailing would slow me down. So I am painting every minute that I can stand it. Mind you I work under a microscope all day at work to. So by the time I get home I'm not to good a focusing. Anyway weather has been decent I don't knowwhereDonna lives but I'm in Minnesota usually have snow by now. But I think it's all going south right now.

LA lets you use your own food but somethings are off limits. Of course there is the 64 oz of water but you get protien,dairy,starches,fats(very littlle:() but most of it isn't hard to do. And I don't diet. So it's more portion sizes. They do adjust your program to fit your problem areas. For me it's carbs and Fats. You can go in for a consoltation before you commit. Of course there are always little things they want you to buy but not to expensive. So if you want give it a whirl. Listen to the comercials because sometimes they have specials. I am sure they will have after New Years. Price, well it depends on how much you want to lose and how long you plan for it to take. So I'm actually still watching what I eat. I am sliding on my water though. Will get back on the bike after I get my stitches out next Thursday:)

Hope Everyone is well, TTYL kip

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Kip ~ I didn't realize you had surgery. I hope you're doing well...sounds as if you are. I also like to paint Christmas ornaments. I didn't/haven't had time this year and I regret it. I should've started a lot sooner. Oh well. I'll do it again next year.


How is everyone else doing?

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Hey everyone...

it's been a stressful few days.. hoping to be all packed and on the road to get towards the airport tomorrow PM after Libby has her basketball game. Still have alot to do tomorrow. Mike's been running to dentists today.. (what a pain) and yesterday it was running LIbby to dentist (still has follow-up appt on Dec. 29th late.. ugh, but need to get it done before year end).

It's been stressful w/Mom (mainly about Mom complaining of either pain or itch and then Diane complaining that "Mom doesn't sound right"... blah blah blah.

Well today Mom's officially on "hospice" through the home.. which means she'll have pain management, and specialized MD and nurse as well as an aide assigned just to her for 5 days for 2-3 hrs a day.. she's going to LOVE that). So that's how my week flown by. Don't know for sure we're we're staying for Volcano, still trying.


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Carolyn, hope I didn't miss you! Have a wonderful trip! And a Happy Chanukah!


Sheila, I think it's just you,me & Kip. Everyone is travelling! We had the first night of Chanukah last night. Of course, I cooked and cooked. Tried not to eat TOO much. Didn't gain, thank goodness, but weight still isn't good. Haven't exercised in a couple of days. Maybe I'll do it now! Gotta leave soon for my hair appointment.


I agree that getting ready for the holidays is stressful...and tiring. After each accomplishment, I had to take a break! That of course included a snack! Now I am done and I hope I improve.


By the way, my water is by my side!


Have a great day!

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