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A Final Tribute to the QE2

The Real PM

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I must go down to the sea again

To the lonely sea and the sky

But all I have is a palm tree view

In the dust of hot Dubai


And the huge glass towers

And the boulevard cars

And dollars twinkling bright

As tourists throng the golden mall

In their duty free delight




I must go back to the sea again

To the world I've travelled wide

A billion fans all cheering me

And crews from each far tide


A national treasure will proudly move

No time to stand still long

For the lure of future voyages calls

And speed is still my song




I must get back to the sea right now

But I fear I'm not quite well

My funnel sits on the hot quayside

And inside I'm an empty shell


Somehow I've lost my sound and soul

And the shadows fill my head

While all the evening desert sky

Steals my funnel's empire red



With apologies to John Masefield

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I must go down to the sea again

To the lonely sea and the sky

But all I have is a palm tree view

In the dust of hot Dubai...


With apologies to John Masefield


Simon, thanks for that.


My curiosity got the better of me and I looked up some of John Masefield's poetry. If anyone has a trace of sea-salt in their veins, I think they'd enjoy Masefield's works. (Some of them are here )


Being a lover of the sea himself, I think Masefield would have approved of your poem :)

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When I was on the April TA, I looked up a likely quote in Bartlett's to put in the comment book. I found two from Walt Whitman, which I thought were appropriate:


"But O the ship, the immortal ship..."

"...Our life is closed, our life begins, the long, long anchorage".


Good bye, QE2. I will miss you.

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When I was on the April TA, I looked up a likely quote in Bartlett's to put in the comment book. I found two from Walt Whitman, which I thought were appropriate:


"But O the ship, the immortal ship..."

"...Our life is closed, our life begins, the long, long anchorage".


Good bye, QE2. I will miss you.


Poignant words, thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, here I am, late to the party as usual - very late in this case. When I started writing this poem, it was not my intention that it should have any connection at all with Cunard. However, for some reason a certain ship managed to insinuate itself into the process and make a cameo appearance write at the end. There are some explanatory notes below the image for anyone who is interested.








1. For those not familiar with the geography of the east coast of England, “Spurn” refers to Spurn Point, the long sand spit that defines the northern side of the mouth of the Humber Estuary.


2. There really was a trawler named Arctic Corsair (in fact there were at least two and they both still exist). The one I had in mind in writing this was the beam trawler that is now preserved as a museum ship on the River Hull. She was built in 1960 by the Beverley shipbuilders Cooke, Welton and Gemmell for Boyd Line, a major trawler owner in Hull. In 1973 she broke the world record for landing cod and haddock from the White Sea. She frequently fished the Icelandic grounds and, during the Cod War, was rammed by an Icelandic gunboat. She was finally retired in 1987. Her actual crew averaged 23, but that didn’t scan, so I invoked poetic licence and made it 27.


3. Her Majesty’s Transport Empire Orwell did exist but I have no idea whether, in her career as a troopship, she ever went within a thousand miles of Singapore. The war I was thinking of here was not World War 2 but rather the Malayan Emergency.


4. I’m pretty sure there never was a British collier called Jarrow Trader, but the name seemed entirely appropriate. There were many called Empire ???? but that would have clashed with the name of the troopship, so I just invented a name.


5. As far as I am able to determine no barque (or other sailing ship) ever carried the name “Flying Spindrift”. There is a modern tug of that name, but that’s not really relevant.


6. I am well aware that, as long as QM2 is with us, QE2 was not, in reality, the last transatlantic liner. However, I felt the last verse was entirely appropriate as she was the final flourish of traditional Clydeside ship building, and marked the passing of an era that we will not see again.

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Ok, here I am, late to the party as usual - very late in this case. When I started writing this poem, it was not my intention that it should have any connection at all with Cunard. However, for some reason a certain ship managed to insinuate itself into the process and make a cameo appearance write at the end. There are some explanatory notes below the image for anyone who is interested.








1. For those not familiar with the geography of the east coast of England, “Spurn” refers to Spurn Point, the long sand spit that defines the northern side of the mouth of the Humber Estuary.


2. There really was a trawler named Arctic Corsair (in fact there were at least two and they both still exist). The one I had in mind in writing this was the beam trawler that is now preserved as a museum ship on the River Hull. She was built in 1960 by the Beverley shipbuilders Cooke, Welton and Gemmell for Boyd Line, a major trawler owner in Hull. In 1973 she broke the world record for landing cod and haddock from the White Sea. She frequently fished the Icelandic grounds and, during the Cod War, was rammed by an Icelandic gunboat. She was finally retired in 1987. Her actual crew averaged 23, but that didn’t scan, so I invoked poetic licence and made it 27.


3. Her Majesty’s Transport Empire Orwell did exist but I have no idea whether, in her career as a troopship, she ever went within a thousand miles of Singapore. The war I was thinking of here was not World War 2 but rather the Malayan Emergency.


4. I’m pretty sure there never was a British collier called Jarrow Trader, but the name seemed entirely appropriate. There were many called Empire ???? but that would have clashed with the name of the troopship, so I just invented a name.


5. As far as I am able to determine no barque (or other sailing ship) ever carried the name “Flying Spindrift”. There is a modern tug of that name, but that’s not really relevant.


6. I am well aware that, as long as QM2 is with us, QE2 was not, in reality, the last transatlantic liner. However, I felt the last verse was entirely appropriate as she was the final flourish of traditional Clydeside ship building, and marked the passing of an era that we will not see again.



This poem by Jimmy Christie is quite remarkable. It gives us a glimpse into a potpourri of seafaring vessels as we listen to their acknowledgements to one another as they pass, finally ending with the poignant last message of the iconic ocean liner, the QE2. Great stuff!

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I think there's an error in your link. This one seems to work though:






Thanks for the correction Neil. I would like to add that Carmel is one of the many reasons that made QE2 so special. She took quite a bit of time helping my son find a suitable book to read while onboard our last trip.


We also met our waitress from Caronia from our previous cruise and she remembered us and asked how our table mates were doing. Captain McNaught also talked at length to my son on the pier in Newcastle, which was the highlight of the cruise for him. We had a very hard time leaving the ship in Southampton for the final time.



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Hello....So many wonderful tributes and poems for such a wonderful ship...she is almost a real person to us all..I wonder what she would be saying now....


So here is another poem....




If I could have my say........



Life begins at forty so I have been told

But it seems my Cunard owners now think that I'm too old

I thought I'd get a makeover a little nip'n'tuck

As you see I didn't get it --no such bloomin luck



I was born in Scotland on the bonnie banks O'Clyde

When I went down that slipway how my heart filled up with pride

I only had one funnel I looked a wee bit odd

but then you must remember I was a swinging 60's mod



My cruising days are over no more atlantic run

No more cocktail parties O the laughter and the fun

I've sailed around the world now 6 million miles or so

But now at 41yrs old I'm told I have to go.



I loved the north atlantic when I was sailing fast

No other ship could beat me they were always last

I've got to take retirement I'm sailing to the sun

Nobody thought to tell me my sailing days were done



My house was in Southampton a berth down by the Solent

Where my every departure was a very special moment

Now it's time to say goodbye you can't know how I feel

I've to go to endless sunshine where my skin will burn and peel



I sailed into Dubai today -the Sultan's yacht was here

But now they've left me all alone and my heart is filled with fear

My engines now lie silent the command from Captain Mac

but I know he really wanted to turn round and take me back



I've now got brand new Owners I think they're called Nakheel

But they don't speak my language so they don't know how I feel

If they would only ask what I'm thinking if I could only have my say

It would be to sail out on the Ocean just for one more day



They say I'm going to dry dock for a year or two

Are they going to hurt me O what are they going to do

Have you seen the papers there's been a bit of trouble

I heard a rumour yesterday ...they're cutting off my funnel!!



Now I am so far away on this foreign eastern shore

I want to go back home now but they don't want me any more

I want to live FOREVER to sail the ocean blue

So we can be together such is my love for you



So will you come and see me on this Palm where I can dream

And will YOU always remember that I was once a Queen


Southampton gets my anchor they all want to have a part

But what's for Bonnie Scotland...to my home I leave my heart



Copyright (GAU ) December 2008

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No " poem " from me ( my English is to bad ) !


But just my little contribution from my first & last cruise onboard QE2 .


In this section of my blog ( QE2 " Aurevoir " 22 - 27 Aout 2008 ) i have


just finish today , to send my last photo of this " little " cruise from : 22 - 27 August 2008


Just : 675 Photos :eek: http://tdm99.skyrock.com/101.html




" AUREVOIR QE2 " ...


Friendly Noel

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What a lovely tribute to another wonderful liner.. how beautiful she looked on the Ocean,...so elegant just like Qe2.

I also sailed on that 2001 transatlantic in 2001...there wasnt much to remind us of her heydey as NCL didnt really respect that part of her life in my opinion anyway...and what a sad end...those pictures from India brought tears to my eyes....far better if she had been buried at sea. Enjoyed looking at the photos of the trip though.. I am so glad that we could have been part of those ships..:)..so different from those lego sections they call ships today,:(


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  • 10 months later...

It has already been a year, so perhaps it is time to revisit the wonderful selection of poems written by Cruise Critic's talented writers about the beautiful QE2, lest we don't forget.


If there are any other poems that someone would like to add, please feel free to do so.

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What a lovely tribute to another wonderful liner.. how beautiful she looked on the Ocean,...so elegant just like Qe2.

I also sailed on that 2001 transatlantic in 2001...there wasnt much to remind us of her heydey as NCL didnt really respect that part of her life in my opinion anyway...and what a sad end...those pictures from India brought tears to my eyes....far better if she had been buried at sea. Enjoyed looking at the photos of the trip though.. I am so glad that we could have been part of those ships..:)..so different from those lego sections they call ships today,:(


NCL doesn't respect a lot of other things either, including their passengers!


I'm truly amazed that this wonderful poem by Tennyson never made it in here or should I have used the term well known?


Crossing the Bar

Sunset and evening star,

And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaning of the bar,

When I put out to sea,


But such a tide as moving seems asleep,

Too full for sound and foam,

When that which drew from out the boundless deep

Turns again home.


Twilight and evening bell,

And after that the dark!

And may there be no sadness of farewell,

When I embark;


For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place

The flood may bear me far,

I hope to see my Pilot face to face

When I have crost the bar.

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Here is a follow up poem to the one I did last year after got to Dubai...i hope you enjoy it,...





QE2 One Year On

I sit here and I wonder what's going to happen to me

Its been about a year now where am I supposed to be?

I left with such a fanfare there were fireworks, bands and tears

I was so sad to leave my home as its been over 40 years

They sailed me to this foreign land so hot and dry you know

I didn't want to come here I didn't want to go

But now I sit here all alone ,no one comes to visit me

I used to be so busy but I think they've lost my key


They took me into dry dock and cleaned up all my paint

But I perspire so much out here I really feel quite faint

As a lady of a certain age its not where I want to be

If only someone told me I could have had HRT

I'd maybe feel a wee bit better but I know it'd be no use

Cause out here in the desert..I don't use up much juice

Id' rather sail out on the Ocean where my heart and soul is free

For me to be a hotel .....well ..it isn't really me


Someone mentioned Capetown I quite liked it there

But only cause I knew that soon I'd be sailing off somewhere

Everybody loved me when I called in to a port

But now I sit here all day long with nothing to report.

I see the other cruise ships they call in just at my stern

But just a few hours later they all sail off again

I watch them in the distance until they disappear

I never sail to anywhere I just stay right here


Some are my relations some are merely friends

Some I've known for ages from way back when

Some are even older than I am sitting here

Yet they are all still sailing and I'm left at the pier

I watch the lovely sunset from this Dubai place

But I'd rather be on the high seas now that was really Ace

I cannot go anywhere they will no let me go

My heart is really breaking though I don't want it to show


They speak a funny language they think I don't care

But its an awful feeling not to be going anywhere

Everybody loved me why did they send me here

I cry myself to sleep at night but no-one hears my prayer

I call out on my whistle oh please please take me back

To my homeland that's so far away I think I've lost the knack

They fiddle with my engines they look me up and down

But to be quite honest I feel I'm going to drown


Is anybody listening can you hear my plea?

Nobody wants me , and I just want to go to sea

I really want my Captain and my good old crowd of crew

So I can sail away back home again with only me and and you

They don't know what to do with me I think I'll fall apart

Cause there's nobody out here can fix my broken heart

Oh will somebody save me....I am the QE2

Maybe that someone could just in fact be YOU?

Copyright Duly Noted 13 Nov 2009


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Here is a follow up poem to the one I did last year after got to Dubai...i hope you enjoy it,...





QE2 One Year On


I sit here and I wonder what's going to happen to me

Its been about a year now where am I supposed to be?

I left with such a fanfare there were fireworks, bands and tears

I was so sad to leave my home as its been over 40 years

They sailed me to this foreign land so hot and dry you know

I didn't want to come here I didn't want to go

But now I sit here all alone ,no one comes to visit me

I used to be so busy but I think they've lost my key


They took me into dry dock and cleaned up all my paint

But I perspire so much out here I really feel quite faint

As a lady of a certain age its not where I want to be

If only someone told me I could have had HRT

I'd maybe feel a wee bit better but I know it'd be no use

Cause out here in the desert..I don't use up much juice

Id' rather sail out on the Ocean where my heart and soul is free

For me to be a hotel .....well ..it isn't really me


Someone mentioned Capetown I quite liked it there

But only cause I knew that soon I'd be sailing off somewhere

Everybody loved me when I called in to a port

But now I sit here all day long with nothing to report.

I see the other cruise ships they call in just at my stern

But just a few hours later they all sail off again

I watch them in the distance until they disappear

I never sail to anywhere I just stay right here


Some are my relations some are merely friends

Some I've known for ages from way back when

Some are even older than I am sitting here

Yet they are all still sailing and I'm left at the pier

I watch the lovely sunset from this Dubai place

But I'd rather be on the high seas now that was really Ace

I cannot go anywhere they will no let me go

My heart is really breaking though I don't want it to show


They speak a funny language they think I don't care

But its an awful feeling not to be going anywhere

Everybody loved me why did they send me here

I cry myself to sleep at night but no-one hears my prayer

I call out on my whistle oh please please take me back

To my homeland that's so far away I think I've lost the knack

They fiddle with my engines they look me up and down

But to be quite honest I feel I'm going to drown


Is anybody listening can you hear my plea?

Nobody wants me , and I just want to go to sea

I really want my Captain and my good old crowd of crew

So I can sail away back home again with only me and and you

They don't know what to do with me I think I'll fall apart

Cause there's nobody out here can fix my broken heart

Oh will somebody save me....I am the QE2

Maybe that someone could just in fact be YOU?


Copyright Duly Noted 13 Nov 2009



Perfection, Thank you.

I've nothing else to add...

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Here is a follow up poem to the one I did last year after got to Dubai...i hope you enjoy it,...





QE2 One Year On


I sit here and I wonder what's going to happen to me

Its been about a year now where am I supposed to be?

I left with such a fanfare there were fireworks, bands and tears

I was so sad to leave my home as its been over 40 years

They sailed me to this foreign land so hot and dry you know

I didn't want to come here I didn't want to go

But now I sit here all alone ,no one comes to visit me

I used to be so busy but I think they've lost my key


They took me into dry dock and cleaned up all my paint

But I perspire so much out here I really feel quite faint

As a lady of a certain age its not where I want to be

If only someone told me I could have had HRT

I'd maybe feel a wee bit better but I know it'd be no use

Cause out here in the desert..I don't use up much juice

Id' rather sail out on the Ocean where my heart and soul is free

For me to be a hotel .....well ..it isn't really me


Someone mentioned Capetown I quite liked it there

But only cause I knew that soon I'd be sailing off somewhere

Everybody loved me when I called in to a port

But now I sit here all day long with nothing to report.

I see the other cruise ships they call in just at my stern

But just a few hours later they all sail off again

I watch them in the distance until they disappear

I never sail to anywhere I just stay right here


Some are my relations some are merely friends

Some I've known for ages from way back when

Some are even older than I am sitting here

Yet they are all still sailing and I'm left at the pier

I watch the lovely sunset from this Dubai place

But I'd rather be on the high seas now that was really Ace

I cannot go anywhere they will no let me go

My heart is really breaking though I don't want it to show


They speak a funny language they think I don't care

But its an awful feeling not to be going anywhere

Everybody loved me why did they send me here

I cry myself to sleep at night but no-one hears my prayer

I call out on my whistle oh please please take me back

To my homeland that's so far away I think I've lost the knack

They fiddle with my engines they look me up and down

But to be quite honest I feel I'm going to drown


Is anybody listening can you hear my plea?

Nobody wants me , and I just want to go to sea

I really want my Captain and my good old crowd of crew

So I can sail away back home again with only me and and you

They don't know what to do with me I think I'll fall apart

Cause there's nobody out here can fix my broken heart

Oh will somebody save me....I am the QE2

Maybe that someone could just in fact be YOU?


Copyright Duly Noted 13 Nov 2009


How very moving and lovely! I hope someone reads this poem and is so moved that the QE2 is indeed saved. It could happen, I am confident, just as "Old Ironsides" was saved.

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