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Denied Passprt


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Currently in Alabama ( where I live ) , there is no statute of limitations on child support. Nor should there be.


I have a friend who was granted custody of his son when his son was 6. His son is now 23. The ex was/is a drug addict who moved so she wouldn't have to pay support. When my friend noticed her father's obit in paper, he had his lawyer "attach" ( I cannot think of the word I'm looking for.) her property. When she went to see it, she owed more than property was worth. My friend got the entire sale amount. When she knew he was serious, she started paying child support and is still paying to this day.


Child support payments do draw interest and penalties that do not end until paid in full.

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....


Were you planning on never travelling again after the six months was up? If you are, than what is the big deal of renewing early...?


I guess I just don't get it?

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....

How is that relevant to the thread?


You're a Canadian Citizen, you're traveling outside the country... You really ought to have a passport... case closed.


This is a lot more involved than your case.

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....


Then don't travel through here, plain and simple. You want to travel through here, then follow the rules like you would have to for any country you visit or pass through. :cool:

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....


I can understand you weren't happy, but frankly, although YOU know you don't want to stay and see the Good ol' US of A forever and a lifetime,,,,the US govt doesn't know you (or your circumstances) from Adam,,,All in all,,,it's probably easier and cheaper to renew the passport than it is to prove your home ownership, four cats, family, job and life in Canada,,,not to mention, it's pretty downright difficult to "prove" intentions (i.e your good intentions to return when your vacation is ended),,,


It's one of those things, you know? I'd have to prove the same to go to Canada :) Major PITA,,,,,but what we will go through to travel, huh??



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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....


Based on your rather rude comments about OUR country, I had to step back and reflect on your screen name just a bit.. 'angel'...I think not...although definitely misguided! :cool:

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....



I am sure the rules were created just to hassle you....:rolleyes:

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....


I have a great idea....sail out of a Non US port.....so MY government doesn't have to deal with you.

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....


Although Canada and the US are "friendly neighbors" it is still another country.

In their country you are a FOREIGNER!! You need a passport with 6 months left, like any other foreign county

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Honestly though,,,if my ex owed me money from 30 years ago, and wanted me to sign off on it so he could go on a cruise??? Well, I'm a nice person, but I think I'd look at him like he'd lost his mind and had better go out and find it,,,,


And I'd be giving him a piece of my mind,,,,,He can afford a cruise, but not to pay me what he owes me??? Ummmm that's asking me to be a little TOO nice,,,


sorry,,,might get flamed for that, but its the way I feel,,,,,




Hey, I am right there with you Holly. In fact, I am one of those moms to whom is owed thousands of dollars for a child who is now 22. I hear ya and agree 1000%. Personally, I don't think those people should EVER be let off the hook, especially to be able to cruise (when I sacrificed for years trying to raise a child as a single mom). But such is life.

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Even more interesting, the US government recognizes and accepts Canadian passports up to and including the day of expiration. There is no requirement for a Canadian to have at least 6 months left on a passport when travelling to or through the US. MisguidedAngel was misguided somewhere.



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My parents divorced when I was 5. My Dad remarried and had another child. On a piddly military salary, my Dad paid child support for all three of us kids from his first marriage and was never late even once. He even helped us with our college educations and my wedding. Yay, Dad!!!:D


Sorry to be OT, I just wanted to add that there are guys in the world who do the RIGHT thing by their children!


Sounds like the OP will get to cruise with the BF. Hopefully whatever the situation is, it will be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, especially the kiddos.

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In their country you are a FOREIGNER!! You need a passport with 6 months left, like any other foreign county

Please show us where you found that rule, because it is not a US rule for Canadians. Nor is the 6 month rule a requirement of 'any other foreign country', many have only 3 or through the end of travel. Go to Passport Canada and check the travel reports for the countries you are speaking about. Many do not have a 6 month rule.
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I did everything I could to get money out of my wuzbadn..deadbeat whatever you want to call him I refused to be a victim as he played games to keep me single like not paying when I started dating.I became an unsecured creditor which gave me access to any will's or estates he would get.I took his pensions on a pensions split( he doesn't know about that one yet:D )I took 1/2 his work pension too. I was not going to have my kids do with out and allow him and his ego to abuse me or anyone else.What I got was...sole custody of 3 great kids, a new and loving husband and best friend and I lived to see another day with out bruises or scars. If I can do it after 13 years you can to. If your friend is not paying his child support, they need to be!!!Who is the one that suffers,really?The kids and that is not right

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How right you are,,,a lawyer in the state in which he lives who specializes in family law is needed,,,,ASAP,,,Holly


How about THREE lawyers in three different states for children that are currently 38 and 35???? We have been battling an Iowa 1980 child support order that was sent to Missouri for jurisdiction and MODIFIED in Missouri in 1984. In 1997, after a change in the Iowa law in 1996, which was 1 year AFTER we quit paying child support for the youngest, the State of Iowa started after DH for the DIFFERENCE between the original amount and the MODIFIED amount.


Missouri states DH is PAID in FULL (even went to jail on an Iowa warrant in 1997 and was released with NO MONEY DUE as Missouri Child Support has jurisdiction). Iowa states we owe the difference (ex post facto law) and Arizona is riding the gravy train because EACH letter they send to try to collect what MAY or MAY NOT be owed entitles them to Federal monies for child support collection.


We have spent more in attorney fees that Iowa has EVER contended we owe. It is now the principal of the thing. I am a non practicing attorney and have some of the best legal help in the above states working for me. Thank goodness, DH has a passport that is valid until 2015, so he is OK there.


PLEASE DON'T ASSUME a non-support denied passport is a result of non payment of Child Support. Sure, there are a lot of mothers (and some fathers) that are owed back support. But since the 1989 Centralized Child Support laws and Federal Support guidelines which RESULTED in FEDERAL PAYMENTS to the States for ATTEMPTED collection efforts, NO STATE has any interest in trying to straighten out problems. They loose money if they take cases off the books.


I'm off my soap box.

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Is there a staute of limitations on back child support? As others have noted, if the ex will sign off that she no longer wants/needs the money (given that the child is now 30 and hopefully self sufficient) he will be cleared. Just to be on the safe side, I would call Carnival or your TA (whichever you booked with) and get them to research this for you. As another noted, clearly, he is on someone's list somewhere and it might be better for you to know up front if he is going to be denied boarding than to get to the pier and be surprised. Man, would that suck. That is just what I would do, it's your call what you end up doing.



This has NOTHING to do with your TA, or the Cruise Line. Sounds like someone needs to be contacting a lawyer and getting this child support issue taken care of.

Instead of taking a cruise, use the money to pay on the child support.


Thank goodness I do not have issues with my ex. He is here every 2 weeks when he gets paid to pay his support, he still gets to cruise, he still has a new car, lives in a SMALL apartment, but has made adjustments so that he can afford to do what he wants, as well has take care of the payments required for his girls.

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There is no statute of limitations on back child support. They will even take it from your estate when you die if you still owe it.


OP, if the amount owed is above a certain amount (I can't recall what exactly it is...I'll be back to post the amount), it becomes a federal felony offense. If that is the case, the offender could easily be on a watch list and denied boarding.


I would be talking to the authorities and finding out what to do. I would hate to have you guys get there and be denied boarding.


Yes, I know this because my son's sperm donor owes him about $20K. He's on a federal list and federal agents have been in touch with me. Even though my now ex husband (who is still a great dad, pays support and spends half the month with them) adopted my son and the sperm donor's rights were terminated, he does owe the back support and will until he dies.


HTH :)

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I had a friend who was denied one for the same reason. Don't assume the op is in the wrong. Child support issues aren't always the fault of one parent. My friends ex was using the money for drugs. So he stopped sending it. Just go with BC and Dl. You will be fine.




Doesn't make any difference at all. If the mother was a drug addict, the father should have sued for custody to remove them from a dangerous situation. Children need support whether their mother is a drug addict or not. To NOT pay child support is being a deadbeat dad. To NOT have the children removed from the drug addicted mother is called child neglect.

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....


That 6 month thingie is pretty much standard for all the countries of the world....including Canada.

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I have my passport. It's my boyfriend that doesn't have one. To be

completly honest I was unaware of the issue until the passport was denied. The child is almost 30 now so I thought nothing of it. I guess you never know. I am in complete favor of the issue being resolved.


I have been on both sides of the fence concerning child support. My DH paid his every month on time for over 8 years. Eventhough he was paying a substantial amount each month we would (and still do) buy a lot for his DD. We support her in many ways.

My ex-deadbeat husband, that is a different story. The state takes us to court every 6 months because he will not pay a measly $40 a week (it takes more than half of that for my DS's lunch at school). My DS is almost 16 and my DH does more for him than his biological dad ever has. My ex owes several thousand in arrears and the state of TN will make him pay every penny of it. When I turned the case over to them I had to sign a waiver that it was out of my control.

I noticed you are in TN, here is the #'s for the child support office. He will have to call them, they will not give you any info. Make your boyfriend call them and take care of it, even if the child is 30 years old.

Toll-Free Customer Service Line: 1-800-838-6911

Customer Service Line In Nashville: (615) 253-4394

Customer Service Line in Memphis: (901) 405-8424

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....

It's unfortunate that you feel that way about my country. (Talk about stereotyping an entire nation!)


As to the passport, I agree about consulting an attorney. It might give you peace of mind.

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Doesn't make any difference at all. If the mother was a drug addict' date=' the father should have sued for custody to remove them from a dangerous situation. Children need support whether their mother is a drug addict or not. To NOT pay child support is being a deadbeat dad. To NOT have the children removed from the drug addicted mother is called child neglect.[/quote']


AMEN to that!!! ;)

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