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Our FIRST cruise... Review time....

Hockey Addict

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If you look closely to the white columns you can see it's a water fall. The water collects in the bottom. There is a big marble ball that rotates down there. I didn't get a picture of the marble ball. I don't know why.... probably because I saw part of the aquarium down below!!





There was a buffet set up for the guest's of Atlantis. Behind that is part of the aquarium. If you look in the glass all the way to right you will see a scuba diver in there by the column. He was wiping the glass down from the inside! Pretty neat.




OK it's time to find out how much to get into the Aquarium. We walked over to the desk and it was $35 per person. I was hesitant but we went. It was pretty neat. The backgrounds in the tanks have ruins. There were some cool fish. It was smaller then we thought it was going to be, but oh well!


Time to run out to the store... I have pics of the fishies to show you. I will start again when I get back...... be back soon!!

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What was your table number and what size was it? Did you say and I missed it? Just curious. With it just being DD & I, I like to request a large table. We enjoy meeting our tablemates.


And if you wouldn't mind divulging the info, what was Steve's favorite slot machine that was so generous? I need to know these things! I had some luck on Miracle but Glory was very tight.


I didn't expect the atrium to look like that. I thought the pics I'd seen had a bunch of purple neon. Those pics look a lot like Elation (which I thought was much more subdued than Fantasy, thankfully!).


I loved Miracle and Glory, but, to be honest, I'm looking forward to Fascination. After Fantasy twice, then Elation, I know my way around already, and I love that class ship.


My favorite place is out back from the deli/pizza place. I just love to sit back there and eat or have a cup of tea and relax.


Anyway, keep it coming!

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after my first cruise I was quite disappointed with the lack of a steward cleaning my room when I took the kids to school and no one to cook for me....lol


lol I told Steve that I demanded towel animals every night... I haven't gotten one yet!!! :confused:


What was your table number and what size was it? Did you say and I missed it? Just curious. With it just being DD & I, I like to request a large table. We enjoy meeting our tablemates.


And if you wouldn't mind divulging the info, what was Steve's favorite slot machine that was so generous? I need to know these things! I had some luck on Miracle but Glory was very tight.


I didn't expect the atrium to look like that. I thought the pics I'd seen had a bunch of purple neon. Those pics look a lot like Elation (which I thought was much more subdued than Fantasy, thankfully!).


I loved Miracle and Glory, but, to be honest, I'm looking forward to Fascination. After Fantasy twice, then Elation, I know my way around already, and I love that class ship.


My favorite place is out back from the deli/pizza place. I just love to sit back there and eat or have a cup of tea and relax.


Anyway, keep it coming!


We were in the Sensation Dining Room Late sitting Table #171 it sat 10 people. See if you can sit in Charnel and Samson's table!!


If you look at the picture of me in front of the slots... I think I posted the one of me from a distance... anyway.... it's the one where you can win a BMW or $25,000. When you are at the slot machine, your back would be to the Craps table. It's a 2 cent slot. Then there is favorite #2 that was good to him... if you were standing next to the craps table on the right side of it looking away from that BMW slot.... to the right is rows of $1 slots. It's the 2nd row facing the same way all the way on the right. There is a ledge right there you can put your stuff on if you have stuff with you. Then 2 rows further to the back on the end facing TOWARDS the BMW slot is a quarter machine that I won $120 on! GOOD LUCK! You'll love the casino host... he is funny and I love that accent!!


Hi Steph! We are leaving for our first cruise in one week, and I can only hope my review comes out half as well as yours! You are definintely making this wait tolerable. Just make sure you finish before we leave next Saturday! :p



Ohhhh you'll be fine!! I just can't remember the dinners in order. I take a lot of pictures so that helps me remember what we did each day. I'm really surprised I didn't take more then what I did! You will have so much fun!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to get this sucker done for you guys... I just ramble sometimes!!


OK... .who wants to see some fish???

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I forgot to mention that we had to turn our clocks back an hour Saturday night!! One extra hour of cruise!!!


OK so Atlantis Aquarium. Like I said I thought it would be bigger.





This sucker was HUGE. You can't really tell from the picture.




Not sure what these are. They didn't have any signs with the types of fish.




Big fat ugly fish with a little guy cleaning him off... there were about 4 of these big guys in there... kinda sad... the tank looked too small for them. It may have led to another area that they could go to... not sure...




This was pretty neat... they had a little tank that you could reach in and feel a few different things... there were starfish... they feel mushy! I thought they would be hard!! There were also urchins... the spikey guys. When you touch their spikes they start moving around. And there were some Conch. You couldn't take any of them out of the water. You could pick up the starfish just not bring it above the water.... BUT you could pick up and take the Conch outta the water.... heheheheee... Steeeeve?? You pick it up.... no you pick it up.... no you pick it up.... ewwwww... it looks slimey.... and.... ewwwwww........




The shell was pretty tho, huh?


Jelly fish... there were 2 kinds....



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The other jelly fish...




Big ugly eel's.... Bunches of them in there.... unlike my towel animals, they were not participating in the photo shoot very well! The picture isn't the greatest.




Diving bells... we had no idea what this was at the time but last night I was looking at the paper they gave us and it said they were diving bells. I still have no idea?!!?? lol




Then Steve says to me.... ooooo you have to take the cheesy tourist picture!!! OK honey....




That's really it for the aquarium. There weren't a lot of bright colored fish in there at all... we were a little bummed... oh well.... where to next? Let's take a walk to the Casino!!!!!!!!!


We were outside going towards the casino checking out the lagoon and this was on the other side...



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We made our way to the Casino... Walking thru there are cashiers and there were some really cool glass art thingies on the top... they are real pretty!








Dragon thing... lol... That's what we took it as...




More Glass...





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After snapping a few pics of the casino that I wasn't suppose to... hehehehe... we walked out to the shops. That stuff isn't for us... we're not into designer stuff so we decided to head to the straw market. We went right out front when people are picked up and dropped off. The guy asked where to and we told him.... he waved over a taxi and he told us $5 per person. So we hopped in with a group of ladies from Maine.


Next stop the straw market. We went in on the very end of the "tent" and after 1 row of girls saying..... hello pretty girl, look what I have... hello pretty girl, look at my purses.... hello pretty girl be my first customer of the day.... you get the picture... pushy... We picked up a few things... then we had enough... Senior Frogs is next to the straw market... we wandered over there to take a couple pictures...







Off to get our hair braided. I talked myself out of getting my hair braided before we left. Then Jama wanted it done so Steve said to just do it. So we did.... oh man... I shoulda followed my gut instinct. The girls were all fighting with eachother the whole time. It seems one of them stole another's customer. Yea... They weren't happy... There was a lady and her daughter that joined the festivities when I was about half way done. We kept looking at eachother and laughing. I won't forget it. It took 20 minutes to get my hair braided and they fought the whole time. Then at the end it seems they wanted to charge more.... figures.... I walked away and let Steve fight with them. I had enough screaming in my ear for the past 20 minutes. THEN the girl who did the braiding wanted a tip. Steve told her that her tip was in the price because the other girl tried to .... to say it nicely.... mess us over.... We paid too much but I did it and it was over... I had enough of Nassau and if we ever have that place as a port of call, my butt will be on the deck having a DOD!


The lady behind me on the right was the one doing my braids. As you can see she was still arguing with the other ladies.... it was a on going thing the WHOLE time.




I'm wearing the necklace I bought.


Come on guys... let's get back on that ship!!!


One pit stop tho... have to get this picture!



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We made it out of Nassau alive! We were safe and sound back home... We were out there for about 3 hours.... that was plenty.... We went to our room and dropped our junk off. Jama went to her room to be mad about the whole hair thing... Steve and I took off to be by ourselves for a bit. We walked around and I told Steve that we were going up to the Spa. I told him that I wanted him to get a massage while onboard. I talked him into it. Luck would have it that they had a GOOD special while in port. They called it Massage Magic. This included: Back Massage, Scalp Massage, Aromatherapy Facial, Foot and Ankle Massage for only $99. Pretty good if you ask me. Steve said he didn't feel wierd at all about it like he thought he would. He even fell asleep during it. They had a opening for 2pm... well... it's 1:50 right now... you got it! So Steve stayed there and I went bumming around. I went back to the room and Jama called and asked where we were. I told her Steve was in the Spa.... she was hungry.. I told her after Steve was done I would go eat with him. If she didn't want to wait to go ahead... she waited tho....


Steve came back from the massage and he was in heaven... loved every minute of it! Off we went to eat...


We went back to the Deli and grabbed another sandwich and pizza. We bummed around again and went up to the Funnel. We wanted a seat for sail away. We ended up hanging out there for about 2 hours. Just laying on one of the chairs. We were checking out Disney... watching her TV... Steve was mad because they didn't have cartoons on... they were like commercials for the ship. (We still love cartoons) G-MEN!!! Here comes G-Men ready to take our order.... lemme have one of those DOD's! Off he went and when he came back I told him he had to take a picture with Steve.... well... I asked for it, so I got it....




Yes... their hands are where you think they are...




It got dark REAL fast it seemed like... time was flying by.... I snapped a couple pics of Disney sitting next to us just before we left.




We were suppose to sail out of Nassau at 6:00pm. It was 5:50 and we heard our horn and a minute later we were sailing away. Maybe everyone had the same impression of Nassau and got back onboard quickly.


Bye Bye Nassau... it was............... interesting..........


I did get more sunset pics... let me pick out a couple of them for you... let me go search for some good ones............

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Hey STEPH...we were walking by while you were having your hair braided. So we didn't officially meet but we now can put the face with the names. You have taken some great pictures...:)

Wayne & Debbie

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We sat there for a bit relaxing... we wandered over to check out any pictures we may have on the walls and made a couple purchases. We did end up buying more then we thought we would. Like I said... it will surprise you how some of them turn out. We liked all of our pictures but a couple. By this time it was about 7:30... let's go sit in our staterooms for a bit before we have to change for dinner. This is when my ankles started swelling up from all of the walking onboard and in Nassau.


We went to dinner and was greeted of course by our new best buddies... Samson and Charnel were impressed with the braids... They asked how our day was and asked what we all did during the day. They listened to every word we said. I could tell it was genuine. What was for dinner... I remember the Tom Turkey and Gravy.... mmmmmmmmmmmmm it was good.... I really don't remember any appetizers... what I had with what... all of the food was good tho. Steve got the Prime Rib and it was also falling apart with the touch of the fork... So good...


I forgot.... Cruise Elegant night... lobster tails... Jama ate 4 of them, Steve had 2 and I had 2 BITES of mine then gave the rest to Jama.. I get tired of lobster quick... they were little tails but everyone said they were cooked PERFECT!


OK back on track... CHOCOLATE MELTING CAKE... man... when everyone was talking about how good it was I was like... ok we'll see.... BOY WERE THEY RIGHT!!! It wasn't as I expected it at all... but SO GOOD!!


Samson did one of his tricks for us. Samson has good tricks and a little dirty tricks... I think he knew that he could show us the little dirty ones... they were cute!!


After dinner we were off to change clothes then to the Palace Theatre. TOWEL ANIMAL ALERT!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!




So adorable... love the bunny too!!


Tonights show was a talent show... all of our fellow passengers that wanted to try out for it could. They had try outs and a rehearsal. They called the show "Carnival Has Talent". We grabbed a booth big enough for Me, Steve, Jama, Christi, Heather, Greg and Nicky. We had met Greg and Nicky the first day at the funnel from our roll call but we hadn't seen them again. Sometime during the day we ran into them again and we all planned to go to the show together tonight.


Isn't it funny how you keep running into the same people over and over again. I mean it's a BIG ship... what's the odds.... It was awesome to have different people to hang out with... it was a lot of fun!


So remember how I told you about the Mayberry Fan Club? Well.... one day while we were in our hall either coming or going I see a guy coming out of his room and knocking on a door next door. I did a double take... it was GOOBER!!! NO WAY... I yelled.... Goober looked at me and said.... HEEEYYYY!! I walked over towards him and he met me halfway... I told him I had to get a card from him... whenever he had time... he said no problem.. ran into his stateroom and came back with a pad of paper that had his picture in costume, in front of the sheriff's car at the Service station.... He signed it...... GOOBER....... so cool..... All of the look alikes look just like the characters... I also saw Floyd the Barber too....


Back to the show....


Gomer got on stage! He was wearing his costume talking like Gomer... he sounded just like him too.... Then he asked if it would be ok if he sang us a song... the audience went WILD yelling and screaming and clapping.... Gomer started singing Elvis... Are you lonesome tonight... but it wasn't Gomer anymore... it sounded like Elvis! A GOOD Elvis too!! Everyone was hysterical... it was AWESOME!!! Then in the middle of the song he started to talk like Gomer again... that was THE BEST part of the show.... everyone who participated got a Gold Ship on a Stick. Trevor our Cruise Director called it "Carnival Bling"


After the show everyone said we were REALLY rocking... rocking... really? I was so worried about being sea sick and I was perfectly fine. We all split up and Steve went to lay down. He was tired. Jama and I went to investigate the ship rocking. We went to the Aft Lido deck and were looking down on the kids pool. Let me tell ya... I really felt the rocking now!!! The water in the pool was splashing everywhere. It was almost empty! I wasn't sick tho...... YAYYYYYYYYY


I have pictures of the pool splashing but it didn't turn out too good... It's a little blurry cause I was ROCKIN BABY!!




It was late.. time to see what Steve's up to. I headed back to our room.


Side Note:

I really can't get over how many times we would see people from our roll call. We bumped into EVERYONE multiple times a day. Punki and her gang in the Casino, Atrium Bar, Lido deck.... Christi and Heather going to the dining room, looking at pictures... it was great... I really hope we all keep in touch!!

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Hey STEPH...we were walking by while you were having your hair braided. So we didn't officially meet but we now can put the face with the names. You have taken some great pictures...:)


Wayne & Debbie


Very cool!! I'm sorry we didn't get to meet! Did you hear all those girls yelling at eachother?? What a mess! Maybe next time, huh? Or maybe at the Jetties! :D

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Half Moon Cay!!!! Boy was I excited to be here! I've read so many good things about this place!


We woke early again... we did every morning... up at 6 - 6:30am took a shower all the usual stuff and here comes room service coffee and toast. Right on time again!! I was scoping out the tenders out of our window in our stateroom... waita minute... the island moved... it was there... now it's all the way over there... whoa... no DOD's yet either... Got our beach gear together and Steve snapped some shots of me...




Hurry up!! I wanna go eat so we can get on this island!!




We went to the dining room.... Charnel!!!! Yep he seated us again... OK we ate... LET'S GO!!!! I wanna see this water and hang out before our excursion!!


We get down to deck 3 and Steve says to Jama... did you remember your ticket? Noooooooooooooooooooo so we had to wait for her to get her ticket... I actually went up with her to get it.... Back down we go... OK can we go NOW?


We get on the tender and baby it's rockin! The water was splashing up between the ship and the tender... boy was that water chilly! I look to my left and who do I see? Kristi and Heather right across from us...




Look again!! There's Diane, Mark, Diane and Paul... if you look on the right side you can see part of Kristi... that's how close we are together!!! (I just realized I was spelling Kristi wrong JUST NOW... sorry Kristi) I told ya it was wild how we kept seeing eachother... does this happen to everyone or just me???


The tender is full and off we go!!!! WHOOO HOOOO!!! Steve video taped this whole thing... it was cool... here's a couple of pics...


Man was that water beautiful!!




I loved Half Moon!





Still on the tender...



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Maybe I should mention that I started getting stuffy on the 1st sea day. It got worse when I was outside. I think it was all that salt air. I had to keep blowing my nose and I was getting horse... or maybe getting horse was from screaming so much at my towel animals and talking so much! So if you see my nose getting redder and redder in the pics, that's why. I felt perfecly fine... just stuffy. My ankles were still swollen too.. I don't care, it's not gonna stop me!!


OK so we finally set foot on Half Moon... WOW... beautiful.... When you first get off of the tender, there is the welcome sign and straight ahead is little shops and a bar. Excursion info and a ice cream stand...oh yea, restrooms too. So Steve and Jama decide to look at the stuff for sale now. COME ON YOU GUYS ARE KILLIN ME!!! OK fine, so we look at the stuff for sale.


DANG IT, it's not my size...




We go into the other gift store and we grab 2 more t-shirts for me and Steve, a HMC Bag for me and a shot glass. OK ARE WE READY??? Where's Jama? Sitting outside smoking a cigarette talking to a couple. They were a really nice couple but I can NOT remember their names. After about 10 minutes I ask if everyone is ready... Jama has to use the restroom... ok fine... then she comes back 10 minutes later... she decides to go buy something she saw when we first got there... OK FINE... 20 more minutes and she has it... LET'S ROLL!!! Boy did I feel like a kid on Christmas eve then!


FINALLY we're on the move... Steve sees another photo op... makes me smile for the birdy...... I was born and raised in Chicago.



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FINALLY... we made it to the beach... I know everyone has seen this sign before but it is SO true! We loved it there and wished we had more time there!! Next time we go to HMC we will get off the ship earlier. This time we waited to let the rush get over.




There she is...




I think we got spoiled ROYALLY on this cruise. From everyone on board to being the ONLY ship in HMC!! It was GREAT!


We dropped our stuff on a chair... there was pleanty to go around and headed to the water... it was cold... but you got use to it REAL fast. It was amazing to see your feet and the fish swimming by you! We hung out in the water, swam out towards the bouy's and drifted back in. Talk about salty water... WOW... super salty. I warned Steve that morning not to shave because of the salt water... he was so happy I told him that!


So we hung out in the water.... Greg and Nicky were just over to our right... Moni from our roll call was just behind us, Flip Flop and her DH stopped by to say hi and Diane, Diane, Paul and Mark came by too. After a bit in the water I said alright I wanna go sit and watch this water!


Here comes drinks... what's the DOD?? Miami Vice... MY FAVORITE DOD!! Oh baby... those suckers are GOOOOOOD!!! We had a few Miami vices and just laid there relaxing.


Poor Diane and her gang... they decided to rent the little boat to sail out in. I was baby sitting their camera gear while they went out. They couldn't get out there for the longest time. The wind wouldn't carry them out. They done this before and they knew what they were doing, but the stupid boat wouldn't go. It was funny for us to watch but I knew it was HORRIBLE for them... we weren't too mean.... we just video taped THE WHOLE THING... I added commentary!! (Diane, I will have to email that to you still!) They finally made it out tho with a little help. Diane's hubby has a camera like mine... it's a different model tho... I grabbed their camera and started taking pictures with it!! :D SURPRISE!!


More DOD's and then back into the water. Ahhhh so nice....


Well, I hate to say it but it was time for our excursion... we did the Aqua Trax Adventure... aka Jet Skii's. It was a guided tour. We headed up to the info booth where we were suppose to meet. There were only 5 of us. That is all the tour holds. We grabbed a life vest and headed to the ski's. They told us to pick one out and one of the girls gave us some instruction. STAY BEHIND THE GUIDE in a single line tour.


So we were told to go to the pink bouy and wait for Tony our guide. We did... This was my first time on a jet ski. I know.... I live in FL... Here comes Tony.... we follow him thru the lagoon out to the ocean where he stopped. So we all go up to him and he said.... go have fun... stay where I can see you and DO NOT go NEAR the ship! WHAAAA??? :eek: AWESOME!!! He let us play out there for over a hour and a half... SWWWWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!


Sorry no pictures, I didn't want to ruin my camera!


It was so much fun. Tony was throwing his arms up in the air waving us over... time was up... so we go meet in a group... but first... we gotta do some donuts!! Me, Steve and one other guy that was with us were doing donuts side by side.... it was cool looking at the circles in the water!!


OK time to head back.... Tony had us zig zagging back and forth all the way back... it was so cool... It was a blast and I was glad we did it... but like I said... next time I will get to the beach sooner!


We hop on the tender and head back... it was 5pm and the last tender was at 5:30. So sad... it was a perfect day... beautiful sky beautiful water lots of relaxation... ohhh man... I DO wish I could stay there forever!

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Time to go home....




Man is she a big ship!




We go thru the metal detectors let our bags run thru x-ray and up we go to our rooms. We took turns in the shower and head up to our favorite spot... the funnel... for sail away. Greg showed up with us so we all hung out watching paradise fade away.... man was that sad... G-MEN... where are you??? Ahhhh there he is.... let me get one of those monkey heads.... Miami Vice please!! MAN those suckers were good!


Sunset time...











G-Men comes back with our Monkey head drinks with my FAVORITE DOD. Then Steve says to Greg... we've been meaning to play putt putt this whole time and haven't done it yet.... wanna play?? Yep... he did... so Steve and Greg go get our putters and balls and I went.... somewhere I dunno where... I did make it up to putt putt tho. It was a interesting funny game! It was SO windy up there and we were rocking... the ball didn't want to stay still... it was a lot of fun. Greg won.... I stink... Steve stinks too but not as bad as me!


Now the guys want to play volleyball... no problem... we head back over to turn in the clubs and balls.. AFTER a long discussion with the boys NOT to throw the balls overboard... geeez... boys!! You would have thought they were 10 years old right then! (They say they were kidding)


OK there's kids playing volleyball... they asked the kids if they could play and they all agree. Steve on one team, Greg on the other... Jama got the cam corder out to video the festivities and I took this time to do what I've been wanting to do.... lay in a lounge chair all the way Aft in the peace and quiet... and I did.... ahhhhhhh so nice to just sit and watch the wake of the ship!

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Wow! This ranks up there with one of the best reviews EVER!!! I absolutely love your pictures especially the ones of the sunsets! I could tell that you had a great time!!!!


I have a couple of questions:


1. What type of camera did you use?

2. What was in the DOD "Miami Vice"? I have never heard of this drink....

****Is it a sweet drink? I love sweet drinks....


Thanks! Crystal :D

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