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We have hit a snag here


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Well we contacted the medical crew on the ship per the ships orders, because I have a rare disorder that does sometimes require special treatment such as a bag or two of IV fluids to rehydrate me, we told the ships medical team via email my condition and what needs to be done if this occurs. Well they just emailed me back and stated I needed to go see my Doctor who treats me for this and have him fax this list of stuff back to them. Here is the problem my Doctor who treats me for this is one of the top neurologist in the country and he is never around these parts except when he lines everyone up for their check ups every three months. So I will call his nurse on Monday and see what I can get going here....if not him then I will go to my regular Doctor and ask him do it ..which I am hoping he will do it for us..


I am kind of fearful that the ship will not let me go now because it is such a rare disorder and I am hoping that will not be the case. I mean I take my medications faithfully and I do what I am told to do as far as always taking in extra water and fluids but sometimes in hotter weather I do run into some problems with becoming dehydrated and need the extra fluid because I become extremely dizzy and faint and rapid heart rate and vomiting and such, but the second they get a IV in me and open it up to drip fast...it only takes a small amount of time to turn things back around plus give me a little sugar be it candy or ginger ale.


I SURE HOPE THEY DO NOT TAKE THIS TRIP FROM ME OR TURN ME AWAY I would be heart broken now that I have gotten over my fears of the cruise and the ship and the reviews others have written.


Has anyone else had to do this also? Have their Doctor's fax your medical history and then what happens then they meaning the ships medicial staff decide if I can go or not?

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Well we contacted the medical crew on the ship per the ships orders, because I have a rare disorder that does sometimes require special treatment such as a bag or two of IV fluids to rehydrate me, we told the ships medical team via email my condition and what needs to be done if this occurs. Well they just emailed me back and stated I needed to go see my Doctor who treats me for this and have him fax this list of stuff back to them. Here is the problem my Doctor who treats me for this is one of the top neurologist in the country and he is never around these parts except when he lines everyone up for their check ups every three months. So I will call his nurse on Monday and see what I can get going here....if not him then I will go to my regular Doctor and ask him do it ..which I am hoping he will do it for us..


I am kind of fearful that the ship will not let me go now because it is such a rare disorder and I am hoping that will not be the case. I mean I take my medications faithfully and I do what I am told to do as far as always taking in extra water and fluids but sometimes in hotter weather I do run into some problems with becoming dehydrated and need the extra fluid because I become extremely dizzy and faint and rapid heart rate and vomiting and such, but the second they get a IV in me and open it up to drip fast...it only takes a small amount of time to turn things back around plus give me a little sugar be it candy or ginger ale.


I SURE HOPE THEY DO NOT TAKE THIS TRIP FROM ME OR TURN ME AWAY I would be heart broken now that I have gotten over my fears of the cruise and the ship and the reviews others have written.


Has anyone else had to do this also? Have their Doctor's fax your medical history and then what happens then they meaning the ships medicial staff decide if I can go or not?


I really don't know if the ship's clinic is able to do things like deal with IV's. I also have a medical condition and did have to send in a letter from my doctor to NCL's medical staff, but the only special services I had requested was an empty refrigerator in my room for my meds, and to inform them that I would be carrying injectible meds and the syringes, etc., to inject them. I never got back any response, and boarded the ship without incident, but did get a call from someone, asking if there was anything I needed.


The ship DOES have the authority to deny you passage if they decide your medical condition is more than they want to deal with. I'm sorry.

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Please be aware that the ships medicial staff is very limited in capability and resources. Making them aware in advance of what you might need really makes sense. An evacuation from the ship is very expensive, so make sure that you have insurance that will cover that, and that will cover medical care outside the U.S. The ships doctor / captain may call for a med evac way before a land-based doctor would, and you will not be legally able to stop it, so be prepared.


also, be aware that the ship's doctor is not an employee of NCL. He/She is an independent contractor and NCL has no liability for the Doctor's action.

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I am sure I will be fine, on the last cruise it was a 14 day one and went to some really hot and humid places and I did just fine. I just have to make sure I keep myself really hydrated. But that is not to say I have not had it happen during the summers months here at home at least once a year normally in August it ends up happening. But yes We did want to make them aware of my situation that way if it were to happen then someone with medical knowledge would know what to do to help me. Yes we do have excellent Medicial Insurance as well, So I know I am covered there as well. I am just going to do what I have to do and have the Doctor submit my paper work and we shall see what happens. Thanks for your input.

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Medical insurance may not cover an evacuation or care in foreign ports. Do you also have a good cruise insurance policy that will cover these things?


And it may also be hard to find coverage with this pre-existing condition, but I would never go on a cruise without the proper insurance coverage, it could ruined you, good luck.

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Don't know your condition so don't know if you have any restrictions.


But how about buying a large container of powdered gatorade (just take a plastic container to mix it in) so that you don't risk getting dehydrated?


DH gets seasick a lot so I always take along the gatorade. If you go to the ship's doctor for seasickness dehydration, that's what they will give you.

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If you're that concerned and feel uneasy about it maybe you should reconsider going! Are you going to be able to enjoy yourself with worrying about the what ifs? I have only heard good things about the medical staff on cruise lines. I have a friend whose BIL's life was saved because of the good care and medical equipment they had onboard but each person is individual with different needs. It might be a good idea to talk to your dr and see what they think about you going.

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If you're that concerned and feel uneasy about it maybe you should reconsider going! Are you going to be able to enjoy yourself with worrying about the what ifs? I have only heard good things about the medical staff on cruise lines. I have a friend whose BIL's life was saved because of the good care and medical equipment they had onboard but each person is individual with different needs. It might be a good idea to talk to your dr and see what they think about you going.

I think it's more of a question of whether or not her doctor and NCL will ALLOW her to go, not whether or not she WANTS to go. MHO

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if that is what you thought I was implying it most certainly was not. These folks on this board have been so wonderful helping me prepare for my second trip and get over so many unfounded stupid fears and I am HYPED and ready to go....But also we felt it was very important that our ducks were in a row if I should need some medical attention and make sure that we could get that medical attention if need be. TRUST me I want to go I would not miss this for the world .As for gatorade that will not work, I guess I should have been more clear about the problem, I do wish gatorade would work but it is the fluid that pushes my blood pressure back to normal. The condition I have is called dysautonomia it is a very strange disorder that is for sure. My is caused involuntarily by my brain...strange sounding i know...but just the same I am sure all will work out just fine. As for medical insurance as I stated I have excellent insurance and it will cover whatever is neccessary.

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If you're that concerned and feel uneasy about it maybe you should reconsider going! Are you going to be able to enjoy yourself with worrying about the what ifs? I have only heard good things about the medical staff on cruise lines. I have a friend whose BIL's life was saved because of the good care and medical equipment they had onboard but each person is individual with different needs. It might be a good idea to talk to your dr and see what they think about you going.

that is not what she was saying at all. We had to spend an entire night in the hosp. on ship and the biggest problem was the drugs are all norwegian. That is what they are trying to do, just to line up name for name what you need. These hosp. are equip. to fully revive someone in a full arrest if necc. so they have everything you would need. Because they always have the right to turn people down I am sure many do not let them know ahead of time. I am not sure what I would do.

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if that is what you thought I was implying it most certainly was not. These folks on this board have been so wonderful helping me prepare for my second trip and get over so many unfounded stupid fears and I am HYPED and ready to go....But also we felt it was very important that our ducks were in a row if I should need some medical attention and make sure that we could get that medical attention if need be. TRUST me I want to go I would not miss this for the world .As for gatorade that will not work, I guess I should have been more clear about the problem, I do wish gatorade would work but it is the fluid that pushes my blood pressure back to normal. The condition I have is called dysautonomia it is a very strange disorder that is for sure. My is caused involuntarily by my brain...strange sounding i know...but just the same I am sure all will work out just fine. As for medical insurance as I stated I have excellent insurance and it will cover whatever is neccessary.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Glad to hear you have great insurance. Keep us posted.

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if that is what you thought I was implying it most certainly was not. These folks on this board have been so wonderful helping me prepare for my second trip and get over so many unfounded stupid fears and I am HYPED and ready to go....But also we felt it was very important that our ducks were in a row if I should need some medical attention and make sure that we could get that medical attention if need be. TRUST me I want to go I would not miss this for the world .As for gatorade that will not work, I guess I should have been more clear about the problem, I do wish gatorade would work but it is the fluid that pushes my blood pressure back to normal. The condition I have is called dysautonomia it is a very strange disorder that is for sure. My is caused involuntarily by my brain...strange sounding i know...but just the same I am sure all will work out just fine. As for medical insurance as I stated I have excellent insurance and it will cover whatever is neccessary.


keep us posted and good luck. For those who wonder about the hospital facilities, you might be surprised. They are able to handle emergancies, better than we may think. Does this mean the same care as you would get in a major hospital, no, but they do have a pretty good emergancy area. Still, I would think, they are not about to allow anyone with a pre-existing condition that could be life threatening cruise without a doctors approval and the knowledge of what would be needed in case of an emergancy.


Good luck again.



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I have a gut feeling that more than anything the ships medical crew is just wanting to make sure they have what may be needed if you have an issue. As others have said I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hope it doesn't end up that they deny you the trip. I honestly don't think they will and I think you absolutely have done the right thing in informing them of your condition.

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As for medical insurance as I stated I have excellent insurance and it will cover whatever is neccessary.


Just to re-clarify what the other poster meant....


Although your own medical insurance might be excellent, just be sure that they will cover you in case a medical evacuation is necessary. I don't think I've ever had a policy that will provide such a thing (and we've had many policies thru the years).


Best of luck and enjoy your cruise!

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Ruth...I am fully covered for all medical care be it anywhere world wide...on land..air..and sea. I know that might be hard to believe but we are. Actually I am double covered. I can not go into great details as to why I have so much insurance on a open board but I am deeply moved at your concern for me and our welfare with this insurance..but trust me we are fully covered no matter where we may be. :)

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I made a appointment with my regular Doctor for 10:30 AM, plus will put a call into my neurologist's nurse between us all we will come up with what we need to do and send it right to the fax number they want us to fax it to. I agree I think that they want to know what needs to be done because that is specifically mentioned on the list of things and medication names and my health history and what the Doctor wants them to do if something occurs. Everything is going to be A-Okay! I am packing!!:)

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I SURE HOPE THEY DO NOT TAKE THIS TRIP FROM ME OR TURN ME AWAY I would be heart broken now that I have gotten over my fears of the cruise and the ship and the reviews others have written.


Has anyone else had to do this also? Have their Doctor's fax your medical history and then what happens then they meaning the ships medicial staff decide if I can go or not?


The first question that came to mind was this: have you discussed your vacation plans with the specialist that is overseeing your care? Does he/she think that a cruise is a good idea?


I don't see this as a case of NCL possibly taking the trip away from you. If they feel that they cannot address your particular healthcare needs, then they are obligated to let you know. The issues you have presented to them have caused enough alarm that they need to know more about your case.


You may end up having to rethink your vacation plans. While cruising is a wonderful way to see new places, there are other travel options available - ones that might be far safer for you to choose. Talk with you doctor, let him/her know your concerns. I know that some patients become nervous when they visit with their docs. Write down your concerns and read them out when you get there.


Good luck! :)

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I think they need the info directly from the doctor because of all the liability. What if in a panic, you or SO got dosage confused and they gave you the wrong thing? I'm sure you will be able to go and they just want to be fully prepared and advised of your needs.

My DS has type I diabetes and some lines require doctor's written instructions even though we do all the care. I think they just want to cover themselves in a sue-happy environment.

Hope you have a wonderful trip.

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Just a comment fronm a Dr and Nurse-


All MD's and RN's know how to start IV's on cruise ships- God forbid there were a patient in cardiac arrest- an IV is needed STAT to administer fluid and cardiac meds. They aren't given directly into the heart or shoved in your butt checks like they show on TV!


Dehydration from either too much sun or diarrhea and vomiting are also treated onboard ship with IV fluids- they don't medivac every barfing client off the ship!


Also, it doesn't mater what language the meds are labelled in - the DR and Nurse know what they are for-


You are smart in being cautious, you have good insurance, and dehydration is NOT a reason to evacuate someone from a ship. I have a feeling I know what your condtition is, since you are so knowledgeable about it and have no meds that you can't carry, you should be fine.


You also may want to look in to having a visiting nurse or someone in your Primary care group teach your partner to statrt an IV . You can legally carry the NS or Ringers and the tubing and needles with a prescription.

My son has a condition which , may have required the same intervention, and had I not been a nurse and hubby a doc, they were going to teach us how to start an IV on our little one- much harder than in an adult, especially when you don't want to fluid overload.


YOur primary must be aware of your condition- get a note from him, bring it and re-hydration instructions and even the supplies, if necessary. Since you don't require a specific drug regimen, there should be no problem.


Have a great trip and bring some real electrolyte solution to drink- Gatorade may no be appropriate or entirely effective for you. even tho it tastes better!

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I will ask my Primary Doctor to do that exact thing TEACH US how to help me in these situations verses calling 911 and ask for the supplies to keep on hand and not allow it to have to get to that point if possible, an ounce of preventation is worth a pound of cure and Your exactly correct Gatorade is one of the WORSE things I can do that was told to us via the ER Doctor actually if anything it made the whole situation that much more troublesome because early on we did try that and it had the opposite effect and dehydrated me even that much more of not only the much need fluids but my potassium levels and magnesium levels plummeted because the Gatorade is packed with sugar.


So We were told just good old refreshing water especially in the hotter months and wear cool clothing and even I know to stand in a cool shower and let the water drench my head which by the way I can actually feel the heat leaving out of the top of my head if that makes sense.


But there are rare times irregardless of our best efforts I just need that extra push of Ringers, Where my whole system is out of whack and this brings everything back into focus.


Each individual who suffers with this same exact thing is treated differently because what works for one does not work for another...I know that sounds strange too but it is dealing with my ANS (autonomic nervous system) the involuntary portion so it varies from person to person so I am told exactly to what extent and way it effects each one of us suffers is totally different from the rest.


Of course in addition to this I use a bi-pap machine as well to keep things working smoothly during sleep. I also monitor my glucose levels daily because it is seems to be a chain reaction...low glucose..low blood pressure..and so forth.


I stay on top on it because Lord knows I HATE the sensations and the feelings of exhaustion it can cause and they are certainly many.


BUT.... I do not allow this to overshadow me and consume my life, If I did I would never leave my home ever again.


I just simply want to make sure we had our bases covered for a JUST IN CASE situation not that I am anticapating anything of the sort but if anything I have learned living with this is to expect the unexpected.


I do not question for one moment that the ships Doctors could not handle this either, I fully understand the pains they go thru to become Doctors and know with full confidence that they could handle a situation if it occurred.


I just always have believed that KNOWLEDGE is power, so therefore by telling them ahead of time and their asking for the information that will assist them if the need arises is fine with me actually I would perfer it that way. BUT from reading on the NCL site I did see they can turn you away if they feel it is too much for them to handle, but I do not foresee that being the case at all in my circumstances.


So with that said Thank you so much for your understanding of this and know I love to live with every fiber of my being but have to do so with a different set of rules than what others live by.

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I just always have believed that KNOWLEDGE is power, so therefore by telling them ahead of time and their asking for the information that will assist them if the need arises is fine with me actually I would perfer it that way.


You've got that right, Fruitloopz!!! Knowledge is power! It's good that you're getting it all together ahead of time.

Make sure you get a copy of the papers they fax to bring with you also.

You're going to have a great cruise and a very happy anniversary!:D


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Fruitloopz, you are welcome. And God bless you and yours- we know how it is to have a child who can NEVER become dehydrated and the extra weight of a chronic illness. He is awesome today, but we never know what the future holds.


Have a great cruise- wish I was thereto teach you how to start an IV! And I don't know why any health professional would recommend Gatorade- it is, yes, packed with sugar and NOT the same as actual electrolyte solutions that have proper sodium/potassium balances. Our pediatrician used to go nuts when parents would say- " Well, we gave him gatorade.....'


Sorry- I am on a soapbox again!


Have a great, safe trip and you are in our prayers!


Kathy and Kin

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