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Problem with upcoming cruise ?


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I wonder what you all would be saying if Carnival decided to stop letting people over the age of 40 with a pre-existing cardiac condition board the ship. You'd scream bloody murder.


Past heart attack, stents, plaque build up, sorry you are too much of a risk to board the ship. No telling what will happen with you old people - so unpredictable. What? You've had a stroke before? Oh no no no... you are too high risk to be out in open water.




Now yes, I'm stretching things a bit there...but it's the same thing in essence. I bet the odds are much higher of someone with prior cardiac history going into cardiac arrest on a cruise than a baby sliding out 2 months premature in a 4 day window.

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I wonder what you all would be saying if Carnival decided to stop letting people over the age of 40 with a pre-existing cardiac condition board the ship. You'd scream bloody murder.


Past heart attack, stents, plaque build up, sorry you are too much of a risk to board the ship. No telling what will happen with you old people - so unpredictable. What? You've had a stroke before? Oh no no no... you are too high risk to be out in open water.




Now yes, I'm stretching things a bit there...but it's the same thing in essence. I bet the odds are much higher of someone with prior cardiac history going into cardiac arrest on a cruise than a baby sliding out 2 months premature in a 4 day window.


Yes... I'd say that is a stretch... we are talking about TWO lives here... and 40 is old??? LMAO They know what they are equipped to handle and what they aren't... we had a guy die last week on our cruise, it happens... but we are talking about the birth of a baby... some people see the difference, some don't... it's okay, bottom line is, it's their RULE!!! LOL! You can't change it, regardless of how much you don't like it. We didn't make the rules... not sure why you are so upset that we care about this issue and we understand the rule...

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Your sister's doctor is an idiot. I would bet many women who deliver pre-term are not considered at risk!


And, sorry, but your sister doesn't sound too bright either. Why would she risk both her health and the child's health by pretending she's not pregnant? Unbelievable! Yes, the odds are small that she will deliver during that 4 day period, but it IS possible. When you decide to become a parent, you have to put your child's needs first. Being a parent is about sacrifice. Yes, it stinks she has to cancel the cruise, but the policy is black and white. I almost feel sorry for this child. Yes, I know I'm being harsh, but this behavior is completely irresponsible.


If she does try to board and she's denied, what will the rest of your family do? What will she do if everybody else boards the cruise and she's stuck at the pier? Cancel now and she can still get 50% back, and she'll be safe at home.

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When you decide to become a parent, you have to put your child's needs first. Being a parent is about sacrifice. Yes, it stinks she has to cancel the cruise, but the policy is black and white. I almost feel sorry for this child. Yes, I know I'm being harsh, but this behavior is completely irresponsible.



AMEN! I don't think that is harsh at all, but true. Putting a vacation ahead of any, however slight, possibility of pre-term labor happening where needed medical facilites do not exist is the most selfish thing I've seen here for a while. It seems like she is saying "I don't care about the risk to my child or myself, I just want to go have fun." Grow up, learn to be a parent NOW.

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No' date=' they will not board her. She must provide a letter from her doctor, on his letterhead, stating how far along she is and that she is fit to travel. She will be too fare pregnant to cruise.


Carnival must have this information prior to the cruise.....by fax or by mail and the passenger is required to present the original upon check-in. Here, from the ticket contract:


All expectant Guests further agree to provide Carnival, prior to embarkation, with a physician’s statement verifying that her gestational status is in accordance with this policy, and certifying her fitness to travel even if she will be less than twenty-four completed weeks pregnant upon disembarkation. Failure to do so shall result in the cancellation of the Guest’s reservation without refund, compensation or payment except as set forth in Carnival’s cancellation policy described in Clause 6, based on the timing of such cancellation.



You are right. She needs to submit a letter from her OB stating how many weeks pg she is PRIOR to the cruise. So this is really a moot point. I suppose she could try to sneak on and hide her pg, but that's surely not a wise choice for a soon-to-be-mom to make.


I have had 3 children and they are all young (5, 3, and 18 months). Personally, I would not cruise (or travel outside of the US) while pg at all, not even before 24 weeks. Too much is at stake for me to feel comfortable being away from a hospital and NICU. My first was delivered at 37 weeks and looked great all the way through the pg, but was born with collapsed lungs and was in the NICU. He would not have survived if not for the NICU and hospital staff. My second, again, looked great all the way through and was delivered at 39 weeks and had shoulder dystocia, which can be life threatening. Again, without the hospital, there could have been a different outcome.


I also won't let my kids travel outside the US until they are completely vaccinated. Sometimes, as parents, we have to make choices we wish we didn't have to (skipping a cruise) but we have to be responsible and put our children's lives before our own pleasure.

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your sister is being sort of selfish, I have seen no other posts with my view because i am usually not Politically Correct but she (The One) can ruin the cruise for the Many by being selfish. I would be pretty pissed if the baot or my vacation had to get rerouted and if i found out it was due to that reason not a reason that coulde not be prevented IE a heart attack I would be real pissed

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Child birth is a normal and natural process that has been going on for thousands of years without the aid of modern medicine. Yes, without IVs, drugs, doctors, neonatal units, ultrasounds, etc etc.
Although I agree with your sentiment, that does not negate the fact that the cruise line has rules.


Sometimes, as parents, we have to make choices we wish we didn't have to (skipping a cruise) but we have to be responsible and put our children's lives before our own pleasure.



Responsibility starts with conception and then continues for many freaking years after.

A lot of people (not implying anyone here) don't get this.


I wonder what you all would be saying if Carnival decided to stop letting people over the age of 40 with a pre-existing cardiac condition board the ship. You'd scream bloody murder.



We can debate that when it happens, for now, the rule is 24 weeks...period. They won't allow her on board.

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83% of all statistics are made up. If 10% of babies are born between 28 and 31 weeks, then 90% are born after that. Those are odds you can take to Vegas.


Child birth is a normal and natural process that has been going on for thousands of years without the aid of modern medicine. Yes, without IVs, drugs, doctors, neonatal units, ultrasounds, etc etc.


My sister gave birth over two months early...Emergency C-section.. She had a torn aeorta.. 7 hours open heart surgery immediately following.. No signs no symptoms until the day of when she had chest pains.. Is this the norm? No of course not.. but her pregnancy was a contributing factor..

If she were on a cruise she and the babys would not have survived.. (survival of the fittest?)


My personal opinion is, is the one week on a cruise really more important than the health and life of the mother and child?


There is a reason Carnival and other cruiselines have this policy:)

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your sister is being sort of selfish, I have seen no other posts with my view because i am usually not Politically Correct but she (The One) can ruin the cruise for the Many by being selfish. I would be pretty pissed if the baot or my vacation had to get rerouted and if i found out it was due to that reason not a reason that coulde not be prevented IE a heart attack I would be real pissed


Sort of selfish? She's being flat out selfish! To the unborn child, family members, and the other pax. Also, the cruise is 3 weeks away, which means the sister is 25 weeks. The sister is just telling the OP about the pregnancy?! And the rest of the family gets to find out on the cruise when she's in her third trimester?! I find this very weird.

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Sort of selfish? She's being flat out selfish! To the unborn child, family members, and the other pax. Also, the cruise is 3 weeks away, which means the sister is 25 weeks. The sister is just telling the OP about the pregnancy?! And the rest of the family gets to find out on the cruise when she's in her third trimester?! I find this very weird.


HI ChiGirl!:)

Obviously this family planned this reunion in advance.. What is this person thinking withholding her pregnancy -(booking the cruise anyway) and deciding to tell her family in her 28th week????????????

Calling her selfish is being nice!

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HI ChiGirl!:)

Obviously this family planned this reunion in advance.. What is this person thinking withholding her pregnancy -(booking the cruise anyway) and deciding to tell her family in her 28th week????????????

Calling her selfish is being nice!



Hi Toni!


I do feel bad for the OP. It sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. I hope he's able to convince his sister that attempting to deny the pregnancy is irresponsible and selfish.

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Hi Toni!


I do feel bad for the OP. It sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. I hope he's able to convince his sister that attempting to deny the pregnancy is irresponsible and selfish.

I agree!

Sounds like sister is not so nice.. !!LOL

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I agree!

Sounds like sister is not so nice.. !!LOL


maybe she's young...first pregnancy...?????

You know sometimes you honestly don't understand parenthood until that baby is born.

Then it's like, "Oh My GOD!" :eek:

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maybe she's young...first pregnancy...?????

You know sometimes you honestly don't understand parenthood until that baby is born.

Then it's like, "Oh My GOD!" :eek:



Hi Halos!


Very true words.. I hear my sister say OMG everyday.. along with some other choice words she mumbles so the kids don't hear her! LOL:p

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My sister gave birth over two months early...Emergency C-section.. She had a torn aeorta.. 7 hours open heart surgery immediately following.. No signs no symptoms until the day of when she had chest pains.. Is this the norm? No of course not.. but her pregnancy was a contributing factor..

If she were on a cruise she and the babys would not have survived.. (survival of the fittest?)


My personal opinion is, is the one week on a cruise really more important than the health and life of the mother and child?


There is a reason Carnival and other cruiselines have this policy:)


If we want to get really off topic we can talk about aortic aneurisms and their risk factors. We can get really bloody and talk about disecting abdominal aortic aneurisms.

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My sister has a 6 month old (who, by the way, is the cutest baby on the planet...for real:D). She would give her life for that kid, as would I. I told her about this thread, and she was shocked! She couldn't believe somebody would even consider cruising while in their third trimester.


Halos, you're right, the OP's sister could be young and naive. But still...

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If we want to get really off topic we can talk about aortic aneurisms and their risk factors. We can get really bloody and talk about disecting abdominal aortic aneurisms.



My point is anything can happen..

But if you would really like to discuss the procedure we can.. I have no qualms about blood and gore...:p

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Thanks everyone for your advice and help. I emailed my sister this thread to try and convince her.


Just to clarify - I booked the reunion for everyone unaware that she was pregnant.. until monday. I told her there is always going to be another time to get together and she can meet us afterwards.



The problem I have is that she has now called her doctor, who is encouraging her to go on the cruise. Her doctor said she is not at risk of early pregnancy and the cruise line limitation is only for insurance purposes and doesn't reflect a real risk.


Then get this the doctor told her "The diet on a cruise will be extremely good for the baby right now"


So as it is I think she's going to try and go on and just deny she is pregnant.... <sighs>


I don't know how to convince her, I can't argue with her doctor other then say it's against cruise policy you know? The more I think about it the more worried I get.


Tell your sister to ask the doctor to give her a signed letter to the cruiseline stating this fact and see how convicted he is in his decision.

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I spent the first 3 weeks of my life in an incubator. Should I hold that against every other unborn child?


Person A had a preemie. Should I hold that against person B?


I have asthma. Should I not allow my friends to run for exercise because of my own problems?


I subscribe to the "survival of the fittest" club. Many of my coworkers give me odd looks at times because of this but I hold strongly to my beliefs.


You want to talk about facts? Here's a fact for you: Every single person is going to die. You cannot avoid it - it will happen. Not every fetus will live a full and happy life.


I pulled my head out of the clouds a long time ago and noticed life for what it truly is. Now we can go on and on about this and I'm sure there are some here that will bring up religeon. I see people say "Oh God bless your heart," "I'll pray for you..." or other nonsense like that constantly on these forums. That won't change the fact that we will all die and you can't save 'em all.


"....we will all die and you can't save 'em all." There would be no way that I could do my job or live my 'life' if it weren't for that one belief that I hold dearly.


Yes you are right, we are, all of us, born dying. But that doesn't mean we should speed up the process though many of us often do as witnessed by those who smoke, do drugs, drink, don't excersize, over eat, don't eat healthily any number of things. The common denominator in all of the things we do that speed up the process is that it's a CHOICE of the people who do them. That baby has no choice, no voice, no say and could quite possibly pay the price b/c his/her mother did not want to miss out on a family reunion. OP, I hope your sister reads this thread and comes to her senses b/c even if the odds were 1% of births can occur prematurely, those odds are pretty good, unless you aren't in the 99 percentile.


arush, I respect your mindset and whatever circumstance brought you to it of "survival of the fittest". I just hope to God you remain fit up until the very last second of your existence so you won't have to eat your words and I'm not just praying for you, I'm praying for myself as well, for us all.

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To the OP - go ahead and have your sister present the (quack) doctor's letter at embarkation with her true due date and how far along in the pregnancy she is.......and see how fast she is denied boarding. It doesn't matter if you are healthy and at no risk, low risk or high risk....past 23 weeks gestation she will not be allowed on board even if her (quack) doctor states she is perfectly healthy and able to cruise. Trying to hide the pregnancy is absolutely ridiculous!


arush - you may not like or agree with the cruise line's policy, but it is their policy and they are the ones on the line if someone does go into premature labor and the baby or mother dies. So, more power to them for enforcing their policies.

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I know people were talking how statistics were made up earlier and such. But I did some research and found this:


Premature delivery is when an infant is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. It occurs in about 12 percent of pregnancies in the United States and is the leading cause of infant death, according to the National Vital Statistics Report for 2004. When premature babies do survive they often face many health problems.




This article goes on to talk about how in nearly 80% of the cases bacteria are present in the amniotic fluid. How many germs and outbreaks happen on cruises??? How many people do not wash their hands after using the toilet???


12% of pregnancies result in premature labour, 1 in 8.3. I'm sorry but thats a huge risk. Not one I would be willing to take.

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Sort of selfish? She's being flat out selfish! To the unborn child, family members, and the other pax. Also, the cruise is 3 weeks away, which means the sister is 25 weeks. The sister is just telling the OP about the pregnancy?! And the rest of the family gets to find out on the cruise when she's in her third trimester?! I find this very weird.


I find this odd too. I've never been pregnant, but everyone that I know of who has been or is pregnant can't wait to tell everyone that they're going to have a baby...so waiting until the 28th week just seems off to me. All I know is that if I were pregnant and didn't tell my mother until the 3rd trimester I'd never hear the end of it.

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