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Who else sailed 12/18 Ecstasy-Galveston and has a tale to tell !


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I hadn't even read your response yet, I guess we were typing at the same moment.........I guess my point is that there are any number of things that could offend someone, any word or opinion. Everyone has SOMETHING they have been through. Yes her words could have been chosen more carefully.


Thanks, we are good...life is good. He died August 2003, I have a wonderful boyfriend now and my kids are happy and healthy. Sorry for your experience has well. Those things make us stronger, right?


My problem came with trying to make light of the superdome situation... you could compare her situation with many things, but to come back and try to make the superdome seem "not so bad" in an effort to make her situation seem worse, just sat wrong with me... When you say "only 7 people died", and somehow that is supposed to make things better, it doesn't sit well with me... if your situation was SO bad, you should have gotten your child out of there... if your situation was comparable to a situation where 7 (it was actually 10) people died, you should have taken your family and left. That was my point... you don't have to use one of the most horrific moments in history to try to make your situation appear worse... it just makes you look like you are trying to be dramatic... say what happened... the first reference to the superdome was one thing, the laughing about them not paying pushed it a little... but then to go on about it... I had to say something... we all know that the situation at the Carnival terminal, was NOTHING like what happened at the Superdome, so the analogy on that should pretty much just end. Maybe it should be more like the mall on black friday? That might be a stretch too, but probably a little more accurate...


BTW, I'm sorry to hear about your husband... my bf committed suicide when I was 16 and I still do come a little unglued when people do that, especially my 5 year old nephew... :(

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WOW... First... I'm sorry you were delayed. We experienced a similar delay several years ago, the mass chaos, etc.... but I certainly wouldn't compare it to anything ever similar to the death, turmoil, etc that those poor people went through, but what you said right here.... has left me speechless. WHO do I believe? I watched it... and what you experienced regardless of what you say, was NOTHING like what happened at the superdome... I WATCHED a baby almost die in his mother's arms... people screaming in the night, dying on the streets... you had to be delayed before you got on a CRUISE SHIP. I'm astonished that you even made the comparison, but then defended it and THEN in this post, tried to blow off what actually happened in the Superdome and make it seem like we were fed a bunch of lies and "ONLY" 7 people died, etc. I am so highly offended by this post right here, that I really can't even comment beyond that... Sure, it's a pain in the neck to be stuck in the terminal for so many hours without food and water... with angry people. But you aren't forced to stay there, you could leave and go home if you wanted... your lives were not in danger at anytime... you joked and laughed about the Superdome people not having to "pay for their torture"... so offensive, some of those people did pay, with their lives. You got to go on a cruise. You didn't "pay" for VIP treatment... You paid for a suite, which just so happens to have priority boarding... it's really not that big of a deal. I understand you being upset... we missed an entire day and didn't board until evening once when our ship was delayed because it was used for the super bowl... we didn't even get a $40 credit like you guys did... but we still had a great time, I never even thought to write a letter... it was mass chaos sure, but we rolled along with it... and not one time did I ever feel like my life was in danger, if I did, you can better believe I would have LEFT the terminal, especially if I had a child with me. Good luck...




Hey Lucy I was on that one too. The Miracle out of Tampa? I was one of the later ones to get on that night I sat actually in the terminal for 6 hours I was there a lot longer but was at Hooters!I just found me a chair and plugged my phone up to their outlet and talked. We weren't even given water but that is when I figured out that the employees are really good at what they do but they aren't use to delays so they don't know what to do.But I am sure it was a very long day for those employees and they didn't have the luxury of finding a chair and resting!If you remember the ship arrived a lot earlier it was just the time it took to match people up with their SS cards!

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Did you actually ask them to take the 10 off because their policy is that you can adjust it up or down and they honor that . So if you didn't ask why would they the workers all worked on that day trying to prepare for everyone. Was there food waiting on you when you boarded? I can't imagine them not having the late night buffet for everyone!



My hubby asked about the tip for that 1st night; bill said 40$ each of 3 nights instead of 30 for 4 nights LOL sneaky. we just let it go. did we eat the 1st night? no my hubby's neuorpathy was so flared up from all the bag carrying, standing and walking we just went to our room for the night. I have no idea what anyone had to eat. We were also told some line about some kind of finger food that was suppose to be in our room when we arrived. Even looked under the bed and didnt find it. :-)

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I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I dont worry about bashers, they are a dime a dozen, even wondered if some of them have ever even seen the inside of a ship LOL. It 's a pack mentality.


I was actually hoping someone who was there might know more than I did or heard the people up ahead of us so I might find out what was going on. it was so very packed in that area I couldnt tell you who was saying what. It was a strange thing that I paid for and felt like a sucker after having done so. From what ive heard Carnival might help out, but im not so sure I will do it again not cause of me but my family is not that thrilled.


Back to your husband, again I feel for you and your loss. A good friend of mine got a divorce and her ex remarried. A few years later the cops called him and said his car was left on the road with the trunk open. He is the one that went and was wondering why she left the trunk up. I dont know why but we walked around the area, there were some woods next to the road and there she was. She shot herself. He was so devistated. It was a shock to all of us.


After we take our next trip which I had to book today to keep from loosing my flyer miles, I might try to work on them to go again. I thought another disaster was about to happen with Delta. There skymiles page was not working so I couldnt do anything to fix my miles that expire on the 31st. The cruise was suppose to add 1,500 but it didnt work. They claim if you loose your miles you can have them re-instated but nothing else they told me was correct so I just booked 3 flights to LAX. Havent told them this yet, but,------------------( I think carnival sails from Los Angeles too ! LOL Maybe just maybe we can see about a cruise leaving from there. Something else to get excited about at least).[/quot





You need to do the 7 day out of Long Beach and make sure in Cabo you go whale watching we did this cruise last Feb. and it was the best!! We actually did the Carnival tour of Puerto Vallarta and than we went elsewhere and did the Stone Island tour in Mazatlan but than we did the whale watch in Cabo!! Wonderful!!!!!!!

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I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I dont worry about bashers, they are a dime a dozen, even wondered if some of them have ever even seen the inside of a ship LOL. It 's a pack mentality.


I was actually hoping someone who was there might know more than I did or heard the people up ahead of us so I might find out what was going on. it was so very packed in that area I couldnt tell you who was saying what. It was a strange thing that I paid for and felt like a sucker after having done so. From what ive heard Carnival might help out, but im not so sure I will do it again not cause of me but my family is not that thrilled.


Back to your husband, again I feel for you and your loss. A good friend of mine got a divorce and her ex remarried. A few years later the cops called him and said his car was left on the road with the trunk open. He is the one that went and was wondering why she left the trunk up. I dont know why but we walked around the area, there were some woods next to the road and there she was. She shot herself. He was so devistated. It was a shock to all of us.


After we take our next trip which I had to book today to keep from loosing my flyer miles, I might try to work on them to go again. I thought another disaster was about to happen with Delta. There skymiles page was not working so I couldnt do anything to fix my miles that expire on the 31st. The cruise was suppose to add 1,500 but it didnt work. They claim if you loose your miles you can have them re-instated but nothing else they told me was correct so I just booked 3 flights to LAX. Havent told them this yet, but,------------------( I think carnival sails from Los Angeles too ! LOL Maybe just maybe we can see about a cruise leaving from there. Something else to get excited about at least).[/quot





You need to do the 7 day out of Long Beach and make sure in Cabo you go whale watching we did this cruise last Feb. and it was the best!! We actually did the Carnival tour of Puerto Vallarta and than we went elsewhere and did the Stone Island tour in Mazatlan but than we did the whale watch in Cabo!! Wonderful!!!!!!!



Long beach. I need a map, but I guess its close to LA. Ive been to San Fran one time only. My hubby grew up in Los Angeles that is why I picked it out of the air just to keep from loosing the miles. Im telling you I could get hooked easy on this cruise stuff and I dont drink or gamble. I dont know what it is but I did enjoy it fully once it started.


My hubby made 600 bucks on a slot machine and poker with a few other guys. That is what he likes to do and wants to take me to Vegas and teach me. We have a 12 year old and I told him that wont work, we have to cruise LOL That casino is what will get my hubby back on the ship LOL


Thankyou for the note. Whale watching sounds great! I love anything animals. I told my friend after we got back maybe its good I didnt get to swim with the dolphins they probably would have bit my leg off anyway the way my luck was going LOL

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I was also on the same cruise and in an inside cabin directly across the hall from the OP. I can tell you that while she was clearly disappointed with her experience on the cruise, I didn't find her or her family overly negative than saying she hoped she could convince her husband to try cruising again.


I completely understand her disappointment. It was her first cruise. She decided to book a penthouse suite so she good enjoy the VIP perks that come with spending the extra money. She picks her itinerary to go to Cozumel so she can swim with the dolphins. She ends up missing out on somethings that was important to her. I can imagine what my disappointment would have been with the way things turned out. I am surprised she didn't mention the fact that our 2 cabins for whatever reason wouldn't cool properly. I know my sister and her talked about that a couple of times. She told me she was going to post a review here and I told her I was going to also but to expect mine to be a little more positive and we laughed about that.


As far as embarkation day goes, the biggest problem I had was getting good information. It was obvious from the minute I woke up on Thursday that it was going to be a bad day with the fog. We stayed with a friend Wednesday night so I pulled up the webcam and the fog was so thick you couldn't see anything. We called the Carnival hotline for information and the gentleman told us he had no info other than the ship was delayed and to check back in an hour. This was at 9 am. We called back at 10:30 and were told that the ship should be docking in about an hour. We still couldn't see anything on the webcam because of the fog so we discounted that.


The rest of my family was headed to Galveston to meet for lunch so my wife finally talked me into leaving the house in Houston to go meet up with everyone else. This was about 12 noon. While in route my sister texts me that she is by the terminal and still no ship, which wasn't a surprise, so we call Carnival again. I ask the lady if she has an update on the status of the Ecstasy and she tells me the has docked and embarkation is expected to start shortly. I kindly inform her that her information is faulty and could she please check again for me. She states that that was the update she had just been handed and asks if I am at the terminal. I told her that I wasn't but my sister was and that there was no ship. She puts me on hold and comes back and says that yes the Ecstasy was not in yet but was expected any time and that Carnival was recommending that passengers head to the terminal.


We drive to the terminal and park nearby. My family heads to Starbucks and I walk to the terminal to see if I can get more information. I see people driving up and dropping off their bags and I walk up to one of the policeman and we talk for a while and he says that the port was about to open up and that it would take about 1 1/2 hours for the ship to make it to the terminal. This made me happy because I was thinking we still might salvage Cozumel. We drop off our bags and then meet up with my mother and sister.


We all make our plans for lunch and my sister and I walk back to the terminal to try and get an update. This time there is a Carnival lady handing out notes to everyone as they drive up. She gives us a copy and explains that the earliest we would begin embarkation is 9:30 pm and that we could begin a pre-checkin immediately and then leave and come back at that time to get our sail and sign cards.


The terminal was very overcrowded. The people around my wife and I were all having fun talking and speculating about how miserable the people debarking had to be feeling and how sorry we felt for the carnival people having to deal with 2000 angry passengers and how we were happy we weren't them. The rest of my family didn't have the same experience we did and were miserable in their waiting area. My mother in particular was not happy when we were boarding the ship and was saying she would NEVER sail Carnival again. Needless to say that by the end of the cruise she had changed her mind and gave a positive review on her comment card and is planning on joining us next Christmas on the Triumph out of New Orleans.


It wasn't an experience I would want to have again, but it does make a good travel nightmare story to tell all of your friends.

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I hadn't even read your response yet, I guess we were typing at the same moment.........I guess my point is that there are any number of things that could offend someone, any word or opinion. Everyone has SOMETHING they have been through. Yes her words could have been chosen more carefully.


Thanks, we are good...life is good. He died August 2003, I have a wonderful boyfriend now and my kids are happy and healthy. Sorry for your experience has well. Those things make us stronger, right?


Glad you guys are doing well... now that you mention it, I think we have talked about this before... glad the family is doing well and happy holidays to you and yours!!

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Hey Lucy I was on that one too. The Miracle out of Tampa? I was one of the later ones to get on that night I sat actually in the terminal for 6 hours I was there a lot longer but was at Hooters!I just found me a chair and plugged my phone up to their outlet and talked. We weren't even given water but that is when I figured out that the employees are really good at what they do but they aren't use to delays so they don't know what to do.But I am sure it was a very long day for those employees and they didn't have the luxury of finding a chair and resting!If you remember the ship arrived a lot earlier it was just the time it took to match people up with their SS cards!


Yes, that was the cruise!!! And yes, we were at Hooters!! LOL! Hey, we had a blast up until we headed back to the terminal, and thanks to Hooters, we really didn't care once we got there either :p Those poor employees were being abused though, I felt really sorry for them... there are some really rude people out there :mad: And the SS card thing was a mess... they were actually trying to call people's names over thousands, one by one, to give out SS cards!! That was HILARIOUS!!!!

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I was so looking forward to this, our first cruise that I splurged and bought the Penthouse Suite and after having paid over 2K for this I would at the very least expect Carnival to act like they know how to handle a delay. I walked into a fiasco at the terminal after having called Carnival 20 times asking what we should do. I thought the reason I paid for VIP was to avoid lines and hassles . Had I known in advance the long lines, heat, hassles and pushing and shoving were free of charge I would have saved my money for a double Johnny Walker as soon as I boarded :D. It was a nightmare that scared the socks off my 12 year old son and reminded me of the New Orleans Superdome chapter 2 :mad:. The nice lady that checked us in told me to write a letter about this mess. I found that puzzling as I had just arrived but later on I saw exactly what she was talking about. I kept to the back of what I guess was suppose to be the VIP area of the terminal, there were a set of doors that sounded an alarm and I checked them to see if they opened and they did. That was to be our escape hatch should the crowd finally reach their boiling point and crack. At times I think that was about to happen. We did not suffer as long as some of the passengers who told me they had been there for 12 hours, some longer than that. Upon arrival all the porters were gone and we had no idea where the baggage check-in was so we toted all luggage, another nightmare. I dont fault Carnival at all for the fog. What I do fault them for is :


1. Not finding out till after I reach my lovely room @ midnight that I was not going to need my scuba equipment I lugged all the way up the gangway, nor anything else for that matter. Progresso is not what I would consider a vacation destination and very unappealing to the eye. I did my homework and avoided that destination for this very reason.


2. Not being advised that had I wanted a refund I could do so and re-schedule for the destination I paid for.


3. Not being told officially that full refunds were available and jacked around everytime I called the purser's office. Later I heard the people that left and there were many were told they had to stay in Galveston till morning to get the money as the person who wrote the refund checks had gone home for the day. Hummmm that sounds kinda fishy.


And lastly, A little note about what the options are in this case would have been appropriate in this matter so people would have not been wondering around aimlessly confused as to what would happen next.


I opted to stay on the ship as I already knew what Progresso had to offer and didnt need to spend additional funds to find that out. I have a video of some kind of concrete pit and watched carefully as the workers loaded tractor trailers and scooted off into the distance. Honestly I am clueless as to why this was ever a destination as you can access the Ruins from Cancun in just about the same time plus enjoy all the other options the area has to offer. My guess is the port fee Carnival pays is less than Cozumel and that savings coupled with the fuel savings help make up for the refunds Carnival may have paid.


The ship is truly something to behold. I would have never known it is not a new ship. They seem to take very good care of it. Not impressed with the food at the buffets and the dinner was okay but as Murphy's law would apply we had a new waiter who forgot we were there and the dinner took 2 hours to complete. After that we just ordered room service which was very nice for the most part. I like 92 octane coffee and ask if they could perk it strong and they did. Was buzzing for hours which I like.


After my son recovered from the boarding ordeal he finally warmed up to the kids club and enjoyed a day of that before the rough seas set in. He loved the rocking and rolling. I was suprized none of us got sick. I was still going somewhere while sitting on my sofa 6 hours after we got home LOL. That was interesting.


Now had I paid for a bargain cruise it would sting a lot less. 3 G's for what I got just dosent set well with me and I am having trouble finding the VP's snail mail address or any other corporate address for that matter. Got a feeling they dont want me to know it. I filled out a customer service report. The purser's office never returned my calls.


They have a trip quarantee that says they will refund the remainder of your purchase price and pay for your airfare to fly you home. Had I asked for that just after boarding what would I have gotten? I was afraid they would give me a 3 man raft and a bus ticket from downtown Tijuana. :-)


The other passengers were great. I met a lot of fun loving people. I was jealous of the more frugal passengers whom im my opinion made a better choice than I did since the delay took most of the wind out of this vacation sail.


All I ask for is to get what we paid for or the option to try again when the weather is more agreeable. My dream to swim with dolphins has come and gone and unless I hit the lotto, I cant see it happening anytime in the near future. I could have taken 3 trips for what I paid for this one. There are no words to express my dissapointment.






This post is nothing but lies and should be deleted. Superdome LMAO what a lie and an exageration

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texhockey[/b];17470335] The people around my wife and I were all having fun talking and speculating about how miserable the people debarking had to be feeling...


Actually, the misery came in the mail today... the AT&T Cellular at Sea bill :eek: we ran up while trying to re-book our car rental, re-book airline schedule, and informing our sons of our delay.



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I was on this cruise as well.Ship was delayed by fog .Not their fault but my hubby called Carnival before we departed for the terminal and they assured us it was on time.My husband and I were the first ones in terminal at 12 I think.Was told if we left terminal we would lose aour zone 1 pass.So we stayed until 4 and I was so sick by then.We went to eat and kept out seats saved with a couple we met.Then we see the ship and run back to terminal so our friends could eat.Little did we know they passed out swiches why we were gone.We just paid 45.00 for food we ate in less than a minute.Anyway supposedly they only had500.Not gonna last long with almost 2500 people are they?Got on ship at 11 that night.Almost 12 hours in terminal pretty much messed up the experience but they did offer us 40.00 a piece .Big woop.We lost 11 hours from our trip and I had already paid 45.00 for lunch so there that went.I was sick all Friday from who knows what but not seasickness.I had stomache cramps.anyway formal night was nice.Next day at Progreso my hubby and I stayed on boat and had a couple massage.It was wonderful and it was 290.00.Ok so we go down to our room and we walk in the door.The phone rings.May I speak to Scott she says.So I hand my hubby the phone.Guess what we had just won a couple massage from a drawing worth 260 and we only had to pay 60.Are you kidding.We just left there.We spent 390 total after tips and stuff they try to sell you after your massage.Could they give us a credit or something?No and we had to have our massage at 8 AM Sunday.Does this sound fishy to anyone else?Anyway picture night and we get the pics we want and go stand in a line of like 5 people.It takes forever.When we finally got to check out spent 190.00 and our card won't work .It's been denied .What?I have money in the bank .Im sorry she says you have to go to purser's.Go stand in line 40 more minutes to find out that because crap at the terminal first day a card was never attatched to our acct.Then we get to go back upstairs and stand in line once again to get pics.Ok then my hubby gets in poker tourney and his terminal doesn't work folding him multiple times .We paid 60 for him to get in and he's getting screwed because of a mechanical failure.Well he ended up getting 2nd .Well food was great what I had of it.Cruise director was awesome.Saw one show the male comedian .He was funny.And of course Sunday night I spent praying in my room for my life scared to death and of course sick.So...things happen but lord I'm not much a complainer but from beginning to end it was something everyday.Will I get a boat again?Not sure.My husband called and complained .He said woman was very nice and seemed to care .Let's see what becomes of it and if I'll be praising Carnival for their customer service.

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I was on this cruise as well.Ship was delayed by fog .Not their fault but my hubby called Carnival before we departed for the terminal and they assured us it was on time.My husband and I were the first ones in terminal at 12 I think.Was told if we left terminal we would lose aour zone 1 pass.So we stayed until 4 and I was so sick by then.We went to eat and kept out seats saved with a couple we met.Then we see the ship and run back to terminal so our friends could eat.Little did we know they passed out swiches why we were gone.We just paid 45.00 for food we ate in less than a minute.Anyway supposedly they only had500.Not gonna last long with almost 2500 people are they?Got on ship at 11 that night.Almost 12 hours in terminal pretty much messed up the experience but they did offer us 40.00 a piece .Big woop.We lost 11 hours from our trip and I had already paid 45.00 for lunch so there that went.I was sick all Friday from who knows what but not seasickness.I had stomache cramps.anyway formal night was nice.Next day at Progreso my hubby and I stayed on boat and had a couple massage.It was wonderful and it was 290.00.Ok so we go down to our room and we walk in the door.The phone rings.May I speak to Scott she says.So I hand my hubby the phone.Guess what we had just won a couple massage from a drawing worth 260 and we only had to pay 60.Are you kidding.We just left there.We spent 390 total after tips and stuff they try to sell you after your massage.Could they give us a credit or something?No and we had to have our massage at 8 AM Sunday.Does this sound fishy to anyone else?Anyway picture night and we get the pics we want and go stand in a line of like 5 people.It takes forever.When we finally got to check out spent 190.00 and our card won't work .It's been denied .What?I have money in the bank .Im sorry she says you have to go to purser's.Go stand in line 40 more minutes to find out that because crap at the terminal first day a card was never attatched to our acct.Then we get to go back upstairs and stand in line once again to get pics.Ok then my hubby gets in poker tourney and his terminal doesn't work folding him multiple times .We paid 60 for him to get in and he's getting screwed because of a mechanical failure.Well he ended up getting 2nd .Well food was great what I had of it.Cruise director was awesome.Saw one show the male comedian .He was funny.And of course Sunday night I spent praying in my room for my life scared to death and of course sick.So...things happen but lord I'm not much a complainer but from beginning to end it was something everyday.Will I get a boat again?Not sure.My husband called and complained .He said woman was very nice and seemed to care .Let's see what becomes of it and if I'll be praising Carnival for their customer service.


How did you get the couples massage? Did you prepay that before you got on the boat (ship)?



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i was on this cruise as well.ship was delayed by fog .not their fault but my hubby called carnival before we departed for the terminal and they assured us it was on time.my husband and i were the first ones in terminal at 12 i think.was told if we left terminal we would lose aour zone 1 pass.so we stayed until 4 and i was so sick by then.we went to eat and kept out seats saved with a couple we met.then we see the ship and run back to terminal so our friends could eat.little did we know they passed out swiches why we were gone.we just paid 45.00 for food we ate in less than a minute.anyway supposedly they only had500.not gonna last long with almost 2500 people are they?got on ship at 11 that night.almost 12 hours in terminal pretty much messed up the experience but they did offer us 40.00 a piece .big woop.we lost 11 hours from our trip and i had already paid 45.00 for lunch so there that went.i was sick all friday from who knows what but not seasickness.i had stomache cramps.anyway formal night was nice.next day at progreso my hubby and i stayed on boat and had a couple massage.it was wonderful and it was 290.00.ok so we go down to our room and we walk in the door.the phone rings.may i speak to scott she says.so i hand my hubby the phone.guess what we had just won a couple massage from a drawing worth 260 and we only had to pay 60.are you kidding.we just left there.we spent 390 total after tips and stuff they try to sell you after your massage.could they give us a credit or something?no and we had to have our massage at 8 am sunday.does this sound fishy to anyone else?anyway picture night and we get the pics we want and go stand in a line of like 5 people.it takes forever.when we finally got to check out spent 190.00 and our card won't work .it's been denied .what?i have money in the bank .im sorry she says you have to go to purser's.go stand in line 40 more minutes to find out that because crap at the terminal first day a card was never attatched to our acct.then we get to go back upstairs and stand in line once again to get pics.ok then my hubby gets in poker tourney and his terminal doesn't work folding him multiple times .we paid 60 for him to get in and he's getting screwed because of a mechanical failure.well he ended up getting 2nd .well food was great what i had of it.cruise director was awesome.saw one show the male comedian .he was funny.and of course sunday night i spent praying in my room for my life scared to death and of course sick.so...things happen but lord i'm not much a complainer but from beginning to end it was something everyday.will i get a boat again?not sure.my husband called and complained .he said woman was very nice and seemed to care .let's see what becomes of it and if i'll be praising carnival for their customer service.


i don"t get it what were you scared of???

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Like I said, I totally understand your feelings, and the way your cruise started out was a disaster for you and your family that you never exected to go through. I understand where you're coming from. I know it was tough, but it was not comparable to what went on at the Superdome.


As for the New Orleans/Katrina reference, I do not live there, but I did go down there and help move our good friends out as soon as they let people come into the city. We drove right past the Superdome. It looked like a war zone, and I was sickened to see it. Actually, the whole city looked like a war zone, and it practically was. I talked to our friend, who is a full time Army officer stationed in NOLA and was one of the men in charge of the things that went on in the Superdome area during the aftermath of Katrina. Understand me when I tell you I know what went on, because our friend was there throughout this terrible time, and he shared some of his horror stories with us. This is not "heard it through the grapevine" information. This came firsthand from someone who lived it.


Believe me, the information given to the news media was sugar coated. Naturally, they didn't want you to believe those ugly things would happen in the popular tourist destination of New Orleans. What we heard and saw on the news was bad enough, but it was SO MUCH WORSE in reality. And it was absolutely, positively nothing like waiting in a crowded cruise terminal with loud mouthed, rude people for a few hours (as hard as that was!), to board a luxury cruise ship for a vacation to the Caribbean. Sorry if that makes you mad, but it was not an appropriate comparison for you to make. I hope you never have to experience anything remotely similar to what happened at the Superdome. That's all I will say on the subject.


Thank you for this being the last thing you say on the subject. Im sure the OP didnt mean her experience was "Literally" like the superdome. She chose bad words to express her experience, we have all at one time or another chosen bad or wrong words to express ourselves. Thanks for getting over it already.

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Thank you for this being the last thing you say on the subject. Im sure the OP didnt mean her experience was "Literally" like the superdome. She chose bad words to express her experience, we have all at one time or another chosen bad or wrong words to express ourselves. Thanks for getting over it already.



My husband is a diabetic and has severe neuropathy, this is one reason we did VIP because he cant stand or walk for very long. We were assured none of that would happen if we coughed up for a penthouse. That was the main reason I bought it in the first place.. The main reason I bought the cruise was to see the dolphins w/o having to fly. The terminal people would not let us leave and my hubby was going into diabetic shock from the sweating and time that past w/o any thing to drink/eat. I made it over to the coke machine on the other side of the terminal to find it empty. I finally found a sugar packet in my purse and poured it under his tongue. It could have been life threanening for him plus he had to lug some of the 8 bags we had since they didnt tell us where to check them. It seemed dangerous and was dangerous simply from that stand point. The peeps up ahead of us cursing didnt help the situation either. For us, it was as close to being trapped in a natural disaster situation as we ever want to be.

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Ok, I was working as a temp there that day and every agent was telling people they could leave after check-in if someone asked and there were letters that explained the port change and boarding issues at every desk. Plus there were announcements about changes in boarding time and port changes. There was a line at 8pm for people who were collecting cards that had checking in that morning before the ship came in. I find it very hard to believe that people were told they couldn't leave when every agent there knows that the terminal can't really hold all the ship's passengers comfortably.


I have to say, that people made the displeasure very clear that day in very disappointing ways. Someone left fecal matter in the water fountains, pushing/shoving, cursing at people who can't do anything about the situation. The terminal can't magically grow more chairs in an area that can't accomodate more chairs. It's not feasible for the port to purchase 2000 chairs, both cost wise and logistically because of something that happens maybe twice a year. There's nothing really open to accomodate finding food for all those passengers and so the sandwhiches they had for lunch had to be ordered from the mainland and picked up which is no small feat when you can't spare a person from the terminal.


Even more disappointing were the people screaming at the terminal staff for stuff they couldn't possibly have helped. Those people were there at 8am, they'd been on their feet all day, probably barely got a lunch and no dinner and they weren't allowed to leave.

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Ok, I was working as a temp there that day and every agent was telling people they could leave after check-in if someone asked and there were letters that explained the port change and boarding issues at every desk. Plus there were announcements about changes in boarding time and port changes. There was a line at 8pm for people who were collecting cards that had checking in that morning before the ship came in. I find it very hard to believe that people were told they couldn't leave when every agent there knows that the terminal can't really hold all the ship's passengers comfortably.


I have to say, that people made the displeasure very clear that day in very disappointing ways. Someone left fecal matter in the water fountains, pushing/shoving, cursing at people who can't do anything about the situation. The terminal can't magically grow more chairs in an area that can't accomodate more chairs. It's not feasible for the port to purchase 2000 chairs, both cost wise and logistically because of something that happens maybe twice a year. There's nothing really open to accomodate finding food for all those passengers and so the sandwhiches they had for lunch had to be ordered from the mainland and picked up which is no small feat when you can't spare a person from the terminal.


Even more disappointing were the people screaming at the terminal staff for stuff they couldn't possibly have helped. Those people were there at 8am, they'd been on their feet all day, probably barely got a lunch and no dinner and they weren't allowed to leave.


we did not get there until 6 p.m. as per instructions from Carnival emergency travel line as we were booked the night before at the Galvez. We dont know what other passengers were told but we had no idea we could leave and when I asked a passing guard in a dark blue uniform he said "NO" this was around 9 p.m. I think, someone next to me said it was becomming a security nightmare to keep checking people over and over who were comming and going. Furthermore your post verify's my post as to what was occurring. It is really no one's fault in particular it is just what transpired as a result of the delay. To us it was as if Carnival didnt know how to handle this, why else would that check in lady tell us to write corporate a letter as soon as we got there? We were baffled about that but found out exactly what she meant about 4 hours later.


Oh yeah this morning I got a call from a lady I met on this ship, she remembered them bringing food but there wasnt enough for everyone so they didnt get anything to eat. We never saw that, it must have happened before we got there.

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They had shuttles to take people to various spots in Galveston, they brought food in, they had letters explaining the change of port at every station and they were replaced when they were notified that the ship had to be cleaned due to an illness. Announcements were made at regular intervals. Things would have not been so bad had the ship not had to be completely empty and then cleaned from top to bottom because of an illness. Boarding would have begun at about 7pm if it weren't for that.


I think the Carnival terminal staff did a great job handling something they have no control over (fog, harbor master clearing the channel, ship illness).


I know people left after 9pm as someone had fresh Whataburger at 10pm, security just didn't want to do their job apparently.

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Ok, I was working as a temp there that day and every agent was telling people they could leave after check-in if someone asked and there were letters that explained the port change and boarding issues at every desk. Plus there were announcements about changes in boarding time and port changes. There was a line at 8pm for people who were collecting cards that had checking in that morning before the ship came in. I find it very hard to believe that people were told they couldn't leave when every agent there knows that the terminal can't really hold all the ship's passengers comfortably.


I have to say, that people made the displeasure very clear that day in very disappointing ways. Someone left fecal matter in the water fountains, pushing/shoving, cursing at people who can't do anything about the situation. The terminal can't magically grow more chairs in an area that can't accomodate more chairs. It's not feasible for the port to purchase 2000 chairs, both cost wise and logistically because of something that happens maybe twice a year. There's nothing really open to accomodate finding food for all those passengers and so the sandwhiches they had for lunch had to be ordered from the mainland and picked up which is no small feat when you can't spare a person from the terminal.


Even more disappointing were the people screaming at the terminal staff for stuff they couldn't possibly have helped. Those people were there at 8am, they'd been on their feet all day, probably barely got a lunch and no dinner and they weren't allowed to leave.


Thank you for providing some extra details on the situation. Many of us have been trying to explain that the situation was fairly typical for any travel line when something way out of the ordinary happens like bad weather or equipment failing. No situation is perfect when humans are involved.

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Well, I was not on this particular cruise, but I DID sail this ship last summer (june 2008) and I DID stay in the penthouse and I just wanted to say that it was LOVELY. The staff and crew were wonderful. Our steward, Ramiro, was fantastic and so funny - we loved him.


This sounds like a situation that was out of Carnival's control (the weather) and maybe the port could have handled it a bit differently, but it sounds like they were just overwhelmed and overworked. I'm sure they all did the best they could.

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Ok, I was working as a temp there that day and every agent was telling people they could leave after check-in if someone asked and there were letters that explained the port change and boarding issues at every desk. Plus there were announcements about changes in boarding time and port changes. There was a line at 8pm for people who were collecting cards that had checking in that morning before the ship came in. I find it very hard to believe that people were told they couldn't leave when every agent there knows that the terminal can't really hold all the ship's passengers comfortably.


I have to say, that people made the displeasure very clear that day in very disappointing ways. Someone left fecal matter in the water fountains, pushing/shoving, cursing at people who can't do anything about the situation. The terminal can't magically grow more chairs in an area that can't accomodate more chairs. It's not feasible for the port to purchase 2000 chairs, both cost wise and logistically because of something that happens maybe twice a year. There's nothing really open to accomodate finding food for all those passengers and so the sandwhiches they had for lunch had to be ordered from the mainland and picked up which is no small feat when you can't spare a person from the terminal.


Even more disappointing were the people screaming at the terminal staff for stuff they couldn't possibly have helped. Those people were there at 8am, they'd been on their feet all day, probably barely got a lunch and no dinner and they weren't allowed to leave.



High five to you for posting from the other side of the desk. I would not have wanted to be you that day.

I know I wasn't there but I can only see one thing wrong with the whole scenario that day.......People should learn to be more patient in extinuating circumstances, sometimes life throws us some curveballs and you HAVE to learn to flow with them because getting mad or upset or leaving fecal matter on a fountain :eek: (totally uncalled for) is not going to change the situation. Seriously did any of the bad attitudes bring the ship into port :confused: I know this much for sure.....I am glad I wasn't on that cruise with a bunch of angry impatient folks. I can't imagine that sitting or standing in a terminal for hours with them would make me eager to know we were going to be on vacation together. It will do wonders to look for good and not bad, meaning all the ones that were in horrible moods should realize that isn't going to change a thing except raise their blood pressure and make fellow passengers misberable.

I was on her about a week or so before this one and I got seasick and was in pain from a fall I took on the way to Galveston and was suffering with a bulging disk and heel spur......BUT I in no way gave in to the pain or symptoms I was experiencing, I still forced myself to put on a happy face and try to have some fun with my DH and DS, even though on the inside I wanted to just sit down and cry and close my eyes and be off that ship and in my bed. They knew I was not up to par and didn't push me further than I needed to go and I appreciated that, but I still made the best of it. The point is that if I had wanted to I could have made the trip miserable......but I am not made that way.

I think that we should all be willing to try to make 2009 a better year for us all.

WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS.....LET'S MAKE LEMONADE, it taste a whole lot better!!! :D

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They had shuttles to take people to various spots in Galveston, they brought food in, they had letters explaining the change of port at every station and they were replaced when they were notified that the ship had to be cleaned due to an illness. Announcements were made at regular intervals. Things would have not been so bad had the ship not had to be completely empty and then cleaned from top to bottom because of an illness. Boarding would have begun at about 7pm if it weren't for that.


I think the Carnival terminal staff did a great job handling something they have no control over (fog, harbor master clearing the channel, ship illness).


I know people left after 9pm as someone had fresh Whataburger at 10pm, security just didn't want to do their job apparently.



I loved that lady that checked us in. She wanted to get away from the desk so she helped us with our bags over to the back of the terminal. She is the one with the letter suggestion. She was so nice and yeppers I sure would have not wanted to be her or any other employee on that day. I felt like maybe if the dark blue uniform guys had made a few rounds up and down through the crowd it might have helped with the rather unsavory passengers. The lack of authority figures IMO encouraged their behavior.


Someone said homeland security is who polices the terminal??

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I loved that lady that checked us in. She wanted to get away from the desk so she helped us with our bags over to the back of the terminal. She is the one with the letter suggestion. She was so nice and yeppers I sure would have not wanted to be her or any other employee on that day. I felt like maybe if the dark blue uniform guys had made a few rounds up and down through the crowd it might have helped with the rather unsavory passengers. The lack of authority figures IMO encouraged their behavior.


Someone said homeland security is who polices the terminal??


Just popping in to say that I hope for your sake that IF you are able to try cruising again you check into options which don't cost $333 per person per day (if I read that right?) like the PH suite on this three dayer. Most short cruises don't give a really good feeling for what "cruising" is like -- and that's especially so when there are delays due to weather.

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Just popping in to say that I hope for your sake that IF you are able to try cruising again you check into options which don't cost $333 per person per day (if I read that right?) like the PH suite on this three dayer. Most short cruises don't give a really good feeling for what "cruising" is like -- and that's especially so when there are delays due to weather.



no kidding you can say that again. Since it was our first time and I so wanted to swim with dolphins I splurged for the PH and I have this 12 yr old who hates airplanes I thought this was the perfect solution. It just didnt work out and I even told my hubby well maybe it was for the best we didnt go to Cozumel the way my luck was going the dolphin would have bitten my leg off LOL


Oh, when my hubby opened the door to the PH he said " this is where im spending the rest of my life " LOL okay fine with me!!!


I would stay in the crew quarters to get to go again, hubby likes to go in style! I have said this many times, if he were rich he would be the perfect husband. He dosent mind me spending money on anything I want. Sure do love him :o

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First of all this was my first cruise.I was afraid of the rocking and we were on one of the outside cabins.Things were shaking and I all I could think of was the Poseidon adventure.That's why I was scared.Secondly,I never talked rudely to any of the people in the terminal.I knew it wasn't their fault.I even commented to the older gentleman that did the microphone that maybe he should go somewhere and sit down and rest for a alittle bit.I was told that it I left the building that I would have to give back my zone 1 card.I wanted to be one of the first ones on the boat so I chosee not to leave until I just couldn't help it but as I said someone saved my seat for me or I would of lost it.In that respect I had it easier because I did have a chair.People were rude but we never blamed Carnival for the fog or the sickness just the fact that obviously there was not a good enough backup plan for the circumstance .Also when they were about to load they didn't make it clear that wheelchairs &VIP were to come in line.Yes he said that that would be the way it would happen but only said it once and people were so mad .They should of gotten on there and said VIP and wheelchairs only .Then when they were gone zone 1 and so on.But guess what people weren't listening.The guy kept saying hold on zone 1 isn't loading and zone 1 people were still seated .It was peole from zone 2-whatever that didn't care.As we were walking up the plank you could see where peole had just thrown those zone card anywhere because their zone had not yet boarded.As I said we stayed but only because we wanted to be the first to board.We didn't have a vehicle .We were dropped off .Their backup plan was not good enough even for something that rarely happens.

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