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I am going to have Gastirc By-Pass surgery...


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Hello my name is Tina and I am working on having my bypass in July or Aug. I was wondering where you purchase your protein. I go to a gym in town and they make the mose delicious protien shake I have ever tasted. It has peanut butter in it as well.


Any recipes you may have for drinks or how to use the protein would very appreciated.


We cruise in Nov and I am so excited I can't stand it to be honest with you.


Thanks for all the help. OH and vit are something else I will be looking for if you can help me out.

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Hello my name is Tina and I am working on having my bypass in July or Aug. I was wondering where you purchase your protein. I go to a gym in town and they make the mose delicious protien shake I have ever tasted. It has peanut butter in it as well.


Any recipes you may have for drinks or how to use the protein would very appreciated.


We cruise in Nov and I am so excited I can't stand it to be honest with you.


Thanks for all the help. OH and vit are something else I will be looking for if you can help me out.


Go to Baratriceating.com they have awsome Vit and protien. After your surgery becasfull about the shakes made at the gym. They more than likely have too much sugar in them. You may want to get a list of what all they put in them.

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Hey all, glad everyone seems to still be doing great. I have some fantastic news (at least for me:rolleyes:). You all know how I've been complaining about the protein supplements, I just couldn't find one that I didn't gag on while drinking. Well I found one I really liked the taste of. It's from Unjury, it's their chicken soup. I'm not kidding it taste just like a cup of instant chicken soup. Also on their site they have some recipes and it mentioned making the soup with skim milk instead of water for cream of chicken soup. I haven't tried it yet but I'm going to. You can't believe how happy I am to finally find something I can get down. I know my protein intake hasn't been as good as needed, but I just couldn't get them down. No more problem!!:D So maybe this will help someone else who has been having the same problem. You all keep up the good work and have a good one.


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I'm a registered nurse and I would always recommend against surgery. I've been doing weight watchers with 2 friends for 3 months we have lost about 100 pounds between us!

Even if you have surgery you will have to change your relationship with food. Do you have a strong support system in place?

And are you willing to face the risks? You risk projectile vomitting And leakage of stool.

This surgery is not a quick fix. And a huge expense.

I would recommend trying to lose before you think about surgery.

That being said, the benefits of weight loss are immense. Lowered blood pressure, reduced joint pain, improved heart health, and reduction or elimination of insulin.

Just explore all options before you have surgery.


Dont forget about post op infections, hernia's, extra surgeries every few months. Gastric Bypass can be a life saver, but on the other hand the complications can make your life a living hell. It will be 6 years since mine in July, and today I still have open holes in my abdomine from the 18+ other surgeries I have had to have, even a hysterectomy due to complications of gastric bypass. Did I lose weight, yes, am I still alive yes, do I now have a child, these are the possitive outcomes of the surgery but when will the other stuff be over. Maybe never, I just live each day at a time, and pray for the best. Would I reccomend it, it is a personal choice, but remember not all patients have a 100% possitive experience, just be informed before you do anything, and look at all the possibillities, then make your decision.

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Dont forget about post op infections, hernia's, extra surgeries every few months. Gastric Bypass can be a life saver, but on the other hand the complications can make your life a living hell. It will be 6 years since mine in July, and today I still have open holes in my abdomine from the 18+ other surgeries I have had to have, even a hysterectomy due to complications of gastric bypass. Did I lose weight, yes, am I still alive yes, do I now have a child, these are the possitive outcomes of the surgery but when will the other stuff be over. Maybe never, I just live each day at a time, and pray for the best. Would I reccomend it, it is a personal choice, but remember not all patients have a 100% possitive experience, just be informed before you do anything, and look at all the possibillities, then make your decision.



Well I have to disagree with you here. i had my surgery 2 months ago woth absoluty NO complications and 53 lbs gone!!!! Surgery every 2 months...I have onlyhad my LAP RNY! Mybe your doctor did not do the surgery correct!! My only issue with this is that I should have done this sooner!

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Hello my name is Tina and I am working on having my bypass in July or Aug. I was wondering where you purchase your protein. I go to a gym in town and they make the mose delicious protien shake I have ever tasted. It has peanut butter in it as well.


I go to www.vitaladay.com and purchase samples. Protein powders can get expensive and purchasing a large container of something you don't like can be disappointing. I stick with vanilla flavors as a base and make shakes that I add to it with other flavors. Torani brand sugar-free syrups are great flavorings.


Also, please visit http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2007/06/my-favorite-protein-shake-recipes.html for loads of protein shake recipes - and other bariatric foods/tips.


Good luck! I am 6 months post-op and down 75 lbs and went from a size 24 to a size 16. :p

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I also have to disagree with this. Yes, every surgery has it's risks. But that does not mean that every surgery will have the same outcome. It's but 5 weeks, no complications, 33 lbs gone. Tried other weight lose options, they didn't work. This has. Sorry you had so many problems and hope your health improves before long.




Dont forget about post op infections, hernia's, extra surgeries every few months. Gastric Bypass can be a life saver, but on the other hand the complications can make your life a living hell. It will be 6 years since mine in July, and today I still have open holes in my abdomine from the 18+ other surgeries I have had to have, even a hysterectomy due to complications of gastric bypass. Did I lose weight, yes, am I still alive yes, do I now have a child, these are the possitive outcomes of the surgery but when will the other stuff be over. Maybe never, I just live each day at a time, and pray for the best. Would I reccomend it, it is a personal choice, but remember not all patients have a 100% possitive experience, just be informed before you do anything, and look at all the possibillities, then make your decision.
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Dont forget about post op infections, hernia's, extra surgeries every few months. Gastric Bypass can be a life saver, but on the other hand the complications can make your life a living hell. It will be 6 years since mine in July, and today I still have open holes in my abdomine from the 18+ other surgeries I have had to have, even a hysterectomy due to complications of gastric bypass. Did I lose weight, yes, am I still alive yes, do I now have a child, these are the possitive outcomes of the surgery but when will the other stuff be over. Maybe never, I just live each day at a time, and pray for the best. Would I reccomend it, it is a personal choice, but remember not all patients have a 100% possitive experience, just be informed before you do anything, and look at all the possibillities, then make your decision.


I also am a success story for this surgery, I'm 4 months out and down 55 pounds and have never felt better...


My sister, however had the surgery 4 yrs ago and had a horrible experience the first 6 months or so, but, she was a smoker who never quit, so she had the problems that are very common to smokers, ulcers in her pouch, need for additional surgeries, etc... I believe she went to a 'quack' who was just in it for the money, she decided to have the surgery and had it completed within 4 months, no pre-evaluation by psych, no nutritionist meetings pre or post surgery, and her doctor didn't care that she smoked a couple of packs a day. (My doctors won't operate on anyone who hasn't quit smoking for at least 3 months.) My sister also drinks alcohol quite often and eats lots of carbs, she never exercises, said they never told her she had to and also claims they never told her she could gain the weight back.. she has gained back about 50 pounds now of the 150 she lost.


After her experience, I really started researching the surgery and results because I wasn't going to go thru what she went thru, it took me 3 years to make up my mind to go ahead with the surgery because I realized most of her problems were the result of her smoking and her ignorance about what she was undertaking and how to work with it.


TMR, I truly hope that things get better for you soon, there is an amazing website at http://www.livingafterwls.com where there are a lot of wonderful people who have had the surgery and willing to offer all kinds of advice and friendship.



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I can understand both sides. If you don't know that there might be complications then don't bother having the surgery. You can't plan on having complications and you can't plan on everything going perfect. But you can plan on the risk possibilities. I have been in the program for two years..I go to pre surgery meetings every month, see a nutritionist and see a psych..who also attends those meetings - I for one have not taken this decision lightly.


I am having gastric bypass. I'd rather take the risk and possibilty of having a more joyful life then be stuck where I am now not being able to do hardly anything physically, being depressed and hating myself mentally and not being able to move on with my life (as in I haven't gone to college and still live at home with my parents, etc...)

If I don't do something now about my almost 400lb body then I may never get to do those things or make it past age 30.


I think I've weighed the pros and cons enough and even if I died doing it..I would still think I made a good choice in trying...and yes I have tried doing it myself but at this point I need that extra help.


You have to take the good with the bad and sometimes that means going through a lot of bad stuff to get to the good...just because you haven't gotten too that other side yet - doesn't mean your life is over.


Good luck Tmrlovesjr and others!

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Sorry I just found this thread. I had RNY about 4-1/2 years ago. I dropped a little over a 100 but I have gained some back. I still eat way too fast and at least once a week I have to throw up. I had a lot of complications after surgery. My husband also had it done - in Philly and he had no complications and lost 265 pounds. He never has the problem that food won't go down or that he has to throw up. I am sure it's from eating too fast. I try to pace myself but it doesn't always work - LOL. I cruise about twice a year. I eat small amounts and since dessert is so important to me I ask to see the dessert menu before the entrees. If it's something I really want, I eat much less of the meal. The waiter always looks at my plate and says oh i'm sorry you didn't like it - can I get you something else. If the dessert is too rich I just eat a spoonful but I can't give up dessert. Even a spoonful tastes good and I know if I shouldn't eat it or I'll get dumping. If you see my running down the hallways with my room key in my hand after dinner get out of my way - I'm dumping - LOL.

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Hello all,


I had lap band 4 yrs ago.I have lost 116 lbs. I was self pay as my insurance had an exclusion on it for WLS.

I paid $15,000. for everything. Anesthesia, surgeon, hospital, the band. All my fills were included for the first yr.

Now the price has come down alot as alot of Dr's are getting on the band wagon. A friend went to Mexico and had lots of sucess as well. Said no problems. She only had some trouble finding a Dr that would do the fills here, but everything else ok.

The only regret I have is not doing it sooner.

I had cosmetic surgery one yr ago to remove my hanging stomach, and saggy butt. I feel great. I still could loose about 15-20 lbs and hopefully some before our cruise next year, but I am as happy as a lark.

This will be the first cruise since the surgery, but I know I CANNOT eat that much, so it will be fine.

Anyone thinking of doing the WLS should go to obesityhelp.com. there are tons of regular folks that have had the different WLS done, and their post are somewhat like these.


Good luck,


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I just love this thread. :D


I am 6 months out on RNY and down 80 lbs. So far, so good. I do have trouble with dumping and I do not always know why. Some food is ok one time and not the next. Sometimes I can walk it off and sometimes not. But one thing is for sure, I am never sorry I made the decsion to proceed. I researched for about a year before I made the choice to proceed.


My first cruise since the surgery will be in November. I will be 11 months out. I am so excited!



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I just love this thread. :D


I am 6 months out on RNY and down 80 lbs. So far, so good. I do have trouble with dumping and I do not always know why. Some food is ok one time and not the next. Sometimes I can walk it off and sometimes not. But one thing is for sure, I am never sorry I made the decsion to proceed. I researched for about a year before I made the choice to proceed.


My first cruise since the surgery will be in November. I will be 11 months out. I am so excited!





Thats awsome keep up th great work!

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Hi Montie!


I was glad to see your post. I came to this thread in the past as I was to have RNY. Than at the last minute I chickened out and changed to Lap Band. I was banded 2/25 and have lost 30 pounds. Not as good as RNY but, I'm plugging along. I haven't lost in a month but, I just had a fill.

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Hi Montie!


I was glad to see your post. I came to this thread in the past as I was to have RNY. Than at the last minute I chickened out and changed to Lap Band. I was banded 2/25 and have lost 30 pounds. Not as good as RNY but, I'm plugging along. I haven't lost in a month but, I just had a fill.



I was going to orginally have the lap band but chnged over to LAP RNY.. it was the best choice I could Have ever made!

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I just love this thread. :D


I am 6 months out on RNY and down 80 lbs. So far, so good. I do have trouble with dumping and I do not always know why. Some food is ok one time and not the next. Sometimes I can walk it off and sometimes not. But one thing is for sure, I am never sorry I made the decsion to proceed. I researched for about a year before I made the choice to proceed.


My first cruise since the surgery will be in November. I will be 11 months out. I am so excited!




Hi Sheena,

I see some similarities between us. I had my surgery 6 months ago and I have lost 77 lbs and dropping! My first cruise ever is in less than 2 weeks. This will be a nice treat! I am looking forward to trying things I would have avoided with the extra weight. I am not bikini ready and may never be, but I feel so much healthier and energized. Yes, I dump on occasion too, but am very happy with my decision to have the procedure.


Enjoy your cruise in November!


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You know the old saying "Keep on trucking" (if you're old enough;)) well, for all of us we will just say "Keep on Losing":D

Have a good on all,




I am now down 53lbs and my nre size 18's are getting too big!!!!! WOW this ride is AWSOME!

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I am now down 53lbs and my nre size 18's are getting too big!!!!! WOW this ride is AWSOME!


Congratulations! I have been donating all my big clothes because I never want to wear those sizes again! At the same time, I hate to invest in a new wardrobe that I will only fit in temporarily. I've bought some new clothes for my cruise, but still wear some old stuff. Many of the pants look ridiculous on me because they are way too big. Thank God for belts!

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Congratulations Ssatterly!!! I'm also in size 18s for now, I've donated so many clothes in the last few months. I was in 28s and 30s when I started this ride in Feb. I still have a closet with sizes 14 & 16 in it so I don't have to buy too much new stuff yet, thankfully.


My cruise isn't till August so who knows by then. I did buy a size 16 bathing suit on clearance sale and a 1X coverup that I figure will fit for the cruise. Even though I saved them my old bathing suits just didn't hold up over the years, the elastic dry rotted on most of them, so I have had to buy new bathing suits.



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Congratulations! I have been donating all my big clothes because I never want to wear those sizes again! At the same time, I hate to invest in a new wardrobe that I will only fit in temporarily. I've bought some new clothes for my cruise, but still wear some old stuff. Many of the pants look ridiculous on me because they are way too big. Thank God for belts!



Shop at thrift store or the goodwill thy have become my best friends...lol much cheaper and you don't keep them long anyway!

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How is everyone doing with their weight loss? Me 54 lbs! in just over 2 months!


Check out some photos here:http://wncmountainlifeandhealthyliving.blogspot.com


SSatterly, you are doing awesome!!! Keep up whatever you're doing... I can see a big difference in your pictures. I've lost 58 pounds so far and it's been about 4 1/2 months since surgery. I really slowed down a lot after the first month, but this month I seem to be losing better, I've lost more in June than April and May combined. I increased my protein intake from the recommended 60-70 grams a day to about 100 grams a day and that seems to be working better for me. I've also heard from a few other people who had the slow down up to as long as 6 months, then started losing faster again. Just goes to prove we're all different....


I actually exercised more in May than I have in June, I'm still exercising but not nearly as much as I was in May. My summer exercise is mostly in my pool and with all the rain and cool temperatures we've been having my pool is too cold to get into and I let my gym and aquasize memberships lapse for the summer.

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Hey all, everyone seems to really be doing great on their weight loss. I have a quick question for the bypass group. How much food do you eat at one sitting? 1/2 cup, 1 cup, more, less? I just find it interesting that even though we had the same surgery other parts of it are handled different according to who our doctors are. So, for those that don't mind answering, it's just to satisfy my curiousity. Have a good one,


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