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I am going to have Gastirc By-Pass surgery...


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I am on the path for surgery. My insurance company requires 6 months of weigh-ins before its approved, than of course their evaluation. I am excited, but also scared. I am wondering if we have booked our cruise too soon after surgery and need to wait. We love cruising and really feel it is a real get away. DH asks me if I am really ready for this. He sees our daughter, who had the sleeve done 1.5 years ago, who has lost 130 pounds. A second daughter is having by pass on Tuesday, who is very excited. This is a good thread. Thanks to every one who has contributed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am on the path for surgery. I am wondering if we have booked our cruise too soon after surgery and need to wait.


I didnt see where you listed what type of surgery you were having. It has been the best thing I have done! I am now at 38 lbs - gone for good!! You didnt tell us when you expected to have surgery. It's hard to tell you our opinion if we dont know how long after surgery you are traveling. I am guessing that it would be at the end of Aug or beginning of Sept, since your cruise is scheduled for the first part of Oct. I would find a cruise difficult that soon after, only because of food choices. The first 6 weeks I was on clear liquids, then liquids, then mushy foods. You really need to make sure you are taking in all of your protein, which is helpful with the right types of foods. Me personally, I dont think I would go on a cruise that close to my surgery. That's my opinion though.


Congrats on taking the steps to make a life changing decision. Good luck with your surgery and cruise.

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  • 3 weeks later...
What surgery did you have? Thanks for the encouraging words and advice.



Sorry it took so long to back in here, but I've been so busy getting my life back together....I had the Gastric Bypass....best decision I've ever made in my life. I'm now 51# lighter with another 30-40# to go.

Went on the cruise last week, fit perfectly in plane seat with room to spare...lol...my feet did not ache with all the walking we did. I feel like a new person. By the time I get done with losing, I will have lost almost half of me...lol..



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I thought I'd post a couple of pictures of myself featuring a before and how much I have lost so far. I can't believe what I see as it has taken me 5 months to realized how much I have lost. When you see yourself everyday, you don't realize what you've lost for a few months, and pictures tell the story.





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  • 2 weeks later...
I didnt see where you listed what type of surgery you were having. It has been the best thing I have done! I am now at 38 lbs - gone for good!! You didnt tell us when you expected to have surgery. It's hard to tell you our opinion if we dont know how long after surgery you are traveling. I am guessing that it would be at the end of Aug or beginning of Sept, since your cruise is scheduled for the first part of Oct. I would find a cruise difficult that soon after, only because of food choices. The first 6 weeks I was on clear liquids, then liquids, then mushy foods. You really need to make sure you are taking in all of your protein, which is helpful with the right types of foods. Me personally, I dont think I would go on a cruise that close to my surgery. That's my opinion though.


Congrats on taking the steps to make a life changing decision. Good luck with your surgery and cruise.

My surgery will be mid June. I have decided to have gastric bypass. My daughter had bypass four weeks ago. Her doctor put her on soft proteins in her third week. She started eating more whole meats in her four week. She will remain on protein only another two weeks before adding other foods. Another daughter who had the sleeve was on pureed foods for 6 weeks. I did ask the doctor why the difference. Some is due to stapling. I am excited. I told my boss yesterday that I will be out for surgery mid June.

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My surgery will be mid June. I have decided to have gastric bypass. My daughter had bypass four weeks ago. Her doctor put her on soft proteins in her third week. She started eating more whole meats in her four week. She will remain on protein only another two weeks before adding other foods. Another daughter who had the sleeve was on pureed foods for 6 weeks. I did ask the doctor why the difference. Some is due to stapling. I am excited. I told my boss yesterday that I will be out for surgery mid June.


You should be find for your cruise. I went to Disney 11 days after my surgery. I took protein powders, etc with me. I am excited for you!!

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Hi all!

Had Gastric bypass surgery on Monday (5/9/11), home on Wednesday now trying to get all of my fluids in!! For those of you that have had the surgery, how did you manage getting in 4 oz of fluid an hour?? Also, I'm supposed to start chewable vitamins and tums now which scares me a bit. Any advise would be appreciated!



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Congratulations on starting your new life! I still have issues with drinking 64 ounces of liquids a day...I work, keep a bottle of water right besides me but for the life of me I still can't drink that much in a day....lol....

Did you know that instead of chewables, you can get liquid calcium, multi-vitamins and a few of the other required suppliments at Walmart and drug stores?....I hate taking pills as they make me gag and the liquids go down much smoother....



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I had RNY on 9/8. I looked at banding but had seen that many people ended up with an RNY anyway and I couldn't stand the idea of having a port under my skin.


I am lucky (or am I?), I don't dump. I have been able to completed get off my diabetes meds (4 glucophage, 1 actos, 1 januvia a day) and high blood pressure (1 accupril) and high cholesterol (1 crestor) ----- 8 pills. But as someone said, I still take a boatload of pills ---- 3 calcium spaced during day, 1 multi-vit, 1-B12 sublingual, 1 pro-biotic, 1 biotin, 1 devrom. I have to monitor what I eat to make sure I get sufficient protein every day -- 65-75 grams.


I've lost 58 pounds in 5.5 months. I was considered a lightweight with a BMI of 39 and about 85 pounds to lose.


RNY is just a tool. You have to change the way you eat for a lifetime. I wasn't able to do that long-term without this tool. And the yo-yo, was killing me. So I took this step and I feel great.


Thank you for posting, I was supposed to have gastric bypass on March 10th but had to postpone. It is now scheduled for June 30th. I need to lose 30 lbs before and I am really strugging, anyone have any advice?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My husband and I both had RNY, he had his Oct 21,2010 and lost 98 lbs so far. I had mine Nov 17,2010 and i have lost 106lbs post surgery. I WOULD do it all over again. Yes you do have to learn to eat again, I am 6 months out and can eat pretty much anything just small portions of it. I do worry about what to eat ont he cruise, our first cruise is December 18th on the Carnival Legend and I hope to drop another 100 by then. then I will be where i want to be. We have had no problems with our surgery. It depends on your Dr. So reasearch really good. Ours is great out of Greenville, NC My husband was Diabetic and now he is not on ANY medications and pretty much NOT diabetic any longer. Was worth it for us. It is a life change and you should know that before going through with it. Physically it was a piece of cake, a day or 2 of pain ( had it lapro) but mentally you really have to think hard about it. Good luck

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Also, to any of you that have had the surgery, were you exhausted the days immediately following surgery?


yes I am 6 most post op, RNY Nov 17th 2010 and I am just now really getting my energy back. You have to eat your protein. You have eto or you will feel exhauseted

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  • 2 weeks later...
I got my approval letter today. My doctor requires 10 day liquid diet before surgery. Next step is to schedule the surgery. I am excited!!!


Good luck, 10 days sounds tough. BTW, I'm just back from my 3rd post surgery cruise, you can still have a great cruise and watch what you eat. I'd say it is even somewhat liberating to not have food as the main attraction on a cruise.

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I have been reading a lot of your posts. I am meeting with a weight loss center in a couple of weeks for either a weight loss plan or some sort of weight loss surgery. I had a few questions for those who have been through it.


My insurance definitely does not cover so I know we would have to cover it ourselves. I have heard figures around $12K for lapband (what I would hope to have). Is that accurate? One of my big concerns is what if there are complications and you are without insurance. Will your insurance kick in there since it is not explicitly for the surgery. I know this is something to ask the insurance company directly but I was just wondering if any of you had experience with this.


If I have lapband, for many reasons I do not want to tell my coworkers. Is this even possible. About how long is it reasonable to be off work? I have tons of sick leave saved so that is no problem. Is it possible to just say you are having a "minor surgical procedure" and no one will know anything until the weight starts to come off or are there so many side effects that it will be very noticeable?


Thanks for any answers anyone can provide.

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My Dr recommended to be off work for 3 weeks, but I wasn't able to do that. Was off for 2 weeks...


You don't have to tell anyone what is going on, just take some vacation time, no one has to know. When they see the weight coming off, just tell them you are on a diet.


If everything goes well, you shouldn't have a lot of pain from the surgery. Right after my surgery (gastric bypass) I was up and around within hours. Went home the day after surgery. For me, it was quite easy but not everyone is the same.


My insurance only paid a percentage of my surgery...still had the balance to pay off, but it is well worth it. I'm a new person now, my whole outlook on life has changed for the better.


Good luck if you decide to go the surgery way!



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If I have lapband, for many reasons I do not want to tell my coworkers. Is this even possible. About how long is it reasonable to be off work? I have tons of sick leave saved so that is no problem. Is it possible to just say you are having a "minor surgical procedure" and no one will know anything until the weight starts to come off or are there so many side effects that it will be very noticeable?


Thanks for any answers anyone can provide.


What you do on your time off is no one's business but yours. I told my boss I was having surgery, but did not specify what kind. He expressed concern, but was polite enough (and PC enough) not to ask. He knew better, and so should your coworkers. BTW, the only reason I told my boss was because he was my manager and needed to know why I was going to be off for that long. If he had not needed to know, I wouldn't have told him.


I took two weeks off. I am quite certain I could have come back after a week (I had laparoscopic gastric bypass, not the band), but two weeks gave me enough time to get to a semi-normal food schedule. I believe by that time I was eating very soft foods (it's been four years, so I may be mis-remembering), so it wasn't obvious to anyone that I was doing something "different."


Let me suggest that you have some things ready to say to distract any questioners from the topic. "Oh, I just took care of some personal stuff, you know....." then ask if they have any cruises scheduled in the near future :)

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I didn't want anyone to know about what type of surgery I was having. When asked by my DM, and I hesitated, he stated to me, "surgery for better quality of life". That said it and I agreed. Enough said.

Insurance companies and company policies differ greatly. Myself, after deductables, 50% is covered. I also had to weith in at my GP's office monthly for 6 months. One daughter had 0 coverage. Another daughter had most of it covered. Your insurance company can give you the best answer.

I have not heard there is a specific pound amount, but there is a specific BMI amount that needs to be lost. Height and medical issues all play into it too.

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I just saw you live in the greater Cincinnati area. I do as well. Can you tell me what surgical practice you used and what the preliminaries entailed, etc.




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I was under the impression that you had to be at least 100# over your ideal weight with a BMI of at least 40 or more.



It varies with insurance and the practice. I was 85 pounds overweight with a BMI of 37. But I had sleep apnea and high blood pressure, neither of which I have now.

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Also, to any of you that have had the surgery, were you exhausted the days immediately following surgery?


Any surgery you have will leave you feeling very fatigued. It's your body's way of healing....that, anesthesia and the pain meds.


I know this isn't on topic of weight-loss surgery, but I had airway surgery and felt very tired, and drained energy-wise to just walk around the unit. By day 9, I was lapping it around the nurses station to get out of there, but they also told me to take it easy since I was still healing.

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I am 8 (almost 9) months post op from gastric bypass surgery done laproscopically. I have lost to date 144 lbs in 8 months. I have lost over TWENTY (20) INCHES in my hips alone. I have gone from a 28 or 30 down to a size 14 jeans with a real zipper and a button. LOL


If I can help any of you, please let me know. If any of you need an incredible surgeon, let me know. I live in Maryland and had my surgery in Wisconsin. SO worth it.


What I want to know is if any of you are longer veterans than me and have cruised after surgery, how did you eat, explain to the waiters, etc. I am not worried about eating the wrong things--I simply do NOT. I am more concerned about how to convey to them that I won't eat everything they offer in a typical meal (in the dining room).


Any takers? :)


Good luck to everyone out there considering this. Do your homework, ask lots of questions. If you want even MORE information and a superior support group, check out www (dot) bariatriceating (dot) com and visit the forums there. Everyone from "considering it" to "10-year and over veterans" is there. Offering support and answering questions. Great forum!

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What I want to know is if any of you are longer veterans than me and have cruised after surgery, how did you eat, explain to the waiters, etc. I am not worried about eating the wrong things--I simply do NOT. I am more concerned about how to convey to them that I won't eat everything they offer in a typical meal (in the dining room).


Any takers? :)


Yes, I am four years plus out. I have had zero problems (6-7 cruises to date) with the waitstaff. I don't bother them with telling them I will or won't eat everything. I just order what I want, say no to the bread, tell them to please leave off the potatoes and "can you please bring me something green instead of the potatoes." As far as not finishing everything - dozens if not hundreds of people don't finish their plates of food. There are many light eaters - we don't have a corner on that market!


If they forget and leave the potatoes on, no matter. I know how not to eat potatoes :D


Believe me when I tell you,....the waitstaff does NOT CARE what you eat or don't eat, past wanting to make sure you are happy with your food. They are working way too hard to get their feelings hurt, and they know people are strange, anyway.


When we had the low carb cruise in May, there were approximately 100 of us. It didn't take long (1 meal) for the staff to quit bothering us about the bread, hehe. But that's the ONLY 'low carb' cruise I have ever been on -- all the rest have been on my own, and still, no problems.


As far as that website you mentioned, I'll only say this: I have been well acquainted with the proprietor, and she's **quite** the salesperson. As long as you don't cross her, you're fine. Otherwise, get ready to get booted off.

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