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Service charge ?

riu girl

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I have no objections to tipping, yet as with many of these threads, people go on about the poor wages these guys get.

Tough I say don’t take the job if the wages don’t suit, tips should be a bonus not a wage.


The Countries most of our wait staff come from are poor and $50 per week would be considered a good amount.


Lets us tip as we see fit, not as the Cruise Companies think we should.



My baker, my milkman, my paperboy, my butcher and so on all give me great if not wonderful year round service, yet I only reward them Christmas, not each and every week. I would not cruise if the service were poor, neither would many of you.


BAN compulsory tipping, bring back the envelopes.

the auto tipping started because too many did not see reason to tip at all. I can remember being on cruises where several did not show up for dinner the last night. Most of us knew why...or, if they did tip, they tipped less than a suggested amount, not because of poor service, just because...You can say what you want about the crew coming from poor countries, I still say, they work hard for what they receive, they are away from home for 6 to 9 months at a time, often leaving families behind and they normally do their job with a smile.


You may be tired of hearing about the poor wages and I am tired of hearing about "why there should not be auto tipping"



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Most of the world does not consider $50 a week a good wage. Maybe in the emerging third world in Africa it does but not where most of the staff on the ships comes from(either Eastern Europe or the Phillippines) maybe it once was but the world had changed and except for maybe China(where its more than $50 per week as the lose manufacturing to Vietnam), these coolie wages have gone up as the global economy had become global.


Most of the comments smack as condescending comments to those whose serve you so you are free to view the following as condescending comments to you as well.


Contrary to the myth TIPS doesn't stand for to insure prompt service. In fact on cruise ships at least it traces its modern starting part to Mr. Cunard who thought that the passengers would pay it so that the hard working employees would be rewarded and the slackers would be stiffed and leave. It also traces its history to the English custom of tipping borrowed servants particularly when someone was invited to stay at a country estate and you tipped the servant who was assigned to you for the length of your stay. This was a relatively small group and you(the tipper) quickly got a reputation for either being generous or being a scrooge so the staff(the borrowed servant) knew what they were getting and would act accordingly. In fact also on the Cunard way it was only the first and second class passengers that would be expected to tip...the steerage wasn't served the same way. The first and second class passengers were a relatively smalll number and I suspect were known to the staff as tippers or non tippers.


Modern cruising which is only about 30 years old was meant to bring along the masses, and the American masses at that. The custom there was also to tip.


Finally the new mass market cruising which has mega ships and more people cruising than ever before has brought new people from many countries some not used to tipping. First the cruise lines tried education to get people to tip and now they have found it expedient to make tipping mandatory or at least auto unless you opt out so that most people just leave it on. It unfortunately was a large group that removed them and then doesn't tip...of course its not YOU.


The cruise lines that have no tipping policies for the most part have much higher per diems(even assuming the auto tip) than the ones who don't have such a policy so in fact you really do wind up paying much more for the priviledge not to tip.


The crew for the most part are happy with the auto tip and a happy crew normally gives the best service.


The part I don't understand is most of the people who complain about the auto tip claim that would be happy if the cruise lines would increase the fare and raise wages. If they did that you would have no control over the wages and would have relatively little say as to whether the service was good. As most people report service on non-tipping lines is on a par with tipped lines.


BTW as an aside when it was a pure tipping system the tipped crew had to tip out of what they got paid the people who provided them service i.e the laundry the head steward, the head waiter and some of the other kitchen and cabin support staff, under auto tip this is all handled for them so they keep whatever extra you give directly to your chosen tippees as long as you leave the auto tip on...



and finally remember that if they add the tip/wage into the fare it will surely cost you more(this post is long enough so you can read my other post about that)....


no one stops you from handing an enevelop with some small extra cash or even a thank you note it you want to but if you really want to control it all yourself to hand it to your derserving few remember you make it harder for them since the old system DID require that they share it whether you knew it or not....



so when in Rome tip like the Romans do(which means that if the ship has auto tip leave it on and tip extra if you want and complain like hell if the service is poor).....


long post but I hate tipping threads...

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my paperboy, .....yet I only reward them Christmas, not each and every week. I would not cruise if the service were poor, neither would many of you.


BAN compulsory tipping, bring back the envelopes.



1. Poor kid. When I delivered papers, it was the people who tipped every week who were my favorites. I got to buy a new bike from my tips.


2. What's so special about Christmas? Why tip then? Double-standard. Why not tip for Diwali? Kwanzaa? Hannukah? Easter? Birthdays?


3. If $50 / week were the pay....there would be no staff on the ships.


4. BAN ridiculous posts, bring back open-minds.

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I am so happy that I do not have to spend the last few days of my cruise worried about how much I am going to tip. Or making sure I have the right amounts of $1s, $5s, $10s etc.


I am glad that the crew KNOWS more or less what they are going to get. I am glad that some are not going to get stiffed because of cheap people, or those that are now broke because of drinking, excursions, gambling, shopping, etc.


Life is so much easier and the cruise is more enjoyable without this worry.


(and yes, I do tip a bit extra to a few that really deserve it)


the only thing that annoys me is the ever ending complaints about it

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I have no objections to tipping, yet as with many of these threads, people go on about the poor wages these guys get.

Tough I say don’t take the job if the wages don’t suit, tips should be a bonus not a wage.


The Countries most of our wait staff come from are poor and $50 per week would be considered a good amount.


Lets us tip as we see fit, not as the Cruise Companies think we should.



My baker, my milkman, my paperboy, my butcher and so on all give me great if not wonderful year round service, yet I only reward them Christmas, not each and every week. I would not cruise if the service were poor, neither would many of you.


BAN compulsory tipping, bring back the envelopes.


But you have that option... pick any other cruiseline other than NCL.

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the auto tipping started because too many did not see reason to tip at all. I can remember being on cruises where several did not show up for dinner the last night. Most of us knew why...or, if they did tip, they tipped less than a suggested amount, not because of poor service, just because...You can say what you want about the crew coming from poor countries, I still say, they work hard for what they receive, they are away from home for 6 to 9 months at a time, often leaving families behind and they normally do their job with a smile.


You may be tired of hearing about the poor wages and I am tired of hearing about "why there should not be auto tipping"




Nita.. you know what gets me about people who say things like that poster said about them coming from a poor country so they should be happy with $50.00, etc.. JUST because they come from a poor country does not mean their labor is any less than someone from a rich country. To me they deserve to get paid just as much as anyone else for doing the same labor. It shouldn't matter where they are from. How horrid is it to judge what a person should make based on the country they are from. That is actually sickening to me. What a disgusting elitist kind of human being to say such a thing.


I am so happy that I do not have to spend the last few days of my cruise worried about how much I am going to tip. Or making sure I have the right amounts of $1s, $5s, $10s etc.


I am glad that the crew KNOWS more or less what they are going to get. I am glad that some are not going to get stiffed because of cheap people, or those that are now broke because of drinking, excursions, gambling, shopping, etc.


Life is so much easier and the cruise is more enjoyable without this worry.


(and yes, I do tip a bit extra to a few that really deserve it)


the only thing that annoys me is the ever ending complaints about it


You know the funny thing about those people?? They are free to choose any cruiseline out there yet they come on here and b**ch about it for NCL. To me that just shows they just like to b**ch and would find some thing to b**ch about no matter what. Just the kind of person they are.

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We have a group of 4 families travelling on the Spirit in March, which includes 9 kids total. We all took this same cruise last spring break. When we rebooked in the summer, the tipping was still the $10/$5 adult/kid. While I fully understand that the work staff are worth what they are paid, its just a little sticker shock to suddenly have to pay an extra $175 more this year than last year for the same service (family of 2 adults, 3 kids). For the group as a whole it's an extra $553.


I do prefer the auto tipping to the envelopes, so much easier, but since the advent of auto tipping, children have always been 1/2 of the adult amount. I see that Carnival and RCCL have also started charging kids for full tip (although they are both at $10/day), so it looks like an accross the board change on all cruise lines.


Going forward, I have no problem with kids having to tip the same as adults, but like I said just a little sticker shock for this year.

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We have a group of 4 families travelling on the Spirit in March, which includes 9 kids total. We all took this same cruise last spring break. When we rebooked in the summer, the tipping was still the $10/$5 adult/kid. While I fully understand that the work staff are worth what they are paid, its just a little sticker shock to suddenly have to pay an extra $175 more this year than last year for the same service (family of 2 adults, 3 kids). For the group as a whole it's an extra $553.


I do prefer the auto tipping to the envelopes, so much easier, but since the advent of auto tipping, children have always been 1/2 of the adult amount. I see that Carnival and RCCL have also started charging kids for full tip (although they are both at $10/day), so it looks like an accross the board change on all cruise lines.


Going forward, I have no problem with kids having to tip the same as adults, but like I said just a little sticker shock for this year.


I know what you mean! Just for reference, we are taking our first celebrity cruise and the rates were just raised to $12 per person, children included. So we who up to now paid, $50 a day, will now pay $72 a day. But the way I think makes it easier to look at it is how wonderful they are to the kids and to us, and how fortunate we are to live where it isnt taking food out of my childrens mouths.....

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We have a group of 4 families travelling on the Spirit in March, which includes 9 kids total. We all took this same cruise last spring break. When we rebooked in the summer, the tipping was still the $10/$5 adult/kid. While I fully understand that the work staff are worth what they are paid, its just a little sticker shock to suddenly have to pay an extra $175 more this year than last year for the same service (family of 2 adults, 3 kids). For the group as a whole it's an extra $553.


I do prefer the auto tipping to the envelopes, so much easier, but since the advent of auto tipping, children have always been 1/2 of the adult amount. I see that Carnival and RCCL have also started charging kids for full tip (although they are both at $10/day), so it looks like an accross the board change on all cruise lines.


Going forward, I have no problem with kids having to tip the same as adults, but like I said just a little sticker shock for this year.


I didn't say it on this thread, but on other threads concerning this topic I have said that if I am being totally honest, I feel NCL should have made this where it was for new bookings only. In other words if you booked prior to their announcement of the increased fare, you would only pay the old service charge rates. I realize that would have been an accounting nightmare for them, but I just feel that if anyone b***ching about it has a legit gripe, it is those that booked before the announcement.


I really feel sorry for those cruising who are not big on using the internet who may not realize until they get on board that the fee has changed. That could make it difficult for them if they have two or three kids.

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I agree 100% with you Terry. I think that NCL has made a mistake in changing the daily service charge out of the blue. You can bet that there will be a lot of families who have no clue it has gone up until they set foot on the ship, and many perhaps at the end of the cruise when they get their final bill.


Why they didn't do it like the fuel surcharge, effective after a certain date with sailings before that date exempt, I have no clue, but it's a mistake and I feel badly for unaware families as well.



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Tough I say don’t take the job if the wages don’t suit, tips should be a bonus not a wage.

Try walking out of a restaurant in the US without leaving a tip. The tip for service staff like waiters, bellhops, etc., is how they make a living. It's not "largesse" on the part of the patron to leave a tip in a restaurant. It's an expected part of the transaction. Anyone who thinks differently doesn't understand, or, more likely, doesn't want to understand because he's cheap.


A tip for people in positions like wait staff is most definitely NOT a "bonus," it's part of the person's expected earnings. Those who don't recognize that and act accordingly are just...well...cheap.

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think of the strife it would cause among the crew if there weren't auto- tipping. if you got to be the room stweard for the suites (big tips) and i had to be the dishwasher (no one ever sees me!). the shared tips make it fair for the crew, no matter which job they are doing. they live in very close quarters, work seven days a week, unity is very important.

also, if you tipped every person who gave you fabulous service throughout the day, even just a couple of bucks- it would be way more than $12. the auto tip is a bargain.

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think of the strife it would cause among the crew if there weren't auto- tipping. if you got to be the room stweard for the suites (big tips) and i had to be the dishwasher (no one ever sees me!). the shared tips make it fair for the crew, no matter which job they are doing. they live in very close quarters, work seven days a week, unity is very important.

also, if you tipped every person who gave you fabulous service throughout the day, even just a couple of bucks- it would be way more than $12. the auto tip is a bargain.


Not as much of a "bargain" as tipping nothing, which is all too often exactly the intent of those who bemoan the loss of the "good old days" of face-to-face envelope tipping. These are frequently the same people who in those days were hiding in the bathroom instead of facing the steward, and skipping the dining room on the last night of the cruise, because they "had to pack."


I love cruise ship crews, and THEY love autotipping. Good enough for me.

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Not as much of a "bargain" as tipping nothing, which is all too often exactly the intent of those who bemoan the loss of the "good old days" of face-to-face envelope tipping. These are frequently the same people who in those days were hiding in the bathroom instead of facing the steward, and skipping the dining room on the last night of the cruise, because they "had to pack."


I love cruise ship crews, and THEY love autotipping. Good enough for me.


Do you know I never knew people did these things until I read that on these boards. Now looking back I remember "table mates" not showing up for the last night of the cruise and now have a good idea why. It amazes me people will go to such extremes to keep from doing the right thing.

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Do you know I never knew people did these things until I read that on these boards. Now looking back I remember "table mates" not showing up for the last night of the cruise and now have a good idea why. It amazes me people will go to such extremes to keep from doing the right thing.



Terry these are the people you would call.....tight A**s:D

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Terry these are the people you would call.....tight A**s:D
good choice of words, I can think of a few more. The very first time we saw this was our first cruise back in the early 80s. Our poor waiter and assistant had just 3 tables, ours which sat 6, another that sat 4 and one that was for 6. The last night the table of 6 (all middle aged gals) did not show up. I didn't realize exactly what was happening but the poor waiter did and he was so good. Our daughter also figured it out. We had gotten to know him, he was amoung the best waiters we have had and was from Taiwan or some Asian country. He hadn't been home in 6 months to see his wife and 9 year old twins girls. I can imagine how much he missed that money.



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