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Has anyone ever done both Los Veranos and Vallarta Adventures?


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Hi All,


I've read the many posts on here about the canopy tours in PV, but would really like the opinion of someone who's done both tour operators. Here's my problem - I'm afraid of heights, but I usually don't let that keep me from enjoying life. DH really wants to go zip-lining (I want too also, but I'm scared, I'm also only 40, but have a slightly bad back). I was already to do Los Veranos (it's actually booked but not paid for) - their video looks amazing, plus if I chicken out at the last minute I can always go hang out at the bar or swimming hole. Then I made the mistake of doing searches and found out about the lady who died last year doing a ships excursion - yikes. Then another friend just came back and raved about how safe her tour with Vallarta Adventures was - two lines vs one with Los Veranos, plus she didn't have to "carry" anything with them.


Now I'm torn - Los Veranos looks like it would be more fun (if I got over my fear and did it), but the single cable thing is scary. Vallarta definately looks more safe but their video almost looks boring compared to Los Veranos. OK, so has anyone ever used both companies and can compare them for me? Or if you've only used Vallarta Adventures - was it boring? If you've only used Los Veranos - do you think it might be too wild for me - plus, just how hard is it to carry your metal thing? OK, thanks all, any help would be appreciated.



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I did Los Veranos last October and it was simply a BLAST. In fact, I'm going back this coming Oct. I am 57, bad back for most of my life, and also afraid of heights. But, I chose to suck it up, because this was a once in a lifetime experience and it was quite exhilarating to feel like I was a bird albeit just for a moment. In fact, I was quite surprised that the height thing didn't bother me more. I sort of just released the fear and didn't think about it. Even hung upside down going across one of the lines (I have no idea what got into me to do that..LOL!!). One in our group is deathly afraid of heights and he also went, he was a very pale shade of white the entire time, but he made it through. The guides are outstanding and help you every step along the way. In fact they carried the metal hook for us to the next line. There is some hiking involved, and we worked up quite a sweat from the walk, heat and humidity. That was my experience. LOVED IT!!!



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Me! I've done both!:) I much prefer Los Veranos! I loved both of them, but Los Veranos was more thrilling. The ride to the ziplining place with the cruise ship was in the back of an open truck - with Los Veranos, there was a bus. I have a chronic bad back, and have had surgery. No problems with that. Here is my review of Los Veranos from last November's cruise.




I booked the Los Veranos zipline tour, as I have read so many positive things about it on CC. It was about $67 pp online. You have to get a cab to their office in old PV, about a 15-20 minute cab ride. The bus takes you to the canopy area (about 35 minutes from their office).


Once again the guides were a lot of fun. It's worth it to go just for the guides!:rolleyes: You get a helmut, harness and gloves. There is a different way of braking then with the Cabo zipline, but they teach you what to do. I prefer the Cabo way of braking, but that is just me. I felt I had more control. There are a lot of steps and uphill climbs here. Some people on our tour had difficulty with it. However, there are about 25 people on each tour, so if you need a rest, you can let others go in front of you.


This was the most thrilling zipline I have ever done!:D Some of them I couldn't even see the end they were so long. The highest ones were several hundred feet up. I hung upside down on one of them (others did too). I will definitely take my DH and kids on this tour next year. They will all love it.;) I rode tandem with a guide as well. At the end there are 2 zips side by side so 2 people can race. Once you are done, there is a restaurant, natural pools, and a small zoo. We went into the spider monkey cage, and had spider monkeys crawl all over us looking for food. I refused to pick up the tarantulas, however. *shudder*:o You can buy pictures or a video.


The tour said you had to make your own way back from the office, but the bus took us right to the pier, or anywhere else you wanted to go.


This is another tour I would highly recommend.

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Thanks Ladies,


OK, so Los Veranos is just what I thought - more fun/thrilling. I do fear that I will be the "white faced" one the whole way, but If I can do it, sounds like it will be more fun. If I do chicken out, at least I can hang out somewhere while DH does it. OK, thanks, wish me luck, we cruise on 2-13. I'll come back to this thread after the trip and let you know how it worked out, LOL. Oh, Dirtgirl, you said you did both companies - did you feel more safe on the double line with Vallarta Adventures? I guess it would depend which company you went with first. Thanks.



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Thanks Ladies,


OK, so Los Veranos is just what I thought - more fun/thrilling. I do fear that I will be the "white faced" one the whole way, but If I can do it, sounds like it will be more fun. If I do chicken out, at least I can hang out somewhere while DH does it. OK, thanks, wish me luck, we cruise on 2-13. I'll come back to this thread after the trip and let you know how it worked out, LOL. Oh, Dirtgirl, you said you did both companies - did you feel more safe on the double line with Vallarta Adventures? I guess it would depend which company you went with first. Thanks.




I didn't feel anymore safe with Vallarta Adventures.;) I did that one first.

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Thank you, sprinkles, for posting this question! I was just about to do that...


Here is the comparison that I have found from researching both companies online. Perhaps someone can help me fill in the gaps?


Vallarta Adventures

  • Pick up at 8:30am, 10:30am, or 1:30am, taxi to pick-up location
  • 4.5 hours
  • $79 per adult (+10% online booking dicount)
  • 14 platforms: 11 horizontal traverses, 1 Tarzan swing, 2 hanging bridges, 1 rappel down at the end
  • No cameras allowed (?!?!)
  • Lockers to store your personal items
  • Group sizes?
  • Waiting time between zipping?
  • This is the company that Princess appears to use and charges $134 for the same tour, but it includes transportation from the dock.

Los Veranos Canopy Tour

  • Not sure of pick-up times, taxi to pick-up location
  • 3.5 hours
  • $79 per adult (+15% online booking dicount)

  • 14 ziplines
  • Cameras allowed
  • Lockers?
  • Group sizes?
  • Waiting time between zipping?

  • More hiking and carrying your equipment...

Can anyone fill in the gaps for me? Thanks so much! :D

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Thank you, sprinkles, for posting this question! I was just about to do that...


Here is the comparison that I have found from researching both companies online. Perhaps someone can help me fill in the gaps?


Vallarta Adventures


  • Pick up at 8:30am, 10:30am, or 1:30am, taxi to pick-up location
  • 4.5 hours
  • $79 per adult (+10% online booking dicount)
  • 14 platforms: 11 horizontal traverses, 1 Tarzan swing, 2 hanging bridges, 1 rappel down at the end
  • No cameras allowed (?!?!) Everything had to go into a locker. Nothing allowed hanging off of you.
  • Lockers to store your personal items
  • Group sizes? Maybe 20 tops.
  • Waiting time between zipping? long.There was some waiting, but not too long. Longer than Los Veranos, though, as there was no hiking.
  • This is the company that Princess appears to use and charges $134 for the same tour, but it includes transportation from the dock.

Los Veranos Canopy Tour


  • Not sure of pick-up times, taxi to pick-up location Check their website, and remember that they will be an hour ahead if you only move your clocks forward one hour.
  • 3.5 hours
  • $79 per adult (+15% online booking dicount)
  • 14 ziplines
  • Cameras allowed
  • Lockers? Yes, they have them.
  • Group sizes? About 25-30
  • Waiting time between zipping? More at the beginning, but as the climbing carried on, the fit people were at the front. There was no waiting for them.
  • More hiking and carrying your equipment... Yes, more hiking, and you have to carry some equipment.

Can anyone fill in the gaps for me? Thanks so much! :D


Hope this helps!

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I was just wondering if anyone knew the prices of the photos/videos at either operator? And do they take photos of you actually on the zip line or only before and after?



When I went on Vallarta Adventures, they did a DVD of the whole thing, but had no pictures. The DVD was $50. That may have changed totally now. Vallarta Adventures also does the canopy tour in Cabo, and they take pictures throughout, and you can pick which ones you want on a machine.


At Los Veranos, everyone had their pic taken on the first, short zip that you do. After that, it was filming. I'm sorry, but I forget the cost of the picture that I bought. It was under $20, anyway. $12 rings a bell, but not positive.

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I just did Los Veranos last Oct. and pic (8x10) was $10 and the DVD was $40. And they pretty much carried the women's metal hooks from line to line. I think I only carried it once or twice. But there was definitely some hiking. I'm 57, in decent shape, and breathing a bit heavy a couple of times. But you are also at a higher altitude and it was very hot and humid. But I figured since I burned max calories, I definitely enjoyed my big margarita and food at Pipi's afterwards.

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Thanks Everyone,


I haven't cancelled yet, but I still haven't paid for it either. If I think about it too much I get sick to my stomache. I still really want to do it and "think" that I will go through with it. Oh well, 4 weeks to go, LOL, we'll see.



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Thanks, Dirtgirl, for filling in all of that info for me! One more question - I'm not trying to be difficult, I promise! :D For Vallarta Adventures, what about keeping a small camera in a zip-up pocket in my windbreaker? Then, I could take a photo or 2 while the other members of my group are zipping. I'm trying to get a feel for the reason for no cameras - if they don't want anything hanging, then I'll just keep it zipped in my pocket while I'm actually ziplining. If it's because they want you to buy their photos of you, then I'm probably out of luck. Again, I'm not trying to be difficult! Thanks so much! :o

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If you are really getting this nervous before you go, maybe it isn't the best thing for you to do. You can hang out at the restaurant while your husband goes and have a bite to eat and a few cocktails and you can go feed the monkeys. Most of the lines are thru the trees and you don't even notice the height, because of the dense shrubbery beneath you. There are only a few lines that are wide open and a guide can even go with you if you feel uncomfortable. But you know yourself and what you are capable of. It's really not worth getting worked up about if you don't think you can do it. We can all tell you what are experiences were but this is about you. And though you will have to pay for yourself, you can always do a couple of lines, and if it really isn't to your liking, walk back down. At least get that initial pic on the first line..LOL!!! Whatever you decide, you will still have a fabulous time, whether you choose to zipline or not.

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Hi All,


I've read the many posts on here about the canopy tours in PV, but would really like the opinion of someone who's done both tour operators. Here's my problem - I'm afraid of heights, but I usually don't let that keep me from enjoying life. DH really wants to go zip-lining (I want too also, but I'm scared, I'm also only 40, but have a slightly bad back). I was already to do Los Veranos (it's actually booked but not paid for) - their video looks amazing, plus if I chicken out at the last minute I can always go hang out at the bar or swimming hole. Then I made the mistake of doing searches and found out about the lady who died last year doing a ships excursion - yikes. Then another friend just came back and raved about how safe her tour with Vallarta Adventures was - two lines vs one with Los Veranos, plus she didn't have to "carry" anything with them.


Now I'm torn - Los Veranos looks like it would be more fun (if I got over my fear and did it), but the single cable thing is scary. Vallarta definately looks more safe but their video almost looks boring compared to Los Veranos. OK, so has anyone ever used both companies and can compare them for me? Or if you've only used Vallarta Adventures - was it boring? If you've only used Los Veranos - do you think it might be too wild for me - plus, just how hard is it to carry your metal thing? OK, thanks all, any help would be appreciated.




Vallarta Adventures is a true canopy tour. You spend nearly the entire time up at the tree-tops and rappel to the ground from the last tree at the end. You wear heavy gloves. You keep yourself pointed forward by reaching up and grasping one of the lines above and behind your head. You slow yourself by gripping the line harder.


Los Veranos is a zipline thrill-ride. You start and end most lines on the ground (you travel across a river valley). You rest your hands on the pully handles and slow yourself by rocking the hadles back `n forth.


Tammy, My wife is deathly afraid of heights too. It takes her a day just to get out onto the condo's balcony. She refuses to go with Vallarta Adventures because too much time is spend up at a height. She has done Los Veranos twice. The first time to prove to herself she could do it and the second time to enjoy the experience.


Thanks, Dirtgirl, for filling in all of that info for me! One more question - I'm not trying to be difficult, I promise! :D For Vallarta Adventures, what about keeping a small camera in a zip-up pocket in my windbreaker? Then, I could take a photo or 2 while the other members of my group are zipping. I'm trying to get a feel for the reason for no cameras - if they don't want anything hanging, then I'll just keep it zipped in my pocket while I'm actually ziplining. If it's because they want you to buy their photos of you, then I'm probably out of luck. Again, I'm not trying to be difficult! Thanks so much! :o


Vallarta Adventures' canopy tour has you wear heavy gloves as part of your safety gear. Even if you were able to carry a camera with you, the gloves are so bulky that you wouldn't be able get it out of your pocket or be able to use the camera buttons.



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Thanks, Dirtgirl, for filling in all of that info for me! One more question - I'm not trying to be difficult, I promise! :D For Vallarta Adventures, what about keeping a small camera in a zip-up pocket in my windbreaker? Then, I could take a photo or 2 while the other members of my group are zipping. I'm trying to get a feel for the reason for no cameras - if they don't want anything hanging, then I'll just keep it zipped in my pocket while I'm actually ziplining. If it's because they want you to buy their photos of you, then I'm probably out of luck. Again, I'm not trying to be difficult! Thanks so much! :o


No problem at all. :) It's just it may be 90 F out there, and humid, and I don't think you'll want a windbreaker!


Maybe if you had khaki pants, you could stick stuff in pocketes there?? Yes, you could only take pics on a platform so you could take the gloves off. I did not see anyone doing this, however. If it is forbidden, I'm not aware of it.;)


So I've seen 2 different quotes on the price of los Veranos. How much roughly is it thru the cruise line? how much thru the company? and how much if I wait until I reach port?


You cannot go to Los Veranos through the cruise line. You have to book it online, and if you do, it is $67 pp.


Do not wait to book. The spaces fill up very quickly. It is very popular.;)

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Thanks CrznDeb and MSN.


You're definately right CrznDeb about it not being worth it, to get all worked up about it. I really do want to do it though, I'm really not a wimp (I actually have a fairly dangerous job). This fear of heights thing has been fairly recent (several years anyway), but I still fly and go up in tall buildings, etc. etc. I want to do it because is looks/sounds fun (it's really just the one picture of "Diablo Canyon" that looks horrifying). My plan is exactly what you said. Just go, if I can do it fine, If I can't, I'll hike back down, drink and play with the monkeys till DH gets back.



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I too am afraid of heights and I booked to prove to myself that I can do something I am afraid of and push myself out of my comfort zone. We went with Los Veranos and had such a blast!!! I was only nervous the first run after that it was just such a rush.

There was a gal there for her 40th and she was so petrified, really crying and scared so that one of the guides just rode tandem with her. Now, I think she was the smart one, you should see some of these guides:D

It really was such a highlight and I am a scaredy cat.

Have fun whatever you decide to do, even just hanging out is so cool because it is such a beautiful place.


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