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Kids Harness?

Amanda Holden

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That child is a very well behaved, well adjusted high school student now. His mother is a wonderful mother, and very fortunate her son survived the toddler years.


Thank you for giving me hope!! My 5 year old is so rambunctious that I have threatened to take him to Nebraska. He asked what Nebraska is and I told him that it is the "Don't ask, Don't tell state!" I don't think they have closed their law where you can drop a kid off no questions ask...LOL


He is getting loads better, now that we know that we are dealing with ADHD. I am just praying that our cruise will be a good experience for our family.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I used a harness with my son. He was very hyperactive and would bolt through parking lots and stores, very scary. The harness really helped. He is now 18 and does not appear to suffer any ill effects from the harness. ;)


Yes, I did get some nasty looks but the vast majority of people were sympathetic and many nodded at me with a smile as we walked by. Honestly, I don't understand why people need to be so judgemental of others anyway when they have no clue what is going on. We adopted my son at age 4..he was very tiny, very hyperactive, and I could describe him as a little wildcat. Without the harness, we would have had to stay home all the time. With it, we were able to go out, teach him limits and eventually toss the harness. We never used it with our other three kids but I doubt he would have made it to adulthood without that harness. :)


If I were you, I would bring it along and if you don't need it, then don't use it. But like you said, you can't find a Target on the ship.

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We got a child harness at Target for $16.99. It looks like a cute puppy backpack. It works great. We used it last April in Mexico with our youngest (1.5 yrs old at that time.), and on our cruise last month (2.5 yrs then.) We never got any nasty looks or comments. Infact, people thought it was the cutest thing and greatest idea. We love it! Cancun2008170.jpg

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I have a 13 month old and I went out and got the monkey harness as soon as we booked our March cruise. We put him in it and he loved the monkey on his back, he did not like the fact he could only go a few feet.:D He was a early walker and now he is a runner:) so for us I wanted the option of letting him out of his stroller to "roam"! Do what works for you and don't worry about what others think!

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At 2, your child should be learning to obey his parents. Why do you think a harness is necessary---do you think he'll fly over the railing or something? He won't, unless you toss him!!!

You won't be letting him out of your sight, anyway....a harness is a bit of "overkill". Bring the stroller for the times when alot of walking is involved and do the "hand-holding" thing any other time.

Really? When was the last time you had a 2 year old? :eek: They don't call it the "Terrible Twos" for nothing. :rolleyes:



OMG...cb at sea must be one of those people who are experts at parenting;)


BTW, I can't wait to strap the harness on my 15 mo old & let her walk on our cruise in April. We cruised in Jan & she wasn't walking yet...the stroller was a pain more times than not on the ship. Burn off that energy baby!!!

In port, the stroller was absolutely necessary.

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Chelle - your story made me chuckle. :D


It also reminded me of another story that happened ME. We were in a hotel. Some friends of ours brought their older child along who was the same age as my oldest. We were all walking down the hall. Their child ran up ahead and hit the button for the elevator. My youngest was 2 at the time and she is a runner. I heard the elevator bell ding. I yell to my oldest "Do not get on THAT elevator" - it was around the corner and we couldn't see it. I round the corner just as I see my 2 year old run onto the elevator and the door shut. :eek:


I lunged for the button and the door re-opened. PHEW! :eek:


They are fast little buggers.


This happened to me too! My DD was about 2 and we were all walking down the hallway toward the elevator lugging/carrying suitcases. She heard the ding of the elevator and took off running yelling "I'm going up!". Before I could drop my bags and chase after her she was in the elevator and the doors had shut. Luckily, our hotel was only 2 stories, but you never saw anyone run up those stairs faster than me!!


To the OP - I say bring the stroller and the backpack leash. Peace of mind and your child's safety is more important than what other people think.

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I just had to tell you guys...we were in Walmart the other day and I saw the Monkey Harness'. So I picked one up for $10. We have been playing with/testing it out at home the past few nights and our Son thinks it is Curious George (which he loves) and that Mama is holding his tail so it doesn't get dirty on the floor. I thought that was adorable, so we have one, he likes it, and I can't wait to try it out on the Cruise. Thanks again for all your Comments and Stories. I love hearing them!!



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  • 2 months later...

Oh, I am SO using a leash/harness!!! And I don't care who gives me what kind of looks! I am more concerned about keeping her safe and not able to run away from me in a crowd than someone thinking I'm a bad parent. I am going on the Fantasy, which has plenty of those open rails. In fact, I'm looking at a pink one that doesn't even have the stuffed animal backpack on it. I really loved the Minnie Mouse and Winnie the Pooh backpack ones I found on Ebay, but I wanted it to work whether or not she was sitting in a chair or riding in her stroller. I want her to be able to walk most of the time, but be able go back and forth from the stroller if she needs to without taking the harness on and off. That's what's making me lean towards the ones without the animal/backpack. If she had the backpack one, I'd have to remove it before she could sit in her stroller. She's really good about fastening her "seat belt" whether it's the shopping cart strap or car seat, so I don't think I'll have trouble with her wearing it, but I'm going to test drive it at home before we leave.

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I also just purchsed the monkey! DS (2) loves it! Sleeps with it even! (not on, tail removed)


21 days until Europe.. will be using stroller lots.. but there are certain places (Pompeii, Venice..) where it will not be practical. Too uneven pavement, stairs, etc. (yes- I am bringing a 2 YO to Europe. LOTS of flaming for that one! So much so, I dont need to go tanning before I leave.. BONUS! :p)


Take that plus all the threads I have read about Gypsies throwing babies at you to distract you for pickpocketing, their kids grabbing your kid to "dance"... and other tricks used to distract.. I thought I might have a coronary!


I dont care what anyone else may think. If it gives me piece of mind, DS loves it, and it keeps him SAFE, then that is all that matters.


Appreciate all of the advice everyone!

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Just thought I would add in my experience here...


I originate from the UK (though now live in Canada) where walking "reins" are a natural progression once a child starts to walk. I grew up with one, all my friends used them for their children, so when I had my own I didn't even give it a second thought. I actually got one as a gift from a friend back home, so it wasn't your typical "backpack" type leash (I believe here they call them walking wings?") but is basically a harness of the same kind you use in a stroller but with a long leash like strap. My daughter has been wearing it since just over a year - and we took it on our first cruise with her at 14months. She does not like the stroller but will walk long distances with her harness. I would love her to obey me every second but, like most 2 year olds, she doesn't. She is also very fast and very impulsive and no way would she stop if something caught her eye!!!! Believe me, I get many looks and comments about "walking" my child. Now I would never compare my baby to a dog, but when others bring the subject up I gently remind them that they probably would not allow their puppy to walk along the side of a busy road without a leash, so why would I allow my toddler to do so? I will continue to use the harness for as long as necessary and will definitely take it on our cruise in May. I say do whatever you feel comfortable with - and for the person who said that the child won't fall over the railing, well that is ridiculous. I know for a fact that my little one is fast enough and small enough to squeeze underneath the railing and be overboard in a heartbeat - and that would be with us not taking our eyes off her! The harness actually gives her more freedom as we don't have to constantly cling to her hand! Anyways just my opinions...

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I just wanted to chime in to say that I read through all the posts here and in about six other Family Cruises threads that discussed these backpacks/leashes. Hearing folks experiences has been really helpful! I ended up purchasing a "puppy" backpack harness for my daughter about a week ago on ebay. She is 11 months and _running_ around our home without any assistance as of a few days ago. I am not sure if we will use the harness on our cruise in May, or if the umbrella stroller will make more sense, but we'll take it along and I am grateful to have it in my back pocket for whenever the time is right.


Thanks for sharing!

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Really? When was the last time you had a 2 year old? :eek: They don't call it the "Terrible Twos" for nothing. :rolleyes:


LOL! that's exactly what I was thinking! A 4 year old, yes. A 2 year old? I never had to run around so much in my life!


OP, when my DD was little we didn't have a backpack harness, they were just straightforward reins; not like the leather ones my mum used to put me in; they were like soft fabric straps.


We found the reins invaluable as our daughter would literally see something and she was off, much quicker than I could get after her. I always used to use the stroller or hand holding method but after one too many shopping trips when she used to demand to walk everwhere she bolted for the shop doors and I set the security alarm off by running to the door with clothes in my hands.


I went straight into the baby shop next door and bought a harness. She LOVED it! It meant she could walk and get exercise but only had a certain amount of freedom. She never used to get cross.


When she reached 3 or so we swapped the harness for a wrist strap (made out of soft fabric) which attached her to me but didn't feel too restricted. We used to hold hands but the strap was a great backup. Again, she never objected to it. It was so useful at theme parks etc. and if we had ever cruised with her at that age, I would certainly have taken the wrist strap or the harness.


They're not very expensive and if your DS ever feels too cooped up in his stroller then the harness is a great alternative on board ship. I'd definitely take both the stroller and a set of reins.


Good luck! x

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Forgot to add that DD is now 10 and has experienced no trauma as a result of her harness/reins/strap when she was a toddler! :D


The monkey one sounds GREAT! That was inspired, saying you are holding "George's" tail up so it doesn't get dirty :)


And if anyone gives you dirty looks (good grief) just completely ignore them. He's your son, not theirs.


Have a wonderful cruise x

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I have used the harness in airports for my daughter. I had to travel alone quite a bit the first two years of her life. I must say we did not "practice" enough at home. The first few times I used it she would get to the end of the harness and not be able go any further. That ended in her getting mad and laying on the floor trying to get out of it. That being said, she is used to it now and knows her limits. I did get several ugly looks, one from a younger girl. I looked at her and said " do you want to chase her down the airport?" She just looked surprised and shook her head.

We leave Sunday on a cruise and I will be taking the harness. She is 3 now and usually stays with us, but I am not taking chances in a crowd.


Have fun, do what you think is best.:)

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When traveling alone (that is, without DH) with my two small children (ages 3 and 2) I definitely had the two-year-old wanderer on a leash. As my sister commented, "better on a leash than on a milk-carton!"


DD has suffered no mental-anguish as far as I can tell. I just added the leash to my what to pack list. Thanks for the reminder!



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being only 18 months apart and me taking them from california to Australia every year alone I have always had a monkey back pack and the kids were use to it and knew that meant they were going somewhere fun with lots of people. As they got older they argued about who go to wear it, even now my four year old will put it on for fun and ask me to hold his tail.


I always knew where my kids were...... it is all about you and your kid!!

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This happened to me too! My DD was about 2 and we were all walking down the hallway toward the elevator lugging/carrying suitcases. She heard the ding of the elevator and took off running yelling "I'm going up!". Before I could drop my bags and chase after her she was in the elevator and the doors had shut. Luckily, our hotel was only 2 stories, but you never saw anyone run up those stairs faster than me!!


To the OP - I say bring the stroller and the backpack leash. Peace of mind and your child's safety is more important than what other people think.


Happened to me too on Carnival with our 2 year old. We were there for a family wedding. We were chatting in front of the elevators when my 2 year old (who obviously was not good at obeying) ran off. I heard the elevator ding at the same time I noticed that he was not right next to me. Luckily a cousin saw him run towards the hall and caught him. After that, he was in the umbrella stroller most of the time or holding hands with me.


Who cares if a harness is "overkill", if it makes it so that you can relax then I say by all means use it. There's nothing that will kill a fun time more than being nervous the whole time. We have also used the wrist leash at theme parks and that works great too and takes no space to carry.

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