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Balcony problems - what to do?

Buddy L

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[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid][b]Just returned from Explorer of the Seas (Eastern Caribbean).[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Everything was fabulous apart from one problem - and to me, quite a big problem!![/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]I'll try and keep things brief![/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Its my wife's surprise 40th, I've been planning it for several months now and making sure everything was just right.[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]I booked a room with balcony on EOS and found we were on deck 6, room 6636.[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Information gleaned from these boards mentioned deck 6 balcony's dont have a glass outlook but a steel one instead. This didn't sound the perfect view I wanted so I e-mailed RCI nearly 3 months prior to boarding to voice my concerns and asked to be relocated if this was the case.[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]My return e-mail stated I had nothing to be concerned about as all EOS balcony rooms had glass outlooks. [/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]OK![/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Of course, on boarding, our room had no glass whatsoever but it did have the dreaded steel plate to stare at.[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Fortunately, I had printed the said e-mail, and produced it to guest relations.[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Unfortunately, the ship was full and we could not be relocated, at least not until Tuesday, and that was only if the people from Puerto Rico who were due to board, did not turn up!![/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Tuesday came, the people from Puerto Rico boarded, and we're still stuck with a view of some nice rivets.[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Guest relations did offer us a $100 dollar credit on our bill but I turned this down! firstly, because RCI could say then, that was the end of the matter, and secondly, because it wasn't about the money. I'd booked well in advance and thought I'd covered all the bases, but now I felt let down, and I also felt I'd let my wife down because the balcony was pointless unless you wanted to see sky or a hint of the horizon between a rail and 2 bars!![/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]So now I'm back home and I need advice before I contact RCI.[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Has anybody experienced any similair problems?[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Have I burned my bridges? should I have accepted the $100? (I held out in the hope they could still find another room - I wasn't asking for an upgrade, just what I had been led to believe I'd booked.)[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Now I am home, I feel we should be given some kind of compensation - not ridiculously over the top - all I want is a fair solution to the problem, but what would be a fair solution to the problem?[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][b]Any comments or advice would be gratefully appreciated.[/b][/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc][/color][/font]
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Your turned down the offer of $100.00 saying it was not a matter of money. Now that you are home, you want compensation. Am I missing something here???

I think the offer of $100.00 credit was a very good gesture on RCI's part. Since there was no balcony with the glass available, what was RCI to do??

Personally, I think your turned down a fair resolution of your situation and it is very possible you may have burned your bridges.

Good luck......
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I can totally understand your feelings about the balcony. Not a lot of romance, looking at metal and rivets!

I'd send off a letter to RCI, with a copy of the e-mail that you have. Approach it as a "teaching opportunity" to them. "I know it's too late for US to have a romantic view, but maybe if your customer service personnel knew of the balcony situation, it will help someone else in the future".

Of course you want something in return. You didn't get what you wanted and what they told you that you would be getting. And you have documentation that you voiced a concern and were told your concerns were unfounded.

At best, I'll bet you get the $100 credit for use on your next cruise! And you've helped them give better service.

So sorry that happened. I'd have been super disappointed too!
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Buddy L ....

I think you have a very legitimate gripe.

You were concerned, you had them confirm....and they failed to produce. You have the evidence. I believe you have a case against them.

Just be firm. Be polite. I would tell them in advance how you would like them to resolve your complaint.

When customer service personnel...or anyone else in a company for that matter....gives out incorrect information, the company is liable. And, when they end up paying money as a result, they learn to train in order for everyone to get the facts straight.
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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid]JDee[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]Yes, you are missing something. [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]If I had taken the offer of $100, RCI would have taken that as an end to the situation and stopped looking for an alternative whilst I was still on board. I was still holding out a hope something could be found right up to the last minute. [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]And, I do understand if there is no availability there is nothing that can be done. I have to say, guest relations were excellent, keeping me informed and trying their best to sort the matter, I have no complaints from the onboard staff. In fact it was their recommendation to take it up with RCI once I got home.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]Now I am home I realise have paid for something I haven't received, what would you have done in the circumstances? What would you do now?[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]Once again, I have not asked for monetary compensation, I just want a fair solution, or should I just roll over and let the big corporation say, `tough, we gave you wrong information, it took away some of the gloss of the perfect holiday you had planned, just live with it!!!`[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]I live in England, a Caribbean cruise isn't cheap, a Caribbean cruise with a balcony is expensive, and something people save a long time for, something that may only happen once in a lifetime, like a 40th birthday maybe!! So when you plan and save and circumstances beyond your control change things, wouldn't you feel slightly aggrieved????[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]Yes, you missed something.[/color][/font][/b]
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As I was reading this thread I became a little frustrated. Being a general manager I run into complaints and irate customers for some legitimate and some not reasons.

I can totally see a problem with the balcony. From a customer relations standpoint, BuddyL did everything possible and even informed RCI that he needed a better room. They stated that he was incorrect and that all rooms had glass, so he is entitled to something.

Now, to my concern with how you are handling this, BuddyL, and some of these posts hint towards this problem. One of the most annoying things from a customer relations standpoint is when an irate customer will not tell you what they want. My first thought as I was reading your post was that you wanted your next cruise for free. Now, I could be wrong, but since you didn't state what you wanted and that $100 credit was not worth it (and that it wasn't about the money) that is what one is left to assume. Or would you like the president of the company to call you and personally appologize? Again, it sounds ludicrous but you don't state how RCI can make you happy.

Also, you say you have not asked for a monetary resolution? Um...business is money. What do you expect them to do to compensate you? Name a ship after you? Yes, I went over the top to make a point. If your saying that its not about the money, there is nothing RCI can do for you. Again, business is money. Whether its a $100 credit or a free 14 day Alaskan cruise, it boils down to money and that is how they, and we as consumers, can come to an agreement. You also stated that you didn't get what you paid for...so it is about the money.

Step One: Even though you say its not about the money, you state that the cruises are not not cheap. So...my first suggestion...admit to yourself that ITS ABOUT THE MONEY! YOUR ARE UPSET! YOU ARE MAD! YOU WANT SOME TYPE OF REFUND/CREDIT! ADMIT IT! ADMIT IT!

Step Two: Write the letter to RCI. Now, you said you a great cruise, so tell them. But tell them straight up you are unhappy with the situation and how it was handled prior to the cruise and that you are not a fully satisfied customer. If you are willing to said with them again, tell them you intend to and that you would like to receive compensation towards your next cruise. (Its expensive to acquire a customer, so for them to comp part of your cruise would be cheaper in the long run.)

Step 3: Be specific. Put a value on the view. Now remember you ate and were merry on this cruise, so be reasonable. Maybe you ask for $300 or $400. Maybe a free upgrade from ocean view to balcony on your next cruise. Whatever, be specific! Give them some place to start so they can rectify the situation.

But remember, you will never get reolution until you admit to yourself that it is ABOUT THE MONEY!
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When you write your letter, make sure you send it registered, return receipt requested. Then, you should be prepared for a wait of 2 - 4 months for a recognition of your letter. Once in a great while I read about an unhappy pax who gets a swift answer, most have to wait. Cruiseline customer service offices (all of them) are notorius for their slow response, especially after the cruise is over.

I would take this problem to the TA who booked it for you, even if it was online. The TA should have known not to book this cabin, as it was not what you requested. Was this balcony cabin lower priced than the others?
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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkorchid]OK, first point to Kathy...No, the balcony was the same price, regardless of location.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]Secondly, to Porchbeers, regarding your first point about a customer telling you what they want...sat on my balcony staring at a cold sheet of steel, all I wanted was a change of room, so at that time any money offered was pointless. [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]Second point...Of course I dont want a free cruise and I also realise now that a monetary compensation is probably the only option RCI can exercise, so, yes, it now comes down to money. [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]I only put this thread here to ask for suggestions on how to approach this issue or, if somebody had been in the same situation, and perhaps I should be more specific in what I want, but I'm still not really sure.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]If I am looking at money, and in all honesty there is probably no other way to look at it, I was thinking of the difference between an oceanview room, and a balcony room, as the balcony was relatively pointless. Would that seem a reasonable route to take?[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]But then, on checking some prices, a travel agent would charge only £60($110) difference but RCI, same route, same ship charge £280($520). I dont want to be greedy, or rip anybody off, or get something for nothing, just recompense for what I haven't had.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]And again I'm only asking for suggestions.[/color][/font][/b]
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Porchbeers, I wish we had you in our department. We could use your common sense. :D

Although I don't have an answer on how you should proceed, I can see how this situation came about. When you talk to the RCI reps on the phone, you have to remember that most of them have never set foot on a ship. I suspect you were talking about two different things. You were talking about the guard (railing) on the balcony and I think they were talking about the sliding glass doors in the cabin. It sounds like a big miscommunication. And yes - I'd be very ticked off too. Good luck and I hope you find a resolution you're happy with. :)

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[quote name='Gingee']I don't think you have anything you can do now. You might want to try to call Carnival and explain everything. Ask for someone in charge.[/QUOTE] Why would Carnival give a rat's patoo about a RCI problem? :confused:
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From reading these boards you learned about the problem on deck 6 with the partitions being metal instead of glass. You then called customer service and asked them the quesion- they said its fine. (by a chance did you ask that person how many times they have cruised??) You can call a cruise line 5 times and get someone new each time and get 5 new answers. You should have listened to the people here. (I Myself have posted pictures of those balconies-because if a person is not aware of the wall-they are gonna be disappointed)

Basically--the lady did not lie to you-- the wall is NOT steel but is some kind of metal.
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[quote name='Buddy L'][b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#9932cc]If I am looking at money, and in all honesty there is probably no other way to look at it, I was thinking of the difference between an oceanview room, and a balcony room, as the balcony was relatively pointless. Would that seem a reasonable route to take?[/color][/font][/b]

There ya go my boy! That is a very reasonable request. Go by RCCI's difference. I don't think that type of request is unreasonable at all. Just do us one favor...if you get a refund...put it towards your next cruise or buy your wife some special roses for the cabin with the refund.
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Quote: if you get a refund...put it towards your next cruise or buy your wife some special roses for the cabin with the refund. """

If any compensation is given, it will most likely be given in the nature of a voucher for credit on next cruise, and usually has to be used within a year. Very, very unlikely that RCI would issue a cash refund in this instance. Don't see any special roses for DW compliments RCI......

Still of the opinion that the $100.00 shipboard credit was a fair deal & used on the cruise. This hassle likely will go on for montahs before final resolution which may not be any better.....

Happy cruising & good luck.....
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